#me not even 2 mins ago: ya know i get wulian but i don’t think it’s for me
fuck i’m thinking about calamity xie lian and wu ming and the fact that . even at his worst. for xie lian. after being the most selfless person for his people. that selflessness being returned with pure selfishness. that he became that way because of someone literally fucking with him soley because they were jealous of xie lians kindness and so desperately wanted xie lian to break. and when he did. wu ming was there. he was literally created from xie lians suffering. he had seen xie lian in his princely glory. seen him fight for his people. and watched as he could do nothing while those people turned against their prince in such a vile way. that wu ming was ready to greet him, to fight with him and constantly bloody his hands for him. even at xie lians absolute worst, the only who had always believed in him, and literally his last believer, still doing anything for him except agree to stop believing in him. the level of devotion to keep reminding xie lian who he is even when he didn’t want to be. the fact that when one person showed xie lian kindness again. wu ming was there, his most devoted believer, to die for him, again, because it will always be an honour to die for his highness. and before he died, he got to see xie lian come back to himself, back to the kindness he knew was always within - but even if he didn’t, he still would’ve followed him. because he loved xie lian, was so devoted and saw how people threw him to the dirt. he would do anything to take any burden away from xie lian. and he did.
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