#mcsm characte ask
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whataboutsimple · 5 months ago
Is Aiden here? Who’s your favourite mob/animal?
//Star of the recording//
Aiden sits on the couch, arms crossed, looking mildly annoyed — "Of course I am here! How could they do the whole thing without me being here? I can understand Maya or Gill, but- ouch!" — suddenly, a can of soda hits him in the head.
(Be nicer!)
Aiden hissis, rubbing the bruised area — "Yeah, yeah, whatever." — he throws an angry look at someone behind the camera — "As I was saying.. of course I'm here. And for the favorite animal." — he slowly tooks off his jacket, showing it's back where the ocelot is drawn — "Are you serious?"
The frame changes to Dimple, having a can of soda in his hands.
"His favourite animal is a sheep. He's just to shy to admit it."
Somewhere in the back high pitched scream is heard — "I AM NOT! AND IT'S NOT!"
//End of the recording//
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helmarok · 1 year ago
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dump of stuff i only posted on instagram
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ap0calypticdrag0n · 2 months ago
viktor meets aidne plea pelad pleass my bbg pls i need my aiden
Okay, I didn't figure it out, but hey, here's Viktor and Aiden holding hands ig, idk 🧍‍♂️
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I had a stroke drawing Viktor's clothes, what fuckass shit is the academy giving them AND WHY IS IT SO HARD TO DRAW DHAHFNSJFJEJ
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darkenedmanorr · 7 months ago
I think Dead Ender is neat. I would like to see more renders of him 🙏
well, sort of. If I rendered this with the portal / torch lights, it would have taken my run-down toaster of a laptop about fourteen hours to render. I was not risking that. Very sorry! :( here's what it would have looked like. darn laptop.
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blockopedia · 5 months ago
Please yap about Cassie Rose . . .
she is Such an interesting character honestly, especially if you think about her as a representation of what Could happen to the gang if they end up trapped in the portal network for too long: alone, alienated, so desperate to return home that they'll do anything. but i digress!!!!!!!
number one, her acting skills. woah. the whole scheme is planned out so well, she plays the part of trapped and terrified guest really well, only starting to get angrier and more aggressive once she knew she could get the others riled up along with her (and have a scapegoat to get aggressive towards! sorry lucas rip). it honestly makes me wonder if she did have a portrait with her crossed out on it somewhere, because she even had a trap she could use to fake her own death in the event she was discovered - it's a convenient and simple game mechanic to help the player build up a case against her, but i wouldn't be surprised if cassie had planned at some point to fake her own death and turn the last few people against each other.
i also like that the white pumpkin persona is so violent (using axes and swords, a deep voice, a dark suit) where cassie herself seems a bit more traditionally feminine (has a cat, wears a cute beret + fun pastel stripy socks) and put-together. like on the one hand, you have the intricate trap-setting and the high level of her redstone skills, the bond villain with the cat and the big scary mansion. but on the other you have the slipping of her mask (ha) the closer you get to discovering her identity, the violence of lizzie's death once everyone has survived the spider trap, her unhinged rant to jesse in the final fight scene. you can really tell just how desperate she is by the end, how much she's allowed her desire to return home twist her into a bitter, rage-filled villain.
the last thing i find so interesting about cassie is her complete inability to trust and form human connections. she does not reach out to dan or lizzie about the enchanted flint and steel - does she not trust them with the knowledge of the portal network? does she think they will not help her? has she been so isolated in the past that she just can't talk to them at all? the fact that she has a billion cats, possibly all called Winston, indicates just how much she longs for connection, but she doesn't reach out to people. and then when she dies, I think it's Stacy who voices what everyone is thinking: why didn't she ask us? we could have helped! and that's the tragedy of her character for me. she didn't need to be trapped if she had just asked. her suffering was of her own making.
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themintman · 9 months ago
Please share the Sims I would be so gracious 🙏
erm I wasn't sure if you meant post them to Tumblr or actually make the Sims public so imma do both.
They definitely aren't perfect but I tried my best!!
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And, ofc, here is my account so you can find them. Sorry for the keyboard smash name this is my dad's account from like seven years ago I'm trying to change it 😭
the title is just "Jack and Nurm"
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Uhh I used stuff from the packs below, idk if it'll let you download them without these but if it does just change the missing traits/clothes:
Island living
Cats & dogs
Realm of Magic
Holiday celebration
Erm so like yeah!! If anything is inaccurate or you think something would work better feel free to change it! I tried to make them accurate to how I see them, but tbf I do sometimes mix up headcannon and cannon, misinterpret stuff etc, plus it was tricky trying to decide on aspirations n such, there's no "legendary adventurer" or "cartography" themed traits to my knowledge lmao
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dirtymaidpanties · 5 months ago
Guys send me meme formats to draw random characters as
I wanna try doing digital art again and i think that might help (feel free to use dms or just my ask box.. I'll credit you)
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creator-ammy-tdm · 6 months ago
new character!
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Moli is a full-time mailman (or woman?) that lives in Ekrageí Empire (Boomtown knockoff), tries her best to look on the positive side of her job despite her hating it :]
Was cursed by Topy after attacking a defenseless creeper that she happened to approach (in her eyes they all deserve the pain after her family being heavily injured by them and hearing all the stories of mobs destroying towns and cities, and yes this does also mean she hates the more passive mobs like cats and dogs)
Trying her best to hide her new Harpy form from the people so she doesn't get caught and sold off (only time will tell if this works.)
Topy aids her from time to time on how to control her new body, but mostly lets her discover it by herself while watching from afar (and laughing his ass off)
Well, with all that said
Moli is available for Asks!
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bindibites · 2 months ago
thoughts... on pamdar?
Didn't know it existed till this ask and not my thing I'll be honest, but ship and let ship I guess, have fun in the world o7 If you wanna ship an overworked intern and the robot that enslaved every living thing nearby uhhh you do you :D
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abugsomewhere · 2 months ago
Uh- hmm what else can I say..
Oh, Radar! Have you seen me saying he's going to get amnesia from WitherStorm in Complex AU?
I gotta read up on all your Complex AU stuff, it’s really really interesting honestly.
And again, POOR GUY
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nighting-crow · 5 months ago
I’m bored so if anyone wants to ask questions about my ocs I will attempt to do an answer in character.
Skyrim OCS
Crow: Last Dragonborn; Nord-Imperial (She/Her)
Friends of Crow:
Charlie: Nord (He/Him)
Jay: Argonian (He/They)
Raen: Breton (They/Them)
Ashii: Dunmer (She/Her)
Azena: High Elf (She/Her)
Fargo: Khajiit (He/Him)
Ma’Krel: Khajiit (He/Him)
Crow’s Family
Kylorn (Dad, Deceased): Nord
Inuma (Mom): Imperial
Ezio (Older Brother): Nord-Imperial
Vivian (Twin Brother, Deceased): Nord-Imperial
Bonus OCs
Sorayne: Vestige; Redguard (She/Him)
Audric: The Forgotten Hero (Legends); Imperial (He/Him)
Hermes: HoK/CoC; Imperial (He/Him)
Minecraft (Origin ++ mod) OCs
Echo: Voidkin (She/They)
Oli: Truffle (They/Them)
Ripple: Axolotl (She/Her)
Ry: Fallen Angel (
Lemon: Moth (She/Her)
Lyra: Elytrian (She/Her)
Joyce: Fox (She/Her)
Reena : Ram (She/Her)
Disney Dreamlight Valley
Minecraft Story Mode
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whataboutsimple · 5 months ago
Question: There’s just one Jesse yeah? No other alternate Jesses we should know about?
//Start of the recording//
Idiot in green suspenders, aka Jesse, sits on the couch, smiling nervously. He throws a look to the door on the left, where bunch of heads pops up. One of them, in red suspenders, smiles and waves his hand to the camera. Girl with yellow clip looks suspicious, while others are just confused.
Camera focuses back to the one who sits on the couch — "Nope! No other Jesses, just me. Old, good, friend.. Jesse... Ahaha" — he laughs very nervously.
With an error message frame changes to the kitchen, recording from the corner.
"I swear, El, I saw TWO of them! One is just.. DARKER or whatever!" — Magnus pulls up his hands, looking pretty mad.
"Yeah, yeah, just like the other day you said you saw his female version." — redstone engineer rolls her eyes, smug playing on the lips.
The frame changes with an error message, showing the hall.
Gabriel goes by, meeting red suspenders Jesse — "Hello, Jesse."
Jesse walks by — "Hello, Gabriel."
Half way through Gabriel stops, slowly looking back very confused, but no signs of Jesse.
The frame changes with an error message.
Romeo and red clip Jesse stand awkwardly in the dining room. Slowly, they both back up, before leaving the room.
The frame changes with an error message.
Background noise happens, when Jack enters some kind of an office, looking at someone behind the camera — "Sorry for interrupting, kid, but.. uh... You sure there's nothing you want to tell us? I mean, I was skeptical when Nurm said about another Jesse, but now I SWEAR I saw one just right now standing near your office!"
The frame changes with an error message.
Camera situated in the garden, where Mevia hold back Hadrian with all her power, while pretty confused yellow clip Jesse stands opposite them.
Hadrian looks very angry — "You think this is funny, huh? What are you, trying to make us all go crazy, you pipsqueak?!"
The frame changes with an error message.
Axel leans against the wall of Jesse's bedroom, with crossed arms over his chest — "Dude, I'm not implying anything, but I literally saw you, but like, not you yesterday. That's not cool."
Olivia nods, sitting on the bed — "Yeah, and the other day you, but, uh- not you, were in girls bathroom. Mind to explain to us? We're your friends after all, at least last time I checked we were friends."
The frame changes with an error message.
The camera is aimed at the living room with the very couch where most questions are answered.
The room is empty, but camera catches high pitched scream from somewhere else "HOW MUCH OF THEM?!"
//End of the recording//
Nope, no more Jesse. Just one.
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froggychair05 · 1 year ago
What are the cast's orientations? Genders?
I won’t do the full cast because there are a lot of characters, but the main cast here:
Jesse— this is a man that likes men.
Lukas— in my heart, he is bi/ace.
Axel— aro/ace king. His love is his rock collection.
Olivia— I see her as pan, but she isn’t too interested in a relationship. If it happens, it happens, but she’s not actively searching.
Petra— honestly? Also aro/ace.
Nell— she’s bi, too.
Radar— ace! Also likes men.
Stella— lesbian 👍
Binta— also lesbian (they are dating each other)
Aiden— straight, probably
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the-admin-but-dumber · 1 year ago
Wheatley strikes me as as Admin who, while remaining distant from most people, holds a soft spot for the beings they created. And I can absolutely see Wheatley watching over them like “I’m sorry little one” whenever something goes awry-
(Totally not still thinking about the one infodump on their relation to the adventure trio, nope…)
OKAY OKAY SO, YEAH PRETTY MUCH. Wheatley overall is very stoic, he embodies the 'distant unempathetic god' simply out a necessity. Romeo did not let Wheatley form emotional attachments to their creations, but regardless Wheatley still did and often felt heart broken watching their creations' lives get destroyed by events they could have easily prevented. This went ESPECIALLY for the adventure trio, Wheatley adored them, and they were especially proud of them as their creations. Watching Romeo's own temple kill two and leave one maimed for like absolutely gutted Wheatley, and sort of kickstarted Wheatley's distancing from the mortals. Romeo knew Wheatley loved them, and did everything in his power to destroy that, he wanted to make sure Wheatley wouldn't leave like the other admins and succeeded in that by taking away the one thing they loved. Vos, Sammy, and leaving Jack alive as a 'I was playing nice.' token. So, Wheatley ignored the mortals, they actively avoided being the admin they needed in their world and watched helplessly as Romeo allowed them to destroy themselves with the Wither Storm. Wheatley merely preserved Sammy and Vos within their terminal in hopes for a day Romeo would either allow them to recreate the thing they cared for, for Romeo's was extinguished.
They are very mentally ill, but they loved their people and wanted to protect them.
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pama-saga · 9 months ago
.harper for the music ask :3
Mentioned in the PAMA ask but Never Love An Anchor- Crane Wives!
Mama's Gun- Glass Animals
Dark Matter- Les Friction
Black Sea- Natasha Blume
I'll Fight Back- Sullivan King
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pigeonrocks · 2 years ago
Realized i haven't posted this yet but here are the text colors for mcsm characters btw since nobody had a reference of it anywhere.
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