#mc dg
inkly-heart · 3 months
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missmimosas · 2 months
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altbaake · 8 months
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"All they're thinking about is them~" 🩷🩵🧡❤️
Drew the MC squad which includes Sokha, Miah (@riasora27), Meri (@ponchig), and KC (@monkegekko)!
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pink-anonymous-person · 6 months
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what a chad. such power move!
OG screenshot ⬇️
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sophiadraws8 · 1 year
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My MC Oc for Broken Colors 😎🤙💖
And some interactions with the boyss 🥺💜💙❤
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margoshenkasstuff · 1 year
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Character (Delivery Guy) and game by @inkly-heart
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simpleskull200 · 12 days
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This was my first attempt at a full illustration, and honestly I'm really proud of how this turned out!
[As always, reblogs are encouraged as they help my posts reach more of an audience! Comments are also appreciated, I love having conversations with people in shared fandom spaces!]
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О нём лучше не мечтать...
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В грёзах, наяву, во время криков от той боли, что он причиняет тебе, твоей семье, показывая им то, как он шантажирует, то как он торгует тобой, твоей личностью и телом, словно ты не более чем игрушка.
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То как он нежно шепчет на ночь, то как ты начинаешь его бояться, то как ты хочешь его обожать всё это не сравнится с той головокружительной игрой, которую он затеял против тех, кто был противен матери его.
Он делает это во благо мести, из чувства ностальгии, ради воспоминания из прошлого, что блаженно ускользает от него.
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Он внушает тебе то, как ты ему нужна. Он говорит и показывает всем видом, что без тебя он ничто и ничего уже не добьётся.
Правда ль это из любви?
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Но увы, ты уже продала ему свои сердце, душу, тело, и всё лишь для того, чтоб он их бескнонечно мог ломать, лечить, заботиться, калечить.
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И вот ты спишь, ты вся в пластырях, бинтах, и на плече твоём след от его укусов и ножа. Тебе снится он, а не твоя обеспокоенная семья
Доставщик, что же ты сотворил с самой ценной куклой её отца?
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PS автор артов, моя подруга, Луиза1024
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puffpuffmenace · 1 year
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【Broken colors requests are open!】
What I write: Fluff, Angst, crossovers, Headcannons, One-shots, Yandere, SFW, Slight NSFW(buddy, I said slight 🔫), certain dark topics, gore
What I don't write: NSWF, Weird quirks of a person(like liking how feet smells or smth)
Broken colors is a Yandere otome game !
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Hello Kitty Camera!
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「Delivery Guy; DG」
Nothing there yet darling, maby wanna request~?
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Hello Kitty camera…
There isn't much said about some customers/characters, this will all follow day 1
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coffeepoweredlesbian · 4 months
but also real talk the ending is nonsensical politically. like…the game about corrupt judiciaries and subverting british exceptionalism and authority figures that betray you ends by just appealing to a more powerful benevolent authority figure?
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inkly-heart · 5 months
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doctorsiren · 2 years
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Me when
Me when green armoured space marines named John 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
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altbaake · 9 months
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Doodles of Sokha w/ DG and Damon
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pink-anonymous-person · 9 months
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this guy just won’t give Yin a break XD
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shopping time with our pal DG! saw this cool t shirt on pinterest and i think he would slay wearing that shirt 💙✨
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heehoighofoxijin · 2 years
Nose Blind
The following is a Br<3ken Colors fic I wrote based on an ask I sent that got answered. I've been itching to write it and I haven't until today. I also decided to do some art in MS Paint to go with it...because why not! So if you're interested...keep reading!
Metal pipe collided with my skull last night, and it knocked the whole world out from under my nose. It didn’t matter that you were defending yourself. Had you hit me anywhere else, I would’ve exercised some semblance of mercy. At least then I still would’ve been able to give you the liberty of a head-start before the chase. But darling, you’ve knocked my senses clean from under me—an unforgivable crime.
I was only trying to connect with you, honey. The loneliness that came over me that when the sun sank below the horizon was unbearable, and to expect me to endure that torture was the very same as the expectations I hold to you tonight. I would have preferred it if you kindly told me to leave. Now that you’ve destroyed everything I had to connect with the world, I feel it’s only right to return the favor.
Don’t cry now, sweetheart, because I’ve only just begun. This meadow is beautiful. If only I could smell it. You have that luxury, but you won’t for long. Drink it all in while you still can. The way the wind pushes the scent of the wildflowers towards your nose, how their incredible colors dance in the field, and how the trees rustle in the distance. Boy are you going to miss it all when all you can hear are your own screams.
The regret on your face won't save you now, my love. What’s done is done. If it’s any consolation, I raise my knife as a toast to your bravery. The goal may not have been to shatter my world into a million pieces, but your success in that department will not go unnoticed! I must admit to the courage and strength it takes to deal that much damage to my brain. You really sent me for a loop. For a moment I didn’t even process what had happened.
Was it really so hard to settle things peacefully with me, dear? Did you not hesitate to pick up the pipe when you saw me in your room? Where did you even get that thing anyway? And why? At what point did you stop loving me? What do you mean you never loved me? HA! That’s the worst lie you’ve ever told. If you didn’t love me, why were you so gentle with me? My nose never failed me until recently. I smelled no evil on you.
Now lift your head to the sky. Witness the shapes the stars make above you. Oh, how sweet it would have been to enjoy the scenery with you over a lovely picnic like I’d planned. Had you not made your mistake, darling, things could have been different. Open wide, now. I need to ensure you keep my name out of your dirty little mouth. I’ll strip you of your tongue so swiftly you won’t even have the chance to taste your own blood. Never loved me. How could you say such a thing?! Well, now you won’t be able to say anything. I hope you’re happy with yourself.
Ah, your eyes look at me with such judgment. But can you really blame me for this? You were the one who took it all away from me. All the color I saw in the world is nothing without the scent. Everything I once loved is blurry now without the one thing attaching me to them. Roses don’t even meet my eye anymore. All I see is red petals and thorns, tainted by blood from the mouth of the thief who stole my world from me. I laid pieces of my heart out for you! But you passed them up in favor of setting this field ablaze.
I bet you smell it now, don’t you? The gasoline. Here, let me give you a good whiff. You may as well be the one to check and make sure this is real. What a lovely, horrified face! I’ll take that as a good sign. I wonder if you’ll keep it up when I pour in down your nose.
You’re going to make a great ball of flame, you know. I bet your corpse will smell so horrid it’ll reach all the way to the heart of the city! And we’re pretty far out. It might take a day or two, but I’m sure somebody will find you. Maybe they’ll even feel bad. Personally, I won’t be able to find this place again. Without my sense of smell… Where did I put that matchbox?
There we go. What a flame! We could’ve danced this passionately, you know. We would have been perfect together if only you’d have listened to me when I tried to reason with you. If only you hadn’t picked up the pipe. If only you hadn’t tried to bash my head in. I have to say at least you tried to kill me. Unfortunately for you, your failed attempt led to your demise instead. Would it not have been easier for you to just love me back? Well, it doesn't matter anymore. Here, have some flowers from the field… Take them all, since you’re so fucking greedy.
Oh, hey DG. Steak? Sure. Don’t see why not. There’s a nice fire going here so you can cook yours. I'll try to at least enjoy the texture.
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kiss-the-lawyers · 1 year
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