#maybe once everything is done i'll go throught and make edits
chenziee · 3 years
Three: The Storm
For @opnamizine‘s Tangerine Summer Day 3: Heatwave/Storm
This is the last one I managed to get ready last week. All following updates are subjected to delays of 1 to 8942983 days. Sorry in advance xD
[Read on AO3 | Read from day 1]
Fish-Man Island was a tourist's dream. Beautiful, deep sea inspired architecture, cute cafes with tasty sweets, friendly people, a shopping district with a 100% discount, courtesy of Pappag. A fancy castle with a packed treasury just waiting to be broken into. The last quiet, comfortable stop before entering the New World. That was what Ryugu kingdom was; a true underwater paradise.
Or more accurately, what it was supposed to be.
Moving out of the way of the cutlass aimed at her head, Nami spun her Clima Tact in her hands and sighed. How did this always happen? Why was it that wherever they went, a storm followed? Pirates attempting murders of innocent girls, taking over towns and islands. Cowardly tyrant kings returning to their lands, civil wars, gods trying to destroy sky islands… Nami would really appreciate it if she could enjoy a island in peace. Just once.
“Gust sword!” she called, smirking as the vicious wind knocked the fish-man out easily. The practical application of weather science theory truly was amazing.
She had to admit that showing it off was fun. Though she would much rather do so in a setting that was not being surrounded by thousands of crazy, fanatical people, she could maybe understand a little bit why some of the others enjoyed fighting so much. Knowing you had the power, the knowledge, and the raw power of a thunderstorm at your very beck and call certainly made the heat of battle a lot more enjoyable and easier to navigate. After all, no matter how severe the heatwave, all it takes is a little bit of rain to make it cool again.
And if there is a little bit of lighting to accompany the rain shower, well, that wasn’t her problem. If anyone was getting electrocuted, it certainly wasn't her.
Brushing her hair behind her ear casually, she turned her attention back to the group of enemies who had paused in their assault upon seeing their companion fall at her hands. Instead, they were now standing off to the side, looking at her with distrust and fear in their eyes, and Nami let a wicked smile overtake her face. “Black ball,” she said sweetly.
Immediately, all the fish-men took a step back. “Careful!” one of them cried. “That rod o’ hers has been shootin’ all kinds’a stuff around!”
“What is she, a sorceress?!” another one replied, voice full of disbelief.
Nami chuckled. Sorceress, huh? She could get used to being called that. “That’s Miss Sorceress to you,” she sang just as the cloud bubbles started popping one after the other, prompting the fish-man to scramble around in a vain attempt to get away.
As if one could escape a thunderstorm. Not once it had set its eyes on you.
Gripping her Clima Tact tighter, Nami took a deep breath. She could feel the electricity cackling, the air humming with the contained energy she had at her command, the clouds reaching up and forward while still connected to her Clima Tact, to her hands, to herself. Waiting.
Waiting only for her.
She swung her Clima Tact easily, taking full control of the black cloud above. “Storm cloud rod!!”
As all the fish-men around her fell to the ground one after the other, Nami thought to herself.
This was it.
Her confidence, her strength, her storm.
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