#maybe my assignment wouldn't even be late. i'd just have to go home early from the party
literally crying i can't do this shit. it's four in the morning. i want to go to sleep
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itsadamcole · 4 years
graduation day pt.2
fem!reader x finn balor
It’s been two months since reader graduated college. Her and Finn’s new relationship is going strong. She’s applied for a position as teacher’s assistant at the college she graduated from so she has a reason to continue living nearby to be with Finn. The two decide to keep their relationship on the down low since he is her former professor. She finds out that it’s not easy to keep a relationship on the down low, especially when she finds out the teacher she is assisting is the woman that has had a thing for Finn for the longest time .... “you are so fucking hot when you’re jealous”
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word count: 3.6k+
warnings: a former teacher/former student relationship, angst, smut
— here’s part 2 of “graduation day” that probably no one wanted. enjoy —
masterlist || part 1 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 ||request an imagine here
~ 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
You’re getting ready for your first day of work when your phone begins to ring. You see that “finn ♡” has popped up. You answer right away.
“Look who it is,” you say, smiling as you brush out your Y/H/C hair before tying the natural waves up in a high ponytail. “I was just thinking about you.”
Your new boyfriend laughs over the phone and says, “I can only imagine what was goin’ through that pretty little head of yours. Anyway, have ya found out who ya are assigned to assist?”
As Finn talks through the phone, you put on your outfit for the day. When he’s done speaking, you say, “Not yet. I report to the English department head.” I did request to be put in the English department so there’s more of a chance that I’ll be put with you.”
The outfit you’re wearing today consists of a simple short sleeved black dress with converse black and white sneakers.
Finn says, “Well, stop my my office when ya get assigned. Maybe I can tell ya a little about the teacher ya were assigned to so ya know what to expect.”
You add some light makeup to your look as you say, “I will. I have to get to the school so I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Alright,” Finn says. “See ya in a bit.”
The two of you say your goodbyes. You gather your things, including phone, wallet, and little backpack in case you’re assigned to grade something.
It’s 7:30 in the morning. You woke up an hour ago to shower and get dressed. You don’t have to be at school until eight but you want to grab coffee from Dunkin.
You get into your car, throwing your things in the back.
The past two months have been anything but ordinary for you. Since graduation day, you and Finn have been attached at the hip. You're always at his place or he's over at yours. The new relationship between the two of you has needed some getting used to.
He convinced you to stay nearby by getting a job as teacher's assistant. You're getting paid a decent amount too because it's a private college. It was this or go home to New York, which would be over a thousand miles away. You were not interested in leaving Finn this soon. So you applied for the job.
Once you got hired, Finn told you that he wanted to keep the new romance between the two of you a secret. You immediately agreed. Finn's well known among the teachers and students and you had some friends in the grade below you. It wouldn't look good if it came out that you and Finn were in a relationship.
He's your former professor. You're his former student. You only graduated almost three months ago.
There's also an almost seventeen year age difference between you and Finn. You turn 23 in a few months and Finn is 39. Neither you or Finn care about the age gap. It just wouldn't look very good for either of you if the relationship between the two of you was public.
You think about the past two almost three months in the short ride to Dunkin. You go through drive-thru to get your coffee and two donuts.
A medium mocha iced coffee with some cream, sugar, and some extra mocha to make it a little more sweet. You get two glazed donuts to eat on the way to school.
You and Finn both embraced the change of relationship. You went from teacher and student to lovers. Some would find it weird, especially with the age gap, but it never bothered you or him. Finn definitely still moves like he’s in his 20s and not about to hit is 40s.
When you arrive at school, you remember the last time you were here. You pulled up almost three months ago to confess your feelings to your teacher before proceeding to sleep with him in his office. It was the best sex of your life. The few times you've had sex since have been good, but nothing compared to what happened in the office on graduation day.
You pull into a spot in the teacher's parking lot. You park in the back of the lot. Once parked, you reach back and grab your things out of the backseat before getting out of the car. You secure the backpack on your shoulders before walking toward the English building, half drank iced coffee in hand.
The campus has teachers and students roaming around. It's almost eight in the morning. You're sure a few classes have begun by now.
You take the elevator to the fourth floor, walking down the hallway. You pass Finn's office, which is only a few doors down from the head of the English department.
Once you're outside the department head's door, you knock four times then wait.
An older man, probably late 50s or early 60s, answers the door. He's dressed very professional.
"Ah, Miss L/N," he says. "I've been expecting you. Please, come in."
You give him a kind smile before walking into the larger office. You're not surprised it's a big office. He is the department head.
The name plate on his door said "Dr. Dennis Hart PhD. Head of English Department". You sit across from Dr. Hart at his desk.
Dr. Hart says, "It's always wonderful to see former students getting a job here at the school. You did phenomenal in your English classes over the last four years so this department is lucky to have you."
You give a little laugh and say, "I'm just giving back to the school that gave me an amazing college experience. It's good to be back."
The older man smiles and says, "Now. The teacher I've assigned you to is Miss Veronica Rodriguez. She's a wonderful teacher and has been teaching here for five years. She teaches 407 English to seniors and her classroom is right below us, next to Mr. Balor's classroom. I saw you had him last year for English."
You nod and say, "I did. How is Mr. Balor? He was one of my favorite teachers and I never got to say goodbye and thank you to him."
When you and Finn agreed to keep your relationship on the down low, you both also agreed to act like you haven't seen each other since graduation day to throw off any suspicions.
Dr. Hart says, "He's been good. Very excited to be coming back for his tenth year of teaching."
"Ten years, wow," you say, almost shocked. Almost. "That's a long time. I didn't even think he was old enough to be teaching ten years."
The older gentlemen laughs and says, "He's older than you probably thought. Alright, class begins in about fifteen minutes so head on down and introduce yourself to Miss Rodriguez before class begins."
You nod and thank Dr. Hart before leaving the room. You walk down the hallway, checking to make sure no one is behind you before you slip into Finn's now open office. He sits at his desk.
"Hey," Finn says, facial expression brightening when he sees you. "How'd it go? Who ya assisting for the semester?"
You sit across from Finn at his desk and say, "Veronica Rodriguez. You know anything about her?"
Finn blinks at you before he says, "She's been up my butt for years. She's had a thing for me since she started teaching here and it's not a secret either. It's also not a secret that I've been rejecting her over and over again. She's a good teacher. She just needs to leave me alone."
You raise your eyebrows and say, "Wow. Well, don't worry. I'll do everything I can to keep her away from you."
He smiles and you look at the time. Ten minutes before class. You stand up and say, "Well, I've got to go to class. Are we meeting up for lunch here?"
Finn nods and says, "Of course. I'll see ya then."
You smile and lean over the desk, pressing a very light kiss to Finn's lips before leaving the room.
You head downstairs, walking to the classroom.
When you reach your destination, you knock on the door before opening it.
Miss Rodriguez is a younger woman. She's probably early or mid 30s and she's beautiful.
She looks at you and says, "You must be Y/N L/N. Dennis told me I'd be getting a teacher's assistant this semester and he told me you were a former student."
You nod and say, "That's me, and yes I am. I graduated in May." It's now mid-August.
Miss Rodriguez says, "Well, it's nice to meet you. You can call me Veronica or Ver, whichever you like. You don't need to be formal with me since we're co-workers."
You give her a nice smile. She seems like a very nice person. She tells you the schedule of her classes. Two classes on Monday and Thursdays. One class on Tuesdays, three on Wednesdays, none on Friday, and a late night class on Saturday. The only very early classes are on Monday and Thursday at 8:20 in the morning.
As students start trickling in, Veronica says, "I teach seniors who aren't very awake this early. This can be a little tricky sometimes but you'll get the hang of it. When I'm out sick or visiting family, I'd like you to come in and just assign some work then you can dismiss the class."
You nod.
Right as Veronica begins class, you look over at the doorway to see Finn standing there. You try not to have a reaction as Veronica notices. "Mr. Balor," she says. "Nice to see you. How was your summer?"
Finn says, "Eventful." You have to cover your smile. "How was your summer, Ver."
"A little less eventful," she says. "I stayed in most of the time, reading books. Um, why didn't you return my calls?"
You raise your eyebrows a bit and Finn glances at you before he says, "Like I said, my summer was very eventful. I apologize."
Veronica says, "Well maybe we can just skip over the phone calls and you can take me out to dinner."
Jealousy hits you like a truck. You want to say something but you know you can't. All you can do is bite your lip to stay quiet.
Finn gives a breathy laugh and he says, "After class we'll talk. Oh, and Y/N?" You look at him. "Nice to see that ya keep gnawing on that lip of yours. I'd stop doing that before ya cut it open."
He said that to you on graduation day. Your face heats up a little bit and let your lip snap back into place.
The door to the classroom closes and class begins.
After class ends, you make your way up to Finn's office. He's still in class so you sit in the spiny chair behind his desk.
Several minutes pass before you hear his voice outside. Not only his voice but Veronica's too. You hide under Finn's desk as the two walk into the room.
"... didn't tell me no in front of my students," Veronica is saying. "I'm thankful for that."
Finn says, "I've told ya no many times. I'm not interested in ya, Ver. You're a nice woman, and I'd even say attractive, but I'm not interested."
Veronica is quiet before she says, "Is it because of a wife? Or a girlfriend? Because I don't care about that, Finny. You know this"
"Get out of my office, Ver," Finn sighs, clearly annoyed. "Now."
You hear someone leave and peek out to see only Finn in the room. He looks over and sees you peeking out from over the desk.
He says, "Ya can come out, Y/N."
Slowly, you make your way out from under the desk and walk up to Finn. "I don't like how she can openly flirt with you," you say, pouting.
Finn's hands intertwine with yours and he says, "I'm all yours, my princess."
You pout some more and say, "It's not fair, Finn."
He says, "Relax, Y/N. I have no interest in her whatsoever. It's only you." He presses light kisses to your cheek and you look at Finn. His light kisses make their way to your neck, making you sigh.
"We are not doing this in your office again," you gasp as Finn grips your thighs right under your butt.
He smiles against your neck and says, “I never said we would, love.”
You giggle and say, “Come by my place when you get off work and we can do that there.”
Finn says, “I’ll definitely be there at four then.” You smile and nod before pecking his lips.
“I should head down to the classroom to make sure everything’s okay,” you say. “I’ll come back at lunch.”
He nods and says, “I’ll see ya in a few hours. Maybe I’ll come check on ya to make sure ya are okay.”
You smile and say, “If you hear yelling coming from my classroom then you should come running because I might be about to kill Veronica.”
Finn laughs and says, “Don’t kill her, Y/N. Please.”
You peck Finn’s lips before leaving the classroom.
Veronica dumps a little work for you to do. Just to make sure that everyone did the in-class assignment and to mark people who didn’t.
Noon hits and you go to the cafeteria to grab your lunch. You are in line when someone comes up behind you. You glance behind you to see Finn.
“Y/N,” he says. “Good to see ya again. How was your summer?”
You nod and say, “Good. Very eventful. How was yours, Mr. Balor?”
Finn says, “Also eventful. How about ya come by my office and have lunch with me so we can catch up?”
As you grab your lunch, you nod and say, “That sounds good.”
Finn laughs softly as the two of you grab your lunch. You pay and Finn pays before the two of you head to the office.
You walk into the office and Finn closes the door behind you. You sigh and sit at Finn’s desk. You begin to eat and Finn says, “I can’t wait for this day to be over.”
“I agree,” you say, swallowing the bite of your veggie burger.
The door opens and Veronica walks in. She says, “We usually have lunch together, Finny.” She sounds like a child and it annoys you.
Finn has a look on his face and he says, “We had lunch together one time, Ver.”
Veronica says, “It’s a little inappropriate to have lunch with a former student.”
“We’re catching up,” Finn says. “And she works in the department now. She’s a co-worker now.”
You look back at Veronica and you say, “You know what’s actually inappropriate? Begging someone to go out with you when said someone isn’t interested.”
Finn’s eyes widen and Veronica says, “Excuse me. That’s no way to speak to me. I can have your job.”
You smirk and say, “Go ahead. Try to take my job, but imagine what would happen if I went to your superior and told them that you harass Mr. Balor here.”
Veronica says, “Dr. Hart spoke so highly of you and you are not what I expected.”
“Yeah, well, I can tell that Mr. Balor is tired of your shit and he’s too nice to say anything about it so I will,” you say, turning in your seat to face Veronica. “I’m telling you now because he won’t. Back off of him.”
She looks taken aback by my comment. Her jaw is almost to the floor and Finn’s hiding a smile behind his hands.
Veronica says, “Keep speaking to me in that matter and I’ll make your life hell for the semester.”
A comeback immediately comes into your head as you say, “It’s already hell because I’m assigned to you.”
Veronica has a pissed off look on her face and she says, “Whatever.” She leaves the office and you look at Finn. He’s looking right at you.
“Ya are so fucking hot when you’re jealous and telling someone off,” he says.
You giggle and say, “Relax Finny Boy. A few more hours then you can do whatever you want to me.”
“Oh, I plan on doing whatever I want to ya,” he says, smirking at me.
You get back to your apartment at 3:30. Finn won’t be here for a half hour so you decide to get into something a little sexier than this plain black dress.
You put on a white lacy bodysuit. The whole thing is a little bit see through and the neck dips down low, exposing your cleavage. You keep your hair up and lay across the bed, laying on your side and facing the door.
Finn has a key. You gave him the extra key you had so he can walk into the apartment whenever he wants to. He’s only scared you once and he learned his lesson.
At four on the dot, the front door to your apartment opens and you hear Finn call, “Y/N?”
“Bedroom,” you call back.
The door is open and several seconds later, Finn appears in the doorway. His neatly tied tie now hangs draped over his neck and the first few buttons on his shirt are now unbuttoned.
His eyes darken with lust when he sees what you’re wearing.
“Like something you see, Finn?” you tease.
He nods and he keeps staring at you. You get off the bed and you walk up to Finn.
You hook your fingers in the belt hooks of Finn’s pants and look up at him. You say, “You’re mine, Finn. All mine.”
Finn echos, “All yours, my love.”
You smirk and say, “Good. Now fuck me until I can’t walk.”
That’s all Finn needs to hear before he picks you up by your thighs and walks you over to the bed. His lips are on your neck as he walks over to your bed. You gasp and giggle.
He drops you on your back on the bed and kicks off his shoes while starting to unbutton his pants.
You bite your lip gently as Finn undresses himself in front of you. Your eyes trace every muscle on his body.
Finn’s down to his boxers when he crawls on top of you, hovering over you between your legs. His lips crash to yours and they move harshly. You move your hips so your crotch rubs against Finn’s bulge. He lets out a low groan into the kiss then pins your hips to the bed. “I don’t think so, love,” he says, pulling away from the rough kiss. Ya told me to fuck ya until ya can’t walk so no teasing.”
You pout as Finn gets on his knees between your legs. His fingers hook onto the straps of your lingerie and he pulls the piece down until your naked as the day you were born.
Finn smirks as he admires your body. His hands roam a bit and you smile, watching his hands. They dip below your waist and his fingers run through your folds. You gasp as Finn pushes two fingers into you.
“Oh, Finn,” you sigh. He moves his fingers hard into you, scissoring you open. Your gasps and moans fill the room. You grab onto the silky bedsheets.
Finn move his fingers in and out of you roughly and quickly for a few moments before he pulls them out. You whine and look at Finn.
“Patience, my love,” he says, pulling off his boxers so his erect member is free. You reach out for it and Finn pins your wrists to the bed.
Finn leans down and says in your ear, “Tonight’s about ya, love. I’m gonna make sure ya know that I belong to ya and ya only.”
As soon as he’s done talking, he pushes himself into you. You moan softly and you put your hand on Finn’s biceps. As he begins to thrust into you, you dig your fingers into Finn’s arm.
Finn’s hands are on either side of your head, propping himself up. Your legs are wrapped securely around Finn’s waist as he moves hard and deep into you. His forehead rests on yours.
He moves roughly but almost in a careful way. He’s never moved like this before.
You slide your hands to Finn’s cheeks as he moves. You kiss his lips slowly, moaning as his thrusts get faster.
After a second, you roll and straddle Finn’s waist. You lower yourself onto his member and move your hips. His hands are on your waist, helping you move your hips.
“I’m yours,” Finn moans. “All yours, Y/N.”
You echo, “All mine.” You ride Finn like you never have before. You move like he moved. Roughly but carefully.
Finn sighs, “Come with me, princess.”
You nod and Finn counts down from three. Both of you come together, like the first time the two of you had sex in Finn’s office. You moan and cry out as you release around Finn. He groans as he releases his seed into you.
You roll off Finn and lay beside Finn.
As you both lay on the bed beside each other, you say, “That felt different but a good different.”
He laughs softly and says, “It did. It felt really good. I loved it.”
“And I love you,” you suddenly blurt out. You quickly cover your mouth and look at Finn.
The Irishman smiles and he leans over, kissing your neck softly. He mumbles by your ear, “I love ya too.”
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awafflenamedhaji · 4 years
This is my first time making some x reader here in tumblr so please bare with my grammar and some mistakes😣😣
Yamaguchi x !fem!reader
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You, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima are friends since kids and have been together till now
You and Tsukishima are cousins but you both have different personality (at this point I don't even know where he got his salty personality from)
You live in the same roof as Tsukishima since your family's house is far
You and Yams have a thing for each other but too afraid to confess to one another
Tsukishima always drops hints (like all the time) that you both like each other but just plain stupid to realiz,e he's the bridge of your relationship
"Tsukki!! Why'd you order me crispy fries?! I like them soggy you know!" Yamaguchi yells while pouting at Tsukishima who is grinning widely while staring at me
"Yams you can have mine! It's a bit crispy but there are some soggy ones!" I slid my fries onto his front and took the fries that Tsukishima bought
"Ha! It must be nice to have y/n's soggy fries huh?" Tsukishima then had a smug smile plastered on his face "Maybe she made them soggy on purpose—" I threw a wet wipe on Kei's face that smudged his glasses "WHAT THE— WHY'D YOU THROW THAT AT ME?!" Now it's my turn to have a smug smile on my face
"There was oil on your mouth and I was just helping you out cousin, you don't like oil on your mouth don'tcha?"
"Hey hey! Quit it you two, people are staring!" Yamaguchi whispered and looked at the both of us
"Ugh, I'm just gonna leave, have fun on your date" What the fuck is his problem
"D-date?! Tsukki what do you mean—" Yamaguchi hurriedly tried to catch up with Kei
"And y'all just gonna leave me here with your leftovers?"
"Hey Kei?? Ya hear me? Hello???" I poked his side and to my surprise, he's ticklish there
"Oh my oh my! Kei's very ticklish on his sides huh??" I smirked while trying to tickle him
"Stop it will you?! Or I'll tell Tadashi that you like him!" W-what??! NO HE CAN'T KNOW
"NO NO NO I'M SORRY FOR DISTURBING I JUST WANT TO KNOW HOW TO SOLVE THIS!" I bowed to him and waited for his response
But to my dismay as I look up he has this smile that I can tell that he is planning on something
"Then you'll do anything I say? Is that a deal or not?" He took off his headphones and waited for my response
"W-well it depends on... what you are planning" I looked away at him and started fidgeting my hands
"You'll have to confess, well maybe not really confess but make him answer if he is interested into dating you"
"How would I know? You two are like beans in a pod that you can't even separate" He was satisfied with my reaction so he went back to what he was doing
I swear for the love of Asajesus I want to kick this tall stick's ass and send him to the fucking sun
"Ugh I'd rather get buried than say to Yams that I like him" I played with the pen that was just lying on the desk the whole time
"Suit yourself, don't blame me if you get that problem wrong, I offered you a good deal yet you refused" THIS GUY—
The next day my homework got returned to me and of course... I need to redo it
"Kei..." I tapped his shoulder
"Hm? You failed? Sucks to be you" He smirked and went back to dozing off to his “wonderland”
"Ughh just hear me out!! I accept your deal!" His eyes opened
"Then go ahead, there's an hour for you to go and confess"
"Take it or leave it, I'll be waiting" Ughh after that I ran to the cafeteria to find a grayish-green haired boy with freckles plastered on his face
"HAHAHAHAHA! Don't tell me that.. you spitted your orange juice on her blouse? Poor her she gotta wash that hard to take the stain off!" He laughed while talking to Hinata and Kageyama at the corner
"We'll I was surprised so I accidentally spat the juice at her!"
"Yams!" I called out and they immediately turned their heads at my direction
"Oh hey y/n! What's up? Is there a problem?" I huffed "I just need to excuse you for something urgent, umm you don't have to wait for Yams here bye!"
I held his wrist and dashed out of the cafeteria and of course we went to our usual spot where me Kei and Yams always go to
"Umm... so Yams uhh.. you see uhh I've been meaning to... ask you something" What the heck why can't I just talk like a normal person
"Yeah? What is it? I hope it's not hard to answer though hahaha!"
"Uhmm...." I fidgeted "A-are you... by any chance uhmm.... interested in you know.... in getting into a relationship" He looked at me in confusion and thought about what I asked
He blushed "N-no.. not really.." He's saying no but his face does..
"O-oh really? Hahaha! Uhmm is there someone you like? Like, like romantically?" He nodded in response and looked away
"Yeah... She has been for a long time had make my heart skip a beat"
"H-ha! Now I've got a chance to pass that freaking homework! Let's go? Kei might be waiting at the classroom" I stood up with a gloomy face, not even sparing a glance at Yamaguchi
"Ooh.. okay.... why did you ask though?" He got curious and of course I'm dumb and told him
"N-nothing... It was just a dare Kei made me do.. Just forget about it!"
Dead silence. Yes we're not talking to each other until I asked him
"Have y.. you asked the girl out?"
"Why not? I mean I know she'll like you too! I mean who wouldn't want a fluffball like you?"
Who wouldn't like an amazing guy like you?
I looked at him and he was as red as a tomato, and it's so freaking adorable
"U-uuuh~ Can w-we drop the topic?"
I guess he doesn't like talking about someone he likes to me
(Istfg they're so dumb, but Yams is cute)
We have reached our classroom with silence, I've got no chance huh?
The day just went like how it used to, me listening to the teachers, taking notes and everything except when it's time to go back home
"Kei I'm going home early, don't ask why" He looked at me with a not so concerned look
"Uhh okay? Want me to tell Yamaguchi?"
"Nah, he's not interested about that anyway, oh and don't forget about the deal, Imma head out"
I heard the door closed and so I took my notebook and pen and set it to his table
The door opens and he squinted at the sight
"What are you doing in here? Get out"
He rolled his eyes and settled in beside me
"The fuck? Where'd you get these answers from? Are you nuts?" HOW RUDE
"Not my fault his teaching was hard to understand" I scoffed
"Well if you're not dumb you'd get the answers right, anyone can solve this y/n"
"Ugh fine fine just teach me already!"
"Later, I need to wait for him" Him?? Is he expecting someone?
"Gomen Tsukki! I was adoring the cat outside so I got in late!" He opened the door panting, he still hasn't noticed me
"Uhm.. I-I'll just watch how to solve it, I'm going back to my room" I packed up my things and was about to stand
"I thought you wanted me to teach you? Since I'm teaching you two the same thing I called him here" He smirked
But I want to avoid him.. for the mean time
"Nevermind that, I'll just ask you something else, later Yamaguchi" I left Kei's room and went straight to bed
Ughh I can't face him like this, I'm just gonna take a nap and do my assignment later
"Uhmm.. Y/n I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way, I hope we can still be friends though..." I teared up
"Y-yeah it's alright, I'm not really expecting you to reciprocate my feelings so it's okay!"
No it's not okay, not okay..
I love you but you don't love me..
"LWHWIAKKAGSI" I woke up to see Yamaguchi's face close to mine
"OH MY FUCKI— OWW!" I bumped my forehead in his
"AH! I'M SORRY Y/N! I DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU! I WAS JUST GOING TO WAKE YOU UP!! GOMEN!!" I massaged my forehead "N-no it's okay! I was just s-surprised that you're here..."
"Tsukki said I should wake you up.. I'm really sorry! Ahh look at your head" He quickly touched my forehead and my heart starts to beat faster
"It has a bump! I'M REALLY SORRY!!!! I'M GETTING YOU SOME ICE!" He's leaving... this is your chance to confess or else you won't be able to get things off of your chest
"W-wait.." I held his shirt and started to get red
"What is it? Does it hurt? Fuck I'm sorry!" He took his hand off of my head
"N-no.. it's.. uhh.. ilikeyou..... so.." I mumbled "What? I can't hear you" Oh god this is embarrassing
"I like you Yams— I mean.. *sigh* You don't have to say anything, I'll just get the ice.. You can go back to Kei.." I said it... though this will be a one sided— "I l-like you too... y/n.. I like you a lot... I m-mean like lot, a lot more than anyth—" I hugged him
I don't want him to see my face, I'm so flustered that I just hugged him without hesitating
"Finally! These dumb dorks" Kei looked at us with satisfaction
"Y-you! You planned this huh?" I stood up and started to hit Kei's arm
"Ow! Well at least you won't have to sulk in this dark room of yours!"
"What do you mean dark?? This is called style you uncultured salt!"
"Hey hey don't start bickering, I'm going to teach her Tsukki so do you mind if you know.. you could-"
"Go back to your room and start listening to your weird music!" I pushed him to his room and went back to my “dark room” he said
"C'mere, I'll teach you the easy way" He sat down on the floor and started to scribble on my notebook
I wiggled my way to his lap and leaned on Yams
"H-hey! It's hard to teach if y-you're leaning on me!" I chuckled "You'll get used to it! Now teach me!"
so yeah the ending is crap (○゚ε゚○)
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sonderatc · 5 years
Triumphs & Failures: The Life of Sonder ATC (as it is right now)
As the rebrand of Sonder ATC is happening, I want to use this blog more. So, as my first official post on here, I'd like to say a few words about the past, present and future of Sonder ATC.
Early Life
Sonder originally had many titles.
For year one, I was in a group where we just all just as a group decided we'd be "Bagel Productions," with no rightly reason. For my independent projects, I went by "Finite Productions" because I was edgy and cool. Later in the year, I became a part of another group, "Fanny Pack Productions" (we were 8th graders, give us a break) and helped them with their final video once we were done.
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The Fanny Pack Productions slug had a horribly played flute cover of the Harry Potter theme music.
RT5 & Transmission into Sonder
The first recorded mention of Sonder is from late September, early October. During this time, I was a bored student waiting out the year. I knew I was planning to take the Film II class at my school, so I got to planning the branding for next year.
I was brainstorming for the following year, and at the time, four of my friends were planning to take Film II with me. So I made concepts for a brand called "The Red Table Five" (god, it just makes me tense up hearing it), because we always sat at a red table in the morning.
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The whole name and logo always felt incredibly forced to me, so I quickly abandoned it and started work an another one.
As I started to flesh out the brand, I had realized a few things.
I didn't want to limit it to anyone, especially the amount of people. Everyone's welcome.
I wanted it to feel home-y, and cozy.
I wanted it to be natural, not forced.
So, continuing on and thinking of these three things, I found the word Sonder; the realization that everyone has their own life. That's one. Two, to me a hand drawn aesthetic and a nature vibe sounded the best, and that also includes three. This is the thought process that delivered the original, classic image.
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Something about birds have always fascinated me, and finches are stunning. The birches are quiet, but tough visually.
Trying to find a matching font for the title, I stumbled across Papaya Sunrise, which is a lovely font I still use.
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After pinning down the aspects and details of the style, I made some accompanying graphics and banners too.
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I did make a few and came prepared, but in the end they just lied dormant for months. That is, until Film II.
Call to Action
It was finally time for Film II, and Sonder Films was ready for action. Creating School of the Future, Untitled., Monotony, and many others that we don't like to discuss. I'll breeze right past most of it because it's basically a year long crunch of scripts, shooting and editing. However there is an important detail.
Every year, the instructor of the class sets two requirements for all videos: they have to be shorter than three minutes, and they have to revolve around a theme. Why a theme, you might ask? Well, that's because of a little student film competition called Future Voices of New Mexico. Fire, 10, the future, for ten years they had a new subject. Ours, of course, was the future.
Nearing the deadline for submissions, it was one giant scramble for video submissions, especially for year two. Most of us didn't like some of the forced, awkward videos we made. And we did them as a group, so anyone could claim them, but we each had to turn in a video that no one else had. First come, first serve.
A little background on the School of the Future, our assignment was to create a video about school culture. Having no idea what this meant, we mostly did what we wanted and spat out some old-timey looking nonsense. We liked it. It wasn't great, but it didn't have to be. It was our first video of the year. Everyone liked it until the instructor ripped it apart. The way he worked was he had a vision of how he wanted it, and would arbitrarily give the students room to be creative, but in the end be angry when it wasn't what he wanted (even though he never said what it was). So we ended up scrapping it after the rough cut, that is, for a grade. On my own, I made a final cut, and let it sit on the YouTube page.
Now, come the deadline, I only had three things left to submit, two were over three minutes and one of the two wasn't about the future. So there it was, School of the Future. Yeah, I was proud enough to turn it in. I wanted to willingly, actually. But when I said I was going to, the teacher ridiculed me and said that I shouldn't. Multiple times. And sarcastically said "what do I know, I've been in the film industry for more than 20 years."
So I turned it in to the film competition,
And low and behold: first place winner. Of the comedy category, that is. And hey, something I helped write, edit, and graphics for also won third. So look at that! Two awards in one year.
Wrapping up the year, we all had a school arts showcase, where our videos would play among other things. There, I sold my book that I had been working on for three years. I was excited to finally publish it, and hey, I also had a following from my film brand. As I was advertising it, my old English teacher walked by and saw it, saying that she is going to have a creative writing class next year and I should join. I told her I would love to.
I know Film wouldn't last forever, so I slowly transitioned from Sonder Films to Sonder ATC near the end of the school year. The year quickly ended after that, and summer came.
The next year came,
And as it did, so did creative writing. Planning the next big thing, I shortly came up with the idea to publish a series of our works about a week into school. I made a proposal, gave it to her, and recieved it with overwhelming enthusiasm. We launched a Kickstarter, which you can visit at tiny.cc/atczine, and have raised ¾ of the goal in three days.
And that's where we stand right now. The near future is to make a book, but I can't tell what the far future is.
Eventually, I will leave ATC, and Sonder will become something of it's own. And by that, I mean I'll go to college, bring it with me, and just place the school name after Sonder. I'm hoping it'll become Sonder Ithica, but no one knows what the future holds.
And that's where I'll leave it. I know this was long, and probably no one read it, but maybe I will in the future. Or some historian, looking into Sonder's history will when it becomes famous. Who knows.
Thank you.
- Jonny
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You're my Best Friend// part one
HS!joe... thing that I wrote.. I've written shit on Wattpad before but this is the first thing I've written in a really long time so bear with me && I hope you enjoy!!
I'll be using my own character that I made up like five minutes ago whoops. If y'all want I can give a faceclaim.
Warnings: mentions of sex (no actual smut lol I can't write that), drug use (just marijuana, don't worry y'all), and swearing, angst? Maybe?
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Joe and Jane had been friends since they were babies. Their mothers, best friends since high school, had unintentionally become pregnant and had decided their children would also be best friends.
Fast forward seventeen years, and Jane and Joe were even closer than their mothers. The two were seen everywhere together, cuddled up to each other and making vine references. Just about everybody thought you were dating, but each time the question came up, the two friends would laugh. To tell the truth, Jane hadn't even thought about what it would be like to date her best friend.
One downfall of having Joe as a best friend was that girls found him irresistible, and apparently Jane knew everything about him,so girls would come to him, asking if he was available just about every weekend. Another downfall was that Joe was kind of a manwhore. Jane had nicknamed him Roger Taylor because of his constant hookups.
One time Jane had walked in on Joe with a girl, and thank god they were still mostly covered because Jane probably would have vomited otherwise. He had called her and apologized about a hundred times after he was done.
Otherwise, Jane and Joe were closer than two peas in a pod, one never not knowing something about the other.
"Hey Joe?" Jane asked, laying on the boy's bed, playing on her phone. Joe was sat at his desk doing homework. Despite being a bit of a whore, he was incredibly focused on his grades, never handing in an assignment late. He often tutored Jane in Physics, as she sucked.
"Hm?" He replied, writing out vocabulary words in his notebook.
"Would you still be friends with me if I shaved all my hair off and glued it to my face?" She asked, glancing up as Joe gave her a look, his signature side-smirk on his face.
"Don't you already look like that?" He asked. Jane laughed and threw a pillow at him, yelling out a 'Hey!' He chuckled and set his pen down, turning to face her completely. "Uh, hey, I know I said I'd hang out tonight, but this girl Sarah wants to hang out and I told her I would.." Jane rolled her eyes as Joe trailed off. He had cancelled on her for the third time in the past two weeks and she had become sick of it.
"Again? Didn't you fuck her last weekend?" She asked, rolling her eyes. Joe gave her a sheepish smile, nodding. "Jeez, Roger Taylor, you can't keep cancelling our plans or I'll be forced to break up with you. I'm starting to think there might be someone else.." Even though you were upset, it was hard not to crack a joke.
"No, Jane! I've loved you for a hundred years! If you leave me I'll die!" Joe replied, dramatically flopping onto the carpeted floor, writhing as if he were being stung by jellyfish. Jane laughed, crawling to the edge of the bed and jumping on top of the boy so she was straddling him. She held his arms over his head and slapped him lightly across the face.
"Joe! Don't leave me! I didn't mean what I said! If you die I'll be cursed with ugliness for the rest of my days!" She cried, flinging her arms into the air for dramatic affect.
"Wait," Joe stopped, breaking character, "aren't you already cursed?" Jane stopped, breaking character as well as she slapped Joe lightly but repeatedly. "Stop!" He yelled, laughing as Jane hit him.
Joe's laughter ceased as he watched Jane's blissed out face, laughing so hard her eyes were shut and scrunched, smile lines adorning her cheeks and the corners of her eyes that Joe always loved. Eventually Jane noticed that Joe was no longer laughing and he eyebrows furrowed, a confused smile on her face.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked.
"Why do you have those things in your nose?" Joe asked, quoting the inappropriate but hilarious Tik Tok that they had watched a few days prior.
"Joe," Jane laughed, sitting herself so she was still straddling him, but was no longer leaning over him. "be serious for a second!" She giggled. Joe held his hands out and Jane pulled him up so they were eye level. She wrapped her arms around the boy's neck, looking him directly in the eyes. Their intimate position meant nothing to them, as they had grown up showing very close affection with no affectionate feelings.
"I'm just looking at you," He replied, leaning his forehead against hers. "what's wrong with that? I catch you looking at me all the time." Jane was usually unfazed by Joe's funny looks but there was something different about this one. There was a glint in his eyes that she had never seen before. Shaking it off as nothing, Jane climbed off of Joe's lap. She checked her phone, finding that her mother had texted her asking her what time she would be home.
"Hey I should go, don't want to stay too late and risk your date thinking something was going on." Jane teased, grabbing her textbook and her backpack.
"Ok," Joe replied, standing from the floor. "I'll text you after Sarah leaves. Maybe we can still hang out? If you pick up a movie from Walmart we can watch it later? Or I could come to yours and we could watch some Netflix?" He asked as they walked together to his front door. Jane slipped on her shoes and sling her bag over her shoulder.
"Joe, it's gonna be at least midnight by the time you're done, and we have school tomorrow. I think I'm just gonna go to bed early tonight." Jane gave him an apologetic smile as she slipped out the front door, leaving a disappointed Joe behind. She didn't really care, if she was being honest. She was still upset that he cancelled their plans again for another booty call. It was obvious that Joe hadn't been taking Jane's feelings into account as of late, and it really bothered her.
Jane called her other best friend Sage as soon as she got home. Truth was, she didn't want to go to bed early. Since Joe had cancelled on her multiple times, Jane has had many early nights and she was itching for an adventure. Usually her and Joe would sneak out of their houses and run around town, playing late night games of mini golf and bowling, and sometimes breaking into gated parks after hours to fool around on the jungle gym.
"Sage? I need to do something tonight or I'm going to commit homicide." Jane spoke as soon as her friend picked up.
"Sebastian got his new order in yesterday. Let's get stoned."
And they did. Jane dressed herself in one of her flashiest outfits, sneaking out of her house as soon as her parents had fallen asleep. Sage was waiting, sitting criss crossed in the middle of Jane's driveway, also dressed quite flashy. Sage liked to hook up with Sebastian every time they got high together. Jane never minded. She was used to Joe hooking up with girls, and she honestly didn't care about getting kicked out of his house when she was stoned enough.
Five joints and two bong hits later and Jane was ushered out of Sebastian's house, Sage hooked to him like a fly on sticky tape. She walked aimlessly through the streets, not really caring where she was going until she reached Joe's house. She hadn't even realized she walked all the way there. It wasn't too far from Sebastian's, but Joe was never a fan of Jane smoking, so she rarely went to his house after she smoked.
Yet here she was, standing at the base of his yard, staring from afar into his window where he would most likely be with Sandra, or whatever her name was. Something itched in the back of Jane's mind and she fished her phone out of her pocket. Her body and mind were on autopilot as she dialed his number, not seeming to care that he was busy. He picked up after two rings, out of breath.
"Jane?" He spoke, his breathing laboured.
"Why did you answer the phone? Aren't you having sex right now?" Jane asked, forgetting why she had called, or perhaps she hadn't figured out why she called in the first place quite yet.
"Yeah, what's up? Why are you calling? Are you okay?" Even after cancelling their plans, Joe still picked up the phone almost immediately. Jane's chest fluttered at the thought.
"Why did you cancel our plans again?" She asked, not thinking twice. She suddenly grew angry. She was sick of him cancelling on her. She would drop anything to be there for him and would never even think about cancelling on him, and yet here he was, hooking up with some girl instead of being there for his best friend. If he hadn't been there with her she wouldn't be stoned and cold, standing outside of his house, confused. She shivered, wishing she hadn't dressed like such a slut, or had at least bothered to bring a jacket.
"What?" Joe asked. There was rustling on the other end and a hushed apology before he spoke again. "Jane, can we talk tomorrow? I'm kind of busy. I'm sorry."
"Bullshit you're sorry!" Jane spluttered, angry tears brimming in her eyes. She was so confused. Why was she crying? Why had she called Joe. Why was she so bothered by Joe hooking up with a girl? He had been hooking up with girls since they were fifteen, why be upset now? Still, she kept talking.
"You've dumped our plans like three hundred times now! Do you hate me? Am I ugly? Am I too ugly for you to hang out with me? Are you gonna stop being friends with me?" Jane couldn't stop the tears from flowing as she yelled at Joe through the phone.
"Wait, Jane.. Are you outside right now? I can hear you.." Joe's voice faltered as she could only assume he was looking out his window. "Holy shit! What the fuck are you wearing?" Joe asked. She watched him peek through his blinds before turning and muttering something to the girl he was with. "Shit, Jane, give me a minute and I'll be right out." He hung up shortly after and Jane waited, not bothering to wipe her tears.
Joe emerged from his house shortly after, wearing a pair of boxers and carrying one of his blankets. He jogged over to the shivering girl and draped the blanket over her, taking in her appearance.
"W-why aren't you still in there fucking that girl? Why are you out here when you can be in there?" Jane blubbered, staring into Joe's confused eyes.
"Jane, what the fuck is going on? Just four hours ago you were fine, and now you're bawling about bullshit. Are you stoned?" He asked. Jane tried to turn away from him but he was quick to grasp onto her hands, pulling her to face him. He took her face in his hands, staring into her eyes.
"I know you don't like it but you cancelled on me again and I just wanted to do something fun and-" She couldn't continue speaking, her tears taking over. Joe wrapped her in a tight hug, squeezing her as tight as he could to calm her down. He did this whenever she went on one of her stoned rants and started freaking out, as she often did.
"Hey, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I promise I won't cancel on you again. Shh, calm down." Joe muttered, kissing the top of her head. "Hey, let me get dressed and I'll walk you home."
"What about the girl?" Jane asked, sniffling and wiping her eyes.
"She wasn't any good, anyway. Don't worry about it." Joe said, once again kissing her head as he guided her inside. "Do you want some of my clothes, by the way? You look like a stripper." He joked. Jane pushed him lightly, having calmed down, and snuggled into his side, breathing in his scent that never failed to calm her down.
Hi everyone, I hope you liked this! I hope this isn't too much all at once lol. I was watching the office as I wrote this so I got a bit distracted... Many times. Let me know what you think && I'll try to write a part two soon!
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