#maybe if they wanted a lighthearted fun game they wouldn't have started talking about these concepts
llycaons · 6 months
the d20 mythos just copying wholesale the christian concepts of good and evil and dooming Bad People to eternal torment for like. selling drugs. but not for buying blood diamonds. I wouldn't be thinking so deeply about this if the show itself didn't encourage you to think about the violence of capitalism but it feels so arbitrary and meaningless to hook up a critique of capitalism and even of imperialsm to the christian concepts of good and evil and use that for the moral basis of plot events. how does anyone living in a major city in the imperial core not have blood on their hands just by dint of living in this system? and like, I get that this is an issue tied to the christian concepts of good and evil and sin and redemption nut like where's the nuance? where's the work to solve any of these issues? it's just punitive...
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The secret identities of the heroes... revealed!!
Do you want to know the secret identities of the hero coaches? Well, you're in luck...
Warning: this is absurdly long so I'm putting in a cut
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Okay, I know I already talk about this one a lot, but I'm going down a list here so I had to include it. Y'all are lucky this blog didn't exist yet when I put this together, it was genuinely all I talked about for roughly two months straight.
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After a couple decades of doing dutiful hero work, Kem moved to Sun Horizon with his fiancee Lillesol, fulfilling their lifelong dream of retiring to where everything was slower, quieter, and warmer. (That's why it doesn't really look like him - he's significantly older in Baby Zouk, but the fun lighthearted attitude and the pool-themed powers/dancing on a beach parallel would match up!)
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I can explain, listen - the lobster is a mascot suit, for a restaurant, and his day job is dressing up and entertaining people. Think like...if Red Lobster had Chuck E Cheese style characters. It started as a summer job for him in high school, and the cool hairdo is what inspired him to make big hair his gimmick. It's just goofy enough to work for Just Dance logic, okay? He fought a giant spaghetti monster canonically, anything goes.
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Dahlia's avatar quote is "art is more comforting than ice cream - it helps me break free!". Which seems like odd phrasing...until you remember that Break Free is the name of another routine. The hair and makeup stylings look suspiciously similar too, so I will insist on this forever idc this is one of those ones where Ubi could break into my house and tell me I'm wrong and I still wouldn't believe it
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Brown hair and cheesy 80s music? Yeah, that's Mister Overload all right. Better not to ask who the girls he was with in Careless Whisper alt were - even heroes can find themselves in situations...
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Curly dark hair, left is of course significantly brighter but she still wears a bold blue color and they're from the same game and...y'know you're just gonna have to trust me on this one.
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Do you ever just...call something as a joke, but then it kinda sticks? Yeah...I was going down the list of blonde coaches, put this together as a joke, but then it actually started to click with me and now I'm obsessed with the concept. Send help
Bonus: the "neutral" coaches!
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It's the heart locket that does it for me. I know the purple hair isn't quite the same shade, but that is her.
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They just have a similar attitude of being a badass, and Super Bass has lighter greenish streaks in the hair too even if it's hard to see...but more importantly the idea that she and Eteria had some big spat that Rosaria was just sitting on the sidelines of just casually watching with a bucket of popcorn is just too funny, I'm sorry.
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Rosaria's hair is light with dark at the bottom, and Stop Drop Roll P1's hair is the opposite. But it's still similar enough that I noticed like "hey, wait a dang minute"...
These two aren't really confirmed to be on either side either and if anything are more likely to be sketchy, but it feels weird to leave them out when I know stuff so
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It's the hair, it's the red hair. But it's also the fact that Happier Than Ever canonically knows Dahlia, who as I mentioned earlier is like totally Break Free, so maybe they met because they worked together on something.
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Idk, I'm probably not the first person to notice the similarity, but two pilots in the Danceverses that are goofballs and wear pink? Nope, more likely to be the same person.
And this is just straight up "the two heroes are the same hero" but close enough
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Their color palettes are almost completely identical. Just looking at them side by side, it seems obvious to me that there's a correlation.
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ramblyngrobyn · 7 months
Juvenile (Pkmn/Prsk crossover) Prologue notes extended
Okay! So! This is the start of a little big something I've been sitting on for a while. For the last several months (since at least April 2023) I've been occasionally poking at this ever-expanding AU in my phone's notes, adding ideas for story beats and things to do with the characters and world. I always figured I wouldn't actually turn this into a real thing and figured I'd just keep it to my own imagination but the brainworms eventually won, so here I am!
Uh, so I don't know how "good" this is gonna be? Hell even this first chapter I'm already worried that maybe I tried to do too much at once. As I was writing a lot of extra ideas hit me for how I could better build this as a solid foundation of the rest of the story. I wanted every scene to like, matter, yknow? It might just straight up be too long! But any time I considered cutting a scene just to make things more brief I was like "no, no, I need that part". I could have also cut it into multiple chapters but it's the same amount of content so like, what would the point be. If you're wondering, the break points for a 3-chapter version of this would have been Mafuyu showing up at Kanade's place and Kanade seeing the others off at the train station.
Right off the bat, the prologue is a bit different tonally and I wanna talk about that. There's not a super high saturation of Pokemon stuff in this opening! I hope that isn't too weird considering this is a Pokemon AU! I wanted to ease Kanade into it before dropping her in the deep end for the last chunk. When the next chapter hits, we’ll be in full on Poke-mode. This chapter also has a handful of more serious moments, which is par for the course since y'know, Niigo. I actually cut out or edited some bleaker moments because I thought they felt out of place, lol. It's gonna get a lot more consistently lighthearted from here, I promise! (Mostly!)
I have the broad strokes of this story outlined, both in written notes and a map that I scribbled out. I don't have all the details in-between locked in, I'm being flexible there, but I know where I want this to go and generally speaking what I want to do with the whole cast.
I'm not aiming for anything super profound with this, and I have no practical experience in long-form storytelling. Hopefully that doesn't bite me in the butt too hard. Going forward, some chapters might end up being mostly choreographed action, some might be the characters sitting around talking for a few thousand words. At the end of the day, this is just me having fun with my favorite characters in one of my favorite fictional words. I'm trying to not think so hard that I corner myself.
On that note, I think it's worth noting up front that this is very much my version of these characters in my version of Unova. Not in a "my fic don't like don't read" kind of way but like... you might not agree with every choice?
For the most part character origins will have to be built from the ground up, though as you can see from this first chapter I've tried to keep bits and pieces from canon that I think naturally fit. Niigo's origin story is honestly pretty easy to write and intuit around considering they first met remotely. And while I did do a lot of expositing in this opening I think that instead of every character getting an airtight, perfectly laid out backstory, I'll leave some things to the imagination.
As far as the laws of the Pokemon universe goes, it probably goes without saying that I definitely won't be following strict rules from the games. Some Pokemon might end up learning moves that aren't in their learnset, for example (or at least, if they make sense for the Mon in question). Some moves and abilities might have their function tweaked for this context, or I might go for a different interpretation of how the move manifests physically. There’ll be Pokemon that have more than literally four moves. Stuff like that. I'm inserting some headcanons, some ideas that I think fill in gaps in the world building, and there'll be a lot of changes to the design of the world. I joke to myself that this is a "post-globalism Unova", because there's some locations that are really different, a couple totally original locations, and Pokemon here that don't show up in Pokemon BW/2. You could call it "anime logic" if you want, I just think loosening the rules makes things more interesting and fun to write and read. 
One more little nugget: In case you didn't recognize it, the title is from the Jin song made for the Project Voltage collab! It's my favorite song so far from the crossover, it makes me feel so many things. It just felt like a perfect fit for this story vibes-wise, as well as a fun coincidence since I’d been imagining Kanade with an Eevee for months beforehand.
I may run out of steam eventually, but I'm publishing this first chapter because I'm currently feeling fired up about it. Even if the current enthusiasm wanes over time this'll be here for me to poke with an update whenever I want.
I'd love for you to join me on this silly journey, and I hope you can enjoy it!
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im-a-heartstomper · 1 year
recovery update (please read?)
OKAY OKAY OKAY I know most of you don't care but I do so SHUT THE FUCK UP.
today we had a pretty long conversation and it was really nice! i probably shouldn't get used to that... im only really going to text her one more time today and then probably spend the week... not doing that (i wouldn't but i already said i would and i don't want her to think im like dead or something!!!)
i never really thought about this until today, but i don't know if this "occasionally talking" thing I want should happen. im like obsessed with this girl! not in a creepy way, ive never like stalked her socials. she's just so fun to talk to, and if i allow myself to talk to her im never going to want to stop. i think she should just be the kind of person i text stuff like "happy birthday :)" or "merry christmas ☺️" or other things along those lines.
luckily the relationship ending isn't bothering me that much anymore! like ive said before, i never really needed to be in a relationship with her to enjoy her company or to love her. the relationship was really nice, and admittedly things going back to the way they were sounds pretty fuckin cool. but im okay with this. i just don't think im going to be completely okay with it if i don't let her live her own life and if i don't leave to live mine. god i hope she's not reading this. being friends sounds wonderful, but i just don't know if i can.
today while we were talking she asked if she could ask me a question. so obviously i said yes. but usually when she does that, it's for a serious reason. and that just scared me to death. if i wasn't doing this well in my recovery i would've had a fucking anxiety attack. i wasn't able to breathe properly until the moment had passed, and i just felt. dizzy. and my mind was running wild! it was all like "she's using that tone. this is serious. what if she's changed her mind. what if she decided she doesn't want to reconnect ever again? what the fuck will you do then?" and it just fucked me up. im okay now, but it's terrifying how a simple change of her tone can affect me. and i just cannot be around that until im fully recovered.
and even though my recovery is going well, that's going to take a long time. the simple changes of her tone terrify me, and the thought of simple phone calls with people who aren't family is enough to make me hyperventilate. this whole situation has seriously damaged me. and i don't think i can be around that, i don't think i can be around her until this damage that has been done is repaired. so maybe instead of waiting a week, i should wait until these fears are gone.
on another, more lighthearted note, i have not stopped the self-care challenge. im still going strong (although im running out of things im allowed to do...) and it feels great! I'm replaying a game I adore (NSR), I reset my island on ACNH (i wasn't aware i was a boy when i started that one, that's why) and i just took a bath. overall, im doing well! thank you for reading and caring <3
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The Road So Far (pt. 2)
Sweet Pea x reader
Summary: Y/n Winchester and her two older brothers go to the small town of Riverdale for a case, and meets Sweet Pea on tbe way.
Riverdale + Supernatural Crossover
Word Count: 2006
Chapter 1 • Chapter 3
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Sweet Pea handed Sam the drinks, and you stepped inside. "Dean." You said. He reluctantly gave you his gun that he was hiding behind him. "C'mon dude." You put the gun on the table as he closed the door.
You and Sam sat down at a small table and started eating. "So, what's up with Mr. Nice Guy?" He teased.
You smiled and looked down at your food. "I don't know. Almost everybody seems afraid of him, but he's been nothing but nice to me. I asked around about him to see if he's a player, but everyone says that he's scary or that he's loyal."
"Why do people think he's scary?"
Mm, probably because he's in a gang, and has a neck tattoo, and rides a motorcycle, and is known for hating the Northside, and his name is Sweet Pea." He stared at you, amused. "But I'm just guessing. Could be wrong."
"So it's like he's a scary mafia leader who's respected by his people but feared by everybody else, and also protects his girl and treats her right despite everybody's warning about him to her."
You sat there in silence, taking in the truth that he was saying. "I don't see the comparison at all." You said quietly, picking at your food while Sam laughed.
Meanwhile, Dean and Sweet Pea were having a conversation that was not as lighthearted. "What's your game here?"
"What?" Sweet Pea asked nervously.
"Why are you trying to get into my little sister's pants? Don't think I don't know the kind of guy you are."
"I'm really not trying anything bad." Although Dean was tall, Sweet Pea was still taller, and Dean hated the fact that he had to look up in order to face him.
Dean didn't believe him. "You know we won't be here for much long right? A week max, and the three of us will be on the road together, just like it's always been."
"Yeah, and she deserves more than that." He stepped closer, gaining some new found confidence to the Winchester. "She should be enjoying the things that's in front of her, not just saying 'Who cares, I'm gonna be gone soon' like she has been. She deserves a life, and she's not getting that."
Dean looked away and wiped his mouth with his hand in frustration. Maybe he was right. Maybe the hunting life wasn't for you. "Look, if I see or hear about you trying anything with her-"
"You'll shoot me?" He asked, some of his confidence gone.
"Oh, no, I'll be standing right next to you watching while she shoots you." He smiled at patted him hard on the back, going back inside.
"So, how'd it go?" You asked with a teasing smile.
"Where's my food?" You and Sam looked at each other. If he avoided the question, that meant that he came to a conclusion he didn't like.
You silently put his food in front of him on the table, and he pulls up a chair to eat. "Oh, by the way," you said. "After dinner I'm gonna go out to Fox Forest with a few other people from school. They have a lead."
"Sure, as long as we tag along." Dean didn't look up from his food.
"What? No." You whined. "It's fine, I can handle myself."
"And what about your friends?" Sam caught on to Dean's bitter tone. He understood that Dean didn't like it that you were attaching yourself a little too much to a town that you will be leaving.
"They've been in a lot of dangerous situations before. Jughead and Betty have caught this kid's murderer, a serial killer, and have figured out a lot of sketchy crap that goes on in this town. They're good at solving mysteries, and have stayed alive in the process."
Sam looked from you to Dean. "That's... actually impressive."
Dean ignored all of that. "Jughead? What kind of a name is Jughead?"
Your face fell. "Is that all you got from that?" He sheepishly looked at you. "I'm going. Don't worry, if anything happens I'll call. Promise."
Sam and Dean looked at each other. "Fine."
You hugged Dean, to which he grumbled and hugged you back. You then took the pie out of the bag and opened the packaging, handing Dean a plastic fork and kissed him on the top of the head in a fun manner, ruffling his hair. "It's cherry."
A small smile came onto his face as he excepted your rare, playful love. You put on your jacket, put your knife in your pocket, and headed out. "Love you guys."
"Love you too." They both called out as you close the door.
You then head out to Fox Forest, meeting with the other three. You all search around, finding nothing for a while. Once you're deep into the forest, you found some tents. "Hey guys." You said. "Over there."
We all hid, trying to see whether someone would come out or not. Someone did. "It's a Ghoulie." Sweet Pea whispered, with Jughead nodding.
"A Ghoulie?"
"It's a rival gang." Betty explained. You breathed out a small laugh. Until they shifted into their true form. You were hoping that this stake out was going to be false, but that wasn't the case. "Oh my God." Betty whispered.
You took out your phone, quickly calling Dean. "Who are you calling?" Jughead whispered harshly.
"My brothers. Trust me."
As he answered, Jughead ended the call. "No. That won't help."
"Let's all just go before they see us." You said. "We need to think about what to do next." They all agreed, swiftly leaving.
The four of you stood in the cold near the bridge. "Okay, I need to process this." Jughead said. "We'll all meet up tomorrow to talk about what we're going to do."
Jughead and Betty left together, leaving you and Sweet Pea alone. "Hey, you okay?" He gently touched your arm.
"Uh, yeah. Still processing. Are you?"
"I'm a little freaked by it, but we have to do something so I guess I should try to be calm right now. Come on, I'll give you a ride."
You both got to the motel, and you stopped him from leaving. "Wait." You put your hand on his, causing him to stop. You then take off the ring you've been wearing. "Here."
He smiled at it and put it on, taking off his dog tag and putting it on you. "I know this was a scary ass night, but I'm still not letting you get away from me. Hope you feel better."
You blankly stated at him before giving him a light hug. "Thank you. I hope you feel better too." He then took off.
You put the dog tag underneath your shirt and went inside. "So," Dean said from his bed. "How'd it go? You called me but hung up right after."
"Heh," you nervously laughed. "So funny story-"
"You saw the werewolves." He uncrossed his arms. You nodded. "What'd you do?"
"Nothing. We decided to figure out what to do about it tomorrow."
"Damnit y/n." He sighed.
"I thought it would be a dead end." You defensively said. "I didn't know that they actually knew what they were doing."
He scooted over. "Well go to sleep. We have to go to school tomorrow."
The next day at school you prayed to Chuck that Sam and Dean wouldn't do anything while you were at school. It was then that there was an announcement that you, Betty, Jughead and Sweet Pea were to go to the principal's office. Damn you Chuck.
The four of you were all sitting down in Mr. Weatherbee's office, and as soon as the principal left your two giant brothers came in. "Aren't they your brothers?" Jughead asked.
"I wish I could say no." You gave them an embarrassed look.
"Hi." Sam said. "I'm special agent Hoff. This is my partner, special agent Hassel."
You let out a snort. "I'm sorry, is there something funny?" Dean asked.
"Wow guys, that's good. Special agents Hassel and Hoff. David Hasselhoff. Nice."
Dean sighed. "Really?"
"Dean cut the crap, they know what they saw."
"You two aren't agents." Betty stated.
Sam sighed. "Y/n's right Dean. They're smarter that they look."
Jughead leaned in his seat. "Why would you two have different last names when we know that you were brothers?"
Your two brothers were silent. Dean then looked at you. "You wanna give your smart ass friends the hunter's talk?"
You looked down. "Not really." You felt Sweet Pea stare at you, but you refused to look at him. He'd want to stay far away from you now, you were sure of it.
Sam and Dean finished explaining everything. The three teenagers sitting next to you were staring at you. You kept your gaze on the floor. "So that's why you all have to stay away from that place." Dean said. "At least until we take care of them."
"No." Betty said.
"Wha- were you not just listening to what they were saying?!" You exclaimed.
"You need more people, because knowing the Ghoulies, the whole gang's probably werewolves."
"Betty's right." Jughead nodded. "Strength in numbers. You need the Serpents."
"Serpents?" Dean looked at you for answers. You put two fingers to your neck pulse. He understood that you were talking about Sweet Pea's tattoo. He huffed. "This ain't some game for kid 'gangs'."
"The Serpents aren't a kiddy gang," Jughead protested. "They're a family. And my dad is the serpent king."
You knew it was supposed to be serious, but you couldn't help but find it a bit funny. "Well shit." You said, smiling. "This town is so weird, and I love it."
"Y/n, you can't be serious." Sam said.
"Well, we have to take out a big nest. You heard them, there's about 70 Ghoulies. We need all the help we can get." You then turned to Sweet Pea. "Doesn't your gang have a law about unity or something?" You cocked your head, a smile on your face.
He nodded, feeling pumped up. "In unity, there is strength."
"In unity, there is strength." Betty and Jughead echoed.
Dean huffed. "Fine, I'll call Cas."
"I'll call Crowley." You perked up.
"No." Both your brothers said.
"Why?" You whined. "He's changed. Now that he's got human blood in him, he's good. And he has a soft spot for me. Admit it." They didn't respond. "Silence is acceptance. I'll call him right now."
"Who's Crowley?" Sweet Pea asked. "And Cas?"
"Um, they'll probably introduce themselves when they get here." As Dean left the room to call Castiel, you shifted towards Sweet Pea. "Hey, uh, I get it if you don't want to talk to me anymore. People usually stay away when they find out I'm a hunter."
"Are you kidding?" Sweet Pea asked with a smile. "You're a total badass superhero! That just makes me want to spend more time with you."
You gave him a huge grin. "Really?"
He nodded, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. He began to lean in, and your lips were about to touch before Sam cleared him throat. "You should call Crowley now."
You felt heat spread on your face as you nodded, taking out your phone and calling The King 😈. He put that as his contact on your phone.
"Hey Crowley. Whatcha doin'?"
"Sounds boring. So, I was wondering if you'd wanna help out on a case. Please?"
"No, not demons. Werewolves. About 70 of them."
"As soon as Cas is here, so about two days."
"Perfect! You're the best Crowley."
"Don't get too cocky on me now. I'll let you know when he comes. Bye!"
You then hung up the phone. "He's coming!" You happily said. "So while we wait on Cas, we have two days to help these Serpents to become a hunter."
Tag List:
@sgarrett49 @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e
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