#maybe i'm wrong and (at least early) Logan is just extremly prone towards jelaousy
macstarli · 2 years
Apparently this is my weekend of tumblr, because I have spent a lot of time thinking about the infamous bar fight A LOT and now I need to put all of it somewhere. Because usually I get so annoyed by the aftermath that I don’t think I’ve actually thought about the actual fight in a really long time.
I think I might actually have to re-watch the first half of Season 6. Because the more I think about it, the more I feel confused and to be fair I don’t rewatch GG all that often, especially that part of GG, so maybe I’m just missing something, but Rory and Logan are both acting really weird when he surprises her with Jess, right? And I guess Rory acting weird kind of makes sense. I can see how she’d feel insecure infront of Jess (who proofs soundly that he has very little problem judging her extremly harshly and with very little context, which isn’t exactly a huge surprise from him) in general and I can even see that she’d feel insecure about how much he wouldn’t “approve” of Logan (which, fuck Jess, but she wasn’t in a great place with how she was thinking about her own life and even at her best she’s not great with other people’s disaproval) so that would make that an akward thing for her.
But I remember Logan and Rory as being in a really good place in early season 6. A lot of other things were messed up in her life, but they were happy. I mean, she said “I love you”, because that’s how she feels about him, and while he couldn’t say it back yet, he’s clearly happy about it and doesn’t seem freaked out by the pressure or anything. And they talk about it and are both good with how their relationship currently is.They feel really solid. And yet he shows up, sees her with a guy (he probably doesn’t even know it’s an ex) and just immediatly seems to go towards jealousy. I think. I haven’t actually just watched those scenes with sound on for ages. He’s definitely not thrilled about it and immediately goes on the offensive hard from what I remember. Which doesn’t feel very like Logan to me. Especially because him and Rory are in a really good place and he knows it. That feels more like a defensiveness that would show up in a relationship that is struggeling. Because I guess that behaviour kind of tracks with his behaviour in Season 5 with Robert, but that’s exactly my point. They’re not exclusive in Season 5. She actually is on a date with another guy and so he reacts with jealousy and trying to get her to go home with him instead. He’s still struggeling with his emotions and what they are and what they mean and thus he’s behaving weirdly. That behaviour makes a lot less sense for me in Season 6, where they are in a commited relationship and happy and all he’s seeing is her standing around with some random guy. And I don’t mean that in a “man, Logan is just an asshole”-way, but in a “hey, that writing doesn’t make any sense to me”-way.
Now Rory acts kind of weird from the moment he shows up and I can kind of see how that feeds into whatever he’s already feeling, but I’m so confused by why he’s already feeling... whatever it is he’s feeling.
I have a headcanon (that I stole from someone else and I wish I could remember who it was), but was there an actual in-show reason why Rory and Logan go from being in a good place to... whatever the fuck that evening was? If I remember correctly the episode begins with Rory not being thrilled about the boys in that bar, but is that the first time we get some sense that their relationship is heading in a more unsettled direction or am I just not remembering something else?
Anybody free to talk about this with me? Because I am currently unable to think about anything but that stupid fight and whether or not it makes sense for their relationship.
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