#maybe i'll post a pic of the pile of nice notes from students idk it just makes me so happy
watchyourdigits ยท 1 year
disclaimer about my fics: all of them have some point in time where two characters (USUALLY the main two) write each other either letters or notes (or both). It's a running theme with both of my current fics. I can't help myself!!! There's something so sentimental to me about handwriting. And the idea of being able to save a piece of a person you care about that is uniquely them??? To have and to hold throughout time?? To communicate?? To LOVE??
ohhhhh myyy godddddd gtfoh with that (at me) I'm gonna start crying I just love the idea of writing letters (especially as someone who struggles to communicate with words and does so better with writing ahghfhfhfhfhfj)
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