#maybe i'll finish everything and redo anything i regret
oceanwithouthermoon · 10 months
trying to draw ponies is kicking my ass why did i think it was a good idea to make a saiki k pony au
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iustories · 4 years
The Visitor
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IU x Kim Soohyun
Jieun’s POV
Of all the places, I met you here. It's out of the ordinary I'd say, but I knew one day we'll see each other here. Little by little, everything faded before my eyes and I only saw you. You met my gaze with the same warmth and I clearly remembered the last time you looked at me similarly. When was that again? How long has it been since? I could tell you I lost count, but that would be a lie and I'm certain you'd immediately catch it before I even finish my sentence because you know everything about me, except for the part that I loved you I guess.
Loved? Should I be speaking in past tense? Do I still have the same fire burning in my chest? Sometimes I'm confused.
I approached you with caution as I always do, afraid to look eager, but I may give myself away when I smile a tad wider than usual. It can't be helped since you bring it out of me effortlessly and I'm a fool for giving in every damn time. But what is to be terrified about? This strange place will forget me, you, us, and whatever will happen, right? So I'll take my chances.
You rose to your feet with such grace and met me in the middle then pulled me into a tight hug. Ah, it feels like home. It feels like you. Seconds passed and I am still in your arms. I didn't detect any intention of you wanting to let go and it was my cue to allow myself to enjoy this freely. Was I always guilty when you're too close before? Now please don't break free. I promise I won't push you away this time. I'll make you stay.
There were no words spoken, just hearts beating in the same rhythm, speaking things that could not be explained if said.
"I missed you," you whispered, your soft breath tickling my ear.
If it weren't for this place, I would be hesitant to say it back, but since we're here let me just be honest. I'm sorry I had to mask my affection with dry humor. It was the only way I could tell you without actually telling you. "I missed you too. How have you been?"
Of course I'm aware that you're doing fine. You've been busy exploring new activities and having fun with your family. I check up on you from time to time. Despite what happened between us, I still genuinely care for you. "I'm good. And you?"
I was still engulfed in your embrace and if we talk for hours in this position, I wouldn't complain. "I'm okay too. I've been doing things here and there. Nothing really special, but yeah I'm okay."
I still can't conjure coherent sentences without feeling anxious. I mean, being around you still makes me nervous even in this place where nobody knows us.
You finally separated yourself from me, your hands traveling from my back towards my arms. You gripped them firmly then smiled at me, evidently delighted by my sudden appearance, like you've been waiting for me to come.
"Let's sit?" You casually asked and I nodded in response. You dragged me to the couch and motioned your hand, telling me to sit.
"What do you want to watch?" You asked, your eyes directing me to the screen. I turned to your laptop and scanned the selection. Seeing the titles brought a small smile on my lips because it just proves that it's you. Those movies and shows are your favorite. Now I'm sure this is all real.
I pointed at medical drama that you were raving about years ago. When you told me about it for the first time, I gave you a funny look because I didn't perceive you as a sentimental person.
"Good choice," you approved, your lips curving into a satisfied smile as you clicked on the show.
Do we have all the time in the world to watch shows? Can we settle some things first? I don't know how much time we have, so for the sake of my sanity, can we talk? But like in the past, my requests refused to leave my lips because your pleasure is much important than mine. I couldn't help it you know—putting you first. It's ridiculous, yes. But this is how I loved you.
Loved. There it is again. That word. It weighs heavily on me, waking the feelings I've come to abandon over the years as my hope dwindled. Can that word not ring in my head when I look at you? It's really bothersome and I can't focus on the present.
There was a considerable amount of space between us which actually disappointed me since we were always skin to skin. Have we fallen apart completely? Have we created boundaries? A while ago I thought we were back on track.
You must have heard my thoughts because you gradually moved closer until your arm was lightly touching mine and at the initial contact, I almost flinched and had to hold the gasp that was about to escape my lips. It amazes me how you still affect me with such intensity after all these years. I felt you arm hover over my neck and it found its way around my shoulder, causing me to freeze. You quietly tugged me towards you, urging me to relax and be comfortable, so I did. The loud beating of my heart deliberately subsided when you began patting my arm repeatedly. I eased my mind and I ran back to the things I used to do when I'm with you—placing my head on your chest and my arm around your belly.
And here I am again wishing this moment would never end, but I already tried it a couple of times in the past yet we were still separated by fate in the end.
"Jieun-ah," You called my name tenderly.
"Do you want to tell me anything?" You asked with a mellow tone, coaxing me.
"Like what?"
"Just anything. Maybe things I don't know?" There uncertainty in your voice, but I heard conviction as well.
Now I wonder if you've known all along. It's not impossible though since people talk and rumors spread quite fast.
Should I be honest or should I lie? Isn't this what I've been imagining—you asking me if I had something to say?
"I won't be mad. Whatever it is just tell me," you reassured me.
I let silence prevail, thinking hard if I should just say the truth. This is the redo that I prayed for, so letting this pass would be another dumb mistake.
"Do you know that I love you?"
Should I have said 'loved'? Which one is appropriate? And why am I answering you with a question? God damn it.
It was your turn to fall silent and tension immediately rose as you let seconds pass. "I know. I've always known."
My heart leaped as a mix of anxiety, fear, and excitement played inside my system. "Really?"
"I could see from the way you looked at me," You explained simply then paused.
"And I looked at you the same, but you never saw it, right?"
I processed your words carefully, afraid I might have gotten the wrong idea, but you interrupted my train of thoughts when you added, "We wouldn't be talking about this if you noticed. I loved you too."
"But things went downhill, didn't it?" I asked, trying to comfort myself from the missed opportunity by blaming it on fate and circumstances.
"It did," you affirmed. "But we could have tried."
"Would you have chosen me?"
You sighed then tightened your hold on me. "Yeah. I would have. Without a doubt."
"So we both ended up being alone after all that," I said chuckling, attempting to dismiss the ache growing inside my chest as regrets threaten to break loose at the gates of my mind.
"I talked a lot about you—no, all I talked about was you." I felt you shake your head, your chin brushing against the top of my head a few times. "I couldn't tell you too so I told other people."
"What were we so afraid of?" I asked, hoping that you had an answer. If we loved each other then, what was stopping us?
"Hurting others? We thought of them first before us."
Right. I almost forgot. Other people. We weren't selfish enough to take it to another level because of others or rather this person we both held close to our hearts. Our friend.
"Did we do the right thing?" I'm desperately seeking reprieve because I am being chased by the consequences of that decision.
"Yeah, I think we did," you answered as you peeked at my face and I wasn't quick enough to hide the sadness that was etched on it. "I'm sorry, Jieun-ah. I know I gave you a hard time. I know you've been waiting."
I bit my lip to control its trembling. The show continues to play on the screen, but it only served as the noise that filled the void when we fail to answer quickly.
"But doing the right thing doesn't always make us happy," you continued. "So are you happy now?"
I parted my lips yet nothing came out. Am I really happy without you? Am I truly resigned to the future I have in mind?
"Am I?" I stroked my chin as if I was really thinking of it, but in all honesty, I couldn't get myself to do it because I'm scared to know the answer.
You chuckled then ran your fingers down the length of my hair and I instinctively shut my eyes as the calming sensation of your touch registered. "I may be doing great, but I couldn't say I'm entirely happy."
Your answer surprised me. Even though you've confessed your feelings just a while ago, I couldn't wrap my head around it yet. How can I? I imagined hearing those words from you for quite a long time until I gave up, therefore everything may be happening inside my head.
"Me too." I was suddenly feeling hopeful since we are in another place. We were just two people who met unexpectedly so maybe this time I can fulfill my wishes. "So can we start again? If we aren't happy after what we've done, can we do what we want this time?"
You sighed again. What is it with the heavy sighs and the tone you've been using? Isn't this supposed to be a do-over, the clean slate that we both wanted? There isn't anyone who could hold us back anymore.
"I'm afraid we can't," you replied in a regretful tone.
You are so good at putting the pieces of my heart back together and breaking it right after. Hasn't this happened countless times already? Aren't you tired of hurting me?
"Why? What is our excuse this time?" I asked, my jaw clenching.
"We just can't."
"At least give me something I can understand. This is too much."
You kissed the top of my head. "This is not real, Jieun-ah"
"It is! What are you saying?"
"You know from the start this isn't real," you pressed further.
I gulped hard, my breathing becoming shallow and rapid. "Do we have to do this again?"
How many times do I have to lose you? How many times do you have to come back and remind me that you are not mine? You've been consistent at that and that's why I couldn't let you go that easily.
"Yes. We must go our separate ways again. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. But I'm glad I saw you here."
Just as tears trickled down my face, my eyes fluttered open. My heart was pounding erratically against my chest as your voice echoed repeatedly in my brain. I'm glad I met you here. I felt the wetness of my pillow and realized that I shed some tears while I was asleep.
You, my frequent visitor, the person of my dreams, came to make your presence felt again. Indeed, you know when to remind me of you when I start to forget.
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