#maybe i'll do a post for just chatfics
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businesstiramisu · 4 months ago
Just finished Several People Are Typing and I see why @peripapaya rec'd it to me so highly, this is EXACTLY my jam
I'm a little flabbergasted that it's tradpub and not.... on ao3 or someone's blog??? Not in a snob way at all, to be clear, I think it's great if Doubleday wants to publish really excellent chatfic. But for me this story feels like The Northern Caves or Caught Up in Our Stories or Q.A.B. and it's messing with my mind to get the same kind of experience from an ebook I got on Overdrive.
(Note: this does mean if you like SPAT, there's a wealth of similar content to find on AO3! I highly recommend the first two links above -- TNC is an original work, and CUiOS can be read canon-blind.)
Well, okay, two caveats on that claim: First, genre-wise Several People Typing is more like Bellweather (dysfunctional workplace comedy) or Welcome to Night Vale (similar type of wacky-existential-horror, also gay). Although I'll note that the three AO3 works i linked above are all very different genres from each other as well -- the common thread is the epistolary-for-the-internet age format. Which is a thing I happen to enjoy a lot, so if you want more recs just ask. I could keep going...
Second, SPAT is a purely a chatfic, whereas the three stories I linked above are *impressively* multi-media. And they do some really brilliant things with that formatting!! SPAT, on the other hand, does some brilliant things with the *constraints* of it's text-only, trad-pub formatting. Tripp & Beverly's subplot, in particular, relies on the fact that all the emojis are written out text codes (:thumbsup: instead of 👍 and of course the infamous :dusty-stick: ).
I will say in the realm of pure chatfic, I haven't seen much on AO3 that rises to the heights of SPAT in my esteem. Maybe The Origin of the PresAux Sexy Group Chat (though it's very short); Adventures In Attempting To Purchase A Book From That Weird Old Soho Bookshop, A. Z. Fell & Co. (why do these all have such long titles) if you want to count forum posts as a kind of chatfic; and of course the deservedly-much-lauded RE: Thesis defense issue (definitely check out the article it's based on as well) if you want to count emails. I love all three of these a lot. But SPAT has a little more meat to it. Gerald and Pradeep's developing relationship, the whole thing with sunsets, Gerald's (and Slackbot's) philosophical meditations on corporeality... I'm not saying it's the deepest thing I've ever read but there's some interesting stuff there!
I mean, okay, I'm not a super philosophical reader, I was mostly here for the fun characters and wacky workplace drama and even wackier metafictional elements. 99% of chatfic on ao3 is just recycled memes and, frankly, i like a lot of those too. But sometimes you do find chatfic with a little more actual plot and characterization... still, Several People Are Typing is really is a cut above the rest. Which only makes sense b/c it's made it through (presumably) something like a traditional publishing gauntlet.
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kpop-anime-manga · 30 days ago
hey! I'm new, I'll start by saying that I'm not a native English speaker
Call me Yuri🌸
I still don't know how to use Tumblr well but I'll do my best!🩷
I’ll post some of my arts too!!
If you have some shows, movies, anime or manga to recommend me I’d be really happy to watch these, and maybe add them in my list.
In each post I will recommend a song and will put a quote at the end🌸
Only Fem Y/N (I’m not writing for Male Y/N ‘cause I’m not a boy so I don’t wanna disrespect the Gay community by writing smt wrong)
Pls pls send me some requests with chubby reader🙏🏻🙏🏻
-Fem x male
-Fem x Fem
If you don’t find a character in my lists you can always ask, tho I don’t write for everyone🙏🏻
I’d love to interact with my followers so I’ll do a q&a format too🫶🏻
What I write for:
High school sweetheart (no smut obv)
Time skip characters
Some tropes (you can request)
Mini series (maybe)
Mini fics
What I don’t write for:
Smut with m1nors
Tokyo revengers:
BAJI (love him so Much😭)
and also others if I may have forgotten you can ask (I don't write for everyone)
And you can ask other characters if you want (if there’s a character I don’t feel comfortable to write for I’ll decline, I’m sorry 🙏🏻)
And others
SHIN (no smut!⚠️)
For nana I’ll do only these characters.
I still haven’t finished Jjk, I just finished the first season, so I’m not an expert with this show.
These are the characters for now
I still haven’t finished this anime too, so I’ll add the rest of the characters with the time
TENGEN (+with his wives if ya request)
I’ll do like almost everyone🫶🏻
SILCO and VANDER (most of the times platonic things)
This is all for now🫶🏻
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mamawasatesttube · 4 months ago
the reason why you wrote jason into string on til morning is so real. i admit i did actually reimagine the pancake scene to be cass instead when i read it and hearing you say this is so vindicating.
that aside, can i just say how much i Loved straight on til morning? i don't think i actually left a comment but i want you to know that this is the first ever fic where i've actually enjoyed the use of chat. as in i usually hate it so much that seeing chat sometimes makes me stop reading but you did it so well, and i loved the conversations between yj (and the fact that they also had a group with anita greta and cissie!!! they don't have to still be heroes to be friends!!! though i'll forever stand by anita should have been able to keep being a hero this obviously wasn't about her, and mainly i just wanted to say that it's so lovely that you kept the connection between all of them). i loved how you wrote each of them texting and also how it feels like kon has this little bubble of warmth coming from his phone even alone in his sad apartment.
anyway that was way too long but the whole fic was so good. clark and kon!!! and kon's reasons for going for journalism... his sense of obligation to the kents and to tana. it's so sad and so good and i love how hopeful everything is and that you gave him so much breathing room to work things out. this is very rambly but i only realized when i saw your post that you were in tumblr and that i hadn't commented and i just wanted to say how amazing your fic was
oh fuck you're so right actually maybe i'll go just ctrl-F all mentions of jason in that chapter to cass real fast alskdjaflsdjalsd
and thank you so much!!! honestly i think chats/texts are a form of epistolary and i looove a well-done epistolary work - one of these days i want to tackle a longer full epistolary piece with like, in-universe news articles and stuff. they're a narrative tool like any other, and while i def concur that chatfics are often ooc and cracky i don't think the chat/text medium is inherently worse! it just depends how it's used. i personally love to think about how different characters would text (cassie, a bay area girlies, uses a lot of LOL and OMG and txt-lingo and abbreviations. bart's responses over text are Always the same timestamp as the message before, never even one minute later. things like that) and how you can sorta come up with different tones just via texting! it's enrichment to me. so thank you!! glad to hear it works :D
AND YEAH i really sat there for a while going hmm. i don't actually know what kon would go into careerwise! and then it hit me that if i don't know, kon definitely doesn't have to know either. he's such a fun character to explore the sense of duty with because the most surface-level reading of him looks like he's just a hedonist and a silly little guy, but then you get to things like how deeply he blames himself for the death of that one superboy impersonator or the camera crew that cyborg superman killed in front of him, etc., and it's just so... ough!!!! and his issues with tana's death in particular just. yeah that would i think tip him over the edge into thinking he Has to follow in superman's footsteps and be a journalist. he has to be Like Superman. he owes it to tana. (he does not have to do any of this but he needs a minute 😭.)
thank you again!!! <3 this was such a sweet message im very happy to hear it all!!!
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tomatosoupandpasta · 9 months ago
INTRO POST (new ver)
(So I decided to update it to fit with me now so yipee)
Hiii! I go by Mon or Tomato (any pronouns! I am genderfluid :3)
@g1rasol PLATONIC WIFE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
AO3 - I also go by TomatoSoupAndPasta on ao3! I'll yap about planning stuff I have on here an MAYBE SPOILORS OOOHHHHH (ghost sounds) the tag for behind the scenes stuff SHOULD be "behind the scenes tomato"
Wattpad - Just me cross-posting stuff. I prefer ao3
I have a BUNCH of fandoms : which I've decided to NOT list and instead just scroll through my reblogs if you kinda want to know (there will be A LOT of pjsk stuff but I promise there's also some other stuff... I hope anyway)
Writing ships I don't usually ship (ao3, wattpad)- different ships pjsk This is a series of one-shots where I kinda put random pairings together and write about them
Pjsk unit swaps!!!! - pjsk unit swaps Basically what it sounds like
Tomato's little world - this is just an au where all my hcs are real. No tag bc it'd just be me yapping
Torturing the Shinonomes, because what else am I gonna do? - torturing shinonomes This is a collection of Shinonome angst
MIKUdemy rumors aren't real! Right? (Spoiler alert, they are) - mikudemy ghost au AU where it’s like a pjsk tbhk crossover
Tsukasa and Airi Matchmakers! - taam Airikasa /p are matchmaking minoharu
MORE MORE... Wonderland????? - pjsk unit swaps WXS as MMJ apart of the unit swap au [Spotify]
Empty Idols - pjsk unit swaps MMJ as N25 part of the unit swap au [Spotify]
Oh God Oh God I finally made a fanfic (pjsekai chatfic) - no tag bc it'd just be me yapping. My first fic and a chatfic
Tomato's HEADCANONS!!!!!!!!! (Pjsekai hcs) - literally just the title. no tag bc it's just me yapping
Wingman Saki and Her Journey to Get Kamishiro Rui Laid! - ruikasa + wingman saki ruikasa with wingman saki trying to help out pathetic rui
Mizuki and Rui Get Married For Tax Benefits (ao3, wattpad) - mizurui getting married /p crackfic that is literally just the title
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hockeyspiral23 · 7 months ago
20 question for writers tag game
tagged by @widebrimmedhatsblog
1. Total number of ao3 works?
2. Total ao3 word count
51,022 of published (more in drafts since viayn is technically finished)
3. Fandoms I've written in
Just the Empyrean that have seen the light of day. I have abandoned drafts on my hard drive for Pride and Prejudice.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
victory is all you need, The Backup Plan, I’ll Always Keep You in Mind, RSC Lesson - Coping Mechanism, Window of Opportunity
(though at this rate, TBP is going to pass viayn …)
5. Do I respond to comments?
6. What has the angstiest ending?
… I don’t write angst 😂
7. What has the happiest ending?
The Backup Plan.
8. Have I recieved hate?
Not as far as I can tell …
9. Do I write smut? And what kind?
Yes but I’m horribly uncomfortable 😂 I blame me being demi (ace spectrum) and being horribly awkward regarding sex growing up. As a result, I probably rely too heavily on the source material. I will admit, it gets a bit easier the more I do it … (and just M/F though the research I had to be careful to do for a M/M/M scene …)
10. Do I write crossovers?
Haven’t yet and probably won’t.
11. Have I ever had a fic stolen?
… doubtful.
12. Have I ever had a fic translated?
… see above.
13. Have I ever co-written a fic?
No. Song parodies back in the day? Yes.
14. What is my all-time fave ship?
For writing? Riorgail. Though I am proud of the two I’ve apparently contributed to the fandom.
15. A WIP I'll never finish
Undoubtedly either of my abandoned P&P ones. Or the Xaden Riorson, P.I. snippet …
16. Writing strengths?
Editing. 😂 and perhaps the use of chatfic. I’m comfortable with dialogue, though, so maybe that too?
17. Writing weaknesses?
Description. I used to use so much description when I wrote and then went to college and learned how to write for broadcast media (hi take a news story that would be two and a half minutes read aloud and condense it to 30-45 seconds). Now I have to force myself to flesh things out - which is why TBP got 500 words added to it in edits.
18. Do I like foreign language dialogue?
19. First fandom I wrote for?
Technically P&P but posted was the Empyrean.
20. Favourite fic I've written?
victory is all you need because it’s the first full-length fic I’ve started and actually finished. It is my baby and I wish it got so much more love and appreciation. Hopefully it will as more of the plot gets revealed …
tagging: … most everyone I know has already been tagged and responded 😬 but I’ll annoy @caeli0306 as well because sure
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pbpsbff · 1 year ago
20 Questions (for fanfic writers)
got tagged by @fieldsofview :)) (and probably someone else. i have a draft of this from november. oops.)
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 47 as of yesterday:)
2. what's your total ao3 word count? 190,927
3. what fandoms do you write for? i've bounced around a lot of fandoms since i was like, 10, but since august 2022 i've been strictly writing for mcu spider-man (technically more leaning toward irondad, but. u know). with this in mind however, i have a couple 9-1-1 wips and am about one bad day away from writing big time rush fanfiction
4. top five fics by kudos: Peter Parker's Guide to: Texting, Twitter, and Tony Stark (2,110 kudos)
Everything's Coming Up Potatoes (439 kudos)
Is That a Potato in Your Pants, or Are You Just Happy to See Me? (422 kudos)
If You Give a Guy a Potato, He's Going to Ask You on a Date (401 kudos)
be mean to me (if you need to be mean) (331 kudos)
5. do you respond to comments?
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i try my best. i genuinely have no idea how it's gotten this bad (if i ignore your comment please don't take it personally—i forgor)
6. what is your fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? oh god i don't have anything w/ a sad ending posted LOL i'm too much of a sucker for a happy ending. (i do have mcd in my drafts tho!!!)
maybe 15. There It Is Again, That Funny Feeling? It's more of a hopeful ending, but considering the context of the story entirely, it's pretty sad.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? every single fic in the series All's Fair in Love and Potatoes. this series is my happy place amongst all the death and despair on my account
8. do you get hate on fics? besides the hate i receive from sapoteylx? no
9. do you write smut i do! it'll never see the light of day but i do!
10. craziest crossover: i hate crossovers sorry guys. on my old ao3 tho i wrote a heathers au hamilton fic and that's probably the closest i'll ever get to one (unless we're counting r&r? since it's technically twd universe?) also this one time (i was 11. keep this in mind) i read a fic that was tagged jacob sartorius/bob duncan and i think about it daily
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? i hope not???
12. have you ever had a fic translated? NO but that would be so cool. i have some regular commenters that tend to comment in spanish and i'm always wondering if it would be easier for them if i had it translated but i only speak engish. idk fic translators are gods gift to writers i fear
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? i cowrote a hamilton chatfic in 2018. next question
14. all time favorite ship? every peter parker ship ever (excluding all the minor/adult ones). big sambucky and pepperony fan too tho
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i have this wip that's like, peter agrees to go undercover for a mission because they need info from some big bad guy and peter is obviously the least recognizable of the bunch, but he gets kidnapped and all that good stuff. idk if i'll ever get around to finish it, because it's like 9 planned chapters and that is SO ambitious for me.
also my cellist!peter au? i've been trying to write it but the words haven't come to me idk
16. what are your writing strengths? ooooo i think i'm good at realistic dialogue and character dynamics—i have spent hours of my life on fandomwiki looking at different character's quotes and watching videos of their interaction with other characters because that's something so important to me.
i think i'm good at balancing angst and humor too?? idk the walking dead really shaped my writing style because u can have a silly scene and then 2 seconds later someone is dead on the floor. hope to carry that vibe through everything i do.
17. what are your writing weaknesses? i am so bad at describing settings and character actions. i can always see the scene in my mind but on paper it turns into they are at a house. peter sits down in the chair, and is sad. and it gets to a point where i just give up on trying to fix it
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language? ough if i ever write dialogue in another language i'll be consulting someone who speaks said language (which is what i actually have done!!!! i have a fic coming out soon w a spanish title and i asked aster-argent for help:)). or doing the thing people do where they just put the text in italics and write ," he said in spanish or some shit.
idk for the most part i stay away from it (ignoring the throwaway, casada harley joke i make in my parkner series) because at the end of the day i am a white girl who learned how to count to 10 in spanish because of dora and took 3 years of german.
19. first fandom you wrote in? ok so. i was 11 and on quotev, writing a chatfic about the bands twenty one pilots, panic at the disco, my chemical romance, and fall out boy. the fic is still up and it makes me nauseous to think about
i think technically i had an ldshadowlady fic out on wattpad before that but it was a blatant ripoff of another fic so. i don't count it
20. favorite fic you've written? i think this answer changes every day, and will change when i get my next group of fics out, but as of right now—
i'll put down my roots when i'm dead i'm just so proud of it idk. first time i've ever really met a deadline and probably the most passionate i'd been about getting a fic out since r&r began? i just love the whole thing.
Is Close the Closest Star? this one is definitely a tie with the several other angst oneshots i put out around the same time, but idk something about this fic is so special to me. it's like 6 months old and i know my writing's improved since then, but i'll always go back and reread
okok last one sorry ur making me pick my favorite child. Unrotting Your Insides, Unrooting Your Limbs i am such a sucker for recovery fics sorry. i've written several fics about bulimia but this is my fav because it's just. so soft.
oh god i don't have enough writer friends uhhh @norahdevore. if u have not done this already. i am holding a gun to your head and making you do this (and anyone else reading this. please guys)
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toomanyfandomsorkinafs · 2 years ago
😅 Probably the called upon series but I might remake it cause I was newww to the fandom
🥺 their fighting big fight with either each other or some else and then they just hug and one breaks down crying and tells them the truth🥹
🤡 Scott Smajor Style, (person) flavour.
😈 It’s not out yet but…I might be killing someone that literally doesn’t need to die-
🛒 I like talking about hybrids cause they add do much for movement, description etc!
🎢 Spore Family or WTFWBTR
✨ great job on your emotions! Their very cobblesome
💋 Depends on how the rest of the fic is but most of the time I love em!
🎶 Depending on what I’m writing I’ll play my love songs playlist for love fics/sad fics, whoever my current favourite artist is(Erykah BADUUUUU) for literally any or my main playlist for silly ones cause it just hits different(or of that fic has a playlist based on it that’s what I’ll play)
🛠 Apple notes app…
⛔ A lot actually! Sometimes my ideas don’t work with my thought process
🙋‍♀️ four actually!
🍦 AUs I probably won’t finish! They’re sometimes so sweet.
🍷 I think soda- (I’m a minor)
🍆 Nope! I leave that kinda of stuff for 🌸🐚🌹
🌞 night time so no one I live with comes in and messes up my idea flow
💖 I don’t know… I can’t remember..I started back in late 2020/early 2021
💌 I love it so much! I love hearing other peoples opinions!
❌ Exes that know that don’t work together get back together cause they can’t live without each other or one is in love the other only just likes them🤮
💲 actually they are open!
🧐 if it needs something I don’t know about 30mins-2hours
🏆 I called upon a group chat and I was finally answered.(Cause obviously it’s a chatfic)
🎃 I haven’t yet! Maybe Christmas or Easter for like more family kinda ones
🎯 not yet~ I’m just that good at hiding it
🎨 Id love to have some! Only got one from my irl
📈 12 at this current moment
🦅 some I do, some I don’t🤷🏽‍♀️
👀 Snowbugs baking + poetry
🤗 Don’t worry if someone says your writing is cringy or stupid. If it makes you happy then work on it. One day you’ll be far better then you could’ve ever imagined
💞 Scott Smajor and LaurenZside(but I don’t post those cause those are mainly just for me to be happy)
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcannon(send plz, Also Aether from Genshin Impact)
🤩 Lizzie, Grian and Scott(I mainly watch just them so I know how to write them best.)
🤲 I hope one day you are to see your greatness too. I know that one day is not near, but I make promise that I will make you have the love I have always have for you. 
😬 ALL(homophobic family members + this is my way to escape from them all😭)
🎉 what ships its uses, and the way it’s write + what type of fic it is
✅ one character just losing someone close to them(I don’t mean it! It’s just my abandonment issues sneaking into my writing)
📚 Yes! I enjoy it and can write so much when motivated but I think I won’t last cause sometimes I just can’t write at all
⌛ Depends on how much motivation I have that day
🤯 action💔 I suck at writing fighting scenes and such. I can’t describe what I think into words probably
💥 I love to know how I can fix myself! I know that I’m not perfect so please do tell me when I’m wrong
🤭 Flower husbands…
🥰 I love it! I makes me feel so happy when someone says something even if I was just a spelling error cause I can’t realise them sometimes😭 plus it’s always fun to hear what they think might happen and take that(with permission) and add it to what I’m doing
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
🍷 Do you drink and write?
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
💖 What made you start writing?
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
🏆 What's your most popular fic?
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
📈 How many fics do you have?
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
💞 Who's your comfort character?
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
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drac-onion · 25 days ago
Nothing to Write Home About - Chapter 5
Returning to his hometown after being exonerated from his false conviction, Akira tried to put the past year behind him. With a train ticket and packed bags, it was official: his wings were clipped. His life had peaked. All there was to do now was ride down the other side, away from all the connections he'd made. At least it would be an opportunity for some degree of normalcy. In this sleepy little town, there were no surprises... Or much of anything for that matter. Or so he thought. Turns out life had a funny way of working out sometimes.
Chapter 5, let's gooooo.(Link)
I was gonna edit this last night and actually try to post it ON Friday but I got caught up in playing video games and uuuuh didn't. Oh well. Saturdays are fine. But if I tell myself it has to come out on Friday, it'll come out Saturday. If I formally say "New Chapters on Saturdays" then it won't come out til Sunday. It's an arms race against my self.
Tumblr seems to be having some issues doing the thing where it embeds the link right now. I'll just chuck some extra hyperlinks in here for good measure.
Anyway, yeah. Flying dangerously close to the chatfic sun, but it's current year (8 years ago) and texting is badass. Sometimes it's easier to talk about stuff if you can just type out a message and send it before you have a chance to regret it or backpedal. Or maybe that's just because I don't think before I speak at times.
Or maybe it's because I think *too much* before I speak.
I'm gonna stop rambling now.
Chapter 5 yay. (Here's another link. It's free hyperlinking real estate.)
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 4 months ago
I have all the rest of the days of HSMTMTS week to catch up on so quickly:
Day 2 Favorite Dynamic
I have to say Seblos or just the family dynamic.
About Seblos. I believe Seb and Carlos were the first canonically queer characters/couple I saw in anything since I knew what being queer was. Not only was it a show I very much related to from a theatre standpoint, but it was my first known queer representation, before I even knew I was queer. They also just have a beautiful wholesome relationship (excepting season 4), teens who love each other. To me, they last forever. I think the way their fates tie together is very significant and they're great for each other. I'll also be in denial about season 4 until I die, but whatever lol. It doesn't change the fact that they will always be my first canonical queer ship, from one of the most important shows to me. No matter what happened in those four seasons, they will always be extremely important to me. And I'm happy with that :). Their dynamics is sweet and funny and loving and I'm so glad they got their happy ending <3. I love them so much :').
And the found family as a whole. Theatre was a family for me - is, still. When I felt like I had no one else, I had my theatre family, no matter what we went through. The family in HSMTMTS has a lot more drama than mine, but that's the thing: no matter what, you come back to each other. 1x06 is still what gets me, after all this time. They didn't hang out outside of school, not all of them. They weren't totally bonded yet. But there was something. They were there, maybe for the last time together, but they were together. And throughout everything that happened over the seasons, that stayed true. Even when some of them were trying to hate each other, they were still there. They all support each other, they all love each other, and they put on great (if role-switching confusing lol) shows together. Their family, especially seeing it be created in season 1, will always be so important to me. I love them all so much <3.
And lastly, here's another bit of a WIP lol! It's a post canon HSMTMTS chatfic and I really love it, I just want to write more before posting any of it.
the suns
kourtney: weird/adorable/baffling thing your moon did today, I’ll go first
kourtney: walked into the room to find Jet lying on the floor and staring at the ceiling
kourtney: I asked him what he was doing and he just shrugged before getting up and starting a normal conversation
ricky: yeah that’s how he slept at camp
kourtney: w h a t
ricky: gina said she’ll love me no matter how famous she is
ricky: we hadn’t spoken in 20 minutes and I was watching tiktok
Ashlyn SUN Caswell: I mean we know she’s gonna be famous but
seb: carlos told me he’s not sure he can forgive me for having dated someone who currently goes to north high
Ashlyn SUN Caswell: that’s where he draws the line??
kourtney: how does he feel about ricky then?
ricky: wait
seb: no clue 😶
skater bro: do you forgive me for dating Lily
dancer bro: what??
dancer bro: and no
the suns
ricky: he doesn't forgive me
Ashlyn SUN Caswell: rip
kourtney: f's in the chat
seb: f
Ashlyn SUN Caswell: f
ricky: f
So there you have it xD! I didn't include what is to me the funniest part of the fic because it requires context lol, but I absolutely love this fic and reread it often :D
Happy HSMTMTS Appreciation Week!
See you tomorrow :)!
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i-reblog-whumppp · 8 months ago
(this post will not always be up to date. sorry about that!)
about you?
hi, my name's lee!!
i'm 16 years old and idk. i just like whump??
tbh im not nearly as traumatised (or brutal) as some whumpers writers in this community (or so i've heard, since apparently whump is a coping mechanism for some writers?), but i do write whump (in my head, so far... 🥲)... er, mainly prompts.
i live in australia, i'm... something, and ig i'm a cat person over a dog person, bc a cat wouldn't make me leave the house everyday for a walk!! i'm also pretty hyperfixated on sonic... just ask anyone who follows my main- 😞🙏
favorite tropes?
hmmm... this is a hard one (mainly because im updating this after a long time of not reading whump, i just want all my intro posts sorted)
i do like pet whump, but more than that, i like slave/servant whump. it's nice to read from the perspective of a whumpee who, despite losing their spirit, hasn't lost themself.
but mainly, i like recovery whump (so all the fluffy + hurt/comfort caretaker stuff).
will you ever actually write in the future?
hmmm... maybe, maybe not. i may make prompts (whenever i get back into whump), but it's unlikely i'll write actual, full-on stories. if i do, it'll be more recovery than actual whump, lol.
(you shouldn't count on it because after my ao3 phase in 2022 but it's all just sonic chatfics, lol], i just haven't had the motivation since, really, lol.)
do you have any other socials?
on tumblr:
@stormyy-bluezz01 (main blog)
@sodapopsover (sonic blog)
@wowhenryiscooked (henry stickmin blog)
@theuncoolertrinity (hello neighbor blog)
other sites:
ao3: Leeshyy
discord: sonk.rom_ (pc acc), xxwannabe.artistxx (phone acc)
twitter/x: Leeshyyiozz
reddit: u/-Simply_Leeshy-
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2500kn · 9 months ago
a little announcement before i go back into hibernation (aka locking in for finals week)
its our final semester of being a 3rd year and we're going to be working on thesis very soon, but in the short break I do hope to release some short fics and maybe a very short chaptered fic (who knows if i'll have the motivation) after our finals! (which is actually not a lot but well we're in game development and doing a lot of things to make game look good™)
DO NOT expect that'll I'll be posting ALL of it during the break but here are some that I had in mind:
Knight au featuring mage prince kanade, personal knight mafuyu, royal painter ena and knight mizuki (and some other background prsk characters)
laufey mzen (dont you notice howww i get quiet when theres no one else arouuund)
angst mzen? (i have one already its just that i barely wrote in it and its about a song about a camera)
some sort of longer fic of a nice fic i saw about florist kanade & mizuki + tattoo artists mafuyu and ena
a bit of a side note:
i do notice that chaptered fics garner a lot more attention than those that are one shots (surprisingly, prsk ao3 is kinda weird), and even then i dont have much of a following here or on twitter to make a significant impact on.. quite literally anything. though i do appreciate it when someone comments (SHOUT OUT TO OOMF youre the best you keep me going :')) ). yes i know i shouldnt focus on the hit count or likes or etc but damn, sometimes when you put into effort into something you thought was good, it doesnt get a lot. but i swear if i make a chatfic and it gets way more than i expect- im a lost cause. LMAO
that's all, ill see you at 25:00!
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cadriona · 3 years ago
i appreciate you taking the time out of your thesis proposing to think abt beiguang heh. it's nice to see that your answers are about what i expected, though the drabble collection only needing to be abt half beiguang minimum is interesting, since the similar archive-style ship-centric collections i've seen treat drabble-collections-as-one-work more strictly and require it to be a collection Only about [ship].
anyway, abt the rules again, i wanna know if chatfics are banned on principle. bc i massively sympathize with "no chatfics" as a rule-- it really does feel like they're a nuisance genre that clogs up ao3 tags bc they tag like eighty things that each receive maybe 0.3% of the fic's focus, making them exhausting to see when looking for content About the tags you're sifting through, and i could probably write a whole tedtalk complaining abt chatfics on ao3 and how they fail to creatively utilize the epistolary style of storytelling-- however, is this a ban on fics styled as chatlogs, or is it a ban on the type of wishy-washy, unfocused fics that "contain" some (insubstantial) amt of beiguang but tags it as such anyway (which are also exceedingly commonly styled as chatfics)?
bc as rare as they are, i have read fics in chatlog format that were actually substantive in plot and/or pairing focus (unfortunately nothing i've seen in genshin meets this criteria ;-;), and i'm sure there are plenty of homestucks out there willing to go to bat for the validity of stories told through chatlogs. so if the intent of the rule is to just keep the wishy-washy, shallow fics out, then i think this rule is more about substance, and would be more clearly stated as smth like "fics must contain substantial beiguang (this excludes most chatfics)" along with an explanation of what constitutes substantial beiguang.
which i think would also bring in a more elegant solution to the question of "where do you draw the line between A Beiguang Fic and Fic That Has A Lot Of Beiguang?" i think a good way of thinking abt it would be to ask if the ship in question are a focal point of the story at large, which is why i agree that the double date example would make sense to include in this sort of collection, whereas i don't think a chatfic (as in, the sort of fics that turn the genshin tags into slush piles in the first place) that's mostly about all the characters in one group chat, but then has one chapter that are just dms btwn beiguang, would really count, because even though they received focus for one section, they're probably not what the story is trying to be about.
chatfics tend to be very aimless and as a result, whatever interaction happens btwn characters feel shallow n lacking in substance. since people's definitions of "substance" will probably differ (and i don't think there's any one way to do so w/o including smth that was meant to be excluded and vice versa), a good way of doing this might be "there is enough of this thing in the fic that someone looking for it in particular and is neutral abt all other ships/tropes/whatever will walk away satisfied w/their ship's part in the story."
granted, i doubt all this nuance would let any chatfics in anyway, but these thoughts are more about leaving the idea of what art looks like open anyway.
that being said, i'm also aware of the uh... unfortunate f/f tag raid that happened (is still happening? i don't check the tag enough to know) recently. for the sake of not obfuscating, i'll just speak plainly abt it from this point on, so apologies if i make you uncomfortable, and feel free to like, answer this privately and/or only publish parts this ask in a separate post (which i suspect would probably be prudent anyway since you Cannot readmore asks unfortunately).
so, the influx of maliciously mistagged fics informs my understanding of the "no rape fics" rule. however, out of sheer curiosity (as rape/non-con is real high up on my squick list), would this be a blanket ban on any and all fics dealing with the subject (i.e. would a fic be excluded even if it was only implied/referenced/in the past and not covered in any level of detail?) regardless of context, or is there again a sliding scale going on here? and would the line be drawn around the content itself (difficult to define), or authorial intent (difficult to prove)?
i'm sure there's a middle ground between these things, some balance btwn being true to very real community wants and needs (a place to browse for beiguang fics with the knowledge that they are safe from bad actors), and honoring the intents of authors who write contentious subjects in good faith and sensitively.
but ofc, this would also require a lot of effort to outline and maintain, and i think those are grounds enough to blanket ban a subject the beiguang tag has previously been attacked with if that is indeed what that rule means. approaching anything in art with nuance is exhausting as hell when you have to do it all the time, but i suspect that my idea of "assume fics are written in good faith until proven/judged otherwise" is too lenient for a space as absolutely cutthroat as genshin shipping.
("how would you even prove smth was written in bad faith" if it was tagged incorrectly/blatantly missing tags for subjects obviously dealt with in the fic, though that would then turn this rule into one more abt Tagging Your Stuff Correctly And Accurately)
even if both these rules are ultimately blanket bans made on principle, having a rule abt good faith submissions might be a good idea anyway, since i'm certain that a Very Determined Hater could write something that technically falls under all the other rules (features substantial beiguang, is not a chatfic, and is in fact perfectly free of frequently discoursed topics), but would otherwise qualify as ship hate/bashing and just generally be a malicious submission.
anyway, thank you again for entertaining my Long Thoughts, as i'm mostly here as food for thought. good luck finding mods to help out, too, since manpower is imperative for a project as thorough as this (as well as also generally good foresight for when people ultimately change fandoms)~~
Yeah I was thinking about the drabble thing and considering how people tend to do drabbles, I think if you click in and there’s an at least 50% of it being a begging one it should be included lol Chatfics in the genshin fandom, well. Even if there are good ones, due to the sheer abundance of characters present no ship or character really gets much spotlight for more than a few phrases every chapter, they won’t get included. While I understand that there are good fics out there that incorporate a chat log between two characters, and two characters specifically (such as a phone convo), I have yet to recall seeing any in genshin. However if one does show up and gets recc’ed into the achieve, I will take a look first before adding it if it is beiguang focused! (also, quick apology for the possible spelling errors but autocorrect is out for my life today) And yeah, the chatfic rule I think rn is more of a principle thing, owing to how tired some of us are at scrolling through pages of fics and coming out with like 70% chatfic, but the suggestion about “substantial” beiguang (pls stop trying to autocorrect into briguant) will be one that I’ll try to take into account! and probably add to the rules once my brain recovers from weekday stuff, esp with the focus suggestion. And for the more sensitive questions, yeah I’ll throw it in a separate post just after this one. Thanks for the luck! I’ll def need it lol, might throw a line into a beiguang server and see if there are any (tributes) volunteers xD
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pbpsbff · 1 year ago
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
i'm a little embarrassed of be mean to me because there's SO MUCH i would've done differently if i had started it today. right now. but idk maybe one day i'll do rewrites again. maybe one day i'll actually FINISH the fic
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
idk if this counts because it all exists only in my drafts but i really like those bittersweet endings where two people know that they've done all they can (or straight gave up) and have to just. move on separately. like they both go on to live happy lives but without each other in them. does that make sense
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
definitely my chatfic because that is 80 something chapters of absolute nonsense with random angst arcs every like. 20 30 chapters
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
i think i posted an ss from this once but i don't remember anyways the main plot idea is that peter cat sits for ned for an entire week except his cat is evil and hates peter with a passion. this is a terrible description i promise it will be more interesting when i release it to the masses
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
i wanna say something profound like oh if i like the fic if i am happy with what i wrote then it's a success, but i have a terrible need for validation so usually getting several comments on a fic tells me i did good??? idk bookmarks and kudos and subscription are cool but when there's somebody speaking words to me about my writing i'm like wow i made it
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lollybliz · 5 years ago
and onwards to:
Kiribaku! I don't have as many of this one, for whatever reason this is usually a background ship and i’m trying to pick fics where its the focus. i’m also trying not to repeat anything that’s already in another list.
Firstly! Priority! I will rec this one til I die! Cotton candy hands by chonideno is one of the fluffiest learning how to love fics I have ever had the pleasure of reading, and holds the honor of being the first fic I ever bound into a physical book. I will shove people at this fic forever, its worth it. “Studying to become a hero requires knowing how to take care of yourself. Sometimes you might need help on the way so if your crush offers to do your hair for you or to give you a well-deserved back rub, it'd be stupid to say no. A series of soft vignettes in which a love-struck Kirishima and a touch-starved Bakugou care for each other and it's definitely not making their hearts jump through hoops, they’re never this close to kissing, no, they're totally best friends bro”
will I ever be more than I’ve always been? by aloneintherain is part of the series see it all in bloom, but ill be honest, I’ve only read this one. I’m sure the whole series is great, but i keep forgetting to get to it. future fic, Bakugou's been attempting reparations for awhile now, and finally finds himself giving an antibullying speech at his old middle school. ““I want,” Bakugou says, “you to wake the fuck up. Make teachers look out for their kids. Don’t put up with any kind of violence—this should be a fucking safe space for kids. And the little shit-stains who think they’re above the rules because they’ve got a fancy quirk? You deal with them, too. Quirk usage is illegal. Physical assault is illegal. And yet I saw all that and more when I was here—I did all of that and more when I was here. ”The principal stares at him. “You’re saying you wanted us to give you detention? ”Detention. Like that would have done anything. “I’m saying,” Bakugou says through gritted teeth, “that you should’ve expelled me.” Or: how Bakugou became an anti-bullying advocate.“
Everyone can be Manly by SpeckledAspen is a trans Bakugou fic and there’s not a whole lot of it yet, so while its going to be hurt/comfort, its mostly just hurt at the moment. ---p l e a s e--- mind the tags on this one, it could get very triggering for some people; this author likes to make the hurt in hurt comfort hurt bad. “And so there he sat, in the girls' bathroom, crying. Tap tap tap “Hey! Are you okay in there?” A very kind, feminine voice rang out. She only wanted to help whoever was crying out. He didn’t answer her though. After all, what would happen if anybody found out that the Loud, Rude, Sharp-tongued Katsuki Bakugou, who was always angry and better than the rest, was actually just a weak little girl? WARNINGS | Dysphoria, Transphobia, Homophobia, Cursing, Self Harm, Dangerous/Incorrect Binding, Talk of Suicide, Implied rape.”
how weird are you willing to go? I swear its amazing. Gingernut chai with a hint of Caramel by cryingoverfiction is a pro-hero a/b/o future fic where Katsuki realizes he’ s got a bun in the oven and panics; he’d never wanted a pup but now he cant seem to just take the damn pill and he’s lost. that's ok though cus Eijirou is The Best husband. the author has warned me that fluff is difficult, and this is going to be a lot of angst. the most recent chapter is angsty enough that i haven't read it yet, though I plan to later. “"Katsuki stares at the pill in his hand. Why was this so fucking hard? Why couldn’t he do it? Maybe a pup wouldn’t be so bad. No. He couldn’t do it. He didn’t even want pups"In which, Katsuki gets pregnant and spirals.“
PTSD Tastes Like Snickerdoodles by RecycIedTrash is a no-quirks deaf!bakugou future fic where Kirishima moves in next door to a loud blond grump who bakes when he’s upset and leaves goodies outside his door. “Kirishima Eijirou's next-door neighbor seems to be rather odd. He has no sense of volume, is incredibly rude, and bakes cookies and leaves them outside of Kirishima's door. Surely someone who shares cookies can't be all that bad? Based off of the prompt: “You bake when you’re stressed and sometimes you give me cookies, but recently you’re giving me whole baskets each day, now I’m not complaining but are you okay?” (from tumblr user happylilprompts.“
Love Languages is a series by imatrisarahtops and maxthealien, and it is one of the fluffiest things oh my god. you will coo. you won’t be able to not. “It is said there are five love languages: words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, quality time, and physical touch.  We all express our feelings through one of these languages, and in the same way we respond best to one of them.(An exploration of which love languages the young heroes ‘speak’.)”
Give Me A Chance by Jacksonofabitch is an interesting one- Kirishima gets hit by a quirk that makes a cabbage patch baby out of his genetic coding, and the coding of one with whom he’s Closely Bonded. hm. I wonder. super cute, low angst but definitely some. its Not mpreg. promise. chapter 27 was a prank, feel free to skip it, the author was just being mean. “Bakugou Katsuki just wanted to go on a date. Kirishima Eijirou just wants what's best for everyone.“
I Don’t Mind by StevieQuinn is literally just a one shot of a couple of dumb gays being dumb its amazing. “Bakugou and Kirishima have been hooking up since high school, but they’re both idiots and believe the other isn’t in love with them. They’ve been doing this for over four years and Eijirou breaks first.“
(I’m going to stick this one in here, I think, though I could also stick in into the rarepair/multipair post I plan on making later.)
It Never Gets Easier is a series by Sissytobitch10seconds that centers around the gender identities of the students of 1-A; the first work is about Kirishima, and its amazing, and the second one’s about Denki, and I haven’t finished it yet, and the third is about Tokoyami and I haven’t even started it yet. definitely a fair amount of angst and drama, but also plenty of wholesome found family content. “Families are not those who are connected to you by blood, family are those that are connected to you through strong emotions and love. Still, even if they all love each other it's almost impossibly difficult to admit who you really are in fear of being rejected.“
Skin and Bones by Midnight_Mango hurts at first. its a no-quirk highschool (or maybe college???) recovery fic, and Eijirou has a long way yet to go before he’s gonna be ok again, but that's ok cus he’s got really amazing friends to help him through it. “2:29 am. Three. He let go of his knees and began to stand. 2:30 am. Two. His legs buckled beneath him, and there was a resounding thud that echoed throughout the room. 2:31 am. One. Footsteps. Screaming. Worried voices overlapping over his head. He let his eyes slip shut. ----- or Kirishima suffers from depression and anorexia after an accident involving his brother. His grades are slipping and he is about to lose his football scholarship, so his teacher assigns him a tutor: Bakugou Katsuki. ---- Updates are sporadic but I do plan to finish this.”
Clickbait by Kaistarus is an absolutely hysterical youtuber au, where Bakugou and Midoriya are basically buzzfeed unsolved, and Kiri, Kami, and Sero are the Vlog Squad. Mina’s Jenna Marbles, obv. They’re all stupid and I love them to bits. “A lot of great things came with being a big name YouTuber, but along with those perks were some serious drawbacks. One of the biggest being your lack of personal privacy. Due to just one video, Kirishima's least well-kept secret has become a viral sensation overnight, and now he has to deal with the repercussions from both the YouTube community and the public. Hopefully, those he's dragging down with him won't mind...“
When You Weren’t There by captainimprobable- Bakugo ghosts and Eijiro worries. then suddenly there's nothing to worry about anymore because wait, that's why you were avoiding me? classic gay panic. ““Seriously, Kiri, I hate seeing you like this.  You deserve better.” She put a finger to her chin, as though remembering something.  “Oh, also, if you and Bakugo break up, you totally get me in the divorce.”“Excuse me???”“Yeah, like when parents get divorced and divide up their assets? I’m sticking with you.” ~~ Bakugo has been acting strangely, and Kirishima is determined to get to the bottom of it.“
(im gonna throw this one in here because I dont know what else to do with it. its got several ships, but none of them are centric yet and honestly with the theme being what it is I don't think they will be. but it is Bakugou centric. so.)
Talks With Bakugou by I_is_who_what is a Bakugou is a good friend actually fic where he’s made himself the outlet for Midoriya to vent his issues to. “Bakugou is a good person to rant to and Izuku takes full advantage of that, often coming to Bakugou for advice. I'm trying to be funny. Please just give it a shot. These are possible stand alones, but they all occur with in the same universe.”
But You Got Me Like A Rocket by nicolestarlightwrites is a series about Bakugou discovering and coming to terms with his gayness, and then finding a family who cares for him. the second work looks like it may go in a Polyromantic direction, which I meant to keep to its own post, but the first one isn't and its finished so. eh. “Bakugou Katsuki at various stages of life. Or, how our resident gremlin realized he was gay“
How to Get an Idiot to Realize You’re Flirting With Him (By Bakugou Katsuki) by deviance is purely ridiculous. Bakugou knows /exactly/ what he’s doing, the little shit, and he’s dragging Kiri around by the nose. “He's already finished the assignment, which means he already found sources. I could just… Kirishima furtively clicked on the browser history, grinning with his brilliance as he scrolled down to find the websites Bakugou had used. His eyes went wide at the last few search entries though.  'how to get your best friend to go out with you'  'how to get a dumbass to realize you're flirting with him'  'how to flirt'  'how to get an idiot to kiss you' Kirishima blinked in surprise, face heating. Was that...was that what Bakugou had been doing? Flirting?”
Red Fate That Holds Us Together by kaistarus is a soulmate college au where Bakugou doesn't exactly want a soulmate, and Kiri decides to talk him out of that. “Eijirou is one of the lucky few to be born with a red string tied around his finger and he's waited his whole life for fate to lead him to whoever's on the other end. When he finally finds them how is he supposed to deal with the fact that they want nothing to do with him?”
When You Have Nightmares and a Gay Crisis but Your Teacher is Gay and Relatable So It’s Ok by Salty_Carrots is. pretty much what it says on the tin. Bakubabe has a midnight freakout and Dadzawa sees him in the cameras and goes to help out. “Anon Request Message: Do you think you could do some Dadzawa with Bakugou? The kid's been through a lot and probably has a lot of trauma bottled up, and we all know Dadzawa's soft for his kids. It doesn't really matter what happens inside. Feel free to skip, though! When Aizawa notices Bakugou pacing frantically through the common room late at night through the security cameras he decides to do the responsible teacher/guardian thing and check on him. His students have made him too soft and Bakugou is no exception to that and if opening up about his past helps Bakugou's dilemma he'll gladly deal with the social mortification. Basically, Bakugou has nightmares and Aizawa is class dad and helps his gay son with his nightmares and gay crisis.“
dancing girls & snapping rubber bands by gummyconcrete is just goofy gay panic and miscommunications. ““You like him,” Ochako says, one day in the cooking club, as they break eggs into bowls. “No. Who? What.” “Your secret is safe with me,” Ochako says, and beats the yolks. “Fuck off, Pink Cheeks,” Bakugou barks, and hits her upside the head with a spatula.”
oh my god im done for now, ill be back in like an hour I need to stand up and move oof. think i’ll do rarepairs and non-shippy next, eh?
Hey y’all drop some great BNHA fanfics here 👇🏻 they can be long or short, ships can be whoever from bakudeku to todomomo, I’m not picky I just want to read some good ones :D
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adel-memes · 4 years ago
Adel I'm screaming at that snippet, I just woke up! *crying cat emoji*
I am also here to ask 14 and 23!
I do not see /lh
All I want from yall is to trust me, its gonna be so worth it. Wait a week, it will be worth it. >:)c /genuine
14: Do you think you be friends with your ocs in insert fic?
OKAY UH.. I don't usually add OCs other than make up one to be an NPC but I think I'll be pretty okay friends with Fred the hinox :) despite the fact he probably could kill me 💃
23: What's one piece of advice you would give to anyone who wants to start writing or posting their writing online.
Two things.
One: Write what you want more of. Maybe you could inspire others to join in or create similar ideas or duos or anything. Most of all, don't try to write things for what you think people want because then you will only limit yourself to what others expect when you could create something more unique. Just!!! Have!!!! Fun!!!!!!
Two: it's okay to have similar AUs or ideas. Never compare your ideas to someone else, even if you have similar core ideas it does not mean your ideas are any less worth it. Like a friend of mine and I both have mythical creatures AU that center around Blue, its fantasy and got everyone different creatures or so. But even though they have similar core ideas that's fantasy elements + mythical creatures, there are differences and that's okay. It's okay to have similar ideas. Honestly when I see more AUs of the same idea but done a little differently by other people, I still love both of them so so much and love to see the contrast and differences. (Though as long as you dont steal every single detail from another person's idea. Dont do that. Make your own twist. Whether in clothes or setting or story. Just mess around with it.)
Like honestly I love chatfics, groupchat fics are hilarious. Do you think I'll like one more than the other? Nope! I love them all and support each author's unique takes!!!!! And even if someone does like one more than another, that's fine. It may not suit their preferences and that's 100% valid. It doesn't make your ideas any less just because 1 person or so didn't like it. It's okay and still good enough :D
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