#maybe i will just repost that gif set. like. tomorrow or something. thought the joke in the gifs pertain to halloween more
thef1diary · 1 year
Memories | D. Ricciardo
Summary: Daniel's return to RedBull is not just a return to the team, it's a return to you but it just might be too late for that.
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Based on the song Memories by Conan Gray
Warnings: angst, fluff, coarse language
Word Count: 2.9k+
Note: this is a repost of a one shot from my old account. Felt like I should start with this since Danny’s back on the grid.
The chapter that seemed like it was never ending has finally ended. Daniel is free from McLaren. It wasn't just a team-oh how he wishes it was-it was worse than anything he could've possibly been through.
Or so he thought.
Signing the papers at RedBull to be a third driver wasn't something he thought he'd ever do. But the team treated him better than McLaren ever could. So he was happy. Glad to return to a place where his mental health could be at ease.
That was, until he remembered everything that happened once he left. He remembered how things ended between you and him.
‘It's been a couple of months’
You can't say that you're happy but at least you're better than you were a while ago. When you heard the news of Daniel Ricciardo returning to RedBull, it was an overload of emotions that you kept locked away.
‘That's just about enough time for me to stop crying when I look at all the pictures’
You remember the first day you met Daniel, all those years ago when you joined the team to handle the social media side of it all. You two were well acquainted from the moment you began. He was one of the very few people who personally welcomed you in the team.
Then, you sat right beside him, giving him a little special treatment as you showed him the photos you were planning on posting to the team's socials. It was of him, smiling wide as he always did, while talking to his teammate.
It's been a long time since then, so you never thought you'd be the one posting the photo of him once again clad in a RedBull team shirt.
‘Now I kinda smile, I haven't felt that in a while’
You briefly forgot about his return to the team-well truthfully, you were trying to avoid it as much as you could. You weren't upset that he was returning, you were just trying to wrap your head around the fact that you'd have to see him more often. Hearing his accented voice, laughs, jokes wasn't something you could prepare for.
You could avoid him when he was at McLaren, but you didn't need to as much. Mainly because he never came to the garage just for you.
He was in too deep with the mess at McLaren since day two, and as much as he wanted to, he couldn't make the time out too come see you. You knew parts of what happened at McLaren through Max, because Daniel would always talk to him. It hurt that he didn't come to you. You thought that you would still be the person he'd come to with his problems, not run away from.
Fortunately, you didn't see him at all since the announcement. Well, you were invited at a party where everyone was welcoming him but you didn't go because you weren't feeling well. Which was kind of a lie.
However, you didn't know that Daniel was only excited for the gathering because he wanted to see you. It was selfish, wanting to see you when he was the one who ended things, but if he wasn't selfish now, then he'd lose everything he needed.
Maybe he already did but he didn't want to accept it.
Once he set his mind on something, he would do anything to complete it. And now, he wanted to see you.
‘It's late, I hear the door
Bell ringing, and it's pouring’
You should be asleep by now, it's midnight and you have an early day tomorrow. But you couldn't. You want to believe that it's because you slept in today, but you know deep down that it's not.
It's hard to submit to the silence of the night when you don't want to be lonely. Fighting that thought, you step out in the kitchen to fill a glass of water. But that is long forgotten when you hear a knock on the door. You want to believe that it's just the sound of rain tapping against the wooden door.
You stood there, frozen as you watched the door, knowing that someone was standing on the other side. And you knew who it was, just didn't want to accept it yet.
Then, the doorbell rang, making you flinch as the sound was quite loud compared to the soft patter of the rain against the glass. Taking a deep breath, you decided to feel a bit of pity on the man, knowing him well enough that he didn't bring an umbrella with him.
‘I open up that door, see your brown eyes at the entrance’
As expected, all he had on was a hood that was now soaking wet. His curls laid flat on his forehead, matted due to the rain.
His eyes no longer had the brightness in them that they once did. You felt bad, but didn't say anything.
Daniel felt relief as soon as he saw you. His arms were itching to wrap around you. "Hi" he said, but his voice was rough, as if he didn't say a single word in a long time. Well, he didn't, to you.
You didn't respond. You might've been friends and something more before, but right now you did not want to engage in a normal conversation with him. Nothing in between you two was normal.
‘You just wanna talk, and I can't turn away a wet dog’
You gave in after he asked to come inside a few times. The first few times you denied, but he didn't let up. The only reason you let him in was because it was raining outside, and you didn't want him to get sick.
God, he was so clingy when sick. He would avoid you when he starts to notice that he wasn't feeling the best. But the calls and messages wouldn't stop, in fact, it would increase. Regular messages became phone calls, then video calls because he claimed that he couldn't go a day without seeing your face.
Then, when you would show up with some essentials to help him feel better-because all what he would do is try to sleep it off which never worked-he wouldn't like it at first. You would stand at the door, while he would try to hide the smile growing on his face knowing that you want to take care of him. But maybe you shouldn't have, because not only did you get sick, but you began getting used to being around him.
‘But please, don't ruin this for me
Please, don't make it harder than it already is’
You turned around but his hand instantly caught yours, turning you back around to face him, pulling you towards him. Your other hand landed on his chest to stop you from being fully pressed against him.
You looked up and just for a moment you got lost in his eyes. Being so close felt familiar yet so strange. The memories of all the times you were this close played in your mind like a movie, but that's all it was, memories.
"I'm sorry" he spoke, and perhaps it was the wrong words to start with because you were brought back to the present and immediately moved away from him.
‘I'm trying to get over this
I wish that you would stay in my memories’
"No" you whispered, quiet enough that he didn't hear the first time. "Don't say that" you continued, louder this time.
Tears were stinging your eyes, but you put in all the effort to hold them back. You didn't want to be weak in front of him. You couldn't, not anymore.
He stepped closer to you again, placing his hands on your cheeks, "but it's true. I miss you"
You brought your hands up to his, making him think you're giving in but you tore his hands away from your face. Not wanting his touch.
‘But you show up today just to ruin things’
"How can you miss me if you're the one who walked away?" You asked, not expecting a response so you walked further into your house.
You knew he wouldn't leave, which meant that you could do one of two things; try to sleep while he's in your house, or stay awake and convince him to leave.
You knew you wouldn't be able to sleep, so you decided on the second option. Walking to the kitchen, you took out two bottles of a stronger form of alcohol.
He followed you inside, looking around at the house he's seen plenty of times, still the same. He muttered a "thanks" when you passed him the bottle with little expression on your face.
You sat on the couch while he stood there, watching you. He was in a familiar place, with a familiar person, but it felt so strange. And this was all because of him.
‘I wanna put you in the past 'cause I'm traumatized
But you're not letting me do that 'cause tonight, you're all drunk in my kitchen, curled in a fetal position’
"Why weren't you at the party?" He asked, a simple question that held a stronger meaning behind. "Wasn't feeling well" you simply replied but you knew that he knew it was a lie.
You took a swig of the alcohol, wanting some liquid courage to say what you've been planning to for all this time. "You know, you don't have to come here just because you're joining the team again."
"That's what you think I'm here for?" He asked, incredulously. You looked up at him but quickly broke the eye contact because it became too overbearing, "why else?"
He sat on the couch in front of you, "there used to be a time where you didn't question me even if I came this late"
You scoffed, "why are you acting like I'm the one who ended things when you're the one who woke up one day and decided to act like we were strangers?"
‘Too busy playing the victim to be listening to me when I say 'I wish that you would stay in my memories'
"I wish I didn't" he hung his head low. It was quiet for a few moments but the silence was deafening. "Yeah, I wish you didn't."
‘In my memories, stay in my memories’
You looked around everywhere to avoid his eyes, but his were fixated on you. He still looked at you with that loving emotion, but the only difference was that his eyes also held pain in them. His bubble was bursting, and he didn't know what to do.
Standing up, you placed the empty bottle on the counter and walked towards your room. As expected, he followed.
"You know what, I'm actually glad that you're here. It'll save me a trip." You spoke as you walked to your closet, sorting through the clothes that belonged to him.
Your actions were rough, probably because of the alcohol. You never had the chance to get rid of his stuff. His stupidly expensive clothes that always smelt like him.
One by one, you threw his clothes at him in frustration. He didn't budge, letting his clothes fall to the floor as he watched you. Taking out the last hoodie you had of his, you remembered when he gave it to you.
It was raining, quite like tonight, but the circumstance was very different. That night, you two were completely sober, but drunk off of each other's presence. Walking to his home, both of you were soaking wet.
Daniel gave you a towel, telling you to go take a warm shower while he laid out his clothes for you. He was very tempted to join you, but he chose not to.
His clothes smelt like him, and you were instantly comforted. But now, that scent overwhelmed you, reminded you of what you were and what you could've been.
Throwing that last piece of clothing at him from a closer distance, you began hitting your fists against his chest. "You left me Dan. You fucking left me. God we were doing so well, I was so happy with you. But no, you had to pull some shitty move and ruin it all."
He let you express your frustration until you started crying. Tears were streaming down your cheeks, and he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you against him. "I know, baby, I'm sorry"
‘Now I can't say, 'goodbye' if you'll stay here the whole night you see, it's hard to find an end to something that you keep beginning’
He sighed in relief when he felt your arms tightly wrap around his body. He knew he had a lot to work for; your trust, your love, and you. But he would do it. All for you.
‘Over and over again, I promise that the ending always stays the same’
His relief was very brief, because you parted away from him. Not completely because you were still in his grasp, but you were still stiff, letting him know that you were still on the edge.
"I promise I'll fix everything" he spoke, wiping your tears. You began shaking your head, "you can't"
"Give me a chance, my love, yes we can"
‘So there's no good reason in make-believing’
"You're holding on to a dream, Daniel, a memory. I'm trying my best to move on, so please just let me" you pleaded, moving away from him what felt like the millionth time.
‘That we could ever exist again, I can't be your friend, can't be your lover’
"I don't want us to be a memory, that would kill me" he closed his eyes, not wanting to believe that there would be a future without you. "I don't want you to move on, I know you have a little bit of love for me in your heart."
‘Can't be the reason we hold back each other from falling in love with someone other than me’
"Call me selfish but I don't want to see you with someone else." He continued while you were at a loss for words. Daniel held your hands, wanting something, someone-you-to ground him. He longed for your presence, your warmth.
You two stood there in silence, once again. Your heartbeat was pounding in your ears.
Moving your hands out of his grasp, he hung his head low again, thinking that he lost you forever. Instead of walking away like he expected you to, you lifted his head by placing your fingers underneath his chin.
You realized that he was crying. No matter how bad things got, you've never once seen him cry. But that was because he was always happy around you. He never once felt like he did now in front of you.
Even now, his tears weren't because of you, it was because he believe that he failed. He failed because his love wasn't enough for you.
‘Since you came, I'll let you stay’
"You never give up, do you?" You asked, still sniffling. "For you, never"
"You're not going to leave me again right?" As soon as you got the words out, he began shaking his head, "not until I die"
You placed your finger on his lips, not wanting to hear such absurd thoughts, "don't you dare think about dying"
"You can't live without a heart, and the thing is, you own mine" he stated like it was a true fact. To him, you always owned his heart.
"You own mine too, always did, always will" those words made him realize that you didn't want him to leave.
He smiled, through the tears that you wiped away. "Does that mean-" he started but cut himself off when you nodded. "I still hate you for leaving me"
He hugged you, so tightly that it was almost suffocating. But, his love was all you needed to stay alive.
When he parted away from you, he still held on to you, thinking that if he let go, you'll fade away.
"I love you so, so, so much" he expressed, new tears were stinging his eyes. But it was tears of relief.
He didn't know what he'd do if you turned him down. He didn't want to think about it anymore.
"I love you" you smiled for the first time that night, resting your arms around his shoulders.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked, like a school boy asking his crush for the first time ever.
You nodded, and he didn't waste a single second before claiming your lips in a slow, loving kiss. He might've asked like a young school boy but his kiss was nothing like it.
Parting away, you commented on the fact that his clothes were still very much wet, and now yours too because he was still embracing you.
"Go take a shower, or you'll get sick" you instructed. He hesitated at first, and you noticed it. "I'm not going anywhere"
"I promise"
He pressed another short kiss to your lips before walking towards the bathroom. And you were on your way, making some soup because you knew that he would surely be sick.
And for the first time in a long time, you knew that everything would be alright. Because he was with you.
Your lover, your everything, your Danny.
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chilelemonz · 5 months
First Night
HBO!Jackson Joel x NB/MASC reader
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Chapter One It had been about a month since Joel and Ellie had moved into Jackson, slowly adjusting to the new way of life. Ellie had started attending the school in town and her dad jokes have gotten more complex. Joel initially didn’t know what he wanted to do but Tommy eventually convinced him to do patrol shifts, which is how he met Chris. Chris is a short dark-skinned individual with little curls framing their face, it had reminded him of…but he didn’t want to think about that right now. “First shift?” pulling Joel out of his thoughts  “Oh er ya, we just moved here a while back” his southern drawl going down rough like whiskey in Chris’s ears.  They couldn’t deny, that Joel was attractive, and even though it was the 2030’s homophobia was a real fear in Jackson. People have been kicked out for such reasons, there was no reason to create a conflict on a crush. Especially since he’s only been here for a month, Chris thought. This man was 20-30 years their senior how were they supposed to explain being non-binary and was he into that? “It’s nice right?” The two of us stand looking out at the mountains and snow that surround “Quiet but not by force” Chris gives him a small smile “Mhmm” Joel doesn’t say anything of interest back worried if he makes direct eye contact his blush would become more intense. At this point, they started to understand Joel may not want to talk or get to know each other but one more shot wouldn’t hurt. “How’d you know Tommy?” hoping to talk about someone they have in common would spark something in him. “He’s my brother” and that was it. They weren’t gonna get anything out of him until “Your hair?” A little shocked he brought the conversion to them “What about it?” suddenly confused if they had leaves or dirt in it, hands now ruffling through short curls. “No” He chuckles slightly, Chris hadn’t seen this grumpy hermit smile or laugh the whole month he’d been in Jackson. It was nice, dazing, soft but rough, they were starting to think the same of Joel “I’ve just never really seen short curly hair, it’s cute” Joel says the last part before thinking. Now he was sure, there was a blush creeping into his face. “Oh” Chris sure their own blush would be taking over soon “Thank y-you, I started keeping it short after the outbreak. Long hair is easy to grab and curly hair is a beast of its own,” they say looking back to the snow and mountains unable to bare his intense stare anymore “Oh do I know that” the jagged man letting out another chuckle, that soon faded into a frown “I’m sorry” Chris understood what was happening, everybody had lost somebody at this point. But to pry was the next question “Long curly hair?” trying not to push him. The large man lets out one more chuckle less filled with amusement than acceptance. “Ya, long curly hair” he sighs looking out the landscape, worried he was tearing up. “We have the rest of the shift to talk or not talk about it if you want” Chris also looked out to the landscape trying to understand Joel a little bit more than they did this morning. “Let’s not,” he says with no anger, almost a tone of amazement that someone wanted to talk to him or hear what he had to say or had felt. “Maybe tomorrow,” he says shortly. “Or maybe not” Chris wanted to lighten the mood, as they watched the sun set on Jackson for the night and prepared themselves for what may or may not come.
I strictly FORBID any form of reproduction, replication, or translation of my stories without my explicit consent. This includes reposting my stories on other websites, platforms, etc.
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barnes-n-nobles · 3 years
Extra Credit (NonCon Smut)
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Request: hey, how are you? i hope you're doing great! i've seen your new fic for druig (and i love it), do you write for ikaris as well? if so can i get a really really dark!ikaris please and thank youu!
Thank you for your request! Please reblog, like, and let me know what you think!
Summary: Finals are coming and you need some extra credit but he has something else in mind. 
Warnings and notable themes you should know about: Non con smut, Degrading kink, Professor/ Student, black mails reader, breeding kink
18+ !!!! If you “keep reading” you are acknowledging that you are 18+ and that you have read the warnings.
Please Do not translate, no permission to repost any of my writing on any other platform, and do not copy this and claim it as your own.
Getting into the habit of waking up so early was so hard. You were used to waking up at 10am and got to class at 11am but now you had to get up at 8:30am to get ready for your tutoring session with your English professor Mr.Ikaris. Finals were coming up and you needed all the help and extra credit you could get. His class was the only one that you were struggling in. Not because it was hard no but because he was such a picky and hard grader. Everything had to be perfect in his eyes and most of the students either failed or dropped out of his class. Being the over achiever that you were you needed to get at least an A- in his class. You talked to him about that and he suggested to come during his office hours to get tutored.
When you got to his class you knocked on his door and you heard his voice say, “Come in”. He was a really good looking teacher and every time you met up with him your heart raced. He just made you so nervous. “Goodmorning Mr.Ikaris” you said when you walked in. “Goodmorning Y/n..” he said looking you up from head to toe. Today you were dressed rather nicely, he wondered where you would be going..or rather who you were going to meet. “I see you’re ready for winter break. Any plans for the next two weeks” he asked setting up his desk for you. “Not really, just thought I’d break out the new clothes I just bought and go out for brunch with a couple of friends after class.” You answered taking the books and pads out of your bag.
“I see. Well you’re definitely going to catch some eyes. You look really cute” he smirked as he sat down in front of you. Warmth started to build up on your cheeks as you heard his compliment, unsure if you should take it or shoot it down. “Mr.Ikaris! You’re too much” you joked scooting into the desk and accidentally brushing your leg against his. “Just being honest” he replied, “Now let’s get on with todays topic. Did you bring the extra credit assignment I gave you?” He asked. Oh god you just now remembered that this was what you were forgetting. Your eyes blew wide and you held your face in your hands. “Oh No y/n..not this again” he said rolling his eyes. “I’m sorry Mr.Ikaris…I thought I did it but it completely slipped my mind. Can you please give me another day? I promise I’ll bring it tomorrow” you asked getting desperate.
Ikaris got up and walked to his calendar close to the projector. “This is your second time doing this, and you know I don’t have office hours over the weekends. It’s finals next Monday y/n..I’m afraid I can not provide you with that option” he said dissatisfied. “Even if you get a 100% on the final, you’ll barely be hitting a B+ , the extra credit assignment would have definitely pushed you up to the grade you were wanting.” He explained as he sat on top of the desk next to you. Your eyes welled up with tears as you looked down. All this sacrifice for nothing. All this time wasted. He grabbed your face and made you look up at him, his fingers caressed your cheek and wiped your tears away. “Dont cry love. Maybe you’ll get it next time” he smiled sinisterly when you dropped your face again.“Or….you could do something else for extra credit right now” he suggested bringing your face up to him again.
“What do you mean?” You sniffled. “I know your pretty little head can come up with something.” He said brushing your hair back and trailed his hand down your back. Students fucking a teacher was only something that happened in movies, you were not about to make that your reality. You furrowed your eyebrows and got up immediately, “are you crazy? I’d never do anything like that. You got the wrong whore” you said grabbing your things. Ikaris chuckled and grabbed you by your neck and slammed you on top of his desk. “Im pretty sure I don’t”. The wind was knocked right out of you, you had to take a second to register what was happening. “What are you doing get off of me” you said as you tried to squirm away. “Silly little y/n, don’t you know what you’ve been doing to me these last couple months..hm? I see the way you look at me during class..the way you smile at me…the way you tease me with your little skirts” he whispered as he placed breathy kisses on your lips and neck. “Love…you’ve been driving me crazy. I stay up at night pleasuring myself thinking of you, and how much I’d like to bend you over and fuck you like the filthy little whore you are” he groaned as his dick grounded into your clothed pussy. Your leggings were so thin he could practically feel your lower lips kissing his bulge.
“Mr.Ikaris, stop. This isn’t right” you cried out wanting to stop the arousal that was building up down there. In a fast motion he flipped you over, pushed up your skirt and tore your leggings by the seam, exposing your pretty pink panties. His dick leaked precum at the site before him. Oh how he wished he could to take a picture of you all exposed like this. “Baby..it will feel right, I promise you’ll enjoy it” he whispered in your ear and he slid your panties off. You tried to get off the desk but his strength was too much and he quickly gained control over you again. “Please sir DONT do this. I can be a better student” you said against his cold desktop. “Stop with the act y/n, I know you want me to fuck you deep and fast” he said while sliding his fingers over your now wet lips. He licked his finger and shoved it inside you, curling it in and out. Your body shuddered at the feeling, your eyes closed and your hips moved back to get more of him. “M-Mr.Ikarisss” you moaned. “That’s right love…Give into it I promise you’ll feel so much better” he added as he ran his thumb over your clit. He played with you until you were dripping on his desk, that was his indication that you were ready for him.
“So wet and needy for me…Just how I like it” he whispered as he pulled himself out of his pants and pushed himself inside you. He moaned your name and hissed at the tight feeling. His eyes closed and his head rolled back, “You’re such a Dirty Little whore, y/n. This is your fault for being so fucking erotic.” He stammered as he started to pound into you. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and your drool started to fall onto the desk. His hips snapped into you at a velocity no normal man could ever reach making you bounce off of him hard. “Fuck ..me..” your mindless mouth said. He smiled and dropped down to your side, making you look up at him as his mouth found yours. You two shared sloppy and needy French kisses, moaning into each other’s mouth. “I’m going to breed you y/n..that’s what your cunt was made for..for me to breed you full of my cum you little dumb whore…beg for me breed you” he commanded fucking into you harder.
“Breed me Ikaris..please..I want you to breed me full of your cum..I need it” you complied drooling. He let go of your face and slid his hand over your clit, rubbing it furiously wanting to make you cum first. “O-ooh fuck..Ikaris please…don’t stop” you begged. The sight of you begging for him and looking all feral with drool was too much for him. He shot his white warm strings inside of you and in that moment you felt your orgasm hit you hard, making you shake violently and arching your back into his chest. Both of you came with deep moans and each others names in your mouths. He let you go and pulled out of you, looking at you collapsed on the desk with his cum leaking out. He smiled and grabbed his phone to take a picture of it, knowing damn well he was going to use this to his advantage. He then walked in front of you and showed you the picture, “Look at how delicious you look love…this counts as your extra credit” he said grabbing your face and forcing you to look up at him, “But don’t worry..I will keep our secret safe as long as you do your part”. Your heart raced in excitement as you asked a question that you already knew the answer too.“What’s that?”. “Keep coming to see me love, but not here. Next time we will have our session in our bed” as he kissed you passionately.
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writercole · 4 years
About A Girl
A/N: After this drabble, I’m going to be posting once a week - Thursdays - instead of every other day. Just remember - I love you guys and I wouldn’t be doing this without you. (this work is my own, no reposting, heed all warnings, don’t be a dick.)
Summary: Just a simple conversation between two brothers. Third person POV
Warnings: None? Some angst. Emotional weirdness because it is Dean we’re talking about.
Credit: @cajunquandary​ who gave me some seriously good ideas about Sam being pious regarding Dean’s promiscuity. @firefly-graphics​ for the divider. GIF credit under gif.
Series Masterlist | Previous
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Dean walked into the bar, scanning for his brother. It was always easy to spot him as he towered over everyone in a crowd. The bar wasn't busy, just a few patrons at the bar and one booth occupied. It was still early for their Friday drink meetup, so Dean grabbed a spot at the bar and ordered a beer. He had barely taken a drink when Sam joined him, ordering a beer from the bartender as well, looking like he just came from the office. 
“Hey, Sammy. How was your week?” Dean inquired when Sam sat down.
“Oh it was interesting for sure. And very long. Not really something I can really talk about, though. How about yours?” Sam replied quickly.
Dean sipped his beer before sighing deeply. “Weird. So you know how I’ve had that friends with benefits thing going on?”
“Uh, which one? Don’t you have like 5?”
“What? No. Maybe. Shut up,” Dean quipped, finishing his beer and ordering a whiskey, earning an eye roll from Sam that Dean ignored. The conversation they were going to have required something much stronger than a beer.
After taking his first sip of whiskey, Dean continued. “Yeah, I had a few lined up but I’ve basically cut down to just one. This girl is amazing. I think...I think I want to be exclusive with her. But I don’t know how to broach the subject. I mean, I barely even know her. I took her -”
"Wait a minute. You. You want to be exclusive? Are you running a fever? Have you been taken over? Is this an 'Invasion of the Bodysnatchers' kind of thing?" Sam interrupted, joking at his brother’s ineptitude.
"Dude, I'm trying to be serious here. Could you at least cut me some slack?"
"I'm sorry. Mr. 'No Chick Flick Moments' himself is telling me he wants to settle down. Dude, you’ve never had less than 3 different girls a week, almost exclusively one night stands from random bars. Lisa was your only serious girlfriend.  I've got to make sure this is for real."
"Yeah, we can’t all have perfect relationships all the time. You’ve had what, 2 girlfriends? Eileen in high school and Jess? I know what you’re saying, man. I know. But it's different with her. I think about her all the time. The thought of her with some other guy, or even some other girl, pisses me off. I never expected to be the jealous type. Especially when it’s two chicks, but here I am. Then this week she tells me that something happened to her over the weekend and I just want to murder whoever hurt her."
"Dean, it sounds like you're in love with her," Sam commented.
"Wha- in love? No. Maybe? Man, shut up," was Dean’s response. 
But those words from his brother got him thinking. Did he love her? He never felt like this before. Not even with Lisa, and they were together for almost 2 years. He was so far outside of his comfort zone, and the agreement they had set. 
"Look, all I'm saying is think about it. And maybe talk to her? And if you do go exclusive, I’d like to meet her."
"Alright. Fine. I'll think about it," Dean conceded. 
The pair chatted for about an hour, about work, family, and other news before Dean decided to call it a night. 
"I'm gonna head out. It's been a long week and I have plans tomorrow."
"Yeah I get that. See you Sunday?"
"You got it, Father Winchester."
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Next Chapter
A/N Post: Yes, the Priest!Sam and the previous Dean chapters are the same universe! I hope my sleight of hand was unnoticed. This is part 5 of a series called Saints and Sinners. I hope you’re enjoying reading this as much as I’m enjoying writing it. This reveal was planned halfway through the first Priest!Sam bit. I hope you guys stick around. It’s gonna be a ride. But remember, weekly on Thursdays from now on. At least you have a bit of time to come to terms with the twist. I’ll drop the masterlist tomorrow for you guys to catch up!
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