#maybe i shouldve stayed on hiatus
judithan-fr · 4 months
I'm quitting flight rising.
I dont know if it's permanent but what I do know is that I'm tired of how staff treats the community. Making broad rules to "punish bad actors", going back on their own standards of what is allowed, releasing features and content half baked to the point it reads waaay worse than what's intended, the list goes on.
As an accent maker I can say that my lifelong accent sales have earned the site easily thousands of dollars worth of premium currency sales, so for them to have shafted the accent making side of the site and then finally update it only to imply that every accent maker is chomping at the bit to *checks notes* sexualize "underage" fictional dragons (which isn't a real thing, they're fucking dragons they're not real, and also the "underage" dragons could have already fucked so like??? Who's sexualizing what again???) is just. It's insulting. It's functionally conservative. It's patronizing.
Flight rising has made blunder after blunder and they refuse to slow down because "oh we already made the schedule we have to keep with it and we're a small team so it's a lot of work!" Like! You made your own fucking schedule! And if needed to you could delay shit but you have to fucking communicate. And you don't!
I'm quitting. I'm done. I'll probably be deleting this blog after a while since there's no point keeping it up.
Sorry to anyone that liked my accents and was looking forward to my unreleased brightshine entry, but I can't bring myself to do this shit anymore.
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moveondontholdon · 7 years
i’m not 100% sure but i think it’s called baruch college? ahh you’re trilingual? what other language do you speak? if you ever come to germany (berlin in particular, which is where i live) i can give you shelter!! (i’m a bad tour guide though lol). i just put both if i stay and where she went on my to be read list lol. ALSO good to know that you love dogs, i’m gonna spam you with pictures of my dog once i’m home! (in case you can submit pictures anonymously? i have no idea lol) - hiatus buddy
baruch, yeah, thats awesome! that was one of the schools i applied to as well. i probably shouldve specified *attempting* to be trilingual haha, english and spanish right now, and im trying to add german. that would be so cool omg, i was looking into maybe getting my masters in germany actually! oh my goodness, both those books had my heart feeling all of the emotions at once. and yes omg if thats possible i would love to see your dog! ive always wanted a dog but its just never happened lol
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