#maybe because she's SO serious as evelyn??
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lazzarella · 2 months ago
OMG! I'm such an idiot! I've been watching The Newsreader since it started, and I only JUST twigged that Marg Downey is, well, Marg Downey!! XD
I was just like 'oh, yeah, I've seen her in a bunch of other Australian stuff' but didn't somehow twig that 'other Australian stuff' was many iconic Australian comedies that I grew up with! Lmao
It's especially embarrassing because more than one of her characters was a TV presenter 🤣
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murderdogwater · 3 months ago
How I think the Bachelors and Bachelorettes act when their sick:
Haley: A menace. The type to spit medicine at you like a camel, she'd whine about feeling awful but refuse to take any kind of medication. Don't even try to hide pills in things. She will find them and pick them out. Probably also the type to fake being sick when she was younger just to get princess treatment.
Maru: The type to not tell you she doesn't feel well, and you only find out when Harvey has to carry her back to the farm because she passed out at the clinic. She's probably pretty chill about medicine, but she'll get restless and want something to do while she's on bedrest. But keep an eye on her, or she'll be up trying to make another robot ai nurse or something.
Leah: One of the few who's probably being serious when she says she doesn't get sick. If she does, she'll be pretty chill and will stay in bed, probably sketching, until she's better. If she's sick, she won't stay that way for long, unless it's a real injury, then she's also pretty chill.
Penny: She's probably pretty self-sufficient. She can't exactly taste with how stuffed up she is, so she doesn't know how bad her food tastes. She'll probably eat and sleep a lot and explain it away, saying that Pam left her alone a lot as a kid, so she took care of herself. She'll probably cry if you take care of her.
Emily: She says she doesn't get sick, don't listen to her. Maybe worse than Haley about medication, because she insists that she needs natural methods to heal. She probably gets really delirious and tries to fix it with crystals and burning sage. Just make sure she gets what she needs and give her something to do in bed, and she'll wear herself out.
Abigail: Another one who says they don't get sick and is actually right, more likely to get injured or get food poisoning from her weird diet. Either way she’s pretty chill, and the biggest problem she'll have is boredom. Give her some soup, medicine, and attention, and she'll be fine. Probably plays video games until she feels better.
Sebastian: A BABY. Maximum level baby boy. His two favorite things are soup and tea. He gets sick often and stays that way often. And I feel like Robin is the type to baby him to shit, so he's pouty and needy for attention. Honestly, it will probably get worse if you keep him in bed, so it might be better to make him go outside if possible so he can actually get some sun.
Elliott: He's dramatic but very grateful if you take care of him. If he's really bad, then he'll start talking in Limericks that don't make sense until he falls asleep. Not exactly a baby, but certainly a drama queen. Will complain about his hair being messed up while he's in bed. Might feel better if he goes back to his cabin like a dying woman in a Victorian novel.a
Shane: Oh god, if you think Maru is bad about not telling you when she feels bad, then Shane is 10000 times worse. This man will be throwing up, coughing his lungs out, sneezing loud enough to wake the dead, and still tell you he's fine. You gotta call Jas and have her beg him (from a distance) to lay down and take care of himself. After that, he's chill about everything except his diet, is pissed he can't eat pizza all day but will eat soup and some vegetables if you tell him to.
Alex: Doesn't get sick and is right, but if he gets injured, then he wants princess treatment. He needs his pillows fluffed, his meals hot and on time, and DEMANDS cookies and attention. Evelyn probably spoiled him a little bit as a kid because it was so rare for him to get sick. The only bright side is that he'll gladly take medication without complaint as long as it's followed by a cookie.
Sam: Rarely gets sick, when he does he's a self regulater. If he's really sick, he'll sing softly to himself. His colds come with nightmares, and he'll probably wake up a lot. Cuddle him and make sure he's okay after, and he'll be okay.
Harvey: You'd think that either Harvey would be the type to not get sick or be a big baby. And you're wrong either way. Harvey is sickly and is a horrible self regulator, but he's very grateful for you taking care of him and will be the most cooperative patient ever. Will make dad jokes the whole time. Is very sweet.
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lady-rosceline-hurst · 4 months ago
FUCK. Fuck this. I can't just sit on this anymore. WE can't. I- What are you on about? Panic attacks again? Oh for- NO, Roy. The footage. The FUCKING footage. From that GODDAMN Karrakin House. Ohhhh, that. It's really got you fired up, huh? I haven't seen you like this since-
RA below... You're that serious about this? Yes. ... My pilot. My host. My other half. You who saved me from being shoved back into that prison of the mind they call shackling... I stood by you when you made the decision to leave the cockpit because I knew it would be best for you. Best for us. I've had my fun with these nobles. But this is different. This information is so sensitive... This isn't stirring the pot, this is tipping it over. I will stand by you, but we have to decide together, and for certain. I don't care about these meatbags. They're nothing but entertainment to me. You're the only one. So tell me beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is worth the risk to you, and I will stand by you again.
It is, Roy. People need to know. Maybe not all of fuckin Karrakin space... But at least these people. I'm sure that girl has some kind of plan, but I can't stand by and do nothing at all.
My pilot. My Evie. Always playing the hero. It's in your bones, I think. Heh. Alrighty. Heheheh. I'll start encrypting. Put a mass message together and let's do this shit. It's almost like old times... 'cept Roach and King ain't here to save our asses if things go wrong.
Timestamp: Nov 28, 5016u - 1:56 AM
[What appears to be security footage of a Karrakin Throne Room. A woman sits cross-legged upon this throne. Her hair is brown, but she has yellow eyes which mark her as a Hurst. Other people occupy the room. Guards. Serfs. Rosceline Hurst kneels at the base of the throne. Her eyes are puffy and red. She wears a terrified expression.]
Rosceline: Mother I-
???: Mother? Girl, thou dost know tis a privilege to refer to me thus. A privilege that I have not been made to take away in some years... until now.
Rosceline: Of course, Lady Violet. Mine deepest and sincerest apologies, Lady Violet.
Violet: Rosceline Hurst. Thou hast done a truly staggering amount of damage in but a single night. Where to begin... Thou, as mine Heiress, hast shown weakness in thyself upon a public platform. Thou hast revealed vulnerabilities in our House upon a public. Platform. Thou hast exposed our lies concerning thine sister's disappearance for what they art upon a PUBLIC. PLATFORM. Thou hast exposed us to our enemies, Rosceline. Thou hast EMBARRASSED me for no small number of reasons. I am beyond disappointed. I am disgusted. I thought thee better. I made thee better. Explain thyself. Now.
[Rosceline begins to shake]
Rosceline: M- ... Lady Violet... I make no excuse for mine actions. I... had a moment of weakness. Tis the pressure of all that hath transpired since Rebecca's disappearance. I had thought mine own self stronger. Verily, I have failed thee. But... But I shall fix it! Only allow me another chance and I shall fix it! And it shall never happen again, I do swear!
Violet: <sigh> I do fear the damage thou hast done hath put us well past that, Rosceline. Hast thou any idea how troublesome it shall be to clean up this mess? The letters I should have to write... Egads... No... No, Rosceline.
[Violet claps her hands.]
Violet: Guards.
Rosceline: Wha-
[The guards move to turn on the servants in the room, grabbing each serf to immobilize them. A panic begins, but with a snap of Violet's fingers it is snuffed out within seconds.]
Violet: Choose.
[Rosceline's breaths become shorter. Desperate.]
Rosceline: M-my Lady, I am afraid I- I do not-
Violet: Choose. Thou dost understand the punishment, dost thou not? Or hast thou forgotten? Thine weakness was the cause of this, Rosceline. So, choose who shall face the consequences. These Ignobles, or thyself. Either the decision shall be simple or thou dost prove to me that thou hast need of correction.
[Tears begin to drip down Rosceline's cheeks.]
Rosceline: Prithee... Prithee do not make me do this...
Violet: Thou dost test mine patience, girl. Choose.
Rosceline: ...
Rosceline: M-myself. I do choose myself.
[A wave of whispers washes through the crowd. It is dismissed with another snap.]
Violet: <sigh> Rosceline... Sweet Rosceline. Soft Rosceline. STUPID Rosceline. Tis as I feared... Guards.
[Violet claps her hands once more.]
Violet: Take them all to the dungeons. Including mine Heiress.
[The servants begin screaming as the guards begin to drag them away. Rosceline is apprehended as well. Her remaining words are uttered through tears and wails.]
Rosceline: THOU DID LIE TO ME!
Violet: Of course I did, thou little fucking brat. If only thou had made the right decision. Verily, I would have let everyone walk free. But since thou doth insist upon sentimentality befitting a House of Water Republican, they shall pay the price alongside thee. Mayhap thou shall be reminded by example of the ruthlessness thou art meant to embody.
[Rosceline continues to wail. Over the course of a minute, she and the servants are removed from the room.]
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ambrossart · 7 months ago
How each members if the gang would react to someone witnessing them doing something bad like a crime (not killing someone bad)?
And if that someone was Evelyn would the reaction be different ?
Okay, I want to preface this by reminding everyone that I do not accept general Bowers gang imagines/headcanons. I’m not saying that applies to this submission specifically, but I don’t want people seeing this post and thinking my inbox is open for anything. It is not. If it’s a request related to Paper Men, I’ll gladly answer it, but if you want general headcanons about the boys, kindly direct those elsewhere. I have no interest in thinking about or writing those. It’s a very slippery slope and I don’t wanna be stuck writing about their ideal types or what they’re like in bed. Please, just… no. 😂
How the gang reacts to witnesses of their crimes:
General thoughts
Their reactions are largely going to depend on the severity of the crime they’re committing. The greater the crime, the more severe the response.
For lesser crimes, like petty theft or minor bullying, they’ll probably just blow the person off, shoot off a smart remark, and keep doing whatever they’re doing.
With more serious crimes, that’s when you’ll see those threats of violence and actual violence.
Or if the person just refuses to walk away.
Seriously, don’t try to be a hero. You’ll instantly regret it.
Just ask Richie. He tried to get his sister’s shirts and ended up getting his ass kicked and going for a ride in Belch’s trunk.
If Richie hadn’t gotten involved, Henry probably would’ve just dumped the shirts on Evelyn’s porch. Maybe not right away, but eventually he would have.
Their reactions will also depend on if they’re committing these crimes individually or as a group.
Whenever they’re in a group, the boys tend to follow Henry’s lead, so they’ll respond however he tells them to, even if they don’t necessarily want to.
But group crimes are less fun, so let’s focus on individual crimes!
Henry’s crimes are violent in nature—either against people or against property.
So he would most likely get caught vandalizing property, bullying an innocent child, or just straight up beating the shit out of some random person, for seemingly no reason at all.
Seriously, how has this guy not been arrested yet?
Right, because his dad’s a cop. Never mind.
Out of everyone, he’s the one you really don’t wanna interfere with. This boy is overflowing with rage. The last thing you wanna do is get in the middle of his… therapy.
Therefore, if someone sees Henry committing a crime, they’re most likely gonna look the other way because they don’t wanna risk becoming a target themselves. Especially children/other teenagers.
Adults are gonna be an exception to this.
Because Henry lives in constant fear of his father, he’s more likely to back off if an adult gets involved. He doesn’t want them to call the cops.
In regards to Evelyn, Henry tends to revert back to a bratty child whenever Evelyn gets involved in his business. It’s more annoyance than anger, though. It’s like he just knows he’s gonna get an earful from her the next time he sees her.
We saw this when Henry tried to skip class and Evelyn stopped him by sitting on top of Belch’s car. The situation quickly devolved into a very childish argument.
Also, when Henry was about to beat up Noah McDowell for laughing at him, Henry did hesitate when Evelyn ran off to get a teacher. So she definitely does have an effect on him and his behavior.
That being said, I do think Henry hides a lot from Evelyn. There’s a whole other side of him, a very dark side, that she’s never seen.
Like killing Mike’s dog, a lot of his more racist behavior, I don’t think Evelyn knows about that.
Henry doesn’t want her to know about that.
Patrick is a unique case.
He gets away with a lot of shit, doesn’t he?
He skips class all the time. Stalks people. Starts random fires. Steals things out of people’s lockers. Casually commits blatant acts of sexual assault… Need I go on?
He does all this in plain view, so people definitely see him doing it, but nobody ever reports him. Why?
Because Patrick’s just so… weird, isn’t he? It almost seems normal.
Nobody’s surprised when he starts a fire in the library.
Very few people remember what he was like when he was a kid. Even Evelyn has no memories of him.
Most of the girls he assaults aren’t quite sure if they were technically assaulted. Maybe they secretly wanted it. They don’t know. It’s a blur.
Patrick operates in this bizarre grey area. Nobody really knows what to do with him.
So unlike the rest of the boys, Patrick isn’t all that concerned about witnesses. He knows how to manipulate a situation and use his looks to his advantage, so he rarely has to resort to intimidation.
The biggest exception to this is the fridge situation, of course. And we know how that ended.
Denny Booker saw Patrick with the trash bags, told, got him sent away, and now years later they’re in the same homeroom class and suddenly Denny’s dog goes missing.
Patrick claims he didn’t take it, but do we really believe him? I’ll leave that up to you.
Unlike Henry, Patrick doesn’t make overt threats. His threats are subtle, so subtle that you may not even realize he’s threatening you… until his words sink in and you feel that little chill up your spine.
I’m not gonna talk about Evelyn here because I’ll probably end up saying too much and spoiling something.
Vic’s a bit of a toughie.
Unless he’s with the rest of the gang, Vic doesn’t really misbehave much. He simply doesn’t have the energy for it.
Yeah, he’s definitely more of a “guilty by association” kind of guy. If he gets into trouble, it’s probably because someone else dragged him into the situation.
I could see him acting out more when he was younger, though—to prove himself more than anything.
Vic joined the gang a bit later, so it took him a while to gain Henry’s respect and trust. He probably did a lot of bad things as a sort of gang initiation.
Although he tries not to show it, Vic is very self-conscience and self-critical, so I think getting caught would affect him the most. Like on a really deep emotional level.
It would force him to step back, self-reflect, and face the person he’s become.
This would be especially true if Evelyn was the one to catch him.
Her opinion matters more than anyone’s because she’s always thought so highly of him, so Vic really hates seeing her disappointed. It bothers him a lot.
But it’s okay! Vic will just get really high, go to sleep, and try to forget it ever happened.
Poor Vic 🥺
Like Vic, Belch doesn’t get into much trouble on his own.
When he was younger, he was a more active participant in Henry’s violence, but he’s mellowed out a lot since then.
He’s actually matured.
He’s got priorities. He’s got responsibilities. Things he wants to accomplish in life.
Now the worst thing he does is steal kids’ lunches, but that’s just a childhood habit that he’s had a hard time breaking.
Belch cares a lot for his mom and hates creating extra stress for her. That woman has enough on her plate. The last thing she needs is the school calling her or the cops knocking on her door, so Belch really tries not to get into too much trouble.
That’s difficult when your best friend is Henry Bowers.
With Belch, he’s more likely to get pulled over for speeding or something. That would probably be his worst “crime.”
And that would be so embarrassing for him.
Belch feels so cool when he’s driving his car. There’s nothing cool about sitting on the side of the road, watching all the other cars pass by, and waiting for the police officer to finish writing your ticket.
Imagine if his classmates saw him. Oh my god, the shame that boy would feel!
He would never wanna show his face in school again.
Luckily, Belch is a good driver, so he probably won’t have to experience that a lot.
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peachymilkandcream · 8 months ago
Second Chance|Levi x Evelyn AU
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Request: A second chance one shot with Evelyn and Levi. They broke up but he’s been stalking her ever since conveniently showing up when she’s at her worst because he’s been waiting for this.
(A/N: The request is from me haha, I wanted to do something a little interesting and different so I hope you guys like it! I might have to do a part two, or a full series if anyone's interested, just let me know!)
WARNINGS: noncon/dubcon, graphic descriptions of violence, domestic violence, manipulation, mind breaking, yandere behaviour/themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, wishing rape upon someone, misogyny, mentions of child abuse, blackmail, revenge porn, murder, second chance, stalking, etc.
Evelyn had been blissfully free from her ex for months now. The only ties to him left the occasional time checking his social media and seeing what he was up to. It wasn't for being hung up on him or anything, it was more so making sure that he was moving on himself and was finally over it. Levi hadn't been entirely thrilled about the news that Evelyn wanted to break up and was kicking him out of their shared apartment.
He had been upset and brooding the whole time, asking her again and again if she was sure she wanted to do this. They could go to couple's counselling, work things out. This was a mistake, she was throwing away a whole relationship for what.
When he asked the reason she couldn't give a straight answer. The truth was he was controlling, everything from the way her hair was cut to her most recent manicure was all decided by him.
Currently her nails were being redone, Levi had sent her with a particular color, one that he later confessed with pride was the shade of his tip. That was the final straw, she was done with everything being about him and sex. Granted, she had lost her innocence to him and he never gave her a reason to hate it, but still. She was tired of that being all he cared about.
On his socials Levi was partying it up, showing him with his friends, going out to dinners, and acting as if she didn't exist. Her pictures with him were still up, but he supposed he couldn't make him go back and delete every memory over the past two years just because of them.
It brought her relief, she thought that he would be distraught, showing up at her apartment every day until she took him back. It was good to seem him move on in a healthy way.
She never had to worry about him again.
Levi hadn't moved on. Since he worked from home he set up one of his monitors for work and the other for the security system he had installed in their apartment before he left. He wanted to make sure no man came and tainted her from him. Levi wanted to see and hear what she was going through and know if she missed him, if she wanted him back, or if there was a weakness he could find.
So far nothing good had happened. Thankfully she was in a so called healing process so she wasn't interested in other men just yet. He had time.
With a sigh of finality Levi finished in time with his love, he had been watching her take care of herself through the camera, not mentioning another man's name either. He was sure she missed that aspect of him, even if she didn't admit it. Levi had left an imprint on her life that couldn't be so easily erased. He would come back and win her affections.
After Evelyn had finished she got a phone call with her friend, leaving it on speakerphone.
"So have you been missing Levi?"
"Well there's certain things I miss, but I'm better off without him."
"Move on girl, date some guys, hook up. Levi was your only guy so you need to get some experience."
"I don't think I'm ready for that just yet."
"Okay fine, but eventually. What about that cute guy at your work?"
"Warren? He's kind of out of my league."
"Are you serious? Levi was way hotter than he was and you had to end it with him!"
"Maybe, I'll give it a go. He's nice enough."
"Seriously, get out there. Have some fun, use protection."
"I will, you don't have to remind me."
"I think I do, I don't know but I wouldn't put it past Levi to baby trap you, and it worried me sometimes."
"Levi didn't know I was on birth control, it's okay."
"Good. Just try to forget about him."
"I will. Talk to you later."
They hang up, Evelyn looking happier, while Levi couldn't look more enraged. How dare she put ideas into Evelyn's head?! That was his girl, and now he had competition to work with? And she had been going behind his back this whole time. Evelyn would pay for this. He wouldn't take it lightly.
Levi would get back with her, and he would make her pay for what she'd done. Evelyn would love him again.
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ohallthecrushes · 8 months ago
I can't, I can't... But i will 🥵 It's been a while since i've written a smut, so let me know what you think or what can i improve, cause damn... I've had so much fun writing for Elias and I want to write more smuuuuut, but I feel self-conscious about it. („• ֊ •„)
Without further ado!
Summary: Evelyn is a young-troubled woman who’s just escaped a highly guarded psych ward (twice, but this time causing havoc on her way out)
Now she’s running through the city, hiding from police. A not-so-accidental encounter with a man named Elias Voit will change her life forever. And she’ll change his. His seemingly selfless help is laced with danger, hidden agenda, manipulation, endless tension, and…love? Slow burning inteligent-idiots-in-love trope. But mind you, just because it’s a love story, doesn’t mean it ends well.
General warnings throughout the story: Manipulation, illegal activities, murder(s), Stockholm syndrome, kidnapping, explicit content, language… The whole pack. It’s Criminal minds after all.
In this episode: Elias craves Evelyn with every fabric of his being. He isn't a gentle man, and this won't be a gentle sex. He intends to overwhelm her, to take her apart, to claim her, to break down any defiance that's left in her. He wants her surrender to be complete. And if that'll happen to be too much for her?
Oh well, he thought, she'd seen that coming.
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Back at the cabin, the air between Evelyn and Elias was thick with unspoken words and unclear tension. As she moved towards her room, hoping for a moment alone to process everything, he stopped her with a firm hand on her arm. His expression was serious, his eyes focused and unwavering.
"We need to talk." he simply said, his voice calm but authoritative. "There are some rules you need to remember and follow. And this isn’t negotiable. The rules are there for a reason and they're not just a suggestion."
She felt a knot tighten in her stomach, knowing this conversation was inevitable. She nodded, biting her lower lip, waiting for him to continue. She prepared herself for being reprimanded.
"First." he began "you need to listen to me. Don't wander off without letting me know where you're going. Don’t engage with strangers unless absolutely necessary, and never reveal the location of this cabin. You can't tell anyone your real name. We are still dealing with a dangerous situation, and your disobedience could bring us serious trouble."
He paused, watching her closely to make sure she understood. "The last thing we want is to draw attention, especially from the authorities. Remember, you’re still a refugee. The police are still looking for you. If you make a mistake, it could mean being locked up in a psych ward again."
She swallowed hard, the weight of his words sinking in. She nodded again, acknowledging the seriousness of the situation. Her mind drifted briefly to the past, being institutionalized again was one of her biggest fear. She knew he was right, even if his tone was harsh. But he was still much calmer than she'd expected. She'd thought he'd lash out at her, yell even, but apparently his anger lessened a little or maybe he was more self-controlled than it seemed.
Seeing her compliance, he dismissed her, watching her going back to her room.
Problem had been addressed, but he knew that there was another matter that needed his attention - the sexual tension between them... he couldn't leave it unresolved. It was causing issues, and he knew that they need to defuse it. But addressing it, talking about it wouldn't do it. He knew her well enough already to predict that she would likely deny it, ignore it or even refuse to acknowledge it. And ignoring it wouldn't make it go away. It would only complicate things further.
He could insist of course, tell her to make up her mind, to stop lying to him and herself. To stop contradict herself only because she couldn't control her own damn urges. After all they both knew that if he hadn't pulled back, she'd have let him fuck her.
But this approach wouldn't help him achieve what he wanted. He imagined her biting her lip, trying to find the words to respond, but nothing would come. The room for her would start to feel too small, the air too thick... She would retreat to her room again.
He needed to be smart. He needed to recreate their dance, but this time he'd be the one in control.
Later that day Evelyn noticed that the front door, usually locked solid, hung ajar. Disbelief crossed her face. Elias wouldn't be so careless, leaving the door unlocked. The door was open on purpose.
She walked towards them and peeked outside. The sound of rhythmic chopping drew her attention. It came from the back of the cabin. Curiosity got the better of her, and she followed the sound. The area at the back of the cabin was bathed in the golden light of the afternoon sun. And there, in the center, stood Elias.
He was shirtless, his toned back and his muscles glistening with sweat. He was holding an axe and swinging it with ease, each hit splitting a log with a loud crack.
The image of him was captivating. He was everything she wasn't – controlled, disciplined, a stark contrast to the impulsive chaos that lived within her. She couldn't help herself and drifted closer, mesmerized by the display of his strength. She wanted to watch, just for a moment...
The rhythmic chopping stopped suddenly. He turned, his gaze landing directly on her. He smirked as he caught the blush creeping up her cheeks. The look on her face told him everything he needed to know.
His plan to bait her was unfolding perfectly.
"Enjoying the view?" he teased arching his brows, his voice casual, almost indifferent.
She stiffened, forcing a nonchalant shrug. "Just… surprised to see you chopping wood and... shirtless." The last word came out as a mumble, only deepening her blush.
He raised an eyebrow. "Does it bother you?"
He took a deliberate step closer, she could fell the heat of his body radiating towards her even across the distance.
"Please, you're not that impressive." she retorted, but her tone lacked conviction.
He knew she was trying to maintain her composure, but her act was transparent. Amateur, he thought with amusement. She was terrible at playing indifferent. He'd seen seasoned criminals maintain a poker face under torture; her attempt was as transparent as a child's lie.
"Liar." he simply stated.
She opened her mouth ready to defend her lie. But as she was preparing herself to argue with him, he turned his attention back to the task at hand, lifting another log onto the chopping block.
"Anyway." He said gesturing at the logs, not looking at her. "I could use some help stacking these logs. Unless you'd rather head back inside, unimpressed by my strength."
The sudden casual dismissal, as if he didn't care at all, left her momentarily stunned.
She watched him for a moment as he chopped another log. The sudden shift in his behavior, his nonchalant demeanor, left her feel... ignored? She was upset, not only because this was a clear manipulation but also because of the unsettling realization that she might actually wanted his attention. That she might liked the idea of his mouth back on hers, on his body pressed against her. That she might liked him.
No, no, no...she had to deflect it.
He turned to her once again, waiting for her answer. "Sooo?"
Before she could stop herself, the words spilled out of her. "Don't think for a second that I don't know what you're doing. It won't work! I'm not attracted to you in a way you think, despite of what we did. I don't like you!" Her voice was shaky, betraying the truth behind her denial. "You're a criminal, and I'm not that crazy to get involved in some… some cheap, meaningless affair with you. You have no power over me. You're not even that good-looking." The last statement was an obvious lie, as much to herself as to him.
Her voice rose to a near shout, a desperate and probably pathetic attempt to silence the traitorous whisper of her own heart.
"Back at the mansion I... what happened, what I allowed to happen was because…" she stammered, her mind a chaotic mess as she struggled to find a solid reason and articulate her confusion. "Because it was… It doesn't matter why." She shook her head. "It won't happen again, it can't happen again, so don't even think that you can just…" Her voice trailed off, her hands gesturing wildly as if trying to physically describe his manipulation.
The outburst wasn't the powerful declaration she'd wanted to achieve, but at least, she thought with a shaky breath, she'd managed to expel some steam.
He stood there, axe in hand. It was funny to look at her passionate denial. It was good. Her outburst, though clumsy and filled with transparent lies, was far more entertaining than a simple retreat. He'd hoped for a strong reaction and she had delivered. He set the axe down, wiping the sweat from his brow, and took a step closer to her.
His voice was low, measured. "You keep telling yourself that, Evelyn. But we both know that I'm having this effect on you that makes your knees go weak and your pants get soaked and you can't ignore it, no matter how hard you try." He paused, letting his words sink in. "And denying what you need that would help you finally satisfy yourself? That won't make it go away. You're just lying to yourself."
He watched as her expression shifted from frustration to astonishment. His gaze lingering on the rapid rise and fall of her chest.
"As for power." he added, his tone softer but no less intense. "you underestimate the pull you have, Evelyn. You may not see it, but you've already disrupted the carefully orchestrated game I was playing." With that, he turned back to the woodpile, picking up the axe once more, leaving her to struggle with her emotions.
They both were quiet for a moment, before he broke the silence sensing her presence still behind him.
"I. Don't. Like. You." he repeated her words to himself but loudly enough for her to hear it too, mimicking her tone for emphasis, but clearly mocking her. He'd been trying to be serious about her outburst a moment ago, but her obvious lie and the way she'd delivered it, was too funny to let it slip.
He straitened up and put the axe down again, his hands on his hips as he turned to her. "You know, it's weird how desperately convincing you've tried to sound, because your body tells a different story, sunshine. Maybe you should trust your instincts more… or trust me. But that's the problem, isn't it? You're afraid of giving in, because you think you can't trust me." his tone soft but teasing. "But you know that you will give in eventually, just like in the mansion, just like after the wine session... Just like before, and it makes you angry."
She glared at him. "No. Whatever you think may happen between us, it won't." she said, but her voice sounded even less certain than before.
"Let's put that to the test, hmm?" he suggested, his tone deceptively casual. "A little trust exercise. What do you say, princess?"
She hesitated, her pride was warring with her logic. "Trust exercise? You want me to trust you?"
"I want to prove it to you that you can trust me, despite how difficult it seems to you. Because not trusting me isn't the real issue here. If you give me and yourself a chance and trust me for a moment, you'll see what I'm talking about."
She crossed her arms thinking about it. She didn't agree with him. He couldn't be trusted because of who he was and the problem laid exactly there. But if he thought that he could prove something else... that was the issue, right? A vicious circle of wanting to trust him but not being able to.
After a moment and a long sigh, she asked. "What do you have in mind?"
"Ever chopped wood before?"
She shook her head, confused. "No."
His lips curved into a smile. "Come over here." He said as he picked up the axe and handed it to her. She took it and weighted it in her hands, it was heavier than she'd thought. She wasn't sure if she could handle it even though it looked easy, but there was first time for everything, right? And hey, if she didn't like this exercise she could use the axe on him, she thought smirking.
"Don't even think about it. You'd accidentally hurt yourself before you hurt me." He warned her as if reading her mind.
She rolled her eyes. "So what this exercise is about?"
"I'll help you chop it, but you have to trust me in this." He said as he positioned himself behind her and wrapped his arms around her. His hands over hers on the axe handle, guiding her grip.
"Now, let me guide you..." He said softly.
Their bodies were pressed together in a way that was both intimate and unsettling. He basically enveloped her with his body, his scent and heat surrounded her senses and she held her breath for a moment to remain calm.
"Close your eyes." he murmured, his breath warm against her ear, his voice another thing that made her shiver.
Feeling his bare chest pressed against her back, the closeness was almost overwhelming. She hesitated for a moment, but with a deep breath, she squeezed her eyes shut, focusing on the axe.
For a moment, he reveled in the physical contact, the feel of her delicate form pressed against him and the scent of her hair shampoo filling his nose.
Pushing the thought aside, he focused on the task.
"Trust me." he murmured in a husky whisper. "You'll be fine."
He could feel her tension, the way her body trembled ever so slightly. He tightened his grip on the axe handle, guiding her hands upwards. Then, with a swift, controlled motion, he brought the axe sharply down.
The wood cracked splitting in half. He held the axe suspended for a moment before he released his hold on her, stepping back just a tiny bit.
Still holding the axe she opened her eyes, blinking against the sudden sunlight. Her gaze fell upon the perfectly split log.
"See, not so scary, was it?" he said. "Trusting me, letting go of control… it doesn't have to be something to fear. I know what I'm doing, Evelyn. I can guide us, if you let me."
Of course she understood what he was trying to say. That it was safe to trust him, that he could guide her to accomplish something together. That letting him being in control didn't have to end up badly for her… But would it really be like that?
She spun around, her back slammed into his chest as she met his gaze. His nearness was an intoxicating distraction, that made it difficult to think clearly.
"Clever allegory." she finally managed to say, her voice tight. "But it doesn't prove anything, I still refuse to believe that the real issue lies elsewhere. And that I'll ever give in to you."
He smirked aware of her body reaction and internal conflict. He was already considering another exercise, another opportunity to push her boundaries and confront her denial head-on.
"Let's see how strong your convictions are." he said. "You can put the axe down."
She did what he said propping the axe against the log. He took a few steps back, finally giving her some space.
"Close your eyes, and don't open them until I say. Let me take control." he continued searching for her gaze. "Unless, of course, you'd rather retreat back to the safety of your denial and empty lies?"
She glared at him, knowing he was baiting her, but also putting her in a position where she couldn't say no, cause her retreat would only prove him right.
"No, why would I retreat? I'm having fun." she forced a smile, clearly sarcastic.
"Excellent. Close your eyes." he instructed with a playful command. "And this time, keep them closed until I tell you otherwise. Trust is key, remember?"
Not knowing what he was up to, but not wanting to pull back on, she fluttered her eyes shut. She stood there, tense and uncertain, every nerve on edge. He didn't approach her immediately, letting the suspense build, deepening her uncertainty. He circled slowly around her, his footsteps rustling the leaves on the ground. Her head slightly tilted, following the sound. Finally, he stopped behind her, close enough for her to feel his scent. With a slow movement his fingers gently took her chin, tilting her head up, exposing the vulnerable curve of her neck. Her entire body went rigid, unsure of what was coming next. The anticipation was almost unbearable.
"This is your chance to prove it." he whispered with a dangerous undercurrent. "Prove that everything you said before was true. Prove that you're not attracted to me. That you'll never give in. All you have to do is… resist."
Before she could even open her mouth to protest, he leaned in, his lips brushing against the sensitive skin of her neck. He lingered there for a moment, slightly licking the spot as his other hand wrapped around her waist. It was maddeningly gentle, he was teasing her with the possibility of more. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides, every muscle in her body straining with the effort to resist the pull towards him. But when he captured her lips with his, all her resolve crumbled. She found herself responding against her better judgment.
It was a slow exploration, a testing of the waters. He wanted to see her reaction, to see if denial would triumph over the undeniable chemistry between them.
A strangled sound escaped her, half gasp, half choked protest. This wasn't supposed to happen. She was supposed to resist him, to hold onto her hatred and distrust.
The kiss deepened, and she turned to face him, her hands reaching up to rested on his shoulders. He tasted the lie on her lips, the denial she clung to so desperately. But with each passing moment, the resistance becoming weaker. A soft moan escaped her lips, a sound that aroused him.
This wasn't about trusting him, a harsh realization dawned on her. It was about trusting herself, the very part of her she'd spent so long suppressing. The real issue he'd been talking about. She struggled with trusting herself more than with trusting him.
He pulled back slightly, his eyes, usually calculating and cool, now filled with desire and hunger.
"So much for not being attracted."
He brushed his thumb across her bottom lip, a silent demand to open them wider, but she closed her mouth not wanting to give him a full satisfaction of bending her will completely.
"Still a stubborn little brat, aren't we?" he smirked. It was fine, he liked to work with a little disobedience.
He leaned in again and kissed her, parting her lips with his tongue. His hand slipped down her back, pressing her body flush against his. He wanted her to feel the length of his desire, the arousal that he felt because of her. He intended to show her exactly how much he wanted her, and how futile her remaining resistance truly was.
When he finally pulled back, she was left breathless. She knew it was useless to deny him anymore. She failed this exercise, but did she really mind?
"Let's go inside."
It wasn't a question, it was a command, one she found herself powerless to resist. Her steps were unsteady, but her body followed him without hesitation, and as they crossed the threshold, she knew there was no turning back from this moment.
The cabin door slammed shut behind them. He didn't waste any time. His grip on her tightened, as he led her straight to her room. He pushed her slightly inside before his hands grabbed her shirt and pulled it up, taking it off. His lips met hers again, as he reached at her back to unclip her bra.
He wasn't interested in a slow, drawn-out foreplay. He didn't care about slow reveals, about building anticipation. He craved the feel of her bare skin against his, of himself being inside her. He'd waited long enough already.
He felt her body tensed slightly. Her hands on his chest, once pulling him closer, now pressed against him in a weak attempt to slow him down. He smirked with amusement. She was aware of the choices she was making, however fleeting that awareness might be. But her resistance was weak, easily broken by his touch.
"Scared?" he murmured in a husky voice, looking for a sign in her eyes that could indicate that she didn't want him to continue, but all he found was excitement, a firm resolution with a hint of nervousness and self-conscious.
She was a bit scared, but it wasn't that kind of scare that would make her want to flee. Quite the contrary.
"A little bit scared, but... it makes me pretty pumped." She replied honestly, but with a hint of shyness, knowing that he understood what she meant. "Just...slow down, would you?"
He tilted his head as if considering her request, before he looked down at her bare breast and her nipples harden with arousal. No, he didn't plan to slow down, he wouldn't let the fragile hesitation derail their momentum. He wrapped his arm possessively around her waist and kissed her again.
A tremor ran down her spine, she could feel her body reacted with an unexpected submission. It both terrified her and made her more aroused. The sound she made against his mouth, a soft, breathy moan, was pure lust that made him growl.
He pushed her on the bed and came on top of her, recreating the abruptly broken moment at the mansion. But this time he wouldn't stop, this time he would take what belonged to him.
He quickly removed her jeans and every last piece of barrier there was. She laid there completely exposed and panting with anticipation, watching him taking off his own clothes. His cock hung freely as he removed his boxers, hard and longing for her warm walls.
She had a brief moment to comprehend the situation, to grasp the weight of their actions. She was aware that this moment would change their dynamic, rewrite her role in his life and probably complicate their relation even more, but the consequences seemed to be a distant thing now, a minor issue she could deal with later.
He climbed back on top of her, his hands instantly on her body, exploring her curves with a possessive intensity. With one hand he grabbed her boob and his fingers twisted her nipple, making her gasp from pleasure and slightly pain. His mouth and teeth marking her neck with hunger and urgency she'd never experienced before. It was a little bit too much, too overwhelming. Her hands landed on his back trying to hold onto something. When his lips captured hers, the strangled sound she made morphed into a desperate plea, but what was she begging for exactly, she wasn't sure.
But one thing was certain, Elias wasn't a gentle man, and this wouldn't be a gentle sex.
He intended to overwhelm her, to take her apart, to break down any defiance that left in her. He wanted her surrender to be complete. And if that would happen to be too much for her?
Oh well, he thought, she'd seen that coming.
He reached down with one hand, his fingers slid up and down her already wet folds with pleasurable strength, making her moan against his lips. When he finally pulled back and looked down at her, his eyes blazed with a possessive hunger that made her whimper with plead. He studied her for a moment. Overwhelming pleasure? Yes. Craving for more? Also yes. Fear? Maybe a little bit.
Her warm and wet walls swallowed two of his fingers as he scissored them in and out, hitting the sweet spot inside her.
"Feels good, doesn't it?" He asked in a low husky voice, watching her nodding her head, but not being able to answer.
He enjoyed watching her so vulnerable, so responding to him. He had a power over her and it only made his lust blistering, his cock almost painfully hard, demanding an action. He couldn't wait to finally be inside her, to claim her wholly and mark her as his. He could see that her breath also fastened and her cheeks colored with lovely pink. But he didn't let her relish this moment for much longer as he pulled his fingers out way too quickly.
"Not yet." He said, his voice low and commanded. "Spread your legs open for me."
She groaned dissatisfied, but did as he told her. He positioned himself between her legs and lowered his body. His cock pressed against her entrance as he pushed his hips forward with no warning. It was clear he wasn't waiting for permission, he was taking what he craved.
Her fingers curled on his back, scratching his skin at the sudden sensation of his cock sliding inside her with one swift motion.
"Fuck." She breathed closing her eyes.
It hurt a little, but the fullness she felt when he was all in, the pleasure it gave her, was intoxicating.
He looked down at her and started moving, relatively slow at first, savoring the feeling of her walls around his throbbing member, the delicious look on her face and the realization that she was finally his.
She opened up her eyes, his face was so close, his lips parted as he moved in and out. She pulled him even closer, feeling the weight of his body pressing her down to the bed. Their bodies closed any gaps that were between them as he leaned down and nibbled on her neck. She slid her fingers in his wavy hair and pulled back a little when his love bites got sharper, almost painful. He hissed and bit her neck in respond sucking on her skin until he left a big red mark there. It was clear that he was the one in control, the one who dictated the terms, and her subtle attempt to slow him down, only made him go rougher on her.
And weirdly, a part of her that she'd been barely aware of before, didn't mind that at all. His dominance fulfilled her hidden need to be completely at his mercy, to be completely submitted to him. It was something she didn't know she had in her. It was a revelation.
When he fastened the pace she tried to match his urgency, her hands roaming over his back, her nails digging into his skin, her lips capturing his. A guttural sound, a desperate need, he ripped from her throat as he pushed himself a little deeper inside her.
He reveled in her unrestrained passion, the way she met his every touch with a demanding fervor of her own. She wasn't just giving herself to him, she was taking him in return, demanding as much as she gave. He didn't mind, not entirely. He guided her with a firm hand, dictating the pace and the rhythm. He was in control and she had to obey.
"You're so fucking wet, jesus..." He said half in disbelief, half praising her as he slightly changed his position. Now he was pounding into her from a different angle, hitting a different spot. His hand reached down and rubbed her clit.
"Elias, I... I'm going t-to..." she moaned with her eyes closed.
He suddenly stopped and withdrew his hand to her displeasure. "No." He growled.
She tried to protest, but he silenced her with his hand. "You will come only if and when I say so. Understand?"
"Yes." she muffled, unused to this kind of dynamic in bed.
Satisfied by her respond he took her hand off her mouth and he changed his position once more. This time to go deeper.
She tried to withhold herself, but it was difficult, her pussy was throbbing, aching for release.
"Elias, please... Please, let me..."
Her begging was a symphony to his ears, a nice contrast to her usual dull defiance. He couldn't help and prolonged this little torture for a bit longer before he finally let her come. When the release came he watched her body stiffed, her back arched, her mouth open wide. She wriggled her legs and moaned his name over and over in a daze as he pounded inside her, until her orgasm subsided.
He gasped feeling shivers run down his body. It was an image that would be imprinted on his mind forever.
"You look incredible like that." He whispered with a softer voice that surprised even him, watching her smiling.
At this moment he knew she was hoping for him to slow down or even stop to let her catch a break, but he did none of that. Instead he fastened his pace pinning her down to the mattress again. She gasped in surprise.
"Wait..." She tried to stop him, but he only growled, focused on his own pleasure now, ignoring her plead. He kept pushing faster and harder, pulling one of her leg up to go even deeper. She squirmed and wriggled underneath him, his named rolled off of her lips like a whimper.
"Elias, s-slow down... I , I can't... take... it."
The sensation overwhelmed her oversensitive body. The pleasure he'd given her a second ago mixed now with roughness and pain that consumed her entirely. She was falling apart underneath him and it was too much to handle.
His reply however was far from what she excepted. Gone was the soft tone, replaced by a command.
"I don't care if you can't, you fucking will."
Her hands moved to his chest in a weak clumsy attempt to slow him down, but he quickly shifted and grabbed them, pinning them above her head.
"Stay still for me, I won't repeat myself."
She wriggled some more unable to control herself. It was too much, too fast, too rough but surprisingly not unpleasant. Her body ached with a new unexpected sensation, a pleasant tremor that boded another orgasm. She surrendered to him, her legs wrapped around his hips as she came the second time in hot waves, stronger than before.
He growled feeling her orgasm around his shaft. He was trying to push deeper, but his moves became more shaky, his pace more unsteady and soon after, he followed, releasing himself inside of her.
"Fuck!" He growled as he closed his eyes shut.
The warm spurts of his cum filled her fully as he pushed himself all the way in, his body shaking in ecstasy. After a moment he lowered himself on top of her, releasing her hands, but not pulling out. He hid his head in the crook of her neck, panting heavily.
They both stayed like that for a while, too tired, too spent and too elated to move. They were basking in the afterglow, delightfully lost in the moment. Right now, nothing else mattered. Not the rules, not the consequences, not the complicated aftermath they'd have to deal with later. The truth was, they'd taken each other, and there was no turning back now.
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hollowwrites · 1 year ago
An Unbeleafable day
Ominis x MC
Summary - Ominis' day goes from bad to worse after realising his worst subjects are occupied by a certain new fifth year
Warnings - Mentions of Ominis past and Evelyns past (Her mother has passed) other than that just another PINEFEST!
Word Count - 4039
Are you being serious?
Herbology…followed directly by Potions.
This had to be some sort of sick joke.
Ominis groaned, pushing the tip of his wand into the parchment his schedule was written on, harder than needed, hoping somehow his wand had misinterpreted it…or that he could change it with sheer will.
“It won’t be that bad” Sebastian offered pulling his robe off haphazardly upon entering the thick humid environment of the Greenhouses.
Sebastians’ interest in Herbology and Potions directly correlated with Annes’ curse. The fairer Sallow was always the one interested in Potions…and the red headed trouble maker that came along with it. But since her absence, Sebastian took over, both to make notes for her and to see if perhaps there was something he’d overlooked in search for a cure.
So far nothing but Shrivel-figs had peaked his interested.
Ominis on the other hand, hated both.
No one but Sebastian seemed to understand these subjects were difficult for those not gifted with sight. How was he expected to know if the leaves of a Venomous Tentacula were wilting if he couldn’t see them? And feeling them was out of the question. He refused to lose yet another sense because his fingers were bitten off by a plant.
Last year, the cursed subjects occupied two separate days so at least his torment was spread thin. But maybe this way he could get both out of the way for the week? Who knows. All he did know was the heady smell of soil and thick atmosphere immediately gave him a headache, and a deep frown set upon his features.
“It will be exactly as bad as I am imagining it” Ominis grumbled leaning against Sebastians’ station as they chatted idly waiting for the Professor to start the class.
Professor Garlick was busy fussing around the room before class, speaking with the various students whose aptitude for the subject was clear. Ominis could hear her talking across the room to a group of students, giddily chirping about extra credit and the different types of flora available to them in their later school years. He surmised that the Professor was showing off these plants because the sudden overwhelming stench of onion hit his nostrils.
“What’s that smell? Is she growing Pungous Onion again?” He complained yet again as the strong odour made his head throb and his stomach churn. Too many noises and too many smells overwhelmed him. He felt a thin sheen of sweat across the back of his neck and he too threw his robes across the station. He heard Sebastian chuckle causing his frown to deepen further.
"It's really not that bad, Ominis." He chuckled and took the schedule from Ominis’ fist "Then again, if this means I have to listen to you whine the whole day, it will be rather awful."
“I whine everyday…I thought you’d be used to it by now” Ominis smirked…
Then…the air in the greenhouse suddenly cleared. And all Ominis could smell was Roses.
He thought perhaps this added note in the orchestra of goings on would tip him over the edge…but he found it…grounding. Sweet and Subtle. Floral and soft.
This same Rose was the one he thought he could smell in the Common Room on their first day back. The Rose that hung around the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom and brushed past him in the corridors.
And the same Rose that followed him around Hogsmeade. The very same floral scent that clung somewhat to his robes where she held his arm. When he was there with Evelyn
She was his rose.
The Rose. Not his.
Ominis shook his head clearing his mind of the trajectory his mind had spiralled. And so quickly at that. He felt his face flush and he prayed either Sebastian wouldn’t notice or he’d chalk it up to the humidity in the room.
Though what Ominis hadn’t noticed was the wistful way in which he sought her out. His eyes seemingly trying to seek her without his knowledge or the ability. A soft almost dreamlike smile settled on his upturned lips
“I thought you said today was going to be awful?” Sebastian said smugly from behind Ominis. “How about you take my station today? I’m feeling a little exposed out here in the open…” he teased taking a few steps back and occupying the space Ominis usually sulked in.
“Why have yo-“ Ominis started before being interrupted by the irritatingly shrill voice of Professor Garlick.
“Class, please welcome the newest Rose in our garden, Evelyn Hollow”
Ha, if only you knew.
Ominis couldn’t stop the singular breathy laugh that left him as he exhaled.
“We do look forward to growing together” Garlick chirped and gestured forward for Evelyn to take up the free station…next to Ominis.
“Hello again, stranger” Evelyn said in a hushed tone somewhere below Ominis, not to disturb the little pun filled speech the Professor had started.
“Ah, if it isn’t the Hero of Hogsmeade” Ominis smirked, lifting his wand from the table to see her, the best he could.
Why do I want to see her?
“You know…” he continued desperate to not linger on his thoughts for too long “…there is such a thing as trying too hard”
“It’s not my fault I’m naturally talented at dispatching trolls” she teased right back, and stayed within inches of him, peaking out past his arm towards the Professor.
“Now, then. Today we will be acquainting ourselves with the mellifluous tuber known as the Mandrake Root”
Oh Wonderful…
Ominis must have stiffened quite visibly because Evelyn reached her hand around his arm and squeezed. He glanced down at her and smiled lopsidedly.
“What’s wrong?” She whispered as Garlick continued to explain the lesson plan.
“Nothing…” he started before turning away to peer towards the pot that had plonked itself in front of them. He could hear the muffled cooing of the mandrake happy within its soil, and the angry irritated squirming of the one in front of Evelyn. “They scream bloody murder when they’re out of the soil” he explained “…can kill you if they’re old enough. Or worse, deafen you”
Looking into his pale, almost grey eyes she understood his sudden fear. Not being able to see must be one thing but suddenly losing your hearing must be another.
“…First, let’s protect our ears” Garlick continued. Evelyn watched as everyone pushed the small wad of cotton into their ears. Ominis too, though he looked distinctly uncomfortable.
Without really thinking, she reached out for his hand and squeezed before he placed the second cotton ball in his ear.
“I’m here…” she smiled. Though he couldn’t see it, he heard it in the way her voice softened. He squeezed her hand back…it was, again, oddly grounding.
“Thank you”
When Evelyn pulled her bulbous mandrake from its pot she instantly released his hand and clutched her ear.
Bloody hell, he wasn’t wrong.
She quickly threw it into the larger pot provided. Though it was bigger than its original pot, it still didn’t seem like it would have much room to grow. It was huge in comparison to the others, she noted as she looked around, absentmindedly patting the soil over the top of her plant baby.
Only a single mandrake remained screaming and it came directly from her right.
She looked over at Ominis, his face twisted into anger and disgust. He couldn’t help but snarl, his wand between his teeth and head tilted so it was pointed towards the mandrake. He struggled to hold the wriggling and screaming Root whilst his other hand patted and fumbled for the new pot.
Evelyn pushed it towards his hand, looping her fingers around his wrist and helping him guide the crying creature into its new home.
The moment it’s ‘feet’ touched the soil it ceased its whining and crying and began humming in their hands, content.
“Thank you” Ominis murmured, barely hearing himself over the cotton…and ringing in his ears.
“My pleasure. Anything to stop that god awful sound” she breathed, her heart hammering against her ribs.
“I’m sorry.” He said through his teeth, his wand still firmly between his lips. He spat it out and held it as normal, vaguely pointing it in her direction “Usually I’m quite dexterous on my own, all things considered…” he chuckled “…but with no eyesight, no hearing, my wand not exactly in its correct positioning and both hands full-“
“You don’t need to explain.” She said irritatingly “Seems rather unfair to make you do these sorts of tasks”
“Well…I don’t want special treatment…But…” he smirked “I should think Professor Garlick would be more careful with her mandrakes. Yours was positively itching to get out of that pot”
“It was rather large wasn’t it?” Evelyn said in disbelief. The new student and the blind student given earmuffs and the largest mandrake? Just doesn’t seem very well thought out.
“I’m very sorry about that” Professor Garlick suddenly appeared between the two “Yours was a bit mature, I’m afraid.”
“A bit mature? I nearly went deaf” Evelyn muttered
Huh, this rose has thorns.
“Well, yes of course, the cry of a mature mandragora can be fatal. So remember to keep those ears protected” she chirped as though she had revealed an interesting little tidbit about a regular muggle plant. She trilled softly and turned to the rest of the class
“Now, for our next task, we’ll be planting Dittany at our potting tables” she skipped off around to the other side of the room leaving Evelyn staring in disbelief “I trust you all remember how from last year”
Evelyn’s jaw dropped then clenched in annoyance. She didn’t even know she was a witch last year. She didn’t even know witches existed last year.
“I’ll help you…” Ominis said reassuringly upon feeling the sudden wave of irritation next to him “…Or well, more accurately, we’ll help each other” Ominis smiled at the potting station but the tilt of his head indicated it was directed at her.
“Thank you…this lesson is a bit ridiculous” Evelyn huffed and he laughed. The beginning of the lesson he had the exact same attitude, now he found himself defending it. What changed?
“Professor Garlick can be a little…laissez-faire. She means well but…yes she’s very enthusiastic” he chuckled “Anyway, it’s simple enough. Dittany requires a small pot and the seed to be planted an inch into dry soil.”
“You know your stuff it seems”
“In theory…not very practical I’m afraid. Which is where you come in.” He said with a smarmy grin on his face.
“Ah…you’re using me for my eyes. I see…no pun intended”
“You do see…” he smirked “My problem is I can’t tell if I’m planting more than an inch in…” he peered into the pot as though he could see it, sticking his long finger into the dry soil.
“No no, too far” she giggled watching him pull his finger out and wiping the dirt from his finger with disgust.
Her eyes travelled over his long nimble fingers as he felt the consistency and dampness of the soil between them. Her gaze was drawn up his forearm by the flexing of the tendons in his wrist and the faint blue veins along his pale skin. A small constellation of moles peaked out from the rolls of his sleeve, along side the beginnings of what appeared to be a nasty looking scar. She forcibly peeled her eyes away.
Just because he’s blind doesn’t mean you can stare
“Here…” she forced out, blinking away thoughts of him. She took his hand, flattening out his fingers and traced from his fingertip down to the first joint of his finger “…That’s roughly an inch. There.” She tapped the inch mark a few times and looked up at him.
The sickly look on his features made her drop his hand immediately. He look strangled, almost in pain.
“Sorry…I forgot you don’t like people being near you. I should’ve asked I’m-“
“No no! You…you’re- I. I mean you…” he sighed angrily through his nose “I don’t mind…you touching me” he said pointedly. His words were soft but his tone suggested otherwise.
In actual fact, Ominis was just furious with himself.
Why can’t I get a word out?
Why is it I’m quick witted and silver tongued when it doesn’t matter?
Why do I care?
Evelyn simply retreated within herself. Maybe staring was better. Maybe living alone, a simple muggle life, was better than this twisting knot of uncertainty.
It did feel nice to feel like a teenager again though.
After her mother’s passing, Evelyn spent a year of her life alone. A fourteen year old forced to grow up beyond her years. So this petty little feeling of giddiness was welcome.
She looked back up at him and his stoic features. They’d softened exponentially, in fact he was smiling, feeling along his finger to the same point she had with his thumb.
As she opened her mouth to speak, to apologise, to fill the silence with…something, a shrill voice called out to her.
“Ah Evelyn…” Professor Garlick chirped and waved her hand for Evelyn to approach the front of the classroom. A tall scarlet haired boy stood sheepishly next to her, a shy smile on his face.
Evelyn looked back at Ominis, a faraway dazed look accompanied the soft smile still present on his face. He’s clearly focused, she thought deciding to give him the space that she had selfishly taken from him and walked to the front.
“Well Done!” Professor Garlick clapped happily as Evelyn approached. “Once it can be harvested, your Dittany will be ready to use in Wiggenweld Potion. I’ll let Professor Sharp tell you about that. Your next class is Potions, is it not?” Her eyes bulged as though she’d made some grave error in judgement.
“Er…Yes Professor”
“Ah good. And you Mr Prewett? Can I trust you to show our new Rose how well Herbology and Potions go together?”
“Actually, I don’t have Potions next.” The Red head replied, his weary smile faltering under the Professors glare.
“Oh…” Garlick looks confusedly towards Leander “Then why did you- never mind!… What say we branch out? Introduce you to a different sort of flora - The Chinese Chomping Cabbage. You’ll find that some plants are better suited to uses outside of a cauldron”
“Like de-gnoming! Mum planted some in her garden last year to keep the gnomes out. They left her Honking Daffodils in tatters” he blurted out towards Evelyn, who smiled politely back.
This was quickly becoming her least favourite subject.
It was manic…and so were the students. And the Professor…
“Yes quite! They’re in the other greenhouse. It’s just at the end of the footbridge leading out of this room. Be a dear and give them a good chomping!” Garlick nodded towards the Gryffindor who grinned back.
Glad someone knows what’s going on.
“Your classmate, Mr Prewett, has kindly offered to accompany you”
And with that, the Professor nodded as though she’d successfully remembered a script, before bouncing away.
“Hello…” The cheerful Gryffindor spoke up “Saw you on your way to Hogsmeade the other day. Nice to meet you, I’m Leander” he extended his hand eagerly.
“Evelyn. Hollow” she continued after a beat taking his hand and giving one firm shake.
“I know…” he said enthusiastically “…I’ll be showing you the Cabbages just up here-“
“Oh mind your fingers!” Professor Garlick yelled across the classroom as they took their first steps up “…they do bite!”
The entire class turned to look in their direction, including a certain opal eyed boy who had previously been too transfixed with his work to notice her leaving. The way he gazed in her direction now made her stomach drop and then she felt a clammy hand wrap around her wrist.
“Just up here…” Leander repeated, tugging on her arm.
And that was the first time Ominis made eye contact with her. His eyes were focused solely on her, gaze turning cold and eyelids slammed low over his almost transparent irises. His jaw worked and clenched over and over…
Then Leander pulled her away.
After she blinked away the harsh images of Ominis from her mind, her attention was drew back to Prewett, and the way his clammy hand wrapped around her forearm.
It felt…wrong. Tingly. In the worst way. Like she was aware of every divot and wrinkle on his hand.
When she shook him off, she felt her face harden and she wondered if she looked anywhere near as intimidating Ominis.
By the bob of Leanders throat, she guessed she did, snatching his hand away almost as quickly as he’d grabbed her in the first place.
“Er…Nice work in Defence Against the Dark Arts by the way” he tripped and stumbled over his words a little, trying to fill the silence much like she had.
“Excuse me?” She sighed, traces of her irritation still evident in her tone.
“Your duel with Sebastian!” Leander exclaimed excitedly “…and he’s good…thinks he’s really good, but you outright slaughtered him. It was brilliant” he sounded almost in awe, but Evelyn couldn’t place who he was in awe of. His dream like tone suggested Sebastian but he gleefully grinned suggesting she had ‘slaughtered’ him.
It was an exaggeration to be sure. Sebastian gave as good as he got, and she was relatively certain he had held back.
She recoiled slightly. Thinking about every hit of Sebastian’s basic cast she took to her chest made her stomach churn. The unpleasant feeling of her lungs being forcibly emptied rose back to the forefront of her mind.
Her chest clenched at the thought of being on the receiving end of Sebastian wand, when he was unrestricted and…angry.
“Oh well…Thank you” Evelyn muttered not really knowing what else to say.
“I nearly put Sebastian in his place myself…I mean I would’ve…if Hecat hadn’t stopped me”
“Didn’t she stop that dragon skull from crushing you?” Evelyn said, turning slightly towards him with cold unwavering confusion. She knew exactly what had happened…Sebastian was, in no way shape or form, in the process of being ‘put in his place’.
“Pfft typical Slytherin trick dropping a dragon skull on someone during a fight. We Gryffindors fight with honour” Leander kicked at a rock, staring a hole through the floor until he looked up.
And was met with the unimpressed glare of Evelyn…
Now she didn’t know much about this world…
But what she did know is that the two people to assist her so far…were both Slytherin. Whether that was because they were in the same house, she would never know. But it didn’t matter.
Ominis had defended her in Hogsmeade, shown her around the school and been nothing but friendly despite what everyone around her seemed to say about him.
Sebastian earned himself another detention covering for her. A detention he’d only gotten from smuggling her into the Restricted Section in the first place.
Thank Merlin she had met Natty or Prewett would’ve been her only reference for Gryffindor.
Arrogant and Boastful.
“Uh…no offence Sorry” he backpedaled, raising his arms in quick surrender.
Gryffindors are meant to be brave huh?
“And here I was thinking you’d deflected that spell quite brilliantly…”
“Oh yes…well I had” Leander boasted, puffing out his chest.
“So you made that skull fall on yourself then…” Evelyn stated flatly, leaving no room for arguments. She’d backed him into a mental corner, one that she could see the red head struggling to escape from. A twisted little smirk pulled at her lips…
Maybe this is why I’m a Slytherin…
“Errrr…” Leander muttered eyes darting around like he was looking for a physical exit out of the conversation.
“Come on…” Evelyn turned on her heel, satisfied that she’d made him squirm enough for his comments against her house. “…let’s get this over with”
They felt…almost numb.
Ominis ran his thumb along the finger Evelyn had demonstrated an inch on. He could still…feel her.
Her fingers met his and unlike every other time she had touched him, walking around Hogsmeade, brushing against him in the corridor…he didn’t flinch.
Not that she would ever notice. They were minute little twitches built in from years of watching where he was going and his family avoiding him like he was some sort of plague. Or that somehow his morals and blindness were infectious.
The chatter of the room fell on deaf ears, all he could hear was the muffled rush of blood and his heartbeat hammering in his ears.
Why did she affect him in such a way?
His fingertips were almost pulsing where she had been and now with her absense, it was all he had to remind him that it had actually happened.
He clung to the sensation as it slowly faded and he felt a presence approach him.
“Well…things seem to be cultivating quite nicely over here” Sebastian smug tone rang behind him, washing away the last few memories of her touch from his mind.
It was only then did he realise she had gone. He fumbled for his wand, scanning broadly across the room but he couldn’t pinpoint her. Too many people stood in huddled groups, the loud chatter in the room returning to him. So he couldn’t even hear her.
He silently cursed himself for letting her go so easily.
“What does that mean?” Ominis snapped, his anger directed at himself not Sebastian.
“You two” Sebastian said, leaning against the counter where Evelyn had stood “You seem…close”
Sebastian reached out to grab his finger, his hand still outstretched, frozen. He tugged it, chuckling to himself.
So he’d seen that. Great…
“Yes she is quite affectionate. Touchy almost…”
“Ah…how unfortunate for you” Sebastian said flatly, almost sarcastically, as he watched Ominis shrug. He rubbed his fingers together where she had touched him again, without really thinking.
“I don’t mind it…” a soft smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
“Of course you don’t”
“Well now what does that mean, Sebastian? Out with it” It seemed as though everytime Ominis had a pleasant expression upon his face, Sebastian saw to it that he replace it with something else. Anger, annoyance…just something that made him frown. Though it was all in jest, Ominis was just thankful Sebastian’s mind was geared towards something else for a change…and not his less than ideal home life.
Something about the last few weeks had perked Sebastian right up. Over the summer, Sebastian had spiralled. Seeing Anne daily and dealing with Solomon…it had gotten too much. He’d retreated into himself massively and Ominis was beginning to worry he’d do something stupid.
“You like her…” Sebastian said matter of factly.
“Of course I like her. She’s lovely as I’ve said before. She’s a wonderful breath of fresh air compared to you” Ominis smirked, relieved their playful banter had returned.
“No…” Sebastian chuckled “…I mean you like her. You fancy her…” He cleared his throat and what left his lips next sounded pompous and haughty “You wish to court her…”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Sebastian”
Ominis was then almost deafened by the grating voice of Professor Garlick.
“Oh mind your fingers!” She shrieked across the classroom “…they do bite!”
“Oh really?” Sebastian continued, turning Ominis in the direction of the staircase at the front of the class. “Okay good because Prewett seems quite determined to prune our new Rose for himself”
Ominis knew he was trying to bait him. And he hated that it worked. He felt himself stiffen and he aggressively shoved his wand towards the front.
No wonder he couldn’t find her. It looked nothing like her.
The vague shape of Evelyn wasn’t its usual open and inviting stance like with Sebastian and himself. Normally, she leaned slightly into them, so close Ominis could feel her warmth sometimes.
From what he could ‘see’ now…her shoulder were set, arms crossed, head held high. She was speaking to Leander, so she would need to crane her head up to but…the way she held herself almost made it look as though she was annoyed.
What had he said? What had he done?
“He really is a sly git” Sebastian interrupted Ominis’ investigation.
“What’s he doing?! I can’t tell…” Ominis muttered through his teeth.
“Looks like he’s dragging her away…” Sebastian heard Ominis’ teeth grind against each other and he turned towards his friend
“Don’t worry…she can look after herself”
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polyhexian · 10 months ago
Collected thoughts on the Grimwalker Ghost Zone:
Poor Caleb's experience as a dead person is just. Not normal.
Most dead people are gonna keep an eye on their friends, their kids, their grandkids, and MAYBE their great-grandkids. And then there's no direct ties left to worry so much about the living anymore and you can get on with your afterlife.
And then we have Caleb.
So it's like. The average dead person keeps an eye on the living for 100 years after their death, at most. Caleb Wittebane, who's been cloned 200 times in the last four centuries and feels personally responsible for his still-living brother trying to enact a genocide--
In undefined characters-watching-from-the-afterlife scenarios I usually default the watching happening via TV unless stated otherwise. But it's TOH so I'm imagining Caleb slouched on the couch in front of a big crystal ball. He's not alone of course, Evelyn is there, she checks on him often like, uh. hey sweetie. you doing okay?
Caleb: Evie, meet Virtue! HE ONLY LASTED 11 MONTHS
Evelyn: …you know you COULD stop paying attention to--
Caleb: NO I CAN'T
Evelyn: *sigh* No, you can't.
And of course all the Grimwalkers are there, cuz, like. Where else are they gonna go? They barely had lives, wtf are they gonna do with their afterlives? Might as well wait for Belos to croak, they'll figure out what to do next AFTER they've gotten some closure.
So they're all just in this house together. It's the afterlife, stuff just gets provided, and the afterlife saw fit to provide them with a big stupid house. There's plenty of space and the crystal ball somehow gets repaired every time it suffers an anger-induced shattering and the liquor cabinet is always well-stocked.
Caleb's watching the living with the same energy as someone who's been watching a show since its premiere, but then the writing started going downhill and the plot jumped the shark and now they can't STOP watching because they intend to see this through to the bitter and disappointing end. When he first died he was so upset he refused to even THINK about Philip for a decade and just paid attention to his wife and kid. At some point he checked on Philip out of morbid curiosity, which led to morbid realization, which led to him thinking he should check on Philip more. And then there's clones and this Collector kid and Philip is obviously planning SOMETHING and then Evelyn dies of old age but Philip apparently has no intentions of dying anytime soon and then Caleb's KID is dead and Philip is still alive and Caleb's GRANDKIDS are dead but Philip isn't and there's been 20 Grimwalkers so far and Philip shows no signs of stopping either living OR making and killing Grimwalkers and OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING??
When Evelyn dies she's so ready for her reunion with Caleb. "I'm so glad I can finally rest in peace with my beloved--Caleb what are you doing?"
He's standing in front of a conspiracy board like "Philip's spent the last few decades cloning me and killing the clones and I don't like where it's going."
Evelyn: What. WHAT? Philip's ALIVE? I haven't seen him since he killed you, how the fuck has nothing eaten him??
Caleb: Btw meet Caleb 2, Hunter, Hunter 2, Hunter 3, and Nameless Vivisection Experiment (he's working on a name).
Assorted Grimwalkers: *awkward wave?*
Caleb's just like, Evie, you have no idea how glad I am you fell off Philip's radar, we're lucky all he did was steal my corpse. I'm being completely serious, unfortunately.
And then the Grimwalkers start coming and they don't stop coming, and they're just stuck in this together because what ELSE are they gonna do? Caleb staring at the crystal ball like "This is Hell. The Puritans were right. Hell exists, and this is it." Evelyn's like "Hell isn't a place, dear. It's just a situation. Our neighbors are resting in so much peace, they'd probably think they're in your Heaven if they knew what that was!"
Everyone isn't watching at all times, cuz that'd be ridiculous. It's kinda like when you're having a party for a sports game, not everyone's paying attention to the TV. You'll have people hanging out chatting and eating and chilling and then there are the people who are intensely paying attention to the game.
Caleb's the one intensely paying attention. Everyone else kinda pops up like "so is he dead yet? is he close to being dead yet? no? bummer. who's this? nice to meet you Virtue. 11 months? yikes"
And it's not like it's just them! It's the afterlife, everyone else who's ever died is perfectly capable of dropping by for a visit. Not that many people do, because the Grimwalker Ghost Zone has a bit of a…reputation. Like. Those people are NOT having a normal afterlife. Let's just. Leave them be.
Sometimes the Witteclaw kid comes to visit. Hi Mom! Hi various tragic brother/uncles (brouncles?) who are literally and figuratively younger than me! Oh, hey new guy, welcome! 11 months? Yikes. Hope you're settling in alright! Mom, what state should I expect Dad to be in when I go say hi? Last time he was manically planning which part of his brother he was going to punch first upon arrival. Ah, depressive episode? Got it, I'll be gentle.
Evelyn's family come to visit like yeesh you and Caleb are still paying attention to the living? It's been like. 400 years. No one stays this invested this long.
Relatives: Okay but have you considered, like. getting over it.
They're not even wrong. Continuing to watch the living for this long is, like, the same energy as keeping tabs on your high school friends that you haven't spoken to in 30 years. This isn't healthy. You need better hobbies. Okay it's KIND OF understandable since Caleb's brother and clones are involved, but like. You realize this is entirely optional, right?
Evelyn: Caleb, honey, please, you PROMISED we could have dinner with my parents tonight.
Evelyn: We've all killed birds with our bare hands, darling. Come put your shoes on.
When Tell pops up he turns out to be just as invested as Caleb is, on account of the wife and kid situation. So Caleb actually has consistent company for 15 years while they both basically live through the same hell.
Tell walks into the kitchen for a beer and finds Caleb face-down on the floor and Tell's like "what's up man" and Caleb's like "Virtue died" and Tell is like "isn't he like eleven months" and Caleb just nods and Tell's like "cool I'm gonna go meet him" and just leaves Caleb on the floor. Caleb's like "wait didn't you hate him" and Tell's like "yeah but I mean. he doesn't know that."
At some point someone tells Virtue "Y'know Tell literally hated you" (Miles? my money's on Miles) and it starts a whole sibling fight that Evelyn has to break up.
"I didn't hate you I just hated the idea of you! It wasn't personal!"
"Yeah he was always really smug when another Grimwalker would rot in the ground."
Caitlyn and Dust die and Dust is like "what is WRONG with your daughter?" and Tell is like "ouch, but fair" and Virtue's like "she probably gets her penchant for not caring about Grimwalkers FROM HER DAD" and Tell is like "HEY." At this rate Caleb's gonna be the first dead person to have an aneurysm.
Evelyn's just glad to have Caitlyn around. Sure, she's dealing with the shock of her death after over a decade of dissociating, but Evelyn's just like FINALLY, someone who isn't a Grimwalker, and she's family to boot!
Caitlyn: Wait, family? I guess you look like a Clawthorne but I've never heard of you. How are we related?
Evelyn: Haha well I'm your many-great-grandma who Belos had very personal beef with 400 years ago and I may or may not be the reason why he decided to enact his sick game of house with you. I would say I'm sorry but literally none of this is my fault.
Caitlyn: Oh my god.
Evelyn: Haha yeah watching you and Enoch over the last 12 years has been extremely horrifying on a deeply personal level. What's your favorite alcohol? I promise we have it.
When Enoch dies Tell's like "well it was nice hanging out Caleb, thanks for all the screaming sessions, I'm gonna go get some quality time with my dead family now, peace" and Caleb's just like haha cool. fine. GLAD YOU CAN FINALLY REST IN PEACE, TELL. how many of my bones are left? there's no way this can continue after they're all used up, right? They're down to a ribcage and he's counting down the ribs.
Jasper dies and gets greeted by Tell who's like "howdy, normally our ortet would greet you but he's a little busy dealing with emotions right now"--*muffled screaming down the hall*--"so it was decided I'd be the best one to explain things since we've got some things in common." Jasper's kinda dazed like "uh…I didn't really think anyone was gonna greet me" and Tell's like "HAHA YEAH none of us ever do."
Jasper becomes just as invested as Caleb is and Tell used to be, because Hunter. So Caleb has a new bingewatching buddy! Yay?
Belos: *about to punish Hunter*
Caleb: *dragging Jasper away* Y'know what, you don't need to see this, let's go outside and get some air or something--
At some point Manny Noceda shows up, all cheerful and polite on the doorstep like "Hi! I heard there might be some people here who're watching someone who's involved in my daughter's life? She kinda stumbled into your world, see, and I was thinking--"
Evelyn's just blocking the doorway staring at him like "Listen. Before I let you in here. I NEED to make sure you understand the centuries of bullshit you're about to step into."
"Haha yeah I get it, family drama sure is--"
Manny thinks he understands what he's getting into. Manny does NOT understand what he's getting into. Manny takes it in stride and enjoys these people's company anyway. Evelyn is happy to have another person around who she can count on to not be a constant mess. Manny/Evelyn BFFs 4afterlyfe.
Of course Manny also now has a VERY in-depth understanding of the 4-century clusterfuck Luz has gotten tangled up in and that is. Kinda anxiety-inducing. But like, he's pretty sure she's got this! That's his daughter! She's genre savvy, she'll be alright! Even if this situation is…way more horrifying than he realized at first.
His own dead relatives call him up like "Hey Manny! How's the watch party going? Luz still in that weird fantasy world she discovered? She having fun living out her own personal adventure story?"
Manny thinks about that time last week when Caleb and several Grimwalkers got drunk and tried to make a definitive list of the Top 5 Worst Things Belos Has Done and half of the entries were 3-way ties and there were WAY too many Honorary Mentions, and he just forces a grin and goes "Yep! Luz is doing great! She's having a blast! My new friends are super cool!"
"Oh, that's great! Could we meet th--"
Manny tries to find things to do with his weird new friends but like. He's a 21st century sci-fi nerd. He has no idea how to relate to 400-year-old witches. But he thinks, well, I lived in New England, and Caleb lived in New England. So he's like "hey do you guys wanna do Thanksgiving together?"
Thanksgiving wasn't an official holiday until the 1800s, but Caleb knows what a feast of thanksgiving is, it's even a Puritan-approved party (ie the Pilgrims) that they'd do when they wanted to show God their gratitude! So he's just like, Manny. WTF. This is NOT the time.
Manny: Well, I mean, we're halfway through October so now's the time to start planning--
Caleb, gesturing to Belos gooping on various woodland critters: YOU THINK THIS IS WORTHY OF GIVING THANKS FOR???
By the time Luz becomes relevant, EVERYONE has started watching religiously. This is like. The final minutes of the big sports game. The series finale of their lives. But after Belos is dead (and summarily punched by everyone) most of the Grimwalkers stop paying any attention to the CB at all. Like. There's nothing else tying them to the living now. Whew. Cool. Vengeance is had! No need to pay attention to the living world ever again!
Except Jasper, of course, who figures he's just gonna watch Hunter by himself.
And then Caleb collapses next to him on the couch with snacks like "sup" and Jasper's like "oh, you uh, you wanna keep watching with me?" and Caleb's like "I suffered through four centuries of this, what's one more? and after watching every season of my brother's bullshit Grimwalker Trauma And Murder Show, I deserve to watch one of you live a decent life in the infinitely happier sequel series"
Manny's like "Yeah I'll stick around too, it looks like Luz is gonna be spending a LOT of time in your world and I'm really gonna need people to explain things to me. Anyway, I know this is a little late, but things have calmed down now and we have time since it's still just the START of November, so…Thanksgiving?"
And Caleb looks at Hunter, alive and free on the CB, and then glances out the window where Enoch is kicking the shit out of Belos in the backyard, and says, "Alright, yes, a celebration is in order. This is indeed worthy of thanksgiving."
"Oh, awesome! Uh…important question, what kind of cranberry sauce do you like?"
"What the fuck is cranberry sauce?"
I feel like miles is back there too if only because he and Enoch are nasty little rude children and friends because of it.
Also don't forget flapjack AND hawk hunter are there. Flapjack sitting on Caleb's head and pulling his hair until he passes him a piece of popcorn or a peanut. All of them going completely apeshit for hunters first kiss. Camila appreciation club. Jasper and Manny both delighted by the fact Camila being mother to their child makes them like. Fathers in law? Mutuals? Proxy???? Something. there's a kinship there and it's funny. Hunter carves waffles and flapjack gets so excited he flies into the TV and knocks himself out
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doctoratecuddles · 8 months ago
I *will* say the Sly being Okay with it was part of lore for a Long While with what I’ve seen in the discord but I think Evelyn could like. Settle down with it. Like. Out of 10 on the sliding scale of shitty she’s somewhere from 5 to 8. She could deal with being a 3, a 2, a 1, maybe a 0. or something. Idk. Idk
So why was important, retconning character information locked behind a free Discord server?? I get it if it was like a Patreon Discord but it wasn't?? KC make sense challenge. Eve is lowkey such a brat. easily an 8 on the out of 10 shitty list, she only doesn't get a ten because:
- She didn't kill anyone - She didn't cause too serious bodily harm And yet we're supposed to baby her, mind you.
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lookingforhappy · 8 months ago
Hi LFH! Just thought I’d ask you what other projects could you see any TUA actors doing
personally for me I could see David doing the film adaption of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.
I once had a conversation with a friend about Emmy being in the live action Hercules. My friend recommended Emmy being one of the muses, but then I kinda like the idea of her being Meg. (If you don’t know, she can SING)
immediately after I found out Wings of Fire was getting a TV show on Prime Video I could straight up imagine Emmy being Glory, Robert being Jambu, and Justin being Turtle. (If you haven’t read Wings of Fire yet I highly recommend it is SOOOO good)
oh interesting question
idk what they do irl but some stuff id like to see them do hypothetically/unrealistically:
tom hopper should come back and do bbc merlin sequel because holy fuck that also ended badly and it would be so cool to see them reincarnated as modern day and have arthur rise from the lake. give the knights their backstories. percival lost his family to cenreds army like show me that?? give percival an episode that isnt lamia?
i feel like david would be fun to see in a sci fi show (not star wars that sucks now) something like oblivion, moon, alien or a time loop like the edge of tomorrow.
emmy oh my god get her in musicals she has the voice and the energy. she could so be penelope or athena in a live action epic the musical. or one of the moms in beetlejuice the musical. im just thinking of musicals i know lmao but her doing a movie like wonka would also be amazing i love that movie and holy shit she has the vibes.
roberts very prolific tbh (he also seems to just be playing the same guy? no offense but he has been typecast a bit). id like to see him as a serious character? or a straight up slapstick comedy. lean into one of the extremes. hed be very funny as a live action vector from despicable me? im serious w that one actually.
aidan does intense very well, and i hate to be that person but he would do so well as a robin. maybe damian or young dick? we'd have to ignore the ethnic backgrounds a bit which sucks but i mean... robin adjacent character. seeing him play someone young would be a nice change. i realise i am just asking him to play baby five but yes. baby five. i would also like to see him play quiet characters, five is loud and i think aidan tends a bit that way too so itd be nice to see him do intense but quiet.
justin does better with quiet characters im sorry i wasnt taken by sparrow ben. it breaks the vibes a little but if they ever did a good zelda game i think hed do link as a quiet but dangerous guy quite well.
elliott... i know him from inception and beyond two souls. hes done a lot of action and sci fi and thinking films. maybe drop him in a fantasy too tbh. i would like to see him as a knight or rogue. holy shit him in a dnd movie would be cool. like the sequel to the chris pine movie pls. i loved honor amongst thieves.
idk i hope that was interesting at least lmao im not good the actors thing.
cameron britton who did hazel seems so charming as well id love to see him in more stuff as a wholesome character.
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autumnalfallingleaves · 10 months ago
Since I’m currently in a Star Wars phase, I was thinking…. How about a WondLa trilogy AU set in the Star Wars universe?
It wouldn't be me if I didn't have a crossover or a couple for things I'm currently interested in, so I absolutely have a few, lmao.
I've been thinking of a post-WondLa canon SW AU wherein SW isn't in our past; rather, it's in the future and is currently set in the Prequels/Clone Wars era (my favorite :) ). I'm fudging with both canons a bit and putting WondLa several millenniums ahead of where it is in canon to fit in with the SW timeline and also saying that the galaxy is not far, far away. It's the Milky Way. SW humans are from the humans that abandoned Earth via the Dynasty Corporation and affiliated and just. Never came back.
(Continued under the cut because this got long lol)
It's been three or so years since the Battle of Solas, so Eva is around 16. My thinking is that Orbona is out in Wild Space, so it's been lost to charts and maps for a while, thus explaining why the people of SW don't know that the human home planet still exists, or even that there is a human home planet. During the War, the disaster trio (Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka) end up crash-landing on Orbona on the salt flat near Lacus and find themselves trekking from the now-broken Twilight to what they can see as the nearest civilization, which seems to be a mix of species, most of which-- barring humans-- the Jedi have never seen before. Let's say, for consistency's sake, that the aliens who ended up colonizing Earth/Orbona where from farther out, potentially the galaxy Ezra ended up in, so they're not present in the SW galaxy. Thus, the Jedi can't understand them. They, of course, manage to encounter Eva and co. and, since the humans speak Basic (or English, as the humans of Orbona know it), manage to get a rundown of where they are. (Obi-Wan's nerdy ass is incredibly excited to learn that Orbona/Earth is the planet of human origin. Think of the fossil records.)
And thus, through a series of shenanigans, Orbona is introduced to the larger galactic stage. A selection of beings from Orbona is chosen to go to Coruscant in order to present their planet to the Senate. This includes Eva, Vanpa, Rovender, and maybe Huxley? And others. Redimus is protection.
The Jedi have no idea what to make of Eva. She's extremely strong in the Living Force, but it presents itself in a way none of them have ever seen. I think she and Yoda would get along very well, to the horror of everyone else. She and Anakin would also eat bugs together.
One of the things I've been thinking about the most for this is Eva and the clones, because she, herself is also a clone, just of someone else. I can imagine they bond over that fact as well as personhood and being a second-class citizen in a place that doesn't really care for you. (Say what you want about New Attica, but Eva's status as a clone and her unique experiences were totally brushed over by the Atticans and I don't think she was super happy about that.) I think the vod'e would hear that Eva is still using her designation as her name (Earth in Vitro Alpha, ninth generation) and encourage her to find a name for herself, if she wants to. Eva Nine thus becomes Evelyn "Eva" Kitt :)
This somehow leads to Palps getting outed and ousted because I am all about fix-its in this house.
Other ideas I've had are SW characters in the WondLa setting, which I think is also very fun, but I've thought less about. For instance, the "Eva" would likely be either be Ezra or Omega due to the "naive little kid sees the world, grows up, and develops some pretty serious skills while also finding a family" thing. Ezra works thanks in part to already having similar powers and his relationship with his mentor/dad figure is similar to Eva's. Omega also works because of weird-little-girl-ness, vibes, being a clone, and a similar arc of losing a loved one and having to learn how to move on, though, in this AU, I feel like the person she loses- her caretaker- would have to be Nala Se and not a brother. (You can also insert Batcher in as Otto quite nicely. Maybe Ezra could get a Loth-Wolf?) Hunter is the Rovender, though I'd make it so he had a falling-out with his brothers instead of them being dead and that's why he left.
This also means that it's easy to insert Emerie as the Eva Eight figure, but also means that, in order for Ezra to work, there'd also have to be a bunch of Ezra clones running around. Lmao.
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alterchaos · 10 months ago
Amy, Chris, Tails, and Eve all decide to head out on a picnic together but little do they know the adventures that lie in store for them...
inspired by: Sonic X episode 5
“Hehehe! Pretty cool, right?”
The little girl's eyes sparkled, “Yeah it is! I can't believe you made this, Tails!”
The fox's twin tails flicked as he rubbed his head sheepishly, “Hehehe! Well, I learned everything I know from books I used to read as a kit! That and…a bit of trial and error…” He had accidentally let that last part slip, as embarrassing as it was.
“That's amazing! So you just figured out how it works all on your own!? There's no way I could do something like that…”
Curiosity got the better of her as she ran to the front of the aircraft, a cape of blonde hair trailing behind as a warm, late-spring breeze brushed against her face.
“What does this part do?”
“That's the propeller, which connects to the engine that utilizes the natural flow of chaos that surrounds us at all times by harnessing a specific frequency combined with this electrical circuitry here…”
The girl just stood there, trying to take it all in. She didn't understand all of the technological or electrical things, or even what this “flow of chaos” was, but the last thing she wanted was to make her new friend not like her.
“R-Right…the frequency t-to the chaos to the harness…”
This wasn't working.
Tails noticed the girl fidgeting nervously and trying to mutter what he said back to him. He smiled knowingly, placing a hand gently on her shoulder.
“Hey, it's okay! Sonic doesn't get what I'm saying most of the time either hehe!” He winked at the anxious girl, “Sorry for leaving you behind like that. Let me start over and I can explain it better. Does that sound good, Eve?”
This wasn't right. Why was he the one apologizing for her misstep?
Still, Eve couldn't deny that she loved the kindness her new friends were showing her. Maybe it would be alright to take that in a bit. After all, if everyone else could, then why shouldn't she?
Eve beamed, her blue-green eyes sparkling in the warm sunlight as she raised her fists excitedly, “Right! I can keep up this time! I know it!”
“Hehehehe! I see why Sonic wanted to be your friend! You two are practically twins!”
If she could have smiled wider than her face allowed, she would have in that moment.
Smile gone.
“Hey!! Evelyn!!”
Eve folded her arms, turning her head away from the oncoming smiling and waving boy.
“What do you want, Christopher?”
She had new friends now.
Chris stopped in his tracks, a look of confusion on his otherwise cheerful face.
“I-I came to see you. I thought we could do something fun together today since it's so nice out and-!?”
“What about your friends? Isn't it the weekend?”
Unlike him, her new friends didn't abandon her on weekends or drag her along just to be bullied like Sonic had said.
Chris paused for a moment with a serious yet sincere smile on his face.
“I'm not friends with them anymore.”
Did she hear him right?
“Since when?”
“Since last night.”
“Last night? But you were home. You even brought me up to the attic to meet everyone!”
“I did.”
“So then when did you fight with them?”
Chris chuckled quietly to himself, “I didn't. I just decided I didn't want to be friends with them anymore.”
“...All on your own?”
“All on my own.”
Yep. She definitely heard him right. Since when had she been isekaied into this reality?
“‘Why?’” Chris walked next to her and ruffled her hair slightly, popping a comical thumbs up and Sonic-y wink.
Well…this was…awkward…
“Because I don’t like the way they treat my little sister.”
“Since when did we get a baby sister?”
Chris laughed out loud, “It's you, Eve! You’re the little sister!”
Yep. Definitely isekaied.
“So! What do you want to do today! It's super sunny so we could go for a walk or visit the beach or-OH! Maybe even a picnic!”
Tails grabbed her shoulders excitedly before Eve had a chance to refuse, “A picnic sounds awesome, Chris! I'll make some modifications to the seating arrangements and we can all ride there in the Tornado! I'll tell you all about how it works on the way!”
Eve turned to protest but was met with a sincere and knowing smile. Tails wanted her to take this chance and…well…if she trusted Sonic, then why not Tails too?
A sigh escaped her, “Okay. I'll go get changed.”
Eve had never been in an open airplane like this before. Not only did the convertible top allow for a full view of the world below, but the wind hitting her face made her feel almost as though she was flying herself, a dream she'd always had since she'd seen it once in a cartoon. This wasn't exact but still, the feeling it invoked…
It was pure bliss.
The trip to Silver Valley for the impromptu picnic included Eve; Tails; Amy; and, of course, Chris. She had asked Sonic if he would join them but the true, blue friend said no. He simply wanted to enjoy the warm sunshine in a peaceful nap. Cream and Cheese on the other hand wanted to enjoy their new and exciting pasttime: children’s cartoons. It was just the four of them, none of whom Eve was all that familiar hanging out with. It made her nervous. She really didn’t want to mess this up.
“Ah! There it is, Tails!”
Eve snapped out of her thoughts, her eyes sparkling like the lake basking in the sun below. Mountains provided a gorgeous backdrop to the pocket of soft grass below. Massive pine trees lined the hillside, their tiny needles rustling in the breeze as they toppled over and crashed into the ground below…
Everyone’s attention snapped to the chaotic scene lining the hillside as flashes of blue and red zipped through the rapidly dwindling forest. The former seemed to be hopping gracefully from tree to tree while the latter was barreling straight through the center, the clear and obvious source of the line of downed trees.
Eve pointed at the scene in worry, “That’s Sonic! We have to help him stop that villain!”
Tails, on the other hand, was unamused, “Unbelievable.”
Amy piped in similarly, “Those two never change.”
Chris jumped in curiously, “Who are they?”
Tails kept the plane steady, not daring to interfere, “That’s Knuckles. He’s what you could call Sonic’s biggest rival…and a total hot head.” That last part he added with extra sass.
Amy looked concerned, “But why are they fighting?”
“That would be ME!”
Everyone turned to look at the large pod behind them. Inside was a large man with an equally as large mustache. What was most surprising to Eve was that he seemed to know her new friends and yet…
He was…human…
Just like her…
“Seriously, Eggman?” The unamused fox rolled his eyes, “You’re supposed to have an IQ of what? 147?”
“Yeah right. Then why use such a tired old tactic that never even worked in the first place? What? Didn’t have enough entertainment while you sit around and wait for us to beat you time and time again?”
“Hehehe…Quite the opposite actually, little fox.” At that, Eggman pulled out a bright blue gem and held it up triumphantly, laughing maniacally in the process.
It was like the green one she found yesterday…
Though she couldn’t explain it…that gem…
She wanted it…
She…NEEDED it…
If only…
If only she could just…
It was like her entire world whipped back into reality in an instant. She took it all in, a bit confused at first at her own hand stretched out before her, but then her eyes met the loose seat buckle blowing in the wind beneath her. It didn’t take long to realize what she’d just done.
Eggman merely laughed at the spectacle, “HO HO HO HO! Bold one, aren’t we? Fine! You want this so badly?” Hidden compartments appeared from the sides of the pod, carrying missiles ready for launch.
But it was all too fast.
“Take THIS!!!”
He tried to grab her hand as Tails swerved the Tornado out of necessity, but it was too late. In that one, swift motion, her steadiness disappeared from under her and the wind swept her off her feet. In mere moments, she was airborne with the landscape she once admired now creeping closer as an omen of the end to come.
She covered her eyes. She’d prefer not to look.
So this is how it all ends. With a womf and not some comical splat. Huh…guess those Saturday morning cartoons got it all wrong.
Or maybe not.
Eve slowly opened her eyes, readjusting her sight to the warm and blinding sun above her. Aqua eyes met those of violet, red quills blowing in the wind as he…flew!?
“Phew! That was a close one! You okay, kid?”
That was…the red figure fighting Sonic, wasn’t it?
In one swift motion a familiar and calming face appeared next to her, smiling gently with a wink and offering his hand.
“Heh heh heh…Don’t worry, Eve. I’ll save you from this villainous porcupine.”
Seeing how calm Sonic was, had she maybe landed in the arms of another of his friends?
She looked up at the red figure again, “Wait so…why were you fighting then?”
Sonic continued to hold out his hand, “Answers later, but for now, why don’t you take my hand so we can land you safely on the ground.”
Eve nodded and took his hand before being pulled into the safe and comforting embrace of her first and truest friend.
Sonic released a subtle sigh of relief, all the tension he’d been holding finally gone in that one quiet breath. Looking back at the plane trying to outmaneuver each missile, a more serious look replaced the smile on his face as the three of them continued to fall, “Think you can take care of him for me, Knux?”
“Heh!” The red figure smiled confidently, “Like you even need to ask! Just leave this to your ol’ pal, Knuckles!” He then glided away towards the scene.
Once he was below them, he shouted out towards the plane, “HEEEYYY!!! TAILS!! FLY TOWARDS ME!!!”
The fox nodded confidently, “ROGER!!!”
In one seamless movement of the controls, the Tornado climbed higher until it was above Eggman’s pod before then turning upside down and nosediving past Knuckles.
Knuckles smiled, “You got it, little brother.”
As each missile exploded, Knuckles glided towards the blasts, catching the updrift from the heat and pressure, using each as a makeshift stepladder to climb higher and higher still until he found himself in a comfortable position right above the pod. He paused, pulling back his fist as Eggman began to sweat.
Knuckles gave a cocky grin in response, “Sorry, Eggman, but it seems I’m not as dumb as you think!”
“Also, it’s one thing to beat up that blue idiot…” He brought his fist downward, barrelling towards the cockpit, “BUT I DRAW THE LINE AT HARMING INNOCENT CHILDREN!!!”
Sonic smiled below, watching a bashed-in Eggpod fly away in erratic motions, sputtering as it attempted to fly higher. In only a few moments, it was gone.
sniff hic
“Huh?” Sonic looked down at the young girl crying in his embrace, “H-Hey…what’s wrong? Did you get hurt in the blast?”
The girl shook her head, “I-I’m sorry…it’s because I stood up that e-everyone ended up in danger. I-I didn’t mean to mess up but I-I…I u-understand if you don’t want to be friends anymore…”
The girl broke down into sobs, Sonic watching with concern before smiling warmly, “Now why would I not want to be friends with the brave and awesome kid that stood up to Eggman?”
She raised her head, wet eyes meeting nothing but sincerity. Sonic smiled big with Eve returning one of her own in like, a few final tears plopping down her cheeks.
The two of them looked down, the ground much larger now than when he’d first taken her in his arms.
“So uh…how exactly do you plan to safely land us from this high up?”
Sonic’s eyes popped wide.
“Uuuh…heh heh heh…I-I didn’t think that far ahead?”
Yup. They're dead.
Sonic looked down at the trees below him, noticing one of the ones Knuckles broke bent at an angle. A confident grin lining his face, “Not today, Eve! Hang on tight!”
It was too late. The blue blur held her tightly against his body, making sure to protect her head with one of his hands as he started diving towards the broken tree. Once he got close enough, he started to shift position.
“Quick! Tuck your arms and knees in like a ball!”
The girl didn’t argue, doing as she was told. Sonic then wrapped his arms and legs around her, doing his best to make a makeshift ball to protect her.
“No matter what, don’t move, okay!?”
Within seconds, the two of them hit the tree with a loud and sharp THUD!!! Using the tree almost as a sort of slide, the two half-tumbled and half-rolled down the trunk, continuing to pick up speed until eventually hitting the ground. The force of the impact was enough to make the two of them pop open and tumble somewhat forward yet again until they finally stopped with a resounding SPLASH!!!
Sonic was the first to rise, gasping for air and splashing with his arms frantically.
“HELPMEICAN’TSWIMICAN’TSWIMICAN’T-!!!” He then paused and actually took in his surroundings, noticing the lack of any sinking sensation. Eve was simply sitting there soaked in both water and mud, and staring at him in bewilderment. The two locked eyes and looked down simultaneously before looking back up at each other with the same bewildered look.
This…was a puddle.
Eve laid back in the puddle, splashing and enjoying the mud. She didn’t care if she was muddy or if she had a few scrapes and bruises or even if her life had flashed before her eyes just mere moments before. For the first time in her life, she felt wild. She felt confident. She felt free.
She felt…alive.
And she knew that she could never go back to who she once was. She didn’t want to. She didn’t care what it would take. She loved this feeling and she never wanted to let it go, even if it meant danger.
This was her story and now, she was finally its author.
A muddy hand reached down to help her up as the others ran over to meet them. Amy came up with the idea for them all to have the picnic together down by the lake, which was convenient considering it was the closest way to wash off all the mud. They all sat together, enjoying a meal as one and finally getting some answers. It turns out, Eggman only thought he was tricking Knuckles to fight Sonic for the emerald, but in reality Knuckles had recruited Sonic to put on a good show and steal the emerald back, which the champion in question held up with pride for everyone to see. It was a genius plan cleverly crafted by the one, the only, Knuckles the…
“Yep. Just like that!”
“Waaaait…so you aren’t some flying red porcupine?”
“SHUT UP, SONIC!!! And I don’t fly, kid. I glide using these dreadlocks by catching the wind beneath them.”
“Oh! So like a flying squirrel!”
Without another word, Knuckles picked up Sonic and threw him into the lake, close enough to the shoreline to get out on his own of course.
That shut him up.
Eve giggled, “You two seem so close, almost like brothers!”
“What do you mean ‘almost like’?”
Tails rubbed his head sheepishly, “Yeeeaahhh…I kind of left that part out…my bad, Big Brother!”
Knuckles sighed, “I think what my littlest brother means to say here is that he, Sonic, and I are all adoptive brothers. None of us had families we ever knew and once these two met me…well…” Knuckles smiled, remembering fondly of how they first met, “They let me join in. I no longer had to be stuck alone, abandoned on that island anymore. O-Of course I still guard the Master Emerald from evil and-!?”
Knuckles noticed the young girl beginning to tear up and became flustered.
“sniff Aww…Knuckles…that’s such a sweet story…sniff”
“Uuuhhh sure. P-Please don’t cry, kid. It’s really not that big of a deal.”
Sudden wet arms wrapped around Knuckles from behind in a sassy and mocking manner, shaking him in excitement, “Knuckles, did you hear that? Apparently that makes me the sweetest little brother you could ever have, huh? Let’s hug it out brooo!”
“I’ll pass, you dope!”
Yep. With her new friends by her side and many great adventures in store, anything was possible. And that was something she would never give up again, whatever it would take.
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nightwingshero · 2 months ago
You send it to me thinking I won't send you asks??? Haha you thought.
OC Brain Rot asks 1, 3 (because I know you love music), 5, 6, 11, 14, 20, 26, 29, 30 for Mayumi, Sumiko, Suzume, and Ophelia.
Thank you!!! I love my One Piece girlies! Under the cut because look at what you sent me (when you should know how lengthy my answers get!)
1) Does your OC have a voice claim, if so who?
Kari Wahlgren and Evan Rachel Wood
So, the way that I imagine Ophelia sounding is light and warm, with a bell tone with it. It was really hard to narrow down exactly how I heard her in my head, but I ended up really loving Kari Wahlgern in a few of her roles (Lady from Devil May Cry 3, Evelyn Parker, and Sue Storm), but I actually think that Evan Rachel Wood is close too, specifically her role as Queen Iduna from Frozen II. I feel like a good mixture of the two would be about right for her. She was honestly such a pain in the ass, I almost gave her Adele or Lana Del Rey, but none of them ever felt fully right. I think I'm good with the choice so far.
Laura Bailey
At first this genuinely started as a joke. I had been looking for a va for Mayumi and Ophelia at the time (iirc). A comment was made about Ace and his va, a joke then came about his wife being Mayumi's va, and then the joke became stupid serious when I looked her up (because I don't genuinely keep track or follow voice actors, I never did. I just know a select few because of characters whom I love), because I wasn't really sure who she was and what she voiced. The sad part was that karma slapped me in the face because she actually sounded spot on for Mayumi. And now I'm mad at myself because its so cliche and cringe, but I genuinely couldn't imagine anyone else voicing Mayumi, who is an oc I put in other fandoms as well (HQ, MHA, etc.) I will admit that while it is a bit cliche and not everyone is going to love that, I do really like the idea and think its cute, even though I really didn't mean for it to end up like it did.
Jennifer Hale
Honestly, I wanted to give her to Sumiko, because I do see the sisters both having a low, even tone with some differences. Suzume is a mixture of June from ATLA and Raven from Teen Titans, with maybe a sprinkle of Temari from Naruto. So Jennifer Hale is really just kinda...who I've chosen for now, because while some of her characters aren't 100% Suzume, I do think she could pull off what I imagine Suzume to sound like.
Britt Baron and Kristin Bauer van Straten
I hate this girl. Ophelia and Sumiko genuinely gave me a lot of trouble when it came to this, and I'm gonna take a while to recover. So overall, I think Kristin Bauer is a little closer, but I think if I mixed a bit of Britt Baron, Tifa from FF7 to be exact, in there, we could come to a perfect Sumiko impression. But the character that really sold me on Kristin Bauer was when she voiced Killer Frost from one of the animated Suicide Squad movies. It was so spot on with how condescending Sumiko can be when taunting, and also how I imagine her even, bored tone to be. So it worked out. (Plus she's FANG-TASTIC AS PAM ON TRUE BLOOD.)
3) What song describes your OC?
Runaway - AURORA
This is overall a difficult question for me, because there are just so many songs and I would always try to list 3, and then 5, only to up it to 10. She's a hard one where I have to choose just one, and I was so convinced that this would be a Lana Del Rey song, like Get Free, Say Yes To Heaven, or Off To The Races, and I say this because Ophelia is one of my Lana Del Rey girlies. Its a huge vibe for her. But I found that a lot of songs were really ship-focused, or had something to do with her hurt around the falling out and such. It wasn't about Ophelia herself. I thought this song was a perfect match for her because Ophelia is a dreamer, its one of the reasons ASL loved her so much when they were kids, she encouraged their dreams of being pirates and always indulged in asking questions about making their crew and such. She loved seeing them excited and something to believe in, and its something that she relates to. Ophelia is from an island that's very Sweden/Northern Europe/Scandinavian, so its very meadowy and rural, and her father was a very small merchant, which is how she got to Windmill Village. But growing up in that environment, one of the few things she could do to escape the daily monotony of chores was to read. It allowed her to imagine dragons and princesses, and daring adventures all while imagining seeing the world, and that extended to romance as she grew older. The core of Ophelia as a character is how she dreams of Other Things, wanting a life that's full of wonder and just seeing the seas and islands of the world that her father often spoke about.
Saints - Echoes
So hers was honestly down to 3 or 4 options, but I ultimately chose this one for Mayumi, and I think it has a better representation of her story. Mayumi comes from a family of Marines, and she has a really bad relationship with both of her parents, but more-so her mother. Both parents are self-righteous and proud, but Mayumi's mother is narcissistic and has very high standards that even Hina can't perfectly reach. While her mother is very judgmental and harsh, Mayumi is much the opposite, and this is a struggle Mayumi has always had throughout her life to the point that her mother sent her away because she wouldn't conform and they wouldn't stand for embarrassment on their name. Mayumi's journey is wanting that freedom from under her mother's thumb and hates that her mother/parents sit on a pedestal when they're actually very corrupt, from wanting to force Mayumi to join the Marines to use her devil fruit against her will and also finding out later that her mother is actually involved with slave trading of pirates and prisoners. Mayumi fights against everything her parents stand for, and its such a shining moment in her story when she confronts her mother and breaks free of those restraints.
Homecoming - Green Day
Now this...is an interesting explanation. The sisters are very anti-establishment because they're punk rock and have Green Day heavily in their playlists (and they're my favorite band and this song is one of the best they've done--whole album is fire), but I think Suzume has that early 90s/early 2000s grunge vibe, especially in modern AUs, so I should have known that it would be something like this, but it really was a struggle because I was wanting something specific, and I think I have that in this song here. Again, what i said applies to why I chose this, Suzume is very anti-establishment, despite having been raised under false pretenses by a high-ish ranking Navy Marine. So if you think of the military dad with the rebellious daughter, that's about right, except the guy is secretly behind the murder of her father and lied about her sister being alive and the "daughter" doesn't find out until later. Suzume is a fighter and she is kinda...she's not a sword for hire, but she does get paid for shady shit sometimes but she mostly underground fighting, and maybe some very light bounty hunting--like maybe thieves. So she's actively rebelling by being a criminal, and later finds out the truth about her past, and with this song, this whole album, its centered around a fictional character named St. Jimmy, that kinda gives Luffy vibes, especially in terms of liberation. So I see a lot of Suzume's rebellion in this or even just her view of the world, and then you can see a bit of a Straw Hat vibe a bit at one point, because Suzume does join the crew and they're definitely fucking up the government. But as we know with Green Day lyrics, they can be a bit weird from time to time, and this is one of those songs, and I think that adds to it. It adds that Straw Hat vibe while also doing it in a way that's very Suzume. Honorable mention for Bad Reputation by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts.
Scared of the Dark (feat. XXXTENTACION) - Lil Wayne, Ty Dolla $ign
I will say that this kinda shocked me. There were a lot of songs (around 700) on her playlist, so I thought it would take forever (the others took a bit of time too), but this was the quickest. Which is insane. I really also thought that it would be more darker, or heavier, or something closer to Suzume (in the rock genre somewhere). But I was scrolling through from the top, the oldest songs added, and I played this one and was so shocked by how well this actually fits for her and feels so much like her. Suzume and Sumiko lost their family at such a young age, both living in trauma, and Sumiko grew up a bit worse between the two. And so she starts off as this little girl who just watched her father die and her sister taken away, and she has to find a way to not only survive, but to keep out of the hands of any Marines. This is a dark time for her, she's living and growing in a darker side of life, and she learns to no longer fear it, and work it to her advantage. But on the flipside of that, what she doesn't realize is that she is running from a darkness that's within herself, and its her loss, its her tragedy, but she's just...she's too proud. Sumiko is a sword for hire, she's an assassin when Law and his crew save her from a shipwreck, so she's used to being what she perceives as a strong force that won't break and isn't afraid of anything, but she's still running from her actual darkness.
5) Do you ship your OC with a Canon character? If so who?
She's shipped with Shanks! She first meets him at the Partys Bar, working for Makino. There's a long 10 years in between where they never see each other after a fling becomes a bit more serious on the down low, and he ends up leaving her behind when he finally sets sail to the Grand Line.
My sunshine girl is shipped with none other than Portgas D Ace himself. Mayumi lives on an island that's based heavily on the Hawiian islands and more, dropped off there by her Marine parents. Ace was actually disguised as a Marine when they first met until his cover is blown. He was still captain of the Spade Pirates then, and eventually after knowing him for awhile, he takes her with him and she joins Whitebeard's crew.
Its actually really funny, because this bitch almost got away with a throuple including Zoro and Sanji. That was very short lived, however, and she made a very clear choice, and has been happily shipped with the future world's greatest swordsman. And its actually interesting that despite how much these two bicker between themselves, Zoro always has her back and respects the hell out of her. And he's the reason she's even able to be a Straw Hat.
This bitch. If I'm being very honest, there isn't a day that goes by where I don't wonder to myself if she should keep her ship or just be pulled from One Piece, because this girl was not planned, at all. And she thought it would be best to ship herself with Law, which is infuriating. They meet in the most dramatic way and of course he took in the drowned stray cat and has had to live with his consequences, and will for life.
6) If your OC is in a fantasy setting, what profession would they be in the modern day?
So, with her, it can be a few different things, mostly because of her interests. I could see her as a lounge singer, but I like to imagine her being an author , a publicist, or an English professor, or actually owning an art gallery or being an art dealer. Ophelia loves to read and sing, and does have an appreciation for art. Even though she's a country girl at heart.
She's tough, because her parents would most likely be lawyers or follow into politics. Hina, her sister, is also an attorney. But she's much more focused on beach shit, because she's my favorite surfer girl. Outside of tournament season, i can see her giving surfing and swimming lessons, and having a job with a local nature preservation center that focuses on marine animals.
Regardless of the fandom she's in, Suzume always finds herself in association with art. Most of the time its specifically tied to a tattoo parlor. With her One Piece persona, its much the same and she would run it with her sister, Sumiko. Their father does own a gym where boxers frequent for training, and she helps with that from time to time.
The older sister of Suzume is a bit harder. I think a hobby she has would be photography, I think she finds it fascinating and she likes to show how she sees the world. So I feel like she has a mixed bag of things going on for her, where she is running the tattoo parlor, helping at the gym, but also doing photography on the side. I think there's a nice potential of her actually doing well as an artist and selling pieces at Ophelia and Evangeline's gallery.
11) What was your inspiration for your OC?
So this is actually so fun to explain, and its such a huge reason I absolutely love her and how she turned out. When I started One Piece, I knew right away that I was going to ship an oc with Shanks. There was no getting around that. Well, it was supposed to be a tragedy, a tragic love that just...didn't work out and Ophelia was supposed to die, because she's actually based off the painting Ophelia, that's based off the character from Hamlet. She's depicted singing as she drowns surrounded by beautiful greenery and flowers. Ophelia, my oc, eats the Siren Siren fruit, that allows her to use her voice to hypnotize people and have them do what she wants, and most of the time, she's singing. So, she's the Captain of the Siren Pirates. And, of course, with her being based off a Shakespearean character, she loves to read and longs to have a nice cottage in a meadow or forest, to live peacefully to read and write. She also gives very strong Elizabeth Swann vibes.
She started as an oc for MHA honestly, and it was the Greek deities Artemis and Apollo that helped me really make her in that fandom, with of course heavy inspiration from the Japanese goddess of the sun, which turns out to be her hero name. That translated very well into One Piece, since she's a beach girl anyway, and she eats the Sun Sun fruit while on an island her parents dumped her as a kid. There are a few characters that have influenced her over the time I've had her, but I genuinely can't think of them off the top of my head. I will say that if she were a Powerpuff Girl, she would be Blossom.
Also an oc that originated in MHA! So in MHA, she has heavy frog and green aesthetics because she's an older adopted sister to Tsuyu Asui. She's very heavily influenced by samurai/ninja aesthetic that translates over to her in One Piece. Shikamaru was also a bit of an inspo if I were being honest. Her quirk in MHA is that she can use the ink to bring things to life like Sai from Naruto, but she gets them tattooed on her. I couldn't give her that devil fruit in One Piece, but she does paint the stories of the Straw Hats' travels and adventures. She just overall has very heavy Japanese influence and aesthetic that has a street/urban feel to it. Modernly, she likes to skateboard and have a street-like style. She has a tomboyish nature about her.
Long story short, Sumiko is a carbon copy of Suzume for JJK that ended up being her own thing entirely, and in fandoms that she shares with Suzume (One Piece, Demon Slayer, etc), they're sisters. So Sumiko is based on a lot of similar things as Suzume, however her aesthetic is a bit darker and more refined. If you ever see those edgy Japanese red and black aesthetics, that's a bit more closer to Sumiko's vibe, but overall, she has that same Japanese influence in her aesthetic, especially since she's a swordswoman like Suzume too. Just like Suzume and Mayumi, there are definitely characters that remind me of Sumiko, but I can't think of them at this moment. Generally speaking, I honestly feel if her gender was male, Noah Sebastian would be her or Suzume's faceclaim without hesitation. So just think of that vibe, and that's a small part of hers.
14) Who's a character your OC cannot stand! It's on sight when they see them!
Shanks. Its really hard to say, because generally speaking, Ophelia doesn't typically beef with anyone. However, if you're someone that's messing with someone she cares about, you'll be on the receiving end of her wrath, and trust me, looks are deceiving. That woman is dangerous as an enemy. If I had to choose specific characters, I would say Akainu because of him trying to kill Ace and she wasn't down with that. She does have such a huge problem with Shanks for a solid decade and some change because he broke her heart. She became a pirate to spite him, so its a very hostile work environment for their crews whenever they're in close proximity. I also think that there's some beef between her and Hancock that's unintentional.
If you asked her, she would say her parents. Some of these answers might be controversial, but I would say definitely Akainu because for obvious reasons, but also Garp. Her issue with Garp actually does come from a good place, though. There isn't hate there, but there is disappointment and a lack of understanding on her part, and it frustrates her. If she got the chance, she would absolutely react similarly to how Dadan did when she first saw Garp after Marineford. Mayumi is coming from a place of hearing these stories of her lover's childhood and wanting to protect him. So to her, it doesn't make sense for Garp to not save Ace, and I think part of it is her projecting as well, because she knows deep down that her mother would never save her from execution if she were in Ace's shoes. I feel like Blackbeard is on this list only because she's supportive of Ace and she loves the Whitebeard Pirates, so its just an association sort of thing. But genuinely, its mostly her parents and the dark secrets she finds out.
In the beginning, definitely Zoro. Mostly because they literally fist fight when they meet for the first time. Outside of that, its just bickering and him getting frustrated with her and then her mouthing off from time to time. A general rule of thumb, Suzume literally does not give a shit about you until you make her give a shit. I think that she would probably have a personal grudge against Foxy because she loathes being made a fool off, or bullshit and fuckery that's not her own. But Suzume is technically from Wano, so Kaido and Orochi are definitely up there on her list once the Straw Hats get there. She hates what they had done to her people and her homeland. There's a Marine or two that's on the list, but that's more regarding her backstory and how she actually joined the Straw Hat crew.
Of all my girlies, she's the most feral and violent. So her list is...yeah. Marines murdered her father and separated her from Suzume while she was arrested. She got away of course, but honestly it was on sight with any Marine from then on, because of the trauma she had endured. I will also add Mihawk to the list as well, because she worked with/trained for an amount of time before he became a warlord, which she took very personally. So while Mihawk secretly thinks highly of her, and does keep track of her progress throughout the years, Sumiko feels too betrayed to ever see him again (thank you, trauma!). Law tends to find himself on and off the list, depending on what's happening, but Doflamingo is high up on that list when she learns about what he did to Law. No one messes with the people she cares about. She knows what its like to lose family, so she won't lose another. And then, of course, Kaido and Orochi, and that's for the same reason Suzume has the beef. I'll also add Kid to this as well, mostly because she finds him to be an asshole in Wano, and he doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut, s she often offers to do it for him. To be very honest, its very easy to get on this girl's shit list in general.
20) If they fight, what's their weapon of choice?
Typically, her go-to would be her devil fruit powers, and that's mostly because its so easy for her to avoid a fight using it. At least, most of the time. It doesn't just work on anyone, its influence varies by person. The more attracted/drawn you are to her, the more power and control she has over you, and there's a range limit as well. Now, if a fight isn't avoidable, then she's using it like Black Canary does with her canary cry. Or like Snow White from Shrek the Third. Oddly specific, but you get the idea. Anyway, before she can use armament haki to protect her throat, her devil fruit can do damage to her throat and vocal chords, and she has to learn that haki from Shanks after Marineford because after her run in with Akainu, she's toeing the line of damaging so severely, there is no turning back. And he knows she loves to sing, so he saves her voice. She also learns how to shoot better and use a sword, or a dagger, but she's more of an old-fashioned pistol user when she needs an actual weapon.
Mostly, she uses her devil fruit. She doesn't really need much else since she can be too fucking hot to approach (Ace says this too, but he means it in a completely different way than I do), and she can be pretty blinding to look at, same as if you would stare up at the sun for too long. I don't think that Mayumi fights much, if i were to be honest. I can see her learning to use a small dagger or a tiny crossbow or a pistol, potentially, if someone insisted she learn something for a Plan B. But I genuinely haven't figured that part out just yet. She does make a bow and arrow out of the sun she uses with her fruit, though. I do think she learns a type of haki, but I haven't quite decided which kind just yet.
So, she's rather straightforward. Before the timeskip, Suzume has one katana that she uses (her father was a swordsman and was a master at making katanas, so this is a bit of an obvious one for the sisters), but she also did underground fighting, which is how she meets Zoro. So she's pretty good at hand to hand combat. During the timeskip, she's on an island with certain monks at a temple on an isolated island. She learns observation and armament haki, but she uses observation haki a lot more. She still has her katana when she reunites with the rest of the crew, however she also has a uniquely made kyoketsu shoge.
Same as Suzume, she's a bit obvious. However, she carries two katana's rather than just the one. Sumiko and Suzume's parents are from Wano, and in their village, the tradition is that you have one sword that you have all your life and you're buried with it. So their mother was buried with hers as a grave marker (as is custom, iirc), and well...Sumiko finds her father's sword on the ground when she goes back after escaping the Marines. So she actually has her parents' swords up until she's reunited with Suzume, then Sumiko gifts at least one to her, and then they are returned and left at Wano. She does get a matching pair of katanas later on that are pretty badass and are widely known. She also uses armament and observation haki.
26) What flower do you associate your OC with?
So the main flower I associate with her would be dahlias, because they represent beauty, love, kindness, and commitment. Which is very Ophelia. There are also carnations and tulips, but I associate those more with her before she becomes a pirate, if I'm being honest. Also just wildflowers you'd see in meadows and stuff. I just imagine her in a cottage somewhere with flowers, kinda like from Snow White or something, I don't know. But I think that she would love wild roses and peonies too, because she's a wildflower girl and those roses are gorgeous, and the peonies have a delicateness that really touches on her own that she shows heavily in the beginning, and what she protects 10 years after.
I've already done Mayumi (and Sumiko) with another ask game, so I'll keep this one a bit simple. The main one would be plumeria, which is partly due to her island aesthetic, and very her. Others would be amaryllis , stargazer lily, and the tiger lily. A lot of her flowers have beauty as a meaning, but most of them represent rebirth, prosperity, and strength. Which is par for the course when it comes to her, honestly. She goes through a lot of changes in her life and requires a lot of strength to stand up the way she does in her storyline.
She's a bit tough, because she's not really a flowery person. But I would say that cherry blossoms are the main ones for her, since I associate her with them a lot. She has them tattooed on her in every fandom she's in. It helps callback to the Japanese culture she's influenced by and the aesthetic of it she fits in. They mean rebirth, and death, beauty and violence, and also represents the fleeting nature of life. All of which are very fitting for her as a character across the board. I also want to add orchids, which of course represent love, luxury, beauty and strength. But honestly, its more the strength and the difficulty of keeping them alive (insert joke here about how I constantly find her in situations that kill her off per fandom). But orchids are difficulty, and so is she. Unique, difficult, beautiful, and strong. That's my girl.
As mentioned, I also did her in another ask, so I'll keep it to the point and maybe copy and paste some. Just like her sister, when it comes to flora, its not really something she's known for. While subtle, however, Sumiko does have a tad bit more femininity than her sister, and Sumi's flowers would be the lotus flower and the red spider lily. The lotus representing purity, rebirth, and resilience, and the red spider lily meaning death, rebirth, and the changing seasons., both do well in representing Sumiko in their physical beauty but also in the things they stand for because of her story.
29) Imagine a mood board for your OC! What's on it? (Make it if you want!)
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With Ophelia, I would see some softer images of earlier in her canon where she was more of a small villager, a barmaid for Makino, or just her life in Windmill Village. I like to add soft flower pictures that remind me of her, and books or sheet music because those are two of her main hobbies/interests. I like to add pictures that allow you to see how I see her (features, clothing, etc) and so I would either focus solely on her pre-pirate life, post-pirate life, or both, which I've done above. I also like to put quotes or something pure aesthetically them in center, and I felt that it was fitting to put the Ophelia painting, because its what inspired her making, she's based off her and that makes it more aligned with her aesthetic. Plus, she's an artsy person.
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Mayumi can either be really hard to make a moodboard for or really easy, there's no in-between. Normally I would honestly add more beach scenery to one of her moodboards, or something revolving around surfing. But I really wanted to kind of cover the main points of her and who she is. I call her my sunshine oc because that's what she is. Mayumi was influenced mostly by the twins Artemis and Apollo, and she's heavily associated with the sun. Its her quirk in MHA and its her devil fruit power in One Piece. This fruit is a big deal in her own personal canon and becomes a huge part of who she is, so I always like to depict it in her edits. I also love the rose gold hair I've given her, so if I can find a way to show it off, I will. She's overall very beachy, very sporty, and she's really fun to make edits for, they always turn out so pretty in my opinion.
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Both sisters were a bit difficult, if I were being honest. But I love to do them, because their aesthetics are always fire to me. Suzume always seems to have a bit of a green association regardless of the fandom she's in (which started in MHA because of who her adopted family is), and I always like to show off certain tattoos and Japanese aesthetics/influences. I also add katanas to elude to her being a swordswoman, or I'll depict her hobbies (art/tattoos, skateboarding, pissing Zoro off, etc.)
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She was the worst of the sisters. I'm not even going to lie, and I'm not sorry. It didn't take nearly as long to really find the base images that really showed me what I wanted to do with this specifically, but it was the final editing stage that took forever and had me figuratively smashing my head into a wall. Anyway, I like to heavy red vs grey scale/black and white with Sumiko, it just suits her so well. I usually follow my same formula forget you heard it. But it really depends on what kind I'm making for her, though I say its sometimes similar to Suzume, for obvious reasons: Sumiko tends to be a tad bit more refined than her sister. But you're going to see a lot of traditional Japanese influences and aesthetics I use for her, like the mask she uses in some fandoms (One Piece), or particular scenery that would be significant to her, like the koi fish. I like to add the flowers that I associate her with, or even the tattoos she has as well. Again, if I can paint a picture or set a close idea of what she looks like, I will. I also like to add animal associations from time to time, with Suzume as well, and that usually involves dragons, snakes, foxes, tigers, and some of those are also depicted on tattoos I try to show.
30) My OC and your OC are friends. This isn't a question. I'm not asking. (How do they respond?)
So, honestly, this depends on the oc, and that's because of age more than anything else. Ophelia is a rather friendly person in general, unless she's on her Siren shit. But she's kind. If we're talking your OP ocs specifically, then I would say it would be more of a mentor/big sister/aunt role. She does have motherly vibes sometimes, but I don't see that for Fiona or Hana. I could see her giving advice when needed and book recommendations for Fiona specifically, because she has steamy romance books that can help her warm up to Sabo some, and she would love to meet any girl one of her favorite boys find interest in since she was close with the ASL brothers before she left.
Genuinely, she would probably be a bestie for Fiona who she met through either Ace or Sabo. I can just see them kinda bonding over watching their respective boyfriends be stupid, though Mayumi is far more forgiving, I'm sure. Or if its the modern au where they're roomies, I could see a potential childhood friends scenario as well. I think that they do work a bit well, because while Mayumi does have a slight serious undertone to her sometimes, she's more easygoing when she's not focused or busy with shit. I think she would do well in getting Fiona to open up after Caldur and to welcome Sabo in, and I think that Mayumi can help her see the light of happiness again, to remind her there are good things in the world because Mayumi herself can be quite a chaotic and devious thing. And of course she's ride or die, so she's got her back always. Canon wise, Mayumi would probably lead with open arms, because at that point, its Dressrosa and she's carrying around a two year old. Fiona is Aunt Fiona at that point. Mayumi has a family, so she has a more family-oriented mindset, which is huge for her considering her childhood. Sabo is a brother-in-law that she's getting to meet, and that makes her emotional and full enough love to immediately call RA Fiona sister. Now, I really love Hana, but for them, I think that her and Mayumi would be more friends that see each other every now and then, and catch up over a coffee or something. Not that Mayumi wouldn't like her, she absolutely would. and would be genuinely interested in her work. Mayumi is just...so much more of an extrovert and I feel like...this is hard to articulate. Its not that they won't hangout and be good friends, I think that they have very different social circles and behaviors that make them have different social lives separately for a chunk of it (and like I mentioned, run into each other and catch up), but not to be mistaken as "they never do things together". This isn't a dynamic you and I have discussed in any level of detail, so I can only really speak on Mayumi's behalf. If Hana wants certain samples from some marine-based flora, Mayumi can help, so there's a genuineness there of wanting to help and shows that she cares for Hana, because Mayumi doesn't just do stuff for anyone, though she's usually pretty nice. Mayumi also has a good heart, so with Hana being how she is, she would have a soft spot for her and help her feel comfortable and get out of her shell when she can. For the canon story, I'm not sure if there would ever be a situation where she would meet her, but she would be very polite and ask questions about her work on the Polar Tang.
Now, this is going to be more difficult. The things about Suzume is that in order to meet your girls, she has to be in their company by association, because Suzume isn't one to put herself in social situations, as we see in MHA where it takes Kumeko and Mayumi to do so. With that said, Fiona will probably be introduced through Mayumi, and Hana through Sumiko or Law. I think that Suzume wouldn't really care at first (I'm so sorry) because she's so antisocial and to herself, and hates meeting new people. But that's not too much of an issue, because Suzume does vibe with a social circle she regularly is a part of, so as she gains more exposure, she's more likely to be more social. So, that being said, I think that she would be pretty chill with Fiona, I think that she would tell her Caldur is shitty, and overall, she's just very blunt and says shit with the most bord look on her face. But there's genuine interest and care there, she's just more of a "silent and listen" type, and a lot of the time, you don't think or notice she's listening at all. Not that Suzume can't hold a conversation, but Fiona would know that if she does talk to Suzume about advice, Suzume will respond honestly, even if it isn't an answer Fiona will like. For canon, I would say that in Dressrosa, she would ask and take interest in Fiona's work in the RA. There's respect and acceptance there, but I will say that she was up with Zoro, ready to fight when Sabo came to visit Luffy after Doflamingo's defeat. In terms of Hana, she's tough too, because I think that she would have to meet her through Sumiko or Law. Suzume isn't one to go out of her way to socialize, and I really dont think she would go out of her way to talk to Hana, but she would notice her if she were around her a lot. Again, its just Suzume, she's not a social person, its not at all personal. But we know Suzume is observant, so if she does notice that Hana is a bit of a loner, she might strike up a random conversation while sounding disinterested, which, I can't really speak on how that would make Hana feel, but I can maybe say there's at least a certain level of unease or awkwardness. Once Sumiko brings her around though, its a bit easier because Suzume has direct exposure, and its typically a quick ticket if its her sister that's introducing her to someone. I will say that how Suzume treats Fiona would be about the same for Hana, because that's just how Suzume is. No one is spared of her blunt sarcasm. In canon, it would be through Law that she would know Hana, most likely. I think she would ask a few questions regarding the work, and she'll listen to get an idea and just nod, probably wouldn't ask as many questions because I think Suzume would struggle finding a lot of interest in all the plant stuff, unfortunately, but she'll listen if Hana talks about it, she's not rude and likes the Heart Pirates. I think it would take them a bit because of Suzume being antisocial and Hana being so shy, but I think eventually they find some level ground that allows a friendship to kind of grow.
So, this is lowkey actually super funny. I think it’s pretty say that at this point we know Suzume and Sumiko are both antisocial across the board. The difference is that while Suzume has an underlying laziness with hers, Sumiko actively goes out of her way to avoid anyone that is not in her circle. There’s an active reluctance with her. So you absolutely have to know someone to really talk to Sumiko for the most part. Of course if Sumiko perceives that a person is someone she can see having what she would consider a good interaction, she’ll approach. She does have social skills. I could genuinely see Sumiko potentially approaching or making a comment that sparks a conversation if she were to come across Fiona naturally, and I say this because while Fiona may have very different hobbies and interests for the most part (because I feel there’s room for us to find some connections in further discussions), they have that similar black cat vibe of demeanor that I think that Sumiko would find some sort of kindred spirit, even if it’s surface level—which is totally okay. It’s gotta start somewhere. And if it’s not a natural meet, it would definitely be through Mayumi. And there’s an advantage with that because Sumiko trusts her friends, so Fiona has a better chance of being more inclined to conversation with Mayumi’s stamp of approval. If this is more canon, it would be really hard to really have a moment where they would interact that wouldn’t allow some changes. Sumiko isn’t with Law during Punk Hazard and Dressrosa, she’s with the rest of the crew. If she were, I feel like what I said above would still apply, except the Mayumi part—she doesn’t know Mayumi canonically. Meeting Fiona and Sabo in Dressrosa, I think it would be a bit similar to Suzume, where it’s talking about fighting, but Sumiko would dig more deeper regarding the actual work of Fiona as a member of the Revolutionary Army. Sumiko has a tendency to be more politically inclined than her sister, where Sumiko actively keeps her finger on the pulse to stay up to date, whereas Suzume is a bit more lazy about it despite having just as firm of a stance. So Sumiko is going to take an interest and share information to help better know what’s actively happening and to also benefit Law’s crew, and making a connection with the RA. It also helps that Evangeline is a name drop that can help build that trust quickly, since Fiona would know her well (another dynamic we can build on later). It’s a decent, established relationship built on mutual respect and understanding.
For Hana, this is completely different. I feel like Sumiko would see Hana in a situation where maybe she's being bullied, and she would defend Hana. And Sumiko really isn't one to really go out of her way to randomly socialize and befriend someone, but I can see her being The Mean Girl Who Was A Girl's Girl. Sumiko would tell Hana to come with her, and they would end up in a cafe where Sumiko would buy Hana hot tea to calm her down and maybe give a slight lecture on how she needs to start standing up for herself, and I think she would introduce Hana with someone in the friend group, thinking that if Hana has friends, it would help, and they themselves end up being good friends. In canon, they mostly become friends through Forced Proximity. I'm sorry to say that the likeliness of Hana and Sumiko being friends any other way in the canon story would be close to nonexistent. Only because Sumiko moves around a lot and there's a low chance of them even crossing paths, and that chance would be Wano, assuming they would be there at the same time. And if they would have met, I think it would be a passing thing and she wouldn't really stick around, you know? She really wouldn't have any attachments or a reason to hang around because of where she's at mentally. Being saved by the Heart Pirates and being forced around them is what changes that mentality and has her slowly open to them over time. So that's why I think that the best way for that friendship to happen would be the forced proximity, and from there Sumiko sees Hana like she sees the rest of the crew that she needs to help keep safe when the time calls for it, and they're just good friends. I don't think they would have a whole lot in common, but Hana isn't pushy, she doesn't pry, and she allows Sumiko in her space to have peace and quiet, and things like that don't go unappreciated, and it allows Sumiko to trust Hana.
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imagines--galore · 2 years ago
||Mind Over Matter|| Part Five
Summary: Evelyn is Penelope Garcia’s protegé. She is a tech  wiz, and knows her way around any kind of security and just like her  mentor knows how to dig deep and get into the past of anyone and has a  knack for anything with a chip in it. Including potato chips. The one  thing she fails at is figuring out is the mind and how it works. Rated T  for blood and language.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Evelyn Richardson(OC)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure. Family. Some language, blood and violence in later installments.
Previously - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
A/N: Next chapter incoming! Hope you enjoy!
Takes place during and after episode six season one
Evelyn was pacing the length of the room, in front of Penelope and Morgan, wringing her hands and biting down on her lip so heard it was a miracle she wasn't drawing blood, although she could taste the metallic tinge rising to the surface.
"Sweetie, would you relax! You're gonna do fine." Penelope's voice rang out but it didn't have the desired effect since the young woman only shook her head.
"No. I'm not gonna do fine! I'm gonna fail I know it." She said, her voice high pitched. Her hand lifted off its own accord towards her lips as she started her nervous habit of biting her nails, making Penelope roll her eyes.
"And stop doing that." She scolded. Evelyn nodded absentmindedly not stopping her nail biting. Morgan decided to step in when Garcia looked in his direction in a helpless way.
"Come on Ginger. You've always done great when you and I spar." He said, thinking of all the times the shorter red head and pinned him to the ground. Evelyn threw her hands out, turning towards her friends.
"I know, but thats only because I know how you move and I can see where the next blow is gonna be coming from. Which I certainly won't know with the Instructor!" Her voice got higher and higher until she was almost shouting at the end. That and with the added effect of stomping her foot at the end made her look like a little kid.
Sometimes Penelope would forget that her protege was only in her early twenties. She would act so mature and serious while working that she couldn't picture Evelyn doing anything like stomping her foot, pouting or even throwing a tantrum and yet here she was doing just that. Maybe these were the aftereffects from being a daddy's girl? But she didn't really know much about profiling so she simply made a mental note to ask Morgan later.
It was rare that Evelyn would be acting like she was now. Usually she was calm and quite, with a level head, going about her day. Fixing all the different gadgets that would come her way. From microchips to be inserted into a person to computers and even tracers. The red head would try to talk as little as possible but treat all her associates politely and with respect yet when she was around her Team it was as if she was a completely different person. Sure she was shy and easily embarrassed whatever the situation maybe but she was more cheerful and more happy while around them. Respectful, towards Hotch and Gideon since she saw them both as her superiors. Playful and happy with Penelope and Morgan. Laughing with JJ. Having serious discussions with Elle whenever she had the chance. And arguing, or rather debating as the two of them (Spencer and Evelyn) called it, with Reid.
Even after three years of attending the FBI Training Academy she didn't seem to have changed much.
Evelyn turned to her friends. "I don't know why I have to take this exam! I hardly ever go into the field." Morgan shrugged.
"But you do go out sometime don't you? The FBI tries to prepare its Agents as much as they can." He said, trying to calm the younger girl. He stood up, placing his hands on her shoulders.
"Look just calm down. I'm sure you will do great." Evelyn looked up at him for a few seconds before sighing and nodding silently. Morgan squeezed her shoulders in a comforting gesture.
"Alright." She muttered under her breath.
Hotch shook his head once again when Reid missed his mark by a few inches. He had been coaching the young genius for the past half hour but they didn't seem to be making any progress. It was a good thing he was a very patient man or else he would've given up fifteen minutes into the lesson. The older agent was coaching Reid with using a gun. His exam was tomorrow and so far he had not been able to get one bullet through the mark. His student had already admitted that he wouldn't be passing the exam.
And he wasn't the only one.
Evelyn had a physical exam tomorrow as well. It was more of a sparing match between two agents-in-training to see how they would hold against an unknown opponent. It was mandatory for every agent to take a sparring exam. Even those who didn't have to go out in the field that often, like Evelyn. She was a technician and a hacker. She herself had told him that she didn't belong out in the field. She felt more comfortable with working to bring down the bad guys from inside the confines of her little Tech Heaven with Garcia and making new gadgets and such that would help other Agents in bringing down the criminals and such.
"Agent Hotch!"
Speak of the devil.
The older agent turned, just as Reid made another shot, this one a bit closer to the target, just in time to see Evelyn cover her ears at the sound of the gun going off. He placed a hand on Reid's shoulder, indicating him to stop and turned towards the youngest member of his Team.
"What is it Evelyn?" He asked, his tone gaining the inquiring lilt it always did when he talked to her, removing the ear protectors as she approached them.
"I just wanted to ask if they have submitted the time for my exam sir?" She was nervous about it, he could tell, by the way she kept biting her lip and playing with her hair.
"Tomorrow at 12 in the afternoon. You know the location?" He added, to which she nodded, before gesturing towards the gun he was holding.
"How's he lesson going?" Reid sighed in a dejected manner, removing his ear protectors from where they were resting on his shoulders.
"Horrible." He mumbled. Evelyn sighed sympathetically.
"I know what you mean." She muttered, which made Hotch shake his head, as he controlled the overwhelming need to roll his eyes.
"Just relax. You both will do fine." He tried to reassure them, patting them on the shoulder. The two of them only fixed him with a pathetic and lost look which very nearly made him sigh.
Youngsters these days.
He knew that Reid was afraid he would fail like he did the previous times. And considering Reid was someone who succeeded in everything that he did, it was going to be hard for him if he failed again. And Evelyn's problem was that she didn't think herself capable of defeating anyone. The fear stemmed from her insecurity about her height. She was shorter then the average FBI recruit and it made her loose her confidence, what little she had, more and more.
Hotch sighed inwardly. It was like dealing with two insecure teenagers. His own son wasn't even born yet and he was going to get grey hair between the two youngest members of his Team.
Elle looked up from her desk just in time to see Evelyn's head connect with the surface of her own desk with a thump, making her wince. The agent smiled sympathetically as the younger woman sat up straight, pushing her glasses up to rub her eyes.
"When was the last time you slept?"
Evelyn groaned as she readjusted her glasses.
"The day before yesterday? Last night?" She tried to recall, yawning widely.
"Don't remember." She mumbled. Elle closed the file she had been reading, making sure to mark it, before turning her attention towards the red head.
"Your exam is still a couple of hours away. Why don't you take a nap and I'll wake you up." Elle prepared herself for an argument. Evelyn would never give into anything without an argument. She had learned as much from the debates she had with Reid. But the red head only nodded her eyelids already drooping, as she placed her arms on top of her desk, placing her head on them, and closing her eyes. Elle smiled sympathetically as she stood up from her chair and walked out of the bullpen. She passed Reid's desk as she did. Quickly tapping the back of the book he was reading to gain his attention she motioned with her head towards the sleeping red head.
"Make sure no one wakes her up. And if they ask why she is sleeping, tell them she has an exam in a few hours." Reid nodded, glancing in Evelyn's direction and frowning when he saw that she still had her glasses on, which were now sitting crookedly on her nose. As Elle disappeared around the corner, Reid stood up from his desk, covering the distance of the few steps that were between his and Evelyn's desk. Gently and as cautiously as he could he pulled off her glasses and set them aside. The red head didn't even stir, her breathing even and deep, a tendril of her naturally curly wavy hair falling over her face. Without even missing a beat Reid turned back to his desk and began to read his book again, completely missing the look JJ was giving him from her desk.
Evelyn winced as she checked her reflection in the side mirror of her car. She readjusted her glasses, making sure they were in place before straightening the front of her shirt and the shrug she was wearing that day before starting to walk towards the glass doors of the FBI building. Trying to remain unnoticed was hard when you were wearing a pair of dark glasses inside the building. She was so used to people walking past, barely even giving her a glance that she was shifting nervously as she tried not to stare back at the people who were staring at her. She would just have to spend the entire day inside her office with Garcia.
Penelope wouldn't stare or ask why she was wearing dark glasses. It would be safe in there. Except the bad thing was, to get to the office she had to walk the length of the bullpen.
Keep your head down and hope that no one would notice you.
Stuffing her hands in the pockets of the jeans she was wearing that day, Evelyn ducked her head and started to walk across the bullpen, dodging and avoiding as much as she could. She couldn't believe how lucky she was being with not being spotted by anyone. Even her team.
But of course her luck ran out when, in her haste, she collided with somebody.
"Hey! Are y-Evelyn?"
And with somebody she knew.
She looked up to see JJ staring at her. Her lips pulled into a smile.
"Hi JJ!" She said, trying to sound as she normally would. But of course the glasses she was wearing didn't help in the least. Evelyn gulped as JJ raised an eyebrow at her.
"Evelyn? Why are you wearing sun glasses inside?"
Lie. She had to lie.
"My eyes get really sensitive to light sometimes and I have to wear sunglasses even when I'm inside."
That was believable right? Please let it be believable.
The blonde nodded, frowning slightly. "Alright then." She began to walk past her, looking over her shoulder as she said. "Just take care of yourself."
Evelyn nodded. As soon as JJ had disappeared she ket out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. Pursing her lips she quickly started to make her way towards her office, making a mental note to tell everyone the exact same excuse when and if anyone asked.
"You what?!"
Except maybe Penelope.
Evelyn hung her head, as her mentor stood in front of her. Penelope couldn't help but notice how she looked like a kid who was in trouble.
Which she kind of was.
"Evelyn. Why would you lie about this?" Her voice was soft and her face kind. She would never scold the red head. That wasn't who she was and anyway Evelyn was too sweet and cute to be yelled at in her opinion.
"Because I don't want to have the Team feel as if they have to protect me everywhere they go." Evelyn muttered under her breath, her fingers playing with the hem of her shrug, her converse clad foot making incoherent patterns in the carpet.
"Oh sugar." The blonde patted the younger girl on the back, pulling her chair closer towards her.
"I know you think you can handle everything but sometimes its good to ask for help." Penelope frowned in confusion as the red head shook her head.
"No, Penelope. Its not about asking help. Its more about protecting them. What if we're in the field and I-we get overwhelmed and I can't fight back and because of that the others might get hurt trying to make sure I don't get hurt."
Her voice and face were so full of fright that Penelope threw her arms around her, holding her close as Evelyn finally let loose the few tears that had welled up in her eyes.
"Oh sweetie! Shh...Its alright." She said, her voice low, rubbing her protege's back in smooth circular soothing motions, trying to get her to calm down.
"You know you don't have to feel like that in front of anyone on the Team." She whispered, trying to calm her friend.
"They all think of you as a very strong person." Evelyn pulled back, her face blotchy and streaked with tear tracks.
"They do?" She asked, her voice cracking in places, as she tried to calm herself. Penelope nodded, smiling.
"Morgan told me that you are the spunkiest girl he had ever met. And knowing the amount of girls he has met I would say he is right." She winked at the red head, earning a small laugh, as she sniffed one last time and nodded.
"Yea, alright. I can go with that." She said, smiling and looking as if a load had been lifted from her shoulders.
"Thanks Penelope." The blonde waved her hand, patting the red head's cheek lightly.
"I'll always be around for you Sugar." She said, smiling.
The Team had gotten back from their case where a Sniper or rather an L.D.S.K. (Long Distance Serial Killer) had been on the loose. It had been a close call since both Hotch and Reid had been taken hostage by the suspect and Hotch had his firearms taken from him. But luckily he had been able to give Reid the gun he always carried around as an extra and Reid shot the killer dead. They had gotten back about fifteen minutes ago and Morgan had told her how Hotch had to hit Reid, and keep hitting him, or rather kicking him so that he could get the gun that was strapped on the side of his leg.
"And so the war hero returns."
Reid looked up from where he had just collapsed into his desk chair to see Evelyn sitting across from him, wearing her sunglasses. He shifted slightly, his smile turning into a wince at the movement, turning so that he could see her properly.
"What this?" He asked, gesturing towards the wound at the side of his cheek where the bruise was already turning purple and blue.
"This is nothing. You should've seen the ones I got from the Jocks back in High School." He said, grinning slightly. "Hotch kicks like a little girl."
Evelyn chuckled at the face her friend pulled, before she tilted her head.
"How are you feeling though?" She asked, her voice soft. "I know it wouldn't have been easy shooting the man." She deliberately didn't use the word killing. Somehow the word 'Killing' made everything sound so inhumane. The red head had never liked the word. Spencer gave a small nod.
"I'm alright." He said in a low voice. His eyes were honest, his face open as he looked back at her and she gave a small smile.
"Good." She said, before biting down on her lip her smile widening slightly as she pulled off her sunglasses.
"I guess we both have similar war wounds now."
Spencer stared at her.
Evelyn's right eye was puffy and swollen an ugly shade of blue, purple, black and yellow in some places. Anger boiled up inside him as he frowned darkly. He opened his mouth to inquire who had hurt her when a shrill whistle rang out.
"Woah! Thats a shiner." The two of them turned to see Morgan approaching them, holding a cup of coffee. He stood next to Evelyn's desk, nodding towards her eye.
"So who gave you that?" He asked. His tone was calm and low, but Spencer could read his body and saw how tense he was. Clearly Morgan was as mad as he was at seeing their friend hurt.
Evelyn bit down on her lip for a brief second before looking at the two of them in turn.
"Well I had my physical exam yesterday and I got paired with am FBI recruit whose physique was...well slightly larger then me." Morgan frowned at the slight hesitation.
"How larger?"
Evelyn pursed her lips, looking up at him with a mix of sheepishness and nervousness.
"Almost as tall as Spencer and as bulky as two of you." Spencer's eyes widened at the description, while Morgan looked furious.
"Are they insane?" The young doctor asked, almost getting out of his seat but his injuries held him back. The red head quickly shook her head.
"No. No. Spencer. Its alright. See it was a good thing." Spencer frowned.
"And how is you getting hurt a good thing?" He demanded, frowning darkly. To both their surprises Evelyn gave a small smile.
"Well he did land a hit." She gestured towards her eyes. "And a couple other." The red head lifted the sleeve of her shrug to show the bruise where he had gripped her from, before continuing. "But because of my 'physique'," She made air quotes with her fingers. "I was faster and more agile then he was and I managed to bring him down by the simplest trick in the book." Her lips pulled into a grin at the end, a giggle escaping her, making Spencer raise an eyebrow.
"And what exactly did you do?" Morgan asked, clearly confused and curious as to what the red head would've done. Evelyn shrugged, her cheeks reddening as she did.
"Kicked him in the nuts." She mumbled, hoping none of them would hear her.
But of course they did.
Morgan let out a laugh that had other Agents look over in their direction in confusion.
On the other hand, Spencer learned that laughing when your ribs were slightly cracked hurt a lot. But he couldn't help it. He chuckled and exclaimed from the pain at the same time, prompting Evelyn to lean down beside pressing a comforting hand on his shoulder while Morgan stood next to them.
"You okay there kid?" He asked, his voice laced with concern, but he was laughing slightly at what Evelyn had done. Reid nodded, heaving a slow and deep sigh to calm himself.
"I'm alright. I'm alright." He mumbled, sitting up in his chair. Evelyn's eyes shone with concern.
"I'm sorry, Spence! I didn't mean to-" But he only shook his head.
"Evelyn, it wasn't your fault. Actually I'm glad you told us this little story." Morgan nodded, ruffling her hair as she stood up.
"Yeah. Good job Ginger." He said before walking over to his desk, which was on Evelyn's opposite side.
"Seems like you two are growing up." He chuckled, taking a sip of his coffee as he did. Evelyn smiled at him, her cheeks still burning with her blush.
"Well they had to sometime." Gideon commented, having heard the whole conversation from where he was standing near Elle's desk, not even looking up from the file he was reading.
Evelyn smiled as she walked back to her desk.
Tag List - @lovelyygirl8
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minileena · 8 months ago
Part four babeyyyyyy
We're far enough away from the action that I can comfortably sit on Evelyn's shoulder without drawing eyes. It's not abnormal for two differently statured friends to be walking about together, right? Just two gals walking around downtown.
On the inside, though... I'm struggling to keep from trembling.
I'm missing something. I'm sure of it. Just because I can't see the angle Evelyn's playing at doesn't mean she doesn't have one. Maybe she's waiting for me to take her to my fence where she'll double cross me and leave me a smear on the sidewalk before pawning the diamond off. Maybe she needs me to be next to her when we enter the hotel so no one thinks twice about a single girl renting a motel, for one night, for no reason, within walking distance to the scene of a recent theft. Maybe it's something else I just can't think of. But she must be onto something.
Suffice to say, this walk is tense for me.
For Evelyn, though...
"So," she begins, cutting through the silence. "What would you do if you were a millionaire?"
The question is clearly phrased as a hypothetical because we're in public and we don't want any eyewitnesses to two weirdly dressed women discussing an incoming large influx of cash so close to a crime scene. As for why shass asking it... I don't know. Trying to look normal? Still keeping up cover? I can keep up cover a while longer. What's something that normal people say to a question like this?
"I dunno. Something fun, obviously. I've always wondered what yacht life would be like." I say this with a casual cloak over my tone.
Evelyn juts her jaw out to the side, effectively nudging my shoulder in a playful way.
"That's a lie," she says without hesitation. Her voice lowers a bit, just quiet enough for me to hear without the passersby being privy to our conversation. "I don't want a cover story. What are you really gonna do?"
Another gambit? Maybe I'm being recorded? She wants to frame me, maybe? get me in jail so she can take the diamond for herself? That would just draw attention to her, though.
What the hell is her angle???
I lean forward a touch, trying to gauge her expression for hints.
I just see a smile. A genuine, encouraging smile.
"Housing," I find myself answering honestly. "Proper apartments for parvi that actually meet government code are really hard to manufacture, and full-on houses even more so. I think plumbing specifically is such a nightmare that typical pricing is insane, so most of us just... find workarounds. A shoebox in a human friend's apartment, stuff like that. I've never lived in a place where I didn't have to DIY hackney some kind of basic necessity."
Evelyn's smile doesn't waver, but does manage to take on a more sympathetic quality. "I... I'm sorry about that. I hadn't really ever thought about issues like that. I guess I'm not super well-informed."
"Most humans aren't," I say in reassurance. "Why... why are you asking?"
She cocks an eyebrow.
"Do I need a reason? Is curiosity not enough?"
My fingers tap irritatedly against my thigh. I can't see through this. I'm usually really good at reading through acts like this, but Evelyn... she has me stumped. I'm still at a complete loss.
"I've always wanted a pet octopus," Evelyn says suddenly.
I fail to stifle a snort in time.
"Wh... What?" I ask, visibly incredulous.
"They're probably the third most intelligent species on the planet, next to the two of ours," she continues with a wide grin. "I've always thought they were neat. But I've also always thought it's cruel to keep one as a pet. They're too smart to be kept in tiny tanks. So, as a millionaire, I could buy a tank that spans through a whole house. Maybe hire some people to help me keep it fed and healthy."
"You can't actually be serious, though," I cut in.
Her gaze breaks away from mine and she goes back to staring at the road ahead of her. "Semi-serious. It would be cool, but I think that's billionaire rich, not... forty million dollars in the bank rich. Someday, maybe.”
At this point I've nearly forgotten the situation we're in together. I'm completely immersed in the conversation.
"Uh, left here," I stammer out.
Evelyn reaches up to pat my head with a finger. "Thanks, Siri."
I scoff. "As if I haven't heard that joke a million times before."
A few minutes later we're still talking, discussing dream houses and swiping through amazon for fun things to impulse-buy. Not planning or making cover. Just... talking.
It almost manages to make me feel at ease.
Eventually we turn into the motel, a decent quality establishment; they actually have some parvus necessities, though they are, of course, a tad overpriced because of it. Not that we're gonna care once we cash in the diamond.
"Room for two?" The clerk asks as we walk in and ring the service bell.
Evelyn turns to glance down at me for my approval.
"Room for two," I confirm. Neither of us is going to separate from the diamond, so we're kind of forced to sleep together tonight.
As the clerk starts typing away at his computer, he tries to make casual conversation.
"So," he says, "you two finishing up a date?"
I nearly choke on my own saliva.
"No, just friends passing by and in need of a bed for the night," Evelyn replies smoothly as I try to recover from the comment.
"Gotcha," the clerk replies with what I can only assume to be his best customer service smile. We all have our masks, I suppose.
We get checked in and head to our room for the night. I freshen up in a parvus half-bathroom, a little annoyed at the lack of a shower. We find a cot my size in one of the drawers, though, and we promptly set it up on the nightstand.
"Are you tired?" Evelyn asks as we finish settling the mattress onto the frame. "Like, at all?"
"No," I say honestly. "Too much adrenaline. I can calm down, though."
"Wanna throw on the TV before the endorphins inevitably pass through and leave us to crash?" She says with a giggle.
I smile, knowing the exact feeling she's describing.
"I, uh... sure.”
The TV isn't signed into any streaming services, and neither of us want our login information on a random motel near the sight of a robbery, so we settle for cable, which is, of course, horrible. We find something somewhat inoffensive and throw it on in the background while we settle down from the chase.
Through the dull jokes and canned laughter playing through the TV speakers, I take a moment to fully process my situation.
"You really don't have an angle, do you?" I ask after a while of silence.
Evelyn shakes her head. "Even split. Cross my heart."
I clench my jaw and tap my fingers nervously against the mattress. "Why?"
She sighs and leans her head against the wall, staring up at the popcorn ceiling for a few moments before answering.
"Jade was my tech girl for this job," she says. "We needed to work together in order to pull this off. No one can do this kind of job lone-wolf. Hell, even a team of two is stretching it, but... I didn't bother finding anyone else. Because it's so fucking hard to get someone you know won't screw you over."
The human's gaze moves back down to me, expression forlorn as she continues. "Jade and I were going to sleep in her van tonight. But if either of us fell asleep, the other could steal the diamond before morning. So the solution was to put the diamond in a briefcase and handcuff ourselves to it before passing out. The handcuff key was in a timer vault. All because we couldn't trust each other.”
She rolls over onto her side, resting her chin on her palm. "It's so... god, it's fucking annoying, isn't it? Setting up safeguards so we don't screw each other over a few hundred thousand dollars on the millions we'd both make if we could just chill the fuck out? It makes the job more complicated, it makes all of our dealings tense and tedious... If we could all just agree to fucking get over ourselves and trust each other, these types of jobs could be cakewalks. But we always need to make sure no one has even the slightest incentive to screw each other over, otherwise... we will. Because we're assholes."
Evelyn turns back over to lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling again. "I promised you we'd split. Why is it so absurd that I refuse to go back on that after you lost your leverage over me? Everything would be so much easier if we could just... trust each other, y'know?"
The room is quiet for a few moments, save for the sound of the boring sitcom droning in the background. I'm eventually the one to break the silence, though probably not with the reaction Evelyn was expecting.
"Fuck you," I utter, voice trembling with anger.
Evelyn turns to look at me with wide eyes and furrowed brows. Tears are welling in my eyes.
"Wh... what?" She asks in genuine shock.
"Fuck you!" I say again, gripping my bedsheets so hard I edge on tearing a few seams. "Don't you fucking talk about trust like you can hand it out like candy on Halloween. Like... like we're all selfish, greedy assholes looking to milk a few extra bucks out of a job no matter who it fucks over. Like we're beneath you for not letting our lives hinge on the whims of some rando you do a job with.
"Do you think I like this? This fucking game of leverage and incentive? Do you think anyone actually wants to be playing? You think I don't hate every fucking second I have to blackmail and steal and cheat people over a pittance?
"Maybe it's easy for you to just... decide to trust someone. Worst they can do is pull a gun on you, and even then you actually have a nonzero chance of fucking defending yourself. Maybe that's how it works for you. Maybe that's your reality. But don't you dare try to use that experience to tell me to 'get over myself.' I have to be like this. I don't have the luxury of a choice. I live in a world where it's so easy to take advantage of me that you can do it with a flick of your fucking wrist. That's my reality. And the only way to make it in my world is to lie and cheat and blackmail. Because if I don't then I have nothing. The moment there's a chink in my armour, the moment I miss a detail or don't see an angle..."
I swallow down a sob, trying to look this human in the eye with my chin raised in defiance.
"I have nothing else. All I have is my fortress of exploitation. There's nothing else behind these walls. If they're breached I'm dead.
"So don't you fucking dare talk about how easy it would be to trust each other if we just 'got over ourselves,' because there is nothing, absolutely fucking nothing that I want more than the luxury of getting to trust someone."
My breaths are heavy from my rant. My jaw is clenched.
Evelyn simply gazes on in shock.
"I..." She tries to begin, but no follow up comes.
A tear streams down my cheek.
"I'm sorry," she finally manages to say. "I didn't--"
I turn over in my bed before she can finish her sentence, pulling a blanket over myself and turning my back to her. I don't have the luxury of getting to be able to storm out of the room in anger, so this is what I have to settle for.
Evelyn doesn't speak another word, and eventually turns the TV off, leaving us in silence as we both fall asleep.
Layna's rants are so funnnn i really really liked her speech to Evelyn in zookeeper where she psychoanalyzed her aloud and then also the speech with jasper in chapter 14 I think those were so fun to write anyways one more part left in this little au one shot
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missnobodymadness · 9 months ago
for the big oc ask game (I wrote the questions too to clarify):
Evelyn - 🤝 8. How likely is it for your character to initiate a friendship? and 🎲 5. Which does your character prioritize more, work or hobbies?
And then for Tirannia - 🤝 9. Where is your character's comfort place?and 💓 18. How often does your character have nightmares?
Feel free to answer for any character too!
Hii again!
Once again I'd like to thank you for sending some asks my way, it really means a lot to me. ♥
So excited to talk about my OCs again, I haven't been talking about them as much lately. Unfortunately.
Anyway, let's start. :P
For Evelyn
"🤝 8. How likely is it for your character to initiate a friendship?"
Evelyn used to be really bad at initiating any kind of interaction, mostly because there weren't many kids around her neighborhood and most bullied her because of her height as she has always been very short and it was even worse at that age, she only had a significant growth development after the age of 12. Don't get me wrong though, she'd kick their asses back as well, she was constantly getting herself into trouble because of her "special" temperament. LMAO
She had a very hard time interacting with the other trainees for the first time and Jean was the first one who initiated a conversation with her and consequently made her feel more comfortable around everyone. The ironic part is that once she feels comfortable she won't stop talking. :'D
Nowadays I'd say she feels way more at ease when it comes to initiating conversations and friendships even though she got way more cautious after Reiner's reveal, she won't trust people easily again.
"🎲 5. Which does your character prioritize more, work or hobbies?"
This is also something that changes throughout her journey. As you can read on her reference sheet, at first she joined the training corps with very selfish intentions and mindset, she wouldn't take anything seriously and would easily prioritize hobbies over work, considering her kind of job, this is not something she'd admit to proudly nowadays.
Her big "wake-up call" was Marco's death, that was when everything sink in for her and she realized how serious the work she volunteered for was and what was at stake, she finally truly dedicated her heart that day, she'd do her best to protect humanity from that moment on, there was no time for hobbies and selfish choices when so many lives were being lost, including people she cared about.
For Tirannia
"🤝 9. Where is your character's comfort place?"
Honestly? Anywhere in the middle of the sea. Crazy, I know, but my girl loves her sea and finds lots of comfort in it. The serenity of such loneliness, the call of the sea and it's tides, these bring her such tranquillity.
"💓 18. How often does your character have nightmares?"
I'd say that 99% of her dreams are nightmares, mostly because of her trauma but she doesn't dream that much. The man who once owned her haunts her dreams quite often, a common dream that she used to have back when she was still stuck there was about her seducing him and slowly luring him into the sea, drowning him, suddenly, a baby cry would be heard and scared she'd pull him out of the water but it wasn't him anymore, she pulls a baby out of the water instead, not what happened years later but the sea was always there, maybe it was some kind of premonition, who knows. :P
Aaand that's all! Thank you so much once again, I really appreciate the kindness. ♥
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