#maybe after graduating from whatever im going to study i'll try if i can get into a proper animation school
toonfinatic · 1 year
Graduating this fall if i understand correctly yay
Idk if i should go to AMK to study history or literary sciences or if i should go through adult lukio. Very likely heading to Tampere either way.
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Part 11
Misaki: (Runs hands through his hair) Sorry Takahiro, I was going to call you, but i've been a little preoccupied with my fiance here..
Takahiro: I had to hear it from this guy (Taps Isaka's chest) Luckily he didn't sound worried so...
Takahiro, Isaka: Wait did you just say Fiance?
Misaki: Oh yeah, we got engaged saturday.
Isaka: (Walks over to Usagi, salps usagi on the shoulder who groans in pain) Congrats man, you finally asked him!
Usagi: (Raspy voice) Uh, actually Misaki asked me, and please don't hit me I just has surgery.
Takahiro: Are you okay Usagi-san?
Usagi: I'm fine
Takahiro: (Walks over to Misaki and Usagi) So, you guys are getting married?
Misaki: Yes, Yeah we are.
Takahiro: We'll congrats.
Misaki: Yeah, you don't seem so happy about it.
Takahiro: I haven't even gotten used to the idea of you guys dating and now you're engaged?
Misaki: Yeah, we'll my plan was to propose after we told you and before I graduated, so I don't really care if you've gotten used to it, we've been dating for years without you knowing and now that you know we can fully be happy, and if i'm sorry if you can't get on board.
Takahiro: I can, I just need time to processes all this.
Misaki: We'll right now, we need to focus on Usagi, so this conversation isn't happening right now.
Takahiro: (Nods walks over to the sofa and sits down beside Aikawa).
Isaka: Well I'm happy for you. (Smiles awkwardly, and goes to sit on the sofa).
(Nurse Rose walks in and smiles at Aikawa causing her to blush, she sits on the arm of the sofa causing her to blush more, her heart was beating out of her chest, hopefully no one could hear it.)
Nurse rose: Looks like we have a full house.
Misaki: Yeah, my brother Takahiro is beside Aikawa, and beside him is the senior manager at the publishing company where Usagi's work is published, his name is Isaka.
Takahiro, Isaka: Hello.
Nurse Rose: So how is everyone doing? Usagi the cafe is about to close so if you want anything to eat you should place and order now, otherwise I can get you some liquid broth and tea from up here.
Usagi: I'll just take whatever's up here.
Nurse Rose: Sure, the four of you should probably go grab some food.
Misaki: I want to stay here
Usagi: No, you need to eat.
Misaki: (Sighs)
Usagi: I'll be fine for an hour, I promise.
Isaka: (Stands up, walks over to Misaki, Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder), Come on Misaki, he'll be okay.
Misaki: (Stands up) Okay (Softly places hand on Usagi's cheek and and leans down to kiss him, he softly whispers "I love you" against his lips, before giving him another kiss.
Nurse Rose: Okay, so I can take you guys up to the cafe, (confused look) It's on the fivthteen floor for some reason, never understood that, shall we go everyone?
Misaki, Isaka, Takahiro, and Aikawa: (All follow Nurse rose out of the room, and onto the elevator).
Nurse Rose: Alright fun ride! I'm on my break before going into my night shift, do you guys mind if I eat with you?
Misaki: (gently nudges Aikawa)
Aikawa: (Slants eyebrows and mouths "what")
Misaki: (Nods at her)
Aikawa: Um, Nurse Rose?
Nurse Rose: (Smiles) I'm on break, you can just call me Rose.
Aikawa: (Blushes). Um you can join us for dinner.
Nurse Rose: Oh, that's cool! Thanks. I want to get to know you more.
Aikawa: (Clears throat) Uh, a- all- all of us.
(Elevator dings, they all get off following nurse rose to the cafe, They all get a large plate of shrimp tempura to share, and chicken broth, options were limited, since it was late and the cafe would be closing soon. Isaka, and Takahiro followed Nurse Rose to a table in the far corner of the restaurant, while Misaki and Aikawa trailed behind.
Aikawa: When she said she wants to get to know you, she meant all of us right?
Misaki: (Laughs) No, she wants to get to know YOU.
Aikawa: What does that mean?
Misaki: It means she likes you.
Aikawa: So you're engaged and suddenly you're the relationships expert? Isn't Usagi your first relationship?
Misaki: (Scuffs) And how many relationships have you been in?
(They approach the table, Nurse rose grins at Aikawa)
Misaki: See she's smiling at you.
Aikawa: No, she's Being friendly
Nurse Rose: Aikawa, I saved you a seat. (Pats the seat)
Misaki: See, (Walks over and sits beside Isaka.
Isaka: CHIBI!! (Throws arms around Misaki)
Misaki: What!?
Isaka: What's happening, how are you handling this?
Misaki: (Takes a bite of the shrimp). As well as I can be
Isaka: Good, so tell me , what's going on with those two?
(Across the table)
Rose: So how long have you known Akihiko?
Aikawa: Oh many years, he's a pain in the ass, but he's a good guys, he's like my brother.
Rose: So you've never had any sort of feelings for him?
Aikawa: (Snorts) Oh god no! He's never been into girls and the one person he's "loved" before Misaki didn't feel that way about him. Misaki's the love of his life.
Rose: (Touches Aikawa's hand) And what about you?
Aikawa: (Blushes) What about me?
Rose: (Chuckles) You ever been in love.
Aikawa: I'm in love with my Job.
Rose: Ah, one of those people.
Aikawa: One of what people?
Rose: Your life is your job and you never dedicate anytime to yourself, or anything else.
Aikawa: That-
Rose: Not true?
Aikwawa: (blushes) I need to make some time for myself?
Rose: How about tomorrow?
Aikawa: Tomorrow?
Rose: I get off at 5, we can get dinner?
Aikawa: I-
Isaka, Misaki: SAY YES!
Rose: (laughs)
Aikawa: Um, Yes!
Rose: Okay, cool. Um can I get your number?
Aikawa: Oh, um sure. (takes phone out of pocket, the two exchange numbers), Um you can call me Eri.
Isaka: Whoa! You never let anyone call you by your first name.
Aikawa: Isaka, hush.
Rose: (Laughs, we should probably head back, Im sure Akihiko is hungry, and it's almost seven so visiting hours are almost over, everyone has to head home. Except you Misaki, legally you can stay.
Isaka: What, why does he get to stay.
Rose: (Raises eyebrows),Misaki's his fiance.Don't worry the rest of you can come back at six am. Anyway we should get going, you have thirty minutes to say goodnight to your friend, and Misaki I can bring some sheets and a warm cover up so you can fix up the sofa, it pulls out into a bed.
Misaki: Thank you Nurse Rose.
(Misaki sat with his arms crossed and a foot up in the chair,he watched as Nurse rose fixed the sofa for him,she was smiling and humming, apparently she was happy about her date with Aikaw,it was around seven-thirty and everyone had already left, Usagi flipped through the tv channels and sipped on a third cup of tea, his seaced IV bag had been replaced when they came back upstairs and he had his second round of antibiotics, his vitals were still looking good, and he would have labs drawn around three in the morning, his bandages had been replaced and his surgery area looked good, other than the labs, and nurse rose checking on them throughout the night they should be good).
Misaki: You didn't have to make up the sofa, I could've done it by myself.
Nurse Rose: That's okay. It's my job.
Usagi: Misaki, relax let someone do something for you for once, plus don't you have an exam to study for? maybe do that for an hour huh?
Misaki: Fine. (Walks over to table near the window, grabs laptop, walks back over to Usagi and starts to work on study guide.
Usagi: Is this for German?
Misaki: Uh, Yeah.
Usagi: How do you feel about that?
Misaki: Good.
Usagi: Your grades are still passing?
Misaki: Ugh, yes Usagi, god you're in the hospital and you're still nagging me?
Usagi: (Reaches hand out) I just want you to graduate, you've worked so hard.
Misaki: (Smiles, takes his hand) I know, thank you.
Nurse rose: (Sits on the armchair of the sofa, she smiles at them). Do you Guys always banter like this?
Misaki: (Chuckles) Yeah kinda our thing.
Nurse Rose: So how long have you guys been together?
Usagi: (Moves bed up): Um, almost five years.
Nurse rose: How did you meet.
Misaki: He used to be my tutor, and was in love with my brother.
Nurse Rose: Really?
Usagi: Yeah, Kinda a long story.
Nurse Rose: And that doesn't make it weird.
Misaki: Um, there were times early in our relationship when I was worried he was still in love with him but-
Usagi: His brother means a lot to me, but Misaki's the love of my life, I love him so fucking much, I'll never love anyone as much as Misaki, he's my everything.
Nurse Rose: Wow, That's so sweet.
Misaki: (Sobbing) Usagi, stop saying stuff like that, I need to study.
Usagi: (Smirks) You already know that's how i feel about you, I say it to you all the time.
Misaki: Yeah, but i'm studyyinngggg.
Usagi: (Laughs). Get back to studying.
Misaki: You know i feel the same way about you right baby?
Usagi: Ahh, did you just call me baby? Do it again.
Misaki: Mmmhm, can't studying, watch tv or somthing.
Nurse Rose: Well (stands).If You need anything, you know how to get ahold of me.
Usagi: Yes, thank you.
Nurse Rose: (Exits).
(Misaki slams laptop and places it on the table in front of Usagi before pushing it out of the way, surprising him).
Usagi: Misaki, what are you doing? because we can't have sex if that's what you're trying to do. I mean I really want to, but we can't.
Misaki: No, I know that, but I have news.
Usagi: What news makes you act like THAT.
Misaki: Nurse Rose and Aikawa have a date tomorrow!
Usagi: Awe good for them.
Misaki: Why aren't you more Excited!
Usagi: I'll be more excited once you pass the test!
Misaki: (Grabs laptop) You're no fun.
Usagi: I-
Misaki: You just want me to graduate BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!
Usagi: Misaki
Misaki: I'm studying, I'm studying.
Misaki: Done, are you happy? (he looked beside him, it was ten, Usagi was out cold, he placed his laptop on the table, turned the lights off, and changed the channel to some dumb sitcom that would give him a good laugh and walked back over to Usagi, he softly ran his fingers through his soft grey hair, and leaned down softy giving him a kiss on the lips). Goodnight my love (He walked over the the sofa and sighed as he crawled under the covers, it felt weird not cuddling next to Usagi, they've been doing it a lot more recently and he knew he would have a hard time sleeping not wrapped in Usagi's arms, he drifted off into an uneasy sleep.
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teenwolfhot · 6 years
Scott McCall imagines part 4
Inspired by ariana grande " break up with your girlfriend...bored "
You and theo were trapped completely surrounded by these people until
This shit always happens to me (Yeah)
Why can't we just play for keeps? (Mmm-mmm)
Practically on my knees  "
The lyrics of the song was loud theo sighed and looked at you while " i can hear a faint heartbeat sister " the voice said " nevermind Elijah we have to go nik will have our heads with we meddle " as the footsteps were suddenly disappearing
Theo grabbed you " go ahead and maybe get us killed " you nodded still in shock " who was that ?" Theo couldnt scent them out " i dont know whoever they are definitely aren't from here that's for sure "
Ever since you were little girl a slight obsession with a certain boy and well it started since that very summer day back in kindergarten
" thats my doll give it back " a tall girl with pigtails wrapped in red ribbons snatched your favourite doll away from you " well its mine now ...hahahaha " the girl stuck her tongue out while another kids watched afar was scott meeting his long term best friend stiles
He wasn't listening to the young boy in front of him as he saw you got pushed he immediately ran over " stop .... give back the doll " you looked up to see a boy in front of you wearing blue and white stripe polo shirt and a dirty jeans with converse on " why she your girlfriend... nananananan " scott pushed the little girl " shes my firend " snatched the doll away from the girl and turned to you " here i think this is yours " he smiled while handing it to you somhow your knee got scraped " here... for ummm... your knee "he pointed
Lydia was unable to read kira " soo what's up with you and scott lately... i want the juice " looking puzzled at the girl " lately his been well ummm his been avoiding me recently... i try to help but .... " she looked malia
" why do i get the feeling something happens between you two " pointing to malia and kira " we discuss some .... well ... scott ..... ummmmm isaac ..... uhhhh " kira didnt feel like talking about the situation about isaac and malia even scott its like a plague
" malia ???" The girl simply zoned out unfortunately " it will eventually come out im telling you
Hearing liam and stiles argue about the jeep and the adjustments liam made to the jeep
" i said you can have the jeep not redesigned it " lydia walking towards the two boys " well its my jeep ... you gave it to me .... well i simplify the jeep to my liking " liam looked at stiles and all the boy did was sigh " is okay I've got a new car or jeep " stiles said with dignity
" yes stiles we all know the FBI gave you a Land Rover " lydia rolling her eyes when suddenly theo's car pulled into the McCall drive way "we all need to talk " rushing out of the car
As you step out of the car you never been to McCall house before this is your first time " i should... probably. I'll wait in the car " as you headed back isaac grabbed you by the arm and dragging you inside
" whats the problem raeken couldn't it wait till tomorrow?" Stiles squinting his eyes " well no ... me and (y/n) were at the library earlier and well .... three people broke into the school and they were searching for something " scott looked at theo " i don't think is supernatural related theo " scott said quietly while everyone else got it " well .... i can smell them and they aren't from here scott ... especially at a time like this ... what are they thief I'm sure parrish is on patrol ..." which made everyone think
" well of theo is right what do they want ?" Lydia looking at you" are you okay (y/n)?" Just then stiles smacked the back of theo's head " you brought her .... her seriously " looking at you "isaac dragges me in i wanted to wait in the car .... anways I'm intruding i should go .... either way we dont hang out anyways... " smiling at each of them before leaving
As you were making your way to the door " hey ... about stiles ... is going to be fine ... we should hang... " the strawberry blond smiled " im lydia martin ... im ..." you intrude " i know my teacher talks highly of you " you said to her " thanks well I'll lead you out then
Isaac felt the need to follow after you " wait "(y/n) .... (y/n) " isaac walking up to you before lydia walks back in "im sorry ... i thought you .... " you rolled your eyes " really lahey thats how you want to play out ... the I'm sorry to drag you into something you shouldn't be there for .... i know we're friends but i don't think.... they like me .... martin sure made some.... kind of gesture or something to get me involved "
" you know what lahey ... stop ... just stop caring.... yes I'm a little bit insecure and sensitive but at least i don't draw attention to myself ... so save me the pleasure of acting like i belong in your group "
Walking away
Meanwhile " i supposed you know who i am then ?" Chris was hanging like an X arms being held down with cuffs while spikes on this inside the cuff diggs in " slowly your bleeding " the voice simple said " now ... do you know us ... do you know what we are ?" The strange man asked again this time digging into argent chest and blood soaking through the black shirt " yes ..... yes .... yes ... i ... i ... DO !!!"
the man removed he hand from argent chest " well thats great news ..... so where are the rest of your groupies " the man looked deep into argents eyes " i said i know what you are .... i definitely can't be compelled " Chris laughing
" well i just have to ...... bleed you some more then .... until you're able to be compelled Chris "
The blond walked through the door and ran to chris " you lied ... hunter you lied ..." as the blond reached into chris chest he started to have a short breath " i can hear your heart beating fast " sister... sister ... sister ... toture should be fun.... " another young fellow with a metal baseball bat at hand and wacked it on the side of argent chest " did i hear ribs being broken " the young man laughed
" all of you are interrupting my interrogation.... really so much blood " as the blond release her hand away from his chest heavily breathing " blood of hunter " dragging her fingers over his arms that are in blood " i wouldn't taste his blood ... his on vervain "
As the blond wiped it off " we just have to continue till you talk then "
5 days after the event
Walking to school you've been avoiding every single one of isaac friends like a plague " sooo.... you're alive " it was isaac looking at you and smiling you pushed passed him " why do you care suddenly... lahey its not like you care in the first place anyways "
Continuing walking while lydia and malia catched up to the curly boy " soo anything... nope ... she wouldnt talk .... it seems she closed herself up again" lydia started to smirk " what if ... scott ... im mean scott could get her to talk right ?" Isaac was sceptical about this
" well yeah but they've had brief conversations but not a full one ... im telling you its a bad idea "
Taking out your biology books and writing down the extra writing on the board scott took tbe opportunity to seat next to you " hey " you didnt pay attention to him kept writing down the notes till " oh man ... i forgot my biology books ..... i swear " you turned into your bag " here this is yours ... ms martin gave it to me to give to you ... i was gonna give it to you somehow but " yours and his hand slightly touched as he grabbed the book
" thanks ... " smiling
You were happy that you managed to give the item back to him but still you wanted to know everything... especially his relationship with malia and kira
You didnt like kira you had no problem with malia is that asian girl you didnt like .. she somehow inserted herself into scotts life without even knowing him
You were furious when you found out that scott was dating her , it was a stab in the heart one way or another your going to make scott McCall yours
Thinking of ways to be in his life you didn't realise that the teacher was calling you " (l/n)...(l/n).... (y/n)" you paused and heard your name being called
" im sorry miss (y/t/n) i was elsewhere... i do apologise " the teacher rolled her eyes "what i meant was ms martin would like to see you " she gave you an orange slip for you to leave class " right now ?" Yhe teacher stop in her tracks "yes right now .. unless you want to stop her orders or you willing to tell the principal why you aren't obeying one of " you shake your head " I'll go " picking your stuff up you rushed out
Thinking why would ms martin see you now what possibilities could she be thinking pulling you away from class especially AP BIOLOGY
Seeing two people in ms martins office you sighed and opened the door " ms martin you wanted to see me ?" The much older strawberry blond woman smiled " yes i do ... actually i wanted to discuss your career future college " as she points to a chair " i hope you don't mind I've took the pleasure of asking your parents to come by too "
As you took a seat next to your parents " well we 100% be involved in whatever our daughter decisions today " as ms martin smiled and sitting behind her desk
" mr and mrs (l/n) your daughter records are outstanding she will be graduating with honours " ms martin smiled while your parents looked like their on cloud nine " we are very pleased to hear " your mother said with joy in her voice " i must say (y/n) since you've not give in your final recommendation on the career path we will have to submit it today " your parents were shocked " very well "
"( y/n) what is your career goals " ms martin looking at you "- ummmm uhhhhh ummmm ..... biology.... i want to do something with biology " you started to gain confidence " biology is your main career point ?" Ms Martin writing it down "yes it is im very passionate about biology and i would like to study furthermore into the subject if i can ... im also looking into go apprentice in a laboratory on biology something like genetic or microbiology " you said while looking at her
Your parents were surpised you wanted to go that way becuase generally you talked about veterinary and medicine about the well being of animals this is sort of different types of research
" very well... i see you've made your research I'm pleased on that "ms martin smiled
" also theres three apprenticeships round the areas including here at school and some at local biology department in the science community " pausing " the only i like is not in this town but in mystic falls " your mother gasped
" well you certainly did your research on this subject then .... i will see to it your application form has been sent to all of these locations... in the meantime please keep your grades to these standards "
Walking out of the offcie the whole interview along with your parents exhausted you completely " so ... what did lydia mum want ?" Isaac putting his arms round your neck my career choice " removing isaac arm " plus i think i might have a chance of leaving this place lahey "
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