#maybe a love letter to momi but you didn't hear that from me <3
adoriin · 8 months
in space, we're here ! gojo x reader
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when speaking about satoru, you have to stifle the grin that threatens to make itself known. many think he's a handful, affectionately scoffing at your poorly concealed lovesick gaze when you mention him as if they could never imagine coming home to his antics at the end of a long day.
honestly, you're grateful for that.
the satoru you know, the satoru you love to know, isn't half as obnoxious as he attempts to be outside your four walls; no, he's gentle, quiet even. gentle in the way his hands graze your skin as you would if you were feeling the petals of a delicate flower. he's quiet first thing in the morning and last thing at night especially, dozy and soft as he reaches for you with one hand and his mug with the other, preparing his morning coffee or herbal tea before bed. he's also attentive, careful. but that spans his entire being, always observing and acting carefully whether that's on missions paired with snarky quips and remarks or at home, as he hands you his half-drunken mug of tea he's seen you eye up for the last half hour with an affectionate roll of his eyes.
he's not a completely different person, you've never been exempt from his teasing. but his words are delivered with little grins and sweet gazes, calling you out on your bed hair whilst brushing some of the strands carefully, eyes fond as he presses a kiss to your temple as you dozily lean against him.
his attentiveness is his own worst enemy he realises. the front he puts on is carefully constructed, a window that allows him to be seen without anyone getting too close. after all, being the strongest draws in the strongest enemies, the strongest hardships. he'd always thought it'd be irresponsible, unethical even, to fall in love. for someone like him whose top priority has to be the world, how could he ever prioritise just one? even so, the start of your relationship wasn't as turbulent as some would expect, you'd both argue it was the most natural progression you'd ever seen. you were bright in a way he hadn't encountered before, subdued but always there, shining slow and steady like a star. he'd once rather poetically voiced the sentiment aloud, knowing that after the initial giggle at his cheesiness, you'd understand. for someone resembling the moon, so beautifully solitary, the stars were a natural lifelong companion. it was this that had him falling into steady routines with you way easier than he thought was possible.
you were there, waiting for him at the end of long days and sullen weather, cosied up in bed and looking like the personification of comfort itself. he redacted his thoughts fast, because in moments like this, he knows he's in over his head, he's fallen fast and hard and never been so grateful to be suspended above the ground. he knows he'll continue to fall for eternity as your hands rake through his freshly washed hair every night, as you speak about your day whether it be mundane or packed to the brim. he knows even as he finally succumbs to the exhaustion weighing his body down: he'll hold no regrets so long as he can wake up to you every morning and lay with you every night.
you're grateful.
for his presence, for the weight of his head on your chest, and the tufts of his moonlit hair tickling your chin. you're grateful as your fingers trace the cool band on his finger and the mutual promise sealed with a kiss; a promise that no matter the path of his orbit around the world, you'll be the closest star.
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a/n: idk what this is mjus very in love with satoru at this point and it's all coming out in convoluted metaphors and rambles pls love it thank u pookies <;33
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