#maybe a little I went to bed with a headache from wanting to cry
mellowsaturns · 2 years
for you, anything
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summary: joel do what he does best, smuggling and taking care of you
warnings: fluff, soft!joel, domesticity, established relationship, reader caught a cold, sick fic
wc: 900
After spending years and years fighting to survive a cordyceps apocalypse and tolerating a totalitarian government regime, you were no stranger to hardship. But it seemed like one thing has finally gotten to you, something that had you weak and bedridden for days now, something so insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but it happened—you had managed to catch a common cold.
Okay, maybe you were being a little dramatic, but the combination of a sore throat, the inability to breathe, the stuffy nose and constant chills was making you feel awful.
The door opens and on a normal day, you would’ve been alert and ready for any potential intruders but you had no energy left and besides, you knew who it was just by the creaks of the floorboard.
You peek out from the corner of your eyes and Joel was leaning against the wall at the end of your bed, looking at you in pity.
“Shut up,” you groaned, pulling the thin blanket over your head.
That garnered a small chuckle from him. “Didn’t even say anything,” he said.
“You didn’t need to,” you murmured.
Feeling the bed dip with his pressure, he pulled the cover away. “How are you feeling today?”
“Like shit,” you replied as he brought his hand up to feel your forehead. “I can feel a major headache forming,” you added with a pout.
“Poor baby,” he cooed.
You gave him a weak punch in the arm. “You dick, if you’re here to make fun of me just leave.”
He snickered for a bit, clearly enjoying this before mellowing. “Here,” he said, handing you a paper bag you didn’t even know he was holding.
Raising an eyebrow in suspicion you took a peek inside. “Joel,” you gasped, “How did you manage to get these?”
Because inside the bag were different envelopes of white pills and packets of powdered electrolytes, everything you needed to help you get through a cold—probably way past its expiration date, but still, these were highly prized. You would have had to work months just to get enough rations for these items. And Joel just handed you these…
“Are you seriously questioning my skills?”
You scoffed. “No. But you really didn’t have to get all these for me. I would have gotten better with time.” And you know that he knows it too, but he still got these things for you because he knew it would help alleviate the pain even if it was for a little bit. And no matter how much he downplays it, you know how hard it must’ve been for him to get these items. You know because you’re in this business with him.
You couldn’t help the smile that was tugging at your lips. “But… Thank you. I appreciate you doing this for me.” For always taking care of me.
He hummed and looked away, embarrassed at the gratitude you were giving him. Getting up, he headed to the living room and grabbed you a bottle of water.
“Let me,” he offered, before placing the bottle on your bedside and helping you sit straight. He popped the medicine onto your palm and you swallowed them down. And maybe it was the placebo effect but you were feeling better already—or maybe it was just the fact that Joel was here.
Sometimes, he really was the best medicine.
Suddenly, he pulled out something from his pocket. “Here.”
You frowned in confusion before a surprised expression spread all over. “Joel…” you whispered.
Turning the package in your hand, you examined its content and the slight wrinkles of the plastic. He had managed to find you a bag of those hard fruity candies that you once loved when the world wasn’t in ruins—something you had forgotten until now. Something meaningless you told him all those years ago when you first got to know each other and reminisced about the good old days.
You wanted to cry. He went through all this effort just to make your life a little easier and joyful when you know it made his life a little harder.
When you looked up at him, he gave you a shy smile. “Thought it might make you happy.”
You were beaming. And if you weren’t sick, you’d kiss him.
He started taking off his shoes when you stopped him. “Joel, I’m sick.”
He scoffed, as if you said something absurd. “Move over,” he grunted, hogging the spot next to you and getting underneath the covers.
He crossed his arms and closed his eyes.
“I kinda miss this you know,” you whispered. Because even though you were wrapped in his jacket he gave you a few days ago, in which he insisted you wear because your blanket was too thin, it just wasn’t the same.
He made a noise in agreement and minutes later, he was snoring.
It’s been three days since you caught a cold, hence, three days since you’ve been fully in his presence. It only occurred to you now that he didn’t stay away because he was scared of catching it, but that he spent all that time working and doing what he does best. All because of you—all for you.
All you could do was admire him as moonlight gently graced the features of his face.
When you got better, you’d give him that kiss he deserved.
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risuola · 1 year
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Your head has been killing you all day but you tried to play it off as nothing to not worry your boyfriend, but he noticed and didwhat he could to ease your suffering.
cw: fluff, Itadori is 18 and is a vessel for Sukuna, reader is in pain (duh), things like SA and su1cide are mentioned (nothing discriptive though), there is like, one slightly suggestive joke I guess? it's fluff, let me remind you! — 1,7k words
a/n: yet another fluffed out piece of writing for the king, because I love him struggling to keep his authority, alright? there are also so many fics where Sukuna is just purely violent that I feel like him being everything but violent is very much in demand and I love him more gentle 🖤 i also often get headaches like the one described so it was my inspo, kinda.
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It hurt. Your head had been killing you since this morning and slowly it was getting to the point where you couldn't even move. It felt like a storm had been raging inside your skull for hours, you couldn't think, couldn't eat, couldn't concentrate on anything all day, and three painkillers didn't help at all. Your vision was blurry, your balance was off, everything seemed too loud, too close, too bright, too intense. You wanted to scream, you cried, and even begged whatever there is in the universe to just take this pain away.
"I can't," you whispered, crying quietly into your pillow as night fell. "I can't, I can't..." You tried not to wake Yuji, you even acted like it hurt less than it really did, just so he wouldn't worry, but now you couldn't hold it anymore. Your hands were shaking, your vision went black, and you wanted to die.
You got up, quietly and carefully, and slowly padded to the bathroom, feeling your way through the walls because your vision wasn't reliable anymore, and you put your head under the ice-cold water. Unpleasant shivers ran down your spine, your breath came short, but you stayed there, begging the university to ease the agony. And it did, for a moment. It all came back when you threw a towel over your head, unable to withstand the cold anymore. There was no point, you were dying, there was no other way.
Defeated, you dried your hair as best you could and went back to bed, where the moment you laid down, Yuji's arm found its place over your middle. He was still asleep, thankfully, and you pushed a pillow over your face and dived into the darkness.
"Is this suicide?", a voice that you only hoped was the creation of your mind reached your ears and you ignored it for the time being. Yuji was sleeping, he didn't move his hand from over your belly, he couldn't... "It's unwise to ignore me."
"Please, I can't do this now..." you whispered and took the pillows away. It was wet with tears, and so was your face when you looked at him. It was Sukuna, but it seemed like he had very little control over Itadori's body. Or maybe he intentionally kept you close to him so that you would die of a heart attack, but the sudden rush of blood that made your heart pump much faster than usual only made you feel worse.
"You can't do what?"
"Why are you here?" you asked, wiping your face.
"I love watching people suffer, and you seem to be just the kind of show I'd enjoy."
"Of course you do..."
"What is the source of your pain?"
"My head hurts. So fucking bad."
"Poor little human," he chuckled, lifting his head and resting it on his hand for a better view. In any other situation you would have pushed him away, tried to distance yourself, but now you had no power to fight back, so you stayed where you were, in the emotionless embrace of a curse that lives inside your boyfriend.
"If you stepped out to enjoy my pain, please go fuck yourself. Not the best timing, curse."
"How rude," he chuckled, "as if you were in a position to speak to me like that. I can slice you to ribbons before that brat even thinks of taking control back. Oh, imagine how devastated he would be to wake up to the bloody mess of his little girlfriend."
"Oh, sure. How creative, threatening me with death, very original. Perhaps you should surprise me and use your little hocus pocus to ease the pain I feel instead of scaring me."
"You want me, the King of Curses, to heal a human?"
"Kindness would be a good look on you."
"Oh, you're so desperate," he laughed and you covered your eyes with your forearm, already tired of his shit. The silence hurt you, not to mention his amused tone.
"Get lost, Sukuna," you muttered. "If you're not going to help, then stay quiet."
"And who are you to order me around?" his long fingers clawed at your chin, forcing your head in his direction, and you lowered your arm to look at him. Red eyes almost glowed in the darkness of the night, but he looked calm. "Hmm? Little human, have you forgotten where your place is?"
"I know where my place is, but you're in my bed now, so the only rules that apply here are mine."
"What a mouth," he chuckled again. "I can make this headache worse, you know."
"By annoying me to death? You're doing great at that."
It really wasn't wise to push Sukuna's buttons like that, your luck was definitely going to run out sooner or later, and even if you thought you wanted to die because of the headache, that wasn't really what you wished for.
"Sukuna, please, don't be a dick, help a human out."
"Oh, but watching you in pain is so much more entertaining."
"Have you ever tried to be nice, or is the concept foreign?"
"Being nice doesn't hold any power."
"Oh, but it does. When people truly respect you, not because they're scared, that's a different kind of power. And you like power, right?"
"I'm the strongest, I don't care what maggots think of me as long as they kneel in fear."
"If those people are maggots, doesn't that make you like a maggot king or something?"
"Oh, you're pushing your luck."
"Sure, whatever," you smack his hand away from your face and put the pillow back over it. If he's not going to be helpful, what was the point of paying attention to him? Just because he wants it doesn't mean he has to get it.
"And now you plan to ignore me?"
With no answer, you just pressed the plush item harder to your face, hoping that the pressure would soothe you even a little, but no luck.
Sukuna achieved his goal of making your heart beat even faster when he suddenly climbed on top of you, pinning you under his body and throwing the pillow away. Both of your hands he pressed to the bed with only one of his own, and you looked at him with a combination of surprise, confusion, and a glimmer of fear. This was not an ideal situation in any universe.
"What now?"
"Oh, don't be so scared, you wanted me to help you, right?"
"I fail to notice where the helping part is..."
"You humans fail to notice a lot of things."
Ryomen continued to touch you, but his touch felt anything but intimate. It burned, it felt targeted when his palm brushed against your knees or your inner thigh. Wherever he pressed, you felt some pain.
"What on earth are you doin-"
"I advise you to shut up before I change my mind."
And so you did, still unsure of what was happening. Why was this man touching your skin when you could have sworn, he wasn't interested in any kind of human physical touch. He was toying with you, enjoying the way your heart was racing in your chest, how you struggled to free your hands from his relentless grasp, and how you tried so hard to stay calm when he knew your mind was racing 180 miles per hour and off the cliff.
"Such a simple human," he mocked, his fingers brushing way too close to your underwear to go unnoticed, and your hips bucked up to create just a little more distance. This had to be another kind of torture and he was having fun making you so pliable. His eyes never left your face and you struggled to maintain eye contact. "What if I opened a mouth on the palm of my hand right now?" he teased, and you didn't get the subtext at first, but once you did, the vision struck you in a way it shouldn't have.
"Christ, you're more perverted than I suspected a curse would be," you muttered, turning your head to the side, creating an opening for him to kiss the tear off your cheek.
"You don't know much about curses, sweetheart," he laughed directly into your ear, brushing it with his lips as he moved his hand higher, sliding it under your blouse to your hip. "There are some mindless curses out there that only focus on sexually abusing their victims." This wasn't happening, this couldn't be happening. But his tone didn’t change, he was amused more than anything. "But I'm not a simple, horny curse, don't be so afraid. I'm the king."
"For a king, you do kinda often need to remind people about it..." you muttered, breathing in and out, focusing on this simple thing to avoid turning into a mess.
"Remember my advice?"
You closed your mouth and a wave of pulsating pain washed over your whole body again, radiating from your head as if a bomb had just exploded here. You closed your eyes tightly, tears once again threatening to flow from under your squeezed eyelashes. It hurt so much that you couldn't think straight, everything was blurry and you had trouble even recognizing the man above you. You wanted to pull your hands out of his hold, to put them on your temples, to do anything to ease the throbbing ache, but he wouldn't let you.
His hand pressed against your forehead. A moment later, the grip on your wrists loosened and the man rolled off you, taking a place beside you and pulling you into his chest. When you opened your eyes, no sign of black marks met your sight.
"Did he help you?" Yuji asked, his voice soft and cooing, but with worry clearly intertwined with his words. "Does it still hurt?"
"Your head, does it hurt?"
"No... You asked him for it?"
"Yeah... I noticed you were in pain today, but you tried to play it off as nothing. And you didn't sleep and cried and I saw how many pills you took and still hurt," he spoke so softly, kissing your head tenderly and caressing your back with care and affection. "I'm sorry, I guess he had to scare you a little because, you know... ego."
"Thank you, baby," you pressed your lips to his chest, nuzzling into him even more.
"Oh, don't be, you know I'd do anything for you."
Next day you noticed that every bruise you had on your body wasn’t there anymore. Every hurt you earned through your every day clumsiness and trainings disappeared.
So that’s why Sukuna was touching you.
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jamsterrr · 23 days
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ni-ki. assistant coach. tears. “ why are you so offended over a dare? ”. dickhead. annoyed. arguments. hugs and cuddles.
description. eventually after you found out about being a dare, you were crushed. you didn’t know what to do or even want to show your face. but when ni-ki refused to leave you alone, even after you made it clear you were done, what will happen?
words : 3.6k
ni-ki x female!reader
contains. ‼️ ; sap , cussing , face slap , mentions of depression , betrayal , plot twist ( let me know if i missed anything ! )
part 1: my biggest headache | part 2: mbh: bet chapter
link to my masterlist . . . !
tag list : @honey-bunnysweet , @aniasproblems , @da1e3e , @chaeugwi , @prkhoonlvr , @im-yn-suckers , @en-chantedtomeetyou — couldn’t tag everyone! hopefully y’all can find this !
here we are! the long awaited part 2 ! i hope everyone enjoys it as much as i did writing for it!
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
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You didn't know what to feel. You were so hurt and betrayed. Being as you were basically just a joke to the whole basketball team that you put so much time and effort into. It was also the fact that your best friend was in on the "dare". You cried your eyes out that night, your tears soaking your pillow. Were you seriously just something for them to laugh about? Something for them to joke about?
Why should you even care what they thought about you in the first place? It wasn't that you cared, - who are you kidding, you cared. You didn't like being played as a joke. Why should you even be crying about it?
You heard the front door open, finally letting your body sit up, but you stayed in bed. All you wanted to do was sleep, was that so bad? Glancing over, you checked the time. It was a little past - 2 am. Good thing you didn't have school tomorrow. You heard a pair of footsteps coming up the stairs, your door slightly ajar. Heeseung poked his head into your room, his face immediately dropping with concern. "Y/N, what's wrong? Are you crying?" he spoke, stepping into your room. His clothes were changed into something comfortable; you shook your head. Not wanting to bother him with your problems after the amazing day and game he had.
Bu he wasn't giving up that easy. The male made his way into your room, his eyes softening as he looked at you. "I know something's wrong. Who do I have to beat up?" he asked seriously.
A slight smile spread across your face as you sighed and looked at him. Being thankful that you had a brother like him. But - if only he knew.
"It- It's nothing" you stuttered out, but his face knew you were hiding something from him. "Y/N." He said but you shook your head, taking your brother's hand, looking at him, tears brimming in your eyes. "It's just hormones, I'm on my period." you laughed, joking but hoping the male would take the hint that you didn't want to talk about it. Hell, you couldn't even find the words even if you wanted. You were blind about the situation. Only having one piece. Heeseung just nodded and sighed. "Maybe we could both get some sleep hm? Talk about it tomorrow maybe?" he asked and you nodded, wrapping your arms around the male, taking a deep sigh.
Hugging him always comforted you, he was your safety net. Something you needed in a time like this. "Okay." you said simply. The two of you reluctantly pulled away from the hug before he got up. "Night Y/n, see you in the morning" he said, giving you a heart shaped smile before he made his way out your door and to his room. You sighed deeply and got up, shutting the door and getting back into your bed. You pulled out your phone and went to Sunoo's contact as you saw the picture of the two of you together. They were photobooth pictures, one's the two of you adored. His hand was on your cheek, his big smile and eye smile evident. Your smile bright and hands behind his, shaped in triangles to represent fox ears.
The day brought back memories as the tears brimming in your eyes fell, falling onto your phone as you quickly wiped them away, hesitating a little as you pressed the ' block this caller ' ID. You couldn't understand why he would even participate in such a thing like that. It was horrible.
You quickly discarded your phone to the side, sniffling as you hugged your knees. Feeling a piece of your heart breaking. Why you.
Finally, the tears had stopped, and you drifted off to a deep sleep, something you needed. You didn't even hear the alarm that was sounding, a grumbling Heeseung walking to your room, poking you, shaking you. "Y/N, turn it off." the male griped as you groaned and slapped your phone, turning off the alarm.
"Thank you." He mumbled, making his way back to his room.
"Shh~" you shushed the male. Falling back asleep.
"I don't want to go today!" you pleaded with your older brother who was grabbing you by your foot, dragging you off the bed, your grip on your bed rails tight. Heeseung groaned. "Y/n, you can't skip school again." He emphasized, sighing as he let your foot go.
The weekend went by fast. You got your parents to let you stay home on Monday. On Tuesday you complained about your throat hurting. "Sunoo, has been asking me about you ASAP, and the boys at practice. You need to come to school." He said sternly. "Fuck them, I don't care. I don't want to go." You groaned and frowned, puffing out your cheeks.
"Okay, well. If you're not going, then I'm not going. I'm going to stay right here in your bed. With you. All day." the male said, starting to take off his shoes. "What?! no." You replied, standing up.
"Yep." "Why do you care if I go or not!" You whined and crossed your arms. "Because I know there is something you're not telling me. And I don't like it. I know you're not sick, so don't even try it. Since you won't tell me or let me at least try and let understand, then I have no choice, but you be by you" Heeseung explained as you groaned. "Fine, I'll go to stupid school."
"I'm glad you see it my way" the male smiled and put his shoes back on. "I'll be waiting." and with that, the male went downstairs, waiting on you as you got dressed, mentally trying to prepare yourself for school, hoping it would run smoothly, but just with your luck, who knew how it would go?
After you got dressed, Heeseung and you made it to the school with you frowning. You truly weren't ready to face whatever it was that was going on. Why were you a dare? Is the question that kept running through your mind.
"Whatever it is you're going through, you can get through it." Heeseung spoke as he shut off the car and got out, locking the doors after you exited the car. You made your way inside the school building. A wave of shock hitting your body as you stood, looking down the halls. "Just do what you need to do, and leave." you repeated to yourself as you walked down the halls, hoping to not bump into anyone as Heeseung split with you, walking down the hallway with his arm wrapped around his girlfriend's waist.
You walked to your locker, putting in the pin as you saw an envelope fall out, carefully bending down, you picked it up. All that read on it was, "Y/N, open."
You sighed, taking a deep breath, deciding not to entertain whatever messed up game they were playing with you. You were the main character, right? So, this should be how you want your game to go. Not theirs.
Shutting the locker, you were met with a familiar face. The bright smile of your ex best friend to you, Sunoo. "Oh my god Y/N, why haven't you been at school? I've been worried sick, and you haven't been answering any of my messages, what's going on?"
Just hearing his voice that used to bring you calmness, made you boil with anger. You started to speak as you looked at him, a bit of anger and heartbreak evident in your eyes. He gently placed his hands on your shoulder and looked at you. "You can tell me anything, What's wrong. You look hurt..." he mumbled as you scoffed.
You clenched the envelop tightly that you held in your hand, glaring at him. "Are you really going to sit in my face and look at me like that? Like I'm some kind of joke. I know what you did Sunoo." You spoke coldly as he widened his eyes. You could tell there was a hint of guilt evident as you scoffed. "Wh-what are you talking about?" the male stuttered and you rolled your eyes, tears brimming in them. "You made a bet. A stupid dare, on your best friend. How could you?!" you asked the male, hurt in your eyes as you felt a pang of heartache in your chest.
Sunoo looked at you and shook his head. "No, Y/N please, I promise it wasn't like that. I didn't know what i was betting on or getting into." He spoke, reaching out and taking your hands, brushing his thumb against your knuckles. You wanted so badly to pull your hands away. "What do you mean?" you asked curiously, not sure if you should trust anything he was saying to you. Sunoo sighed and started speaking...
( Sunoo's POV )
The male walked down the beautiful brick walkway of the campus, a soft " wave to earth " song playing his headphones as he was going to meet you, spotting Sunghoon, Jake, Jungwon, Ni-ki and Nicholas sitting by the waterfall, he stopped lightly as his eyes bounced from each boy who seemed to be having a grand time. "Ew." he said in his mind, a slightly judgmental look.
Their laughter growing louder and louder, making the male grow more annoyed. He knew he didn't have to stand there and listen, but something about the situation wasn't right. Sunoo sighed before attempting to walk away but was soon called over once he was spotted by Sunghoon, a sly smile coming from the male's lips. Sunoo sighed before he crossed his eyes and made his way over to the males, removing one side of the headphone as he stared down at Sunghoon.
Sunghoon looked at the male and smiled. "We gave Ni-ki a dare, want to put a bet in?" he asked with a coy smile. "No." Sunoo groaned and looked at the male. Sunghoon pouted his lips out before grabbing Sunoo's hand. "Why not. It'll be fun." Sunghoon spoke. "What's the stupid dare? And why do you want me to bet on it so bad?" Sunoo asked, him gently pulling his hand away. "We can't say." Ni-ki smiled and Sunoo laughed, scoffing. "Then why should I put money in?".
"Because I'll go on a date with you Sunghoon smiled and stood up, towering over the slightly shorter male. Sunoo could feel his cheeks heating up as he cleared his throat. "Fine.. What's the starting bid?" Sunoo asked and Sunghoon smirked. Nicholas spoke. "$70, for yes. $80, for no". Sunoo sighed and took out his phone, sending Ni-ki $70. "I hope whatever you're betting on. You all lose." Sunoo glared and stomped off.
He looked at you with soft eyes, a bit of pleading in them. “Please believe me, I would never ever hurt you on purpose with something like that.” He spoke, his eyes searching your face for a possible answer. “It was stupid for you to bet on something you didn’t even know about.” You frown, your voice breaking. A but of relief from your shoulders. Feeling bad for even doubting Sunoo in the first place. Looking at him as tears escaped your eyes. Sunoo’s thumb gently wiped the tears that escaped, pulling you in for a close hug. You wrapped your arms around him, smiling and sniffling a little. You were relieved that your bestfriend didn’t participate in the bet on purpose. Does it make what he did right? No. But is this a start to forgiveness? Yes.
The two of you separated from the hug. A but of silence between the two, the only noise being heard was the students walking through the hallways; talking — laughing — whining and their footsteps. The bell rung for you two to get to class. "Sunoo wait." You grabbed his hand as he made his way to his class. "What's up Y/N?" The male asked.
"I need you to tell Ni-ki to go to the locker room at the end of the day. Say anything to get him there." You said, your eyes filled with determination as Sunoo nodded, a small smile on his face. "Anything for you. But what are you going to do?" the male asked, and you hummed "You'll see." Is all you said before making your way to your class, a sinister smile appearing on your face.
Sunoo hummed as he sat in class, his eyes darting over to Ni-ki and Jungwon who actually seemed to be focused on classwork and the task they were assigned at hand. Sunoo hummed and got up, taking a seat next to the two. "Hey Ni-ki?" he started as Ni-ki smiled and looked over at him, humming in response. "Can you meet me behind the bleachers afterschool?" Sunoo asked. "Oh Sunoo, and here I thought you were interested in Sunghoon all along" the male teased, Jungwon snickering. "Trust me, it's not like that" Sunoo said rolling his eyes.
"I'm serious. I need to talk to you about something serious." Sunoo lied. The male laughed and nodded. "Okay fine, I'll be there" He spoke. Sunoo grinned and made his way back to his original seat, going back to focusing on his work with a smirk. "What do you think he wants?" Jungwon asked and Ni-ki just shrugged. "Probably not something serious, maybe he just wants to play with me." He said, scribbling on his paper.
"Are you gonna go?" Jungwon hummed, looking over at the males scribbling. Ni-ki nodded. "Yeah, why not."
You were anxious, you couldn't wait for the end of the day. It was time to get the payback you needed, to let Ni-ki know that you weren't the one to be played with. Like before. You are the main character of your story. Not the other way around.
Staring at the clock you wished the time could go by faster and before you knew it. It was 2:15. The final bell of the day sounded as you headed to your locker. Once you opened it, the envelope that you had earlier fell out as you picked it up, opening it as you shoved your bag into the locker, taking a deep sigh before opening the envelope. Inside was a picture of you and Ni-ki sharing a kiss in the car, but the photo was from outside the car, near a bush by your house. "Sick." You thought to yourself. A small frown and anger boiling over you. "God."
Ni-ki made his way to the bleachers, ducking as he stood under them. Waiting for Sunoo. "Hey." You said sternly, looking at the male. Ni-ki wouldn't be lying if he said he was shocked to see you. "Oh, hey Y/N" he spoke with the same cold tone that you gave him. You scoffed. The nerve of this dude.
"What do you want?" The male asked, staring down at you. You looked up at him. Keeping your face on. There was no way you were letting this dude belittle you. Not after the embarrassment he put you through. Though it wasn't spread throughput the school. You just couldn't get over the fact that you were a bet. Why? "What was your bet between you and your friends?" You asked boldly.
"Bet?" He questioned, laughing a little. "What bet?"
You raised your eyebrow. Was this dickhead seriously acting like he didn't know?
"Ni-ki, no offense. But don't fucking play with me.": You groaned. Honestly sick of him and his attitude.
“Look Ni-ki! I don’t have time for your games.” You snapped, balling your fist. “You’ve been such a dick to me ever since I’ve became the assistant coach. What the fuck is your problem?!” You shouldn’t, stepping closer. The male furrowed his brows, glaring down at you. “Calm your attitude Y/N. You’re getting mad at the wrong guy” he growled at you as you swung your hand back, slapping the male, your hand flying to your mouth.
You expected for the male to hit you back, maybe even push you down but he just looked at you with a sinister smile. Rubbing his cheek slightly. “Damn, you have a nice tight hook there.” He smiled and gently backed you against the back wall. Pinning you against it as he leaned down, whispering in your ear, his hot breathe pushing against it. “Want to know what happened?”
Even though you were pissed, you couldn’t stop how your body shuddered as the male leaned over you, whispering into your ear.
‘I hate attractive people’ you thought as you pushed the males chest. It sadly was one of your weaknesses. “What happened..?” You asked, standing up straight and straightening your posture.
Ni-ki began to speak humming softly as he leaned against the rail.
The male walked into the empty classroom, removing one of his headphone, looking up at the male. “What’s this about? Thought practice wasn’t until Thursday?” Ni-ki spoke, twiddling the headphone in-between his fingers.
“Yeah, I know I said that. But I need you and the guys to do something for me. Can you?” The male spoke and Ni-ki hummed. “Yeah sure.” He spoke, looking at the back of the males head. “What is it?” Ni-ki asked curiously, sitting on a desk.”
“You have something against Y/N?” The male asked and Ni-ki shook his head, laughing a little. “Nah. She’s actually pretty cute. When she doesn’t look like you.” Ni-ki hummed and spread his legs slightly. “What is it you want me to do hyung?”
“I need you to record you kissing Y/n, I bet you $300 you couldn’t get her to kiss you.” The male spoke. Ni-ki laughed. “Are you serious??” The male nodded. “Get the others to bet in.”
“Oh this is going to be the easiest $300 dollars of my life. Maybe even more. The others are sometimes idiots.” Ni-ki hummed and stood up. “But why?”
“Let’s just see, I like to see her rattled up. Freshman scare yeah?” He chuckled and looked at the male. Ni-ki laughed and nodded. “Damn, that’s cruel. She’s gonna hate you. But okay I got you.” Ni-ki hummed as he turned around, beginning to walk out before the voice told him to stop.
“Hm?” Ni-ki turned around and looked at him. “Get Sunoo to bet too.” Ni-ki just shook his head and laughed. “Get ready to pay me my money.” And with that, he walked out of the room and towards the water fountain where he met up with a Nicholas, Jungwon, Jake, Sunghoon and Jay.
“You won’t believe what hyung just asked me to do” he said, placing his bookbag down and hanging his headphones around his neck. “What?” Jake asked, popping a couple of shrimp chips into his mouth.
“He wants me to get a video or picture of me kissing Y/N.” He laughed. “What?! There’s no way she’ll do it. She can’t stand you” Sunghoon laughed. “Yeah, you are a bit of a jerk to her” Jungwon laughed with Sunghoon and hummed. “She will! Put in your bets now.” Ni-ki spoke as the boys laughed. “Okay, sure.” Sunghoon said. “I’ll bet $70 she doesn’t kiss you.” Sunghoon smiled. “I bet $100 she does kiss him!” Jake raised the bets. Soon the boys put in their bets. Sunghoon spotting a staring Sunoo and bringing him over. Soon the bet was over $600 dollars, split into Ni-ki not getting kisses by Y/N, the others agreeing she would.
Such an innocent bet, disregarding your feelings about the whole thing.
You looked at him, still confused slightly. Your mouth agape. A bunch of assholes.
Ni-ki smiled. “Think with that pretty brain of yours..” ’can you ride home with Ni-ki? I won’t be home until later’. It echoed in your head. Suddenly something made it all clear, the bounce of a basketball into the gym as you looked at Ni-ki one last time, before seeing who it was. A swish was heard and it clicked. It was Heeseung.
That’s why he wanted you to ride with Ni-ki home that night. That’s why he was so adamant on getting you to school. *He was the first person to introduce you to Ni-ki. Your brother was the lead person on this bet.
You felt hurt and betrayed. What the hell was wrong with them.
He. Was your biggest headache.
You gritted your teeth before storming out of the gym. Passing by his girlfriend.
Heeseung’s girlfriend came to him and smiled, gently kissing his cheek. “Can I talk to you?” She spoke quietly before the male smiled and tossed the basketball to Ni-ki. She led him to the bleachers and smiled, humming before pressing a kiss to his lips, deepening it. The male wrapped his arms around her waist as the two pulled away.
The woman drew her hand back and slapped Heeseung. “We’re fucking over! I saw you kiss that other girl earlier. You cheater!” You said, tears in her eyes before pushing the male. Ni-ki winced as he witnessed the slap. A shocked Heeseung widening his eyes.
“Wh-what are you talking about?!?” He spoke as he watched his girlfriend storm out the gym. Her tears falling down.
You smiled as you hugged the woman, “oh my god! You did so amazing Hina!” You shouted.
“Yeah, maybe I should become an actor?” She laughed. You pulled out the $600 dollars you swiped from Ni-ki and divided it between you, Sunoo and Hina in three ways. The three of you high fived and grinned.
“Thought they could get over on it. We did it!” You shouted, the three of you hugging.
You were THEIR biggest headache.
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imshii-kin · 5 months
Good Luck
Chapter # 3 Let Dead Men Tell Tales.
Platonic Yandere Dc x reincarnated Reader
I made this a bit ago so have mercy :,)
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 (You are here), Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
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Can't repeat the past?... Why of course you can! - Gatsby
TW - Smoking, Addiction
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
Jason tilts his head, confused by Y/n's response. "You don't remember me? Is this some kind of prank?" He frowned, crossing his arms. Y/n nervously shifts under the older man's gaze, "You can ask Bruce, he's the one who brought me here."
Frown deepening, Jason sighs. "Of course, the old man doesn't tell me shit." He grumbled. "So you don't remember me at all?" He asked, and Y/n shakes her head.
"Hm, maybe that's for the best," he muttered under his breath. He ruffles Y/n's hair before turning to leave. "I'm going to have a little talk with Bruce." He said ominously.
Well, that sounds fun.
Watching him leave, Y/n can't help but continue to wonder what her relationship with this family was. Jason and Tim seemed to be somewhat fond of her, and Damien, well he was hard to read but he seemed to know her.
Turning back to the shelves, Y/n realizes that Jason forgot to help her get the book.
"Aw, man..."
It was late and Y/n (reluctantly) went to Jason's room. She was able to sleep some, waking up only a little bit earlier and not being able to fall back asleep.
"Miss Kent? Are you awake? Bruce wants me to escort you to his office." Alfred's voice drew Y/n out of the book she had snatched from the library. She was awake, she's been awake since 3:00. 
(Why may you ask? I don't know, why are you reading this at 2:00 am hm? Or are you bench-watching some show again?)
Putting the bookmark in, Y/n slides out of bed following Alfred to Bruce's office. Once again, she can't help but admire the beautiful architecture of the mansion. There was a good mix of old Victorian architecture and modernism. They blended well, creating a tasteful style. Paintings were far from few, some looking to be quite old.
"Here we are, Miss. Kent, Master Bruce, and Young Master Richard are waiting for you." Y/n nods, entering the room. Alfred softly shut the door behind her.
"So you can tell blue bird over here, but not me?"
"Jason, please, not right now."
Y/n could feel the tension immediately. In front of her stood Jason and Dick arguing with each other, Bruce was sitting behind a desk trying to calm the massive headache forming.
Dick was wearing a dark blue dress shirt that complimented his deep blue eyes, as well as some dress pants. He was the first to notice Y/n, "Oh! Y/n you're here!" He smiled, his previous frustration gone.
"Uh... yeah." She muttered plainly. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Dick shakes his head, walking over to you. "Nope, we just finished talking," his gaze sharpened, "right Jason?"
Jason's first clenched tightly, glaring at his older brother. "For now."
Dick smiles at Jason for a second before he goes back to looking at Y/n. "Hi Y/n, my name is Richard, but you can call me Dick." He gives you a little wave. "I've been informed you no longer remember anything." His expression dampened, "that must be terrifying for you." He gently patted her hair.
Bruce stands, clearing his throat to get everyone's attention. "I'm sorry for calling you all here so late, but I need you all to be informed about how we will be proceeding for the next month."
Y/n returns to her room, a somber feeling accompanying her. This was it, wasn't it? She was really stuck in the DC universe. Her chest ached as she remembered her life, a life of a college student, just trying to make it to finals week.
Her friends, her colleagues in that crappy job she hated. Her mother and father who, despite their money situation, supported her dream and helped her get into college. 
Tears well up in Y/n eyes. "I want to go home," she whispered to no one. She wipes her eyes quickly, not wanting to cry, and slips out the book she was reading. 
'Reincarnation of the Soul'
Dick falls onto his bed with a deep sigh, exhausted by today's travel. Starfire wasn't entirely happy with him up and leaving without much explanation, luckily she was understanding with him.
Y/n... he remembers her when she was just a little kid. He remembers babysitting her and Jon, and her tagging along whenever Jon came over for a sleepover with Damien. 
He remembers when Clark got seriously injured while Louis was away and having to take Y/n in for a few months. She was just the sweetest thing, and she came over so often it was like having another little sister.
Not that she remembers any of that now. Dick frowns, all those years, are just gone. How could something like this happen? It was just awful.
Jason curses under his breath, that old shit had no right to keep something like this from him. And Dick, that was a prick move he pulled back there. 
Taking a deep break, Jason slips a packet of cigarettes out of his pocket. Opening it, he takes one out using his teeth, with a flick of his lighter, a tiny flame danced into existence. He brought the flame to the tip of the cigarette, inhaling deeply as the tobacco ignited with a soft hiss.
As the smoke filled his lungs, Jason closed his eyes, letting the tension of the day evaporate with each exhale. The bitter tang of nicotine lingered on his tongue, a familiar comfort.
He had promised Y/n to stop smoking before the incident. Jason still remembers the look on her face when she first saw him smoking, a small smile on his face as he remembers a seven-year-old Y/n scolding him.
"Master Jay, I'm surprised you're still here." Jason opens his eyes, looking over to the right where Alfred stood, wise as ever. "I suppose the meeting didn't go well?" Alfred inquired making Jason chortle, "What gave that away?"
Alfred shakes his head, "Well, as much as I enjoy your presence at the Manor, I do prefer if you'd not smoke," He points to the window above Jason's head, "Especially right outside a guest's window." Alfred smiled before turning and leaving.
With a resigned sigh, Jason takes the cigarette and drops it to the floor, crushing the butt beneath his heel, extinguishing the last remnants of his temporary sanctuary. 
Chapter 4
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chrispotatos · 2 months
quit - chris sturniolo
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summary: you had a stressful day at work so chris suggested you quit.
warning: none unless you're allergic to having chris as your bf.
a/n: i may or may not be projecting
a/n 2: i might only be able to write quick little stories like these then write smut and angst on the weekends because it takes me longer to write those generes than cute little fluffy shit.
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my whole week was bad and it consisted of the same cycle on repeat work, eat nap. i could hardly see my boyfriend and my friends because of my busy schedule and when i wasn't with at work i was in my apartment trying to recollect myself.
today was friday and i promised chris i would come over to their house and stay till monday rolls around.
don't get my wrong i was itching to get there but i wanted peace and quiet. after all my social battery was drained and it felt like any minute i could cry if someone asked 'what's wrong' the feeling of taking my anger out on my friends and boyfriend because of a stressful day made my emotions subside by a little so something like that doesn't happen
i arrived and didn't hear anything i walked up the stairs and still no talking, laughing, nothing.
i took that as a sign they weren't here at all maybe they were filming. i leave chris a text letting him know im there.
i go down to his room and pick out some clothes that got cleaned from the last time i was here. the tub in nicks room was the only one that was here so i used it, putting in epsom salt and a bath bomb with a lack of scent so my headache doesn't get even worse.
when my bath was done i went to the kitchen and got ice cold water then headed back to his room.
i tried picking a movie but my thoughts flooded with what happend today and how my manager was yelling at me even though i was confused and needed clear instructions.
the thought made tear unwillingly fill my eyes and fall, it stung remembering the harsh words the way she made me feel small and disrespected.
i heard the triplets voices, slight bickering the front door closing after, i knew chris was gonna be coming to his room shortly after so i went under the blankets.
my predictions being correct the door to his room opened and he called for my name. i hummed as a response, that not being enough he came over to my side of the bed peeling the blankets off of my body.
"y/n, baby are you okay?" he asked worry coating his expression i cover my face crying more.
that question always tipped me over the edge "no im not okay, my boss- megan no maya i mean-" a frustrated grunt is all i could get out from all the clouded confusion. "it's ok take your time" he rubbed my arm being patient with me and thats what i needed right now.
"-my manager is a bitch and she was yelling at me. im tired and i don't wanna be mean but im so stressed out" i explained, it was more of a ramble with some words getting mixed together cause of the speed i was talking in.
"im so sorry" his arms wrapped around me, pulling me towards him, and rubbed my back while whispering comforting words to me, reassuring that everything will be all right.
"you should quit" he suggested i shook my head no, i couldn't quit it wasn't gonna work if i did my life would only get worse.
"no one should get treated that way especially you, you don't deserve that and it shouldn't have a toll on you. it's fucked up"
i draw back from the hug by a bit to see the sympathetic look on his face, he really felt bad for me and i know he couldn't wrap his head around why i wouldn't just quit if im being treated in such ways.
"it's not in my cards to just quit" he smiled unbeknownst of what he was thinking i reciprocated an awkward smile "I'll take care of you, you can move in with us" he stated it wasn't an offer he wanted me to do it.
"im not letting you do that" a humorless chuckle left my lips. chris wiped the tears that were left and kissed my forehead "yeah you will" he muttered giving me a endearing smile taking the glass of water off the night stand pressing the glass to my lips, i took a few sips then he put the glass back down and tucking me in.
"I'll come back in a few, i just need to talk with matt and nick real quick then take a shower and I'll be all yours for the rest of the day"
i nodded from where i was, snuggling into the blankets "love you y/n" he said on his way out even if he couldn't hear me i said it back.
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oxkarisa · 5 months
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this is a bill kaulitz comfort oneshot. basically it’s just bill helping you with your abusive parents and mental health (self harm and stuff like that)
☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆
you just got into a huge fight with your parents, they called you a bunch of names like: mistake, useless and more disgraceful words you wanted to block out.
you wanted, no you needed someone to talk too, but at the moment your boyfriend bill was hanging out with his friends. he was the only person you had left.
you did not want to bother him, you laid down on your bed, makeup smeared, eyes puffy and a huge headache from yelling.
you start cry again just replaying the whole fight in your head. this was not the only fight you've had with your parents, and probably won't be the last.
the only thing you could resort to was cutting.
obviously you would try to hide it, but bill would always find out no matter how good you hid them.
you picked up the blade that was hidden in your notebook, looking at it for a few moments. "is it really worth it?" you thought. bill will find out.
you cried even more thinking about bill finding out, he always looks so sad when he sees the scars on your body, but then giggled at his lectures he gives about how it's dangerous.
after staring at your blade for a few more moments you get a call, ironically from bill.
"schatz, i'm on my way to yours!" bill says over the phone, "i don't think you can, my parents and i had another fight again." you said with a raspy voice.
bill went quiet, "well then i'll just wait til they're sleeping and i'll slide through the window." he laughs.
you smile at his laugh. "i'll leave my window open!" you put the blade back in your notebook.
~20 minutes later~
Bill ♡︎ -10:34pm-
i'm here schatz! 🤍
you pick up your phone and smiled, you opened the window and let bill in quietly.
he hugged you, knowing that you were crying before he called. "what happened now, liebe?"the look of worry smeared on his face.
seeing your makeup all messed up, he went over to get makeup remover from your vanity. "c'mere and lay down," he said, tapping on your bed.
you explained how your parents were calling you names again (make up your own scenario, like maybe you were saying how you didn't get to do much or smth) and he started to clean your face off, gently.
he smiles. "Du bist eine schöne Liebe, lass dir von niemandem etwas anderes sagen." (You are beautiful love, don't let anyone tell you anything else.) he caressed your face.
You seen bill get up and change into the clothes he left. he crawled into bed with you, him being big spoon, you little, holding your hand and rocking you till you both fall asleep. every now and then you'd feel a kiss on your neck~
word count: about 575 ఌ
-karisa ♡︎
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piratesfromspace · 8 months
After the rain (141xReader)
Pairing: Reader x Soap (& implied Reader x 141)
Rated: Mature
Word count: 900
Summary: After being kidnapped and rescued, Rain needs to make sure Soap is still alive
Note: In the same universe as my "Rain or Shine" fic, it is the epilogue of the part 4. Some people requested this chapter, and I was happy to write a little something to offer some comfort to our poor Soap. Reader callsign is "Rain", she's bi and autistic (I am autistic myself).
Content: angst, hurt/comfort, aftermath of torture, medical setting, happy ending (kinda)
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Rain has a hard time opening her eyes. She’s not quite sure where she is, she’s slow to wake up, her brain still foggy from the sleeping pills. But then she moves in the bed, and everything starts hurting. Her muscles are so sore, bruises are painfully blooming under her scratched skin. Her head is heavy, throbbing. She feels like she’s been run over by a humvee. With the pain, everything comes back to her in a second. She rises with a gasp, a shot of adrenaline wringing her guts to the point she thinks she’s gonna puke. 
The light of day is peaking through the half-opened curtains of her room. She’s back on base, and everything is so vividly painful she’s sure it can’t be a dream. The memory of the past few days invades her - their capture, Johnny’s sacrifice to protect her, her crawling on the floor to rest her cheek against his bloody leg when their captor finally stopped. The sudden thought that Soap might not have survived the torture is suffocating her, she can’t breathe, it’s breaking her mind and her heart. Last she saw him he was laying on the heli floor surrounded by medics. 
A flash of white in the corner of her eyes attracts her attention when she finally gathers enough strength to get out of her bed. There is a crisp white strip of paper on her night-stand. It only says “he’s OK” in black ink, and she instantly recognizes Simon’s angular writing. Soap has made it. Tears wet her cheeks without her realizing she’s crying. 
She tucks her fists inside the pocket of her hoodie. A black one that belongs to one of the boys, she can’t really tell which one. She keeps her head down, doesn’t want to cross the panicked gaze of colleagues at her face. She’s sporting various scratches, a mean bruise on the side of her jaw, her skin has a sickly yellow-ish undertone - she looks like shit and she knows it. 
She crosses the base in a hurried bee-line for the medical bay. She probably should call up her captain for further instruction, report to debrief or go see a doctor. But the only thing on her mind is finding Soap. She had always liked him - it was hard not to, he was funny, kind, quite handsome, always laughing. But she knew that he was growing obsessed with her, and it had frightened her at first. Situations like those could easily delve into unpleasant territories for everyone involved. Except it was Soap, smart-ass Soap, kind-hearted Soap, and he made it work even when it was obvious he was sad Rain had chosen Simon instead of him. After Siberia, things didn't really change, they rather shifted. The group was tighter, Rain was not shy with her attraction to the other guys, with her attraction to him. She let Johnny more into her bubble, into her heart. 
And here she is, the wet tracks of tears drying on her cheeks as she leaps through long corridors in search of Soap, when she should get checked for her own injuries, when she should maybe not stay alone like this. Her brain is still drowning in diluted stress hormones and the end trail of painkillers, the mix giving her a distant headache that will probably force her down in a couple hours. For now, she persists. 
When she finally finds him, she’s simultaneously disappointed and relieved to find him alone. Ghost, Gaz and Price must be somewhere else, maybe they just went out for a quick break. She doesn’t know how much time she has on her own with Soap, before someone, a nurse, or one of the boys, comes back. He looks like he’s sleeping. Bandages are wrapped around all his visible limbs, snaking around fingers, his wrists, part of his right arm. Around his head also, his already short hair clearly shaved for access to wounds. One of his eyes is hidden by a plastic shell. His lips are swollen, split in a few places. Skilled hands have been at work here, in dressing his wounds, wiping out dried blood, setting up electrodes and drips. It’s easy to forget how simple it is to destroy, and how labor-intensive it is to heal. The regular bip of the heart monitor is the thing that prevents her from spiraling further down. Alive. Her sergeant is alive. No need to explore the devastating thought of him being gone. 
She climbs on the bed, finds a place against him. His warmth makes her want to cry again. Her own scratched fingers hover over his cheekbones - the skin there is purple - then over his neck, she needs to feel his pulse under her scorched skin. Alive. She tucks her face next to his shoulder, tries to find the familiar smell under the antiseptic. Rain holds him the best she can without risking hurting him more, and decides that’s all she wants to do for the time being. 
That’s how the boys find them when they arrive some time after that. They had been looking for her after Simon had discovered her empty bed. They weren’t really scared. They knew she would be here. Where else? They swore to take care of each other - and that’s what they will keep doing, no matter what.
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enhaheeseung · 11 months
Come back to me - L. HS
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Pairing: heeseung X fem reader!
Warnings: angst-ish
WC: 1,168k
Part 8 Sorry for the short chap. The next one will be longer with a lil angst and jealousy👀
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“Hey, y/n, I know it’s really early, and you’re probably asleep, but I just wanted to know if you’re okay with me coming over tonight? Maybe we could talk over dinner or watch a movie like we used to just to catch up and talk some things over. I get out of work early, so just let me know!!”
He sent you that message hours ago, and still no reply. Even when he was packing up to leave work, there still wasn’t any word from you, which soured his mood for the whole entire day, needless to say.
He sighed, doing his same boring routine, turning off the little lamp on his desk, getting ready to go home, and just waiting for this day to be over cause nothing good came out of it. You haven’t communicated with him in the past couple of days. His meetings all went like shit cause he could barely comprehend what was going on cause he couldn’t focus on anything but you. All in all, it’s just been rough. He’d seen better days, but at least there was a comfy bed waiting for him at home.
“Early leave?” Jake rounds the corner, nearly running into Heeseung.
“Hmm mm,” he hums softly. The tone of his hum was enough to tell that he was just tired and completely exhausted, and if that wasn’t evidence enough, the eye bags made it obvious.
“You good?” Heeseung nods. “Okay,” Jake gave him a small pat on the shoulder. “Just know I’m available if you need me and Jay too. He can be a dick sometimes, but he’s worried about you even if he’s too prideful to say it,” Jake chuckles, making Heeseung’s lips curve into the smallest smile.
“Thanks, Jake. I’ll keep that in mind. Take it easy tonight, yeah? I’ll see you next week.”
“See you next week,” Jake says, giving a final salute as Heeseung leaves for the day.
You were pacing for what felt like hours ever since you received that text from your husband or ex-husband. At this point, you’re not really sure what the two of you are, but that’s beside the point cause you were literally on the verge of crying, ripping out your hair out, and vomiting.
Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but Lee freaking heeseung the man you’re still so deeply in love with us asking you to have dinner with him. How could you stay calm knowing he wanted to see you and talk with you?
You’d be lying if you said seeing his text first thing in the morning didn’t make you smile and light up like a Christmas tree.
You were like seconds away from saying yes, yes, and yes, but before you could, you had to rationalize this in your head because wouldn’t that be letting him back in too easily? What if he tried to sweet-talk his way back in? You’re not sure if you were strong enough to say no, especially to his face.
You sighed, feeling a headache coming on. You just decided to ultimately ignore his text cause if he was really serious about you, then he’d be persistent. Saying no to him one time shouldn’t be enough for him to give up on you, and if he did, that would be a sign that he probably didn’t want you back anyways.
Except you wanted to see him so bad, being away from him was hard enough, especially at night. You just wanted to hold him, talk to him, spend time with him, but all that would have to wait until he proves himself and proves to you that he’s truly sorry. You just wish time would go by sooner cause every day without him felt like a month.
Even past midnight, heeseung was waiting on a message from you, a message that never came.
He sighed in frustration but reminded himself to stay level-headed about the situation, even if it was upsetting and, hurtful and confusing. He had to suck it up. He’s put you through so much worse, and the pain he’s going through right now is well deserved.
So he just continued on his journey to reclaim his spot in your heart, trying his best to focus on the positive even though there were many more negatives.
“Hey, y/n, I’m sure you’re probably sleeping now. Sorry for always bothering you when you’re asleep :( I just wanted to say I hope you had a good day today. I've been thinking of you all day, Couldn’t even get any work done cause I miss you so much anyways. I’ll leave you alone now. Have a good night, y/n. Hope to hear from you soon!”
You nearly jumped from your spot on your bed when you heard your phone go off. You had been thinking about Heeseung so much you couldn’t even get any sleep cause he was on your mind all day and night, even past midnight, and you were still only thinking of him and what he was doing.
You quickly grabbed and snatched up your phone, hoping it was him. As soon as you saw that it was, you squealed, and you probably woke up Sunghoon in the process, but it was for a good reason.
Your heart warmed immediately when you read his text. He was so sweet and thoughtful, and again, you just wanted to hop out of bed, drive back home, and sleep in his arms all night long, but you refrained from doing so, but you couldn’t not reply to his text this time he was obviously putting in the effort, and you didn’t want to seem like you just weren’t receptive of his gestures.
“Goodnight, heeseung,” you typed out and left it at heeseung and not hee cause you didn’t want him to think things were how they used to be or even close he’d have to earn that nickname back.
When heeseung saw your little typing dots, his heart nearly pumped out of his chest.
But first of all, why were you up so late? He frowned. You should be asleep getting your beauty rest.
Although he couldn’t complain when he saw your text, he literally kicked his feet while grinning at the screen like a love-struck fool.
He hearted your message right away. The text itself wasn’t big, but the fact you even bothered replying was enough for him. It gave him hope that there was still a little spark that he could ignite into a flame.
“Just give it time, heeseung, give it time,” he murmured, shutting off his phone, the smile never leaving his face when his head hit his pillow, and for the first time in a long time, he felt like he could finally rest peacefully.
You were wide awake, on the other hand, mind flooded with nothing but heeseung, and you’d definitely be in contact with him tomorrow cause you couldn’t go any longer without seeing him.
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Thanks for reading likes comments and reblogs are always appreciated sorry for any typos or errors I hope you all have a good day/night♥️
Permanent taglist:®• @nyxtwixx @iamliacamila @ramenoil @mimisamisasa @scarlet127
Come back to me taglist @mimikittysblog @woahsehun
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desi2go · 3 months
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pairing: Changbin x mother!reader
warnings: fluff
author's note: Thank you for 200 follower! I hope you enjoy this writing 🫶🏼
Whenever you though that you had reached a goal in your life. Just shortly before you could finally accomplish it, something would come and turn all the effort and hard work into nothing.
After finishing high school, you knew that you wanted to go to college even though your family had to work hard to realise that dream for you. You strive hard, learned for day and night to get a scholarship that would at least take over a small amount of the prize.
However, just some weeks before your life as a college student, your father got sick and needed an expensive treatment. The money for your college was used and you didn't went to college.
Instead, you worked in a small coffee shop and a small part time job in Seoul so that you could earn that money for college.
With the help of your family, you actually graduated and during that time, you met the love of your life. He was protective and caring.
You really thought that you had found your person for a lifetime. He even proposed to you a month after graduation on a small vacation. Everything was picture perfect.
But fate wasn't on your side. You had noticed that he was slowly distancing himself from you. However, you couldn't realise what it was. Maybe it was the stress of work and he was just busy.
You never thought that you would catch him in your bed with another woman. You were earlier at home than normal, just wanting to get a few things before driving to your best friend for a girls night.
But here he was. Naked. With another woman. Just a few weeks before your wedding, cheating on you. And he hadn't even the decency to go to her house. No, he did it in your home that you had build up together. He didn't even had that respect for you and your relationship.
He was shocked when you swung the bedroom door open, quickly pulling out of the woman and turning to you. His pleas fell on death ears and that night you crashed onto your best friend's couch, telling her everything about it.
You texted him that he should be out the house with all his stuff. At least he respected that and left before you came back the next morning.
Weeks after that, you still hated to go into your bedroom, the picture of him and her still haunting you. You didn't sleep in your bed. Even the thought of sleeping there disgusted you.
So, you threw the old bed and nearly everything out of there and decorated it completely new.
Over time, you experienced nausea and a headache. You threw it off at first, declaring that it must come from all the stress and your immune system was down. One day, your best friend forced you to take a pregnancy test.
Fate hates you. That must be it. You were indeed pregnant. It wasn't that you didn't want a child someday, no, it was one of your dreams. But you never imagined you would be a single parent and that you were afraid of that.
For just one second, the thought of abortion sprung into your mind. However, that wasn't going to happen. You already loved the little bean inside of you. It would be difficult but you were thrilled.
Just seven months later, your daughter was born. Her name was Minah.
Luckily, your parents and your friends helped parenting her and gosh, parenthood was difficult. Especially alone. You took a four month maternity leave to settle into your new lifestyle.
Minha was a very sensitive toddler. She was getting overwhelmed pretty fast and would start crying over many things. Especially foreign people were scary to her. However, she was very bubbly around people she knew and was familiar with.
When she turned three, you decided that it might be okay if you started dating again. Minha wasn't so young anymore and it would be nice if there was somewhat like a father figure in her life.
But it was important to you that the guy treats her right and accepted that you were already a mother.
Well, turns out that finding a guy who was okay with you having a daughter was far more difficult than you had imagined. Furthermore, some literally ran out of the restaurant when you mentioned her.
You had also decided that you would wait with letting your date meet you daughter.
Two years later, after some small relationships, you were still single. One night, when your best friend was once again over at your house, playing with your daughter while chatting, she mentioned a guy. A friend of hers.
You were hesitant at first when she asked you if you would like to go on a blind date with him. He was a 'correct guy' as she called him. Well, you didn't have anything to lose.
A week later, you walked into a charming restaurant. Just when you entered the place, a guy jumped up from his seat and paced towards you.
He was actually really pretty. Black locks and a charismatic smile. Well, and you couldn't deny that he was pretty muscular.
"Y/n, right?" He asked and shook your hand as you nodded. "Then you're Changbin?"
"Yes, it's nice to finally meet you. Your friend told me already something about you, so, I'm happy that I can get to know you in person."
A small smile decorated your lips. Yes, that was definitely your friend. Especially when she wants to play amor.
That night, it was like the world stopped around you two. You hung on his lips, listening to his tellings and you grew comfortable around him. His words catched you and you hoped that this evening would never end.
It was clear that the date was definitely a success. And more dates followed.
From the beginning, you hadn't lied to him. He knew that you had a daughter and already saw pictures of her. After an half year of dating, you wanted him to meet your daughter. It just felt right. And you wanted to know how Minha reacted to him. If she didn't like Changbin, you must let him go.
And oh, you wanted them to get along so bad. But Minha was your top priority.
For her it was less overwhelming when they met each other at home so that she could easily go into her room if everything is too much.
You opened the door and greeted Changbin with a peck, then you called for Minha. With her little feet, she paddled towards you and immediately spotted Changbin. You crouched down and took her in your arms, comforting her while she observed the black haired man in front of her. He kneeled down and held his hand out. Hesitant, she grabbed his hand to greet him.
"Hello Minha, it's nice to meet you. I'm Changbin and mommy's friend." She babbled a reply and ran in the living room. Well, for the first time seeing each other, everything went well. "She is so cute" he said and followed behind you into your house.
When they spend more time together, your daughter grew very comfortable around him and loved to play with him.
But you were still hesitant to let him babysit your little girl. After all, she was still getting used to him and watching over a child wasn't easy.
But today, you unfortunately had to stay longer at work due to a meeting and your parents as well as your best friend couldn't come over to stay with Minha.
It wasn't that didn't trust him. You trust him with your whole heart, with your whole being. But it felt a little bit like the next step.
When you had asked him, he immediately said yes and shortly before you needed to go, he arrived with three pieces of cake from the bakery. He gave one piece to you and ate the other ones with your little daughter.
The whole shift, you glanced at your phone. He promised to call you when something went wrong. And finally after hours, you rushed home to them.
When you opened the front door, you already heard the cute giggles of your girl. Slowly you watched the picture in front of you.
Minha was dressed in one of her purple princess dress and a pink tiara on her head. You smiled at the view and let it slide to Changbin.
There he stood. A bulky and muscular grown man. With a pink fluffy skirt and some glittery fairy wings. You sucked air in, needing to hold your laugh.
You wanted to say something but he shushed you. "Don't you dare say anything" he grumbled but a smile plastered his face.
"Binnie is a fairy princess!" Your daughter exclaimed and giggled, clapping with her tiny hands.
"You're right, Minny. He's beautiful." You smile.
You picked the crown from a shelf and gave it to Minha.
"But the princess needs her crown, or not?" She nodded eagerly and Changbin kneeled down so that she could reach his head. Gently, she placed the crown on his locks.
Changbin kissed her head. "Thank you, bug."
"He is ready to marry you now, mommy!" She exclaimed. Bin just laughs and looks you deeply into the eyes.
"Some day, bug."
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simping-for-joe · 10 months
I Will Be Right By Your Side
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Leon Kennedy X Reader
You wake up feeling awful with a fever and Leon makes it his priority to make you feel better.
A/N: I got a sinus infection and watched Infinite Darkness again, I love Leon in this show and I'm upset Infinite Darkness Leon doesn't get more love cause he is so pretty. I want to live in his hair, it looks so soft, and he's such a sweetheart, I just love this man so much
You woke up this morning and immediately wished you had never woken up. You groan out in pain, a pounding headache that wasn't there last night greets you. You pull your covers up a little higher as you're freezing just from the ceiling fan above your bed.
You can't breathe properly through your nose and you let out a harsh cough. The idea of getting out of bed makes you want to cry as you hug a pillow.
"Hey, I've got to go soon-" Leon suddenly comes marching into your shared bedroom. "You okay?" He stops looking at your concern.
"Need a minute..." You reply in a grumbling and nasally voice, vastly different from your normal speaking voice. His eyes widened when he heard you speak. "Is it that bad?" You ask him.
"Yeah... you really don't sound good baby." He says softly as he sits down on the bed close to you. He gently touches your forehead and cheeks. "Sweetheart, you're burning up." He notes worried, you lean against his touch as his cold hands feel nice on your skin.
"I'm okay... really," you try to reassure him but a shiver runs through you.
"I'll be the judge of that." He replies before getting up and heading to the bathroom. He returns with a thermometer, you roll your eyes but let him get your temperature. "And that would be a low-grade fever, congratulations you're staying home." He says patting you gently.
"Leon, I'm fine." You try to argue but a harsh right afterwards does not help prove your point. Also, the fact you are shivering despite being under your comforter.
"Alright... so here's the plan. You're going to call out of work-"
"And I am going to take you to the doctor's."
"No, Leon, I am fine. You are not missing work for me." You try to argue with him.
"You are sick, there is nothing to argue about here." He tells you annoyed. You sigh, he was right, you're pretty sure if you went to work you'd end up passing out.
“Still… it’s just a low grade fever, I don’t need to go to the doctors.” You try to argue.
“Okay then… how about I just stay home and take care of you?” He suggests brushing some hair from your face. “We get some food, and watch something on the couch.”
That sounded really nice you weren’t gonna lie, and at the moment you just wanted to hug someone. Cuddling with your boyfriend as your sick and your head is killing you sounds amazing.
“Alright… that sounds good.” You nod and he smiles, before you know it he’s picking you up from bed and carrying you to the living room. You yelp out gently as he picks you up, and you wrap your arms around his neck. He smiles softly happy to have you in his arms, as he carries you to the couch. You lean against his chest and shut your eyes hoping to relieve some of the just misery you are feeling.
Leon makes sure you have water and doesn't let you leave the couch unless you have to use the bathroom. You think he's being dramatic, but if you're being honest you like being pampered like this.
You look at Leon who is busy watching the show you put on, he seems relaxed. It makes you smile softly as you relax further against him. He kisses the top of your head and turns up the TV a bit.
Maybe this sick day was good for both of you.
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nicksnosering · 7 months
I Hate Myself For Loving You Pt. 3
PT 1 PT 2
The night air was cool and biting against the wetness trailing down my inner thighs, and I marveled in the freedom I felt from such an uncharacteristically bold move I’d made.
My phone buzzed in my purse, and I let it ring out three times before finally picking up on the fourth call.
I didn’t get the chance to say hello before I heard him yelling in my ear.
“What the fuck? You’re actually fucking kidding me. My brother? You’re disgusting. You’re actually the most despicable human being alive—“
He kept going for another few minutes until I heard the sound of him breathing angrily into the phone, signaling he was done.
“Alright, Chris. I’ll level with you. Yeah, maybe me hooking up with your brother wasn’t exactly the nicest thing I could’ve done, but you and I both know you’re not stupid enough to be confused about why I did it.”
My heels clicked against the sidewalk as I walked, punctuating my sentence for me. I’d never felt so liberated, so free, so—
“I hope it was worth it considering I’m never going to touch you again.”
My heart fell to my stomach.
Of course I’d wanted to make him mad. I’d wanted to see him seething, undeniably jealous and unable to hold back from admitting it any longer. He loved me the way I loved him, I know he did. Does.
With the alcohol still coursing through my system, my mouth opened before my brain could catch up, my words coming out far bolder than they’d usually be.
“I’d never want you to touch me again.”
He scoffed. “I’ll level with you,” he sneered, throwing my words back in my face. “Your slutty little ass can’t stay away for longer than a day, maybe two if you’re feeling especially bitchy right now. I need you to listen to me, because I’m only saying this once. I’m not coming back this time. When you call me crying because you realize how badly you fucked up, I can promise you I won’t pick up. So you better pray to God it was worth it, because I am not going to fuck you. Ever. Again.”
A laugh bubbled up out of my throat, my head swimming slightly as his words only really half sunk in. My eyes rolled and I shook my head as a grin crept its way onto my face.
“See you soon, Chris.”
Once I was inside my front door, I kicked off my heels and headed straight for bed, not bothering to get out of my dress or take off my makeup. Tonight was exhausting, and I could already feel the headache starting to come on, signaling a raging hangover in the morning.
I’d almost been asleep when my phone started buzzing again. My heart lurched, shocked that he’d given up so quickly and was already reaching back out.
Except it wasn’t him. 
“Hello?” I said, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“Hey,” Matt breathed out. “I just wanted to make sure you got home okay. I couldn’t find you anywhere when I went back downstairs, so I assume you and your friends must’ve left.”
I smiled softly and warmth spread throughout my body. “Yeah, I’m home. Thank you for checking, that’s really sweet of you. Did you make it back okay?”
“Yeah, walking through my front door now. I’m sorry again about Chris, he’s not usually that…”
“Intense?” I supplied.
“We’ll go with that. Anyway, I just wanted to call and check in on you. I also wanted to say that I had a great time tonight, and I’d love to see you again if you’re up for it.”
The gears in my mind started turning, still feeling half-tipsy and fully spiteful. “Actually, I’m off work tomorrow, and I’ll probably be up for a few more hours anyway. You’re welcome to come over and continue the party here.”
“Oh,” he said, an air of surprise to his tone. “Um, yeah. That sounds good. Text me your address?”
“See you soon.”
I sent over the details and swiftly threw off the covers, climbing out of bed and heading straight for the bathroom. My reflection was rough. There was eyeliner smudged in rings around my eyes, and my hair looked like it hadn’t been brushed in days. 
When I heard the first knock at the door, I’d managed to wash my face and get my hair under control, swapping my dress for some sweatpants and a tank top in an effort to look sexily indifferent.
I swing the door open to reveal Matt, still dressed in the same clothes he was in at the party. I suppress a grin at the thought of him rushing out of the door after our phone call and step aside to let him in.
“Hey,” he says, a soft smile on his face as he steps through the threshold into my apartment.
“Hey,” I respond. 
He follows me into the kitchen, and I pull a bottle of cheap vodka out of the fridge, setting it on the counter as I look for two shot glasses. “Feel like keeping up the buzz?” I call over my shoulder.
“Oh, always.”
I pour us two shots and we both slam them quickly, shivering as the rubbing alcohol taste sets in. “Sorry, I only buy the cheap shit.”
“All good,” he smiles, stacking our empty shot glasses and leaning forward on the countertop. “This is a nice place.”
I glance around at my cheap one-bedroom apartment, taking in the chipping paint on the walls and the out of date shag carpet that’s peeling up at the corners of the living room. I turn back to him with a raised eyebrow. “No it’s not. This place is a shithole.”
He laughs loudly, raising his shoulders in apology. “Sorry, just trying to break the ice and make conversation. It was the first thing that came to mind.” 
“Real smooth,” I tease, circling the countertop and coming to stand next to him. “Who says we need conversation?”
He takes my not-so-subtle hint, wrapping his arms around my waist and giving me a gentle smile before leaning in and softly capturing my lips with his own.
Matt could not be more different from his brother. Chris is all rough grabs and harsh teeth and aiming to get to his end goal, whereas Matt is more soft touches and gentle kisses and putting your needs before his own.
I can’t help but wonder if there’s a way to meet in the middle.
His tongue lightly traces over my neck, placing a soft kiss just below my ear before sucking gently, like he’s scared to leave a mark. My fingers come up to wind into his hair, pulling gently and reveling in the low moan he produces before sucking a little harder.
I inhale sharply when he leans back and blows, the cool air sending a rush of goosebumps down my spine. His hand starts slipping lower on my body, finding the waistband of my sweats and pushing inside. His fingers swirl over the crotch of my panties, and he pushes them aside to rub lightly over my clit, the sensation sparking all of my nerve ending and causing me to arch forward into his touch.
“Fuck, Matt,” I whisper as I dip my head and rest it against his shoulder, gripping his bicep to ensure his arm stays in place. He takes it a sign to speed up, fingers brushing exactly where they need to, and I let out a small whine, wrapping my arm around the back of his neck and entangling my hand in the soft hairs there.
“You sound so pretty, baby,” he whispers back, and he slips forward and sinks two fingers into me quickly, pumping them in and out at a slow pace, fingers crooking in the perfect spot with every thrust. 
I can hear myself panting and moaning loudly as he works, and I look up and make eye contact, taken completely aback by his features.
There’s a soft smile on his face and a caring light in his eyes, and he just looks so… soft. Like he gives a fuck how I’m feeling. If this is good for me. It’s overwhelming and devastating all at once, and I can’t stop myself from thinking that this must be how Chris would look if he let down his guard and was fully open with me.
My heart twinges painfully in my chest, and I feel slightly guilty for still comparing the two when I should be solely focused on Matt, but these past five months of emotional torture that Chris has been putting me through are embedded in my brain. I can’t seem to separate the two of them no matter how hard I try.
Another precise curl of his fingers causing me to come soaring back to reality, and I lean in to kiss him again, needing to feel his emotions rather than seeing them. The kiss is sloppy, breaking apart each time I pant or moan again, and he moves to place small kisses on my cheek, on my eyelid, on my forehead.
Just as I feel like I’m about to burst into tears from the sheer kindness of his actions, he pulls out and grabs the back of my thighs, picking me up and placing another small kiss on my lips. “Bedroom?” he asks.
“Through the living room, to the right.”
He caries me through my apartment, pushing open the door with his knee and walking inside before laying me gently on the bed. His hands slide down to the waistband of my sweats again, and he hooks two fingers inside, glancing up at me for confirmation. I nod gently and he slides them off my body along with my underwear before climbing onto the bed with me. He hovers over me and reaches up to remove my shirt, leaving me bare and exposed in front of him. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, running his hands along my body in a way that’s far from sexual. It’s like he’s trying to take it all in, trying to memorize every curve and dip and the softness of my skin. Like he’s praising me. Worshipping me.
I can’t take it any longer, and I yank his shirt over his head and reach down to tear open the button on his jeans, but his hands come down to stop me. I look up in question, and he laughs a little. “Slow down, sweetheart. We don’t need to rush through this, I want to take my time.”
The air leaves my body at his words, watching in a daze as he slides his pants and boxers off in one fluid motion. He leans back over me, head ducking down and tongue flicking out lightly over my nipple. I shiver and moan slightly as he slides his way down to between my thighs, and immediately sets to work lapping at my clit. His fingers come back up to slide into me and my hand flies down to his hair, gripping it tightly as I arch my back off the bed.
“God, yes. That feels so good,” I whine, digging my heels into the bed and scooting forward, trying to push him further inside me. His fingers begin to scissor slightly, and I feel my legs start to shake, so close to the edge but refusing to let myself fall over it yet. “Matt, please. Please, I need you inside me.”
His head pops up and a grin overtakes his face at my begging, but his fingers continue to work inside of me, twisting and arching and making me fall apart beneath him. He pulls them out and rubs slow, lazy circles over my core, watching me intensely. “You sure?”
“Yes, fuck. Please, Matt,” I say, moving my hand to his shoulder and trying to pull him up. He stays rooted where he is and gives me a wink, maintaining eye contact as he leans down and licks a flat stripe over me again. 
It’s almost too much, and I let out a mix of a whine and a whimper, trying to pull back. His hands hook under my thighs, pulling me closer and keeping me firmly where I am. He blows again, the rush of air breezing over my clit and I feel my stomach muscles tense. “Matt,” I whine again.
“Okay, okay.” He relents, pulling himself up to settle over me. I feel his tip pressing against my entrance and he leans down, placing another kiss on my forehead before pushing in slowly. I gasp at the feeling, wrapping my legs tightly around his waist and arching up to try to take him in more. “Slow, baby. I want you to feel it all.”
I can’t even form words at this point, utterly wrecked under him from the anticipation. I feel each slow, excruciating inch push in until he’s settled at the hilt, and he pulls back out just as slow before sliding back in. I’ve never been treated so tenderly, and I feel simultaneously too cold and too hot with the way his gaze trails over my face, searching for any sign of discomfort.
“That’s it,” he murmurs, continuing his gentle pace. “Just like that.”
I finally give in, relaxing my entire body and simply allowing myself to feel. His head drops down to nestle against my neck, switching between light sucking and simply pressing his lips there, and I hear my phone buzz on my nightstand. He doesn’t pay it any mind, and I reach over to find Chris’s contact name lighting it up.
I knew he’d give in.
I ignore the text and opt for calling him instead, discarding my phone back on my nightstand as it rings. I watch the screen go black, signaling he picked up, and wrap my arms around Matt’s neck.
“Fuck, Matt. You feel so good,” I moan.
“You sound so pretty, baby. Keep saying my name,” he responds, picking up speed with his thrusts. 
My body arches up into his and I pull his hair slightly, making him groan and dig his fingers into my hips. “Harder, Matt, please,” I choke out, turning to suck a spot onto his neck. The thought of him going home and Chris seeing it fuels me along with his noises, and he starts to pound into me mercilessly. 
I’m holding on by a thread, and I can feel his legs shaking, a clear signal that he is too. “Cum for me, Matt,” I moan, and we both unravel together, my high-pitched whining turning into a near scream as he mumbles sweet words into my ear.
“Fuck, yes. God, I could stay here forever,” he says, nipping at my earlobe as we both come down. “Your body is so perfect. You’re so beautiful.”
I lean up and press our lips together, sealing his words into my mouth. We lay intertwined, sweaty and panting, and he rubs light circles over my back as his other hand runs its fingers through my hair. I’ve never felt so content after sex, and it’s a feeling I could quickly get used to.
I lean over to check my phone screen and see the call has ended, as well as six new text messages having come in. I flip it over and cuddle back into Matt, placing light kisses on his torso as we start to drift into sleep together.
Chris can wait.
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Note: request by @bubblyabs! thank you so much!! I hope you'll like it!
Warnings: SKMD SPOILERS. fluff/smut 18+, a lot of fourth wall breaking and my infamous attempt at humor.
pairing: SKMD!Sihtric x Modern!You (f)
summary: The fictional man of your dreams was suddely not so fictional anymore.
wordcount: 5,2k
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'You looked really hot there.'
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There you were again, wrapped in a blanket on your couch, ready to once again finish another binge rewatch of The Last Kingdom. You just couldn't stop yourself. Ever since you became obsessed with the show, you could watch nothing else. No other series appealed to you anymore, and you kept going back to the very first episode, pathetically anticipating the second season, because that's where your favourite character comes in; Sihtric Kjartansson. The man needs no introduction, if we're honest. 
You don't know what exactly it is about him, but you were smitten. Each time he appeared on screen, you needed a glass of water and a cold shower afterwards.
You thought the actor who played him was cute too, you just couldn't really recall his name, you only remembered he had some complicated last name, Federsomething. However, cute or not, nothing was better than the rugged look of that pretty Danish rat boy in that medieval Netflix show. And so, only several weeks since your last rewatch, you were watching the movie again, which was the very last taste of the entire show you would ever get. Until they'll make some lousy remake in 10 years or something, which you would obviouslly not watch because you couldn't stand the thought of all those actors being replaced. Not on your watch.
Anyway, you had cried your absolute eyes out during the movie when you saw it the first time. But more importantly: whoever was responsible for Sihtric's haircut in the movie, was an actual blessing from the lord. Every time you saw his very first scene in that movie, where he walks up to Uhtred, with that long, loose hair, you simply just slide down your couch, being a whole hot mess. The things you would do to get that man in your bed, and the things you would do to him… oh, if only he wasn't fictional. You'd let him rail you, but alas.
And that made you groan each time. The most beautiful and perfect man you had ever seen was freaking fictional! It seems ridiculous, but Sihtric just ticked all your boxes.
He was funny, brave, loyal, adorable, hot, sexy, maybe not the smartest but you had no problem taking care of that man, he was good with weapons, he was protective and a real family man. What else could a you possibly want? You cursed Bernard Cornwell for coming up with the character and whoever casted that actor, as they are clearly responsible for you being forever single. Because you would never settle for anyone who was not Sihtric Kjartansson; fictional character and the goddamn love of your life.
And just like two weeks ago, you finished the movie and switched off your tv, while being a sobbing, snotty mess once again. Your three week holiday had just started, and your initial plan was to stay up late each night, but you had a headache from crying, so you decided to go to bed when it wasn't even close to midnight.
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The next morning you woke up early because of some loud banging. You figured the toddlers of your upstairs neighbours were at it again, banging their fists on the wall, running through their apartment. You could hear their little gremlin claws stomp and scratch everywhere they went. But you had to admit, they were louder than usual today, and it actually sounded like they were kicking and stomping at your front door.
You groaned and got dressed for another day of simply doing nothing. You started your coffee machine and opened the door to your little hallway, which led through the front door. You hadn't checked for any mail downstairs in a few days, and it was time to leave your cave for that little adventure to the main hall of your apartment building.
But you would not get there, at least, not any time soon. No. You were about to get the biggest jump scare of your life, to which you would scream so loud, it would without a doubt wake up the entire city. And after that, everything would turn black in front of your eyes.
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During your unconscious state you had the weirdest dream. You had opened the door to your hallway and found the cause of that weird banging noise. The noise came from your own apartment. The noise was created by a man, kicking at, and rattling your door, in a pathetic attempt to open it. And it wasn't just any man. 
You recognised him from the back within a split second. It was the fictional man of your dreams, dressed in the red-brownish leather armour he wore when you last saw him on your tv, his hair braided and his face bloody and bewildered. You screamed so loud when you saw him, that someone probably called the cops, because it was a horrible, distressing sound. And it also scared the hell out of Sihtric, who turned to face you while reaching for the hilt of his sword as he stepped closer. But after a second, his expression changed from anger to astonishment, and he stared at you, all confused and wide-eyed. You stared into his mismatched eyes as he was merely two paces away from you. 
'Lady?' he said, with the voice and accent that simply set your body on fire whenever you heard it. 
And you randomly thought how Sihtric looked taller on tv than he did in real life, in your hallway, and then everything just turned black.
And it turned out that it wasn't a dream. But it all had actually happened before you passed out, in your hallway. Sihtric had been quick to catch your fall and caught you in his arms. While still completely confused, and in shock, he had carried you into your living room and carefully laid you down on your couch. And as it would take a good five minutes before you regained consciousness again, Sihtric took a quick look around your apartment, growing more confused and concerned with every passing second.
And you suddenly opened your eyes again as he had his back turned to you.
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You blinked rapidly, your eyes trying to focus on the backside of the man in armour, which you recognised all too well. It hadn't been a dream, it all actually happened. And it was still happening apparently. How the fuck was this possible? Did someone prank you? Did someone pay a ridiculous amount of money to hire the actual actor, just to scare the shit out of you and to mess with you? Breaking your heart in the process as you could never be with the man of your dreams? What a sick joke.
While that medieval looking hunk stared at your family pictures, you quietly took your phone from your pocket and opened instagram. Your eyes grew wide when you saw that the actual actor, who you knew played Sihtric in the show, had posted a story just a minute ago, announcing that he was currently in some country, far away from yours, at a comic con.
'No way,' you whispered, 'but then who the fuck-', you looked back at Sihtric again, who had made his way over to your Last Kingdom book collection. 
He stared at it, but as you couldn't see his face, you had no idea what he was doing because you remembered he shouldn't be able to read. You followed his movements with huge eyes, completely in shock, and without realising it, your phone slipped out of your hands and dropped on the floor with a loud thump. You spooked Sihtric, who slightly jumped, and was quick to turn around, again ready to draw his sword.
'Where am I?' he asked, trying to sound calm.
'W-what… uh, England?'
'E-England,' you said again.
'What is the year, lady?'
'No, sorry! Sorry, I- I mean 2023!'
Sihtric stared at you, and you thought if he wouldn't blink soon, his eyes would dry out.
'H-how did you get here?' you asked.
'How did you get here?' he asked cautiously.
'I… live here?' you frowned.
You blinked. 'Because… I… pay to live here?'
'Oh,' Sihtric said, then nodded, 'that seems fair. What is that?' he asked, pointing to your tv.
'It's a t- uhh,' you figured that if for some reason this really was Sihtric, the medieval dude from your favourite tv show, he would not know what a tv is, so for the sake of playing it safe, you lied, 'it's a… art.'
'Yes, like a drawing,' you panicked.
Sihtric looked at the tv, then back at you, and said, 'but it's all black?'
'Well, it's… modern… art? It's really expensive,' you said, hoping he would not try to break your tv for whatever reason.
'Yes,' you said, 'it's, uh, over a six hundred poun- pieces of silver.'
Sihtric looked back at your tv again, scratched his forehead, and then locked eyes with you again, 'Lady,' he snickered, 'I think someone has fooled you. That drawing is not worth that amount of silver.'
You smiled, simply agreeing, while anticipating his next move.
'Is that,' he squinted his eyes and walked over to your kitchen, 'Uhtred?' he frowned, looking at your coffee cup which had a picture of Uhtred's face on it, 'why?' Sihtric asked as he looked back at you.
'I, uhh…' were you going to tell him they didn't have a cup with his face on it, and that you had sent an angry email to the company? Maybe not. You cleared your throat, but before you could speak, Sihtric's eyes found the large framed poster of him, Finan and Uhtred on your wall. And his eyes grew wide. 
'Where did you get that? Why am I… why are… wh-,' Sihtric stopped talking, then eventually said, 'who made this painting?'
'... Google?' 
'Who is Google?'
'It's, well, so,' you stammered.
'You paid six hundred pieces of silver for this too?'
'Wha- no, more like…seven.'
'Seven hundred?' Sihtric gasped, 'lady,' he smiled, clearly flattered.
'No! I mean like seven pou- bloody pieces of silver!'
'Seven?' he frowned, suddenly offended, 'only seven? Yet you paid six hundred for that?' he pointed at your tv.
'Sihtric, look,' you sighed.
'How do you know my name?' he asked, frightened.
Okay. This had to stop, right now. What the fuck is going on? 
You told Sihtric to shut up, a little harsher than you really meant, but so be it. You took his hands and sat him down on your couch. For some reason he kept holding your hands, which you obviously didn't mind, and you tried to explain how you knew who he was while desperately not trying to get distracted by his appearance. Those tattooed fingers, the tattoo on his neck, and all those scars. He was even more handsome in real life. If this was real life, of course.
'You… you have seen my life?' Sihtric frowned, 'on… the black painting?'
'Yes, it's called a tv. Here, I can show you,' you took the remote, and Sihtric gasped when he suddenly heard noise and saw moving images on the previously black screen.
'Sorcery,' he whispered with big eyes, squeezing your hand.
'No, not sorcery,' you said, remembering how awfully superstitious he was in season 3. And how cute he looked in season 3. Well, he was cute in every season.
'The… the people,' Sihtric suddenly said, 'are they s-stuck?'
'Are they stuck in the painting?' he asked, concerned.
'What? No… no, it's… oh god,' you sighed, 'the people are fine,' you smiled.
You quickly switched on Seven Kings Must Die, and you thought Sihtric was going to pass out. He jumped up when he saw Finan and Ingrith, near the beginning of the movie, in Uhtred's hall, your favourite scene, and he ran to the tv.
'Finan!' Sihtric yelled, 'is he stuck?' he looked back at you, worried, 'can he… can he hear me?'
Sihtric turned to the tv again and pressed his fingers against the screen.
'No! Don't touch the screen!' you yelled, worried he'd damage it with his rough fingers, and Sihtric was quick to pull his hand back with a flinch. And you felt horrible for making him flinch, but before you could apologise, Sihtric had composed himself again.
'But… F-Finan?' he asked, 'is he okay? Where is he?'
'Finan is fine! He's not stuck! This all already happened… right?' you grimaced, hoping you were right somehow.
Sihtric looked at you, confused, then back to the screen, and he stumbled backwards when he saw his own face appear on the magic painting. He watched the scene unfold, and he didn't know what to say, he just stared at the screen as he reached for your hand again.
'You looked really hot there,' you blurted out, and you felt yourself blush.
'Hot?' Sihtric frowned, 'I wasn't hot, lady. It was a cold night! Can't you see the furs?' he scoffed.
'No, I mean, you- … no, you're right. It must've been… really cold that day.'
'It was,' Sihtric said sternly, and looked back at the screen again, 'I remember this,' he gasped, 'Finan said he only fell asleep once,' he said, just seconds before Finan said the line on tv.
'See!' Sihtric gasped and looked at you again, 'he actually has fallen asleep many times, lady,' he grinned.
Holy fuck. You didn't even think about that. Sihtric obviously knew everything that had happened, the whole story, not just the bits and pieces you saw from their lives on tv.
'H-has he?' you asked, cautiously.
'Yes, lady,' Sihtric said, 'it often happened because he had too much ale the night before. And because he's old,' he winked with a grin.
'Oh,' you snickered, 'I see. And… you never fell asleep?'
'Me? no, never,' he said with confidence.
'Are you sure?'
'Yes, lady.'
You hummed and skipped to the scene where both Finan and Sihtric had fallen asleep, while Uhtred was awake.
'So…' you smiled, pointing at the tv.
Sihtric gasped, 'No, that… see! See, I'm awake. I was merely resting my eyes, I was… in deep thought,' he lied.
'Okay,' you laughed, 'if you say so.'
You watched Sihtric's face, which went from mildly ashamed to a light chuckle, and soon he laughed softly along with you. He still had no idea how it was possible that he could see his own face on your expensive painting, but Sihtric was a simple guy; he saw a pretty lady and he was smitten, not caring about much else anymore, except for winning your heart. He clearly didn't know you were basically ready to marry him on the spot. And for some reason you both just seemed to accept the situation, no questions asked. You watched the rest of the movie together, and it was surreal. Sihtric remembered everything, told you little anecdotes and simply seemed to enjoy seeing his friends on your screen.
'So… did Uhtred die?' you asked when the end credits were shown on screen.
'Uhtred died?!' Sihtric gasped.
'What? No, I mean, I'm asking you!'
'Uhtred was alive when I last saw him!' Sihtric said, and so you found out Sihtric had ended up in your world only hours after that heartbreaking last scene in the movie.
'Okay, then I'm sure he's, uh, fine,' you tried to convince yourself as much as you tried to convince Sihtric. 'Also,' you cleared your throat, 'what happened to your wife and kids?'
'Oh,' he said, 'we had a rough divorce. She broke my heart and took the kids,' he shrugged.
'Oh,' you blinked, surprised, 'I'm… sorry?'
'Are you married?' Sihtric blurted out.
'Uh, me?' you chuckled, twirling your hair, looking the handsome Dane up and down, 'n-no, I'm not. Why?' you kicked your feet.
Sihtric stared at you, he just couldn't believe his luck after being strangely teleported into a different year and world, ending up with a beautiful lady who wasn't married. But then he thought that was odd, because why weren't you married yet? A pretty lady who was clearly rich, at least that's what he thought, who lived in a nice home, was of marriage age, who was also very kind and funny, and with a body which he would undoubtedly be thinking of later that night. Why has no one married you yet, he wondered.
'Are you cursed?' he said without thinking.
'Cursed,' he said again, 'you're not married. Why?'
'Uh, well,' you cleared your throat, 'I'm… picky.'
Sure, picky. You were simply in love with the medieval, fictional man on your couch, and you would never settle for anything less. 
'Picky?' Sihtric frowned.
'Yes,' you replied, 'only a certain kind of man could win my heart,' you grinned, mindlessly twirling your hair around your fingers again.
'Oh?' Sihtric raised an eyebrow and smirked, clearly intrigued.
And he thought of it as a game now, a game he desperately wanted to play, because he wanted to know if he could win. And gods, how he wanted to win you and take you back home with him. Or stay here with you, he really didn't care, not after you just batted your eyelashes at him. No, he would do everything for you now.
'So,' he cleared his throat, shifting a little closer next to you on the couch, 'what kind of man would that be?'
'Hm,' you hummed, thinking as if you weren't looking at that specific man, 'a man who is… kind,' you said, 'loyal and brave,' you smiled at him.
Sihtric hummed and licked his lips as he gave you a playful look. He knew he was kind, loyal and brave, so he figured his chances with you were pretty good right now.
'And… someone who is not afraid to take charge,' you teased, seeing if he's willing to take the bait.
Sihtric grinned and slightly adjusted his position.
'He also has to be protective,' you said, 'and strong,' your eyes trailed down to his clothed biceps, knowing very well what's underneath all of that fabric he was wearing.
'Well,' Sihtric smiled, a little cocky, 'I might just be the man for you then.'
'You think so? I'm not sure…,' you played it cool, but inside you were going stark raving mad, this surely had to be a dream.
'I think I am,' he gave you a smirk and winked.
You were absolutely ready to pull that man in your bed, but it was only noon, you had just met him a few hours ago, and everything was just really freaking weird. So you held back. You told him you'd think about it, to which he frowned, playfully offended. You bickered a little and eventually ended up discussing what on earth you two were going to do now. He had nowhere to go, and you didn't want to kick him out, but he was still a stranger. Even though he had lived in your head rent free for years already. You told him first things first; he had to get into different clothes. Which he agreed to. You did some digging and found some sweatpants you had bought online years ago, which turned out way too big for you, and you had forgotten to return it, which came in handy now. Unfortunately, the sweatpants were pastel pink, and Sihtric clenched his jaw, exhaling sharply as he grabbed them out of your hands. You snorted, and to make it worse, the only thing you owned which he would possibly fit in, was a matching sleeveless crop top.
'No,' Sihtric said sternly, looking at the top you held in your hands.
'Guess you're not brave enough for me then,' you taunted.
Sihtric huffed and snatched the shirt out of your hands. You pointed him towards your bathroom, where he stayed for quite a while, simply admiring every foreign object before he even thought of changing clothes. And when he finally walked out, you thought you were going to pass out again.
He had untangled his previously braided hair, wearing it down now, which you loved so much, all while wearing that sleeveless crop top, which barely covered half of his insanely toned upper body. And the matching sweatpants hung on his hips, low enough to reveal he wasn't wearing any underwear, which made sense, as you had no underwear that would possibly fit him. 
He raked his fingers through his hair, exposing even more of his trained torso when he did, and every single filthy thought you ever had about that man crossed your mind at once. You desperately tried to shake your thoughts and took him back into your living room, where you sat down and simply talked. He wanted to know all about you, and even though he didn't understand a lot of the things you mentioned, he knew he was going to marry you. Somehow.
Later you made him dinner and as promised, Sihtric slept on the couch. And you had to fight the desperate urge to find him in the night and lure him into your bed, which Sihtric would have gladly allowed to happen.
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A few days passed and Sihtric seemed to adapt decently. He was not as dumb as Uhtred and Finan always made him seem, but he was definitely as clumsy as expected. Knocking over drinks, breaking small objects which he wanted to look at but his hands were too rough, things like that. But you couldn't give a shit, you were madly in love with him, and you couldn't wait for him to break you-... your bed.
Sihtric was very flirty too, and loved brushing his fingers over your face, arms, or well, anywhere he could really, whenever he could. But he was also a true gentleman, and slept on your couch each night, for nearly a week. 
One evening he asked if he could see one of those Last Kingdom episodes you had talked about, and you agreed.
It was still unreal to watch an episode with the one and only Sihtric Kjartansson next to you, and it still felt like a dream. You switched on a random episode, and it happened to be the one where his father, Kjartan, ends up getting killed. At first Sihtric had been watching in awe, amazed that he could relive parts of his life like that.
But when he realised where it was going, his face became more and more deprived of emotions. You noticed it quite late and wanted to switch the tv off once you saw it, just before Kjartan got killed, but Sihtric stopped you by taking your hand in his. And he held your hand tightly as he watched the scene unfold. He showed no emotion, which told you he was more or less at peace with it, but it still was a rough moment to sit through.
When the episode was over, Sihtric looked at you, and you could finally do what you had always wanted to do after seeing Sihtric in that terrible scene; you pulled him in your arms and held him tight.
'Are you okay?' you asked after a moment.
'Yeah,' he said quietly, enjoying the feeling of having his arms around you.
He softly hummed as you brushed your fingers through his long, wavy hair, which was simply another dream come true, and he held you tightly for a long time.
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'Can I stay with you?' Sihtric suddenly asked a few evenings later as you had just watched another episode.
'What?' you asked.
'Can I stay here? With you? I mean… I- I like you. I like being here,' he said, 'and, unless we find out how I got here, I have nowhere to go.'
'Y-you want to stay here? With me?' you frowned. 
Sihtric wasn't wrong, he truly had no place to go and you also still had no idea how on earth he had gotten here, which you both quickly stopped questioning as it drove you mad. And naturally you wanted him to stay, but it would be a hard thing to explain to your friends and family, who knew all about your (unhealthy) love for Sihtric, who was, until last week, non-existent in the real world.
'I'd like to stay,' Sihtric smiled sweetly at you, 'with you, lady.'
And you just couldn't resist him anymore. With his long, wavy hair, those mismatched eyes, that smile, and the pink crop top he kept wearing once he realised you liked it on him. He did swap the pastel sweatpants for a black one, after you had bought it for him a few days ago. He was simply the most mesmerising man you had ever seen, and before you knew it, your lips crashed together into a heated kiss. And you tore each other's clothes off as fast as you could. You've been waiting years for this dream to become a reality, and you absolutely would live your fantasy to the fullest right now.
Sihtric seemed just as desperate as you, but before he pulled your panties down, you ran to your bedroom. He was still a medieval man, who knows what he caught in those days and you wanted to limit the risk of catching something as much as you could, and also you did not want a baby, yet, so you grabbed a condom. Sihtric frowned at the package, and you quickly understood he had never seen such a thing. You chuckled a little awkwardly and opened the package.
'It's protection,' you explained, but you didn't want to spook him by talking about STDs, knowing he would probably think it's a curse, so you simply said, 'it's so you don't put a child- I mean, pup in my belly,' you frowned a little as you said the ancient words.
'You do not want my pups?' Sihtric asked, and he almost sounded hurt.
'N… I… well,' you cleared your throat, 'not yet,' you admitted.
Sihtric started to ramble and question you, and you politely asked him to stop talking. You asked if he was okay with everything, to which he then nodded with a smirk, and he allowed you to put the condom on him. And the low hums he let out when you did so, were enough to turn your insides into jelly, and the pressure between your thighs was immense and unbearable. And as you wanted to take your hands off him, he quickly held onto your arm, keeping your hand in place.
'Please,' Sihtric said with big, darkened eyes and a sly smile.
And you understood he seemed to like the feeling of your hand working his length. You had to admit, all those fanfic writers did not lie about his size; you had nothing to complain about here. God, the way you enjoyed having this man on your couch, completely naked, except for the Mjölnir pendant around his neck, with his head thrown back as he smiled while soft moans escaped his slightly parted lips, enjoying the way you made him feel. And it didn't take long before Sihtric came, and the sound of his low groan was pure bliss to your ears, and even more arousing than you already had expected it to be. 
After a short moment, Sihtric was quick to push you up and make you sit back against the couch. He kneeled down in front of you, on the floor, and he carefully spread your legs with a smirk. He threw one leg over his broad shoulder, and before you could grasp that your wildest fantasy was coming true, his face was already buried between your thighs. He nipped your sensitive skin with his lips before he softly kissed your wet folds, followed by running his tongue over your core, making you exhale sharply as your hands found his hair. Your body trembled in no time as he sucked, kissed and licked your clit, as if you were the most delicious thing he had ever tasted in his life. And just like Sihtric, it didn't take long before you came with a desperate moan, pulling his hair to which he groaned.
You both ended up laughing softly as Sihtric sat back next to you, giving you some time to recover, while you both realised how insane this was. But in less than a minute he already took your face in his hands and pulled you closer, wanting to kiss you like there was no tomorrow. And as soon as you felt like you could take him again, you climbed on his lap, to which Sihtric smirked. He watched you with half open eyes as he bit down on his lip. His hands settled on your hips while yours found support by holding onto his muscular shoulders. His body was even more impressive than you imagined, and you cursed Netflix for never giving the audience a shirtless Sihtric scene. 
And then you finally sank down on his cock, you both gasped at the feeling, hands desperately squeezing and scratching each other to display pleasure. And Sihtric was vocal, moaning and cursing with a smile as he enjoyed the way you were riding him, his eyes fixated on you, darting between your eyes, your lips, your breasts and down to your core, loving the view of how you took his length.
'Gods,' he moaned, out of breath, and then he hummed with a light chuckle.
'Fuck,' you muttered under your breath, digging your nails in his shoulders as you tried your hardest to not finish right there and then.
'Hm, I want to fill you up,' Sihtric whispered with ragged breath, and your attempt to not finish before him was to no avail, as his words were enough to make you cry out his name while your walls clenched around his throbbing cock.
'Fuck, sorry,' you said, panting, riding out your own high while feeling a little embarrassed you finished so fast. 
But to your surprise, and pleasure, you felt Sihtric's grip on your hips tighten up and he let out another hard, deep groan as he threw his head back, finishing only moments after you, just as he had hoped he would. You both tried to catch your breath as you embraced each other for a little while. Then you took a shower together and dressed in some comfy clothes. You grabbed a few drinks and some snacks, and made your way into your bedroom, telling Sihtric to come with you. And on your bed, you'd talk and joke around for hours, if you weren't too busy kissing each other or cuddling that is.
'If you had the chance,' you asked, hours later, as Sihtric held you in his arms, 'would you go back home?'
'Only if you'd go back with me,' he said, without any hesitation or doubt, and he squeezed you a little tighter against his chest, 'but if you wish to stay here, then I will stay here, even if I could go back.'
'Why?' you asked, surprised but happy to hear his answer, and you felt a little emotional all of the sudden.
'Because,' Sihtric smiled, moving up a little to look into your eyes, 'because I like you,' he lovingly brushed his fingers over your cheek, 'I have lived my life there, back home,' he said, 'there's not much there for me anymore. I would rather stay here and have you, have someone to take care of and to provide for, then going back without you and just… feel alone again at night.'
'I love you,' you suddenly blurted out.
Sihtric's jaw dropped slightly as he looked at you with big eyes, and then he smiled softly, 'I love you too,' he said, 'and I just want to be wherever you are.'
'Sihtric,' you whispered, cupping his cheeks as you stared into the warrior's vulnerable eyes, 'I will simply follow you anywhere you decide to go.'
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305
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minkkumaz · 1 year
hi omg your riwoo fic... TEARS WERE SHED... if you're open to requests can i request an angst sungho fic (with fluffy ending though) HSJSHSH thank u
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fighting with sungho was tiring, and it's not something you normally do. when things get a little hard to handle, maybe you just need to step out and see what happens in the morning.
PAIRING park sungho x fem!reader WC 0.6k TAGS established relationship. angst. fluff. fighting. yelling. making up. OMI NOTE omg hi anonn i hope this was good for you. whenever i think of angst with happy ending i always think of couples fighting LOL
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maybe you understood the true meaning of eternity, as you had been arguing with sungho for the past hour or two. it didn’t end, and his words continued to cut you deep, leaving a gash of things he didn’t know could come out of his mouth.
it was silly really, couldn’t you understand that he was busy? so why did it feel like he was ignoring you on purpose? you wondered if the spark between the two of you finally became dull like a burnt out match. 
the louder he got, the quieter he became. to be honest, you had stopped listening. 
“why can’t you just listen to me, y/n! i’m tired, i can’t deal with this right now.” he shouted at your shaky figure.
“i didn’t ask you to deal with shit, sungho! i haven’t seen you in so fucking long is it so wrong to ask for some time with you?” you cry out.
“i just can’t keep dedicating my world to you y/n, i need time for myself too.” 
“but it’s been months. when was the last time we went on a date? when was the last time we cuddled? fuck i even forgot what it felt like to kiss you. don’t you understand how frustrating that is?” 
“god this is so stupid. you were never this clingy what the hell happened?” he groaned, running a hand through his sleek black hair, still a bit messy from his long day.
“oh, so now i’m clingy? is that what i get for missing my stupid boyfriend?” you choke out, wiping tears with your already wet sleeve.
“don’t make me feel like the bad guy, y/n.”
“i’m not trying to make you feel anything except for maybe a little sympathy for how i’m feeling.” you bit the flesh inside your cheek.
“you just don’t get it, do you?” he scoffed.
“talk to a fucking wall, sungho.” you storm off into your shared room, making sure to lock the door behind you. anything he said to you while you turned away from him didn’t settle in your head. 
more tears fell down your flushed cheeks as you snuck into the covers, muffling your sobs with the white sheet. things weren’t always like this, in fact, they were never like this. you didn’t want to imagine your everyday life without seeing his handsome face. 
sleep came easy as you felt numb. no knock on the door, no sign of life outside of your bedroom. you wondered if he left you and you’d come out to an empty apartment. 
the next morning you woke up with a raging headache, and the light from your blinds illuminating your post cry glow. sungho’s smell already began to disappear from the pillows after one night, this stung your heart a little.
rubbing your puffy eyes, you slowly got up from your bed and trudged to the door. there was something blocking light on the otherside, but you were surprised to see sungho fall backwards upon opening. he shot awake, looking around before meeting you.
“baby why are you sleeping at the door? don’t you have practice?” you muttered.
“i told jaehyun i wouldn’t make it today. we’re not supposed to go to bed angry, my love. i didn’t want to leave you alone..”
“so we can continue our argument? no thanks.” you tried to push his body out of the doorframe but he wouldn’t move, instead standing to meet you.
“i don’t like it when we argue, y/n. i was out of line and should’ve took a second to consider things from your perspective.” he takes his hands up to your swollen face, frowning as you furrow your eyebrows.
“i just missed you, a lot.”
“you deserve so much, and i’m sorry i haven’t been able to give that to you recently. let me make it up to you today, pretty.” he kisses your forehead before pulling you into a hug.  “love you, sung. please let’s talk and not yell next time.” you sigh at the familiar scent embracing you once again.
“never in a million years would i yell at you again.”
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littlehypnone · 11 months
A fic where phantom wakes up, cranky and whiny because he was up all night playing so he goes to Swiss' room with his hair all over the place and teary eyes
friendly reminder that I take requests, not orders. anon, I don't know how you intended your ask to sound but for me this is just a demand. I wrote it for you because I liked the idea, but please, word your asks, whether to me or other people, in a nicer way in the future. I also think you meant playing guitar but I went with playing games on his phone because that just seemed very phantom to me
633 words, they/them little non-verbal phantom, cg swiss, small headache and a few tears, but it turns out alright after some cuddles
Both Mountain and Swiss had warned Rain that showing Phantom that game on his phone just before it was time for bed was a bad idea. With Phantom nearly begging, though, and promising to not stay up for too long, even though he was big, Rain couldn’t not show it to him. And then download it onto the quintessence ghoul’s phone too.
Phantom, of course, did exactly what the ghouls were worried about. He stayed up until well past three o’clock in the morning to play that game. And he’d probably play for longer if his phone wouldn’t die, no charger in sight. It held out incredibly long, anyway.
Once Phantom did go to sleep… well, he didn’t, because his eyes burned and a dull ache had settled behind them, keeping him up and in pain for another few hours. He completely forgot how sensitive his eyes were and cursed himself for it.
When it was already an actual morning, sun starting to peek through Phantom’s curtains, he finally managed to fall asleep for a bit, exhaustion taking over and his mind slipping away from his grasp.
They woke up again not even two hours later with a whine. Why did they wake up? It was only– oh, it was already eight. Phantom’s internal clock decided it was time to get up, no matter how much sleep they got, so up they were. The quintessence ghoul sniffled and tumbled out of bed, clutching their bat plushie in one hand and holding a blanket around their shoulders with the other. They shuffled their way out of their room and in the direction of Swiss’, slipping inside once they got there.
The multi ghoul was still asleep, so Phantom tried their best to keep quiet as they curled up next to him, shoving their face into his bare chest. He didn’t wake up at first, but when all that exhaustion hit Phantom all at once, they started silently crying, their shoulders shaking slightly. That, and their distressed little scent woke Swiss right up.
“Antsy?” he mumbled, but Phantom didn’t answer, they didn’t really have any words now. They whimpered and lifted their head, hair sticking out in every direction and big, teary and red rimmed eyes looking up at the multi ghoul. “Oh, bug. Didn’t sleep well?”
Phantom shook their head, blinking slowly. 
“Stayed up playing that game, didn’t you?” Swiss sighed, but immediately regretted it when a sob shook Phantom’s body and they hid in his chest again. “Oh, I’m sorry, kiddo, I’m not angry, hey. I’m not mad, okay?”
They nodded, horns rubbing against the multi ghoul’s skin. “Yeah, it’s okay, I’ve got you. Do you wanna try to get some sleep?” 
Another nod with a whine. “Okay, do you think you can fall asleep on your own?”
They shrugged. “You want some of my quintessence, bug?” 
A nod. “Gotcha, come on, lay down on my chest.”
Swiss moved to lay against the headboard, Phantom curling up against his side, head over the multi ghoul’s heart. They were so sleepy and Swiss was so warm, comfortable and safe, maybe… maybe they wouldn’t need that quintessence?
“Good bug, yeah, get comfy,” Swiss cooed, wrapping an arm around them. “Alright, you ready?”
Now, that was a good question… Phantom thought for a longer moment, their mind all sluggish. It was long enough that Swiss had to ask again, “Antsy?”
Gathering up some energy the quintessence ghoul lifted their head again and shook it slightly. A big, cute yawn breaking its way out of them gave Swiss an explanation enough as they laid back down.
“Okay, then, try to fall back asleep on your own, baby,” he chuckled, ruffling their already incredibly messy hair. “If you won’t, I’ll help.”
Only… Phantom was already asleep, snoring quietly.
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vickyyoon · 11 months
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Your Professor Bang Chan - 3 (ending)
Part - 2 <- here
Genre: Angst + fluff in the end
Paring: professor!bangchan x fem!Reader
Synopsis : after you two somewhat broke the connections, you keeping bumping into memories with him and end up trying to tell him..
A/n : thank you all for loving this fic so much but this might be the last one of this series. Hope you find the ending sweet...
After that night, you never went back to him. You only had a few weeks left till this year was over and maybe in the future, he wouldn't be your professor.
But you were too hurt to think about that night, you couldn't find the wrong and the right that night.
You left before he woke up and he expected it. He himself wish he had kept quiet, but out of a tiresome feeling of just being used he blurted out the deep thoughts.
You couldnt see yourself the same after that night and so did he. You wondered how easy it would be without him but boy you were wrong...
You enter the lecture hall the same day but you attention was diverted into the huge window. chan wanted to call you out but he was couldnt.
Your face looked dried out and pale. Your lips were white and dead. You're eyes were swollen and you looked tired. You obviously couldn't find peace.
You didn't stay any longer after your classes. You locked yourself up.
Remembering how chan used to take you out on little dates far far away from the city where no one would recognize you, just tk spend time with you.
He gave you what ever you wanted every time. Money didn't have any value when he was with you. On the other hand chan was looking for you because you usually stay after classes. He remembered how you used to buy him little snacks as gifts randomly, you knew what were his favorites more than anyone else.
Some days near the ending of this year you finally head out and open your messages to text him but then you remember you were his nobody.
While at the pharmacy to pick up somethings you spot chan and look away. Something slashed your heart into pieces seeing him. He doesn't notice you until you both end up in front the counter.
You could see yourself from the glass door how bad you looked beside him. You would be hugging him but you couldn't.
He stares at you as you leave after checking out. Hid eyes follow your figure walk out emotionlessly.
You couldn't get enough sleep, even after taking your pills. Usually these nights you would call him and he would bring you food but you were turning sick due to the lack of sleep, maybe it was sleeping with him that you needed desperately.
Chan couldn't focus on work especially when he made you so upset, he felt like he just committed a sin. He really wanted to tell. You that but somewhere in his mind he was ashamed to apologize.
You didn't want to see him but you needed to see him if he was alright or if he was with someone else, something you did without him knowing was look after him when he was outside.
Soon the stress of not seeing you got chan sick, he missed you all day. Mumbling your name sometimes when his fever turns high because you used to rush to him and take care of him when he was sick, not leaving him for a second. You used to tell him your stories, sing him songs, tell him jokes all while holding his hands. He got to know a lot about you when he was sick.
Just the last days before the exam you were experiencing the worst headache of your life. You were breaking down and your head was exploding. You were in the floor bawling and crying with your nose bleeding. Something was wrong but you didn't know.
Luckily your next door roommate heard you and called you an ambulance. Before you knew it you were stabilized in the hospital bed. You had too much stress and it got bad.
" I can say it's very common for students in their final or people who suffered relationship impacts but you should stop for a while."
You knew it was him on your mind that caused you stress but you didn't want to bother him by coming back. You were probably a burden to him.
He gets to hear about your breakdown and your location, he decided to drive there and see you.
Looking at you he couldn't say anything. You were pale and skinny, you were barely alive. He sits beside you and you open your eyes to see him.
He tries to act formal. Like your teacher giving you advice but you don't want to believe that he's calling you that.
" could you pass me that bottle? The orange one." and he stared at your huge table of pills. Pills that deal with your mental health and sleep.
" am I still just a student to you?" you softly asked. He looked down as slowly shook his head.
" then what am I? I hope I'm still somebody in your life." your voice ached but you had to say it.
" a-am I still your channie then? I-if I'm still. Your favorite channie then your still my y/n" his voice was shaky starting to crack. You smiled slowly watching him still avoiding your gaze.
He just apologized when he didn't want to. He really wanted to say it long time ago.
" that was the cause of my stress, the thought of my channie being mad at me. If it's my fault, then I'm really really sorry and if it means loosing my limbs to have you then I'll do it. I can tell you don't want to say sorry atleast say it first." you said and he only wished he didn't make that obvious.
You smile at his red face, he was embarrassed and your hand looked for his but he pushed it away. Surprising you.
"I-I'm sorry. You don't deserve me." he blurted trying to get up and leave.
But you grabbed his wrist " it'll hurt me more if you leave, please." you said as he sat back down.
He remembered when before you passed his exams, he admired your sweet, childlike, innocent and pure behavior from afar.
" if you never gave me that opportunity then I would be lost in studies. I would never find someone like You. I was glad you made the first move but it made me happy to know that you would be mine even for just 3 years." you reffered to your 3 years left in university.
You made sure to not loose him before university. Atleast he wasn't mad at you anymore.
He cried onto your shoulder the entire night, opening up to you about the past few days without you.
The last day before graduation you made him promised that he'll never find someone else after your completion of university. You wanted to wait for your graduation to really be his officially.
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Sick Day - Forgotten Nest AU
AU Series Based on The Forgotten Nest
Summary: Nickie gets sick while Bradley is watching him.
Additional Warnings: Referenced Past Teenage Pregnancy, Angst, Crying, Non-Specific Illness
Word Count: 1.1k
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Bradley was back and forth between Lemoore and Miramar over the next few months. He would come down to Miramar when he was off or Cora and Nickie would make the drive up. But the five hour drive was not something that either party enjoyed.
So, when it came time for Bradley to apply for college, he decided to get his degree in San Diego to stay close to Nickie and Cora. Maverick let him live there while he went to school and worked. And by the time that Nickie turned three, they had a system down. 
During the day, Bradley was working part time and attending school. Around four or five in the afternoon, they would switch off. Cora got a part time job as a bartender at the Hard Deck and on nights that she wasn’t working, she was taking classes for her nursing degree. It was only one class at a time, but Cora was determined to get her degree. 
And while Bradley fully and heavily supported Cora’s decision to go back to school, the separated lifestyle that they created wasn’t really helping their personal relationship. They still weren't anywhere near where they were in high school. The puppy love was gone, replaced by hard decisions and stress. But Bradley was determined to work on that relationship, especially because it was tied to his relationship with Nickie. As his grandfather always used to say, the best way to love your children is to love and respect their mother.
But maybe Bradley just needed to focus on the dad part first.
"My throat hurts," Nickie whined as Bradley carried him to bed.
Cora had warned Bradley that Nickie seemed a bit low energy today, but it didn't really come to a head until it started to get dark. Nickie only ate about a fourth of his dinner and started to complain about a headache. Bradley tried to get him to settle and just rest, but then after about an hour, he noticed that Nickie was shivering. Quickly giving him a hot bath, Bradley got Nickie into pajamas and moved to get him to bed.
"I know, buddy, I'll get you some medicine, okay?"
Bradley set Nickie in his bed and pulled the blanket over him. Tucking Nickie into bed, Bradley hurried to grab some water and some medicine for him. Returning to Nickie's bedroom, Bradley tried to not panic when he noticed that Nickie was crying.
"I want Mommy," Nickie sobbed as Bradley placed his sippy cup down next to him.
"I know, Nickie, but Mommy had to work," Bradley tried to explain, sitting down beside Nickie. "Here, drink this."
"What is it?" Nickie asked, sniffling as he sat up.
"It's medicine. It'll make you feel better."
Nickie took the medicine cup that Bradley brought over and took a sip of it. But he didn't drink much more than that before bursting out into a new set of tears.
"This one's bad," Nickie cried, causing Bradley to try to not panic. "Mommy has the pink one!"
"Alright, alright, I'll grab the pink one," Bradley apologized, rubbing away the tears from Nickie's cheeks. "It's okay, Nickie."
"I want Mommy!" Nickie sobbed, curling up against his pillows. “I don’t feel good.”
"She'll be home soon," Bradley replied quietly, trying to soothe Nickie, and starting to panic when he realized that there was a high possibility that he couldn't. "I'll get you the pink medicine."
Bradley eventually got Nickie to settle down to sleep after taking his pink medicine and a little water. Sitting on the end of Nickie's bed, Bradley monitored Nickie's breathing as he tried to not let Nickie's complete attachment to Cora get to him. But that was pretty damn hard.
It had been about two years he entered Nickie’s life. He couldn't keep using excuses for why Nickie seemed to prefer everyone else to him.
Cora returned home just after ten to find Bradley sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. She had seen his text messages that Nickie was sick but seeing Bradley in that state only heightened Cora's concern.
“What’s wrong?” Cora asked, rushing over to him on the couch. “Did something happen with Nickie? Is he okay?”
“He hates me, Cora,” Bradley breathed out shakily, causing Cora to immediately frown. 
“Bradley, what are you talking about?”
“I’m a horrible father,” Bradley insisted as Cora sat down beside him with a serious expression. “Nothing I did seemed to comfort him. I got the wrong medicine. I couldn't get him to eat anything at all. I probably picked pajamas that he's going to hate and ask you to change him when he wakes up." Holding his head in his hands again, Bradley let out a shaky breath. "I’m a terrible father, Cora."
"Bradley Bradshaw, cut the bullshit right now,” Cora stated, grabbing his hands away from his face. “You are not a terrible father. Nickie adores you.”
“He kept asking for you.”
“Bradley, maybe he’s just a chip of the old block,” Cora mused, causing Bradley to frown.
“What are you talking about?”
“Bradley, you were literally the biggest mama’s boy for your entire childhood.” Brushing her hand through his hair, Cora smiled softly. “He doesn't hate you. He's just sick. He's crabby. Kind of like someone else we know when they're sick." Cora smiled and wrapped her arms around him, resting her head against Bradley’s own. “He’ll never hate you.”
“Thank you,” Bradley whispered, nuzzling into her side. “I guess I was just being ridiculous.”
“I don’t think that you’re the first person to be defeated by a toddler, Bradley.”
“No, probably not.”
Cora turned her head and pressed a kiss to Bradley's cheek before resting her head against his own once again. They sat there for a moment, simply supporting and comforting each other before Cora slowly stood up.
"I'm going to shower and then check on Nickie," Cora stated, playing with the hem of her shirt. "But if you wanted, you can sleep in my room tonight." When she caught Bradley's incredulous expression, she quickly added, "In case Nickie comes looking for us in the middle of the night."
"Alright," Bradley agreed, nodding slowly. "If you're okay with that."
"I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't," Cora responded softly.
"Right," Bradley replied quietly. "Well, then, yeah."
Cora quickly showered, changed, and went to check on a still sleeping Nickie before returning to her bed, where Bradley was already waiting for her. Cora, exhausted from work, fell asleep quickly, leaving Bradley alone with his thoughts. But just as he was starting to drift off to sleep, he heard the door open behind him. 
Rolling over, Bradley spotted Nickie walking into the room, looking upset and dragging his blankie. When Nickie spotted Bradley awake, he let out a little whimper and reached out for him. Bradley quickly got up and picked up Nickie, pulling him close to his chest.
“What's wrong? What hurts?” Bradley asked quietly.
"My throat. And my ear. And my head," Nickie cried, tucking his head into Bradley's shoulder.
"It's alright, Nickie. Here, come and try and fall asleep, okay? I'll get you some more medicine in a little bit, okay?"
Bradley placed Nickie in between him and Cora and Nickie quickly snuggled into his mom’s side. Cora subconsciously curled her body around Nickie’s and soon Nickie was out like a light again. Wrapping his arm protectively around his little family, Bradley slowly drifted off to sleep himself.
Tags: @praline357 @luv4kani @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @abaker74 @lt-spork @shanimallina87
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