#maybe I'll just start my own schism!!
gaasublarb · 9 months
I don't know why anyone thinks Pavitr needs to have broken up with Gayatri for him to be with someone else. His shipper's glee is such poly vibes
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okay so... we do agree that the most sense for the first scene of season 3 is to show in some way the fall, right? we saw the before, we saw the after (as in eden), we now need to know why there was this schism in the first place
and so, my question is, since i've just finished rewatching the job episode - what do you think, in gomens' universe, is the point of that schism? why did the fall happen? why was there a Great War? who started the war, was the war just between the different angels? who actually cast the losing side away?
the whole bit with "an angel/demon who goes along with Heaven/Hell as far as he can" really made me think about this all. plus, i personally would find it very satisfying to finally find out at least a little bit of context of why this separation happened in the first place for the moment (i hope) when the whole system is finally broken down and dismantled
hey lovely!!!✨ i do think it will open with some reference to the fall (as you said, imo it makes the most narrative, poetic, and thematic sense!!!), but i also feel like a lot of the show's answers are going to be within the fall, so idk if we'll see all of it in the beginning cold open, or if some will be continued towards the end of the series?
as for the fall questions, wowzers, i'll do my best to answer what i potentially think could factor in here, although they may not answer your qs outright!!!✨ and probably link to some other specs/metas that ive had jumbling around!!!
i think aziraphale knew or suspected something about why it would be risky to question god; maybe not that the fall was already bandied about as a concept, but maybe that there were Things Afoot that made him think that going against her will and plan could be bad news
i think that god is ultimately a very neutral, very amoral party. i don't think she is good or bad, right or wrong, well-meaning or malicious; she just is. i even possibly think that the ineffable plan, if there is even such a thing like she says in s1, is that she has no plan at all. everything is up to everyone else. (don't really have a singular meta on this, but perhaps a bit of this and that)
metatron is the Big Bad. dunno why, necessarily (ie what are his motivations other than Power?), but i think when god goes AWOL somewhere between job (or maybe actually after golgotha?) and present day, he fills the void and acts like he is still the voice of god, that he is still receiving orders. (again, no singular meta on this, and ive kinda got it sprinkled across many posts tbh!!!)
so with those kind of things in mind, here are my possible thoughts (not committing to any singular one) on the fall and the schism you've mentioned.
the fall was not necessarily meant to be what it turned out to be. i think ultimately angels came to god asking questions, or questioning her and her Ineffability, or the plan, whatever.
god wanted all of her creation to have free will. if that free will was to break away from heaven and from her, and act in their own interest, under their own orders, by their own conscience, i don't think she ever had an issue with this. even if - in the presumed case of lucifer - the intention was to break away as a direct challenge to god, to have the same power as god, i similarly don't think she wanted to stop this. that is literally free will. so she does nothing to stop whatever happens when they choose to break away.
metatron however has other ideas; heaven is good, and is correct, and is right. anyone who even questions it, even if out of love and devotion to god, those who just want to understand, were forfeit. god has removed herself from the picture, not even there at the (literal? figurative?) trial, so metatron acts as judge, jury, and executioner. in some cases, i think there were angels who were pushed, not fallen.
we know there was a war, but i think it was out of the angels that remained 'on heaven's side' being told lies about their fellow angels - told that these defectors were actively working against god to jeopardise her creations and her plans. that heaven will fall if they are not cast out. conflict ensues - from their perspective - to protect the sanctity of heaven.
then, possibly, i think a memory wipe kinda thing did happen, but specifically on the events of the fall. i do also wonder if this is where the book of life comes into play, but not overly confident (on any of this, really)
and ultimately i think the whole concept of true free will might have been god's plan - if you can call Nothing a plan - all along? that she completely steps back, and let's heaven and humanity kinda work it out for themselves.
like, this is the kinda stuff that i hope they reveal later on s3; crowley falling with lucifer, and possibly meeting aziraphale again etc. would, imo, be great for the ep1 cold open, but the actual events of the fall i think needs to be the belter that comes out in maybe ep5 or 6. obviously i haven't gone into where i think crowley and aziraphale may slot within all of this, but most things can be found in my masterpost anyway, or indeed happy to summarise for anyone who wants it!!!✨
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anarchistettin · 9 months
something that kinda sucks but is also a kind of strength happens after you pass 40: you realize some traumas and discomforts are going to take a long time to recover from, and that you have to get through that time - you have to live it.
Someone just died, you just got evicted from your family home, you just got divorced, you just got a diagnosis and it ain't good news.
Something that's been quietly occurring to me lately is the dread of the time, roughly five years from now, when 12% or so of the moral tyrants currently pretending to be "woke" or "progressive" will come out of their stupor. It's happened so many times in my life that the indices of it are BLARING LOUD. An emotional response to a "correction" that says "I know that's true and in five years I'll stop revenging myself on you, maybe, but fuck you for suggesting my bloodthirst for hypothetical strangers is anything other than a very healthful coping Mechanism"
this kind of interaction didn't used to be perceived at that level - I'm pretty sure, in this society, that it's a consequence of regular web use - an inevitable outcome of being observed too much of the time, at a level of the brain that wasn't evolved for ever being under scrutiny.
natural sorting explains a lot about why tumblr didn't die when it didn't, who's using it, and what's happening to them over time - it's not a moral issue at this level, it's just a neuro/biological one
I'll have to make a decision about it! sucks to be isolated but it sucks worse to be involuntarily converted into a right winger all het up about HBO's latest cop/military propaganda, or Disney's latest love letter to cosmopolitan assimilation …
having life-or-death passionate feelings about fanfiction was funny five years ago; five years hence a fraction of its biggest victim/perps will just begin to start assessing the damage they've been doing to themselves and others. Oof they will have to write about it. Others will respond with equal or greater emotion; schisms of moral value will form, arguments will resume. Reaction - that thing that makes "reactionary" a bad thing to be - will continue to pile dirt on fucking comprehension.
Comprehension is, in the mind of the moralist, equivalent to perpetration. Childlike obedience to an unexamined (often vague) code will be instinctively viewed as morally superior to any philosophy, any impulse to argue, any sign of dissent or disagreement.
Moral tyrants never stop hurting people, because they believe they're doing it for your own good, and instead of getting tired, they get obsessed.
People who are already behaving online as if their toddler-level morality is religious law will need rehab, social support, and a lot of forgiveness if they ever come out of it. Unscientifically I reckon 12% or less will, just based on personal experience. I won't be able to give it to them myself, it will have to come from people willing to be viciously and repeatedly attacked for having the temerity to disagree with their fledgling (straight up fucking christian nazi) ethics.
The reality on Earth requires banding together. Vicious, small-minded, puritanical, and careless condemnation hasn't led to solidarity, safety, or capability.
The idea that crusading mobs of moralizing scolds "represent" the "future" is as dead as the idea that dems would form a barrier against fascism. "All the old people dying off" just leaves a gobsmacking number of proud violent fascists and bigots - who've convinced themselves they're "progressive" - and no one remaining who's skilled or experienced in any way at explaining why "ha ha making up a guy to get angry at" is dangerous behavior. Armageddon level shittiness.
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jmrothwell · 2 years
Spotify wrapped fic ask! 17?
Hey there!!! Hope you are having a good day!! ^_^ Thanks for the ask!!
(Hoooly, this got long XD)
17 is Orion by Metallica which is purely instrumental vibes!! (Has a great bass part)
Although the vibes are broken down into three distinct parts which could readily lend itself to a 3 part story structure
For no reason other than vibes I'm thinking some weird hybrid post-apocalypse style story telling.....like Studio Ghibli soooooo far past post apocalypse that we are in the middle of a new timeline. The old world mostly forgotten distant stories and ruins of the past.
Part 1: So we have simple folk, living an almost near brutal existence. Probably working for someone who heard of some great historical power and is seeking it for themselves (Different reference, Disney Atlantis) Well, our hero/heroes discover this for themselves, and are like ummm no, we're not gonna keep breaking our backs so you can get all sorts of power/destroy everything all over again.
Either they run away/or are chased out.
Part 2: Feels like wandering and introspection.
Our hero(heroes) are trying to deal with the aftermath of what ever choice has led them here. If it's more than one of them probably getting to know each other better, bonding, building those ties/strength that would (in stories like these) inevitably lead to the happy ending. Maybe form a few new allies, see the potential in starting life somewhere else
Part 3: Knowing what they know our hero/heroes can't just stand back and let our power hungry villain get away. Plus they've left family and friends behind and who knows what's happening to them?
And their new allies/friends aren't going to let them go on their own. So back home they go.
(the song sort of fades out no clear ending, however we aren't going to have that. Although we may have a slightly unsatisfying bittersweet ending, with a few losses.)
Making this JatP is relatively easy. Our main heroes are Sunset Curve(or the Phantoms rather), (who still have their connection to music, it's the highlight/bright spot of the life they live.)
Caleb is our power hungry villain, is charisma and charm helping keep people on his side. Sunset Curve have gotten in trouble in the past before for some minor things, and Caleb uses this to his advantage, by pulling a sort of Scar(Lion King) move.
He tries to convince the Phantoms if they openly stand up to him, he'll first punish the people they care about and then them. "Besides between the two of us, who are they going to believe?" This in turn drives our boys to just high tail it out of there. They leave behind Willie, Bobby(he wasn't there for the discovery and inadvertently proves Caleb's 'no one will believe you' point) and their families.
They wander into Julie, the Molina's, Victoria, Flynn and maybe even Carrie(Dirty Candi Crew), and Nick.
The story then proceeds as described above. Winning through the power of Love(Becuase it's JatP of COURSE it does!!) Although they very nearly lose(or outright do lose) Bobby in the process.
and their is a schism after the bring down Caleb. Alex's and maybe Reggie's Parents side with those who think Caleb did no wrong. However they have a much better family with Luke, and Julie and everyone else anyway.
Send a number 1-101 and I'll tell you what fic I'd make based on my spotify wrapped
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