#may they never be stuck on a shitty cruise ship like the one that im sorry but Stede's would be
izzy-b-hands · 2 years
...a cruise ship AU feels too easy. but it also feels like it would be really fucking funny bc like. okay. modern day stede motherfucking bonnet dropped a stupid amount of money
cruise ship!!! Just one!!! Not shares for a cruise ship company or builder, not getting a job at one such place no!!!
motherfucker bought the damn boat. AND has convinced ppl to work with and for him. including industry veteran Izzy, who much like Buttons (other industry vet) presumes he'll die at sea and be tossed into the waves via the end of the big water slide at the main deck area.
Like. You need conflict, just one big un, but like. everything and everyone are his conflicts here. Cruise ships fuck up and do more damage to areas they stop near or by than any tourist money they pull in for those spots. Hated. Other cruise ship companies watching Bonnet and Co (lets say Badminton Boats B-Unlimited for fun) somehow scoop up their most loyal customers. Hated and it is On Sight, Bonnet. Nigel is in his sensible khaki cruise shorts and pearly white socks and crocs and he WILL get one shitty punch in before Izzy jumps in and just. lets out some deeply repressed job related aggression
Which one do I even start or stick with?! This is Stede somehow making even worse decisions than one might think possible. He can only make it worse if he agrees to cater to the 1% or something (and I don't feel like writing that, so he won't lmao, besides everyone would absolutely mutiny and kill his ass if he tried it, as they should)
God. The uniforms. The questionable buffets (Roach does his best but like. Look. Look him in the eyes. Cruise ship life is Tough, and he's doing his fucking best.) The inevitable actual big deal emergency that would bring everyone together briefly before some other absolutely stupid bullshit stomps in alongside it.
it's so stupid. It's so good tho.
0 notes
lovelylusts · 4 years
Love & War || Min Yoongi
Pairing: Tsundere!Yoongi x Jung!Reader
Genre: College!AU, angst, fluff, smut
Warnings: Jiwoo is here but idk if her family still refers to her a Dawon so we’re just gonna call her Jiwoo, everyone is aged down by a few years bc college, Hoseok is a very weird brother but then again aren’t they all, Im Jinah/Nana and Jung Wheein make appearances as friends bc i’m a major simp, none of the cross-fandom ships represent actual ships and they’re there for p l o t, Vmin’s relationship is very vague but just know they act like an old married couple, I want a friend like Jungkook, AU where 2020 just didn’t happen mk, mentions of underaged drinking, actual drinking but legal this time, Dom!Yoongi, Sub!Reader, oral sex (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), protected vaginal sex, biting, squirting
Remember that the whole “boys are mean to girls because they like them uwu” saying is not entirely true, and that this is fiction! If a guy is an ass to you, don’t automatically assume they have a crush on you, because they may just be an incel.
Word count: 6.5k
A/N: figured some of us could use a lil fic to get us in the holiday spirit! School has been a bit stressful for me, but now it’s Thanksgiving break, and it’s around this time that my family and i start planning Christmas and New Year’s. I didn’t really center this fic around Christmas bc not everything is abt Christmas, but New Year’s Eve is important to the fic! This was requested by @d-2-moonlight who wanted a tsundere!Yoongi fic! Hope you enjoy!
All is fair in love and war, and Min Yoongi, your older brother’s best friend, happens to use one as an excuse for the other.
You loved your older brother, Hoseok, to death - you really did - but you always had to find excuses to escape him when he had his best friend, Yoongi, over. He and Hoseok had been friends for as long as you could remember, and while you were glad he had such a close, life-long friend to confide with, you hated that such a friend hated you for seemingly no reason. He had never been that nice to you, mostly blatantly ignoring you or giving you one-word answers with no emotion behind them. Or, you would argue about who got to use the family room to watch movies or play video games, and Hoseok would always agree with him and override your quality alone time. Why could Hoseok never take your side?
But it had been quite a while since you had seen him - nearly three years. Last holiday season, he and his family had gone out of town on a joint-vacation with family friends, and coincidentally the family of his girlfriend; and you were pretty sure the year before that, they went on some cruise. Not that you cared, right?
You were aware that he and Hoseok were still close, evident by the constant Instagram posts on your brother’s spam account that showed their day-to-day lives on campus at the university they both attended. Because of course they’d go to the same college. ‘Soulmate shit,’ or whatever it is they say it is. You were aware that Yoongi had grown to be even more attractive than you remember him being last time you saw him in person, and you’re certain that the shitty-quality of the random photos weren’t doing him any justice.
It was now time for both you, Hoseok, and Jiwoo to all return home for the holidays, finally reunited after your stressful sophomore year fall term and Hoseok’s even more stressful senior year - Jiwoo was doing great, though, with her successful fashion line, and that served as big inspiration for you. But for now, you were stuck with your stressful art courses. Why did nobody ever tell me that art could be this stressful?
You went to school a few hours away from home, away from all of your family members, but you were excited to return back to your hometown and not only see your family, but also visit with your high school friends. While it was a lonely drive home, it was worth it seeing that some of your old neighborhood friends had awaited your arrival, waiting inside your home and conversing with Hoseok and your mother.
“She’s here!” you heard Wheein squeal as you opened the front door to your childhood home, seeing that virtually nothing about the house had changed since you were last home. Your two close friends ran to you before you could even put your bags down, and you found yourself nearly being tackled to the ground once they reached you.
“We missed you,” Jinah beamed, squishing your cheeks together. Not only were you the youngest, and therefore babied, by your family, but you were the youngest of your friends, meaning you were babied by them as well. Not that you minded, you missed being treated as such while you were off at school.
“I missed you guys, too,” you said, your voice laced with joy as you held your two friends, your bags long forgotten by the door. Your attention turned to your older brother as he neared you with his signature broad smile plastered on his face, and you smiled even wider upon seeing him. “Hey, Hoseok-oppa,” you greeted. “Sad how you weren’t able to reach your own baby sister before her friends could, huh, Mr. Athlete?”
He chuckled at your teasing, reaching out to ruffle your wind-frizzed hair. “I’m a dancer, not a track star,” he retorted. “Besides, I’ve known these two as long as you have, and they’re fucking vicious when it comes to you!”
“Hobi-hobi!” you heard from behind you. It was from a very familiar voice, who was using a very familiar nickname. A nickname that only one person in your life used. Jinah and Wheein pulled off of your body as you turned around, being met with the surprised gaze of none other than Yoongi. “Oh, it’s you,” he mumbled in an annoyed tone. “Long time, no see, Baby Jung.”
You narrowed your eyes at the nickname that Hoseok would call a ‘term of endearment,’ though you knew it was always a name Yoongi used to remind you of your place at the bottom of the Jung food chain as just a baby who needed to respect her elders. “Hello to you, too, Yoongi-oppa.”
Jinah and Wheein exchanged a glance, one that made it clear that they were very aware of how awkward these next few weeks would be now that you and Yoogi had been reunited, albeit against your will. Having grown up around your house, they knew of the unfair treatment you received from Yoongi, which obviously led to a silent hatred towards him from the two of them. Besides, they had interests in Hoseok’s other friends.
“Uh, do you wanna go get dinner tonight? Jimin and Taehyung both got here last night, and Jungkook should be in today!” Jinah said, pulling your attention away from the two seniors. “Also, we need to go shopping for Taehyung’s birthday! Jimin will keep him busy tomorrow while Jungkook comes with us,” she explained.
You nod enthusiastically, excited to finally spend some time with all of your close friends after such a long time without seeing them. You were aware that Jiwoo wouldn’t be in town until Christmas Eve due to her work schedule, meaning your parents wouldn’t mind you going out with friends because they were prioritizing a full-family day together. “Yeah, that sounds great! Same spot as usual?”
“You know it,” Wheein exclaimed with a wide smile spread across her face. “We’re planning on meeting at six, if that works for you?”
“Yeah, definitely.” With that, both girls left to go to their respective homes to visit more with their families and settle in, and you turned your attention back to see Hoseok and Yoongi in the kitchen grabbing various foodstuffs and beverages. “What are you guys up to?”
“We’re gonna have Seokjin-hyung and Namjoon over to help them plan their New Year’s Party,” Hoseok explained as he rummaged through the pantry, scouring for whatever chips or candies he could find, as Yoongi grabbed a case of beers from the refrigerator. You looked over at Yoongi, who’s gaze met yours with the same stoic face you had grown accustomed to seeing every time he was around you - odd, because he seemed to enjoy your friends’ company more than your own, his best friend’s little sister.
“Can I help?” you offered. Maybe you could make Yoongi like having you around. Sounds simple enough! Or so you thought.
“This isn’t a party for babies,” Yoongi grumbled with a bitter tone, not daring to make eye contact with you as he passed you to grab a bottle opener from the other side of the kitchen.
You narrowed your eyes at him, not fully comprehending that he had the audacity to say such a thing to you. “You realize I’m only two years younger than you guys, right?”
“Yeah, but I’ve seen you try to drink. You’re such a lightweight, it’s embarrassing,” he chuckled darkly. You snapped your head over to look at Hoseok, who was very clearly trying not to laugh at his friend’s insults.
Some fucking brother you are.
“That’s a lot of talk from someone who can’t stand being around me for longer than a goddamn minute,” you shouted at Yoongi. “Forget it, I’ll just spend New Year’s Eve with people that actually want me around.” You left the kitchen swiftly, grabbing your bags that were still set down by the front door from your arrival, and you hauled them up the stairs to your room.
Your room was just as you left it the last time you were home during the summer, some of the books on the shelf by the door collecting dust from not being touched in God knows how long, along with some snow globes and picture frames filled with pictures of your friends and family. You smiled as you saw one of your favorite pictures - a picture of your group of friends, as well as some of Hoseok’s and Jiwoo’s own friends, on New Year’s Eve during your junior year of high school. That night was the only time you could remember Yoongi being nice to you, though both of you had had quite a bit to drink that night. He had kissed you that night as a dare from Taehyung, who thought he was doing both of you a favor by making you both realize that there wasn’t just hatred between you two, but his effort was deemed futile. The next time you saw Yoongi, he yelled at you, berating you for being a liar and trying to trick him because you thought he was stupid for getting so wasted. You weren’t sure why you loved that picture so much, seeing as it was a reminder of so much pain - maybe it was because nearly all of the most important people in your life were in it, or maybe it was because you had the best kiss of your life that night.
The rest of your afternoon was spent unpacking your belongings, filling the space in your nearly empty closet, which had many old clothes that held sentimental value, such as your senior prom dress, and your old school uniform. Once the small, glow-in-the-dark digital clock on your nightstand read 5:30, you figured it was time to leave for the night, for a fun night with your best friends awaited you. You skipped down the stairs, hearing the familiar laughs of Seokjin and Namjoon; and luckily for you, they were two of Hoseok’s friends that genuinely loved you.
“Hoseok-oppa,” you sang as you entered the living room. “I’m leaving now, I’ll be back later tonight.”
“Aw, you don’t wanna stay and help us plan the party?” Namjoon offered with a warm smile. Ever since Hoseok met him in middle school, Namjoon had always been super sweet to you. Much to Yoongi’s dismay, he always tried to include you, whether it be discreetly saving a few slices of pizza for you, or letting you be his backseat gamer during Mario Kart sessions with the boys. Hoseok had said before that Namjoon had always viewed you as a little sister - odd coming from him, considering he never stopped Yoongi from acting in the complete opposite manner of Namjoon. 
You glanced over at Yoongi, who just grumbled, sighed to himself, and rolled his eyes, clearly not fond of how his other friends tried to include you in stuff. “I’d love to,” you started, briefly flicking your gaze to Yoongi, narrowing your eyes as him for a split second before redirecting yourself to look at Namjoon. “But I’m meeting up with my friends for dinner. Haven’t seen any of them since the summer.”
“Why don’t you invite them to the New Year’s Party. That small one we had a few years ago was super fun!” Seokjin said. Seokjin, who Hoseok had known since his later high school years, was similar to Namjoon in the sense that he tried to treat you fairly, inviting you to eat with them and he even bought you little stuffed animals or figurines as Christmas or birthday gifts. You really wished that Yoongi could be more like him and Namjoon.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Yoongi’s face drop at the mention of the New Year’s Eve party - you both knew that Seokjin was talking about the one from three years prior, the night the photo in your room was taken. “You guys plan it first, then I’ll ask them,” you conceded. “Now, I gotta get going. See you guys later.”
Upon arriving at the usual restaurant, a small seafood place that was close to the high school you all used to attend, you saw Jungkook and Jinah waiting by the front door for you, their eyes lighting up upon seeing you approaching.
“Jungkookie-oppa!” you exclaimed as you neared them, throwing your arms around him, nearly knocking the air out of his lungs upon the impact of your intense hug. “I missed you!”
“Missed you, too,” he chuckled, finally returning the tight hug you had surprised him with. “The others are inside waiting for us.” You simultaneously let go of each other, and you both followed Jinah into the crowded restaurant, letting her lead the way to the circular table in the back corner by a nearly empty lobster tank, where Taehyung, Jimin, and Wheein were waiting. 
Taehyung and Jimin, the infamous chaotic duo that they were, nearly knocked over their respective glasses of water from how quickly they shot up from their seats once they saw you, both of them rushing over to you to engulf you in a hug, sandwiching you between them.
“How’ve you guys been?” you asked them, your voice muffled due to the fact you were enclosed by their bodies.
“This semester totally kicked my ass,” Jimin grumbled. “But I’m just glad to be reunited with my bitches.”
“Excuse me” Taehyung interjected. “I think I’m the only dom h-” Taehyung’s snarking remark was interrupted with a huff that followed the sound of impact, seemingly from Jimin slapping him on the arm. “You hate me because I’m right!”
“Can you let go of me now?” you asked with frustration, attempting to push the two boys away from your body, whining. “I’m hungry.” All six of you took your spots at the table, you found yourself seated between Wheein and Jungkook, with Jimin across from you, and a waiter soon came by to take drink orders.
“So, Hoseok and his friends are throwing a New Year’s Eve party,” you remarked once the waiter left towards the bar to bring the six bottles of soju. “They told me to invite you guys. I don’t know how big it’s gonna be, or where, for that matter.”
“Is Yoongi-hyung gonna be there?” Jimin asked in a teasing tone, raising his eyebrows at you with a mischievous smirk taking over his plush lips.
“Oppa, I will kill you. That is both a threat and a promise,” you said with a slight snarl. All of your close friends were very aware of the kiss that a very drunk you and a very drunk Yoongi shared three years prior, and they were equally aware of how crushed you were once Yoongi returned to his normal asshole antics. “He doesn’t feel that way towards me, you know that. He can hardly stand being around me. I’m not going to the party for him; I’m going because Seokjin-oppa invited us. Besides, they’re still planning it.”
“Have you ever, I don’t know, asked him why he dislikes you so much?” Jungkook asked, not looking up from the menu as he spoke.
“That’s such a weird thing to ask, though,” you whined. “Imagine if someone went up to you and asked you ‘hey, I’ve known you for most of my life and you still act like I’m the bain of your existence, why is that?’ It’s so odd!”
“I agree with Jungkook,” Wheein said. “You should try to talk to him. At least so you can know why he’s so cold towards you.”
“Asking him would require that he actually wants to talk to me, and he definitely doesn’t.” Your friends were treating your complex relationship with Yoongi as something that could so easily be solved, yet you knew it wasn’t that simple in the slightest. Although you had known these friends for many years, they never seemed to fully understand everything that happened and continued to happen in your time knowing Yoongi. “We’ll just see how the party goes, I guess. Besides, Jinah-unni,” you said, changing the subject to aim your friends’ teasing towards somebody else. “Since Seokjinnie-oppa invited us… are you finally gonna try to talk to him?”
Jinah’s face immediately reddened at your question, her eyes shifting around the table as she choked on her own words. “I… I mean, I want to. I just get so nervous around him. I feel like he’d want to date someone closer to his age. I don’t know, I just don’t wanna be disappointed.
“You should definitely talk to him at the party,” said Wheein. “Maybe even get a New Year’s kiss!”
“Shut up!” Jinah exclaimed with a glare. “You all are awful.”
“Yes, but you love us anyway,” said Taehyung through a chuckle. “Now, what are we gonna do for my birthday?”
The first two weeks of your winter vacation went by quickly, having spent most of it with your high school friends, and your family upon Jiwoo’s arrival. You spent the early half of Christmas Eve exchanging gifts with friends and watching cheesy holiday movies, and then spent the evening and Christmas Day with your immediate family. Taehyung’s birthday party was fun as well, all six of you getting immensely wasted (and maybe Taehyung and Jimin making out, but that’s neither here nor there). You were having the time of your life - and then it was December 31st.
You stared in the mirror, nervously checking over the outfit you picked out for the party as Wheein did Jinah’s makeup on your bed, various palettes, makeup brushes, and product tubes laid out on the fluffy comforter as she carefully worked. The party would be at Seokjin’s family’s house, seeing as it was the largest house of the four party planners, and his parents gladly (or so Seokjin says) gave up the space to their son.
“You look great!” Wheein reassured you as she watched you check over your appearance in the mirror. “Who knows? You might meet someone nice tonight,” she suggested.
“Maybe,” you mumbled. “Jinah-unnie? Are you actually gonna try to talk to Seokjin-oppa tonight?” You needed to talk about something else, anything else, to keep your mind off of Yoongi. You were terrified of seeing him tonight, the third anniversary of the moment you’d rather forget. What if it happened again? What if he snapped at you in front of everyone?
What if he went the rest of his life ignoring you?
“I think I will,” she said with a smile audible in her voice. “I really like him… and if I get rejected, we don’t go to school in the same city, so I don’t have to ever see him again and relive the shame,” she cheered ironically, trying to make light of her nerves.
“I’m sure he’ll give you a try,” Wheein insisted. “Who wouldn’t want you, unnie? If he turns you down, I’m sure there’s plenty of better men out there for you.”
Although you were invested in the conversation, the nerves were still eating away at you. Even as the three of you picked up Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook, even as you arrived at Seokjin’s large, crowded house, even as you took the first tip of the concoction you had your brother surprise you with - you still felt every ounce of nervousness. You compulsively looked around at your surroundings, scouring for Yoongi - so you could try to avoid him, or try to make conversation with him, you weren’t entirely sure yet - but you were only met with some people you recognized from high school, as well as many strangers.
Your friends, save for Jungkook, eventually dispersed - Wheein started talking to some random cute guy she spotted, Jimin went to go do body shots, Taehyung was hitting up an old high school crush, and Jinah finally found the courage to talk to Seokjin. Jungkook knew how nervous you felt at the moment, so he decided to stay with you and talk about random subjects to help calm your nerves until you found Yoongi.
You didn’t have to wait long, however, because pretty soon you saw him approaching you and Jungkook with a wide smile, a soju bottle in hand. “Heyyyyyyy,” he greeted with a slight slur. “You guys having fun?”
You and Jungkook exchanged a brief look of confusion before nodding at his question with awkward smiles. “Hey, uh, Yoongi-oppa… can I talk to you? Alone?”
“Yeah, of course!” he said, taking your hand and dragging you through crowds of college students towards the nearly empty backyard. You were able to turn around for a split second, shooting Jungkook a thumbs up before following closely behind Yoongi. “What’d you wanna talk to me about?”
“I… why are you being so nice to me right now? Why are you only nice to me when you’re drunk?” you asked him, your voice shaky.
“All you ever do is ignore me or make fun of me and call me a baby. You’ve done that since we were kids. The only times you’ve ever been nice to me are right now and three years ago when you kissed me! And even then, you didn’t remember and said I was making shit up. It fucking hurts Yoongi. I’ve tried so hard to be nice to you, and all you do is shut me down. Why? Why can’t you at least try to be nice to me?” The words spilled out of you, practically unfiltered, tears welling in your eyes as the alcohol in your system made you hyper-emotional.
He blinked, his face void of emotion as he took in everything you just said. The realization hit him all at once, sadness overtaking his face. “I… I’m really sorry.”
“That doesn’t answer my damn question, Yoongi-oppa.”
“Because… I really like you. And I thought you wouldn’t like me because I’m your older brother’s best friend. Wanted to make it easier on myself.”
Your sadness was immediately overtaken by anger. His feelings for you didn’t even matter now that he had confessed his shitty reasoning. “Are you fucking kidding me? You asshole,” you exclaimed at him, watching as he winced at your reaction. “I’ve liked you for years and you made me thinking you fucking hated me. Go fuck yourself, oppa.”
You made your way inside, not looking back and in desperate search to find any of your friends. You found Jinah still talking to Seokjin (seemingly less awkward and nervous than before), Wheein was dancing with some of her other friends from high school, and you found your three boys at the bar together. Their eyes lit up as they saw you approaching, but Jungkook noticed your negative demeanor and rushed over to you.
“It didn’t go well, did it?” he asked with a downturned tone. You shook your head, leaning against Jungkook’s body to bring him into a much-needed hug, nearly breaking down as you felt his arms wrap around you. “Do you want me to take you home?”
“I don’t wanna ruin your fun. Stay here, I’ll call a cab,” you insisted. You were about to leave by yourself, but you felt Jungkook grab onto your hand. You turned to face him, and you were met with his warm-hearted smile.
“I’m going with you. I’m not having much fun here, anyway,” he said, flashing his teeth, before turning back to Jimin and Taehyung to let them know that you were both leaving and that you’d explain later if you felt comfortable.
It was a short, quiet ride back to your house; he softly held your hand in the back of the cab, this thumb stroking your cold skin. There were no words between you two, neither of you wanting to have such an important talk with a complete stranger in the driver’s seat; but as soon as you got home to your empty house, you broke down.
“He said he likes me,” you said. “And he didn’t want to get hurt so he pushed me away.”
Jungkook’s facial expressions changed from concerned to annoyed in an instant. “Are you serious? What an ass.” He pulled you into your nth supportive hug of the night. “Fuck him. There’s plenty of better guys out there who won’t treat you like shit just because they like you.”
So you tried to forget about Min Yoongi. You spent the rest of your time at home with your friends, finding any excuse you could to spend time away from home when Yoongi was there hanging out with Hoseok; and you went back to school without talking to him again - letting go of him hurt a lot, but you supposed it didn’t hurt as much as him acting like he hated you for years to mask his feelings. You tried to find boys on your campus to get your mind off of him, many one-night stands following dorm parties, and maybe a few dates here and there, but there was never a spark with any of them. Maybe I’m just destined to be alone and own a hoard of cats. Yeah, that sounds nice. Luckily for you, you didn’t have to see Yoongi over Spring Break because your close friends whisked you away for a week-long trip to Tokyo, Japan to sight-see and get lost in the bright night-life. But when you had finally let go, you just had to see him when you went home for the summer.
You nearly broke down upon seeing him in the living room of your house the night that Hoseok arrived at home, the boys ready to spend their last summer together before entering the real world. He had seen you coming down the stairs, grabbing your shoes from their location near the door, a pang of sadness hitting him as the hazy memories of the New Year’s Eve party that occurred many months prior.
“Y/N?” Yoongi called out to you, though you ignored him, much like he had done to you for the many years he had known you, casually continuing to lace up your sneakers. “Jung!”
“Fuck off,” you grumbled. “I’m not talking to you. See you later, Hoseok-oppa. I’m going to the mall with my friends.”
You were relieved to finally be with all of your friends again - they were the five people who managed to keep you sane, no matter how much you loved your roommate back at college, and you definitely needed some quality time with them knowing that Yoongi could possibly be waiting for you when you got back to your parents’ house. The six of you walked around the mall, popping in to random stores and browsing, making terrible jokes about random objects along the way, before you all decided to go to the food court and grab lunch.
“So,” Taehyung started. “Jinah-noona. How are things with Seokjin-hyung?”
Jinah blushed as she reached over to pick up a dumpling from the large plate that sat in the middle of the rectangular table. “It’s going great. Luckily for me, he’s staying in town, so we’ll be close. He’s really sweet.”
“Yeah, I’ve known him for a while. He’s really a sweet guy. Don’t let go of him,” you chuckled.
“Have you seen Yoongi-hyung lately?” Jimin asked out of nowhere, causing Jungkook to kick him under the table. “What? I just wanna know!”
“Let him Jungkookie-oppa. I saw him before I left my parents’ house. He wanted to talk to me; I just blew him off,” you said with a shrug. “I plan on spending the rest of my summer ignoring him. If I’m lucky, he’ll take a hint.”
“There's not any cute guys on your campus?” Wheein asked.
“I’ve tried hook-ups and dates but… I don’t know, I haven’t found anyone I like.”
“I think you should try to talk to Yoongi-hyung,” said Jimin. “Maybe he’s realized how shitty he made you feel. He’s just graduated college, I’m sure that’s been a big wake-up call for him.”
You thought about Jimin’s words, thinking about both sides of the singular Yoongi-shaped coin, which just so happened to be the same shape as the void in your heart - on one side, it could be a wonderful, loving relationship, because he’s shown that deep-down, he’s quite the softie. But, on the other hand, you barely knew him outside of what you had seen of him through the minimal amounts of time he had acted like himself around you, like when he was gaming with his friends, or watching terribly made movies with Hoseok in the middle of the night. You had the entire afternoon to make your decision, or at least that’s the time limit you gave yourself because the feeling of loneliness and missing Yoongi was starting to eat away at you. You had to act on it
You arrived home later that night to see that Yoongi had gone home; but luckily for you, he only lived a few houses down. You found him outside in front of his house with the Min family dog, the toy poodle known as Holly, playing tug-of-war with a bright blue and green braided rope toy.
“Yoongi-oppa,” you called out quietly, standing a few feet away from him. “We should talk.”
He sighed to himself, standing up from his spot on the concrete driveway. “Yeah, we should. Look, I’m really so-”
“I’m going to give you one chance, oppa. I need to see that you’re actually going to treat me like a human being and that you’re not using feelings as an excuse to be an asshole to me. I don’t need an apology, I just need something real,” you said, interrupting his apology.
He looked shocked, not quite expecting your response. “I- yeah. Yeah, no, of course. I promise I’ll do right by you. I promise,” he rambled. “I’m still sorry, though. I spent the entire second half of my senior year really fucked up over what I did. It doesn’t even make any fucking sense. It made sense to high school Yoongi, but I don’t know why it continued. I’m sorry.”
“Oppa, it’s ok. Calm down. I forgive you, but just remember you’re on thin ice. You need to show me that you can be a good lover,” you said with a warm smile.
“I promise I won’t let you down.
He split his summer between hanging out with Hoseok and hanging out with you, which meant he ended up spending most of his time at your family’s house. He managed to make good on his promise, doing both large and subtle things to show you how much he cared, whether it be taking you out to nice dinners, or cuddling you during movie nights with all of your friends. His kisses were just as amazing as you had remembered from over three years ago, and he made you feel so warm around him - the spark that you had failed to find in your time apart had been ignited by him, and you never wanted to forget the feeling.
Summer fled nearly as fast as it arrived, and you feared that shortly you’d have to be returning to your campus, cities away from Yoongi. He was now part of the list of people who you missed dearly while you were away, along with your best friends, but this would be your first summer away from him as your lover.
“I want to have sex,” you blurted out as you lied on your bed one hot afternoon, about a week before you had to drive back to your campus.
“Come again?” he asked, evidently shocked by your out-of-the-blue confession.
“We have a week before I leave, and I wanna fuck before I go,” you said bluntly with a shrug, turning on your stomach, the thin straps of your tank top sliding down your shoulders - not planned or intended, but you were very appreciative of gravity in that moment. “We don’t have to.”
“N-no, I want to. I really want to,” he admits. “Just… I tend to be a bit rough. I don’t wanna make you do something you’d be uncomfortable with, or hurt you, or…” he trailed off.
“Oppa, you realize we went to the same high school, right? And Hoseok-oppa and I share a wall? I’ve heard all about what you’e like, both from you and, er, outside sources. I’m well prepared,” you said with a chuckle, moving over to straddle him, watching his body language to see if he tensed up, but he instead brought his large hands to your hips, his fingers fiddling with the top hem of your athletic shorts.
“Oh yeah? What have you heard about me?”
“You’re quite large, a little bit of a sadist, have a good tongue… never heard of a girl who’s had to fake it with you,” you said, trailing a finger up his side until your hand was cupping his jaw, and you leaned down to kiss him. By now, his hands had trailed lower, now resting on your ass, gently gripping and guiding your hips to move against him, the hardness beneath your core growing as you moved against him.
“Hm, you’ll just have to find that out for yourself, won’t you?” he teased, his sentences becoming more breathy as you ground against his hardening cock. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“We won’t see each other for another few months, honey. I want to do it now before we have to wait until December,” you said. You saw up, pulling the plain grey tank top over your head, your sports bra following soon after, smirking as you watched Yoongi bite his lip at the sight of your bare chest. He reached forward, gently brushing his thumbs over your nipples, watching intently as they hardened beneath his touch, much like his cock beneath you as you continued moving your hips. Without warning, he flipped you over so you were beneath him, and he quickly tore his own t-shirt and gym shorts off before grabbing your own shorts and underwear and quickly removing them.
He wasted no time lowering himself to be face-level with your cunt, delivering an experimental lick to your swollen clit before going all in, shoving two fingers into your wet pussy as he sucked on your clit. His tongue was definitely better than any old high school rumor could have set you up to believe - so many other boys had disappointed you in this department, leading to equally many faked orgasms, but you already knew that you would not have to fake with Yoongi. His fingers curled perfectly against your walls, hitting the sweet spot within perfectly; in combination with his skilled tongue, you were sure it wouldn’t be long before you came.
You felt him insert a third finger into your heat, his tongue not letting up as he quickened the pace of his fingers. The stimulation was causing your thighs to shake, and your back to arch off of your bed as the knot in your stomach continued to tighten.
“O-oppa… I wanna cum with you inside me,” you said, running your fingers through his soft black hair. 
He peered up at you from between your legs, only his darkened eyes visible to you as he pressed one more kiss to your clit before removing his fingers. He sucked each finger into his mouth, tasting your essence once more before speaking. “You taste fucking amazing, by the way. Do you have any condoms here?”
“There should be some in my nightstand,” you said.  You rolled over to your nightstand, opening the singular drawer and rummaging through; and luckily for you, you managed to find some. You grabbed one and handed it off to Yoongi, watching him hastily pull down his briefs so he could put the condom on.
It was at this moment that you understood every piece of gossip you had heard regarding his bedroom abilities. To put it simply, he was huge, but to elaborate, he had the prettiest cock you had ever seen: long, a slight upwards curve, a few veins, and a pretty red tip that was leaking pre-cum. He put the condom on over his length - luckily you had grabbed the right size - and he lined himself up against your entrance. He looked to you for assurance that you were ready and wanted him, smiling at your shy nod, and he pushed forward slowly so you could adjust to his size.
“Oppa?” you asked as he bottomed out. He looked at you with mild concern, hoping he hadn’t already hurt you. “Don’t hold back.” He smirked at your request, asking you if you were sure you were making the right choice, and once you gave him the reassurance, he started thrusting in and out at a quicker pace than he had initially planned. He filled you perfectly, almost as if he were made for you. It was a tight fit, but the type of tight where it left the pleasurable feeling of being stretched out rather than the feeling of being torn open. You wrapped your legs around his waist, bringing him closer to you so you could feel him hitting you deeper.
“You feel so good,” he groaned out. He buried his head in your neck, pressing open-mouthed kisses to your skin before softly biting you, which caused you to whine in pleasure. “Hm, you like it when I bite you, don’t you?” Yoongi didn’t need an answer. He already knew, judged by how whiney you became after the bite, so he returned to the same spot on your neck, biting a bit harder than before.
“I-I’m close,” you moaned, the stretch of his cock in your tight pussy mixed with the sensation of him biting you were too much at once. Your moans became more persistent - thank God nobody else is home - as you grew closer to your climax. Yoongi quickened the pace and intensity of his movements, his cock railing against your g-spot with every harsh thrust; and one he reached between your bodies to rub your clit, you were done for. You came undone in an instant; however, he didn’t slow down at all. He kept fucking into you, kept rubbing your clit, the contracting of your pussy around him bringing him closer to the edge himself. The persistent stimulation was too much for you, making you scream out at the overstimulation, and pretty soon you found yourself experiencing something that you had never experienced with another person. You squirted around him, which was the catalyst for Yoongi’s own release, his warm seed filling the condom.
“Holy fuck, that was hot,” he said as he looked down between your bodies, seeing both pairs of thighs covered in your juices.
“I’ve never squirted because of another person before,” you admitted, equally shocked as he was at what had just occurred.
“So… I take it I live up to the hype,” he joked as he pulled out of you, chuckling at how you whined at the empty feeling after being stuffed so perfectly, before getting up to throw the condom away and grab some towels from the bathroom connected to your room to clean you up with.
“I think the hype couldn’t live up to you.”
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