#mathematics solution app
ankitkumarapp058 · 2 years
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best-reviews-usa · 4 months
Lottery Defeater Reviews - Lottery Defeater Software - Lottery Defeater Software Review
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#lotterydefeater #lotterydefeatersoftware #lotterydefeated
Does Lottery Defeater really work? Is Lottery Defeater a Scam? Is Lottery Defeated a Scam? Is Lottery Defeater real?
We answer these questions in this Lottery Defeater Reviews. You will discover everything you need to know about Lottery Defeater Software.
🤔 What Is Lottery Defeater?
Many people still ask: what is Lottery Defeated Software?
Lottery Defeated is a unique tool created by an experienced statistician to elevate your chances of winning the lottery.
✅ Is Lottery Defeater Legit?
Yes! The Lottery Defeater Software is a blend of statistics and mathematics. It's an automated system designed to enhance winning probabilities.
✅ Does Lottery Defeater Really Work?
Yes, Lottery Defeater really works!
Lottery Defeater does indeed deliver results, offering the subsequent advantages:
Operates in real-time
Continuous data analysis
Uses a specialized formula
Provides high-probability winning combinations
These are the primary advantages of incorporating Lottery Defeater into your life. The system bases its predictions on a comprehensive analysis of historical lottery data and winning patterns from various lotteries.
❤️ Lottery Defeater Step by Step
The Lottery Defeater Software is a user-friendly, plug-and-play solution. It requires three simple steps:
Log In and Select Lottery
Use the Smart Pick Tool
Play the Numbers
The Lottery Defeater Software functions within legal parameters, steering clear of any unlawful methods. For more information, visit the official Lottery Defeater website.
🤔 How to Use The Lottery Defeater Software?
Numerous individuals wonder about the usage method of Lottery Defeater, but it's quite straightforward:
Just download the app and use it. Its ease of use, user-friendly interface, and automated features offer an efficient way to improve your lottery-winning chances.
😍 Where to Buy Lottery Defeated?
Lottery Defeater is exclusively available for purchase via the official manufacturer's website. Links to the official site are provided in the description and the initial pinned comment. Purchasing from the official website ensures product authenticity, customer support, and secure transactions.
🤔 Lottery Defeater Guarantee
The producer provides a 60-day satisfaction guarantee. Customers who are not satisfied with the results can request a refund within this period.
✅ How Soon Can You Expect Results?
Individual responses to Lottery Defeater vary. Feedback from users indicates noticeable improvements within one week of use. For optimal results, experts recommend using Lottery Defeater for a minimum of three months. Bulk purchase options are available, including packages of three or six containers.
❤️ Is Lottery Defeater a Scam?
No!! Testimonials from satisfied customers can be found on the official Lottery Defeater website.
✅ Lottery Defeater Software Review
In conclusion, Lottery Defeater is an effective tool for enhancing lottery-winning chances. Its statistical and mathematical approach, combined with user-friendly features, makes it a valuable addition for those looking to improve their odds. For more information and to purchase Lottery Defeater, visit the official website.
Share This Video Lottery Defeater Review: https://youtu.be/kcEUvojxZ-M
Important Matters!
00:01 - Lottery Defeater Software Reviews Intro
00:30 - Lottery Defeated
00:44 - What is The Lottery Defeated Software?
02:09 - The Lottery Defeater Official Website!
02:21 - Lottery Defeater Software
02:47 - How Does The Lottery Defeater Work?
04:03 - Does Software Lottery Defeater Work?
04:33 - Lottery Defeate4 Software
05:09 - Lottery Defeater Login
06:08 - Lottery Defeater 100% Money-Back Guarantee
06:42 - Lottery Defeater Software Review
07:18 - Lottery Defeater Reviews – Conclusion
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This is a Lottery Defeater Review. I hope you enjoyed this honest review.
Now you know how Lottery Defeater works and how to take it.
The post Lottery Defeater Reviews was first published on Flamengo Online.
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faaun · 2 years
i want to be a machine learning engineer but some of u guys r making it embarrassing actually. long but IMO important explanation below. We have bigger issues to deal w and better things to focus on.
like our planet is dying and the commercialisation of massive AI models and training the models themselves releases like hundreds of thousands of tonnes of carbon emissions. and this includes very "nonessential" models that don't tend to contribute much to society (re: new fancy image generation toy). but u have decided your new career path is "AI artist" (glorified prompt-writer?) .
and just as bad, some of you have decided the biggest issue w AI is those people, the glorified prompt writers!! you draw more attention to it instead of focusing on the real problems behind AI and the ethics of training models! about the harm it causes to the planet, about web-scraping limitations basically not existing (stolen art falls under this domain), copyright laws to do with AI, the way facial recognition deals with race, about the boundaries between letting AI learn and develop in an "unbiased" way vs preventing sociopolitical damage at the cost of (potentially) further progress.
conversely, there is nowhere NEAR enough focus about how AI can help us overcome some of our fundamental problems. i love machine learning bc i find it - specifically the maths behind it - fascinating and i believe one day it could help us make very cool advancements, as it already has. i think the mathematical architectures and processes behind creating new deep learning models are beautiful. i also know the damage capitalists will inevitably do - they always wield powerful, beautiful new tools as weapons.
AND HERE YOU ARE FALLING FOR IT! it's very frustrating to watch!! if you're angry on behalf of artists, i'm begging you to protect the rights of artists and be mad at greedy companies instead of villanising a tool that can help us immensely! learn about AI ethics, learn about how it is present in our lives, what we should try to stop, what we should promote.
if you "boycott AI" as a whole with no desire to gain more literacy on the topic other than "steals art therefore bad", you will have to be against your translate app, your search engine, your email spam filter, almost everything on your phone that categorises anything (i.e. pretty much all of your search functions), NPC enemies in games, your medical diagnostic tools, your phone's face unlock, your maps app, online banking, accessibility tools that help blind and deaf people, new advancements in genetic sequencing and protein folding and treating cancer and modelling new solutions in physics and so on and so on.
the issue isn't all AI as a whole. the issue is A) how companies are using it and B) how a lot of you guys are getting mad at the concept of AI instead of responding to A.
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boba-online · 1 year
some ideas i would implement if i were ceo of tumblr:
- sticker page :-) badges r cool but take up too much space my solution? sticker page on profile like a journal
- tint ur posts different colours :-) like xkit post theming but probably with one main colour and the secondary colour is done mathematically to be the most contrasty
- custom themes for the web/app ui that you can add like themes for ur blog :-)
- buttons on your profile more ones like for websites and stuff. why don’t we already have this
- functional search system. with filters and time and combinations of tags and whatever
- no more tumblr live
- revert all the bad changes: bring back the old dashboard as an option. it cannot be that difficult to have two layouts with the same underlying system
- onboarding should have profile picture header and title How is this not already implemented
- furthermore new people should have a little tumblr university button or tutorial or something. to teach and explain features instead of removing them
- proper reply system in the comments . why don’t replies get nested under the main comment ??
- gif profile pictures (with appropriate accessibility options)
- more profile picture shapes. star . heart. rectangle. like a badge maybe
- twitter circles but for tumblr i want to be able to show posts to Just Mutuals or a specific list of people. again why isn’t this already here
- a variety of app icons that you can change between on mobile! idk if android has it, but ios has this built in as a feature just implement it
- custom emojis i think these would work with like a (free) marketplace on people’s profiles that would also have the stickers
- a slider for who content is for (everyone, suggestive, explicit ?)
- new features should go to tumblr labs first and then have a like and dislike thing on it. features that are liked a lot get prioritised development?
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wisepicklemuffingoth · 9 months
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"Empowering the future of fitness through STEM innovation – where science, technology, engineering, and mathematics converge to create a healthier, more connected world."
“As Humms/Stem/Abm student, how can you uphold physical fitness in influencing the future?”
As a STEM student, I can use my knowledge of science and technology to improve the future of physical fitness. I can come up with creative solutions to make workouts more efficient and effective. This could mean designing cool wearables that track how you're doing during exercise or creating virtual reality workouts that make sweating it out feel like an exciting adventure.
I'm all about making exercise equipment friendlier and more effective too, because just like everyone, I also tend to workout and I want to make it enjoyable. Like for example – smart machines that adjust themselves based on your fitness level, so you don't have to fuss with settings. And also, I'm thinking about making apps that give you personalized workout plans and instant feedback to make your training sessions top-notch, that would make everyone's life easier.
With my STEM skills, I want to change how people see fitness, making it not just effective but also easy and enjoyable. Imagine using your phone as your fitness coach, guiding you through exercises and cheering you on. The future of fitness? I think it's going to be amazing, thanks to the awesome tech and ideas from STEM.
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saleh-cosain · 9 months
Empowering Tomorrow: Bridging STEM and Fitness for a Healthier Future
Welcome, fellow enthusiasts of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)! Today, we embark on a journey that merges the brilliance of STEM with the vitality of physical fitness. Join me as we explore the exciting possibilities of upholding physical fitness and influencing a healthier future through STEM-driven initiatives.
The Science of Wellness: Let's dive into the scientific principles behind physical fitness. Explore how knowledge in biology, physiology, and nutrition can inform personalized fitness plans, optimizing health and well-being. From understanding the intricacies of metabolism to leveraging data for individualized training programs, the intersection of STEM and fitness is boundless.
Tech-Infused Workouts: Uncover the latest technological innovations transforming the fitness landscape. Discover how wearable devices, smart equipment, and data analytics are revolutionizing the way we approach exercise. As a STEM enthusiast, explore DIY projects to create your own fitness gadgets or apps that cater to unique fitness needs.
Engineering Wellness: Delve into the engineering marvels shaping the fitness industry. Explore biomechanics, robotics, and ergonomics, and learn how advancements in these fields are enhancing workout efficiency and safety. From designing ergonomic workout equipment to creating sustainable fitness solutions, STEM opens doors to groundbreaking possibilities.
Coding for Health: Showcase the power of coding in promoting a healthy lifestyle. From developing fitness apps to creating algorithms that personalize workout routines, coding skills can be harnessed to make wellness accessible and enjoyable. Join me on a coding journey that goes beyond screens and keyboards, directly impacting physical well-being.
Environmental Sustainability in Fitness: As STEM advocates, it's essential to consider the environmental impact of fitness choices. Explore sustainable practices in the fitness industry, from eco-friendly workout gear to energy-efficient gym designs. Learn how STEM principles can contribute to a greener, healthier planet through mindful fitness choices.
Community Engagement: Empower others to join the movement! Discuss the importance of community engagement in promoting fitness and well-being. Explore ways to use STEM to organize fitness challenges, events, or workshops that foster a sense of community while encouraging healthy habits.
As we conclude this exploration of the synergy between STEM and fitness, remember that the future is in our hands. By integrating our passion for science and technology with a commitment to physical fitness, we can shape a healthier, more resilient world. Become a #FitSTEMInnovator and inspire others to join the movement towards a future where science and wellness go hand in hand.
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ddaleishere45 · 11 months
Exploring S.T.E.M
By Dale V. Aldea (Grade 11-Perfection)
As a senior high school student, you've probably heard the term "STEM" being talked around countless times. Maybe you have heard that this strand is for students who wants to be a Doctor, an Engineer, even a Software Genius! But what exactly is STEM? Is it just more than just a senior high school strand? In this blog, we'll dive into the fascinating world of the STEM strand.
S.T.E.M and its origins
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STEM is one of many strands you can take up in Senior High School. It stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The S.T.E.M acronym was first introduced in 2001 by a a group of scientific administrators at the U.S. National Science Foundation (Hallinen, 2023). The organization previously used the acronym SMET when referring to the career fields in those disciplines or a curriculum that integrated knowledge and skills from those fields but was later changed to STEM and since then, STEM-focused curriculum has been extended to many countries like the United States, Australia, China, France, South Korea, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and was later introduced here in the Philippines by the K-12 program.
Decoding the Acronym
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S.T.E.M - SCIENCE Science is all about understanding the natural world, from the smallest particles to the vastness of the space. It involves asking questions, making hypotheses, conducting experiments, and analyzing data to discover the basic principles that govern the universe. If you aim to take science related courses or medicine in college, well you're in luck because this strand offers primary education for the said courses.
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Technology is everything from smartphones and laptops to life-saving medical devices and cutting-edge space exploration equipment. It's the practical application of scientific knowledge to create tools, systems, and solutions that make our lives more efficient, convenient, and safe. If you're interested in software development, computer engineering, or even app designs in college, this strand is for you.
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Engineering is the art of using scientific and technical knowledge and using it to design and make solutions. From bridges and skyscrapers to renewable energy systems and electric cars, engineers turn ideas into real, functional realities. The field of engineering is big, with specialties like civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and aerospace engineering, to name just a few. Well in this strand you can learn the basics of those courses to prepare yourselves in college.
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Mathematics serves as the language of STEM. It is the foundation upon which all the other subjects are based. Our high school math classes help us develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and logical reasoning qualities that are highly sought after in any profession. Whether you are planning on taking a career directly related to mathematics or use it as a tool to excel in another S.T.E.M field, its importance cannot be overstated.
Is STEM important?
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The S.T.E.M strand in senior high school very important for students like me. The strand prepares students who are planning on taking on courses that are related to science, technology things, engineering, architecture and many more. The strand also focuses on enhancing the students problem-solving skills, critical thinking and creativity. This is a big help, giving us students a big boost in knowledge in the fields of science and math for college.
So keep this in mind, STEM isn't just a some random acronym made for Senior High School, it is a gateway of understanding the world around us. The strand equips students with knowledge and curiosity for the fields in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, creating a path for a bright future. STEM is more than just a strand, it is a journey of discovery and learning to limitless possibilities.
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1️⃣ Download Mathematical Academy App :- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.edmingle.mathematicalacademy
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3️⃣ YouTube :- http://www.youtube.com/c/MATHEMATICALACADEMY
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------------------------🙏🏼 Thank you🙏🏼---------
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azeez-unv · 5 hours
We know the struggle with mathematics—for both teachers and students—all too well. Students’ math scores, as per the “Nation’s Report Card,” have plunged to record lows. Misconceptions in early grades can mushroom into large knowledge gaps in later ones, which can barricade students from higher-level math courses. And the very subject can trigger anxiety and negative feelings.
Here are strategies for teachers and students to learn math better:
1.Use real-world examples: Connect math concepts to everyday life.
2.Visual aids: Utilize graphs, charts, diagrams, and videos.
3.Differentiated instruction: Cater to various learning styles.
4.Encourage collaboration: Group work and discussions.
5.Formative assessments: Regularly check students' understanding.
6.Technology integration: Educational software and online resources.
7.Storytelling: Make math problems relatable and engaging.
8.Feedback, not answers: Guide students to discover solutions.
9.Emphasize problem-solving: Focus on critical thinking.
10.Continuous professional development: Update math knowledge.
1.Practice consistently: Regular exercises and review.
2.Understand concepts, don't just memorize.
3.Break problems down: Step-by-step analysis.
4.Use visual aids: Draw diagrams, graphs.
5.Ask questions: Clarify doubts.
6.Watch video tutorials: Supplement classroom learning.
7.Join study groups: Collaborative learning.
8.Play math games: Engaging practice.
9.Apply math to interests: Connect to hobbies, passions.
10.Seek help when needed: Teachers, tutors, peers.
1.Focus on understanding, not just grades.
2.Develop problem-solving skills.
3.Use math apps (e.g., Khan Academy, Mathway).
4.Participate in math competitions.
5.Read math-related books, articles.
6.Explore real-world applications.
7.Learn from mistakes.
8.Set achievable goals.
9.Celebrate progress.
10.Make math fun!
Math Open Reference
Math Playground
NASA STEM Resources
Books: Relevant Mathematics Textbooks
By implementing these strategies, teachers and students can improve math understanding, build confidence, and develop a lifelong appreciation for mathematics.
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vyaan · 5 days
Best Smartboard for Education: A Guide to Transforming Classrooms
In the rapidly advancing digital era, educational tools like smartboards and interactive displays are significantly transforming the way students learn. These technological advancements are increasingly used to enhance teaching methods and provide an engaging, interactive environment for students. The best smartboard for education offers an all-in-one solution to modernize classrooms, making lessons more dynamic and collaborative. Similarly, smart panels for institutes are helping educators deliver impactful presentations while fostering student engagement.
In this guide, we will explore the benefits of using smartboards and smart panels in education and how they can enhance learning outcomes in schools and educational institutes.
What is a Smartboard?
A smartboard is an interactive display tool that acts as a digital whiteboard. It allows teachers and students to interact with digital content using touch, gestures, or styluses. Unlike traditional whiteboards, smartboards offer multimedia integration, which enhances the learning experience. The best smartboards for education enable teachers to present content visually and students to engage with lessons in real-time, making them an essential tool for modern classrooms.
Advantages of Using Smartboards in Education
1. Interactive and Engaging Learning:  
   One of the main reasons educators are investing in smartboards is their ability to make learning more interactive. Instead of merely presenting static information, teachers can display multimedia content, quizzes, and interactive exercises, encouraging active student participation.
2. Multi-Touch Functionality:  
   The best smartboards for education come equipped with multi-touch technology, allowing multiple users to interact with the board simultaneously. This is especially useful for group work and collaboration exercises, fostering teamwork and problem-solving skills among students.
3. Enhanced Visual Learning:  
   With high-definition displays, smartboards provide clear visuals that help students better understand complex concepts. This is particularly beneficial in subjects like mathematics, science, and geography, where graphs, charts, and diagrams play a critical role in comprehension.
4. Seamless Connectivity:  
   Smartboards allow teachers to connect their devices, such as laptops and tablets, and display content directly on the board. Whether it’s a presentation, video, or interactive game, this seamless integration makes lessons more engaging and diverse.
5. Increased Student Participation:  
   Smartboards enable students to interact with content directly on the screen, making learning more hands-on. Whether through solving problems, answering questions, or participating in quizzes, smartboards promote active learning and enhance student participation.
Smart Panels for Institutes: Why They Matter
A smart panel for institute settings offers similar benefits to smartboards, but they are more tailored to large-scale classrooms, auditoriums, or conference rooms in professional training environments. These panels combine the functionality of smartboards with additional features suited for larger groups and more advanced collaboration.
Key Features of Smart Panels for Institutes
1. Larger Display Sizes:  
   Smart panels for institutes often come in larger sizes, ranging from 65 to 85 inches, making them suitable for bigger classrooms or lecture halls. The larger display ensures that students seated further away from the board can still view the content clearly.
2. Advanced Collaboration Tools:  
   These panels come with built-in software and apps that enable collaboration, such as screen sharing and real-time annotation. This is particularly useful for training sessions, seminars, or group discussions where collaboration is key.
3. Durability and Longevity:  
   Smart panels are built to withstand heavy use in educational settings. They feature sturdy designs and scratch-resistant screens, ensuring they last through years of daily use without losing functionality or visual quality.
4. Intuitive Touch Technology:  
   Similar to smartboards, smart panels are equipped with responsive touch technology that allows users to interact with the display seamlessly. This feature is essential for classrooms where students or instructors need to manipulate data or images in real-time.
5. Integration with Educational Tools:  
   Smart panels are compatible with various educational tools and platforms, allowing for the seamless integration of learning management systems (LMS), cloud-based applications, and more. This enhances the teaching experience, offering a wide array of resources at the teacher’s disposal.
How to Choose the Best Smartboard or Smart Panel for Your Institute
Choosing the right smartboard for education or smart panel for institute settings depends on several factors:
- Classroom Size: Ensure the board or panel is appropriately sized for the room. Smaller classrooms can benefit from 55 to 65-inch displays, while larger lecture halls may need panels over 75 inches.
- Touch Sensitivity: A responsive touch system is essential for smooth operation. Look for smartboards and panels with multi-touch capabilities, allowing multiple users to interact with the board at the same time.
- Software Integration: Choose a smartboard or smart panel that supports various educational software, allowing teachers to plan and execute interactive lessons without limitations.
- Durability: Ensure the board or panel is built for long-term use, with features like scratch resistance and a robust design that can withstand the demands of daily use.
For more detailed information on interactive displays and how to choose the best one for your educational needs, check out this comprehensive guide: Interactive Flat Panel (https://vgyaan.co.in/interactive-flat-panel/).
Why Schools and Institutes Should Invest in Smart Technology
Smartboards and smart panels are more than just tools—they are investments in the future of education. By incorporating these technologies, schools and institutes can offer students a richer, more interactive learning environment. Here’s why investing in the best smartboard for education and smart panels for institutes is a wise choice:
1. Promotes Active Learning:
   Traditional learning methods often focus on passive consumption of information. Smartboards and smart panels shift this dynamic by promoting active engagement, encouraging students to interact with lessons, and fostering critical thinking.
2. Supports Differentiated Learning:
   Every student learns differently. With a smartboard, teachers can customize lessons to cater to visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. The ability to display multimedia content, conduct real-time quizzes, and interact with lessons enables teachers to address different learning styles more effectively.
3. Prepares Students for the Future:
   Technology is an integral part of today’s workforce, and by integrating smart technology into classrooms, institutes prepare students for the tech-driven world they will enter after graduation. Understanding how to use interactive technology will be an essential skill for future job markets.
4. Improves Teacher Efficiency:
   Teachers benefit from the ease of use and flexibility that smartboards and smart panels provide. They can easily switch between media, write and save notes, and access online resources, all from a single device. This increases the efficiency of lesson delivery and allows for more interactive and spontaneous teaching moments.
Conclusion: Empower Your Classroom with the Best Smartboard for Education
As educational institutions continue to modernize, the demand for advanced teaching tools like smartboards and smart panels grows. These tools not only enhance the quality of education but also make learning a more interactive and engaging experience for students. By investing in the best smartboard for education or an appropriate smart panel for institute settings, schools and institutes can foster a collaborative learning environment and better prepare students for a digital future.
For more insights into the latest advancements in interactive technology for classrooms, be sure to explore this helpful resource: [Interactive Flat Panel Display Guide](https://vgyaan.co.in/interactive-flat-panel/).
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vertuphone1998 · 9 days
From Glitz to Health: How VERTU AI Ring Outshines Traditional Diamonds
Tired of the daily pain of finger pricks for blood sugar testing? Seeking a more convenient and precise way to manage your health? The VERTU AI smart ring, the world's first non-invasive glucose monitoring smart ring, will revolutionize your blood sugar management experience!
Utilizing revolutionary Raman spectroscopy technology, the VERTU AI Ring emits near-infrared light to penetrate the skin and interact with glucose molecules. This interaction creates Raman scattering, allowing the ring to detect changes in the reflected light's optical parameters and accurately measure blood glucose levels.
Equipped with the high-precision OptiChip GD3020 sensor, the VERTU AI Ring performs measurements at a rate of 60Hz per second. Combined with mathematical models and multi-parameter fusion algorithms, it ensures accurate and stable glucose monitoring, with clinical validation showing an accuracy rate of up to 80%, giving you clear insights into your glucose fluctuations.
The VERTU AI Ring app offers four levels of risk alerts, providing you with a clear understanding of your blood sugar risk and personalized health recommendations.
VERTU AI vs. Oura: Which Understands Your Health Better?
While the Oura smart ring excels in sleep and heart rate monitoring, it does not offer glucose tracking. The VERTU AI Ring integrates blood glucose monitoring into its features, providing you with a more comprehensive set of health data and precise management solutions.
VERTU AI vs. Traditional Diamond Rings: Technology Meets Elegance!
Traditional diamond rings focus solely on aesthetics and value, whereas the VERTU AI Ring blends technology with style. It not only boasts an elegant appearance but also offers robust health monitoring features, protecting your health while you wear a diamond ring.
Experience the Future of Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring with VERTU AI Ring! Start your journey to better health today!
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xaracosmia · 14 days
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name / alias: billie
age: 25
pronouns: they/them
ooc contact: @tenaclty on tumblr
other characters in xc: nefja
name: Priest Entity Nada
age: adult
pronouns: they/them
series: No Man's Sky
canon point: post-Artemis Path
app triggers: 
mentioned mass death
Nada is a curious creature, by pretty much every definition of the word. Like all Korvax, they have an investigative nature, and place great importance on understanding the world around them. The Korvax strive to live at peace with the universe, and think this peace can be achieved through study. They believe that harmony is the only solution to the mathematical equation of existence, and consider greed, hatred, and violence illogical. 
Nada, however, is not exactly like other Korvax. Faced with deletion if they ever return to the Convergence, they have developed a sense of individual worth that runs counter to Korvax sensibilities. They encourage the people they meet to think similarly, and place great value on the safety and wellbeing of their friends. Because they understand how terrible it is to be alone, they strive to create a community where everyone feels welcome, even when that’s inconvenient or dangerous. 
something your muse struggles with: Nada never truly recovered from being cut off from their species’s hive mind, the Convergence. It’s a source of constant loneliness and discomfort for them, and causes them to treat their friendships with a sometimes-undue amount of reverence.
your muse’s greatest strength: Nada is a great leader. They are patient, persistent, and visionary, with the skills to make big plans and put them into action.
history / background:
"With a fury exceeding all prior skirmishes, the Sentinels annihilated all biological life within the universe in a span of 54.2 standard minutes."
Shortly after, an apparently abandoned freighter went down over the plains of a backwater world. Such events were not uncommon in the sector in which Specialist Polo worked. Assigned to monitor this kind of thing, Polo noticed Korvax life signs in the scan of the wreck, and set out to investigate. They never returned to their post.
In the steaming rubble of the freighter–which bore the markings of no company known to the galaxy–they found a single living Korvax. The machine was shaken, disoriented, distressed… but mostly unharmed. They identified themself as Nada, a Priest Entity charged with the service of a Traveler. All that was left now to serve was a twisted corpse.
Nada spoke quickly, in terms that were sometimes complex and sometimes simply outlandish, but Polo hung on their every word. The Korvax told the story of all they had seen: of the Sentinels turned hostile, rising against the entire universe like a tide of glass. They detailed the freighter’s frantic escape, bound toward the center of the galaxy in the final, furtive hope of protecting the Traveler, its living payload. Their lights blinked forlornly as they described the moment, just hours from the galactic core, that the Sentinels finally broke through the hull. They had failed their mission, but by then it was too late to abort; the freighter tipped through the heart of the universe, with only Nada still alive aboard.
The truth was apparent. Neither Polo nor Nada could attempt to return to their former lives.
Instead, they began to plan. With Polo’s expertise, and Nada’s dreamlike recollection of the space between universes, they constructed an odd edifice–a ship the size of a space station, which cut through time and space like a fish through water. It was equipped with everything they needed to embark on their new mission: contacting other Travelers, and determining the true nature of their manifold reality.
powers / abilities: n/a
inherent abilities: 
KORVAX PHYSIOLOGY: Nada is a Korvax, a kind of sapient machine. They have mechanical analogues to most biological processes; for instance, instead of eating, they get energy from solar panels or batteries. Korvax also don’t breathe, are waterproof unless damaged, and can withstand pressures noticeably higher and lower than those tolerated by humans. Most Korvax can also wirelessly interface with compatible machines, but Nada needs a wired connection to do this.
items / weapons: n/a
starting ability: n/a
starting item: n/a
if you play no man's sky with me i will kiss you directly on the lips (platonically)
discord id: priest_entity
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rachithacademyseo · 20 days
Top Study Materials and Resources Recommended by CA Foundation Coaches in Coimbatore
Embarking on the journey to become a Chartered Accountant begins with a solid foundation. At Rachith Academy in Coimbatore, we understand the importance of having the right study materials and resources to excel in the CA Foundation Course in Coimbatore exams. Our experienced coaches have compiled a list of top resources that have proven to be effective for our students over the years.
ICAI Study Material
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) provides comprehensive study material that covers the entire syllabus for the CA Foundation course. These materials are a must-have for every student as they are designed by experts and provide in-depth coverage of all topics. Our coaches at Rachith Academy emphasize thoroughly understanding and regularly revising these materials.
Practice Manuals
Practice manuals issued by ICAI are another essential resource. They contain numerous practical problems and solutions that help students understand the application of theoretical concepts. Regular practice from these manuals can significantly enhance problem-solving skills and time management during exams.
Previous Years’ Question Papers
Solving previous years’ question papers is one of the most effective ways to prepare for the CA Foundation Course in Coimbatore. These papers help students get familiar with the exam pattern, marking scheme, and types of questions that are frequently asked. At Rachith Academy, we provide access to a comprehensive collection of past papers and encourage students to solve them under timed conditions.
Revision Test Papers (RTPs)
ICAI releases Revision Test Papers before each attempt of the CA Foundation Course in Coimbatore exams. These papers are designed to test students’ preparedness and provide insights into the types of questions that may appear in the upcoming exams. Our coaches recommend going through these RTPs diligently as they often contain important updates and amendments.
Suggested Answers
Suggested answers released by ICAI are invaluable for understanding the correct approach to answering questions. They provide model answers to previous exams and help students learn the correct way to present their answers. Reviewing these suggested answers can greatly improve answer writing skills, which is crucial for scoring high marks.
Reference Books by Renowned Authors
While ICAI materials are essential, reference books by renowned authors can provide additional perspectives and simplified explanations of complex topics. Some highly recommended authors include Tulsian for Accounting, S.N. Maheshwari for Business Laws, and P.C. Tulsian for Business Mathematics. Our faculty at Rachith Academy often refer to these books during lectures and recommend them for supplementary study.
Online Learning Platforms
With the advent of technology, online learning platforms have become a popular resource among CA Foundation students. Websites and apps like Unacademy, Aldine, and CAclubindia offer video lectures, live classes, and doubt-solving sessions that can be very beneficial. At Rachith Academy, we integrate these digital resources into our teaching methodology to provide a blended learning experience.
Mock Tests
Taking regular mock tests is a crucial part of CA Foundation Course in Coimbatore preparation. Mock tests help students assess their understanding, identify weak areas, and build exam temperament. At Rachith Academy, we conduct regular mock tests that simulate the actual exam environment, enabling students to build confidence and improve their performance.
Choosing the right study materials and resources is pivotal to succeeding in the CA Foundation Course in Coimbatore exams. At Rachith Academy in Coimbatore, our dedicated coaches ensure that students have access to the best resources and guide them on how to utilize these materials effectively. By following our recommendations and maintaining a disciplined study routine, students can significantly enhance their chances of success in the CA Foundation exams.
To Know More  https://rachithacademy.com/top-study-materials-and-resources-recommended-by-ca-foundation-coaches-in-coimbatore/
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jcmarchi · 23 days
Jason Knight is Co-founder and VP of ML at OctoAI – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/jason-knight-is-co-founder-and-vp-of-ml-at-octoai-interview-series/
Jason Knight is Co-founder and VP of ML at OctoAI – Interview Series
Jason Knight is Co-founder and Vice President of Machine Learning at OctoAI, the platform delivers a complete stack for app builders to run, tune, and scale their AI applications in the cloud or on-premises.
OctoAI was spun out of the University of Washington by the original creators of Apache TVM, an open source stack for ML portability and performance. TVM enables ML models to run efficiently on any hardware backend, and has quickly become a key part of the architecture of popular consumer devices like Amazon Alexa.
Can you share the inspiration behind founding OctoAI and the core problem you aimed to solve?
AI has traditionally been a complex field accessible only to those comfortable with the mathematics and high-performance computing required to make something with it. But AI unlocks the ultimate computing interfaces, that of text, voice, and imagery programmed by examples and feedback, and brings the full power of computing to everyone on Earth. Before AI, only programmers were able to get computers to do what they wanted by writing arcane programming language texts.
OctoAI was created to accelerate our path to that reality so that more people can use and benefit from AI. And people, in turn, can use AI to create yet more benefits by accelerating the sciences, medicine, art, and more.
Reflecting on your experience at Intel, how did your previous roles prepare you for co-founding and leading the development at OctoAI?
Intel and the AI hardware and biotech startups before it gave me the perspective to see how hard AI is for even the most sophisticated of technology companies, and yet how valuable it can be to those who have figured out how to use it. And seeing that the gap between those benefiting from AI compared to those who aren’t yet is primarily one of infrastructure, compute, and best practices—not magic.
What differentiates OctoStack from other AI deployment solutions available in the market today?
OctoStack is the industry’s first complete technology stack designed specifically for serving generative AI models anywhere. It offers a turnkey production platform that provides highly optimized inference, model customization, and asset management at an enterprise scale.
OctoStack allows organizations to achieve AI autonomy by running any model in their preferred environment with full control over data, models, and hardware. It also delivers unmatched performance and cost efficiency, with savings of up to 12X compared to other solutions like GPT-4.
Can you explain the advantages of deploying AI models in a private environment using OctoStack?
Models these days are ubiquitous, but assembling the right infrastructure to run those models and apply them with your own data is where the business-value flywheel truly starts to spin. Using these models on your most sensitive data, and then turning that into insights, better prompt engineering, RAG pipelines, and fine-tuning is where you can get the most value out of generative AI. But it’s still difficult for all but the most sophisticated companies to do this alone, which is where a turnkey solution like OctoStack can accelerate you and bring the best practices together in one place for your practitioners.
Deploying AI models in a private environment using OctoStack offers several advantages, including enhanced security and control over data and models. Customers can run generative AI applications within their own VPCs or on-premises, ensuring that their data remains secure and within their chosen environments. This approach also provides businesses with the flexibility to run any model, be it open-source, custom, or proprietary, while benefiting from cost reductions and performance improvements.
What challenges did you face in optimizing OctoStack to support a wide range of hardware, and how were these challenges overcome?
Optimizing OctoStack to support a wide range of hardware involved ensuring compatibility and performance across various devices, such as NVIDIA and AMD GPUs and AWS Inferentia. OctoAI overcame these challenges by leveraging its deep AI systems expertise, developed through years of research and development, to create a platform that continuously updates and supports additional hardware types, GenAI use cases, and best practices. This allows OctoAI to deliver market-leading performance and cost efficiency.
Additionally, getting the latest capabilities in generative AI, such as multi-modality, function calling, strict JSON schema following, efficient fine-tune hosting, and more into the hands of your internal developers will accelerate your AI takeoff point.
OctoAI has a rich history of leveraging Apache TVM. How has this framework influenced your platform’s capabilities?
We created Apache TVM to make it easy for sophisticated developers to write efficient AI libraries for GPUs and accelerators more easily. We did this because getting the most performance from GPU and accelerator hardware was critical for AI inference then as it is now.
We’ve since leveraged that same mindset and expertise for the entire Gen AI serving stack to deliver automation for a broader set of developers.
Can you discuss any significant performance improvements that OctoStack offers, such as the 10x performance boost in large-scale deployments?
OctoStack offers significant performance improvements, including up to 12X savings compared to other models like GPT-4 without sacrificing speed or quality. It also provides 4X better GPU utilization and a 50 percent reduction in operational costs, enabling organizations to run large-scale deployments efficiently and cost-effectively.
Can you share some notable use cases where OctoStack has significantly improved AI deployment for your clients?
A notable use case is Apate.ai, a global service combating telephone scams using generative conversational AI. Apate.ai leveraged OctoStack to efficiently run their suite of language models across multiple geographies, benefiting from OctoStack’s flexibility, scale, and security. This deployment allowed Apate.ai to deliver custom models supporting multiple languages and regional dialects, meeting their performance and security-sensitive requirements.
In addition, we serve hundreds of fine-tunes for our customer OpenPipe. Were they to spin up dedicated instances for each of these, their customers’ use cases would be infeasible as they grow and evolve their use cases and continuously re-train their parameter-efficient fine-tunes for maximum output quality at cost-effective prices.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit OctoAI.
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coconutsplit · 26 days
A preparation journal is a tool designed to help you organize, plan, and reflect on your preparation for a specific goal or event. Whether you're getting ready for an exam, a presentation, a major project, or even a life event, a preparation journal can keep you focused and on track. Here’s how to create and use a preparation journal effectively:
1. Setting Up Your Journal
Format: Choose a format that suits your needs—whether it’s a physical notebook, a digital document, or an app designed for journaling or planning.
Organization: Structure your journal in a way that aligns with your preparation timeline. This could be by dates, tasks, or phases of your preparation.
2. Define Your Goal
Clear Objective: Start by clearly defining what you are preparing for. Write down the specific goal or event, such as “Prepare for final exams in mathematics” or “Plan a successful product launch.”
Break Down the Goal: Break the main goal into smaller, manageable tasks or milestones. For example, if preparing for an exam, you might break it down by subjects or chapters.
3. Planning and Scheduling
Timeline: Create a timeline that maps out all the tasks and milestones leading up to your goal. Be realistic about the time you have and allocate time for each task accordingly.
Daily/Weekly Tasks: List the tasks you need to complete each day or week. Be specific—rather than writing “study,” write “review chapter 5 and practice problems.”
Prioritize Tasks: Identify which tasks are most important or time-sensitive, and prioritize them in your schedule.
4. Tracking Progress
Daily Entries: Record what you accomplished each day. Note any progress made, tasks completed, and areas where you might need more time.
Milestones: Reflect on reaching key milestones. How did you feel? What helped you get there?
Adjustments: As you progress, make adjustments to your plan as needed. If certain tasks take longer than expected, update your timeline accordingly.
5. Reflection
Challenges and Solutions: Reflect on any challenges you encounter during your preparation. What were the obstacles? How did you overcome them, or how do you plan to?
Strengths and Weaknesses: Identify areas where you feel confident and areas where you need more work. Use this to guide your focus in the coming days or weeks.
Motivation and Mindset: Document how you’re feeling about your preparation. Are you staying motivated? If not, what can you do to boost your morale?
6. Preparation Strategies
Study Techniques: If preparing for an academic or knowledge-based goal, document different study techniques you’re using and how effective they are.
Practice and Rehearsal: For presentations or performances, use your journal to track your practice sessions. Reflect on what went well and what needs improvement.
Resource Management: Keep track of the resources you’re using (books, websites, tools) and how helpful they are. Note if you need additional resources.
7. Visual Planning Tools
Checklists: Create checklists for tasks to ensure nothing is overlooked. This is especially useful for detailed preparation processes.
Mind Maps: Use mind maps to organize and visualize complex information or ideas.
Calendars: Incorporate a calendar or timeline to visualize your preparation schedule.
8. Final Review
Final Preparations: As the goal or event approaches, review your journal to ensure all tasks are completed. Make final adjustments as needed.
Pre-Event Reflection: Before the big day (exam, presentation, event), reflect on your preparation. How confident do you feel? Is there anything else you need to review or practice?
9. Post-Event Reflection
Outcome Assessment: After the event or goal is completed, reflect on the outcome. Did your preparation pay off? What went well? What could have been better?
Lessons Learned: Document any lessons learned from the experience. How can these lessons inform your approach to future preparation?
10. Future Planning
Ongoing Goals: If the preparation was part of a larger, ongoing goal, use the insights from your journal to plan your next steps.
Improvement Strategies: Think about how you can improve your preparation strategies for the future. What would you do differently next time?
A preparation journal is a powerful tool to stay organized, motivated, and reflective during the lead-up to any significant goal or event. By documenting your process, you can not only ensure you're thoroughly prepared but also learn valuable lessons for future challenges.
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nexthikes01 · 1 month
Expert Android app development Company in india: Transforming ideas into successful Mobile apps created by highly skilled android app developers to help your business grow | nexthikes 
In today’s fast-moving digital business, bearing a mobile app is no longer a luxury but a requirement for businesses. As more clients depend on smartphones to connect with brands, it is essential for companies to purchase quality app development to stay vying. That’s where a Robot App Happening Guest in Gurgaon like Nexthikes comes into the picture. At Nexthikes,  Android app development company in gurgaon we turn your app plans into profitable mobile uses by way of our highly skillful builders.
Whether you reverse boost client data, streamline trade processes, or tap into a new display, Android apps offer superlative hope. Let’s explore why Nexthikes is prominent as a manager in Android App Incident Aids and how we can help your trade evolve.
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Accompanying over 2.5 billion alive Android designs everywhere, Android is the ultimate established mobile computer software for basic operation. Trades that don't tap into this retail risk missing important tumor opportunities. A shapely Like a man app can boost visibility, embellish consumer engagement, and increase income.
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At Nexthikes, we have a dedicated group with the age of happening building healthy Robot apps across industries. We start by understanding your trade aims and target hearing to transfer solutions tailor-made to your needs.
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Rule App Happening: Building apps that indicate your brand and offer singular functionality to suit your trade.
UI/UX Design: We devote effort to creating user-friendly and charming designs that guarantee a seamless knowledge for your consumers.
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A well-designed app guarantees consumer engagement. At Nexthikes, our design crew closely accompany customers to develop instinctive, optically appealing interfaces that improve the user's knowledge.
5. Like a man App Development Aids at All Stage
We offer end-to-end Android App Incident Aids, including:
Conference and Preparation
Design and Development
Experiment: Severe testing across schemes and environments.
Begin: Deploying your app on the Google Play Store.
Post-begin Support: Continuous revises and feature augmentations.
6. The Role of App Growth Instrumentalities in India
India is a global center for IT and app happening services. At Nexthikes, we determine innovative, economical Robot app solutions that make even manufacturing trends.
7. The Benefits of Occupied accompanying Nexthikes
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8. Post-Initiate Support: Keeping Your App Amended
Our partnership doesn’t end at initiation. We offer inclusive post-launch support, containing renews, bug fixes, and feature integrations to ensure your app remnants vying.
9. Final Hopes: Ally with Nexthikes
Assist with Nexthikes can mutate your app plans into fully working, favorable Android apps. From Robot App Plotting to post-launch support, we guarantee your trade stays ahead in the mathematical countryside.
Contact Us :-
Company Name :- Nexthikes IT Solutions
Contact No:- 8076465694
Website:- www.nexthikes.com
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