#mary would push regulus off the diving board (into james's arms ofc)
t1oui · 3 months
thinking about james teaching regulus how to swim after the cave
reg is terrified and won't top clinging to him and james doesn't mind, he's perfectly patient, taking regulus out to swim in the river by effie and monty's every single day that the water's warm enough and then to the local muggle pool to teach him
eventually regulus gets to be a pretty strong swimmer and actually enjoys swimming, but sometimes he still panics and james ends up pulling reg around with him again
sometimes regulus just holds onto james and james will be jumping around and swimming fast just to make reg laugh
and then after they dry off james wraps him in a fluffy blanket and tells him how well he did (even if he got water in his nose and ended up panicking and almost drowning james)
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