#marvel just accept that you are the ones that made Stucky in the first place and release the scene
firefly-in-darkness · 3 years
Proud Popsicle
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Pairing → Dad!Stucky x Daughter!Reader (platonic)
Characters → Marvel Characters
Summary → Y/N visits her Dads after her holiday with her partner
Word Count → 1.4k
SSB2021 Square Fill → Dad/Daughter Dance - @star-spangled-bingo​
Warnings → Fluff.
Betas → @daydream3r-xo​ // all mistakes are my own.
A/N → I couldn’t help myself with this fluffy piece and Steve being such a mother hen and proud husband.
Firefly’s Masterlist // Star Spangled Bingo 2021
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It was the first time you’d seen your parents after returning from your holiday and you were beyond excited to spend the weekend with them, telling them all about the adventure you and your partner went on and catching up on all theirs too.
You rushed out of the taxi and eagerly into the arms held open wide, burying your head into the chest of your Pops. He chuckled at the tight hold you had on his waist and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Hi, Pops.” You mumbled into his chest, then looked up to him. “What time will Bucky be back from work?”
You were sure that Steve’s blonde locks and beard were peppered with more greys since your last visit a month ago. But his blue eyes still shone as bright as the day that he brought you, a quite eight-year-old, home from the adoption centre with Bucky.
It was Bucky that had spotted you at the orphanage, shy and playing on your own with some old raggedy toys. He always comments at family gatherings that it was the wild yet stoic look about you that drew him nearby. You were like a feral child in your own little world, he’d tell his closest friends.
It was the moments that you weren’t with family or friends that were hardest for Bucky, you’d grown used to it and didn’t bat an eye when people stared at his prosthetic arm, and you’d always help him through a panic attack from the crowded spaces. You didn’t care that your Dad caused a scene - he was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and he needed love and support around him. He had put aside his fears and given you the life of your dreams.
“He should be home in about half an hour, he took a half-day just to see our girl.” Steve beamed and picked up your suitcase. “Come on, I’ve got lunch ready and Auntie Nat is already here.”
You squealed and rushed through the front door and down the hallway to the kitchen. Your favourite aunt was perched on a stool at the breakfast bar with a beaming smile and waiting arms.
“Pops didn’t say you’d be here. When did you get back from Europe?” You threw your coat onto the dining table behind them.
“Last week. Clint and I completed the merger for the business earlier than we expected so we immediately jumped on the opportunity to come home.” Natasha explained. “It’s been a long eighteen months and I needed to see you guys properly. Not on a tiny cell screen.”
You were excited to hear everything about your aunt’s security firm’s expansion and what it was like to live on the other side of the world, but you were interrupted by a sandwich being placed in front of you by Steve. Stomach grumbling at the sight of your favourite filling.
“Steve was just showing me the wedding video,” Natasha smirked.
You groaned, “Not again. Are you seriously still showing that Pops? It’s been two years.”
“Nat hadn’t seen it,” he explained, to which you just raised your brow, knowing full well that she attended the ceremony and you’d sent a digital copy. Steve then added, “in person.”
You chuckled, “okay, what part you up to?”
“When Bucky joined us for the father, daughter dance.” Steve beamed; his chest puffed with pride.
You carried on eating your sandwich, “Well-”.
“Don’t eat with your mouth full.” Steve reprimanded as he started to walk out of the kitchen, “and hang your coat up when you’re done.”
You rolled your eyes and looked at your Auntie Nat for defence.
“Don’t look at me honey, you’re an adult and married now.” She put her hands up and followed Steve.
In a flash, you threw your coat on the hook in the hallway and took your sandwich into the lounge, sitting cross-legged on the couch between Steve and Nat. Both focused on the images playing out on the wall-mounted television.
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The swing band, hired by your parents, began playing Moonlight Serenade, you hooked your arm through Steve’s as he guided you onto the dancefloor for the Father, Daughter dance. It was already planned that Bucky and Steve would walk you down the aisle together and then the dance was with Steve. Bucky wasn’t sure if he’d be able to handle being up there and you accepted that because you wouldn’t put your Dad in a difficult position. Especially after everything he went through from serving for his country.
You made sure to hook the loop at the bottom of your dress before Steve brought you into his arms. It would be just your luck that you’d trip over the flowing skirts as he led you around the dancefloor. The pair of you swayed together, and both caught the adoring stare of Bucky as he watched them from the top table.
You cupped Steve’s cheek as tears glistened in his eyes, “What’s wrong, Popsicle?”
Steve chuckled at the nickname that Tony Stark had encouraged from the moment they met, “I’m just so proud of you sweetheart, you look beautiful.”
“Thank you, but please don’t cry. I’m not going anywhere.” You reassured.
“I know,” Steve sighed, a huge smile taking over his features. “I’m sorry that Bucky couldn’t join us.”
You shook your head, matching his smile, “He took me down the aisle with you, that’s what any girl would want of her Dad. Plus, we agreed, this was more your thing than his.”
Steve pulled you closer, and you tucked your head against his chest. Relishing in the magical moment, the love and fear of being separated by marriage had been weighing heavy on the three of them but it had only made their bond stronger.
You both must have closed your eyes and gotten lost in the music because the sudden tap on your shoulder had you both pulling away, startled at the presence of someone joining you.
Bucky smiled, holding out his hand, “Can I join you, doll?”
Excitement surged through you and you jumped into his arms, wrapping them around his neck and nuzzling his neck. You missed the looks between your parents, their silent conversation as they both pulled you into their hold and finished the dance as the family unit you would always remain.
“I love you Dad.” You rested your head on his shoulder.
“I love you too, honey,” Bucky responded with a kiss to your forehead.
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You looked over to Steve at the sound of the sniffing but then you realised it was Natasha who was also crying on the other side, you chuckled at the sight of the pair of them. Former hired bodyguards and security detail, strong and independent people, sobbing at the wedding video.
The sound of the front door opening and closing stopped your internal laughter, and you jumped out of your seat, knowing that your dad was finally home from work. You waited for his call, the one he’d done every day, from the moment you were officially theirs, and he never intended to stop.
“Honey, I’m home. Where’s my Princess?” 
You walked into the hallway then sprinted to him, “Dad!!”
Bucky staggered backwards then held you close, “careful sweetheart, I’m not as young as I used to be.”
You pulled away and looked at your Dad, eyes wide in shock, “you cut your hair.”
“Do you like it?” Bucky sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.
“Yes, it looks great.” You hugged him again, “Pops is watching the video again. Used the excuse of Auntie Nat seeing it in person.”
“Ugh, the punk.” Bucky chuckled and wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you walked down the hallway.
“I heard that!” Steve yelled from the lounge, “I might be getting old but my hearing’s still intact.”
“What?” Bucky responded. All they could hear was Steve grumbling and Natasha’s laughter. “Now, what has my partner in crime been up to?”
You’d forever deny that you always watched that part of your wedding video, with tears in your eyes too, whenever you were apart for more than a few weeks. You were the luckiest daughter ever and you couldn’t be prouder to be theirs.
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Everything Tag List: @kitkatd7​ / @fandomfic-galore​ / @writerwrites​ / @thefridgeismybestie​ / @wedonttalkaboutitenough​ / @courtneychicken​ / @persephonesinfernos​
Marvel Tag List: @natasha-danvers​ / @little-baby-vixen​ / @stuckonjbbarnes​ / @starlightcrystalline​ / @nekoannie-chan​ / @hailhydra920​ / @vollzeitliebe​ / @fitzsimmons-is-forever​ / @ladyacrasia​ / @emmabarnes​
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holylulusworld · 4 years
My favorite Captain
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader; Carol Danvers x fem!Reader
Characters: Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes
Warnings: angst, language, shy reader, awkward situations, concurrence, Tony being Tony, implied smut (it’s barely there), love triangle
Divider by @writeyourmindaway​
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“So, will you tell us who it is? Come on, Y/N. We both know you’ve got a huge crush. Stop lying to us, young lady,” you giggle, feeling your cheeks heat up as Natasha and Wanda won’t stop bugging you.
“You know that we will not tell anyone, Y/N. Just tell us. I wanna know who your secret crush is. Tony, Clint, or maybe Bucky?”
“No,” you whine, hiding your face in the palms of your hands. “Can you not stop asking. I’m sure the person doesn’t return my feelings, okay. Look at me and then look at-“ you bite your tongue as you almost let a name slip. “Stop bugging me!”
“Y/N Y/L/N, we will not leave you alone until you tell us a name. I’m a master at interrogating people,” Natasha grins. “Come one. We are bored and need anything to talk about. Give us juicy details.”
“Fine,” you look around the hallway, biting your lower lip. “I might have fallen for a certain captain,” Wanda squeals, grasps your hand to get more details.
“Tell us more! When? Where? How long? Will you tell them?” you roll your eyes at Wanda’s questions, knowing all too well your feelings will remain unrequited.
“Like half a year ago. On the first mission together. And no – I will not tell them!” you purse your lips, aiming one finger at Wanda. “None of you will tell anyone either or I’ll kill you and make it look like an accident, I swear!”
Whilst you warn your friends – Carol, and Steve smile dopey. “I fell for her too,” both Captains admit to each other.
“Wait. What?” Steve frowns when Carol looks at him, giving him a warning glare before she pokes her finger into his chest. “She's referring to me.“
“Bitch, she's clearly talking about me,” Carol glares at Steve. “You will keep your hands to yourself. My shy little mouse is mine.”
“Captain, I must ask you to not hit on my doll. She’s all mine. I’m sure she meant me, not you, Carol,” hands-on his hips Steve declares you are his girl.
“Fuck off,” Carol retorts. “This girl is mine, not yours, Steve. Look for someone else. She’s obviously in love with me.”
“No, she isn’t. Y/N is my girl, not yours. You better accept your defeat and leave her alone, Captain Danvers. If you excuse me now; I’m going to ask her out.”
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At the kitchen, not half an hour later you find yourself crowded by Steve and Carol. Somehow everyone else found an excuse to usher out of the room.
“So, do you like bikes?” Steve clears his throat, forcing a conversation on you.
“You mean if I like to ride one, Captain?” Steve grins, loving the way you used his title to address him. “I don’t know, to be honest. I never rode one before.”
“How about we go for a ride?” Carol jumps in, pushing Steve out of her way. She smiles widely, offers you a tea, the one she made for you whilst hitting on you as if her life depends on it. “Today?”
“I think Y/N wanted to go for a ride with me, Captain Danvers,” Steve quips. Oh-Captain America is a sore loser sometimes. “Right, Y/N?”
“I-I,” overwhelmed by their presence you start to whimper, before, without a warning, you dash out of the room, calling for Nat and Wanda on your way to your room.
“Well, that went well, Captain,” Carol sighs. “Did you have to scare her, Steve?”
“Me?” offended Steve looks at Carol, giving her a disapproving snort. “I tried to invite Y/N and you had to jump in and steal my date. Now she ran out of the room and it’s your fault!”
“No, it’s yours, Capsicle,” using the nickname Tony gave Steve on purpose Carol pushes against his chest. “That girl is mine, hands-off, Captain, or I’ll fight dirty.”
“I can fight dirty too,” Bucky snorts at Steve’s words while Sam stuffs popcorn into his mouth, enjoying the show. Clint and Tony joined ‘the show’ moments after you stormed out of the room and now they are all busy to watch Steve and Carol fight over you.
“Ten on capsicle to get a date with her,” Tony says.
“Twenty on Carol,” Sam retorts.
“Fifty on me,” Bucky snickers when all eyes land on him. “What? I’m not a Captain but a Sergeant. Maybe she got the title wrong, guys and lady. Now let me think about-“ pressed into the wall by Carol seconds later Bucky huffs. “I was just joking.”
“I said,” Carol glares at Bucky, “that girl is mine.”
“No, mine,” Steve runs out of the kitchen to get to your room before Carol gets the chance to talk to you first but Carol won’t give up that easily. After glaring at everyone in the kitchen one last time, she runs after Steve.
“To your left, Captain,” she smirks, easily outrunning Steve to knock at your door. “Y/N, please open the door. It’s me, your favorite Captain.”
“Doll, I’m here too, Y/N. I know I’m your favorite Captain,” Steve grins when Carol makes a face. He won’t lose you – no way.
“Captains?” dumbfounded you open the door, looking at Steve and Carol. “What can I do for you?”
“Tell us who you are in love with,” you gasp at Carol’s words. “We need to know as we feel the same. Now tell us and we can go on a date.”
“No, she will go on a date with me,” Steve insists. “She’s mine,” you whimper as Carol and Steve start to fight over you.
“Captains,” you try to find your voice when you to explain your feelings. “I like you both equally,” you blur out, eyes wide and fearful. “I can’t tell you that I like one more, Captains. I’m sorry.”
“You like us both?” humming Carol pinches the bridge of her nose. “You mean, you want us both?”
“Kinda,” you bite the inside of your cheek, chewing on it until you taste blood. “I can’t help it, Captain Danvers. You’re both so-,” unsure if you should tell them you dreamed of having both in a more intimate way you giggle.
“Doll,” Steve hums silently before he steps closer. “Does this mean you want us both to make love to you?”
“CAPTAIN ROGERS,” you gasp but your eyes lit up when Carol roamed your body with hungry eyes. “YES.”
“Oh-fuck me,” Natasha gasps. “Girl got a thing for both, Wanda. Clint won, again,” Wanda opens her wallet to hand Clint fifty bucks.
“It’s no fun to bet against Clint,” pouting Wanda looks at the money in Clint’s hand. “Such a shame we lost again.”
“Okay, everyone gets the fuck out of the hallway,” Carol glares at her teammates. “Steve, Y/N, and I will have a serious conversation now.”
“Will you be naked?” Tony calls from the end of the hallways. “Can you tape it? We’d like to have a detailed report.”
“We should clarify one thing – I will not give Y/N up, Steve.” adamant Carol grasps for your hand.
“Neither will I,” Steve takes your other hand, presses soft kisses to your knuckles. “What now? I mean-?”
“You could share me,” sometimes you can’t stop your mouth from running, that’s such a moment. “I mean, we could go on a date, all three of us. I’d like to have my favorite Captains all to myself tonight.”
“Carol?” looking at each other your favorite captains agree to go on a date with you.
“It’s settled then,” you drag Steve and Carol into your room, ignoring Tony who sneaked closer to your room to spy on you. “We will eat in my room and talk.”
“Talk right,” Tony grunts. “Capsicle, wear a condom. Captain Glow don’t blind our best girl with your powers. If Capsicle gets her pregnant, I’ll be the godfather.”
“Tony, can you just not,” dragging Tony away Natasha grunts. “Stop bugging Y/N. Let them do-“  Natasha laughs, when you slam the door shut, exclaiming both captains are yours now. “Well, I guess we just lost our most adored bachelor and bachelorette to Y/N.”
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funnyincorrectmcu · 3 years
Saw you were doing an ask spree so I have a question! What are your ultimate favourite Marvel fanfics? (Ao3 answers preferable!)
I ALWAYS LOVE THIS QUESTION!! But it’s also always SOO hard, because I have SO many fics that I ADORE! <3 <3 <3 
Okay okay. Since you’re asking for ultimate favorites, but since you’re also in a sense kind of asking for recommendations, I’ll do you a solid and give you a list of fifteen (which is really doing myself a solid because it means there are fewer that I have to narrow down). 
That said, if you really want my full list, go to my AO3 account and check out my bookmarks (and some of my works, if you’re interested!). Because there truly are a LOT of AMAZING writers out there. <3 <3 
Alright. Here goes nothing. 
Also, I am SO sorry this took me so long, but it took me forever to narrow down to fifteen, and even with THAT, I cheated. XD
Also also, fair warning, 95% of these are Tony and Peter centric. <3 
Also also also (lots of also’s, oops XD), I’m gonna give a little bit of info on each one for anyone interested, but PLEASE, read all tags and warnings before you actually start reading, because some of these are a little rougher than others. (Btw, when I say “major warnings”, I’m referring to AO3′s “major archive warnings” list.)
1. More Ancient Than Magic by @ironfamjam 
This is a mini Hogwarts AU that I absolutely ADORE and think about at least once a week. The way the author melds the two universes is incredible and so well done, and I quote it all the time.  One-shot, IronFam centric, featuring Ned and MJ, with special guest appearances from the other Avengers and Peter’s classmates. No major warnings. 
2. Everybody Loves Skip by @baloobird
Okay, Kris is my favorite MCU fanfic author of all time, so you’ll see her on here a couple of times. This is by far my favorite story of hers, and it’s what made me fall in love with Interwebs. <3 <3  Multichapter, Peter centric, featuring Ace!Peter and Interwebs, with special guest appearances from Tony, May, and Tracy Leeds. Minor sexual harassment/non-con, but it doesn’t get too graphic. 
3. Ohana by @jen27ny
I read this story as a part of last year’s Irondad Big Bang, and let me tell you, I was SOOO invested. I got to the point where I had to send in play by play reactions because I was so emotionally invested. The story is so well told. <3 Multichapter, Tony and Peter centric, featuring Pepperony, Spideychelle, and minor Stucky, with special guest appearances from the rest of the Avengers, HYDRA, and my fast beating heart. No major warnings. 
4. Come, My Darling, Homeward Bound by @i-am-irondad
ANOTHER Irondad Big Bang 2020 story that I became OVERLY invested in to the point that I had to send play by plays in to the author. It’s a Room AU, and she NAILS each and every one of the character dynamics. I never even saw Room, and I loved it. <3  Multichapter, Tony, Peter, and Morgan centric, featuring the rest of IronFam, Spideychelle, and adorable sibling moments, with special guest appearances from Quentin Beck and my tears. Minor implied sexual harassment/non-con. (She also has a prequel and a sequel, just so you know.) 
5. The Lightning Strike by @booksxtvxsupernatural
Yet ANOTHER Irondad Big Bang 2020 story that hit me right in the feels. This is a canon-divergent post-Infinity War fic, and the way the author shows how events could’ve transpired is so realistic and beautiful. <3  One-shot, Tony and Peter centric, featuring Harley Keener and Nebula, with special guest appearances from IronFam, May Parker, and several other Avengers. 
6. Family Doesn’t End with Blood by @baloobird
This is a series of one-shots by my girl Kris based off of the Irondad Bingo prompts, so there are a lot of different prompts and themes, but they ALL rock.  Multichapter, Tony and Peter centric, featuring Ace!Peter, IronFam, and Interwebs, with special guest appearances from several other MCU characters. Warnings vary, so pay attention to the tags and read the notes. 
7. I love you more than anything (bio dad AU) by @iron--spider
Okay, so maybe this is cheating, because it’s technically a series, but every fic in it is so good that I couldn’t possibly pick just one. I just love the whole series, because I love how the author builds their relationship. It’s so cute. <3  Series of one shots, Tony and Peter centric, featuring the rest of the Stark and Parker family and baby Peter, with special guest appearances from Obadiah Stane, James Rhodes, and Happy Hogan. No major warnings.
8. sometimes, people just die (and sometimes, they don’t) by @snarky-drabbles
This one was for the 2019 Irondad Secret Santa (huh. No wonder so many of them are Tony and Peter centric. XD), and it’s an amazing time loop story that takes place during Endgame and has an ending you might not expect, but it ROCKS.  One-shot, Tony and Peter centric from Peter’s POV, featuring Pepper Potts and Stephen Strange, with special guest appearances from a whole lot of fighting. XD 
9. A Rite of Passage by @baloobird
Another ADORABLE Interwebs from my favorite person, because she made me obsessed with this ship and now I can’t stop. XD  One-shot, Interwebs centric (wait, did I actually find one that isn’t Tony and Peter??), featuring Ace!Peter and Bi!Ned, with special guest appearances from Brad Davis, Flash Thompson, and Betty Brant. Minor sexual harassment/non-con, but nothing graphic at all. 
10. Where Dreams are Nightmares in Disguise by @baloobird
This one was actually written for me, by Kris, so obviously, it made this list. I seriously cannot thank her enough for writing this amazing fic for me based on my prompt, and for writing it so well! I LOVED IT! <3  One-shot, Tony, Peter, and Morgan centric, featuring Pepper Potts and lots of LEGOS, with a special guest appearance from a really bad dude. No major warnings. 
11. harm and foul by @iron--spider
You know, there’s a lot of Tony protecting Peter out there, but sometimes, I just really wanna see Peter protecting Tony, and this is a GREAT example of that.  One-shot, Tony and Peter centric, featuring IronFam, Ned Leeds, and bada** mofo Peter Parker, with special guest appearances from Justin Hammer and a few Avengers. No major warnings.
12. Sugar, Butter, Flour by @doctornineandthreequarters
Another one written for me, this time by the incredible Jaime for the 2019 Irondad Secret Santa, and I couldn’t have asked for anything better. She took my prompts to heart and created some BEAUTIFUL sibling bonding and I LOVE it!! <3 <3  One-shot, Peter, Harley, and Morgan centric (whoa. Another one without Tony. See? I have variety! ...kind of. XD), featuring Pepperony and adorable sibling love, with a special guest appearance from a Karen. No major warnings. 
13. Bite the Bullet by @baloobird
In case you haven’t figured it out, yet, I love you, Kris. XD <3 Another amazing ace story that gets me feeling all kinds of validated and loved. <3  One-shot, Tony and Peter centric, featuring Spideychelle, Ace!Peter, and Ace!Tony, with a special guest appearance from BFF Ned and lots of lovely ace acceptance. No major warnings. 
14. what is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over and still lives by @lyssismagical
So, I started reading her works solely through Tumblr, and when I finally realized that she had an AO3, I went on there and bookmarked a TON of her stories immediately. This is one of her more recent ones, but it’s one of my faves, even with all the whump (being Whumptober and all). It has a positive ending, I promise.  One-shot, Tony and Peter centric, featuring amazing BFF Michelle Jones, protective Peter Parker, and adorable little sister Morgan Stark, with special guest appearances from Pepper Potts, May Parker, and a lot of family love and support. Rape/non-con, but it isn’t super graphic. 
15. Peaches by @peterparkrr
This was yet another Irondad Secret Santa 2019 fic, and while this one wasn’t written specifically for me, I freaking loved it. There’s so much tension and mystery in this, and I seriously thought I was gonna pass out reading it from all of my worry. But, luckily, it has a happy ending.  One-shot, Tony and Peter centric, featuring canon divergence and lots of references to other Avengers, with a special guest appearance from a terrible government. No major warnings.
And there’s my top 15! But, because I said I was cheating, here are two bonus fics that cannot be found on AO3. I know you prefer AO3, but trust me when I say you cannot pass these up. 
1. This fic by @loubuttons
This was posted directly to Tumblr, but I have it saved in screenshots on my phone and I re-blog it all the time because I absolutely ADORE it. I will always be down for Peter and Morgan fics, especially when Tony is involved, and this one touches my heart like no other.  One-shot, Tony, Peter, and Morgan centric, featuring protective big bro Peter Parker and Tony being an amazing parent, with special guest appearances from equally awesome Pepper Potts and May Parker. No major warnings. 
2. He’s My Intern? by losingmymindtonight (if they have a Tumblr, I don’t know it, so if anyone knows it, please find them and tell them they’re awesome)
This one was posted on FF.net, and it was actually one of the first Tony and Peter stories I ever read, and it BLEW me away. This one is another series of one-shots, but each one is filled with soft Tony and Peter moments and I love it.  Multichapter, Tony and Peter centric, featuring Happy Hogan, Bruce Banner, F.R.I.D.A.Y., and all the hurt/comfort you could possibly want, with special guest appearances from Pepper Potts, May Parker, Ned Leeds, and several other Avengers. No major warnings.  
Okaaaaay. I think that’s it?? 
Wow. That took me FOREVER. 
And I’m not even sorry, because all of these authors deserve ALL of the credit I gave them. 
Thank you so much for asking this! I hope I didn’t bore you or babble too much. XD 
All of you should definitely check out these amazing fics! They 100% deserve the praise! <3 <3 
Thanks again for asking! <3 
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tlcwrites · 3 years
Two Hearts Make a Whole
Prompt: “Kiss me again, like you mean it.” Photo prompt below.
Summary: NYC Pride is for celebration, and occasionally, long-overdue revelations.
Word Count: 2,001
Tags/Content warnings: Marvel. Stucky. If you have a problem with it, there's the door. SFW. Slight TFATWS spoilers so read at your own risk. Platonic Reader. Two idiots in love. Technically canon-divergent because I'm still in my everyone-is-alive-and-in-this-timeline happy place that I will never ever leave fuck you very much Russo brothers but not AU. Found family. All the feels. Complete and total LGBTQ+ support. Lots of bad language words because #me. Un-beta'd.
Author’s Note: Okay so yes this is technically 4 weeks late for @autumnleaves1991-blog's Writer Wednesday weekly challenge. BUT, it was incredibly important to me to finish this one before Pride month is over. Made it by the skin of my teeth.
Happy Pride, y’all. If you’re out, you’re amazing. If you’re closeted, you’re amazing. However you identify is valid and important. Trans folx are LGBTQ+. Bisexuals are LGBTQ+. Ace folx are LGBTQ+. Anyone who identifies or thinks they may be as queer is LGBTQ+. All are welcome in the family. You have the right to choose your pronouns and we have the responsibility to use them. Live whatever your truth looks like to you and love each other. Love is love is love is love. If your family doesn’t accept you for you, I’m your mom now and I’ve got mom hugs available on demand. Homophobes and TERFS can fuck off and roll in poison ivy. Always punch Nazis. Pride shouldn't be limited to the month of June. And don’t you dare forget that Black and Brown trans women were the ones who rioted at Stonewall, and we owe everything to their bravery. Don’t forget that much of popular ‘gay’ culture was appropriated from Black women. And for more facts about Pride that you should absolutely know, Rawiyah Tariq (@ mammyisdead on Instagram) has a phenomenally good overview.
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“Oh my god.” You gasp loudly. "Oh my GOD. Is that-"
“What?!” Instantly in First Avenger Protective Mode™️, Steve surveys the crowd, wishing he had an actual shield instead of the screen printed one on his shirt. “What is it?”
You gasp again, smacking Sam’s arm repeatedly. “OHMYGOD IT IS HOLY FUCK.”
“First; ow.” Now-Cap rubs his bicep. “Second; clue in the class before Steve has an aneurysm, please.”
Vibrating with excitement doesn’t begin to describe your current state. “HER ROYAL HIGHNESS MISS LEMON MERINGUE IS STANDING RIGHT FUCKING THERE.”
With the finesse of a shampoo commercial, Bucky's dark locks fly as he whips around. “What?!”
“RIGHT THERE RIGHT THERE RIGHT THERE.” You abandon a relieved Sam and latch on to Bucky’s vibranium arm. “Oh my GOD I love her so fucking much.”
“She was robbed, absolutely fucking robbed,” he agrees, craning his neck to get a better view. “Divine Tension’s lip sync was shameful.”
Sam glances at Steve, who is slowly coming out of protector mode. “What the ever-loving hell are they talking about?”
“RuPaul’s Drag Race.” Nat flicks more confetti at both Cap-the-former and Cap-the-current. “They watch it every week.”
“Really, Steven, for a guy with enhanced super senses, you miss a lot.” Tony hefts a bedazzled Morgan higher on his back. The toddler, accompanied by Scott playing air-piano on the ground, sings along with the ABBA song being blasted at full volume through the street. Tony continues as if this is an everyday occurrence. “Why do you think both of your People disappear every Friday evening?”
Ears pink, Steve mumbles something.
“What?!” The only other one with hearing enhanced enough to hear a murmur over the cacophony of several thousand people belting out the chorus of ‘Dancing Queen’ at the top of their lungs, Bucky turns to stare at his friend. “You thought we were datin’?”
Steve’s blush extends down his neck.
You and Bucky stare at each other for a moment before you both collapse on each other, exploding into stomach clenching, thigh slapping laughter.
“I’m gonna guess that’s a ‘no’?” Clint confirms with Nat.
“Oh, a big ‘no’.” She watches affectionately as you and Bucky calm down enough to look at each other, breathe for a second, and both promptly dissolve into hysterics once more. “Like, the biggest ‘no’.”
Sam crossed his arms across his chest, his stoic stance so reminiscent of Steve it’s amusing (as well as a beautiful disparity to the sequined crop top he’s sporting. Oof, those abs.). “How do I not know about this?”
“Because you’re not a former super spy?” The usually-Black-but-today-Rainbow Widow tosses the last of her confetti at Tony, who spins a jubilant Morgan into it. “Or because you and that leggy barista from the lobby coffee shop are too busy playing hide-the-“
“-Baby Shark!” Morgan suddenly shrieks, flailing towards a guy on roller blades wearing a fin and tail (and not much else).
“Yeah,” Nat finishes with a smirk, “Hide-the-Baby Shark.”
Sam flips her a gesture that makes Clint laugh and Bruce sigh.
You and Bucky have finally managed to pull yourselves together. “Oh my god, Steven Grant,” you gasp, wiping tears from your eyes. “That’s the funniest fucking shit I’ve ever fucking heard.”
Steve glares at Tony. “One. Time. It was one. Time.”
Bucky slings his flesh arm around Steve’s shoulders. “Oh, punk. You may have perfect vision now, but sometimes you’re still as blind as you were before.”
Visiortn himself nods sagely. “Humans can be quite unperceptive when it comes to matters of the heart.” Vision casts a fond smile at Wanda, who is using her powers to make Pietro’s tinsel wig fly on and off. “Sometimes you have to look harder to see what’s right in front of your nose.”
A confused frown on that handsome face, Captain Clueless looks at Bucky. “Why do I feel like everyone else knows something that I don’t?”
His bestie sighs deeply. “Because, Stevie, almost everyone else on this planet knows that my tastes tend towards tall, blonde, blue-eyed knuckleheads who have zero sense of self-preservation.”
“And an ass you could bounce a quarter off of,” Scott helpfully supplies.
“And that,” Bucky agrees.
Steve frowns.
You press your palms to your eyes in vexation. “You, Steve. He’s talking about you.” (Seriously, how has this idiot survived for over a century while being so dumb?)
Whatever he was expecting, it was certainly not that. “He-“ The Man With A Plan gapes as he turns to his oldest friend. “You-“
“Me,” Bucky says gently.
Even though you’re slightly surprised that Bucky is going to do this in such a public forum, you can’t help but be so proud of your friend. It has taken a long time for Bucky to believe he deserves to be happy. There are days he still sinks into that dark place, where his inner demons whisper that he should have fought harder against his Hydra captors, and that his past actions were still somehow his fault. Those are the days no amount of baking or Modern Marvels will bring him out of his funk. You, Steve, Sam, and Nat have all held those strong shoulders as they shook with sobs, overwhelmed by the shame and horror at what his hands had done without his consent.
But he’s here. He’s free. And he’s smiling nervously at his best friend.
“I-” Steve is short-circuiting. “Me?!”
“Stevie.” With the kind of tender patience that can only be born of a lifetime of keeping (or attempting to keep) an idiot such as one Steven Grant Rogers from flinging himself headlong into every fight he comes across, Bucky moves his flesh hand to the back of Steve’s neck. His face is full of such soft affection that you almost want to look away for fear of intruding on this suddenly intimate moment. “What do you think ‘til the end of the line’ means, you idiot? You’ve been it for me since I was thirteen-years-old.”
Blue eyes are locked with blue eyes as Steve processes this revelation. “I-” He shakes his head as if to declutter his thoughts. “This whole time?”
“Since the first time I saw that asshole knock you down, and your scrawny ass climbed right back up.” A wry chuckle escapes as Bucky reminices. “You were ninety pounds soaking wet, and you stood there, against a guy who was three times your size, and never waivered for a second. It was magnificent.”
“I don’t like bullies,” is Steve’s quiet response.
Bucky’s grin is adoring. “I know, sweetheart.” He gently strokes the back of Steve’s neck with his thumb. “You’ve always had a heart way bigger than your brain.”
Steve is still back on the first part of Bucky’s admission. “If you’ve felt- if you-” He’s practically pleading. “Why didn’t you say anything then?”
Bucky shrugs, attempting and failing nonchalance. “It was a different time, you know?” He’s uncharacteristically unsure of himself, the subtle waiver in his voice revealing the anxiety born of a lifetime of being forced to hide his truth. “I mean, you remember how it was; you didn’t talk about, no one talked about- about being- about people like...” He swallows thickly.  “And I was so scared you didn’t, that you weren’t-” His voice breaks.
Even though you’ve all been emotionally invested in this love story for years, the entire team respectfully pretends not to listen as the former Winter Soldier quietly admits his deepest secret to his closest friend. It’s enraging as Bucky confesses yet another way he's been a victim of his circumstances, and denied his right to live freely without derision. Once more, you’re awed by his resilience.
“-it was a risk I couldn’t take,” Bucky finally gets out, that stubborn fire back in his eyes. “I couldn’t lose you, Steve. I couldn’t chance it. I could live with just being your friend and only your friend so long it meant you were in my life.”
Stunned silence meets the end of his confession. Steve’s face is impassive, those cerulean eyes uncharacteristically inscrutable.
You can all tell Bucky is heading steadily towards dread and heartbreak the longer Steve takes to respond. You and Sam exchange a look, both ready to intervene if Steve demonstrates any of the abhorrent attitudes that were so prevalent in the society of his youth. It would be completely out of character for him, but...
Finally, Steve speaks. “You’re telling me,” he says, his words slow and deliberate, “that you made me wait ninety-three years to tell me you’ve felt the same way about me as I have about you since the day you picked me up out of that alley?!”
The whole found family breaths a collective sigh of relief as Steve pulls Bucky even closer, broad chest to broad chest.
“Okay, to be fair, you were an ice cube for most of that time and I wasn’t exactly available for a relationship.” Bucky’s grin stands in contradiction to his mullish defense. “But yeah, that’s the gist of it.” There’s the Bucky you all know and love, biting his lip with those perfect white teeth. “Now, punk, I’d really like to kiss you now, but first I need you to say you want me to.”
“You-” Steve’s throat works as he attempts- and fails- to rein in his emotions. “You jerk.”
And then the Star Spangled Man seizes the president of the Sometimes-Former-Assassins Club by his ridiculously perfect face and crashes their mouths together.
At any Pride event, seeing two men kissing is, obviously, to be expected. But seeing The First Avenger and The White Wolf attempting to swallow each other’s tongues is not at all routine. As people realize what is happening, the crowd is whipped into a frenzy the likes of which is usually reserved for the aftermath of sporting events and elections that defeat fascists.
Watching the two men embrace, Scott sniffles loudly. “I’m gonna cry, I’m so happy.”
He’s certainly not the only one. Wanda has a watery smile as she wraps her arms around Vision and Pietro; Pepper, Tony, and Bruce are watching with fond parental energy; you and Sam sandwich Peter between the two of you, grins practically splitting your faces. Even Nat’s eyes look suspiciously shiny and she and Clint sling their arms around each other with platonic affection. And that’s not counting the several thousand people who are cheering for love being love being love being love.
When they finally break their embrace, the Centennial twins are startled to see they’ve collected quite an audience.
“Uh, so…” Suddenly bashful, Steve glances back to his- partner? Boyfriend? Soulmate? Is there a word that can accurately describe two people who have found each other time and again in a world that seems hell-bent on keeping them apart?- his ears practically maroon with embarrassment. For a guy with one of the most-recognized faces in the world, Steve is still incredibly and endearingly uncomfortable with attention. “Buck?”
Bucky seems just as stunned as Steve.
Thankfully, the masses demonstrate the usual support that’s the hallmark of Pride. “LOVE IS LOVE!” someone screams in the crowd. It’s quickly echoed, and chants fill the park.
The attention momentarily off them, the former Winter Soldier and his giant himbo of a soulmate look back at each other. You pretend not to watch through the happiest tears as they embrace again, bringing their foreheads together. The relief they share is palpable, as they’re finally able to show the world- and each other- the love they’ve each hidden for so long.
Bucky’s voice is so soft you have to strain to hear it. “You have no idea how much m’in love with you, Stevie.”
“Pretty sure I do,” Steve answers, bringing a hand up to carefully wipe the tears from Bucky’s face. “‘cause it’s as much as I love you, Buck.”
Bucky's answering grin can only be described as saucy. “Then kiss me again, like you mean it.”
And Steve, for once in his long life, does exactly as ordered.
A/N: “The Sometimes-Former-Assassins Club” is from Starry_Emerald173’s BRILLIANT The Avengers Wrangler over on AO3. If you haven’t read it yet, drop what you’re doing and do so immediately. Make sure you're not drinking any liquids, or your keyboard/phone may be in peril.
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buckysbitch107 · 4 years
Can you write a fic where Bucky sabe reader from her toxic friends?? Can you make them really mean and make Bucky really sassy? Thanks 😊 btw I love your writing so far! You’re really good 😝
A Little Help | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You don’t even know why you still hang out with them. They’re rude, ignorant, and just overall toxic. So when everything goes wrong over dinner, you simply start dialing numbers to see who would pick up and be able to drive you home, knowing that the buses don’t run this late. What you didn’t expect was for your crush, Bucky Barnes, to be the first one to pick up. What you didn’t expect even more, was his reaction once he got there.
Warnings: Swearing, Crying, S A S S
Word Count: 1.4K
A/N: Hope this meets your standards! I tried my best with this one and i hope you enjoy it! Just a reminder that I will always be accepting requests! 
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“Hey, guys! Sorry, I’m late! Got held up at the office.” You explain, sitting down at the table with your two other friends. Heather shoots you a small smile while Lauren looks you up and down with pursed lips.
“Hi Y/N!” Heather greets before looking back down at her menu. Lauren scoffs quietly and you shoot her a confused look.
“Something wrong?” You ask, reaching for your water and taking a sip of it.
“Did you have to wear that dress?” Lauren comments, her face riddled with disgust.
“Is something wrong with it?”
“It’s tight, short, and a little revealing. I just wouldn’t recommend wearing it with your body type.”
“I know I’m not the only one thinking it!” Lauren admits, turning to Heather. “I mean, come on. Her thighs giggled when she sat down, her stomach pudges out of that dress, and no one wants to see those stretch marks, sweetie.” Heather sighs before turning to you.
“She’s not wrong, Y/N. You do look a little chubby in that dress. Plus you could’ve worn something nicer. Not that cheap crap. I mean come on, buy something of value for once.” She comments.
“Can we just order our food?” You whisper, looking down at your menu, trying to hold back the tears coming out of your eyes. The waiter comes over and takes your order, the people sitting beside you giving you sideways glares as they order their own food.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N. You ordered enough food to choke a goat. Especially with your body type, you should really watch what you eat.” Your eyes burn as you look down at your food.
“I’ll be right back.” You whisper, standing up and walking to the bathroom. You dry your tears and fix your makeup before making your way back to the table, stopping when you hear two familiar voices talking.
“God, why did you even invite her?” Heather asks, not aware of your position in relation to the table.
“Because I feel bad for her. We’re the best chance she’s got at ever having friends. I still hate her though.” Lauren admits, making you stop in your tracks and turn back to run into the bathroom. You pull out your phone and start dialing numbers, hoping someone will answer. Mom? No answer. Kelly, your big sister? No answer. You run through the rest of your contacts and realize the only people you haven’t called are some of the Avengers. Coulson? Nah, he’s most likely asleep. Cap? Funny voicemail, no answer. Your finger lingers over the last name, and you click it before placing the phone to your ear.
“Hello?” Bucky answers after a few rings.
“Buck-” You whisper, your voice catching due to tears, a crack replacing what would have been more words.
“What’s wrong doll? You sound upset.” He asks, sounding more alert and concerned.
“Can you just pick me up? I’m at the restaurant on 8th and Madison.”
“Sure, I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
“I’ll be waiting outside.”
“Bye.” You walk back to the table after drying your tears once again and pick up your purse, quickly making up the excuse that your boss called you in. The two girls nod and continue their conversation, leaving you to walk out of the restaurant. As you stand out in the cold, tears start streaming down your cheeks.
The rumble of a motorcycle pulls you from your thoughts and you look up, instantly spying the old-fashioned Harley Davidson pulling up beside the curb. Bucky hops off his bike, placing the kickstand down before rushing over to you, pulling you into a bone-crushing hug that makes you sob a little harder. He pulls away and pushes the hair out of your face, his brows furrowing at your red-rimmed eyes.
“Oh doll, what happened?” Bucky whispers, causing you to let out a loud sob. You babble to him about the things your “friends” said about you, and his face grows angrier and angrier by the minute. 
“And I just wanna go home.” You finish, wiping your nose with the sleeve of your coat.
“They said what to you? That’s un-fucking-acceptable.” He mumbles, grabbing you by the hand and pulling you inside the restaurant. You try to object, but you end up just leading him to the toxic friends still eating their meals. “Are you two Heather and Lauren?” Your two “friends” turn their heads up to meet his eyes, and you can practically see their panties fall off.
“Yes, that’s us.” Heather adds, trying to act all sweet and innocent, but Bucky looks past that in less than a second. 
“So you’re the two assholes who made Y/N cry?” Their faces form into those of realization, and Heather tries to blabber out an excuse.
“Well, what? I don’t see why you judge her so much when you’re wearing the fakest damn pearls anyone has ever seen!” Bucky comments, pointing to Lauren’s necklace.
“And how would you know?” She retorts, obviously thinking she’s done something.
“The paint is chipping, bitch. Also,” He states, turning towards the other woman at the table. “I really hope you didn’t pay full price for that purse, cause the logo is upside down and one brush away from flaking off.”
“At least we can afford something of value at all! She couldn’t even buy anything from the stores we shop at if she tried!” Heather says.
“I’m sorry, have you seen her house? I’m sure yours can fit inside it 10 times. And why are you so focused on money?!” He stops, taking a breath before continuing. “I’m-i’m just guessing here but I’m really not, but you buy “expensive” things to compensate for your bitchy personalities.”
“As Heather said, she can’t afford anything we buy.”
“I’m guessing you can’t either because there is so much fake and ‘made in china’ here that I can barely breathe. And while we’re talking about fake, let’s have a word about those faces, boobs, and personalities!” Lauren scoffs and that’s when you try to intervene.
“No! I’m serious! There’s more plastic in these two than there is in the entire fucking ocean!” The man grins sarcastically and sits at the table, crossing his left leg over his right and leaning back in the chair. “So do you want me to continue pointing out your flaws in front of all these people, or are you gonna apologize to my girl?”
“Um-” Bucky doesn’t even wait for the rest of that sentence as he grabs your wrist and starts walking away.
“What about the bill?” Lauren whispers.
“I-i can pay guys.” You whisper, causing Bucky to rear back as you start reaching into your purse.
“Nonono. Apparently, you have a shitty job, and they don’t.” He turns towards the women still sitting at the table. “I’m sure you two can manage without my girlfriend.” Bucky grabs your hand again and pulls you out of the restaurant, handing you a helmet before straddling his bike.
“Thank you.” You whisper, wrapping your arms around his waist as you sit behind him.
“Why didn’t you tell them you work for S.H.I.E.L.D?” He asks, starting up his bike.
“They’d use me to get to you or Cap.”
“You-you called me your girlfriend.” You mutter, hoping he heard you over the roar of the wind. He apparently did, as he nearly slams on the brakes and pulls off into a side street.
“I did?”
“Yeah,” You whisper, tightening your arms around him.“you did.”
“Oh, well are you okay with that?” You bury your head into his back, trying to hide a wide smile.
“Good,” He speaks, turning around to still be on the bike but face you. “because you didn’t have a choice. You’re mine.” You pull your head up and look at him with a bratty glare.
“Oh am I?” You retort, grinning at him. Bucky rolls his eyes before slipping his head behind your neck, nesting his fingers in the hair at the base of your scalp as he pulls you closer. He places his other hand on your chin and tilts you head up, pulling you into a kiss that leaves you seeing stars. He pulls away with a grin on his face, both of your noses nearly touching.
“Yeah, yeah you are.” He whispers, leaning in again.
Permanent Tags: @wintersoldierslut​ @breakmy-bedbarnes @stuckys-hot-dogs​ @andreasworlsboring101 @yaxamarvel @donutloverxo 
Just a reminder that all requests are open! My masterlist is in my bio, so you guys know who I specialize in, but really I do anyone y’all request. As I’ve mentioned, nothing is too fluffy, angsty, smutty, or gorey for me. I mainly write Marvel and its characters/actors. I can also write some characters from other things, you just have to ask! Also please let me know if you want to be a part of the Permanent Tags! But please, for now,
Call me Emily
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honeyvbarnes · 4 years
Clean Slate
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*gif not mine*
Pairing: SamBucky x Enhanced!Reader
Summary:What happens after the end of the world? Start a new life, what else?
Warnings: Polyamory, little angst, little fluffy words tbh
A/N: I did it… Idk how, but I did IT. This is 100% inspired by the 0.5 seconds of tfatws content we got from the Marvel “Big Game” spot during the super bowl. This is in no way, shape, or form based on the actual plot of the show (because we don’t know that yet), so this is solely based on my hopes and dreams. ALSO since I got such amazing feedback from my first Stucky one-shot, I figured it’s the perfect time for some SAMBUCKY!! Hehehe, ENJOY!
P.S. Shout out to that anon that helped create this idea! This one’s for you!
The world swallowed you whole, and spit you out. That was before the “blip.” A rough life, you were different from everyone around you. As an enhanced individual you stayed in hiding most of your life. The way the world itself was changing, with alien attacks, secret nazi organizations, and almighty superheroes, you decided it’d be best to stay out of the spotlight. Never using your powers for evil, nor good, you hadn't learned how to control them, so you stay under the radar. Yet karma was never one of your close friends.
Sam Wilson had found you one late night, in a small alley way of your hometown. Drenched in blood, surrounded by your attacker’s corpses. Five bodies splayed out, limbs dismembered, and spines twisted in inhumane ways.
“I- I didn’t mean to.. I swear, I-“
He stands frozen as he studies you. You stand before him in a pool of crimson, doe eyes wide with uncertainty and guilt, your hair wild sticking up every which way. He can tell by the bodies that you didn’t use your bare hands to murder, and the assorted weapons on the ground indicates whatever you did was out of self defense.
“I believe you, honey.” He says as calmly as he can, hands lifted up in show of no harm.
You’ve never killed anyone before, nonetheless hurt anyone. You agree to go with him. He promises help, a new life, and you allow yourself to trust, something that doesn’t come so easily.
He takes you under his wing, or wings, and promises to keep you out of the spotlight of the government. While the Avengers are away on missions, he has time to train you, to build your confidence with your powers. He respects your decision of not wanting to join the team, he understands because he hasn’t agreed to join the team either.
“I’m more of a soldier than a spy.”
As the years go by, your love and adoration grows for Sam. He saved you, and kept word to all his promises. Sam kept you safe, you’d stay devoted to him until your last breath.
The word turned upside down. Thanos, the plague known to many planets and galaxies alike. Sam tried to warn you, he tried to keep you safe. A quick call to keep you updated as the earth was under attack.
“This is the big one Sweetheart, the end of the world. Stay hidden, and only use your powers as needed, just like we practiced. Everything’s going to be okay, I promise. I love you.”
His words seep out of the phone with desperation, every syllable laced with worry. He tries to assure you that they’ll win this war, but you both know the truth, there’s no denying it. His voice is the last thing you remember. You hold onto it as everything around you turns black, and your body to ash.
It doesn’t take Sam long to track you down. Only two weeks after “the blip”, you now know it’s been named, he finds you. You’ve been on the run, completely lost, and unsure where to go. You nearly topple over at the sight of Sam. He stands across the street, struck with amazement that he even found you in the first place. The ground shakes with the intensity of your emotions, the control of your powers go untamed as you cry out for your lost lover. He runs to you, scoops you up into his forgiving arms and holds you tight. Apologies falling from his lips as if he is the one to blame for the end of the world. You reassure him with kisses of every kind. A sweet reunion that you’ve only dreamed of for everyday since your resurrection. It’s only when he’s set you back on your feet that you realize he isn’t alone. “Sammie, who’s uh- who’s this?” You ask, anxiety peaking, but you catch the apologetic gleam in the man’s crystal blue eyes. He’s breathtakingly gorgeous, you can’t deny it, but he stands with his shoulders slumped, hands shoved deep in his pockets. You can tell he’s nervous too. There’s something utterly familiar about him.
“Y/N, this is Bucky. We’ve got a lot to discuss, baby girl.”
“So you’re like Captain America now?”
Sam had explained everything, from coming back from the dead to help Steve fight, to the quantum realm, which is to your knowledge just a time machine. Steve had given Sam the shield, a symbol of new hope. Not to put any pressure on the man, but to assure him of how much he deserved it.
“Well, not entirely. I’d never live up to Steve as Captain. I’m not even sure why he gave it to me, if I’m being honest.” He snorts.
“It’s because you’re a good man, Sam.” Bucky speaks from his seat at the table. A gentle smile adorns his face.
The three of you sit at the kitchen table of your new home. Sam said it was a safe house Tony Stark had built a while back, and it sits just a couple miles outside of the old compound grounds. It’s a quaint little house really, charming decor that reminds you of how a grandmother would decorate, far from anything modern. It’s secluded, not another building in site. You think you might like it here.
“So what now?”
The next couple of weeks fly by. Sam decides it would be a good idea to stay low for a couple of months. Give the world time to rebuild after a long five years of depression and uncertainty.
You spend your time getting to know your new roommate. Bucky is charming, and you decide immediately that you’re quite fond of him. He’s quiet and shy, but he has a side to him that just exudes charm and wit. You get along well, and you make a special place for him in your heart, right next to Sam.
You’re not quite sure when it happens but the three of you fall into an effortless love. The already existing relationship of you and Sam accepts Bucky with open arms. You watch the way Sam and Bucky talk to each other. The way that Sam encourages Bucky to be himself, and the way that Bucky explains every single reason why Sam would succeed in being Captain America. There’s a beautiful love blossoming between the two men, and you keen in watching it grow.
For a while, it was unspoken. Some nights you’d spend with Sam and the others you’d spend with Bucky. You’d tend to each of them with a full heart. It was easy, the way you’d love them both, and they never once had an ounce of jealousy in their bodies. They showered you with affection in return.
Both men know they’re in love with you. They expressed it one evening after you made them a special dinner. Sam was the first to speak it into existence.
“We’re not saying you have to choose between us baby girl, we both love you to no end.”
“Yeah Doll, we’re happy with the way things are right now, and we don’t want to pressure you into choosing.” Bucky adds.
“Can’t I have you both? Don’t you love each other as well?”
Bucky tenses up, his shoulders pulling back forcing him to sit stiffly. Sam, in contrast, lets his posture slump. They both stare at you as if you created life itself. Wide eyes, mouths agape, Sam starts to say something but it comes out in stutters, so he stops.
“What are you sayin’ Y/N? You want to be with us both? I want to be with you, just as much as I want to be with Sam.” Bucky speaks, eyes quick to filling with tears of joy. He reaches next to him and takes Sam’s hand in his.
“You- You want to be with me too, Buck?” Sam hesitantly asks. When they meet gazes, your heart nearly explodes. The adoration both men have for each other speaks volumes. They answer their questions with a passionate kiss. Years of tiptoeing around each other, the teasing and the banter, finally explodes between the two. They love each other, just as much as they love you. Suddenly you’re being pulled into their laps, huddled into one heap on the couch. They both kiss you, pouring their emotions into each kiss. You’ll never tire of the feeling of both of them on you.
“James, Sammie, I love you so much.”
Taglist: @pinnedandneedled​ @perpetually-tuned-out​ @stuckonjbbarnes​ @sebbbystaaan​ @the-wayward-robot​ @captnrogers​ @cosmicmints​ @valkyriesryde​ @captain-kelli​ @stateoflovinged​ @mushyjellybeans​ @bitchassbucky​ @an-adventureland​ @imma-new-soul​ @mypassionsarenysins​ @rumoured-whispers​ @mrwinterr​ @elizzysnow13​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​ 
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thewriterey · 4 years
If You Hadn’t Gone (Stucky x Reader)
Hi! I wrote this for my friend @larkboyd, sole provider of Stucky on my dashboard.
Uhhhhhh I’m not really in this fandom, but I can relate to feeling a lill crappy and just wanting to be sandwiched between two beefcakes. Besides, I had a dream a couple of nights ago about these specific men for some reason (seriously, like I said, I’m not even IN THE FANDOM. How does this even happen???). Steve was making nachos for me and Bucky was just slow dancing with me in the kitchen. So. That’s all this little ficlet is, really. Idk. Also I’ve never written in this perspective, I just DON’T KNOW WHY I DO THE THINGS I DO ANYMORE OKAY. Anyway.
Title is a line translated from a song they play in the movie y tu mamá también because !!! that dance scene, amiright?
Hope you enjoy c:
Words: 1318, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandom: Captain America / Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: All Ages
Warnings: None, pure fluff
Categories: M/M/F
Characters: You, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes
Relationships: Established Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, You/Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Additional Tags: bad breakup with an unnamed asshole, hurt/comfort, fluff, domestic au, beginning of an m/m/f relationship, (but idk that’s not really clear and mostly just in my head, I might never write another word for this again, just wanted to put this out there)
You’ve never been one to cry over a man. It hasn’t happened once in the past. Sure, previous break-ups were awful, but you’d always known these men weren’t permanent. Besides, you have always been perfectly happy when you were on your own.
This time, however, it feels like someone has punched you in the stomach and won’t quit twisting their fist around. You really thought he’d be the one, he had been talking about engagement not three days ago. It hurts something fierce, and all you can really do is sob uncontrollably.
At first, the best idea seemed to be to just get a tub of chocolate ice-cream and order some take-out, but the weather was getting colder and although autumn was usually one of your favourite seasons this time the rain and the wind outside made you feel all sorts of cold.
I just don’t want to be alone tonight.
It’s the one phrase that’s on repeat in your head. But the task of reaching out to one of your friends and ask them to come over seemed impossible to complete today.
The only solution seems to be to curl up on the sofa and put on a random show on Netflix that you’ll only half watch between bouts of wondering where it all went wrong and why you feel the way you feel right now. 
A loud noise startles you. Someone is knocking at the window. Confused, you look up and try to find a clock. It’s just about 7 PM, it’s getting dark outside. The screen of the TV asks if you’re still watching, as if it’s aware that you’ve cried yourself to sleep a few hours prior.
You huff and by pressing a singular button on the remote your turn the TV with its mocking message off.
Leave me alone, I don’t need your judgment, too, stupid piece of garbage.
Then there is another knock at the window. It must be the food delivery guy. You quickly wipe away the tears from your eyes and take a deep breath. Five seconds of human interaction will be tough, but so are you and you can definitely handle that.
When you open the door, you remember you didn’t actually order any food yet.
It’s not the pizza delivery guy you thought it would be. It’s your friend, Steve. He smiles at you, as you stand there, dumbfounded.
What is he doing here?
“Hey, you didn’t show for dinner and didn’t respond to mine or Bucky’s texts, are you alright?”
Shit. Friday night. Movie night. How could you forget?
Five seconds have passed, and you’re not certain you can manage any more of this human interaction without crying again. The look on his face shifts as he can see you’re struggling.
“What happened? Are you alright?”
He steps into your personal space and wraps his arms around you, as you bury your face in his shirt and start crying.
“He broke up with me, Steve,” you manage to say. “Last week he was talking about engagement and now he never wants to see me again.”
He ushers you inside and closes the door behind him, saving you from the cold outside.
“Shhhhhh,” he says, whilst softly stroking your back. You stand there for a while. He keeps making shushing noises, keeps softly petting your back, until you calm down a little. You feel a bit embarrassed for crying in front of him, but also realise that if you would feel comfortable with crying in front of anyone, it would be him. He never judges you, he’s always right there when you need him, and he always manages to make you smile. Although that might seem like too much of a task even for him, today.
“Have you had anything to eat yet?” he asks.
“No,” you say.
“Then I’m calling Bucky and we’ll make you something, is that alright?”
Right. Because then there’s yet another person to see you cry and be miserable.
But as you feel his arms wrapped around your torso, you realise that at this point in time, being alone would be worse. And of all the people you consider your friends, Bucky and Steve are probably the people you feel the most at ease with.
“Yeah, that’s alright,” you say, feeling very small. “I’m just. I’m going to cry a lot though.”
Steve laughs. It’s more of a low rumble, coming from deep inside his chest. “That’s perfectly alright, cry as much as you want. We’ll be here.”
When you exit the bathroom, you can hear music coming from the kitchen. Bucky has arrived, then.
The shower has done you good. The hot water is always able to soothe any aches and pains, and it seems that holds true for heartaches. As you look at your closet, you can see a yellow summer dress hanging on the rack, just barely peeking around the corner.
Summer is over, and there hadn’t been an occasion to wear it. But the house is warm and the dress looks comfortable enough, and besides, dressing up always makes you feel better. It isn’t a hard decision to make.
When you enter the kitchen, the first thing you hear is an appreciative whistle. You start blushing, but have no time to really feel embarrassed about it, as Bucky wraps his arms around you in a big bear hug.
“You look lovely, sweetheart,” he says. You wrap your arms around him a little tighter. If you linger a little longer in his hug to hide the deep blush on your face, that’s between you and yourself.
“What are you making?” you ask, when you finally let go of the loving embrace of your friend.
“Steve is making nachos, and he isn’t allowing me anywhere near them,” Bucky says, sounding a little disgruntled.
“Hey, who burned them last time? I’m doing us all a favour.”
“Come on, that was one time.”
“Who burns nachos? It’s like, the easiest food to make. Period.”
Bucky rolls his eyes at you and makes a mocking face at Steve. You can’t help yourself and you have to hide a giggle behind your hands. Bucky’s eyes light up and he smiles at you brilliantly.
“Guess I’ll need to find something else to do in the meantime, then,” Bucky says.
The song changes, and all of a sudden the air turns soft, the music sounds sweeter. Before you know it, you feel Bucky clasp your hand in his as he wraps his other arm around your waist. There is no time to protest, and frankly, you’re not so sure that you even want to fight it.
He sways you slowly from the left to the right, following the rhythm of the music, as he hums along with the melody. Steve turns around for a moment, then smiles, and turns back to grating the cheese.
In hindsight, you’re really glad Steve showed up when he did. Asking for help can be terrifying, but when it is offered freely it is much easier to accept. And if an hour ago someone would have told you that you would be laughing right now, you would have declared them mad.
Steve finishes grating the cheese and puts the nachos in the oven. He wipes his hands on the tea towel and walks towards the two of you, dancing. Before you know it he, too, has wrapped his arms around you from behind, and tentatively places his hands on Bucky’s hips, as he leans his head on your shoulder and moves along with the music.
You can’t bring yourself to look into Bucky’s eyes anymore, but that’s alright. The air smells like nachos with molten cheese, the sounds in the air are peaceful and calm, and the arms wrapped around you feel amazingly warm.
In spite of everything that has happened today, you realise that right now, you are happy.
--- the end.
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stevethehairington · 4 years
MCU for fandom asks 😁
ohhh this is going to be a gooood one haha, thanks for sending it in!!
1. The first character I fell in love with: ohhh okay well. i think my First Real introduction into comic book characters and marvel was when i saw Spiderman: Turn Off The Dark on broadway in New York in 2013, and like I loved that so so much, and my love for spiderman is really what kicked off my descent into the marvel universe (even if i didnt like properly get into the movies/fandom until later), so yeah I would say Spiderman will always hold a very special place in my heart bc of that!
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: I think a fitting answer for this one would be Clint Barton/Hawkeye. The MCU really didn’t do him any justice at all, and to be frank, they made him pretty god damn boring lmao. But I read some of the fraction hawkeye comics and i LOVED how he was characterized there, and I’ve always loved fanons interpretation of Clint so much more than the movies, so it’s like a mix of these two that I’ve become very attached to! I even wrote a whole fic form Clint’s perspective once and it was honestly so fun to write, he’s such a fun character when you disregard the MCU’s version of him lol.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Hmm... I honestly can’t think of any character for this?? Like I feel like I mostly enjoy the characters everyone else does too, and there isn’t anyone that’s jumping out at me that I don’t like that everyone else does...
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: Easy: Tony Stark. I love Tony Stark and I know so so many people that don’t, and honestly, it’s very disappointing to see just how much people can misunderstand a character and like the whole point of said character. I won’t get into it because there’s too much I could say about it and I don’t want to like stir the pot on anything bc Tony antis are vicious lmao. But yeah, Tony is my answer here! ((Oh also, extra answer bc I feel like it deserves some light too: Sharon Carter. A whoooole lot of people don’t like her too, but I actually love her character. This is another character the MCU did so god damn dirty, and I absolutely hate how they reduced her to just Steve’s love interest, like no she’s so much more than that!! Holding out hope that in TFAWS she actually gets to be her own person and we get to see her be the awesome badass she is)
5. The character I used to love but don’t any longer: None??? I honestly can’t think of any right now...
6. The character I would totally smooch: Well, I mean, Steve Rogers is probably my favorite marvel character of all time, so I would probably say him. But also Bucky deserves some kisses too bc I love him just as much... and so does Peggy... and Natasha... and and and is all of them an acceptable answer?? lol
7. The character I’d want to be like: Peggy Carter!! God, she is everything!! She’s so badass and just so cool. I wish I had her confidence and her take no shit kind of approach to things and her grace and her kickass style omg. Also she’s friends with some pretty cool people too, so like yes please, I would love those connections too!!
8. The character I’d slap: Like all the villains? lmao.  
9. A pairing that I love: Stucky!!! That is my Number One marvel ship, and I think every single day about how this pairing was SO OBVIOUS and so written in the stars but marvel and disney were too big of cowards to actually make it happen. 
10. A pairing that I despise: Imma put two because I can: St*rker and Th*rki. Fuck these ships lmao. They both make me highly highly uncomfortable so I Do Not interact with them.
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hawksonfire · 5 years
2019: Year In Review
Seeing as how this is the first year that I’ve really written a lot (or anything at all), I thought I’d try out this ‘year in review’ thing. 
This year was the first year (ever) that I’d really put my words out into the world. I was honestly terrified to post my first work on Ao3 - what if no one liked it? What if I got hate for it? And worst of all, what if it was terrible? 
I’m glad to say that none of that even came close to happening. I’m so lucky to have fumbled my way into the Marvel fandom, specifically the Winterhawk portion of it, because it’s just such a welcoming place. Everyone I’ve met has been so welcoming and uplifting, and I can honestly say that there are a few people (everyone) that come to mind who I hope will be with me for years to come.
Back to fic - At the beginning of this year, I had one fic on Ao3 - a 2018 Kinktober fic. At this very moment, I have 100+ fics with over 380k words between them. I’ve written fic for people, gotten fic from people, and posted stuff just for the hell of it. 2019 was a good year for my wording progress, and I can only hope that 2020 beats it.
Accomplishments under the cut! :) 
Word Count: 380,035
Fic Count: 130 
Captain Cockblock - a Winterhawk fic in which Steve is constantly cockblocking Bucky and Clint. It was the very first thing I posted in 2019, and I can genuinely say that I was terrified.
Revenge Against Captain Cockblock - the sequel to Captain Cockblock, in which Clint and Bucky (and Sam) get revenge on Steve for the way he kept cockblocking them. First sequel!! I was excited about this one.
Aggressively Progressive - a Stucky fic where Steve tells the press (and other assorted people) exactly what he thinks about the not vaccinating your children (among other things).
How It Should Have Gone - This fic. God, this fic. This was really the first multi-chapter long fic that I had attempted, and I had no idea how it was going to be accepted. It’s set before, during, and after the first Avengers, and in it, Steve attends university, falls in love with Clint and Natasha, and saves the world. It’s canon-adjacent, and I swear this is probably the fic I am most proud of to date.
Steve Rogers: Unapologetic Slut - A 5+1 fic I did as part of the BDBD slutty!Steve challenge. It was definitely a ton of fun to write and as a bonus, it introduced me to the 5+1 trope which I can now say is a favourite of mine.
there is a house in new orleans (they call the rising sun) - A birthday fic for the amazing @kangofu-cb (even though it was late) because she deserves all the nice things, dammit.
i need something to believe in (throw my hands up to the ceiling) - I realized one day, that my best bro @flowerparrish has literally written so much fic for me (check out zir Ameriwinterhawk series, aka, the ‘pornathon verse’ and this Amerihawk sex pollen fic) and yet, somehow, I had not written zir a single thing? This could not stand. So I made my amazing friend choose a whole bunch of prompts from a list, then slammed together a bunch of them into one 68-chapter long fic to be updated as needed. 
MCU Kink Bingo Round 3 - Somehow, I am unsurprised that the very first event I joined this year was a kink bingo. A series of 16 works of various ships and kinks.
Clint Barton Bingo - Clint has always been one of my favourite Marvel characters, so as soon as I saw that this bingo was accepting sign-ups, I had to do it. And I did! It resulted in 19 works from the first round (and more to come from the second round) with Clint being paired with various Marvel characters (but mostly Bucky). 
Mandatory Fun Day - At this point in the year, I was fully inside the Winterhawk dumpster. The lovely mods over at @mandatoryfunday provide weekly prompts for us Winterhawklings to enjoy, and although I haven’t made a fill for this in a while, I definitely enjoyed the ones I did make and hope to make more in 2020.
Star Spangled Bingo - Yes, another bingo. I think this was my third one, but there were plenty more to come. I had a lot of fun participating in this one!
Bucky Barnes Bingo - Bucky, next to Clint, is another favourite character of mine, and I am so glad that the mods over at @buckybarnesbingo decided to do a second round in 2020. They can count on my sign-up, for sure.
Stucky Bingo - While it’s only got one fic so far, I’m definitely planning on writing more for it. XD
Captain America Reverse Big Bang: A Tail of Two Idiots - This!! This was my first RBB and I was incredibly lucky to be paired with the amazing @astaraiches-oisinn. She created some gorgeous art of Steve and Bucky at a dog park, and somehow I managed to write nearly 31.5k and post it on time! But I could not have done it without her, love you bb <333333
Winterhawk Reverse Big Bang: Main Attraction - holy fuck, y’all. I’d been a massive fan of @kangofu-cb and her words and art for a while at this point, and when I found out that we’d been paired together for the RBB? I’m pretty sure my screech broke windows. She was an absolute joy to work with and I’m glad to say that we’re now friends (we’re friends, right CB? Please let me have this) and she brightens up my day whenever I talk to her.
MCU Rarepairs Bingo - Again, there’s only one fic here but I’ve definitely got some fics planned for it.
Winterhawk Bingo - Alright, look. While I am well aware that I join too many events (no one can stop me) I am also aware that I like to run things. Thus, Winterhawk Bingo was born. It’s been a joy to run and a joy to participate in, and I’ve made even more friends for me to love with this event.
Kinktober 2019 - This was my second year in a row doing Kinktober, but I had way more fun this year because I opened up the prompt list to a bunch of my friends and followers and offered to write them a kink of their choice (or five). Definitely going to be doing it again that way in 2020.
Marvel Bingo: oh, the good ol’ days - This series is absolutely one of my all-time favourite things that I have ever written. It starts off with Clint/Steve, but as the stories progress, Bucky joins the squad for eventual Steve/Bucky/Clint, or my all-time OT3: Ameriwinterhawk. This series has 24 planned fics, with 20 so far completed. I was aiming to blackout my Marvel Bingo card, so let’s see if we can’t hit that goal, shall we?
Winterhawk Wonderland: noticeable - Hawkie’s first gift exchange! I had a super great time participating in this event (run by the lovely mods over at @winterhawkwonderland) and I can’t wait to do it again next year (if they choose to run it again)!
Marvel Trumps Hate - I signed up for my first charity auction! Look forward to those fics in 2020!
Marvel Reverse Big Bang - Technically, posting is in 2020, but the majority of this event took place in 2019, so I’m counting it.
Fics for Events (that I’m particularly proud of)
Lime Blossoms - While technically a fill for Bucky Barnes Bingo, Clint Barton Bingo, MCU Kink Bingo, and Star Spangled Bingo, this fic holds a special place in my heart. It’s very soft, and it also happens to be the fic that I jammed four different bingo squares into. 
Whatever You Want - A fill for the Soulbond square of my Bucky Barnes Bingo card. Winterhawk, of course, but with a twist. Clint has two soulmarks, and they end up being Bucky and the Winter Soldier. 
Safe - This fic holds is very special to me because in it, Clint is asexual. He has a crush on Bucky but doesn’t know how to go about doing something about it while making his boundaries clear. As an ace person myself who hasn’t always had the best luck with that, this fic was basically me holding up a flashing neon sign going “THIS! THIS IS WHAT I WANT!”
Flags - Another ace fic, but this time with ace!Bucky! Clint helps him as Bucky tries to figure stuff out. It’s basically pure, self-indulgent fluff.
All Bark, All Bite - Ah, yes. Werewolf!Clint and Vampire!Bucky. This is absolutely what kickstarted my obsession with supernatural AU’s, no doubt about it.
i walked with you (once upon a dream) - Another birthday fic! This one was for a friend of mine who isn’t on Tumblr, but she absolutely loves marine life. SO! Of course, I wrote her a 5+1 fic with mer!Bucky and pirate!Clint that somehow turned into 16k words of basically pure fluff.
topsy turvy and upside down - This was a fill for the Mandatory Fun Day prompt “Clint as the Winter Soldier”. God, I had so much fun with this fic and I wrote all 7k of it in like, a day or something, because the words would just not stop flowing.
anything, anything - This. This was written for @flowerparrish as a part of Kinktober, and I honestly have no idea how it became an ace!Steve sex pollen fic, except that it did. I definitely plan to write more ace fics, and more sex pollen fics, and more ace sex pollen fics.
i ain’t proud of my address (in this torn up town) - Affectionately referred to by me as Demon!Clint, this fic will absolutely be updated and completed. At some point. But I give you my word.
That’s all, folks! That sums up my 2019! Well, the fic portion of it anyway. I made so many new friends that I hope stick with me for a long while, I got so many new ideas for fics I plan to write in 2020, and! I learned a few things about myself along the way!
Things to expect from me in 2020:
- Events. So many events. All of the events.
- Fics. SO many. A few for events, a few not.
- I guess you’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you?
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Never be your first choice
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Request: Hi I was wondering if you could do an imagine where y/n is going out with Steve and he is still hung up on Peggy, so Bucky goes to comfort her.
Pairing: Steve x Reader, Bucky x Reader (platonic), Sam Wilson
Warnings: angst, unrequited love, sadness, Steve being a douche, Bucky being a good bro, comforting, fluff, language, arguments, break-up
Natasha is talking to Sam as you pass by, waving at Steve’s friends. “He’s on the roof, but I need to warn you. Steve is in a bad mood and we got no clue why.” Sam says. Your heart drops. Why is he in a bad mood today?
You slowly walk toward the elevator to get to the roof. Maybe you can cheer your boyfriend up. Maybe he just needs someone to lean on today.
Your throat is dry as you get out of the elevator seeing Steve looking at something in his hands. You can hear him sighing as you get closer.
“Steve? Is something wrong? I wanted to ask you about the res…” Steve cuts you off, raising his hand. “Not today, Y/N. Okay. Any other day.” Your boyfriend of three years is looking at a picture in his hands and your face falls.
Peggy Carter. Again, she is the reason his mood is bad. “Steve, can we talk about…” You try once again but he shakes his head, gulping hard as he looks at the picture. “Today is the day I met her, okay. Just leave me alone, today. We can talk tomorrow.” Steve says, tone sharp as you turn around to hide your tears. You don’t need to hear another word.
Running toward the elevator you start crying even harder. The door closes and you fall to your knees, hiding your face in the palm of your hands.
Not hearing the door open or Bucky calling your name you cry your eyes out. “Y/N? What’s wrong? Do you need help?” Gasps leave Steve’s friend’s lips as he helps you get up. His blue eyes search your face and he can see the hurting on your features.
“Doll? What’s wrong?”
“I wanted to talk to Steve but he cut me off.” You sniffle.
“Peggy again? It’s the day he met her…” Bucky sighs. He can’t understand Steve is still yearning for a woman he barely knew.
“For Steve, it’s the day he met this woman, for me it’s my birthday and he forgot…again. I made a reservation, not him. I wanted to ask him if he wants steak or fish. I guess I’ll eat alone like last year and the year before.” Tears stream down your face as Bucky tries to find a way to soothe you.
“But you are his best girl, Y/N. He is just stressed out. I bet he has a nice surprise for you.” Bucky tries but this time you huff, shaking your head.
“Thought so too…last year, the year before. Believe me, Peggy is his best girl, not me. He remembers every date. Her date of death – sure she was a good friend, that’s normal. Her birthday – he forgets about mine but who am I to want him to remember my special day. Bucky, he even remembers her graduation date or anything else in this woman’s life, he didn’t even remember my fucking birthday!” Now you tug at Bucky’s shirt, making him look down at you.
“Doll…I’m so sorry.” 
“That’s not your fault, okay. It's mine. Last month he was celebrating her birthday. With a goddamn cake and a bouquet of roses, he brought to her grave, Bucky. I was stupid enough to go with him.”
“I thought he is in love with you. I never thought he would stupid things like this.” Your eyes meet Bucky’s and you see the pity in his blue orbs.
“Please don’t pity me, James. Don’t do this too me. It’s worse enough I wanted to invite Steve today and he didn’t plan anything for my birthday. But he forgot as today is only the day he met his perfect girl.” Wiping away a few tears with the sleeve of your jacket you avoid meeting Bucky’s eyes again. “I can’t live with a ghost any longer. A ghost Steve can’t let go or rather doesn’t want to let go. I gotta go…”
The restaurant has crowed when you arrive, you are a regular here and Susan is waving at you, pointing toward a beautifully decorated table for two.
“Happy Birthday, Y/N. Where is Steve? I thought…” She stops her tongue seeing your pained expression.
“Thank you but is it possible to get my ‘single’ table? I don’t want to sit here, and everyone can see I’m alone…again.”
“He’s such a fool. Maybe you should rethink your relationship, hun. That’s not the way to treat a girl.” Susan whispers as you glance at the table, holding back the tears. You are ready to follow Susan toward the table in a corner you preferred the last two years as someone calls your name, waving at you.
“Bucky? What are you doing here?” You ask dumbfounded.
“I can’t let you eat this delicious food all alone. You’re invited doll.” Bucky is grinning as he hands you a bouquet of white roses. “I wanted red ones but…uh…these are for lovers.” 
“You didn’t have to come here. I’m used to be alone, Bucky…” You sniffle but he shakes his head, moving the chair to help you sit down. “I’m here as I want to, not as someone was forcing me, Y/N. Now let’s eat. Lady, I want a steak and this pretty lady will get everything she wants tonight.”
Susan smiles, handing you the menu to let you choose your food. “I’ll be right back. How about whine?”
“Champagne!” Bucky exclaims. “I want the good one. We want dessert too. Y/N will decide which one she prefers.”
“You don’t have to…” Bucky tries to be nice but you can’t let him pay for your birthday. 
“Hush, hush…doll. I’ll pay and you will enjoy the evening. If Steve can’t see what I see he’s a blind fool, Y/N. Now let’s eat all the sinful food and have a bit fun as you should have on your birthday.”
Bucky smiles, gently taking your hand in his as you nod, blinking away a few tears. How can a man you barely know, a man you only met a few times be more attentively as the man telling you he wants to be your boyfriend?
“No sad face, doll. Let’s concentrate on the good things. Steve will hate himself getting to know he missed your birthday.” Bucky says.
“No, he won’t Bucky. I know for sure he will find a poor excuse once again. Nothing else. I’m simply not important to him.”
Bucky searches your face, tightening the hold on your hand. “This can’t be true.” His voice low, raspy James looks at you as you take a deep breath.
“It is, Bucky. He never said he loves me. Not a single time. Maybe I said it too early after a few months in dating, but he never returned it. I’m the fool, I guess. Steve was just looking for a cheap substitute to spend his lonely days with, nothing else.”
Your eyes fill with tears once again as you look at the plate the waiter is placing in front of you. “I thought this year would be different. I was wrong. He’ll never remember anything about me…”
Spending dinner with Bucky wasn’t the worse thing ever happening to you. It was the complete opposite. He’s funny, charming and even more important he likes to talk to you. You sat in the restaurant till past midnight. 
Bucky lead you out of the restaurant and drove you home. He was glancing at you from time to time. There was still sadness on your features, but a shy smile crept up your lips every time he talked to you.
Almost a week passed before Steve shows up your door. Not even mentioning his behavior or the fact he knows he forgot your birthday once again. 
Walking into your apartment, your home as if nothing happened he smiles. His large palm cups your cheek to brush his lips over yours, but you don’t want him to, so you push him away, shaking your head.
“No. I don’t want this, you or us anymore. I’ve got enough. It was my birthday and I would’ve spent it all alone once again as you had one of you ‘Peggy moments’. I’m done with feeling second best. I’m done feeling like you don’t want to be with me.” You raise your voice, slapping his cheek.
“Y/N, it was just the day we met and all.” Steve gasps. “I can explain…”
“No, you can’t, Rogers. I’m just done. It was my birthday and you completely forgot about it. Only your stupid past love was important. The joke is on you, Steve. Newsflash – Peggy moved on, had a life, husband, and kids. You, on the other hand, are clinging to a ghost and I can’t compare with that. Honestly, I don’t want to. I love you Steve, but this, us…is over. Now leave and hunt after your ghost…”
Steve’s eyes widen in shock. “I can…” Choking on his words Steve glances at the white roses in a vase, next to the gift Bucky gave you. “Who gave you these?”
“Bucky. You know, your best friend. The man only meeting me a few times remembered my birthday and saved me from another lonely meal.” You spat and Steve’s features darken.
“He tried to hit on you?”
“No, he tried to help me pick up the pieces of my broken heart. Don’t act all jealous now, Rogers. It’s not like I mean anything to you. It always has been her and always will be. I lost someone I loved years ago too. I assumed him as the love of my life, but I found you and realized I love you more…”
Your voice cracks as tears run down your cheeks. “Sadly, I will never be the one you love, never be your first choice. Now leave…”
“Please…I can…we can.” Steve tries but you open the door, waiting for him to leave. “Please.”
“No Steve. Find someone accepting you are a cold-hearted bastard only warming up for a dead woman. She was great, I can imagine but that’s no reason to hurt other people. Rather live your life alone, drowning into a memory which is rather a fantasy.”
“Y/N…” Steve tries but you close the door, locking it. Your phone rings and you smile as you hear Bucky at the end of the line. 
“Did Steve say he’s sorry?” Bucky asks as you break down. Choking out “It’s over…”
Read the sequel here: His first choice
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All works Tags
@yolobloggers, @meganywinchester​, @shikshinkwon​, @miraclesoflove ​, @mogaruke, @shatteredabby, @soryuwifeyxx
Marvel Tags
@stuckys-whore, @notyourtypicalrose, @voltage-my2dlove, @thedoctorscamanion , @officialmarvelwhore, @randomgirlkensy, @juniorhuntersam, @lumar014, @doctorswife221b, @badboysdoitbetter2​, @sister-winchesters99
Steve Rogers/Chris Evans Tags
@hhiggs​​, @roonyxx​, @stylesismyhubs​, @multisuperfandom
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
Phantom Pain (18)
PAIRING - Bucky X Reader 
WARNINGS - Bad Habits and Rough Sex, Angsty and Dark AF. 
DESCRIPTION -  Everybody in the world knew of you, but not who you really were. Some called you a vigilante, some called you a criminal and some called you a hero but all of them called you The Phantom. Only two people knew your real identity and they swore to never tell anyone but when The Avengers need to infiltrate a high-security facility, Bruce Banner deduces that you’re the only one who can pull it off. That decision puts you and Bucky Barnes on a path you can’t turn back from, even if neither of like where it’s leading.
Series Masterlist
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Chapter Eighteen - People In Glass Cages 
Bucky tried but he couldn’t sleep. For once it wasn’t the torturous memories of his past that were haunting him into insomnia, it was the exquisite memory of you. You’d lain right here on these sheets and molded your body around his and he could still smell you on the pillow. His mind flitted between two very prominent images of you.
In one, you were underneath him, panting and whimpering and taking his cock so well.
In the other you were telling him that your body was all he could have from you.
He changed the sheets but it didn’t help. He could still imagine you lying on your side of the bed, except you would never claim a side of the bed.
You’d left your shredded clothes behind when you’d run away from him and as he picked them up he decided he was all in, even if you weren’t. He play your game, he’d obey your rules and he’d take all he could get from you. It was better than nothing at all. But there were loopholes and he was going to exploit them.
As soon as the sun peeked over the horizon he gave up the idea of sleep and got up, slipping out of the compound and driving away to get what he needed for the first part of his plan.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
There was an incessant knocking at your door and even though you pulled the pillow over your head and tried to drown it out, whoever it was wouldn’t stop. You screamed into the pillow in frustration and violently kicked the duvet onto the floor as you got up and stomped over to the door.
“WHAT?” You asked, yanking the door open.
“Your cat snuck into my room and tried to suffocate me in my sleep.” Clint grouched.
“Good morning Miss.” West said, looking thoroughly unimpressed.
“And I found your butler in the kitchen.” Clint added.
“Coffee and breakfast.” West stated and you noticed he had a tray in his hands, and Clint was weighed down with a bouquet.  
You opened the door and let them in with a quizzical look.
“Mr Barton chivalrously offered to assist me in carrying your delivery to you. I also brought your mail, the Times newspaper and the company reports that everyone thinks you do not read.” He said, setting the tray down on the coffee table.
“West, you don’t have to make me breakfast anymore. That being said, if it makes you happy, you do you boo.” You said, eagerly grabbing the coffee and a slice of toast.
“Don’t you want to know who sent you flowers?” Clint asked.
“Not rearry.” You mumbled with your mouth full.
Clint and West shared an amused look and West brandished the newspaper at you.
“As Alexander King is a criminal, I no longer work for him. I’ve been hired by somebody else.” West informed you and your stomach twisted uncomfortably.
“Oh. Is this a goodbye breakfast?” You asked nonchalantly, making your pain behind indifference.
“I’ve been hired by Sergeant Barnes. I’ve been given a most generous salary and room here in the compound.” West said.
“I wonder why.” Clint said meaningfully, eyeing the red Henley you were wearing.
“Bucky stole you? What? Why?” You screeched.
Was this his way of getting back at you for last night? You’d hurt him so he wanted to hurt you.
“I apologise for the confusion Miss. Sergeant Barnes negotiated my salary, on your behalf.” West clarified with a twinkle in his eyes.
“He came to me first thing this morning and told me that you wanted me to stay with you but you didn’t want to ask, that you didn’t want me to feel like I had to. So he asked on your behalf.” West informed you.
“Also, he sent you flowers.” Clint said, reading the card that had been tucked into the bouquet.
“He’s a friend?” You offered.
“So he wasn’t the one who gave you all those hickies?” Clint sniggered.
You blushed and coughed uncomfortably, pulling the bottom of the Henley down to cover your thighs. You’d forgotten about the state you were in and were rapidly becoming more embarrassed by the second.
“I’m going to... go.” You said.
“This is your room Miss.”
“Clint is going to go and I’m going to go shower and dress.” You amended.
“Very well, shall I find a vase for your flowers?” West asked.
“I’ll do it! I’ll put them in the common room, lots of sunlight in there!” Clint said in a rush, hurrying away with them.
“There’s sunlight in here. Clint there’s sunlight in here!” You yelled but it was too late, he was gone.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You tucked your phone between your shoulder and cheek as you shuffled through the files you’d been delivered in the office room you’d commandeered.
“Matt, the board want to take the weapons designs that my father made for Hydra and continue to manufacture them as part of the government contracts. I can’t let that happen.” You said.
“You only own 22% of the shares, even if you convince the board to make you the new CEO there’s nothing you can do.” Foggy said down the speakerphone.
“Challenge accepted.” You said smugly.
“Oh no. What are you going to do?” Foggy groaned.
“Nothing illegal.” You assured him.
“King...” Matt warned.
“It’s only a little illegal. It’ll be fine, oh gotta go. Byeeee.” You said as you spotted Bucky leaning against a wall and watching you.
You hung up the phone and narrowed your eyes at him.
“I hear you spoke with West... and you sent me flowers.” You said.
“As your friend, I helped you out so you didn’t lose someone you care about.” He said with a cocky smirk.
“Fine. It was a friendship move. What about the flowers?” You asked.
“You didn’t say anything about gifts.” He said with a shrug.
“Fine, new rule. No gifts.” You said, sighing.
He came over and stood behind you, so close you could feel the heat radiating from him.
“What are you doing?” You asked suspiciously.
“You can’t change the rules as you please Domniţă, we had an agreement.” he said lowly.
“I said no romance. Gifts can be romantic.” You argued.
He scoffed.
“I bought a half a million dollar painting for Steve and I’m not trying to date him.” He pointed out.
“That’s not what the internet thinks.” You said.
“Stucky is life.” You smirked.
“Stop trying to change the subject.” He ordered.
“Fine, you can get me gifts. I actually like the flowers.” You begrudgingly admitted.
“I know you did.” He said cocklily, placing a hand on your hip and pulling you towards him.
He was all confidence and swagger as he ducked his head down to brush his lips over yours. Despite all your bravado, you melted at his touch. He made a low growl of approval at the way you surrendered into the kiss, parting your lips for him.
You pulled away to look sheepsihly at the figure stood sat the door, grinning lasciviously at you both. Sam wiggled his eyebrows at Bucky.
“Bucknasty is finally getting some!” He crowed happily.
“Wilson, get the hell out of here.” Bucky growled, flexing his metal arm in warning.
“No can do, Cap sent me to get you for training in the gym.” Sam said, winking at you.
“That’s fine. If you’ll excuse me Sergeant, I have business to attend to.” You said, pushing him out of the room as best you could.
He went willingly, giving you a dark look that let you know you were going to pay for it later.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Princess, can you check the new room is soundproof.” Tony asked as soon as you walked into the lab.
“This is why you asked me up here?” You groaned, walking into the empty glass room.
“That and I wanna know if you got the D, but you’re walking funny so I assume yes.” Tony said, sniggering at you.
The doors whooshed closed and whatever insult you spat at him, he didn’t hear. He shot you a thumbs up to show you it worked. You rolled your eyes and waited for him to open the doors but he just grinned at you and made a big show of settling back in his chair.
You sighed and ghosted through the glass, or tried to. What actually happened was you walked straight into the glass, bouncing off of it painfully and landing on your ass on the floor.
Tony held on to his desk and howled with laughter, though you couldn’t actually hear it. You frowned in annoyance and confusion and stood up, reaching out to try and faze your hand through the glass. Nothing happened.
He sauntered over to the door and pressed a button that filtered his voice into the glass cage.
“Miniscule vibranium flakes in the glass. And the floor. And the ceiling. Welcom to your perfect prison princess.” He said victoriously.
“Why?” You demanded.
“Oh, I think you know why.” He said with an evil chuckle.
“No! Snark don’t you dare!” You yelled.
“I’ll let you out, in 8 or 9 hours.” He said and let go off the intercom.
He watched you bang your hands against the glass and mouth threats at him for a few moments before he wandered away, whistling jovially.
Six Hours, 20 minutes and 4 seconds Later
“Tony, have you seen... Miss King?” Steve trailed off when he saw your prone form lying on the floor in what looked like a glass cell.
“She’s on a timeout.” Tony said without looking up from the circuit board he was working on.
“Why is she on the floor?” Steve asked with concern.
“She’s given up on life.” Tony chuckled.
“Why?” Steve said suspiciously.
Tony got up and pressed the intercom button for the cell.
“Never gonna give you, never gonna let you down.”
“Tony let her out of there right now.” Steve ordered.
Your head lifted when you heard Steve’s voice and you scramble over to the door and looked pleadingly at him.
“In a couple more hours.” Tony said.
“Let her out right now or I’ll go and get Pepper.” Steve threatened.
“Come on Cap, she started it.” Tony whined.
“And I’m finishing it. Let her out.”
Tony sighed and opened the doors. You fell out and flung your self at Steve’s legs.
“Thankyou Captain! It was horrible in there!” You wailed.
“Are you alright?” Steve asked kindly as he helped you to your feet.
“I’ll be ok, I can get through this.” You sniffled dramatically.
“Well I came to find you because I thought you both should know, Frank managed to get inside your Buggati Stark.” Steve said.
“What? What did he do?” Tony demanded.
What Frank had done was absolutely decimate the inside of the custom sports car. He hadn’t just clawed the Italian leather of the seats to shreds, he’d pulled the stuffing out of the seats, scratched the hell out of the polished dash, chewed through the steering wheel and someone manages to pull wires out of the stereo system.
“Boss, is this a good time to tell you that Mr Frankenstein has also peed on three of the Iron Suits and is currently marking a fourth?” Friday asked.
Tony looked so mad you thought steam was going to come out of his ears.
“Run.” Steve whispered to you and grabbed your hand, pulling you away.
Tony’s shouts of rage followed you as the two of you giggled and fled.
“What are you two doing?” Natasha asked as you ran past her.
“Nothing.” You both said in unison.
“Hmm. Well I was looking for you Koroleva. We have a slight problem.” She said, passing you a tablet.
“Wait what?” You shrieked, grabbing the tablet.
“I’m going to kill him.” You muttered darkly.
“Kill who?” Steve asked.
“Uncle Thaddeus.”
You showed the tablet to Steve.
“But this isn’t true.” He said.
“No, it isn’t.”
“What’s going on?” He asked, looking between you and Natasha.
“We might have planted the idea in Ross’s head. Before Alexander King escaped.” Natasha explained.
You shook your head in exasperation.
“Well at least I look good in black.” You said.
“Better get your best mourning face on Koroleva, this is going to be all over the headlines tomorrow morning.” Natasha informed you.
Your father might be alive and well and on the run, but in the eyes of the world he was officially dead. Which meant he would be harder to find, but it also made you the majority shareholder of the Company.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kind of a lot went down in this chapter, I didn't even realize till after I wrote it. Sorry! 
You can ask to be added to or removed from tags at any time folks, just comment or inbox :D @drdorkus @gravedollie666 @sadsoldat @bigplantdaddy @moodyruth @likes-to-smell-books @shirukitsune @inquisitor-selvala  @myfandomlife-blog @markusstraya @adeleoctobre @vajeenparty @sexyvixen7  @love-nakamura  @buckitybarnes @littledeadrottinghood @pinkisokay @jsmith509 @brownlee-22 @angieptt  @thosesexytexasboys @liveonce-sodoitright @tarastudiesalot @spnrvt @dahkness @dilaila95 @rororo06 @mizzzpink @release-the-cathyrchkn @thefridgeismybestie  @fairislesheets @strangersstranger @life-wanderer @uuuuuuuuggggghhh @curiositykilledthepepe @musingpredilection  @boxofteenageideas @thelostallycat @demonlover87 @cutie1365 @mcuthemusical @caroldanvers616 @chipilerendi @scarlettswxtch  @undiscovered-misunderstood @demonlover87 @firefly-in-darkness @etoilewars @mywinterwolf
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My thoughts on endgame because I really need to write them
-at the start I was like yea they ain't gonna put all the stuff in the trailer in like 20 minutes lol
-boi was I wrong
-when the avengers reached thanos I was really confused because wat
-"i went for the head" @ thor I love u bich,,, i gon never stop loving u,,, bich
-then I was like ok fine thanos' purple ass is gone he's not gonna be the villain yea :)))
-boi was I wrong pt 2
-bruce banner learnt the fine art of self acceptance I'm proud of him
-the fact that scott came back like that makes me laugh and be pissed at the same time wth
-tony's daughter is the purest thing in the world and I'm ready to throw hands at whoever says otherwise
-unexcercised beer drinking thor that plays fortnite is extremely cursed and I don't think I deserve it
-natasha having an arrow necklace,,, ashdgn
-carol with that hairstyle makes me gay
-I absolutely loved all of rhodey's references
-Clint became an edgy emo kid and I'm not complaining
-kate bishop wasn't there. im suing
-hulk trying to seem strong af in 2012 and failing is a mood
-tony complimenting steve's ass I can't
-if that bitch aka loki came back to asgard is he alive?? is my favourite bitch alive??
-2014 peter quill was on screen for one (1) minute and managed to bless us
-cap saying 'hail hydra' made me think of that one series of comics and honestly? I approve
-cap vs cap in a nutshell: cap 1 uses bucky card and destroys cap 2
-@ the ancient stop trying to sound smart sis we know you use dark power to live
-guess what thanos is doing shit again
-nebula I love u
-I don't wanna believe natasha died to save everyone and how she fought with hawkeye for it shut up
-the whole thanos family complex was so well done
-thor talking with his mother again makes me soft
-rocket is still the sassiest bitch
-tony talking to his dad is just,,, marvel stop
-steve seeing peggy is even softer jfc
-everyone: omg we did it yea bruce snap and we're all gonna be safe :D
-thanos and nebula 2: its britney bitch
-hawkeye finally had the justice he deserves and proved the non comic readers that he's badass too
-nebula killing herself so easily is my 'fuck you' ultimate goal
-cap holding mjolnir im
-when everyone started appearing me and my best friend almost cried lololol
-tony hugging peter sgnfglljooip
-cap holding mjolnir
-cap was holding fucking mjolnir and beated thanos' ass with it do you understand how hyped was I during that scene
-the fight was so epic I think I'm not worthy of even narrating it
-valkyrie. thats it keep scrolling
-just appreciate pepper's suit you cowards
-he understood after his father's discourse how he could've saved everyone's life even if he could have lose his
-him using the gauntlet gave me such a weird feeling. He had in his hand what caused him so much pain
-pepper trying to tell peter not to cry and then losing it it's such good acting
-I'm not crying you are
-his funeral was one of the best if not the best part of the movie
-her daughter lost her dad and isn't even aware of it,,, god russo brothers
-"I love you 3000" I swear my eyes are sweating
-thor and quill arguing are my last two brain cells at 3 am
-ok listen marvel
-I love you but stop
-you really did that with cap huh
-thanks for letting him be happy after only 100 years very cool
-they,,, did the last dance,,,
-I'm a stucky shipper but idc they're the purest thing in the world fight me
-but seeing him old killed me do you understand that right
-I'm so mad he didn't give his shield to bucky
-Sam always was a background character and I understand that this could give a start to his tv series but why did he give it to him in the first place
-america explain
-marvel played with our heart, destroyed it and then didn't even give us a post credit scene? Are u ready to catch these hands yes or yes
-truly one of the best movies I've ever seen and most of the critics I have are more subjective than objective so it deserves a 10/10
-it's almost 2 am I should go to sleep
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evanstarff · 6 years
In The Fall
Pairing: Stucky x Reader; Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 750
Summary: Your favourite soldiers in the fall.
Warnings: Death by fluff.
A/N: This was headcanon request for the beautiful @marvelous-avengers. It seriously got away from me, so here we are and wow, this drabble is all over the place – I hope you love it as much as I love you 💗
The request was:
hellOooooo angel!!!!! It’s so good to see you scrolling thru. I saw your lovely comment to my comment on your fic and I just wanna say that I adore you very much. Lots of love for you and your work. Any cuddly Steve/Bucky/stucky headcanons with their SO in fall? sending ALL MY LOVE TO YOU.
The northern wind came through on a cool November afternoon when the leaves fell and turned.
You'd spent the whole day together and it felt like the first day of your lives. The streets were painted maple rouge and the air fragrant with spiced fruit, earth, and the promise of something familiar and new all at once.
“What are you smiling at, lover?”
At your words, Steve’s lips curled a smile, warm through your heart. You adored the way his eyes seemed to drink you in, how the green seemed to brighten in their pools of blue. Soft, clear and so sweet.
“Just you.”
A gloved hand treasured the skin on your cheek and he was kissing you, filling your mouth with prickled joy and a new kind of heat through your chest that seemed to rise like the dawn. His beard had grown a little longer now, brass-shaded furs scratchy and sweet on your lover’s bow, and touched by the bluest scarf Bucky had knitted the day before.
It’s a hobby, he’d insisted that day when he’d come home with more bundles of wool and yarn that you thought possible for a man of his size and stature. Threads and spools had made their way through all the nooks and crannies of your shared home over the first week of the fall – under the bed, resting above your stacks of books, on top of the microwave, in the bowl of apples, and by the oven as you were spicing the pumpkin pie.
Steve almost lost it when one found its way into the laundry, curling its pretty hues through all the garments and staining the whites. It was the one day where it finally stopped raining and Bucky had tried to make it up to him with a long, smothering kiss that lit such a fire in him that Steve forgot why he was angry to begin with.
The following day, Steve awoke to a blue scarf rested on the kitchen counter with a fresh batch of blueberry oatmeal just before his morning run – the same shade of blue as those eyes that came into your vision.
“Jesus,” Bucky's voice crackled with a chuckle laced with mischief. “I leave you guys for five minutes and this is what I come back to?”
Coffee tray balanced expertly on one hand and a jacket shouldered tidily with the ghost of another, you watched your lover steal a hard kiss from Steve who could only laugh in return. You accepted the cup – black with a touch of milk – and handed Steve’s – black with a touch more black – to him.
Bucky watched you take a sip as he sipped his own; a pumpkin spiced latte an utter pleasure without guilt – extra caramel and cinnamon sugar, just because. You adored how those sly, eyes watched you, gaze drawn to you, then to Steve, his scarf, then back and you relished the way the air seemed to seep pink through his cheeks.
Three pairs of boot-clad feet wandered back down the street. You, cushioned beneath Bucky’s sleeve, pressing you warm to his broad and steady form as your arm laced around his waist, and Steve resting his arm across Bucky’s shoulders.
“Home?” He asked and you snorted.
“Already, Buck?” Steve shook his head, laughing.
“It’s cold,” he replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the universe. “Why wouldn’t I want to go home?”
Bucky glanced to you, eyes bright, and brushed a kiss to your temple, your cheek, then ducked his head to press his lips to yours, long and sweet.
“Are you trying to convince me to come home with you, lover?”
“Maybe.” Bucky kissed you again. “Maybe not.” Another kiss. “It is obvious?”
“Can’t tell,” came Steve’s reply and Bucky cut a glance to his oldest lover. “Is it obvious, baby?”
“Not really,” you replied with a roguish grin, lips still warm from his own. “Might need some more convincing.”
“Wow.” The betrayal in Bucky’s voice glowed and you couldn’t help laughing. “I hate you both. So much.”
“Good thing we love you, pal.” Steve smacked a kiss to his lover’s mouth by way of apology. “We can go home if you like.”
“Finally.” And his steps seemed to move even faster, crunching through the smattered crunch of leaves as you both tried to catch up.
It was a short while later when the three of you bounded back into your home, freshly kissed by the autumn wind.
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glycerineclown · 5 years
I was tagged by @lightofpage and @sselinaaaa! Thank you! ❤❤❤
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This pairing has the distinct honor of being the only het ship on my top five list. And honestly, female characters don’t usually get to go to the kinds of places with male characters that Karen goes with Frank--and then there’s the whole star-crossed “it’s too dangerous for them to be together” thing. As I said in the tags of my first Kastle fic, literally two weeks after the release of DDS2, THIS SHIP IS AN EMOTIONAL HELLSCAPE. Then TPS1 happened, and I wrote more than I probably ever have in my whole life. I fucking love Frank and Karen. They have an amazingly open, honest relationship, built on trust, as equals. If Frank could stop getting horribly injured at the end of every season right before they get cockblocked, that would be great, because I’m always trying to figure out a position that wouldn’t hurt for him to fuck in.
But if Frank had kissed her in TPS2, honestly, I’d be disappointed in him.
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Richie might be the dreamiest boy I’ve ever seen. And Patrick is the most relatable anxiety-ridden white-boy fuckup. From the beginning, their relationship addressed a lot of really interesting themes surrounding racism and classism within gay culture, and the first season of Looking has to be the #1 most beautiful season of television I have ever had the pleasure of watching.
I wrote a lot of fanfic for these two in 2015. The movie that came out after this show was cancelled was probably the greatest, most fulfilling gift I have ever been given. I will never stop recommending this series to people.
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I just love Steve Rogers and I want him to have something good. And I trust him to take care of his brainwashed assassin Bucky. The whole “I’ve been in love with you for my whole life but it wasn’t acceptable when we were young” thing really does it for me. And now they’re fucked up and have so much baggage but they still love each other. And I like that they can have the most ridiculous sex because they’re supersoldiers. I like that the fandom tries so many different things--Steve and Bucky have so many time periods to pull from, and so many physical forms. The freedom with which I’ve seen Stucky writers explore has really made me feel free to try whatever I want with Kastle fandom. 
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Look, I haven’t written significant fanfic for them since 2012 (one of which I never finished, sort of a “Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” type AU where Gerard Argent was a religious fanatic), and I stopped watching the show long before it ended, but I haven’t stopped revisiting my favorite stories. Derek and Stiles’ canon quasi-friendship had such an interesting level of trust. They are so different and complementary, and have been through so much. Everyone loves a story where the “relatable one” has to win over the “asshole,” and this ship has that in spades. Also, a show like Teen Wolf allows for an incredible amount of sexual tropes and a/b/o and other things. And goddamn, Hoechlin.  
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This book tore me open and transported me to being nineteen so hard. For the first third, it felt like Elio’s feelings had 100% once been mine. Kindred spirits. I was so invested, right from the beginning. I understood it completely, I was strapped in. For me, any reservations about the age difference were countered entirely by the perspective of the story, Elio’s deep family support system, and the things he and Oliver have in common. I don’t think it’s the right art for everybody but fuck if I didn’t love every moment of it.
The film is a beautifully faithful adaptation (although Armie Hammer, as much as I love him in the role, absolutely looks too old). And that press tour was outstanding. The best press tour I’ve ever seen.
I’m tagging @aimmyarrowshigh @ejunkiet @raptorlily @lovepollution @152glasslippers @drawsaurus @frankenshane
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thesoftdumbass · 6 years
It Starts With A Dance
Steve Rogers x reader x Bucky Barnes
Audie’s End of Year Challenge
Word Count: 3.2K
Warnings: dancing, mentions of alcohol, sarcasm and probably cursing, poly relationship
Summary: You’re forced to attend a gala with the team, but two handsome super-soldiers help you enjoy your night.
A/N: Hey you guys! I wrote this for @auduna-druitt and her writing challenge, and I’m a day late, which is not a surprise for me. Sorry, love! I chose the prompt Midnight Ball with Stucky x reader and I’m kinda nervous cause I’ve never written Stucky or poly relationships before, but I really hope you guys enjoy this. I didn’t edit it, and yes, I will accept constructive criticism!
There are three songs that I listened to on repeat while writing this, and I encourage you to listen while reading:
Lavender and Velvet by Alina Baraz | Electric by Alina Baraz and Khalid | Velvet by INHEAVEN
Main Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist 
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You knew when Tony called a mandatory Avengers meeting in the common area that it would not be a regular mission briefing, and it turns out you were right. As soon as you sat down on the couch, the billionaire swept into the room wearing a replica mask from Phantom of the Opera and holding a velvet cape in front of the bottom half of his face like a villain in a movie. Well, this meeting might not be normal, but at least so far it’s entertaining.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, this Saturday night, enter a world of elegance and mystery.” Stark drops the cape and holds his hand out, invitations fanned out like a deck of cards in his grasp.
From beside you, Wanda moves forward to take a closer look at the embellished cardstock but leans back in her seat, “No thank you,” leaving her mouth casually, not impressed.
“Well too bad, because you have to go.”
Groans ring out all around you as hands reach forward to grab the information, ready to read through. “I don’t know, you guys. It might be fun,” Natasha speaks up.
“Thank you, Widow,” Tony says appreciatively.
“-we might piss them off so badly that we never have to go to one of these again.”
“This is supposed to be a masquerade ball?” Bruce asks incredulously.
Natasha’s eyes narrow as she turns back to Tony. “Nevermind.”
Tony has to raise his voice a little to be heard over all of the grumbling taking place in the living room. “Listen, you guys! As Avengers we have a duty, not only to save the world but also to keep up relationships with politicians and investors. These people can make it even harder to do our jobs if they so choose, so we’ve gotta keep them happy. If that includes fancy parties with lots of champagne and small-talk, then that is what is going to happen.”
He completely ignores the comment made under your breath about champagne being necessary if you’re to tolerate a full night of small-talk with these people, rolling his eyes at you before continuing.
“This party is mandatory, so I want you all primped and ready for transport by 11:30 on Saturday night, the party starts at 12.”
“That’s after Cap’s bedtime,” Sam remarks and earns chuckles from around the room.
While everybody takes a moment to examine the invitations, Bucky raises a question. “We don’t have to dress in classic Venetian costume, do we?”
Your fellow Avengers raise their eyebrows, all looking at him as if not believing what he just said. Bucky’s eyebrows furrow and he crosses his arms across his chest in defense  “What? I know things.”
“Formal wear and a mask, that’s all I’m asking, people. You have all week.” And with that, Tony left the room with a flourish, a flick of his arm sending the cape billowing out behind him.
Once Stark leaves, so do most of the other Avengers, escaping to put together their costumes for the ball. As you think about the contents of your closet and the options you have for a costume, there is a dip on the couch as two figures sit down on either side of you and a glance up tells you that it’s Steve and Bucky.
“You boys excited for the big party that we’re being forced to attend,” you ask dryly, not bothering to hide your distaste at the mandatory label being put on the ball.
You hear a deep chuckle and can’t tell which super-soldier it belongs to, luckily they speak up. “It might not be that bad, doll. Just think of it as an excuse to dress up and get tipsy,” Steve says and it’s your turn to laugh.
“That’s true, and at least I can get tipsy. That serum in your veins doesn’t really let you have much fun, does it?”
“Trust me, this idiot knows how to have fun and get into trouble while doing it. He just doesn’t like to while in the public’s eye,” Bucky says light-heartedly. “Besides, I can get drunk enough for the both of us!”
Steve reaches around you to punch Bucky in the arm, the hit doing nothing but cause Bucky to complain loudly, and you laugh to yourself. Once the action is over, instead of retrieving his arm from around your shoulder, Steve chooses instead to lean back on the couch and pull you into his embrace. Confused, you look up into his face to find his clear blue eyes focused on you, filled with something you can’t quite decipher.
Bucky keeps the conversation going as normal and you’re thankful, looking back down to your lap. “So what are you thinking of dressing as?”
You hum noncommittally, picking your phone up from your lap and turning it over in your hands. “I found a dress online that I like, now I just have to find a mask to go with it. What about you,” you ask, looking between the two of them.
Steve shrugs the arm still wrapped around you. “We’ll figure it out, won’t we, Buck?”
“Sure will, Stevie.”
After that odd, but not unwelcome exchange, your day goes back to normal as you head back to your room at the compound to figure out your plans for Saturday night. You can’t help but fixate on it for a while though, the comfort you felt being nestled between Bucky and Steve. You shake yourself out of it. All you need to focus on right now is getting this ball over and done with so you can go back to focusing on work and your everyday life.
You stare into the full-length mirror in front of you, turning from side to side to watch as the silver fabric of your dress sways elegantly. Taking a deep breath, you make sure that your makeup is complete, touching up your lipstick before placing the silver-gray lace mask over your perfectly done up eyes. You take one last look into the mirror before striding from your bedroom, the clack of your heels on the compound’s hardwood floors gives you the extra boost of confidence you need to make it through this night.
You walk into the foyer where you’re supposed to meet the rest of the team, but there aren’t as many people gathered as you think there should be. You could have sworn you were perfectly on-time, not too early. You glance over at Tony, who is tapping quickly on the screen of his tablet.
“Where is everybody,” you ask.
“You’re the last one here, I sent the rest there already in the first limo.” Stark finishes what he’s typing away, sitting the tablet on a table nearby and clapping his hands once loudly. “If you’re all ready, then let’s get going!”
You look around at your group, noticing Peter standing nearby, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he talks excitedly with Pietro. “Parker, how did you get roped into going to this gala?”
“Yeah, don’t you have homework or a 9 o’clock curfew or something?” Sam smirks while walking up to the group, happy with his joke.
“I asked if I could come! I love parties, and I thought this would be a good way to spend time with the team outside of missions.” You can’t help but smile at the kid’s enthusiasm.
“I’m just going so I can get drunk,” you hear a thick Russian accent beside your ear and breathe out a laugh, following Pietro in the procession of Avengers out the door and into the waiting limousine.
You walk into the venue, talking with Natasha and Sharon along the way, the silk masks over their eyes complementing each other and putting a smile on your face. As the three of you reach the doorway leading into the ballroom, you have to stop for a moment to take in the sight before you.
The decorations in the ballroom are almost nonexistent, but that only adds to the aesthetic of the environment. The only additions to the room are tall tables lined along the walls to hold drinks as people talk, the majority of the room open for dancing. Partygoers cover the dance floor, milling about and talking before the gala officially begins, and you join the crowd, looking at all of the different masks decorating their faces.
Tony heads to the front of the room, accepting a microphone from a staff member along the way.
“Welcome everyone to the 29th Annual Maria Stark Women’s Aid Gala! Tonight I want you all to have fun, dance, and be merry. Make sure you head over to the donation table and support the foundation, but not before you have plenty of champagne.” Tony gives an exaggerated wink to the crowd of upper east siders, who all chuckle along good-naturedly. “Without further ado, I’ll let the DJ take over for me, and I will see you all on the dancefloor!”
Applause follows as Tony leaves the stage and joins Pepper’s side, putting a hand around her waist and leading her onto the floor with a smile as the music picks up.
You’re talking with Maria and Rhodey when you spy someone walking toward you, holding eye contact as they approach. You tilt your head, watching the person that has grabbed your attention, when you notice the black mask with gold detailing, the mask reminding you of a Greek god and going perfectly with their black and white tux. Through the eye holes you can see the most familiar blue color, but before you can speak, the man is holding out a hand to you.
“Would you give me the honor of a dance?”
You take his hand with your own, and he leads you into the middle of the dancefloor as a new song starts playing. Neither of you talks for a few moments as he holds you, swaying you to the music with one hand on your waist and the other gripping yours, sending a pleasant warmth through you.
“You look gorgeous, Y/N,” he whispers softly, his lips brushing your ear.
You look away, hoping that he doesn’t notice how warm your cheeks have become. “I thought you said you never danced, Rogers.”
Steve smiles mischievously, twirling you around in a circle before pulling you into his chest, your head coming to rest on his shoulder. You giggle breathlessly and look up through your eyelashes, catching Steve gazing down at you, emotion thick within his beautiful eyes.
“I stand corrected,” you mumble, barely holding in the smile threatening to break out on your lips.
Steve shrugs his shoulders lightly, “Bucky’s been giving me lessons in our spare time.”
You nod, placing your head in the crook of his neck and just focusing on the feeling of being so close to him. The two of you are so focused on each other you almost don’t notice when the song changes, content to keep dancing. You dance three songs with Steve, talking the whole time. This is different than your normal conversations though, not only because of the occasional flirty comment from him but because now there is a tension between the two of you that you just can’t deny anymore.
You feel a hand tap your shoulder lightly three times, the interruption bringing you from your thoughts. You slowly move out of Steve’s arms and turn to face the newcomer, curiosity blooming when you notice who is looking back at you.
Bucky’s stormy grey eyes watch you from behind his matte black mask and your eyes are drawn downwards, noting how well he fits into his all-black tux. When you glance back up you see his tongue dart out to wet his lips and force yourself to look away, missing the way the corners of his lips quirk upward.
You feel a light touch on your hand and meet Bucky’s eyes, a softness taking over his features that you can’t resist. “Care to dance, doll?”
You let him take your hand and start to nod, but pause as a thought comes to you. You were just dancing with Steve, and while you don’t really want to leave his company, dancing with Bucky is an opportunity that can’t be missed. Looking to Steve for silent permission, he nods, and you notice a look of shared understanding pass between them. You don’t have much time to think on it, though, as you are pulled into Bucky’s front and held there gently by two hands on your lower back just as a new song starts playing.
His eyes look into your (y/e/c) ones and you are drawn in by the intensity there. Feeling brave, you move one of your hands from where it’s resting on his chest to the base of his neck, playing with the hairs that have come loose from the bun at the back of his head. A shiver passes through Bucky at the feeling and he chuckles low in his throat.
You hum along with the music drifting through the ballroom, getting lost in the dance and the feeling of being pressed against the super-soldier. Bucky brings a hand up to brush a strand of hair from your face, his knuckles brushing against your cheek in the process and bringing your stare back to him. His hand drifts just a bit lower, resting on the side of your neck and causing a breath to catch in your throat.
“Are you enjoying yourself,” he asks and you have to pretend that his touch isn’t affecting you.
“I am, actually.” Bucky hums in acknowledgment and you take that as your cue to go on, his gaze resting warmly on you. “I thought this would be stiff and boring, but I have had a good night. Plus, it’s great to see everybody dressed up. You look amazing, by the way, Buck.”
“Thank you, sweetheart,” he says and bites his lip, and you notice his cheeks pink a little at the compliment. You giggle softly, the sound sweet on Bucky’s ears and he looks up at you, a smile lighting up his face.
The song switches to a more fast-paced one and a squeal escapes you as you’re lifted off your feet for a few seconds and twirled around, the move reminding you of something you’ve seen in old movies. Laughter rumbles through the both of you as you’re placed back on the ground and you lean into Bucky’s frame, trying to stay upright.
Something catches Bucky’s attention over your shoulder after a moment and before you can ask what’s up, he is taking your hand in his and leading you off the dancefloor. You decide to just go with it, trusting that you’re in good hands. Once you’re off the crowded dance floor you spot a balcony door that you hadn’t noticed before, and that seems to be where he’s leading you. It’s only once you reach the French doors and exit the building that you realize you needed the cool air outside.
Out on the balcony, you’re met with the sight of Steve holding two full glasses of champagne, a third waiting on a table nearby. He beckons you closer with one of the glasses, handing it to you as you near and you thank him, taking a sip of the bubbly liquid. The location of the building you’re in gives a fantastic view of New York City in the distance and it pulls you in. You walk to the balcony railing and rest one hand on it, admiring the scene in front of you.
As you stand silently in awe, warmth surrounds you, and you notice that Steve and Bucky have joined your perch. You send a smile to both of them, but you feel a slight sense of awkwardness. Here you are at this ball with these amazing men, you’ve danced with both of them, and you can’t help but feel that you could be more. More than teammates, more than friends...one could only wish. Where was a shooting star when you needed one?
You’re brought out of your thoughts when a hand is placed around your waist, the cool hardness of it permeating your dress and letting you know that it’s Bucky. His tender touch turns you in his direction and you look up into his face, hoping you don’t look as lovestruck as you feel.
“Yes, Buck?” You place your glass of champagne down when he reaches for your hand, holding it in his right.
You feel a hand caress your shoulder, the calloused skin grazing yours where your dress is exposed in the back and you shiver, the touch exciting you. Casting a glance, you see Steve behind you wearing a soft smile on his face, and you note that he’s removed his mask. You turn back to Bucky when he speaks again.
“I’ve admired you for a long time, Y/N, but lately I’ve realized that it’s more than that. I’m crazy about you, doll.”
“We both are,” you hear Steve next to your ear, ”and we know you feel the same.”
“R-really?” You curse yourself for stuttering. It’s hard to believe even one of the men before you would have similar feelings as yourself, but both of them? You think you may be dreaming.
“Of course,” Steve says at the same time you hear Bucky say “We would never lie to you, Y/N.”
Bucky must see the change in attitude on your face because he levels his gaze with yours, silently asking for permission. For what, you’re not sure, but you would never deny him. You nod and Bucky’s touch leaves you.
You whimper quietly, though you’re sure he hears it, until you feel Steve’s hands rest on your hips as he draws closer to you, now holding you with his chest pressed against your back. You watch Bucky’s hands draw up beside your face to the back of your head, untying the ribbon holding your mask in place. The silver-gray lace falls to the ground at your feet but you don’t care, staring into the eyes of one of the men that has just confessed feelings for you.
“So what does this mean for us,” you ask, uncertainty lacing your voice.
“It means,” Steve pauses to press a chaste kiss to your neck, “that we would both like to be with you. If you’d have us, of course.”
Your head drops back against his shoulder as relief and excitement fill you.
“So will you have us, sweetheart?” Bucky’s voice sounds hopeful.
You stand straight, pushing up to your full height with the help of your heels, and press a kiss to the corner of his lips, feeling him smile when you linger. You pull away, and you couldn’t stop the bright smile on your face even if you wanted to.
“I would love to,” you say emphatically.
“Let’s get out of here. There are too many people here, and we have a lot to talk about.”
You agree with Steve’s statement, stepping out of his arms so you can place a kiss on his cheek, grabbing both his and Bucky’s hand.
“Let’s go home, boys.”
Post-A/N: Alright, you guys, how was my first time writing Stucky? Please leave feedback below so I can know for future reference! Or ya know, just let me know if you liked it ☺ thank you guys so much for reading, and I’ll talk to you lovelies later!
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buffysummcrs · 5 years
/post/184221536620/i-hate-the-russo-brothers-i-hate-the-russo why do u hate the russo bros ??
i posted that after seeing the endgame spoilers that came out after the world premiere last week, and while i regret and am apologizing for saying bad things about the movie before seeing it, i stand by this post because i really have not liked them post catws. the short answer to this question is that it really seems like they don’t care about what happened with their characters in the movies preceding theirs and ruin a lot of the really good characterization other directors had. plus they have very much contributed to the poor treatment of female characters but that’s kind of an mcu staple. it really seems like for every one good thing the russos do, they do about ten more bad things.
the long answer to this question is going under the cut because i am 100% going to rant and i am sorry but this is really gonna get into my unpopular marvel opinions and it will include endgame spoilers (they will be marked though). read at your own risk, i will try to warn if there is any “anti” characters or something. 
examples of how they ruin the characterizations other directors set in place:
wanda. look i’m just gonna say it now i don’t care for mcu wanda (even without discussing her whitewashing) so if you don’t want to read something written by someone who doesn’t like her, skip this bullet point … in age of ultron, wanda WAS WILLINGLY WORKING FOR A NAZI ORGANIZATION AND UNLEASHED THE HULK ON AN INNOCENT CITY AND PUT THINGS IN TONY’S HEAD THAT LED HIM TO CREATE ULTRON. in age of ultron though, it was fairly clear that the avengers didn’t fully trust wanda and pietro when they “switched sides” but immediately in civil war, the russos wrote it as if none of that happened. i would like mcu wanda so much more if she was given a real redemption arc, like loki in ragnarok, letting her answer for the things she previously did and proving that she is trustworthy and a true ally. the avengers immediately pardoned her, so much that it wasn’t even talked about clint is exempt because pietro saved his life and a child’s life and thus felt responsible for wanda because the russos just really want to get the brownie points for including a female hero that isn’t black widow
tony in civil war. they made it pretty obvious that tony was supposed to be an antagonist or at least someone you should root against. whether you were team cap or team iron man or you didn’t care because it was so stupid the movie was written pretty clearly to favor team cap and make tony look awful … even though he had a perfectly valid and reasonable argument for signing the sokovia accords … i mean they really do need to be held accountable for all of the destruction they cause. and yeah i agreed with cap too because they shouldn’t relinquish all control to the government, but the russos wrote it so that tony looked like the bad guy, when he really reallyyyyyy wasn’t
thor. poor, poor, beautiful thor. in ragnarok, thor went through a major character arc that allowed him to see that he is more than just the person who can wield mjolnir because he has had the power and strength to be a hero within him all along, then BAM russos say screw that in infinity war and make him go off on this whole mission that really was a waste of time to get a weapon that he doesn’t need to defeat thanos. yeah i’ll admit storm breaker is cool and i love that he got to build a relationship with rocket and kind of groot but it is just so unnecessary when they could have done something different to build that relationship, but it literally says fuck taika’s storyline for thor.
loki. in the first five minutes of infinity war they kill him off in the most un-loki-like way possible. taika did so much for the characters in ragnarok, giving loki a true redemption arc and adding valkyrie to the mcu as a strong and important character, but do the russos care about any of that? NOOOOOOOO.
so they ruined steve. i am not accepting his ending. it really just is not him, because as we have seen from the past six movies, he will pretty much do anything for bucky. ANYTHING. and i know he loves peggy, peggy was the love of his life except bucky but marvel is full of cowards but he moved on from her, and she moved on from him. i mean agent carter was about peggy proving herself as more than just captain america’s girlfriend, and steve going back in time to be with peggy erases all of the character development peggy went through as well. honestly, i think the russo brothers did that because they knew people would likely be more upset with steve dying than tony dying (maybe i’m wrong, but just of all the marvel fans i know irl, they like steve more than tony. for the record, i would have been equally sad with either of their deaths because i love them both) and the russo brothers are fully aware of how big the stucky ship is, and this was their way of saying “hey, guess what? we didn’t kill steve and he is hetero, and there was Nothing There with bucky”. they made steve just reinsert himself into peggy’s life, when he KNEW she was happy without him and peggy had no choice in it. 
and as if they didnt do enough to thor in infinity war, they screwed him over EVEN MORE in endgame by making his only purpose to supply lazy fat jokes. there were so many other ways they could have depicted his depression, SO MANY WAYS, but they chose the lazy route of putting hemsworth in a fat suit and making fun of fat people the entire movie.
i can admit that they wrote carol well … but only when she was actually in the movie. i mean what she was there for maybe eight minutes?
and of course the lgbtq character was fucking joe russo as a glorified extra. queerbaiting that it was carol, thanks russos
i really feel like i do need to clarify that i do love marvel and the mcu, and most of these characters just mean so much to me, but the way they are written and done dirty by the russo brothers when they were given such great developments before just ruin so much of it. and the russos actually do some great things, like as i said the rocket/groot/thor team up was awesome in infinity war, just what they were doing with said team up was undoing taika’s beautiful movie. the best way i can describe the russos is that they do one good thing for every ten bad things, and that’s that on that.
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