#mars's askbox! ☆彡
sadnsxft · 11 months
Im so glad you enjoyed the read haha.
But yes Isaac would definitely have a “Well, fuck” moment when he learns he is being suspected. He actually really likes the Ghosts, especially the Walker boys. And to see that Keegan is torn between trusting him or not would definitely hurt more than he was prepared for.
In my head they all have this confrontation of sorts with Isaac where he goes through this brief flash of grief in his head for supposedly losing a team he was starting to love, but he’s just so jaded at this point that he mentally yells himself that “it was only a matter of time anyway”
And so after Elias and all of them lay everything out, the supposed evidence against Isaac, the ways they can connect him back to the Federation, all that stuff, they are all silent waiting for a reply, for a denial, for some kind of outburst. But they are all a bit shocked when all Isaac says is
“So what now?”
Elias asks what he means.
“What now? Are you going to detain me? Kick me out? Send me to No Man’s Land with nothing but the clothes on my back and a prayer?”
Keegan then speaks up for the first time during the whole intervention, “Isaac, we just want the truth.”
“I don’t give a damn what you want because I have no guarantee that you’ll believe anything I say after all that.” Isaac spits out at Keegan
“That’s not-“
“If you are going to believe anything then believe this: My goal is to stop the Federation. Whether I have to do that with or without you doesn’t matter because I. Will. Stop. Them. So it’s up to you to decide how that’s gonna happen.”
The room is then weighted by a tense silence. Eventually Elias speaks up,
“There’s too much at stake for us to risk a rogue agent taking on the whole federation himself. You are still on the team but you are not in the clear. As for right now you will only operate under direct supervision from myself or Merrick. Your access to our database is suspended unless deemed necassary. Is that understood?”
“…Sir, yes sir.”
“Then you are dismissed to your barracks until you receive further instruction.”
Isaac turns and leaves without a word. Keegan has to stop himself from chasing after him. Isaac wishes the whole way that Keegan cared enough to follow.
omg i got busy and forgot to respond to this 🤡
anyways i wish i was better with words to explain how much this is so interesting and i LOVE it. i love a good ol "has to stop himself from chasing after him" trope. like UGHHH DO IT CHASE AFTER HIM FOLLOW YOUR HEART. DO IT FOR LOVE. but then it drags out into a heart wrenching little cliffhanger type beat with usually more tragedy.
okay but fr the "isaac, we just want the truth" and then isaac kinda popping off AHHHH PAIN
he has every right to go off cause hes so right, if theyre already suspecting him of being a traitor WHAT IS HIS WORDS GONNA DO???? RAHHHH
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sadnsxft · 11 months
ITS ME AGAIN!!! So Keegan and My OC lol
So my OCs name is Isaac and he’s one of those interchangeable OCs I have where he has a “base model” that I can just transplant into any fandom/IP so of course once I watched a CoD Ghosts playthru and fell in love with Keegan my first thought was “Sublime…he needs a boyfriend I can smash together with like action figures”
I don’t even really have a 100% “canon” way they met or get together cuz it’s just fun coming up with different scenarios of them interacting
(Okay rambling over)
okay but base model OC is the perfect way to explain how i read xreader fanfiction. i dont really envision myself just an oc who represents me.
"he needs a boyfriend I can smash together like action figures" LMAOOOOOO realest thing ever. i stg thats me when im deciding my loverboy of the month.
okay but yesss. not even having the details down and just scenarios is me too. its fun to just kinda daydream
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sadnsxft · 11 months
(You might regret giving me this kind of permission lol)
But I feel like Keegan would be very dedicated to his S/O once he realizes he has feelings for them. Within the world of CoD: Ghosts it would be hard for him to commit to anything with anyone because of how hectic and dangerous his life and the life of anyone in their situation would be. But even if he’s not able to put a label on any relationship he has, Keegan would noticably be so concerned with the person he cares about and seek them out regularly.
(Pls be proud of me for not just completely talking about Keegan and my OC’s relationship lol)
ughh i love this!! it gives me some insight into his character past the badass soldier even if it is just a headcanon.
(LMAO im proud of you, BUT also id like to just say if youd LIKE to talk about keegan and your oc's relationship 👁👁 id love to read about it)
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sadnsxft · 7 months
Hiiiii soooooo, I sent an ask in about another situation with Keegan x my OC Isaac and just realized I never finished the actual idea lol.
But yeah the basic gist was, post-game, all the remaining Ghosts + Isaac dove into looking for Logan, but Keegan notices that Isaac is becoming a bit obsessive over it. Like he doesn’t eat or sleep nearly enough anymore.
I really did mean to send a second part but I just couldn’t flesh out the dialogue like I usually do for these kinds of things.
But basically Keegan finally corners Isaac and because Isaac is just so worn out he gives in and tells Keegan that the reason he’s so focused on finding Logan is because he feels as if he owes it to him and Hesh to find him. Isaac’s little heart to heart with Hesh about his own you her brother brought back a lot of guilt that Isaac feels about never being able to find his own brother let alone save him. So he feels like he “can’t fail again.” And that’s why he was pushing himself so hard to find Logan.
This in the end kinda serves as another bonding moment foe keegan and Isaac in that Keegan sees this part of Isaac that is deeply caring and loyal. a side that he didn't see before or just refused to a knowledge when it was all business and saving the world nonsense. Or maybe it was that Isaac never showed that side as much before because he never had anyone to trust with it. The Ghosts made that very clear when they suspected Isaac of being a spy at the very least.
and Isaac get to be reassured that hes not alone in doing things anymore. and Keegan doesn't just leave him with words, he actively makes an effort to show Isaac that he is cared fir in return and belongs with the team. keegan helps Isaac search through files when he can, but he also helps Isaac remember when to take a break, when to eat, when to step away or else hell go crazy.
omg hi again! i love it, everyone needs a keegan to prevent going crazy (i need a keegan to prevent from going absolutely insane)
heart to hearts and efforts to show hes cared for got me 😭😭 PLSSSS maybe my standards are just low but SWOOON
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sadnsxft · 11 months
Little bit of angst for my KeeganxOC that I’m willing to share: my OC Isaac didn’t join with the operation run by Elias until right before the start of the campaign. So a little side not I added to the story is that, as the story of GHOSTS plays out and they keep getting duped by Rourke who always seems one step ahead, Elias, Merrick and the rest of the Ghosts are suspicious that Isaac might be a traitor because of his sudden appearance in the fight against the Federation (and also because of some other things about him and his past that would take too long to explain lol)
Keegan never suspected Isaac to be a traitor or a mole or anything so he’s angry at the others for insinuating that Isaac is the enemy but he also trusts his team with his life so he is torn between wanting to trust Isaac but also intrinsically trusting his team. Keegan deals with a lot of inner turmoil, trying to figure out if his feelings for Isaac are clouding his judgement or if they are all just missing something and Isaac’s supposed involvement is just a coincidence.
In the meantime, Isaac has no idea that the others suspect him to be a traitor, however he is not surprised to find out when they eventually confront him. Isaac has been scorned by his previous teams and commanding officers before this, in addition to just not having anyone he could trust in his life since the Federation attack 10 years ago. Granted Isaac did have ulterior/secondary motives for helping the Ghosts but he never betrayed them to Rourke or the Federation.
(Sorry for the mini novel lol)
NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR YOUR CREATIVITY!! i LOVE me a good long read anyways
first off let me just thank you for sharing, this is fuckin dope! second, OMGG I LOVE LOVE LOVE A good suspected traitor trope. i havent found many cod fics with this trope (SURPRISINGLY!! tbh i might just not have looked enough) but when you get them DAMN DO YOU GET THEM
i can imagine the angst the slowburn the heart aching feelings especially when keegan is just spiraling wondering if he should trust his heart or his team. AND POOR ISAAC. bro doesnt even know theyre falsely suspecting him. and i know you said hes not surprised by the team confronting him but you just KNOW theres that underlying feelings of "well... fuck" and not being able to trust anyone and not having anyone trust you no matter what you do.
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sadnsxft · 11 months
Was browsing the Keegan tag and saw you are now a Keegan Girly. Welcome aboard. I like to headcanon that Keegan loves to wear his S/O’s hoodies and sweatshirts after a long mission cuz their wearing something that smells like their loved one calms him. Just Keegan sleeping in a big oversized hoodie
AHHHHHH omg your my first ask box message ever!! this is so exciting!!!!! im also absolutely loving the mini welcoming committee ive gotten. pleasure to be here yall 🫡
i love that hc tho thats very sweet. i feel like thats a pretty common hc amongst various cod characters but it just makes so much sense and it never gets any less sweeter the more i read it. LIKE whats more comforting than a big hoodie that smells like your loved one??
definitely can just see it now tho, hood covering his face while he naps.
okay but the REAL question is how does he snore???
is he a HONK Mi mi mi mi mi or hoNK shoo hoNK shooo, ORRR is it auuGGHHHH aauuuGHHHHH. i feel like if i can get an answer on this ill understand his whole character LMAOOO
but fr tho, thank you for sending in your headcanon! i love interacting with other people and reading their headcanons or thoughts/rambles so pls feel free to send in more if you have any!
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sadnsxft · 8 months
Just popping in to tell you I do have a follow up to the Keegan x Isaac thing I sent in last, I just have troubling writing out all the stuff in between the dialogue lol. And I am also forever grateful that you take the time to peruse my Drabbles lol.
Here is an excerpt that I was thinking up for the next part of the overworked Isaac ask
“Would you stop saying my name like a disappointed parent?”
“I will as soon as you stop acting like a child!”
“Please just… tell me what’s wrong.”
and im eating it up every time. crying, sobbing, screaming.
literally i can imagine this dialogue and then like the opening to young by vacations starts playing
definitely waiting for the outcome of that convo, i can just imagine the angst 👁️👁️
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sadnsxft · 8 months
Hello! I know it’s been a while but you are literally the only person I talk to about this character and I have another Keegan x my OC Isaac idea.
Idk if you remember but I sent a snippet a while ago talking about how Isaac and Hesh bonded over being big brothers who lost their younger brothers, and then afterwards Keegan and Isaac kinda make up and admit that they care about each other. Keegan tells Isaac that he sees him as a member of their little ragtag family and Isaac comes clean about his past
So after the events of the Ghosts campaign and my little snippet, everyone goes into ��Find Logan Mode”. Isaac being a data analyst/encryption whatever the heck guy spend a lot of time doing digital work to find Logan. He hacks into Fed data systems, tracks suspicious finances and shipping routes that could have ANY possible connection to Logan or Rourke. But he also accompanied the team on missions still too, especially if it’s to facilities that he thinks have valuable intel.
However he starts to spiral and take on too much of a work load. Isaac always starts his day early at the gym they have on base, so it’s no surprise for the Ghosts to see him there in the morning and then at his computer for the rest of the day if there are no missions. The others start to wonder though when he starts skipping meal times of something is up with him. Keegan visits Isaac at his desk sometimes to check on him and always see wrappers for protein bars and empty water bottles and such.
It gets bad enough that Merrick AND Hesh both ask Keegan if he knows what is wrong with Isaac two separate times. Isaac keeps brushing everyone off saying he is fine, even when Keegan asks.
Keegan decides one evening to confront Isaac about it, waiting up until he hears Isaac come back from his desk to the barracks for the night. He waits one hour, then two, then three, next thing Keegan knows is he’s jolting awake only too lol at the clock that reads 5 am and Isaac still hadn’t returned, but suspiciously, his gym bag is gone.
Keegan goes to check the offices to find Isaacs desk empty. With a sour twist of his gut, Keegan goes to to check the gym.
Once he enters, Keegan can hear the sound of sneakers hitting rubber amd the whirring him of a treadmill. What concerns him though is the labored breathing that doesn’t come from a warm up run, but from utter exhaustion. Keegan zeroes in on Isaac just as the other man looses balance and falls forward, launching backwards as the treadmill sends him tumbling off.
Keegan rushes over and starts fussing over Isaac. He tries to help him up but Isaac is disoriented and can’t seem to stand up, barely registering that Keegan is there. Keegan worries that Isaac has a concussion but he didn’t see him hit his head on the fall. He tries to get Isaac to tell him what’s wrong but all that comes out are mumbled words that Keegan can’t make out.
Keegan decided he’s done waiting around and watching as Isaac deteriorates. He scoops Isaac up bridal style, concerningly without any protest or snide remarks from the other, and carries him down to medical.
Keegan WILL get answers from Isaac eventually, but right now he just wants him to be okay
(Kinda losing steam but let me know your thoughts if you have any lol)
OMG hey!! its good to hear from you again :) maybe i shouldnt be answering this when the ashwagandha i took is kickin me into sleepy time mode but i got excited after reading this LMAO
anyways, i love a good "please, just let me take care of you" scenario but like im so concerned for isaac becoming all consumed into his work :(
i just know when he gets that rest he needs theres gonna be a long conversation
"i know youre frustrated, we all are. but we need you alive. i-" hard emphasis on i "need you alive". typa deal
also that part when keegs jolts awake, i just imagine like the old man ass wake up. mid snore, and jolts like the world is ending for a split second LMAOOO
sorry i have like no actual thoughts to contribute but thanks for sharing your thoughts with me again! this is so fun :)
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sadnsxft · 11 months
To answer your latest question I feel like Keegan is def a HONK SHOOOO snorer lol
(I def did NOT come up with a whole oc just to ship with Keegan in-universe for the CoD Ghosts campaign and think about him and Keegan being all domestic together lol)
HONK shoo?? i get him now. i understand his character to the fullest extent LMAO
(👁️👁️ you should definitely NOT share all the thoughts that your amazing mind totally DIDNT come up with!)
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