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vodika-vibes · 2 years ago
Clone conversations - post Order 66. Starring Yin (a Nautolan jedi initiate Dusk saved from the Purge) and Marral (a human male padawan Dusk also saved from the Purge)
Yin: *peers up at Dusk* Buir.
Dusk: *stares back at Yin* I may be raising you, but I'm not your buir.
Marral: *snickers* That's literally the definition of buir, buir.
Dusk: *sighs* I'm too depressed for this shit.
*Yin pets him on the arm*
Marral: *hesitantly* If you like, we can leave this for another day?
Dusk: Nah, don't worry about it ad. This is something I have to do. Is Bee ready?
Yin: uh-huh. He's downloaded all of the schematics for the chips, and how they've been implanted, and the surgery suite is clean.
Dusk: *lightly touches Yin's head* Good girl.
*Yin grins at him, and both kids watch as Dusk finishes pulling on Stormtrooper armor*
Marral: Your other armor looks better.
Dusk: Don't I know it. *he pulls the helmet on* okay, I'll be back in a few hours.
*several hours later, Dusk returns to the Starsinger with a man draped over his shoulder*
Dusk: *under his breath* Never thought that I'd be grateful to the Longnecks for making sure I was CC level.
B6-20: Is this may patient?
Dusk: Yeah, Bee. Be gentle with him.
Beesix: And his name, Master Dusk?
Dusk: *pulls off his helmet and flashes a tired smile* CC-2224, Commander Cody.
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movienized-com · 9 months ago
El rapto
El rapto (2023) #DanielaGoggi #Rodrigode la Serna #JulietaZylberberg #GermánPalacios #JorgeMarrale #AndreaGarrote Mehr auf:
El Rapto – Die Entführung /The Rescue: The Weight of the World Jahr: 2023 Genre: Drama Regie: Daniela Goggi Hauptrollen: Rodrigo de la Serna, Julieta Zylberberg, Germán Palacios, Jorge Marrale, Andrea Garrote, Andrew Danish, Carlos Garmendia, Luciano Borges … Filmbeschreibung: Argentinien im Jahr 1983, kurz nach dem Sturz der Militärjunta, die 1976 gegen Isabel Perón geputscht hatte und…
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vecchiorovere · 2 months ago
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Buon Compleanno ad #AntonellaRuggiero (15 novembre 1952), è una cantautrice genovese, che si distingue per un'elevata estensione vocale, che le permette di passare con facilità dal genere pop al lirico, soprano, jazz, soul, blues, musica popolare ecc... Insomma una Grandissima Artista dalla voce straordinaria, fondatrice dei Matia Bazar insieme a Piero Cassano, Giancarlo Golzi, Mauro Sabbione, Carlo Marrale e Aldo Stellita (dal 1975 al 1989), nel 1989 decide di lasciare il gruppo per intraprendere la carriera da solista!
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fabiobass64 · 2 years ago
Silvia Mezzanotte, Carlo Marrale - Vacanze Romane... naked
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carmenvicinanza · 2 months ago
Antonella Ruggiero
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Attraverso i suoni si può acquietare la mente e andare oltre un mondo reale che a volte ci attanaglia. La musica per fortuna è ancora libera e liberante.
Antonella Ruggiero è la cantautrice che ha fondato i Matia Bazar.
Con la sua elevata estensione vocale ha attraversato tutti i generi dal pop, al jazz, soul, fino alla musica classica e contemporanea.
Nata a Genova, il 15 novembre 1952, ha studiato all’istituto d’arte. Per un breve periodo esercitato l’attività di disegnatrice grafica in uno studio pubblicitario, prima di dedicarsi alla musica.
Con lo pseudonimo di Matia, nel 1974 ha inciso il suo primo 45 giri, La strada del perdono.
L’anno successivo, prendendo spunto dal suo nome d’arte, ha fondato, insieme a Piero Cassano, Aldo Stellita, Giancarlo Golzi e Carlo Marrale, i Matia Bazar che hanno prodotto una serie di successi commerciali e vinto Il Festival di Sanremo 1978 con la canzone …e dirsi ciao oltre a due Premi della Critica nel 1983 con Vacanze romane e, nel 1985, con Souvenir.
Nel 1989 ha lasciato la band e, dopo qualche anno in cui si è dedicata alla sua vita personale e a un percorso di ricerca spirituale che l’ha portata spesso in India, è rientrata sulle scene nel 1996, con l’album Libera.
Ha continuato a produrre dischi, a suonare in giro per il mondo e a esibirsi a Sanremo, (vi ha partecipato per undici volte).
Negli anni ha lavorato con musicisti e musiciste di ogni provenienza, ha collaborato con Ennio Morricone, Franco Battiato, Elio e le Storie Tese, Bluvertigo, Subsonica, Peter Gabriel, giusto per citare qualche nome.
Ha condotto una florida ricerca all’insegna dell’esplorazione e della fusione dei generi musicali, con una particolare attenzione alla musica etnica. Si è esibita per importanti concerti il cui ricavato è stato devoluto in beneficenza per diverse cause sociali ed è stata protagonista di opere liriche.
La sua ultima fatica, uscita il 21 marzo 2024 è Altrevie, firmata col marito, il produttore Roberto Colombo.
Anti-diva semplice e umile, è stata una delle pochissime artiste italiane capaci di uscire tecnicamente dagli ambiti dell’ordinario.
Tra tradizione e modernità, Oriente e Occidente, sacro e profano, colto e popolare, acustico ed elettronico, ritmato e melodico, alla continua ricerca di una sintesi unitaria basata sul bilanciamento degli opposti, continua a rivelarsi un’artista dal talento straordinario con incredibili doti di mimetismo.
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444names · 7 months ago
Names generated from American, French, German, Irish and Roman Emperor forenames, 7 letters long
Adharry Affabre Aibhria Aldrine Alenton Alleraf Alviona Alvièle Alérène Anadhla Ancerne Andrete Andylas Aneacht Angeing Annieta Anothel Aodhach Aodhent Aoibhín Aoiline Aoiriar Aomáird Aotthen Apronce Arnairt Auriann Aurigne Aurtons Aximona...
Balaudy Baptine Barstan Bastona Beaveen Beidhán Belmuir Belotth Berinus Bernait Bertach Bertine Bliquel Bobhfla Bobyros Bonicam Brainne Brenton Bresios Bretris Bricion Brickim Briette Brinail Bronaid Bréadie Bróidna Bróilis Buadhna Calixie Callaur Canique Caodhne Caolant Caruana Cathear Ceacárd Cearane Cheries Cionack Claitho Claithy Claitua Claoiff Clonios Clémyra Coberie Cobessa Coddint Codhala Colmies Comaema Comarie Comarin Comelil Comenny Congéra Coniane Conicin Coremil Cottinz Cualard Curaith Cédéalf Cúmhane Cúmhlia Dalanne Damaxim Danuena Darbhán Dartray Deibhry Delaile Dellach Dermild Detheal Diacine Diannch Diedrey Dilíony Dinetth Diodhla Dionnie Domáire Donatyl Donifro Doninez Dorbhón Doreenz Dorghín Dorried Doviane Duadhbh Duberis Dubhghe Dubháin Dwillen Eamharn Eimonne Eindant Einiany Eirster Elestel Elinher Elmenth Elsoper Elvidne Ernacki Euntona Fabeach Faberta Faighus Feilipp Fianick Fiannev Findian Finmhna Fionord Florine Fodoran Fradhán Frarlin Fraumel Freanne Galbean Gendike Gensied Geoilín Gertran Gethola Gianiel Gisandy Glenéim Glorlad Goisann Goraith Gorinus Graisea Granine Graprie Gretrín Grettas Grédris Grégine Guestin Gweslie Günthna Hallyne Haëllyn Healuth Heandra Hearold Heigisa Heinnio Heithus Helbeán Helerit Helmarg Helvich Henrick Hericky Herseph Heryste Hiannes Hildian Hilexim Hiliand Hiosell Holgara Hollinn Holmhne Hosaith Hugored Irickim Irkolan Jachard Jachrin Jaciann Jamélia Jeabeas Jeachri Jealius Jeamhín Jeandie Jeannín Jeanste Jeraisa Jernaid Jernale Jernora Jerondo Jestene Jimhíon Jochrio Jodhbhe Joniart Joranie Jorleán Joseard Jovicky Jovindy Juademy Juailia Juantie Julaudo Juliany Justíof Jérolen Karagla Karisla Karleta Karlyne Karryan Kathert Kellean Klistín Laelius Lainnin Lairius Laorguy Laudrie Laurail Lavetto Leantin Leileen Lenrann Liximín Locarne Loibébh Loiléil Loracky Lorenth Lorgere Loseoge Lubethy Luciane Luciann Ludorge Lukarth Lupeark Lydeara Léabina Mabhrán Maellan Maellip Magóidh Maidhne Mailbyn Mainain Maireir Maitran Majohna Malacht Maodius Maoirek Maoiren Marandy Maranne Maromán Marrale Masaman Mathine Matjand Matteri Mattine Maudrik Maulius Maximín Maxisty Maylara Meartúr Meddius Melhert Meranne Miandsa Micardo Michacy Michine Milille Minette Mircard Miricky Monaice Moneine Muislie Mulacht Muthéan Mélinín Mónárdh Mórdhal Nateach Neardgh Neenrin Niamhóg Niamine Nichrie Nifredo Nikonny Ninisar Nóisíth Ochoris Olacher Olfgard Olus-pe Onostan Opaurie Ophemmy Orarrya Patruan Pealian Peidhna Peteran Phannik Phelane Phelmón Phianne Phianth Proncia Póindre Quismut Rachain Raklias Ranntiú Ratherd Rearley Riamore Rikasán Ristina Ristine Roibhín Ronadin Roseves Rottyad Roydece Ruadius Ruaidna Rualipp Ruathra Ruatter Rubeney Rudeard Rudicky Rundoue Runetas Réasaba Régorma Róislán Sameinn Sannbha Saoirdt Searian Selphil Seruste Shadhal Shadhna Shaitne Sharach Shardie Sharyla Shieris Siamony Siannán Sigilha Sonnait Stachad Sus-per Sverdgh Sylvall Séadria Sévenda Tacheon Telerie Teredia Terenta Therris Thérôme Tomarie Toniodh Téodidh Ulruale Vadrian Vaidhel Vaithna Valbhgh Velmuir Veniane Venrine Vestied Virkold Waniève Wighach Wighill Wilanus Wilémil Wolenán Woliena Wolieve Yolmune Yvellen Yveslán Yvonich Yvonnie Ágarmae Áittaín Éamarah Éamisli Éibhlas Éiliene Éilinna Éristan Étannya Éthghan Évettyl Órdgert
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csajokamotoron · 8 months ago
Csak egyszemélyes a LiveWire új elektromos cirkálója az S2 Mulholland
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A még mindig nagyrészt Harley-Davidson tulajdonában lévő LiveWire márka továbbra is az egyik legambiciózusabb (és legvitatottabb) belépő az elektromos motorkerékpárok piacára. Az új S2 Mulholland modell már a harmadik a márka kínálatában. Bár a LiveWire One, korábbi nevén Harley-Davidson LiveWire, ár és teljesítmény tekintetében továbbra is a zászlóshajó modell marad, az elektromos motorkerékpárok tekintetében kezd kiöregedni, és az S2 Del Mar és az új S2 Mulholland alapjául szolgáló Arrow platform rámutat arra a jövőbeli útra, amelyet a vállalat valószínűleg követni fog. A Mulhollanddal a LiveWire kiterjeszti vonzerejét egy városorientált géppel, amely lazább stílusú, mint a flat-track ihletésű Del Mar. Mechanikailag az S2 platform moduláris jellege azt jelenti, hogy a Mulholland nem tér el nagyon a Del Mar-tól. Ugyanazzal a 84 lóerős (63 kW) villanymotorral készült, amely figyelemre méltó 263 Nm nyomatékot ad le. A 10,5 kWh-s akkumulátor is ugyanaz, a töltési idő pedig megegyezik a Del Maréval - a töltési idő 78 perc a 20%-80%-os töltésnél a 2-es szintű töltővel, és 9,1 óra a 0%-100%-os feltöltésnél a lassabb 1-es szintű aljzaton keresztül. A különbségek a Mulholland megjelenésében és geometriájában mutatkoznak meg. Míg a Del Mar mindkét végén 19 colos kerekek vannak, a Mulholland elöl 19 colos, hátul 17 colos, ez utóbbin 180/55-17-es Dunlop Roadsmart gumiabroncsok vannak, amelyek 40 mm-rel szélesebbek, mint a Del Mar 140/80-19-es hátsó Dunlop DT-1 gumiabroncsai. Elöl a Mulholland 29 fokos villa-dőlésszöget kapott, 5 fokkal többet, mint a Del Mar, ami hozzájárul az 1468 mm-es tengelytávhoz, amely 15 mm-rel hosszabb, mint a régebbi motoré. A felfüggesztés is más. A 43 mm-es, felfelé fordított villák a Del Mar Showa-val szemben a Hitachi kínálatában szerepelnek (bár a Showa a Hitachi leányvállalata), és a hátsó monoshock is Hitachi egység. A Mulholland lecsüngő farának köszönhetően a hátsó rész alacsonyabb, így az ülésmagasság 785 mm-ről 768 mm-re csökken. Az azonos erőforrás ellenére a LiveWire Mulholland állítólag valamivel nagyobb hatótávolsággal rendelkezik városi sebességgel, mint a Del Mar, és akár 195 kilométert is megtehet két töltés között - 13 km-rel többet, mint testvérmodellje ugyanolyan körülmények között. Autópályán 117 km-t tesz meg, mielőtt az akkumulátor lemerülne. Mindeközben a gyorsulás és a végsebesség is töredékével lassabb, mint a Del Maré, ami arra utal, hogy a Mulholland magasabb áttételezéssel rendelkezik. A kétüléses Del Marral ellentétben a Mulholland együléses kivitelű. Nem rendelkezik sem üléspárnával, sem utas lábtratóval, a formavilágot pedig alacsonyabb hátsó rész, az ülés előtti rövidebb "üzemanyagtartály" rész és a kör alakú fényszóró, valamint a magasabb kormány átdolgozásával módosították. Könnyebb is, mint a Del Mar: 196 kg a meglévő modell 198 kg-jával szemben. A Mulholland valószínűleg először az amerikai piacon jut el a kereskedőkhöz, de végül a LiveWire márkakereskedőkhöz világszerte szállítják majd. Alpinista - egy elektromos ADV? A LiveWire védjegybejelentést nyújtott be az "Alpinista" név használatára egy jövőbeli motorkerékpár-modellre, ami egyértelműen egy közelgő elektromos kalandgép felé mutat. Az Alpinista valószínűleg a termékcsalád következő tagja lesz - ami olaszul és spanyolul "hegymászót" jelent, és aligha hagy kétséget afelől, hogy a motor, amelyre a nevet elképzelték, legalább valamilyen szintű terepjáró képességgel fog rendelkezni. Szinte biztos, hogy az Alpinista ugyanarra a moduláris "Arrow" platformra épül, amelyet az S2 Del Mar és az S2 Mulholland esetében is használnak. Nagy az esélye annak, hogy az Alpinista egy másik "S2" motorkerékpár lesz, ugyanazokkal az alkatrészekkel - maximalizálva az alkatrészek közös használatát és minimalizálva a K+F és szerszámköltségeket, miközben a termékcsaládot egy új piaci szegmensben bővítik. Később a LiveWire a moduláris platform "S3" változatát is hozzá kívánja adni a kínálathoz, amelyet kisebb, olcsóbb elektromos motorkerékpárokhoz használnak majd. A vállalat jelenleg a KYMCO-val együttműködve fejleszti ezt a platformot. Ezt követően egy új, nehézsúlyú "S4" platformot terveznek, amely a LiveWire One-t felváltó nagyméretű motorkerékpárok sorozatát hivatott létrehozni. Forrás Read the full article
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bar-apps · 11 months ago
Radiaciones, medidas.
Studio e calibrazione della risposta ottica ed NMR di dosimetri gel di tipo Fricke (FXG) in campi misti neutroni-gamma per applicazioni cliniche. S. Gallo, A. Longo, M. Brai, A.M. Gueli, M. Marrale, A. Parlato, E. Tomarchio, L. Tranchina, S.O. Troja, C. Gagliardo, F.Dí Errico Fig 3 Dosimetri gel di Fricke irraggiati con fotoni del 60Co (dosi crescenti) La radiación producida por eventos…
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albeo · 11 months ago
Radiaciones, medidas.
Studio e calibrazione della risposta ottica ed NMR di dosimetri gel di tipo Fricke (FXG) in campi misti neutroni-gamma per applicazioni cliniche. S. Gallo, A. Longo, M. Brai, A.M. Gueli, M. Marrale, A. Parlato, E. Tomarchio, L. Tranchina, S.O. Troja, C. Gagliardo, F.Dí Errico Fig 3 Dosimetri gel di Fricke irraggiati con fotoni del 60Co (dosi crescenti) La radiación producida por eventos…
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saturdaynightmatinee · 1 year ago
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Título Original: Cordero de Dios
Año: 2008
Duración: 90 min
País: Argentina
Dirección: Lucía Cedrón
Guion: Lucía Cedrón, Santiago Giralt
Música: Sebastián Escofet
Fotografía: Guillermo Nieto
Reparto: Mercedes Morán, Jorge Marrale, Leonora Balcarce, Juan Minujín, Malena Solda, Ana Celentano, Ignacia Allamand, María Izquierdo, Horacio Peña, Ariana Morini
Productora: Coproducción Argentina-Francia; Goa Films, Les Films d'Ici, Lita Stantic Producciones
Género: Crime; Drama
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vodika-vibes · 2 years ago
Post Order 66 - Part 5
The ship arrives on Alderaan, and Fox contemplates the way his life has suddenly changed for the better.
Very minorly proofread. One I post it, it’s not my problem. My words got away from me, so it’s long ish?I started typing this at 7:30 am and it’s now 9:30, so I feel accomplished. Please don’t be afraid to comment or reblog with comments. 
Tagging: @starrrgazingbunny and @thestarwarslesbian
Sometimes, it was hard to remember that he was no longer a soldier of the Empire. And it was harder to remember that Palpatine no longer had access to him.
Some mornings, Fox woke up dreading the day. Dreading the things he would have to do. The things he would have to see. And then Kanna would bump her forehead against his collar bone, or she would mumble something in her sleep, and he would fall back into reality.
His gaze flickered to the side, where Kanna was still curled up asleep. Her face was pressed into her pillow, and her hair was a tangled mess around her head. He knew, from experience now, that she meant to braid her hair before bed every night. And every night she forgot.
He worried that she was neglecting herself to care for the men on the ship. It wouldn’t be the first time that she put the wellbeing of the Clones over her own, after all. 
She said she was fine. That she was happy to help them. That it was her force given duty to help them. But she survived a massacre. A massacre that was perpetuated by the self-same men she was trying to help. And if she was focusing all of her attention on helping them, then who was helping her. 
He shifted, and paused, his gaze dropping from the back of Kanna’s orange head, to her arm. Her arm which was laying on top of the blanket between them. Her arm which he had a white-knuckled grip on. A grip tight enough that he could already see bruises forming on her skin.
Fox’s mind raced, even as he quickly released her arm. He didn’t remember having any nightmares. Hell, Kanna had promised that she would keep the nightmares at bay for one night. So. So why-
Panic gripped him. Was he losing time again? What if he hurt her even more? Or Dusk, or Cody? People always got hurt when he lost time...what if he wasn’t as free from Palpatine as Kanna promised? She would never lie to him, but Palpatine was so much more powerful than she was-
Warm fingers carded gently through his hair, and he felt a light touch on his cheek. Followed by a very familiar sensation that was purely Kanna, washing through him, breaking the panic with an ease that should have been concerning, but he couldn’t bring himself to feel more than just warm and safe.
“There we go,” Kanna’s voice was rough with sleep, “Are you back with me, Fox?”
He swallowed hard, “I didn’t mean to wake you-”
“No harm done.” She smiled at him, “Do you want to talk about what upset you so much?”
He hesitated for a moment. Shame, mixed with horror and revulsion, threatened to overwhelm him, and the sensation of Kanna washed over him once again, and it washed all of the bad away. “I grabbed you again last night.”
“It’s okay, Fox. It was an accident.”
“You have a bruise.” His voice was flat, “I could have seriously hurt you. Maybe we should rethink this sleeping arrangement-” Okay, and there was that panic again.
Kanna moved so that she was sitting on her knees, and both of her hands cupped his face. Fox couldn’t tear his gaze away from the already purpling bruise on her arm. A bruise in the shape of a hand. His hand. “Fox, listen to me.” His gaze lingered on the bruise, but slowly dragged up to her face. He scanned her expression, she looked serious and worried. Her eye mask was red, he absently wondered why she switched away from pastel colors. “Do I have you, Fox?”
“...yes.” He sounded weak to his own ears, and he kind of hated himself for it. 
“Okay. If you want to change the way we’re set up, then we can. But Fox. I’m not as fragile as you think I am. You cannot hurt me in any way that I can’t fix.” Kanna spoke slowly and clearly, making sure that he heard every word. “I can handle a few bruises.”
“And what if Palpatine still has control over me? What if he makes me kill you?” Fox asked.
She scowled at the mention of Palpatine. “He doesn’t.” Kanna said firmly. “Fox, I spent the last two weeks slowly stripping away of the the influence Palpatine had over you. He’s gone. I promise.”
“But what if-”
“Do you trust me?” 
“...more than myself, right now.” Fox admitted.
“Then trust me on this. Please.”
Fox was quiet for a moment, before he reached out and lightly touched the large bruise on her wrist, “Okay. But, will you let Bee make sure I didn’t hurt you more seriously? Please?”
“If it will help you feel more comfortable, then yes, I will.” Kanna promised, “We can even go together, so you can hear for yourself.”
Fox nodded and carefully extricated himself from the bed. He would use the sonic, and dress, and then drag Kanna to Bee himself if he had to.
“So. Alderaan,” Cody stared out at the planet that they were waiting for permission to land on. “Based on what you said to Kanna and Fox, we’re going to be there for a while?” 
Dusk grimaced, “I’m thinking that Bail might be able to point us in the direction of the Rebellion.” He admitted.
“You think a Republic Senator will point us in the direction of the illegal rebellion?” Cody asked, sounding doubtful. Sure, he knew that Obi-Wan had considered Bail Organa a friend, but he was pretty sure that Obi-Wan would  consider Asajj a friend, with as much time as they spent together.
His General really was a fucking di’kut.
“I trust him, Cody. Why else would I leave the kids in his care?” Dusk countered with a roll of his eyes. “Plus, with Kanna and Fox added to the crew, the Starsinger isn’t really big enough anymore.”
“What makes you think Kanna and Fox won’t want to stay on Alderaan?” Cody asked, genuinely curious.
Dusk hesitated, “It’ll be safer for them to remain mobile, I think.” He finally said, “Bail and Breha would shield us, but they have their own kid to think about.”
“But they’re willing to watch three Jedi?”
“I think Breha is of the opinion that they’re our children.” Dusk admitted, as his ears started to burn in embarrassment.
“...you know. Rex did mention something about you and the Royal Family of Alderaan-”
“We’re not talking about this!” Dusk blurted.
“Talking about what?” Kanna asked as she stepped into the cockpit and settled in one of the jump seats. Cody allowed his gaze to linger on the bacta infused bandages wrapped around her wrist for a moment, before his gaze jumped to the guilty looking Fox.
He decided not to mention it.
“Apparently, Dusk here is the official Sugar Baby of Queen Breha and Senator Bail of Alderaan.” Cody drawled, a grin crossing his face when Dusk’s face became even redder.
Amusement flickered across Fox’s face, “So it’s official then? What’s your title? Prince Consort #2? Her Royal Majesty’s Boytoy?”
“Can we stop talking about this?” Dusk asked, burying his face in his hands. “It’s not like that.”
Cody opened his mouth to say something, but the comm interrupted him before he could, “Attention Alderaanian Vessel HRM 23991. You have received docking permissions at Docking Bay 04, please follow the beacons on your display.”
“Copy that, Flight Control,” Dusk replied, as he brought the ship into the atmosphere.
Kanna, sitting behind Cody, tilted her head curiously, “Unless I’m mistaken,” She said slowly, “On Alderaan, Docking Bays 1-30 are reserved for members of the royal family.”
Cody and Fox turned their attention away from Kanna and onto Dusk, who was blushing red, “Thank you Kanna,” He groused, “You’re so helpful.”
Turned out, that Docking Bay 04 was actually located at the Royal Palace of Alderaan. And, as the small crew stepped off of the ship, they were greeted by Breha and Bail, as well as four children.
“Buir!” Yin and Marral tackled Dusk as soon as he was close enough.
“Bu!” Rhawl ran after them, and tried to climb Dusk to get a proper hug.
And there on Rhawl’s heels, was a tiny little girl with brown hair who also hugged Dusk, “Bu!” She shouted happily.
Dusk blinked. “One,” He pointed to Marral, “Two” his finger moved to Yin, “Three,” He lightly tapped Rhawl’s nose, and then, “Four.” He tapped two fingers to little Princess Leia’s forehead, “You don’t belong to me, Imp.”
Leia giggled madly and lifted her arms, “Bu! Bu! Bu!” Dusk obediently scooped her and Rhawl into his arms, and turned to greet Bail and Breha, who were following at a much more sedate pace.
“Welcome back, Dusk,” Breha said with a warm smile. Somehow, her welcome back felt like welcome home, and Dusk resolutely ignored his snickering in the background.
“Thank you, your majesty. I hope my little hellions weren’t too much trouble,” Dusk greeted with a smile, even as he tried to hand Leia over to her father, though she seemed hellbent on remaining in Dusk’s arms.
“Nonsense, Leia was thrilled to have a playmate her own age.” Bail replied, though his gaze flickered to the group behind Dusk, lingering on Kanna and Fox for a moment, “I take it your mission was a success?”
Dusk nodded once, “Yeah. We won’t stay long, Bail. I know you’re already putting yourself in danger just doing this much.”
“You can stay for the remainder of the week.” Breha interjected, “Your ship won’t be ready until then.”
“...Last I checked the Starsinger is still in fine shape.” Dusk said slowly.
She smiled, “It’s far too small now, Dear One.” She said gently, “So I bought you another, much larger one.” She clapped, “Now, let’s get our guests inside, and into some proper clothing.”
Two hours later, everyone was clean and in fresh clothing, and were sitting around the private sitting room. Kanna was sitting on the floor, leading a meditation for the four children, though for Leia and Rhawl, it was less meditation and more naptime.
Dusk, Fox, and Cody were sitting on various chairs around the room, with Bail and Breha happily hosting them. Though, it didn’t take long for the conversation to become slightly more serious.
“Bail, I’m thinking it might be time for me to throw my support behind the Rebellion,” Dusk said, when there was a lull in the conversation, “What can you tell me?”
Bail frowned thoughtfully, “There aren’t many cells that would be happy to accept clones, though all of them would accept a Jedi,” He glanced at Kanna, who was patiently coaching Leia and Rhawl through their first meditation, “Especially a Jedi Healer.”
Fox tapped an anxious rhythm out on the table, “Kanna used to get into fistfights with people who badmouthed the clones,” He admitted, “She showed up in out barracks with a bloody nose and knuckles on more than one occasion. She’d refuse to stay someplace where we weren’t welcome.”
“That does limit your options,” Breha murmured quietly, “There is that one cell that has clones,” She reminded her husband.
“True. I’ll send them a message, and see what we can make happen.” Bail agreed, and then he smiled. “Any other concerns?”
Cody shifted, “Kanna told me that General Kenobi is still alive. Do you know where he is?”
Bail and Breha shared a look, and Breha nodded slowly at her husband. “I do, yes.” Bail admitted, “He assigned himself a mission, and he’s not going to abandon it, not even for you.” He wasn’t trying to be cruel. He was just trying to warn them.
“Respectfully, sir, I won’t believe that unless General Kenobi tells me himself.” Cody replied as politely as he could.
Bail stared at him, and then nodded, “He’s on Tatooine. Living in the Wastes. He calls himself Ben now. If you would take some advice. When you go to speak with him, bring Kanna. He’s less likely to flee from a Jedi he knows.”
“That makes sense.” Dusk murmured, “We might even just send her. Let her explain everything, before we come in.”
“I take it we’re not joining the rebellion right away,” Kanna said as she approached, Leia asleep in her arms. 
“No, we’re making a pitstop on Tatooine.” Dusk replied.
“Hm. Okay,” Kanna placed Leia in Breha’s arms, “She wore herself out.” And then Kanna hesitated, “You’re both aware that she’s force sensitive, right?”
Breha nodded, “Yes. Her biological father was a Jedi.”
“She’s going to need training.” Kanna said as she folded her arms over her chest, “If only so she doesn’t draw the attention of the Inquisitors.”
“Are you offering?” Bail asked hopefully.
“I mean, I will if you want. But, from what I gathered, odds are I won’t be on one planet for long periods of time.” Kanna shifted, “But you have time. She’s still young, after all.”
“Thank you,” Bail said softly, and then he shook his head, “But, where are my manners. You’re all going to need rooms for tonight. One for each of you?” He asked.
Dusk coughed, “Kanna and Fox share for medical reasons.”
“Of course, that’s easy enough to accommodate.” Breha assured the pair, “And Dusk, will you be sharing with me and Bail?” She asked, with a would-be innocent smile on her face.
“I-uh...” Dusk’s face burned red, “Yeah. Okay.” He jabbed a finger at Cody, “Not. A. Word.”
Breha had a stunning smile on her face, “Wonderful! Leia has been sharing her room with Rhawl. While Yin and Marral have their own rooms. So only two additional rooms need to be set up. I’ll get right on that.”
Bail watched his wife leave the room with an adoring look on his face, “She’s amazing isn’t she?”
“I didn’t know that Dusk could turn that shade of red.” Fox murmured, a small grin on his lips.
Bail turned to look at Dusk, and he had the same adoring look on his face directed at Dusk as he did when he looked at Breha, “He’s always been rather adorable. Breha greatly enjoys making him blush, she always has.”
Dusk stood suddenly, “I’m taking Rhawl to bed,” He blurted.
“Great, I’ll come with you!” Bail said cheerfully.
Bail’s grin widened, “I like seeing you blush too.” He glanced at the three other adults in the room, “Someone will come and show you to your rooms in a bit,” He promised, “Dinner is at 7.”
Cody watched as Dusk and Bail left the room, with Rhawl sound asleep in Dusk’s arms. “You know, for the first time in a long time, I think we might actually be okay.”
Fox hummed his agreement, “We’re getting there, vod.”
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Vacanze romane, il brano dei Matia Bazar compie 40 anni
Flash mob di Carlo Marrale e Silvia Mezzanotte nei luoghi iconici della Capitalesource
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vampira-75 · 2 years ago
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slanax · 2 years ago
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444names · 1 year ago
the entire article on "incertae sedis" and the entire article on "elder scrolls" from english wikipedia + american forenames BUT excluding "b"
Aceso Acking Acquiper Addiney Addly Adedrita Adefices Aderta Advanna Affick Agarld Agglatko Aginecas Agity Ainmends Alicalk Alitti Altions Amitia Ammes Amotire Ample Andric Angen Anles Annallie Anset Ansie Anted Anting Apatuary Apirgia Applas Appos Araight Ariticed Avences Caacia Calaser Callemen Camid Cardine Cated Cation Cattine Chater Chous Chred Chres Cific Ciplett Cireah Civert Clake Clanny Clastage Cnies Colow Comody Conclue Coner Coneted Connecha Constass Contin Coritch Creen Crena Crever Cring Crons Culing Curina Cused Dackine Dacra Daings Danins Darielea Daspery Deary Dections Dedine Defor Deraccon Dernalie Derto Diang Dinsus Direlver Diver Domods Dorms Downa Drefe Driating Droinda Ductemen Dwadence Eanue Eased Eatual Edguy Eldis Elifight Ellaur Elopic Emicused Empasses Encea Ensavie Equilval Erree Ertivele Eukati Eveling Everia Evesinsh Evions Examern Exted Extume Exturi Facton Famprown Faneen Farna Fayed Fille Fivion Flemplel Forelyn Forion Forryon Forth Founamch Frading Fraser Frean Freed Fremolly Frewil Fulauto Fultio Gagroy Gaine Gannat Garah Gattives Gleadd Glont Glyned Gonsts Gorman Green Grelen Gresons Gretted Grold Grousess Gruda Guatong Gurriani Hadding Hadval Halight Harcurn Heigh Herres Hinte Histley Hodds Hology Hosed Hossoffs Houna Idesolos Imalsa Inall Infayer Inged Ingend Ingon Innald Insized Inted Irist Irizanny Ithord Itledo Jaced Jachreed Jainate Janclowe Janter Jasey Jecia Jefal Jefory Jerna Jills Jimard Joacil Joale Joang Joely Joinser Jorks Jorsim Jually Juarlate Kaggie Kagnmere Karle Katect Katio Keteced Kinvina Kirna Knectly Knoing Knowle Krical Krict Krille Krillies Krist Landaph Lanus Larvidna Lating Leath Lements Lennis Lootte Lorked Lormal Lowly Ludance Luppern Magamric Magred Mantly Mared Mariatin Marlda Marle Marly Marnatio Marral Marsis Maryo Mason Masone Matept Matern Mating Maxit Mayedie Mences Menum Mernall Merrio Mervely Messio Migned Milanda Misil Misons Modual Mondy Monsing Monver Mossived Motaly Mothels Moughted Moveren Mucil Mulesue Murica Mystiony Nalgated Namessif Naominal Netion Nevintly Notan Nualie Offerl Omily Omphys Ondann Opent Orchrown Orgen Ounielen Pacce Paciting Pacting Pactired Paine Panarly Parraced Paryok Paugh Paulang Pears Peatylos Pecaned Pents Pered Plows Poide Poored Pordes Porian Portade Portia Poryl Prins Procts Prodinal Prolst Prosed Prove Prover Prozoad Pulaim Ramands Ranny Raterce Ratyl Reassis Reasty Reath Reathnny Reeired Rends Rendyst Rents Reple Rescred Resus Retaint Retated Revers Rewary Reyonst Rocus Rocuses Rolact Rolory Rolvions Ronift Rordes Salle Samman Sanus Schris Sclor Scomong Scons Scris Scrodir Seards Serah Sesio Shappece Sharanda Sharl Shaugla Shazed Shelign Shindy Shoph Sicaty Sight Simmelp Sioly Sired Skiefter Slayer Sovers Spenast Spending Spervina Spold Sterse Strogy Succap Sures Swiduale Tadle Taigand Tanks Teddling Tedine Terion Thard Themend Thencer Theody Thers Thight Thonten Thower Tionya Topla Torle Toryanin Toted Tousiste Triated Trikeing Trune Unclaten Usids Ustele Valtomes Vares Vatintax Verferry Verge Verok Versher Viallial Viregial Viresion Voince Waden Wally Warld Wayeant Weaste Whoui Woodsch Wooke Worre Wouthly Wring Yolended Zelled Zoall
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academyoftheheartandmind · 5 years ago
Poems by Phoebe Marrall
Poems by Phoebe Marrall
  These I saw: small onions laid
with their root discs punctuating
the longitude poles. Polar caps, 
yes, navels to the earth where 
their buried unions still hold.
  That space along the stalls,
unpeopled on this damp morning,
stops me (for it insists), with the 
white parking lines leaping 
to the distant edge of gray asphalt, 
and to the gray and black
of my mind’s caverns.
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