#manual batch coding machine
weyrwolfen · 7 months
Eidola: Chapter 20 - CT-22-1981 Snap
Rating: T
Characters: Gen, Clone Trooper OCs, Captain Rex, Ahsoka Tano, and other canon members of the 501st/332nd and the Bad Batch
Warnings: canon-typical violence; references to self-harm, injuries, and substance abuse; PTSD; it’s post-Order 66 and nobody is having a good time (but they’re all working on it)
Summary: The mission was never to bring down the Empire. Not really. The mission was to save every single one of their chipped brothers. But if doing do helped break the Empire’s stranglehold on the galaxy? Well, that was just a bonus.
“The kriff are those?” Snap asked without thinking. He almost flinched at his own language, half-expecting somebody to call him on the profanity. But there weren’t any kids around anymore, so he could say kriff again, all he wanted.
Osik’la consolation prize. He missed Gida and the other Lawquane kids already.
Fuse set down the odd carrier full of vials, each containing slips of some kind of plant, suspended in a hydrating nutrient gel. The leaves were dark green with rusty orange veins, but Snap didn’t recognize them. Cut had made sure they knew everything there was to know about the plants they’d been keeping on base, and whatever these ones were, they were new.
“A soporific, hopefully,” the medic said, leaning against the work bench. Snap pulled a sour expression, to which Fuse elaborated. “A sleep aid. Apparently you can dry out the leaves and make a tea with them.”
“A tea, huh?” Snap asked, not really expecting an answer. Kriffing everybody on base seemed to have sleep issues, at least some of the time. Insomnia. Nightmares. Whatever. Snap definitely had, especially at first. He’d kind of evened out over the last several months, but he still had his moments.
“It’s not as strong as the tabs, but at least it’s not habit forming,” Fuse answered anyway. “If we can get a decent crop of our own going, then we won’t have to worry about spotty supply issues either.”
Well, alright then. Half of their hydroponics units had been emptied out and the plants shipped off to Wadj, so it wasn’t like they didn’t have the room to experiment.
“What’s it’s chem-profile?” Snap nudging aside the box of scraps he’d been about to take to the reptavian colony and leaning closer to the mystery plants. He pulled one of the vials out of the carrier and gave it a closer look. At least it had been grown in something similar to the matrix their own machines used. If they’d been in actual kirffing dirt, like those pop-peas Rasp had brought back… what? Two missions ago? Kriffing nightmare, prepping those for the frames, and half of them had died anyway.
“Uh, no idea,” Fuse admitted, fishing a small datastick out of one of his belt pouches. “But they came with this?”
Snap took the stick and scowled. “Came from where?” he asked.
Fuse shrugged. “It was in the latest delivery of supplies the Mandalorians unloaded.”
That might be good news. Their grow units were Mando-design, maybe they’d luck out and whatever data was on this stick would have the correct chem codes up front and center. If not, Snap would have to figure out how to manually program one of the units again. He was pretty certain he remembered how to do that.
He was a heavy gunner, not a kriffing farmer. This hadn’t been part of his training.
But Cut and Suu had worked hard to teach Snap and his brothers before they’d shipped out, and Snap wasn’t going to let them down.
He grumbled a thanks to Fuse, who took that as his cue to beat a retreat back out of the workroom door.
There was a stack of datapads tossed on the end of the long workbench. Snap picked one up at random and plugged in the datastick. It took a second, but the file did eventually open.
Snap glanced through the text. Apparently the plant was called maara vine, chem profile 3, light level 1. Easy enough.
“Hat Trick!” Snap yelled, pretty certain that his brothers wouldn’t have worked their way so far down the halls as to be out of easy earshot.
The reptavians screeched in response from the neighboring room.
“Yeah?” Hat Trick said a few moments later, leaning over into the doorway.
“Can you handle this?” Snap asked, nodding vaguely in the direction of the crate of scraps. “The medics just dropped a project on me.”
Hat Trick grumbled something, no doubt uncomplimentary, under his breath, but he did pick up the crate and hit the door panel with his elbow. The demanding edge to the reptavians’ shrieks intensified when the door slid open.
Snap scrolled through the text, eyes catching on the pertinent sections. He traded the pad off to one hand and picked up the cradle of slips in the other. There was an isolated growing rack in the room Suu had set aside for the cadets’ science modules. It would probably be a good idea to keep these things separate from the food crops. Accidentally dosing the entire base’s meals with a sleep aid didn’t seem like a smart plan.
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A group of Mandalorians had taken over the training mats in the back of the base’s gym, which was setting Snap on edge. It wasn’t like he’d been planning on sparring this shift, but he tended to get his hackles up around unfamiliar natborns.
Usually, this was a peak time for the gym facilities on base, but so many brothers had shipped out that the space felt weirdly empty, even with the addition of five Mandalorians. Not that Snap was entirely alone with them, there were a few other brothers in the room. Ajax was on one of the inclined benches, doing sit ups with a weight held against his chest. Whelk was guiding Feral through a few exercises.
Snap stacked his armor against one of the walls and took a few minutes to stretch out. Then he picked out a weight machine which would let him keep an eye on the rest of the room. The scavenged and improvised training equipment relied on actual, metal weights instead of grav-resistance generators, but Snap found he didn’t mind the clank of the objectively more primitive gear. He set the weight a notch higher than he had last time, settled into the chair, and curled his hands around the grips.
Counting reps wasn’t nearly enough to keep his mind fully occupied, but the Mandalorians were providing more than enough of a distraction. He didn’t know any of their names, but their armor was distinct enough that he was starting to recognize at least some of them on sight.
Black Cuirass with the Red Chevrons was currently kicking Orange Spaulders with the Weird Spikes around the informal ring. One of the ones he’d heard called a Nite Owl was acting as a referee or a spotter. Her armor was painted in the same colors as Kryze’s, mostly blues and grays, but it was far simpler in design. Two others, Three Shades of Green and Gold and Gray Stripes were standing off to one side, helmets angled towards one another, clearly talking about something, even if Snap was far too far away to overhear.
He couldn’t see any of their faces, but if he had to guess, Snap would have said that Orange Spaulders was younger than Black and Red, even if he was the taller and broader of the two by quite a bit. He was fast, but uncoordinated to a degree that would have gotten a sixth-year cadet sent to remedial training. Or worse. Black and Red, by comparison, moved like she knew what she was doing. The two of them were sparring with blades, and every point Not-Kryze had called so far had been in Black and Red’s favor.
The longer the fight went on, the more one-sided it became. Orange Spaulders was obviously letting his frustration get the better of him, getting more aggressive and less controlled with each successive attack. Black and Red wasn’t having any of it, dancing just outside of her opponent’s range and adding some well-placed kicks whenever he tried to charge her.
Not-Kryze called the match, right after Snap had finished adjusting his machine’s grips to their next configuration and started on his second set of reps.
Kark, that kid was skimming for trouble. He stomped out of the ring, body language all but shouting his anger and embarrassment. Snap snorted to himself, thinking of all of the karking awful osik that would have happened to him or any one of his brothers if they’d dared to act like that with one of their trainers.
And then, the puffed up di’kut turned and said something to Feral and Whelk, who were the closest two clones to the sparring ring. Whelk’s head snapped up at whatever had been said, but Feral?
Feral froze.
And then he bared his teeth in a way that couldn’t have ever been misinterpreted as a smile.
The weights slammed down with a sharp clang of abused metal when Snap released his grips mid-rep and rose.
Given his name, Snap would lay good credits on Feral always having been a little bit off, but anymore he came across as brittle, in a dangerous kind of way. He reacted oddly to things. Unpredictably. And maybe Snap had been in the 437th during the war, not the 501st, but Feral had been assigned to hydroponics, and that meant he was Snap’s responsibility.
And Snap was going to tear a strip out of that puffed up natborn, for whatever the kark he’d said to his little brother to get such a reaction.
Whelk had already moved to put himself between the Mandalorians and his brother. Snap didn’t hear what the medic was saying. Truthfully, he didn’t hear much of anything, except for a distant ringing in his ears. His vision had tunneled down dangerously as he crossed the room.
Snap was maybe six steps away from introducing himself to Orange Pauldrons, fist first, when someone intercepted him, fingers driving inward against the inside of Snap’s left bicep and down toward the bone, which sent a jolt of burning pain shooting along Snap’s nerves and made his arm involuntarily jerk back in a pained, defensive curl.
Kark, that really kriffing hurt.
Karking Corries.
Because of course it was Ajax. Of course it was. Whatever the kriff those painful ‘grab-and-squeeze’ techniques were, they weren’t part of the standard training regimen back on Kamino. And Ajax liked to feign complete ignorance whenever any of his brothers tried to ask him about them.
At least the moment Snap’s forward momentum stopped, Ajax loosened his grip enough for Snap to catch his breath. Kriffing ow.
��… Still recovering from a head injury,” Ajax was saying, when Snap got his head on straight enough to actually listen. Ajax was also giving Feral a hard side eye. “So, no. CT-37-4148 will not be cleared for sparring any time soon. However, CT-22-1981 or I would be happy to spar with any of you.”
Snap wasn’t sure if the use of their designation numbers was intentional, or if Ajax was also slipping into old habits around unfamiliar natborns.
He also didn’t exactly care all that much, just then.
Movement on the periphery of his vision drew Snap’s attention, and he tensed when he noticed Three Greens easing his hand off his holstered blaster.
Ajax’s hand went slightly tighter again, in obvious warning.
Snap didn’t relax, but he also kept his mouth shut. Kriff.
Apparently even Orange Pauldrons had realized he’d stepped in osik, if the tense, defensive set of his shoulders was any indication. He did manage to mumble a very half-hearted, awkward, “Uh, sure.” And then, when Not-Kryze shifted her stance pointedly, he amended, “I mean, I would be honored to.”
Ajax gave Whelk a very pointed look, and the 501st medic nodded minutely. Feral didn’t look very happy with being herded up off his bench and away from the situation, but he went along with it anyway. No one sane crossed a medic, and even if Feral wasn’t always on the right side of that line, even fewer of the clones on base would cross any of the Corries.
“I’ll suit up,” Snap said, eyes sliding back to Orange Pauldrons. The kriff had that overly-tall shebs said?
Ajax nodded, but he didn’t move to do the same. “You prefer blades?” he asked casually.
Too casually.
Snap refrained from snorting. So it was going to be like that?
By the time he’d strapped on his lower plate and rose to start in on his upper armor, Ajax was already in the ring, completely unarmored, holding two blunted practice knives against Orange Pauldrons’ full plate and powered down vibroblades.
Snap knew where he would place his wagers though.
“First to ten points,” Not-Kryze was saying, when Snap walked back within easy hearing distance, bucket in hand. She had her arms crossed over her cuirass, but her helmet was canted at an angle Snap would have called ‘dubious,’ or maybe even ‘concerned.’
But Ajax, unarmored and functionally unarmed as he was, just nodded and said, “Understood.”
Not-Kryze simply stepped back out of the ring, dropping her arms and making a brief gesture of invitation with one hand. Under her breath, Snap could just hear her mutter under her breath, “Your funeral.”
Ajax didn’t look terribly concerned. He simply widened his stance and raised both practice daggers in a reverse grip, dulled edges facing forward and down.
Orange Pauldrons looked conflicted. He was tense, obviously knowing he’d stuck his foot in it, but his pride was also stung. He took an uneasy stance of his own, single vibroblade leading, balled fist back and ready to punch.
Ajax just waited, expression so blank he almost looked bored.
Orange Pauldrons stepped forward, making a small feint with his blade.
Ajax stepped smoothly to the side, squaring back up with his opponent.
One more cautious jab, then another, slightly more emphatic. Then Orange Pauldrons lunged forward, fully committing to a powerful, backhanded slash with his blade.
The Corrie dropped low under the attack, left arm raised, knife angled up to catch or block any retaliatory swipe, and slammed his other fist, gripped around the hilt of his other practice blade, into the inside of Orange Pauldron’s right knee, in the gap between the man’s cuisse and greave.
The leg buckled.
Ajax rose even as his opponent staggered, catching Orange Pauldron’s arm in the hook made between the back of his blade and his left vambrace, right hand reversing, then diverting at the last second so that the side of his forearm, and not the tip of the practice knife, struck the side of the Mando’s neck, up close to the juncture where his helmet just covered his jaw line.
Orange Pauldrons dropped like a stone.
The other Mandos shifted there own stances at that, clearly adjusting their assessment of the fight unfolding in the ring between them.
Snap probably should have put his bucket on. He was having a hard time not smirking, because he clearly knew something Not-Kryze and the other Mandalorians were only starting to suspect.
Ajax was pulling his punches.
That knee-strike could have been debilitating if Ajax had wanted it to be, tearing up cartilage and tendons to the point that only bacta could have really fixed it.
Ajax wasn’t an ARC, or an RC, or any of the other named designations for special forces within the GAR. The Corries weren’t exactly sharing whatever hierarchies and training specializations the Guard had built for itself, but the three of them had been on a hand-picked team which had been sent to Mandalore and help subdue a rogue Sith. None of them were pushovers, the rare times their brothers could entice any of them into the ring, but of the three Guards, Ajax was indisputably the best.
Orange Pauldrons rolled on his side with a muted groan and pushed himself unsteadily to his feet.
Not-Kryze cleared her throat, but her voice was cool and steady when she said, “One, zero.”
Orange Pauldrons took a more defensive stance and waited, right leg visibly wobbling, clearly meaning to approach the rest of this fight with a little more caution.
Ajax obliged him, leaping forward with a quick series of punches and kicks. The Mando did manage to successfully block them, but he was also back on his heels, fully on the defensive.
And that was clearly what Ajax wanted, because the second Orange Pauldrons misjudged, staggering on his injured leg, Ajax was on him, deflecting his left arm high and directing an upwardly angled punch into his unarmored armpit.
Snap, having never actually been punched in the armpit before, didn’t know what the kriff Ajax had hit with that move, but Orange Pauldrons made a noise that sounded like the worst parts of a wheeze and a squawk.
Kriffing Corries.
Snap broke down and decided to put his helmet on, because he was dying here, and he didn’t trust in his ability to keep a straight face for much longer.
Not-Kryze looked at Orange Pauldrons, who was bent double, left arm tucked against his chest, clearly trying to catch his breath. “Two, zero,” she said, and then asked, tone flat, “Zane, are you out?”
“No,” Orange Pauldrons, Zane, managed to say as he straightened into a defensive stance once more, bristling angrily.
A very small, Snap would call it mean, smile curled up one side of Ajax’s mouth.
He took a ready stance very close to Zane, almost daring the Mando to reach out and grab his unarmored opponent.
And because the only thing keeping Zane on his feet was pride, and because Ajax was intentionally stinging it, the di’kut lunged forward and tried to do just that.
Except Ajax threw one of his knives at the man’s visor and followed through with the unexpected distraction by driving his heel onto the top of Orange Pauldron’s booted foot. His synthleather, not beskar, covered foot.
Caught thoroughly off guard from yet another unexpected burst of pain and flailing to regain his compromised balance, Orange Pauldrons barely seemed to notice when Ajax dropped low to sweep his other foot out from under him.
He hit the ground hard, helmeted head clanging loudly against the floor.
Ajax, retrieved his knife and rose, dropping into a ready stance again.
Zane looked up at him briefly and then let his head drop back down on the floor again. “Yeah, no. I’m done,” he admitted, sounding hoarse through his helmet’s vocoder.
Ajax nodded and offered the Mandalorian a hand up.
Snap wasn’t particularly discrete about the fist bump he offered Ajax when the Guard walked past him, but when Ajax returned the congratulatory gesture with an otherwise blank, composed face, Snap also leaned over and whispered just loud enough for his bucket’s mic to engage, “What the kriff did he say to Feral and Whelk?”
“He asked if they had ever fought a Force user,” Ajax said quietly. “I suspect he meant Maul, but Feral and Whelk took it about like you’d expect.”
Force. They were lucky Feral hadn’t dove on the di’kut, right then and there. Everybody knew, but nobody talked about what had happened on Coruscant, when the Order had gone out. That had been true, even before the eight 501st survivors had been brought back from Hadros.
Something of Snap’s scowl must have shown through his bucket, because Ajax said, “Weaver and I will handle any explanations, but I suspect it won’t be necessary.” He glanced pointedly over his shoulder, and Snap turned to follow the pointed look. Not-Kryze and Gold and Gray were hovering over Orange Pauldrons, who had slumped back down against the wall. It looked like the two of them were giving the shiny, and with his helmet off he looked barely old enough to even be a shiny, what looked to be a very quiet, but very thorough dressing down.
They did not need a bunch of Mandos accidentally dumping salt into those particular wounds. Not if they wanted to maintain the uneasy peace on base.
Ajax gave Snap a pointed look, and then continued off in the direction of his own armor, point apparently made.
“So,” Snap drawled, catching the Mandalorians’ attention. “Any takers for another spar?”
Three Shades of Green crossed his arms across his cuirass and snorted. “Depends,” he said in a deep, oddly accented voice. “Do you fight as well as him?”
Snap grinned under his bucket, and even though he knew he wasn’t in Ajax’s league, he still answered with, “Only one way to find out.”
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“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m coming,” Snap grumbled, hitting the control pad with his elbow. “Calm the kriff down.”
The reptavians, if they understood him at all, did not calm the kriff down. In fact, they only got louder. The ear-splitting screeching did settle down into slightly more tolerable hissing when he opened the cover on the food chute and poured in the day’s allotment of kitchen and gardening waste.
They were pretty little things, mean as osik and vicious, but brightly colored. Snap and his brothers collected the feathers, whenever they cleaned out the enclosure, but it was more out of force of habit than anything else. Ris wasn’t using them in lessons for the cadets anymore, and Ferin wasn’t popping in at off hours to request stuffing for the bedding and soft tubie toys Suu had asked him to make for Gida.
It felt wrong to just incinerate them though. Wasteful. Maybe they’d figure out something else to do with them.
One of the bigger females took a flying leap over her sisters and hit the grate in front of Snap’s face and clung, sharp talons catching on the heavy metal wires which twisted together to make the walls of the cage. He jerked, spilling some of the food waste on the floor for his troubles.
“Duchess, you shebs,” he said, shaking the last few scraps into the chute and then setting the empty crate aside. He bent down to pick up the scattered fruit peels and other, less identifiable bits of organic debris. When he rose and moved to drop them into the chute, the reptavian, Duchess, hissed and rattled at the walls of her cage indignantly.
Snap sighed, but shifted the pile of scraps into one hand so he could poke one of the larger pieces of peel through the study, metal grate.
The violent little ingrate snapped the orange sliver of rind and threw her head back, swallowing the food in one go.
He offered her another piece.
He really shouldn’t get attached to any of the reptavians, they were here to be food after all, but he couldn’t really help himself. Duchess was a little shabuir, but she had an unusually bright, blue-green crest of feathers down her back, and he’d named her, so that was apparently that.
Honestly, it was a safe enough choice. The brothers assigned to the kitchens had gotten into a habit of taking the males for meat, once their red-ruffed manes came in, but leaving the females behind to keep laying more eggs. It wasn’t like she was going to end up in his rations any time soon.
Not that he’d been eating the reptavian meat dishes lately anyway. But that was just because he didn’t like the flavor. Really.
Snap poked the last bit of food through the cage and then showed his hands, back and front, like a sabacc dealer. “No more,” he said, and the little osik hissed at him anyway. As if there wasn’t a giant pile of additional scraps in the bin on the floor. “You can karking well fight your sisters for the rest.”
The reptavian cocked her head to one side and gave him the most scathing glare out of her bright, red eye, before seemingly taking his words at face value, leaping down off of the wall of the cage and landing on two of her siblings, who screeched in indignation.
While the flock was thoroughly distracted, he walked around the corner of the cage and started unlatching and sliding open the nesting drawers.
Cut had walked Snap through the process of sorting eggs before he’d shipped out. The trick was, they changed colors when they were fertilized. The off-white eggs went straight into the freshly emptied crate, while the darker tan ones stayed in the drawers to hatch the next round of voracious little monsters. Any eggs with a more ambiguous color could be held up to the room’s overhead lights. The fertilized ones usually had an opaque band of shell around the middle.
There were enough unfertilized eggs this time to fill the bottom of the crate, carefully stacked three deep.
Maybe they could get the Mandos who’d signed on to take shifts in the mess to make more of that spicy egg casserole.
He’d left his helmet in the workroom while he’d dealt with the reptavians. After he punched a message into his vambrace alerting Spoons that the eggs were ready for pickup, he picked it up and noticed an alert flashing inside. Pulling it on, he found a message from Weaver waiting.
Apparently the Guard wanted to know if Snap would be interested in the additional help, which, kriff yes! Especially since they were expecting a bunch of returning Mandos as soon as the mission to Abainya was settled. Reading further, he found the catch.
The whole list of volunteers was made up of unfamiliar, Mandalorian names.
He’d have to ask if Delta, Link, and the other 501st brothers would be willing to put up with them though. That might be a hard sell. As for Snap himself, he found he didn’t mind the idea that much.
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“New toy?” Snap asked, grabbing the seat next to Tenor. Somebody had shoved the exercise equipment into even closer quarters to make room for two rows of metal-composite benches scrounged up from kark even knew where. He could have stayed upstairs to eat his lunch, but why do that when he could take in a show instead?
Tenor looked up from the small knife he’d been rolling over and over in his hands. It was a simple-looking thing, barely longer than his hand, with a straight spine, a curved edge, and a handle wrapped in some kind of braided cordage. Definitely non-regulation, but the edge looked sharp enough.
“I guess so,” Tenor finally replied. He sounded weirdly conflicted. “Woves showed me how to make it.”
Snap speared one of the cubed, red chunks out of his bowl – a Difranian helituber [chem profile 2a, light level 6], unless he missed his mark – and stuck it in his mouth, chewing slowly and considering. He’d really thought he’d learned all of their newest brothers’ names at this point, but he didn’t know anybody on base named Woves.
“Who’s Woves?” he finally asked, stabbing at another tuber chunk.
Tenor eyed Snap for a second before his gaze pointedly slid across the still-empty sparring ring, to the Mandalorians clustered on their own set of benches. There was a wide gulf of empty space between them, but Tenor’s voice still dropped low when he answered, “See the pale one in the gray and green armor?”
Wait, Woves wasn’t a brother?
It didn’t take long for Snap to find his target. Tenor hadn’t been kidding about the man being pale. Pale hair, pale skin, pale shades of green and gray over a pale gray bodysuit. He was speaking to two other men whose armor Snap did not recognize. “The one who looks like he fell in a vat of bleaching agent?” he asked, also speaking in a quiet tone of voice.
“Uh huh,” Tenor said, carefully testing the edge of the blade with his thumb. “I don’t know. He says he owes Buckler for something, but Buckler shipped out, so I guess I’m the next best thing.”
Snap’s eyes widened suddenly, looking down at the odd blade in a new light. “That’s not…” he trailed off.
“Beskar?” Tenor asked with a snort. “No. Just some spare alloy the recycler kicked out.”
Oh. That was a little disappointing. But still… “Think he’ll teach you how to make armor too?”
Tenor’s expression twisted weirdly again. “Maybe?”
That had a lot of potential. It wasn’t exactly a secret that while plastoid was cheap and easy to work with, it wasn’t the strongest material out there. Snap wore his armor like a second skin and poured his soul into maintaining his paint, but at the end of the day, his plate was mass-produced gear for a mass-produced army. “Let me know when you start taking orders for durasteel,” he said, only half joking. He was sure the Reaper and Raider teams would get first dibs, but just because he wasn’t on the front lines anymore didn’t mean he’d turn down a sizable upgrade in his equipment.
“Who’s taking durasteel orders?” Ding asked, sitting down on the bench behind Snap and Tenor. Some of the remaining brothers from engineering and the deck crew were filing in after him.
“Nobody,” Tenor grumbled.
“Tenor,” Snap said, at the exact same time.
Ding looked back and forth between the two of them, one eyebrow inching upwards.
Tenor just heaved a very put-upon sigh and said, “One of the Mandos taught me how to make this.” He held up the cord-wrapped blade. “And Snap’s reading way too far into it.”
“Let me see,” Ding said, sticking out a hand, palm up, for the knife.
Tenor handed it over, and Ding eyed it appreciatively.
Snap didn’t comment, even if he was sorely tempted to. He didn’t actually think he was reading too far into anything. Mandalorians took their weapons and armor very seriously, and they had this whole cultural thing about making them. Instead, he just speared a spike shoot [chem profile 2, light level 2], popped it in his mouth, and chewed on it.
“They’re certainly trying awfully hard to win us over,” Ding said, flipping the knife around and handing it back to Tenor hilt first.
Snap pointed his empty fork at Ding. “Right?” he said, thinking of the first batch of maara vine leaves he’d passed along to the medics.
Tenor just glowered.
Snap didn’t know what the kriff his problem was.
“But we’re still under orders to conceal the location of our other bases,” Tenor finally said.
Arches leaned around Ding, joining the conversation with, “You think they’ve told us about all of theirs?”
“No,” Tenor replied, sharp and obviously annoyed. “But I also think Lady Kryze hand-picked people who were the most likely to keep the peace.”
“And then threatened them if they didn’t,” Arches agreed.
This was all starting to sound an awful lot like politics, which was firmly Corrie business and not Snap’s.
But at the same time, he wasn’t sure he agreed with the political conclusions his brothers had reached, so he asked Tenor, “Think she asked Woves to teach you how to make knives?”
Tenor didn’t have a quick answer for that, cynical or otherwise.
Neither did any of the others.
“So, speaking of Corrie business,” Ding finally said, clearly dropping the subject. “Ajax is fighting…” he scanned the board some enterprising brother had hung up on the wall. “Ergan Vayn. Who the kriff is Ergan Vayn?”
“Red helmet,” Cutter volunteered, from his seat a few spots down from Ding. “And the cuirass painted to look like a ribcage.”
Right. Snap actually did recognize him.
And after that would be Zipps, who’d joined a few other brothers in erasing his number from the bracket and replaced it with his actual name, and Black and Red, whose name Snap had finally learned was Lytra Krest.
She’d knocked Snap out of the competition yesterday, and while his back still smarted from the bout, he couldn’t exactly argue with the way it had ended. Krest was kriffing quick and fierce. Zipps was going to have a time with her.
“The Abainya mission went well, so Captain Rex should be getting back soon,” Snap said, leaning back to grin at Cutter. “Rumor is, he’s going to fight whoever wins this bracket.”
That got some very interested looks.
“And does the Captain know about that?” Ocher asked dryly.
Snap grinned.
“Weaver’s supposed to tell him.”
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The mess was packed, with third shift cycling off for their late meal and sleep cycle, first shift grabbing caff before rotating on duty, and several newly arrived Mandalorians, fresh from Abainya. Half of them were missing pieces of armor, exposing bacta bandages and a variety of medical braces underneath. The smell of burn cream filled the room, even over the sharp scent of heavily spiced food.
Snap tried to make his way through the room without bumping into anybody, assuming for every injury he could see, there were probably three more hidden under body suits and armor plates.
He found Ocher and Nails already at the caff station. Ocher was adding sweetener to his caff, but Nails was filling his own mug out of a smaller carafe containing hot water. Snap wouldn’t have pegged Nails for a tea-drinker, but whatever.
Except the little fabric pouch he dropped in the cup had a medical tag hanging off of it, and Snap’s sleep-fuzzy brain finally made the connection.
“How’s that working?” he asked Nails, nodding at the mug in his brother’s hands.
Nails looked up sharply, as if expecting some kind of a trap, but after only a moment’s pause, he just shrugged. “Well enough,” he admitted, but then he grimaced a little. “It’s bitter as all kriff.”
“Ask Fuse if you can add some sweetener or something,” Snap suggested, reaching for a cup of his own. “Gotta be something that can mask the flavor without mucking with the effects.”
Nails scrunched up his nose, but he didn’t outright reject the suggestion.
The caff sloshed into Snap’s mug, near to overflowing. He bent awkwardly to sip some of the excess off, so he wouldn’t spill more.
“Let me know when you’re headed out to-,” Snap paused, eyes landing on the closest Mandalorians, and rapidly adjusted what he’d been about to say. “Your old corps, and I’ll pack up a couple of the plants for you.”
He probably should have run that past Fuse or one of the other medics first, but whatever. If the tea was working, it was working, and Snap knew perfectly kriffing well that their brothers on Wadj were having at least as many sleep issues as the ones stationed on the Draboon VIII base.
If anything, Nails’ expression got even more sour. “I’ll probably kill it.”
And now it was Snap’s turn to shrug. “So give it to somebody with a clue,” he said, picking up his cup and stepping a little to the side, so he wasn’t blocking access to the caff anymore. “I’ll send instructions. They’re kriffing hard to kill.”
Truthfully, the vines were growing like weeds. Snap was going to have to start cutting them back one way or the other, and he knew perfectly kriffing well how many grow racks they’d packed up to send with the Lawquanes.
Nails nodded, coming to some conclusion that made him square his shoulders a little. “I’m on the next ship out,” he said.
“Good,” Snap replied, because it was good news, even if it didn’t leave him much time to prep the plants for transport. “I’ll get some cuttings ready to go.”
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The Captain turned to eye Weaver flatly. “This is the ‘diplomatic effort’ you needed my assistance to pull off?” he asked, tone very dry.
A wave of badly suppressed snickers rippled through the crowd, clone and Mandalorian alike. The gym was packed, standing room only, even with extra chairs dragged in from all over base. Snap had given his entire team the shift off to attend, and he was pretty certain the other teams on base had done the same. No kriffing way was he going to miss this, but hopefully somebody was off minding the comms and life support systems.
Weaver, to his credit, didn’t quail under the Captain’s thinly veiled accusation. “It has been remarkably good for morale and inter-faction cooperation in your absence, Sir,” he said mildly.
Captain Rex sighed like his soul was leaving his body, and he eyed Ajax critically.
Ajax, who was already in the ring with his bucket tucked under one arm, just smiled placidly.
Never let it be said that the Corries lacked stones.
“I’m guessing Commander Fox gave you some pointers?” the Captain asked, sounding more than a little resigned.
Ajax’s smile got just a little sharper. “No more than Commander Cody gave you, Sir.”
The Captain pulled on his bucket and asked, “Rules of engagement?”
“First to ten points,” Panz said. And wasn’t that saying something, that they’d tagged a medic to referee this fight?
“First to submission,” Ajax countered blandly, tugging on his own helmet.
The Captain tipped his head to one side, then the other, obviously making a show of stretching out the muscles along his shoulders. “First to submission,” he agreed.
Panz looked like he wanted to murder both of them.
Weaver held out a hand expectantly, and Captain Rex’s shoulders moved like he’d just huffed a laugh which was too quiet to be picked up by his helmet’s internal mic system. He drew both of his blasters and handed them off, but he didn’t stop there. His charge packs followed, then a pair of thermal detonators, and then he unsnapped his pauldron and draped it over Weaver’s arm before loosening his utility belt to access the fasteners for his kamas.
Ajax’s smile widened into a grin that showed off most of his teeth.
Snap figured he knew where the Captain was coming from. He wouldn’t want to offer up the Corrie any free hand holds either.
Manx elbowed Snap in the ribs and tipped a bowl of fried, spiced legumes [chem profile 7, light level 3] in offering.
Kriff, yeah. Snap took a handful and popped one in his mouth.
“You got any bets riding on this?” Manx asked.
Di’kutla question. Everybody had bets riding on this fight. Maybe not in credits, but in favors and intel, shift assignments and bragging rights. Snap had overheard three Mandalorians joking about proposing marriage to the winner. At least, he thought they’d been joking.
“Captain Rex, of course,” Snap said, with only the smallest flicker of doubt. Betting against the Captain was generally a losing proposition, but Ajax was really kriffing good. One way or the other, it was going to be one haran of a show.
By the time Captain Rex stepped into the ring, he’d pretty well stripped down to his bare plate, with only a single vibroblade hanging off of his belt, which seemed only fair, because Ajax had also kept his two knives in the custom sheath he kept in the small of his back. Neither one of them drew their weapons though, they just fell in on either side of the wide ring, watching one another.
“I will call the match, if I think it’s medically necessary to do so,” Panz said darkly and then stepped back, out of the ring.
How the kriff the medic managed to make being a total wet blanket so threatening was a complete mystery to Snap.
But apparently that was all the signal either man needed, because both of them were moving, Ajax in a wide circle and Captain Rex in a smaller pivot, tracking his opponent without giving ground, letting the Guard close distance, if that was what he really wanted.
Apparently Ajax did want that exact thing, because he was abruptly spinning, directing a kick towards the outside of Captain Rex’s leading knee.
Kriff, he was fast, but Captain Rex was a gen one, amongst the oldest CTs in the GAR, and that experience showed. He drew back, just enough to shift out of immediate range.
If Snap had been in the ring, he’d have surged forward, trying to take advantage of Ajax’s exposed back when the initial kick missed, except the Guard wasn’t stopping, continuing his rotation even as he dropped lower, pivoting to the opposite foot and then following through with sweeping reverse kick at the Captain’s ankle.
But it looked like the Captain had anticipated that move as well, because he shifted his stance one more time, lifting his foot just high enough to pass over Ajax’s lightning-quick kick. Then he planted his foot and followed through with a kick of his own, with the full weight of his body twisting to add force to the blow.
Ajax managed to roll away, tumbling with the force of the kick and darting back up to his feet, seemingly unscathed, with an unnecessary, almost playful bounce in his stance.
One of the Mandos whooped, breaking the breathless silence of the crowd.
“Get him!” one of Snap’s brothers, probably Boar, shouted.
Snap had no idea which ‘him’ that was directed at, but it probably didn’t matter.
He kind of felt like he should have been taking notes: Ajax’s speed and precision against Captain Rex’s economy of movement and punishingly powerful blows.
When Snap would have tried for a block or a dodge, the Captain accepted the hit, shifting just enough that Ajax’s strike glanced off of his armor instead of the more vulnerable spots exposed between the plates. That gave him a fraction of a second more time to close distance with the Guard and slam a knee into Ajax’s side with enough force to make the plastoid creak in protest.
Instead of retreating out of the range of one of Captain Rex’s incoming punches, which was definitely what Snap would have tried, Ajax actually twisted to the side, reaching up and grabbing the outside of the Captain’s wrist with his right hand and then snapping an open palm against the back of Rex’s elbow. And maybe the hit didn’t land exactly dead on, because the Captain was already shifting his trajectory to minimize the damage, but it certainly got his entire attention.
Snap normally would have been yelling out suggestions and making additional side bets, but he found himself utterly riveted. Sure he barked out a laugh or cheered when one of them managed to pull off some ridiculous move, but he didn’t exactly have the words. This was ARC osik, or whatever version of that training the Guard had put together for itself. The kind of half-mad druk that would have had them digging latrines for the duration of the war if their commanding officers had ever caught them pulling such dini’la stunts mid-battle.
Except this wasn’t a battle, which was kind of the whole point. It was fun.
Ajax had somehow managed to rip off the Captain’s belt, for some karking reason. It had ended up tossed into the crowd and picked up by Weaver for safe keeping.
Snap wasn’t sure what the kriff Ajax’s plan had been, because that stunt had been both intentional and the source of his current limp. Seemed pretty stupid, just highly, uncharacteristically di’kutla to Snap, but whatever. All it had managed to do was made the Captain’s plackart hang a little awkwardly low. It wasn’t even affecting his movement noticeably.
Of course, the Captain had picked up a slight limp of his own from one of Ajax’s sharp punches which had actually managed to land more or less on target, and that was affecting his mobility at least a little.
Which was a kriff-ton more than Snap probably could have managed against either of them, so maybe he should withhold judgment.
Except then Ajax tried to tackle Captain Rex head on, which ended up earning him one haran of a slam to the mat, followed by a swift kick across the bucket, hard enough to break its magnetic seal and spinning it dangerously to the side, no doubt utterly karking his vision. So maybe Snap had seriously overestimated Ajax’s previous displays of intelligence and strategy.
But then Manx sucked in a sharp breath, drawing Snap’s attention back to the Captain, and holy kriffing kark! Was that a vibroblade hilt sticking out of the Captain’s ribs?
Kark. It was!
Granted, it wasn’t in all that deep, just kind of jammed in between the Captain’s hanging plackart and his cuirass. For just a moment, Captain Rex stood perfectly still, his arms frozen at his side like a statue. Then, one hand inched upward and grabbed the hilt, easing the powered down blade out from his side. The Captain gave the blade a brief inspection before dropping it on the floor. A thin trail of red ran down the Captain’s plackart, enough to make Snap wince, but the Captain’s visor remained unreadable. That is, until it snapped up towards Ajax, who had managed to roll further away and get up on one knee, but was still scrambling to either straighten up his helmet or tear it off.
Captain Rex took one step towards Ajax, but Panz stepped in front of him and stopped him with a hand in the middle of his cuirass, scowling fit to strip armor paint. “Armor off, you’re both done.”
Snap booed.
He wasn’t the only one.
Except then one of the Mandalorians, a tall one in orange and midnight blue armor, took it one step further and walked into the ring, complaining loudly. The second, the absolute moment his hand touched Panz’s shoulder, the medic whipped around and drove a fist into the man’s throat, sending him staggering backwards with a rasping gasp.
“You’re done too,” Panz said, pointing a finger at the wheezing Mandalorian.
Captain Rex collared Cutter, who was in the process of taking violent offense with anyone laying a hand on a brother medic.
Not-Kryze and Krest ended up stopping a few of their people from doing something equally incendiary. Between the three of them, and Weaver, who’d helped a clearly concussed Ajax to his feet before laying into the closest troopers, they eventually got most everybody calmed down and chased out of the gym.
Maybe it was the promise that once the gym was fit for use again, they’d start a new bracket. And whoever won that could have another go at the Captain, assuming he wasn’t deployed somewhere off-base by then. And if he was, then Ajax would be around to do the honors instead.
Assuming the medics signed off on whatever additional injuries the two of them were clearly hiding under their armor.
Snap wasn’t too worried, there hadn’t been that much blood to mop up. And he would know, he’d ended up sticking around with Cutter, Boar, and two of the Mandalorians to put the room back into something resembling order. They’d all five been there to see when Ajax and Captain Rex finally had been escorted off to the infirmary by Panz and Fuse. They’d both been smiling.
Snap knew perfectly karking well that he didn’t stand a chance of making it to the finals, but after he erased the names from the board and redrew a blank bracket, he went ahead and added his name, not his number, to one of the empty slots.
AN: Previous chapters are available here.
Dividers by @freesia-writes using helmets by @lornaka. More designs available here.
I've been mentally restructuring a few things about this fic, so I have a question for you all if you're game. Do you prefer one long fic with distinct parts within it or multiple separate fics linked together as a series? I'm leaning towards option 2, but I thought I'd poll the audience. Thanks in advance.
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firespirited · 1 year
Long post. Press j to skip.
I AM SICK OF THE STUPID AI DEBATES, does it imagine, is it based on copyrightable material, are my patterns in there?
That's not the point.
I briefly got into website design freelancing (less than 3 months) before burn out.
The main reason was that automation had begun for generating stylesheets in somewhat tasteful palettes, for automatically making html/xml (they really haven't learned to simplify and tidy code though, they just load 50 divs instead of one), for batch colourising design elements to match and savvy designers weren't building graphics from scratch and to spec unless it was their day job.
Custom php and database design died with the free bundled CMS packages that come with your host with massive mostly empty unused values.
No-one has talked about the previous waves of people automated out of work by website design generators, code generators, the fiverr atomisation of what would have been a designers job into 1 logo and a swatch inserted into a CMS by an unpaid intern. Reviews, tutorials, explanations and articles are generated by stealing youtube video captions, scraping fan sites and putting them on a webpage. Digitally processing images got automated with scripts stolen from fan creators who shared. Screencaps went from curated processed images made by a person to machine produced once half a second and uploaded indiscriminately. Media recaps get run into google translate and back which is why they often read as a little odd when you look up the first results.
This was people's work, some of it done out of love, some done for pay. It's all automated and any paid work is immediately copied/co-opted for 20 different half baked articles on sites with more traffic now. Another area of expertise I'd cultivated was deep dive research, poring over scans of magazines and analysing papers, fact checking. I manually checked people's code for errors or simplifications, you can get generators to do that too, even for php. I used to be an english-french translator.
The generators got renamed AI and slightly better at picture making and writing but it's the same concept.
The artists that designed the web templates are obscured, paid a flat fee by the CMS developpers, the CMS coders are obscured, paid for their code often in flat fees by a company that owns all copyright over the code and all the design elements that go with. That would have been me if I hadn't had further health issues, hiding a layer in one of the graphics or a joke in the code that may or may not make it through to the final product. Or I could be a proof reader and fact checker for articles that get barely enough traffic while they run as "multi snippets" in other publications.
The problem isn't that the machines got smarter, it's that they now encroach on a new much larger area of workers. I'd like to ask why the text to speech folks got a flat fee for their work for example: it's mass usage it should be residual based. So many coders and artists and writers got screwed into flat fee gigs instead of jobs that pay a minimum and more if it gets mass use.
The people willing to pay an artist for a rendition of their pet in the artist's style are the same willing to pay for me to rewrite a machine translation to have the same nuances as the original text. The same people who want free are going to push forward so they keep free if a little less special cats and translations. They're the same people who make clocks that last 5 years instead of the ones my great uncle made that outlived him. The same computer chips my aunt assembled in the UK for a basic wage are made with a lot more damaged tossed chips in a factory far away that you live in with suicide nets on the stairs.
There is so much more to 'AI' than the narrow snake oil you are being sold: it is the classic and ancient automation of work by replacing a human with a limited machine. Robot from serf (forced work for a small living)
It's a large scale generator just like ye olde glitter text generators except that threw a few pennies at the coders who made the generator and glitter text only matters when a human with a spark of imagination knows when to deploy it to funny effect. The issue is that artists and writers are being forced to gig already. We have already toppled into precariousness. We are already half way down the slippery slope if you can get paid a flat fee of $300 for something that could make 300k for the company. The generators are the big threat keeping folks afraid and looking at the *wrong* thing.
We need art and companies can afford to pay you for art. Gig work for artists isn't a safe stable living. The fact that they want to make machines to take that pittance isn't the point. There is money, lots of money. It's not being sent to the people who make art. It's not supporting artists to mess around and create something new. It's not a fight between you and a machine, it's a fight to have artists and artisans valued as deserving a living wage not surviving between gigs.
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weirdlet · 2 years
Further of my nonsense, paraphrased from shouting at one of my friends on the internet-’
Orc General thought for the evening: “We are all grist for the great machine.  It’s just my good fortune to be the one with my hand on the lever.’ He’s totally a man of the people.  It’s just that his vision of what the people are is reductive and cruel- and twisted around keeping himself as king of the heap, immortal and infallible.  “I will make you strong, like me- and in the ways *I* can control.” 
Control the narrative, control the avenues to power.  Control who is rewarded and who is pushed into the background.
Raise the sons into monsters, cull or twist the ones smart enough to question you, fill their heads with every dream you can and fulfill precisely none of them except what gets you what you want- and most of them won’t live long enough to cotton onto it.
Oh, and break that whole ‘family bond’ thing, that’s inconvenient and has icky feelings.  Much more sensible to batch-grow your underlings like the old masters did. 
But until that point- raise the current generation into warboys, shiny and chrome, hopped up on muscle tea and hallucinogenic berserker mead. 
And ensure that the domestic clans are weakened in influence and vulnerable to the next convenient disaster he can aim their way once he’s got his own supply assured.
(And here’s where we get into the five-man band around Seven-Ear again.)
Said war-boys are occasionally pulled aside for experiments- Jester’s gonna get put into a blood tontine and forced to fight his bondmates to the death to absorb their power and grow into an ogre.
Slate keeps his own mouth shut about his visions because that’s what he’s always done, otherwise he might get yoinked too. 
And, well.  We know how Biter gets suckered in.  Young and idealistic and devoted to protecting his people!  To the point of pulling an outrageous win! Gotta suborn that real quick. Blather is laterally promoted to keep him from giving his insight to Ear-Biter and seeing through the bullshit. 
Nails- Nails fixes things and is a bit runty, so nobody thinks about him too much- but when Biter hauls out of the Pit and gets the band back together, he is VITAL for sabotage and work stoppage and general fuckery about the camp. Back to Slate again- paraphrased, basically the visions he’s got, the things constantly distracting him from the present, are a lot of the old codes and manuals from older iterations of orcs’ creation.  He’s a teenaged boy with The Art of War running through the back of his head- he’s aware of the form of it, but it’s going to take a lot of time and effort to truly understand it.  Still- between him and Blather, they’re both two great advisers for a bright young warlord on the rise.
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Increased efficiency and productivity  
One of the best parts about Automatic Cooking Machine is the substantial increase in efficiency and productivity brings to the food production. Automation streamlines the operations by reducing the need for manual labor and reducing human error. Machines can operate constantly handling repetitive tasks with precision and speed that surpasses human capability. This increase in efficiency translates to better production rates enabling the food manufacturers to meet the ever-growing consumer demand more effectively. 
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Food safety is a major concern in the food industry and Automatic Food Process systems are designed to reduce human contact with food that reduces the risk of contamination. The systems can be programmed to maintain strict hygiene standards like regular cleaning and sanitization cycles which are really important in preventing the spread of pathogens. Furthermore, the systems can also monitor and control critical factors like temperature and pressure during processing ensuring that your food is handled under optimum conditions. 
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So above all you need to know that the benefits of automatic food processing are really clear like increased efficiency consistent quality and reduced wastage. As the food industry continues to evolve embracing automation goes way beyond than just an option.  
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smartpack2 · 18 days
Why Choose the Smart Pack Hand Batch Coding Machine?
Batch coding is important in the packaging and labeling process, providing essential information such as manufacturing dates, expiry dates, and product codes. For small to medium-sized businesses or those requiring manual coding solutions, the Hand Batch Coding Machine is a reliable and cost-effective choice. This versatile tool ensures that your products are properly coded with accuracy and clarity, ensuring compliance with industry standards while enhancing product presentation. https://smartpackshop.com/why-choose-the-smart-pack-hand-batch-coding-machine/
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surendra-nareshit · 1 month
Master DevOps: Your Complete Guide and Roadmap | DevOps Online Training
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Introduction to DevOps
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the need for streamlined and efficient software development practices has never been greater. Enter DevOps—a culture, philosophy, and set of practices that bring development (Dev) and operations (Ops) together to improve collaboration, integration, and automation throughout the software development lifecycle. DevOps is not just a buzzword; it's a transformative approach that enables organizations to deliver high-quality software faster and more reliably. If you're looking to build a career in this field, DevOps Online Training is your gateway to mastering the skills required to excel in this domain.
What is DevOps?
DevOps is a combination of practices, tools, and cultural philosophies designed to increase an organization's ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity. By breaking down the traditional silos between development and operations teams, DevOps fosters a culture of collaboration, where both teams work together throughout the entire software development lifecycle. This collaboration leads to faster development, more frequent deployment of updates, and higher overall software quality.
At its core, DevOps emphasizes automation, continuous integration, continuous delivery (CI/CD), and monitoring. The goal is to minimize manual intervention, reduce errors, and improve the efficiency of software development and deployment. Through DevOps Online Training, you can learn how to implement these practices in real-world scenarios, making you an invaluable asset to any tech organization.
How DevOps Works
DevOps is built on a set of principles and practices that enable organizations to build, test, and deploy software rapidly and efficiently. Here's how DevOps works in practice:
1. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Continuous Integration (CI) is the practice of merging code changes frequently, often multiple times a day, into a shared repository. Automated testing is then conducted to identify and resolve issues early in the development process. Continuous Deployment (CD) takes this a step further by automatically deploying code changes to production after passing the CI pipeline. Together, CI/CD reduces the time between writing code and delivering it to customers, ensuring that software updates are released frequently and reliably.
2. Automation
Automation is a critical component of DevOps. From building and testing code to deploying and monitoring applications, automation helps streamline the entire software development lifecycle. By automating repetitive tasks, teams can focus on more strategic activities, such as optimizing code and improving system performance. Automation tools like Jenkins, Ansible, and Puppet are commonly used in DevOps to create efficient, repeatable processes.
3. Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is the practice of managing and provisioning computing infrastructure through machine-readable scripts rather than manual processes. This approach allows teams to automate the setup and configuration of environments, ensuring consistency across development, testing, and production stages. Tools like Terraform and AWS CloudFormation are popular choices for implementing IaC.
4. Monitoring and Logging
Effective monitoring and logging are essential to maintaining the health and performance of applications in a DevOps environment. By continuously monitoring systems and capturing logs, teams can identify and resolve issues before they impact end-users. Tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and ELK Stack are widely used for monitoring and logging in DevOps.
5. Collaboration and Communication
DevOps is as much about culture as it is about technology. A key aspect of DevOps is fostering a culture of collaboration and communication between development, operations, and other stakeholders. This collaboration ensures that everyone is aligned with the project's goals and that issues are addressed quickly. Tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Jira facilitate communication and collaboration in a DevOps environment.
6. Security in DevOps (DevSecOps)
As security becomes increasingly important in software development, DevOps practices have evolved to include security as a core component. DevSecOps integrates security into every stage of the software development lifecycle, ensuring that security vulnerabilities are identified and addressed early in the process. By adopting DevSecOps practices, organizations can build more secure applications without compromising on speed and agility.
The Roadmap to Becoming a DevOps Engineer
Becoming a DevOps engineer requires a combination of technical skills, practical experience, and a deep understanding of DevOps principles. Here's a step-by-step roadmap to guide you on your journey:
1. Understand the Basics of DevOps
Before diving into specific tools and technologies, it's important to understand the fundamental principles of DevOps. Learn about the core concepts of CI/CD, automation, IaC, and monitoring. DevOps Online Training can provide you with a solid foundation in these areas, helping you grasp the essential elements of DevOps.
2. Gain Proficiency in Programming and Scripting
A strong foundation in programming and scripting is essential for a DevOps engineer. Start by learning a programming language like Python, Ruby, or Go, as well as scripting languages like Bash or PowerShell. These skills will enable you to automate tasks, write custom scripts, and work with various DevOps tools.
3. Master Version Control Systems
Version control systems (VCS) like Git are critical to DevOps practices. Learn how to use Git for version control, branching, and merging code. Understand how to collaborate with other developers using GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket. Version control is a fundamental skill that every DevOps engineer must possess.
4. Get Hands-On with CI/CD Tools
CI/CD is at the heart of DevOps, so gaining hands-on experience with CI/CD tools is crucial. Learn how to set up and configure Jenkins, CircleCI, or Travis CI to automate the build, test, and deployment processes. DevOps Online Training often includes practical labs and exercises that allow you to practice using these tools in real-world scenarios.
5. Learn About Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
IaC is a key practice in DevOps, enabling teams to manage and provision infrastructure programmatically. Familiarize yourself with IaC tools like Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, and Ansible. Learn how to write scripts that automate the creation and configuration of infrastructure, ensuring consistency across environments.
6. Develop Cloud Computing Skills
Cloud computing is an integral part of DevOps, as it provides the scalability and flexibility needed for modern software development. Gain proficiency in cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Learn how to deploy applications to the cloud, manage cloud resources, and work with cloud-based DevOps tools.
7. Enhance Your Automation Skills
Automation is a cornerstone of DevOps, so it's essential to master automation tools and techniques. Learn how to automate tasks using tools like Jenkins, Puppet, and Chef. Understand how to create automated workflows that integrate with other DevOps tools and processes.
8. Learn About Monitoring and Logging
Effective monitoring and logging are crucial for maintaining the health of applications in a DevOps environment. Familiarize yourself with monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana, as well as logging tools like the ELK Stack. Learn how to set up monitoring dashboards, create alerts, and analyze logs to identify and resolve issues.
9. Embrace DevSecOps Practices
Security is a critical aspect of DevOps, and understanding DevSecOps practices is essential for a successful career in this field. Learn how to integrate security into the CI/CD pipeline, conduct security testing, and implement security best practices throughout the software development lifecycle.
10. Gain Practical Experience
Theory alone is not enough to become a proficient DevOps engineer. Hands-on experience is crucial. Work on real-world projects, contribute to open-source DevOps projects, or participate in internships. Practical experience will help you apply the skills you've learned and build a portfolio that showcases your expertise.
11. Obtain DevOps Certifications
Certifications can validate your skills and make you stand out in the job market. Consider obtaining certifications like AWS Certified DevOps Engineer, Google Cloud DevOps Engineer, or Microsoft Certified: Azure DevOps Engineer Expert. These certifications demonstrate your proficiency in DevOps practices and tools.
12. Stay Updated with Industry Trends
The field of DevOps is constantly evolving, with new tools and practices emerging regularly. Stay updated with industry trends by reading blogs, attending conferences, and participating in online communities. DevOps Online Training programs often include updates on the latest trends and tools in the industry.
13. Build a Strong Professional Network
Networking is important in any career, and DevOps is no exception. Join DevOps communities, attend meetups, and connect with other professionals in the field. Building a strong network can lead to job opportunities, collaborations, and valuable insights.
14. Prepare for DevOps Interviews
As you near the end of your learning journey, it's time to prepare for DevOps interviews. Practice common DevOps interview questions, participate in mock interviews, and review your projects and experiences. DevOps Online Training programs often include interview preparation sessions to help you succeed in landing your first DevOps job.
DevOps is a powerful approach that has revolutionized the way software is developed, tested, and deployed. By fostering collaboration between development and operations teams and leveraging automation, CI/CD, and cloud computing, DevOps enables organizations to deliver high-quality software at a rapid pace. Whether you're just starting your career or looking to transition into the field, DevOps Online Training can provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed as a DevOps engineer.
By following the roadmap outlined in this article, you can develop the technical expertise, practical experience, and industry knowledge required to excel in DevOps. Remember to stay updated with the latest trends, build a strong network, and continuously improve your skills.
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agnisystechnology · 2 months
Improving Design Productivity and Quality with Specification Automation
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Designing semiconductor devices has always been a distinct specialty of engineering, but today’s designers face immeasurably greater challenges. A typical system-on-chip (SoC) design has billions of transistors, thousands of intellectual property (IP) blocks, hundreds of I/O channels, and dozens of embedded processors. Chip designers need all the help they can get.
Three Keys for Faster, Better Design
Assistance comes in three forms: abstraction, automation, and reuse. Virtually all chip design today occurs at the register transfer level (RTL), enabling much greater productivity than manually crafting gates or transistors. This level of abstraction is therefore much more efficient, making it possible for a single designer to create entire IP blocks or even subsystems.
RTL design is also amenable to automation; generating gate-level netlists automatically via logic synthesis is part of what makes the design process so efficient and productive. Just about every aspect of the test insertion, power management, layout, and signoff flow that follows RTL design is automated as well. Without this approach, modern SoCs simply would not be possible.
The third form of assistance is design reuse. Especially for standard IP blocks and interfaces, there is no value-add in reinventing the wheel by designing from scratch. EDA vendors and dedicated IP providers offer a huge range of reusable designs, most in RTL form. Designers often need this IP to be configurable and customizable, so it may come from a generator rather than as a fixed design.
Register Automation Is the Foundation
All three forms of designer assistance come together in specification automation, starting with the registers in the design. SoCs typically have a huge number of addressable (memory-mapped) registers defined by the chip specifications. These registers form the hardware-software interface (HSI) by which the embedded software and system drivers control the operation of the hardware.
Manually writing RTL code for all these registers is tedious and error-prone. Fortunately, the Agnisys IDesignSpec™ Suite makes it easy to automatically generate the register RTL design. Using the IDesignSpec GDI interactive tool or the IDS-Batch™ CLI Batch Tool, designers create their RTL files at the push of a button every time the register specification changes. 
These tools accept many register and memory specification formats, including spreadsheets, SystemRDL, IP-XCAT, and the Portable Stimulus Standard (PSS). Designers can specify many widely used special register types, including indirect, indexed, read-only/write-only, alias, lock, shadow, FIFO, buffer, interrupt, counter, paged, virtual, external, and read/write pairs. 
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Registers are just one part of a chip that can be specified abstractly and generated automatically, fostering reuse and improving quality of results (QoR) with proven design IP. Another example is interfaces to standard buses such as APB, AHB, AHB-Lite, AXI4, AXI4-Lite, TileLink, Avalon, and Wishbone. The RTL design generated by IDesignSpec Suite includes any interfaces requested.
Any necessary clock-domain-crossing (CDC) logic across asynchronous clock boundaries is also included in the generated design. For safety-critical chip applications, designers can request that safety mechanisms such as parity, error-correcting code (ECC), cyclic redundancy check (CRC), and triple module redundancy (TMR) logic be included as well.
Most chips contain standard design elements such as AES, DMA, GPIO, I2C, I2S, PIC, PWM, SPI, Timer, and UART. Designers specify these blocks with many degrees of configuration and customization, and the Agnisys IDS-IPGen™ design tool generates the RTL design code. IDS-IPGen also generates finite state machines (FSMs) and other design elements for custom IP blocks.
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Automating SoC Assembly
As noted earlier, SoCs contain thousands of standard and custom IP blocks. All of these must be connected together into the top-level chip design. Like register design, manually writing the RTL code for this stage is a tedious and error-prone process. Block inputs and outputs change many times over the course of a project, and updating the top-level RTL code by hand is extremely inefficient.
The Agnisys IDS-Integrate™ design tool, another part of the IDesignSpec Suite, automates the chip assembly process. Designers specify the desired hookup using a simple but powerful format that includes wildcards to handle buses and collections of signals with similar names. IDS-Integrate automatically generates the complete top-level RTL design.
For IP blocks with standard buses, IDS-Integrate automatically generates any required aggregators, bridges, and multiplexors, including them in the top-level RTL design. For example:
AHB interfaces on two IP blocks can be aggregated into a single bus
An AHB-to-APB bridge can connect IP using AHB and IP using APB
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With the burden on SoC designers growing all the time, they need to specify at the highest possible level of abstraction, take advantage of automation, and reuse whenever possible. The specification automation capabilities of the Agnisys IDesignSpec Suite provide all three forms of designer assistance, providing the industry’s most complete solution.
Designers no longer have to hand-write RTL code for registers, memories, standard bus interfaces, aggregators, and bridges, CDC logic, safety mechanisms, custom IP elements, standard IP blocks, and top-level design. Abstract specification and automation improves productivity; reuse of proven IP improves quality of results. 
Customization and configuration options ensure that designers do not have to sacrifice any flexibility to achieve these benefits. Many other project teams—verification, validation, embedded software, bringup, and documentation—also benefit from specification automation. The reasons to select Agnisys as a design partner are truly compelling.
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mulemasters · 3 months
tosca ci integration with jenkins
Tosca CI Integration with Jenkins: A Guide
If you're working in software development, you know that Continuous Integration (CI) is a game-changer. It ensures that your codebase remains stable and that issues are caught early. Integrating Tricentis Tosca with Jenkins can streamline your testing process, making it easier to maintain high-quality software. Here’s a simple guide to help you set up Tosca CI integration with Jenkins.
Step 1: Prerequisites
Before you start, make sure you have:
Jenkins Installed: Ensure Jenkins is installed and running. You can download it from the official Jenkins website.
Tosca Installed: You should have Tricentis Tosca installed and configured on your system.
Tosca CI Client: The Tosca CI Client should be installed on the machine where Jenkins is running.
Step 2: Configure Tosca for CI
Create Test Cases in Tosca: Develop and organize your test cases in Tosca.
Set Up Execution Lists: Create execution lists that group your test cases in a logical order. These lists will be triggered during the CI process.
Step 3: Install Jenkins Plugins
Tosca CI Plugin: You need to install the Tosca CI Plugin in Jenkins. Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Available and search for "Tosca". Install the plugin and restart Jenkins if required.
Required Plugins: Ensure you have other necessary plugins installed, like the "Pipeline" plugin for creating Jenkins pipelines.
Step 4: Configure Jenkins Job
Create a New Job: In Jenkins, create a new job by selecting New Item, then choose Freestyle project or Pipeline depending on your setup.
Configure Source Code Management: If your test cases or project are in a version control system (like Git), configure the repository URL and credentials under the Source Code Management section.
Build Steps: Add build steps to integrate Tosca tests.
For a Freestyle project, add a Build Step and select Execute Windows batch command or Execute shell script.
Use the Tosca CI Client command to trigger the execution list: sh ToscaCIClient.exe --executionList="" --project=""
Step 5: Configure Pipeline (Optional)
If you prefer using Jenkins Pipelines, you can add a Jenkinsfile to your repository with the following content:pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Checkout') { steps { git 'https://github.com/your-repo/your-project.git' } } stage('Execute Tosca Tests') { steps { bat 'ToscaCIClient.exe --executionList="<Your Execution List>" --project="<Path to Your Tosca Project>"' } } } }
Step 6: Trigger the Job
Manual Trigger: You can manually trigger the job by clicking Build Now in Jenkins.
Automated Trigger: Set up triggers like SCM polling or webhook triggers to automate the process.
Step 7: Review Results
Once the build completes, review the test results. The Tosca CI Client will generate reports that you can view in Jenkins. Check the console output for detailed logs and any potential issues.
Integrating Tosca with Jenkins enables you to automate your testing process, ensuring continuous feedback and early detection of issues. This setup not only saves time but also enhances the reliability of your software. By following these steps, you'll have a robust CI pipeline that leverages the strengths of Tosca and Jenkins. Happy testing!
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flowres921 · 4 months
Unlocking the Potential: Advanced Techniques in QDA Software for Expert Researchers
In the realm of qualitative data analysis (QDA), researchers are continually seeking ways to elevate their methodologies and insights. With the rapid advancement of technology, sophisticated tools have emerged, empowering researchers to delve deeper into their data than ever before. In this blog, we'll explore advanced techniques in QDA software tailored for expert researchers, providing invaluable insights to enhance research processes and outcomes.
Understanding the Landscape of QDA Software
Before diving into advanced techniques, it's essential to grasp the landscape of QDA software. QDA software facilitates the systematic organization, coding, and analysis of qualitative data, ranging from text, audio, to video files. Popular tools such as NVivo, MAXQDA, and ATLAS.ti offer a plethora of features catering to various research needs.
Keyword: Advanced Techniques in QDA Software
Harnessing the Power of Automated Coding
One of the hallmarks of advanced QDA software is automated coding, a feature designed to expedite the coding process while maintaining accuracy. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, these tools can identify patterns, themes, and sentiments within the data, significantly reducing manual effort and accelerating analysis.
Visualizing Complex Data Structures
Effective data visualization is paramount for elucidating complex data structures and relationships. Advanced QDA software empowers researchers to create intricate visualizations such as concept maps, network diagrams, and hierarchical charts. These visual representations not only enhance data comprehension but also facilitate communication of findings to stakeholders.
Integrating Mixed Methods Analysis
Incorporating mixed methods analysis is instrumental in enriching qualitative research endeavors. Advanced QDA software seamlessly integrates quantitative data, enabling researchers to triangulate findings and gain comprehensive insights. Whether through merging datasets or conducting concurrent analyses, this approach fosters a holistic understanding of research phenomena.
Keyword: Expert Researchers
Optimizing Workflow Efficiency
Time is of the essence for expert researchers, and advanced QDA software recognizes the importance of workflow efficiency. From customizable coding templates to batch processing capabilities, these tools streamline tedious tasks, allowing researchers to focus their energy on interpretation and synthesis.
Enhancing Collaboration and Accessibility
In today's interconnected world, collaboration is key to driving impactful research outcomes. Advanced QDA software facilitates seamless collaboration through features such as cloud-based storage, real-time sharing, and version control. Moreover, mobile compatibility ensures accessibility, empowering researchers to stay connected and productive regardless of their location.
Empowering Decision-Making with Advanced Analytical Tools
Beyond basic coding and categorization, advanced QDA software offers a suite of analytical tools tailored for expert researchers. From sentiment analysis to machine learning algorithms, these tools uncover hidden insights within the data, enabling informed decision-making and predictive modeling.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Research with Flowres
In conclusion, advanced techniques in QDA software hold immense potential for expert researchers seeking to elevate their research methodologies and outcomes. By harnessing automated coding, visualizing complex data structures, integrating mixed methods analysis, optimizing workflow efficiency, enhancing collaboration, and leveraging advanced analytical tools, researchers can unlock new dimensions of insights within their data. At Flowres, we are committed to empowering researchers with cutting-edge QDA software tailored to their evolving needs. Elevate your research journey with Flowres and unlock the full potential of advanced techniques in qualitative data analysis.
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maharanimachine · 4 months
How to Troubleshoot a Cap Sealing Machine
A cap sealing machine is a type of industrial equipment used to securely seal caps onto containers. Cap sealing machines come in various types, including induction sealers, capping machines, and vacuum sealers, each designed to suit different sealing needs and container types.
Identify the Problem: Conduct a visual inspection for signs of damage, misalignment, or wear.
Check Machine Settings: Verify that sealing pressure, temperature, and time settings are correctly set according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Inspect Components: Examine sealing heads and liners for wear or damage, and replace if needed.
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Test the Machine: Run a small test batch to observe the machine's performance and monitor the sealing process for any irregularities.
Address Common Issues: For inconsistent sealing, adjust pressure, temperature, and time settings, and ensure proper cap alignment.
Perform Routine Maintenance: Regularly lubricate moving parts, clean the machine, especially the sealing area, and replace worn or damaged parts to maintain efficiency and prevent breakdowns.
Consult the Manual: Refer to the manufacturer’s manual for specific troubleshooting guidelines, error code meanings, and recommended solutions for various issues.
Seek Expert Help: Contact the manufacturer’s technical support for assistance if problems persist. Consider hiring a professional technician for complex issues.
Document Issues and Solutions: Keep detailed records of encountered issues, steps taken to resolve them, and the outcomes.
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roamnook · 5 months
"HashiCorp teams up with IBM to boost multi-cloud automation. Get the lowdown on this groundbreaking collaboration: [link]. #cloud #automation #collaboration"
RoamNook Blog: Unlocking the Power of Hard Facts
RoamNook Blog: Unlocking the Power of Hard Facts
Welcome to the RoamNook blog where we bring you informative content packed with new and polarizing hard facts. Our goal is to provide you with concrete data that is not only objective but also highly practical, ensuring that you can apply this information to your real-world scenarios. In this blog, we will delve into a wide range of technical, professional, and scientific terms to present you with groundbreaking insights.
Introducing HashiCorp's Collaboration with IBM for Multi-Cloud Automation
If you are looking to accelerate your multi-cloud automation processes, you must have heard the exciting news about HashiCorp joining forces with IBM. This partnership is set to revolutionize the way businesses leverage the power of the cloud. By combining the expertise of HashiCorp in cloud infrastructure automation with IBM's cutting-edge technology, organizations around the world can unlock new levels of efficiency and scalability.
Understanding the Key Products
HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP)
The HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP) is an all-in-one solution designed to streamline the management of multi-cloud infrastructure. With HCP, businesses can easily deploy and scale their applications across multiple cloud providers while maintaining consistency and security. This platform offers a unified control plane and comprehensive management capabilities that simplify the complexities of a multi-cloud environment.
Terraform is a powerful infrastructure as code software developed by HashiCorp. It enables users to automate the deployment and management of their cloud infrastructure across various providers. With Terraform, you can define your infrastructure in a declarative language, allowing for seamless provisioning of resources across different cloud platforms. Its extensive provider ecosystem ensures compatibility with all major cloud providers, making it a versatile tool for infrastructure automation.
Packer is an open-source tool that automates the creation of machine images for multiple platforms. It allows you to define your images in a configuration file, eliminating the need for manual installation and configuration. Packer supports a range of builders, including virtual machines, containers, and more, enabling you to build consistent and reliable machine images for your infrastructure.
Consul is a highly available and distributed service mesh designed to simplify the management of services across any runtime platform. It provides features such as service discovery, health checking, and key-value storage, ensuring seamless communication and coordination between microservices in a dynamic environment. With Consul, you can achieve better resilience and scalability for your applications.
Vault is a comprehensive secrets management solution that helps organizations secure, store, and control access to sensitive data such as passwords, API keys, and certificates. It offers a robust set of encryption and authentication mechanisms, ensuring that your secrets are protected both at rest and in transit. Vault also provides fine-grained access controls and auditing capabilities, enabling you to enforce strong security policies across your infrastructure.
Boundary is a cloud-native security solution that focuses on securing remote access to critical systems and resources. With Boundary, you can establish secure connections to your infrastructure without the need for complex VPN configurations. It offers granular access controls, session recording, and real-time visibility, enabling you to ensure compliance and detect any unauthorized activities.
Nomad is a distributed job scheduler and workload orchestrator that simplifies the deployment and management of containerized applications and batch workloads. It allows you to seamlessly scale your applications across multiple nodes, ensuring high availability and resource optimization. Nomad's flexible scheduling capabilities and integrated health checks make it an ideal solution for maximizing the efficiency of your infrastructure.
Waypoint is a cloud-native build and deployment tool that enables developers to streamline their application delivery pipelines. With Waypoint, you can define your deployment workflows in a single configuration file, ensuring consistency and reliability across different environments. It offers integrations with popular CI/CD systems, making it easy to automate your build, test, and deploy processes.
Vagrant is a tool for creating and managing development environments. It allows you to set up reproducible development environments using virtual machines or containers. Vagrant simplifies the process of provisioning, configuring, and managing these environments, saving you time and effort in setting up your development stack.
Real-World Applications and the Importance of Hard Facts
The information we have shared with you about HashiCorp's products and collaboration with IBM is more than just technical jargon. It has real-world implications that can transform the way businesses operate and compete in today's digital landscape. By leveraging the power of multi-cloud automation, organizations can achieve:
Increased scalability and flexibility in deploying applications across different cloud providers
Improved resource utilization and cost optimization
Enhanced security and compliance through centralized secrets management and secure remote access
Streamlined development workflows and faster time-to-market
These benefits are backed by concrete data and proven success stories. By adopting HashiCorp's solutions and embracing the power of hard facts, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and drive digital growth. Whether you are a small startup or a large enterprise, the impact of multi-cloud automation cannot be ignored.
Join the RoamNook Revolution
At RoamNook, we specialize in IT consultation, custom software development, and digital marketing. Our innovative technology solutions are aimed at fueling digital growth for our clients. By leveraging HashiCorp's products and our expertise, we can help you unlock the full potential of multi-cloud automation.
Are you ready to take your business to new heights? Contact RoamNook today to learn how our solutions can transform your digital infrastructure.
© 2021 RoamNook. All rights reserved.
Source: https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/tutorials/aws-get-started/infrastructure-as-code&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjT5ca2mZSGAxXSE1kFHeQXBEAQFnoECAEQAw&usg=AOvVaw3iJsPt_mVKHHSYyut7IQB3
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ympcncmachining · 6 months
Custom Titanium CNC Machining: Precision Processing and Innovative Applications
In modern manufacturing, titanium and titanium alloys have become indispensable key materials in aerospace, medical, petrochemical, high-end equipment and other fields due to their excellent strength, corrosion resistance, biocompatibility and lightweight properties. Transforming these high-performance materials into complex parts that meet specific needs requires advanced custom titanium CNC machining technology. This article will deeply explore the technical principles, process characteristics and innovative applications of customized titanium CNC machining in various fields.
1. Principles of CNC machining technology for customized titanium materials
CNC machining (Computer Numerical Control, CNC) is a technology that uses computer programs to control machine tools for automated and precision manufacturing. During the CNC machining process of titanium materials, designers first create a three-dimensional model of the component through CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software and convert it into a G code that can be recognized by CNC machine tools. Subsequently, the CNC machine tool accurately controls the movement trajectory, speed, feed and other parameters of the tool according to the G code instructions, and performs cutting, drilling, milling, grinding and other operations on the titanium material, and finally processes parts that meet the design requirements.
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2. Characteristics of customized titanium CNC machining process
1. High-precision processing: CNC machine tools have extremely high positioning accuracy and repeatable positioning accuracy, and can achieve micron-level or even nano-level processing accuracy to meet the strict requirements for size, shape, surface quality, etc. of titanium parts.
2. Complex structure processing capabilities: Through programming control, CNC machining can easily realize geometric features such as complex curved surfaces, special-shaped structures, deep cavities, and elongated holes that are difficult to handle with traditional machining, greatly broadening the design space of titanium parts.
3. Efficient and stable production: The CNC machining process has a high degree of automation and does not require manual intervention. It can run continuously for 24 hours, greatly improving production efficiency. At the same time, stable processing conditions and strict process control ensure processing consistency between batches.
4. Improved material utilization: By optimizing layout, five-axis linkage processing and other technologies, CNC machining can minimize the waste of titanium materials, improve material utilization, and reduce manufacturing costs.
3. Application innovation of customized titanium CNC machining
1. Aerospace field: Customized titanium CNC machining provides high-strength, lightweight, and high-temperature-resistant solutions for key components such as aircraft engine blades, landing gear, and fuselage frames. For example, using five-axis linkage processing technology, polyhedron processing of complex aerospace structural parts can be completed in one go, significantly improving processing efficiency and part performance.
2. Medical field: In the manufacturing of medical devices such as orthopedic implants, dental restorations, and surgical instruments, customized titanium CNC processing can accurately replicate human anatomy, achieve personalized and functional design, and enhance implants and patient tissues. compatibility and biocompatibility.
3. Petrochemical industry: For pressure vessels, pipelines, valves and other equipment under harsh working conditions, customized CNC machining of titanium materials can produce high-performance parts that are corrosion-resistant, high-pressure-resistant, and high-temperature resistant, extending the service life of equipment and ensuring production. Safety.
4. High-end equipment manufacturing industry: In fields such as racing cars, drones, and precision instruments, customized titanium CNC machining helps create lightweight, high-strength structural components, improving the overall performance and competitiveness of equipment.
In summary, customized titanium CNC machining has become an important technical means to promote the widespread application of titanium materials in various high-end fields due to its advantages such as high precision, complex structure processing capabilities, efficient and stable production, and improved material utilization. With the continuous progress and innovation of CNC technology, we have reason to expect that customized titanium CNC machining will bring more possibilities in the future and inject stronger impetus into the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry.
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govindhtech · 6 months
Exploring AWS Batch for Large-Scale Simulations
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Simulations play a precarious role in various industries, containing automotive, robotics, engineering, and scientific research. These simulations allow businesses and researchers to investigate complex systems, train machine learning models, and make expectations without the need for costly physical prototypes or time-consuming real-world experiments. AWS Batch multi-container jobs provide a valuable tool for running significant simulations efficiently and cost-effectively.
What is AWS Batch? AWS Batch is a fully managed batch computing service It dynamically provisions compute resources (such as EC2 instances or Fargate containers) based on the submitted batch jobs. Batch eliminates the need for manual infrastructure management. Users define job dependencies, resource requirements, and priorities, and AWS Batch handles the rest, including scheduling, execution, and monitoring. Why AWS Batch need? Using the AWS Management Console, CLIs, or SDKs, you package the code for your batch jobs, define their dependencies, and then submit your batch job using AWS Batch. AWS Batch makes it easy to integrate with a variety of well-known batch computing workflow engines and languages (such as Pegasus WMS, Luigi, Nextflow, Metaflow, Apache Airflow, and AWS Step Functions) once you provide the execution parameters and task requirements.
With the ability to employ On-Demand or Spot Instances depending on your work requirements, AWS Batch effectively and dynamically prepares and scales Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), and AWS Fargate compute resources. To help you get started quickly, AWS Batch provides compute environment specifications and preset job queues.
How AWS Batch Optimizes Your Industries AWS Batch provides a fully managed service for running batch computing jobs at scale. Its dynamic provisioning, resource optimization, and automated scheduling enhance operational efficiency for various industries. Here’s a closer look at how AWS Batch specifically benefits different sectors:
Automotive Accelerating Simulation Development: When working with autonomous vehicles (AV) and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), multi-container support allows engineers to develop simulations with modular components representing sensors, traffic, and 3D environments. This simplifies development, speeds up iteration, and eases debugging. Boosted Resource Management: AWS Batch switches the scaling, scheduling, and cost-efficiency parts of consecutively large-scale simulations, releasing automotive engineers to attention on innovation and problem-solving. Finance Rearrangement Operations and Dropping Errors: AWS Batch presets resource allocation and job scheduling for computationally intensive tasks like pricing, market analysis, and risk management. This automation reduces the potential for manual errors and optimizes the decision-making process. Enhanced Post-Trade Analytics: Batch enables the efficient end-of-day processing of massive data sets, providing critical insights for informed trading strategies in the next cycle. Fraud Detection: Batch integrates with AWS machine learning for the automated analysis of large datasets, helping uncover irregular patterns and potential fraud. Life Sciences Accelerating Drug Discovery: AWS Batch aids in streamlining multiple life sciences applications with its efficient job handling, including computational chemistry, modeling, molecular dynamics, and genomic sequencing analysis. This assists research scientists in the drug screening process, potentially leading to the development of more effective therapies. Optimized DNA Sequencing Analysis: Secondary analysis after the initial processing of genomic sequences can be automatically managed and streamlined through AWS Batch, minimizing errors and contributing to faster research results. Digital Media Scalable Content Creation: Batch facilitates the dynamic scaling of media packaging and the automation of media supply chains, reducing resource bottlenecks and manual intervention. Efficient Content Rendering and Transcoding: AWS Batch allows for the automation of content rendering and file-based transcoding workflows, leading to greater efficiency and less manual dependency. Key Takeaways
Across these diverse industries, AWS Batch delivers the following core benefits:
Simplified Management: Batch’s fully managed nature eliminates infrastructure management requirements. Modular Design: Multi-container support allows for flexible and modular simulations structure. Cost Optimization: Batch leverages options like Spot Instances and Savings Plans for optimal cost-efficiency. Focus on Core Business: By handling infrastructure and job scheduling complexities, AWS Batch allows organizations to concentrate on their core areas of expertise. Multi-Container Jobs: Key Benefits Modular Design: Multi-container jobs allow users to break simulations into smaller components—for example, a container representing the environment, one for sensors, and another for monitoring. This eases development and troubleshooting by separating different simulation elements.
Team Collaboration: Teams can work independently on their specific component, reducing bottlenecks and fostering collaboration.
Optimization: AWS Batch handles scaling, scheduling, and cost optimization. Users focus on simulation development rather than infrastructure.
No Additional Cost: This feature is available within AWS Batch without any extra charges.
How to Use AWS Batch Multi-Container Jobs Create Containers: Package simulation components into separate Docker containers.
Define Job: In the AWS Batch console, create a job definition, specifying:
Container images Resource requirements (CPU, memory) Dependencies between containers Submit Jobs: Jobs can be submitted via the console, API, or CLI.
Monitor: AWS Batch provides tools for monitoring job status, resource utilization, and logs.
Cost Optimization with AWS Batch Reserved Instances and Savings Plans: Reduce costs on predictable compute workloads. Spot Instances: Leverage cost-effective surplus compute capacity. Fargate: Pay only for the resources used by your containers. Automatic Scaling Scale your resources to match demand. Additional Considerations Data Management and Transfer: Efficiently manage data used and generated by simulations, potentially using services like Amazon S3.
Networking: Ensure appropriate networking configuration for communication between containers and with external resources.
Security: Implement security best practices (IAM roles, encryption) to protect sensitive data and your AWS environment.
AWS Batch multi-container jobs offer a dominant and flexible clarification for running large-scale simulations on AWS. By combining modularity, ease of management, and cost optimization, this article empowers businesses and researchers to accelerate innovation through simulation-driven development and experimentation.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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cnckral12 · 8 months
Understanding the World of CNC Machines: Precision, Efficiency, and Innovation
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines have revolutionized the manufacturing industry, bringing precision, efficiency, and innovation to the forefront of modern production processes. These sophisticated machines play a pivotal role in various industries, from aerospace and automotive to medical and woodworking. In this article, we will delve into the world of CNC machines, exploring their working principles, applications, and the impact they have on shaping the future of manufacturing.
What is CNC?
CNC, short for Computer Numerical Control, refers to the automated control of machining tools and 3D printers by means of a computer. Unlike traditional manual control, CNC machines operate through a set of programmed instructions, known as G-code, which guides the machine's movements and actions. This level of automation brings unparalleled precision and repeatability to manufacturing processes.
Working Principles:
CNC machines operate based on three primary axes – X, Y, and Z – representing horizontal, vertical, and depth movements, respectively. These axes enable the machine to move and position the cutting tool with high accuracy. The G-code programming language provides instructions for the machine's movements, tool changes, and other parameters.The core components of a CNC machine include the control unit, which interprets the G-code instructions, the drive system that moves the machine's components, and the cutting tool or spindle responsible for material removal. Sensors and feedback systems ensure real-time monitoring and adjustment to maintain accuracy.
Types of CNC:
CNC Machines Mills: These machines use rotary cutters to remove material from a workpiece, creating complex shapes and geometries. CNC mills are widely used in industries such as automotive, aerospace, and prototyping.
CNC Lathes: Lathes rotate a workpiece while a cutting tool moves parallel or perpendicular to the axis of rotation, shaping the material into the desired form. CNC lathes are commonly used for producing cylindrical or conical parts.
CNC Routers: Ideal for woodworking, plastic fabrication, and metal engraving, CNC routers use cutting tools to carve and shape materials. They are popular for creating intricate designs and prototypes.
CNC Plasma Cutters: Employing a high-velocity stream of ionized gas, CNC plasma cutters are used for precise and efficient cutting of metal sheets. They find applications in metal fabrication and industrial manufacturing.
The versatility of CNC machines makes them indispensable across various industries:
Aerospace: CNC machines are used to manufacture intricate components for aircraft, satellites, and spacecraft, ensuring high precision and quality.
Automotive: From engine parts to intricate interior components, CNC machining plays a crucial role in the production of automobiles, enhancing efficiency and quality.
Medical: CNC machining is employed to produce precise and customized medical devices, implants, and prosthetics with strict adherence to specifications.
Electronics: Circuit boards and intricate electronic components benefit from CNC precision, ensuring reliability and performance in electronic devices.
Prototyping and Rapid Manufacturing: CNC machines enable the rapid production of prototypes and small batches of products, facilitating product development and testing.
Future Trends:As technology advances, the world of CNC machines continues to evolve. Emerging trends include:
Integration with Industry 4.0: The incorporation of CNC machines into the concept of Industry 4.0 involves connectivity, data exchange, and automation, leading to more intelligent and efficient manufacturing processes.
Additive Manufacturing: Combining CNC machining with additive manufacturing techniques allows for the production of complex and lightweight structures, expanding the possibilities of design and material usage.
Artificial Intelligence: The integration of AI in CNC machines enables adaptive machining, self-optimization, and predictive maintenance, enhancing overall efficiency and reducing downtime.
CNC machines have become indispensable tools in modern manufacturing, driving precision, efficiency, and innovation across various industries. As technology continues to advance, the future holds even more exciting possibilities, pushing the boundaries of what CNC machines can achieve. With their ability to transform digital designs into physical reality, CNC machines remain at the forefront of shaping the manufacturing landscape.
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radiantindustries · 1 year
Supplier of PFS Assembling and Labeling Machine
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Radiant Industries : Supplier of PFS Assembling and Labeling Machine A sophisticated piece of equipment used in pharmaceutical manufacturing and packaging is a pre-filled syringe assembling and labeling machine. Its major function is to automate the assembly of pre-filled syringes and labeling, assuring exact dosing, product integrity, and regulatory compliance. Syringe Loading:Operators load empty pre-filled syringes and labels onto the machine's feeders or conveyor systems. Component Assembly: The machine automates syringe assembly, including the attachment of needles, plungers, and other components, assuring precision and uniformity. Label Application: The machine inserts labels to each syringe precisely, including dose information, barcodes, and other pertinent information. Quality Inspection: Vision systems and sensors inspect each labeled syringe for faults, rejecting any that fail to meet quality standards. Packaging and Sterilization: After passing inspection, we package the syringes and, if necessary, sterilize them to ensure product sterility. Batch Coding: Some machines may additionally support batch coding for traceability and compliance. Features Automated Assembly: These machines automate the assembly of pre-filled syringes, including the attachment of needles, plungers, and other components. Labeling Precision: They ensure correct placement of labels, including dose information, barcodes, and product branding, on pre-filled syringes. Quality Control: Each syringe is inspected for problems such as cracks, leaks, or inaccurate labeling using advanced sensors and visual systems, and any poor units are rejected. Efficiency: These machines boost production efficiency dramatically by automating processes that would be time-consuming and error-prone if done manually. We are Manufacturer and Supplier of PFS Assembling and Labeling Machine In Punjab and Amritsar, Batala, Chandigarh, Faridkot, Firozpur, Gurdaspur, Hoshiarpur, Jalandhar, Kapurthala, Ludhiana, Nabha, Patiala, Rupnagar, Sangrur and etc. Read the full article
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everestcorporation · 1 year
Everest Corporation Sarkhej ahmedabad main road, N.H. 8 A Nr, Royal hotel, sarkhej dhal Ahmedabad, Gujarat. For more details CONTACT: +91-9898709998 9898756568 Call or Whatsapp ▪fb.com/EverestEnterprise ▪twitter.com/EverestCorpIN ▪WWW.Everestcorporation.in #sodamachine #sodabottling #sodabottlingplant #everestcorporations https://youtube.com/user/EverestSodaMachine https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/... 🔷 Everest Corporation is a leading manufacturer and exporter of Soda bottling plant, All types of liquid filling machine, Carbonator, Conveyor, Vibrator bowl, Syrup mixing tank and Spares of all types of filling machines. 🔷 Our new innovation Mini Rotary Soda bottle filling machine is very low cost machine better option compare to manual machine for new startup click on link to watch full video👇 https://youtu.be/ZwNWMrgubHM https://youtu.be/NJ4AXQHB2uc 🔷 We are dealing in Batch code and date printer, Shrink tunnel, Web sealer and Auto labeling machine. Everest Corporation involves in to Manufacturing of Semi Automated and Automated Bottle Packaging machines for Liquid, Paste, Cream * Bottle Washing * Bottle Filling * Bottle Capping * Bottle Sealing / Induction Labeling * Bottle Feeder * Conveyors * Process Tanks * Stirrers * Liquid Manufacturing Plant * Cream Manufacturing Plant 🔷 हमारे यहाँ सभी प्रकार के सोडा बॉटल फीलिंग मशीन, सभी प्रकार के लिक्विड फिलिंग मशीन, सोडा फाउंटेन मशीन, पैकिंग मशीन और सभी प्रकार के स्पेर् पार्ट्स उपलब्ध है। ज्यादा जानकारी के लिए कॉल या वोटसप् करे।
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