#mangopeach thoughts
lonelymangopeach · 6 years
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I miss home.
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lonelymangopeach · 6 years
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lonelymangopeach · 6 years
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2018 November 29.
I love snow. Everyone hates it here but I love it. Because when I see it snowing and covering everything in sight, for a second I like to think that time is stopping. Everyone is happy, no one is gone, time has stopped and we’re all just human... standing in the coldness of the magic of snow. Snow has a smell. It is crisp and wonderful. A perfect blanket before it gets dirty all over again.
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lonelymangopeach · 6 years
2018. 11. 24
I’m content with where we are.
I’m okay with who I am to him.
At least he appreciates some part of my presence in his life.
Have you ever wondered why you’re the only friend who’s always alone? Is it because I choose to be this way? Or do I just not deserve to be with someone? “Your guy will come... its just not the right timing.” “I know that the most perfect guy is out there for you.”
When will the timing be right? Numbness is a funny thing. I’m always overthinking. For once, it’s quiet.
Going to take some Benadryl so I can actually get some sleep tonight.
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lonelymangopeach · 6 years
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I cut my bangs impulsively tonight...
Maybe someone will actually notice me for once. Or I’ll just continue hiding behind more curtains. That’s always a plan too.
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lonelymangopeach · 6 years
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Sick day vibes. Who knew hives could be so angry.
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lonelymangopeach · 6 years
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This is one of my favorite pictures. I think it's because of how it represents two of my favorite things. Movies and pretty skies. I use it for my iPhone wallpaper so pls like/reblog if you use.
Movies are a nice escape from reality..
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lonelymangopeach · 6 years
2018. 11. 19
Have you ever wondered how seasons work? I was late to my class this morning. I woke up at 8:21... class starts at 8:30..
I was rushing to class, wearing slippers and my first thought when I walked outside was “shit.”
It was cold. But for some reason, the cold didn’t feel bad. I liked it, I enjoyed it. I prefer it over the stickiness and hot weather of summer.
Maybe it’s cause cold makes it easier to get through the day. Through life. Who cares if you’re numb if everyone else is feeling that way too. For once, I have company in my numbness.
I wonder if he thinks about me the way I think of him. I wonder if he ever wonders what I’m doing or how I go about my day.
Probably not. He has bigger things to think about. I don’t expect him to want me or like me. I just want to know if I’m actually an option or if he says that to not sound like a complete ass.
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lonelymangopeach · 6 years
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I’m numb. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I can’t think of anything else. I’m sorry. I’m tired. I’m sorry.
Everything I love will make me cry - MOVNING
Good song. Listen to it.
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