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mooooooosicals · 2 years ago
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Loki streetch
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bucketspammer4life · 6 months ago
super macho man hc blast bc i dont post about him much
im tweaking.im gabagool.grgghhgggggshsbznzkzlmzöxö
Likes stupid shirts & designs,has DIY’d some shirts for himself including one that says “the superest machoest manest everest!!” he wears to interviews.
Was OBSESED with sharks as a kid,specifically great white sharks,still likes them a lot but will never be able to top 5 year old macho’s shark obsession.
Cooks up some concerning stuff in his notes app when he’s drunk,is he writing plans to assasinate a goverment official or is he trying to come up with a stupid pun? None of us will know except for drunk SMM and his notes app.
A good chunk of his fans are hatewatchers, still hasnt caught onto it.
Had his twitter account hacked into once,the only thing the hacker did was tweet “SUPER MACHO MAN LIKES SUPER MACHO MEN! #GAY” and log out, its a running gag between his fans.
Used to be in a frathouse.
Anytime he showers it looks like someone’s threw crumbled up roof tiles around the place thanks to his fuckass tan coming off.
Smells like axe deodorant and burnt plastic.
Used to have a goth phase,his fans only have a few pictures of that era but they abuse it s lot. (He still listens to the music sometimes but shhh)
Once had a mental breakdown over losing a pair of sunglasses only to find out it was in his bag.
Speaks some brazilian portuguese, he started learning the language purely because he thought it sounded cool.
Has his own shitty podcast where he talks about literally anything,he could be talking about something really traumatic in one episode then talking about snorting bath salts the other episode.
Would eat a plastic bottle if you double-dog-dared him to.
Dances like a sim, you could take this dumbass to a rave and he’d somehow end up doing the macarena.
Unironic weezer fan.
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moonbyulsstuff · 8 months ago
Hii dear! Can I request a fluff fic with fem reader for jaeha han?
Maybe comforting him after losing east g.b and he catches feelings? 😔
Female Reader
Requested by: @imtomiee
Request Rules
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[Name] was walking back home with a box of cupcake in her hands, just recently finishing her shift in the bakery she works at. Humming on the way home before she spotted a down casted Jaeha Han on the bench by the Han river.
She stopped in her tracks, he looked troubled. [Name] knows Jaeha as they go to the same school and she usually stay out of his way in fear of getting of his bad side, since she has heard scary stuff about him and practically fights every time.
But it was the first time that she saw Jaeha with a sad but angry look across his face, and something in her gut just told her to go up to him and she did.
"Hey... is everything alright?" Jaeha looked up and saw [Name] standing there with the box of cupcakes in her arms and a smile across her face, she sat down and placed the box of cupcakes in her lap.
"I noticed you seem down... and whenever someone feels down... I really want to cheer them up.." She said as Jaeha chuckled and leaned against the bench.
Jaeha has seen [Name] face and heard her names multiple times whenever he was at school, he heard his classmates and crew calling her the Sweet Goddess of the school. Not only because she was kind, sweet and caring but also because she bakes usual treats for the other students.
"I didn't expect to see you here." He said as [Name] tilted her head. "What?" She let out as Jaeha chuckled once more and shook his head. "Never mind, do you usually go to people you don't know and try to cheer them up?" Jaeha asked looking at her with a small smirk across his face as [Name] fiddled with the box at his question. "We-Well... yeah..." "What if they're a bad person? What if they take advantage of that?" "Huh?"
He chuckled, she looked absolutely cute. No wonder she was popular at school, her looks could make the manest of man fall down on his knees for her. But she was too kind and caring, someone could take advantage of that. "Here.." She handed him a red velvet cupcake with white icing and red sprinkles, Jaeha looked at the cupcake and then at him. "Huh?" He asked causing [Name] to giggle which made Jaeha stomach flutter at the sound of her giggle.
"A cupcake, I don't know what you are going through right now.. but whenever I feel down, I at least eat an cupcake. It makes me feel good." [Name] said placing the cupcake on his hand, Jaeha smirked and chuckled.
He ate the cupcake and hummed in delight, it tasted sweet and good. "Taste great.." Jaeha said as he felt his frustration slowly go away as he continued to eat the cupcake, no wonder his crew and classmates raved about it. It tasted heavenly.
"Does it taste good?" He nodded. "It does.." Jaeha said making [Name] smile brightly. "I'm glad! Me and my co worker had baked it for us to bring home." She said as Jaeha hummed and nodded, his amber eyes looked back at [Name].
Seeing the smile on her face and how happy she was, the sweet look she had. It absolutely softened him up, and she was cute as hell. Jaeha finished the cupcake and licked the icing off his fingers. "Do you just hand this to everyone? Whenever you comfort them?" He asked as [Name] shake her head. "No, I don't have baked treats around me all day. But I knew a treat could make someone's day better." She said with a bright smile causing Jaeha to smile, he reached his hand out and gently pinched her cheek. "You're so cute." [Name] eyes widened and tiny blushes on her cheek which Jaeha saw, she always had people call her cute but when it comes to Jaeha. It was somehow different, was it the beautiful sunset? The atmosphere? She doesn't know.
"Wow, you're blushing. Must be a first." Jaeha said as [Name] looked away from him, which caused Jaeha to laugh. The evident warm feeling on his chest, was something he wanted to keep forever.
Yes, the interaction was completely based of Amai and Taro interaction after the week one ended.
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pottsinzolar · 3 months ago
are you a swingin' space age bachelor man
yes. extremely. the most swingiest spacest agest bachelorest manest you've ever witnessed in your lifetime
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stringsnwires · 2 months ago
If you don’t love him at his giant spiderest you don’t deserve him at his giant manest.
You might be right.
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neurotypical-sonic · 2 years ago
soulmates au eggman (addidng the PLATONIC disclaimer here so u dont have to) not liking the idea of treating someone as importaint and then the little guy on the end of that string turns his life upside down in such a way that his main objective now other than ruling the world is eviscerating That Fucking Thing, turning him into an importaint part of his life by proxy lmfao i was gonna send this out of anon but then i got shy
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NO EVISCERATING IS A GOOD WORD it made me laugh ajdjdkd but yeah no thats exactly it!!!! in universe society would probably treat soulmates as an inherently Positive connection, because when you imagine the Most Important person in your life you'd probably immediately think of someone you love. which yes a lot of soulbonds are positive, but (in my head) the soulbonds are just a (semi?)physical manestation of fate or destiny or whatever you want to call it
but yeah what you said about eggman is right snsjs he is so firm and steadfast in that no one will ever be equal to him, he will never be that Close to someone, UGH! Gross!! in fact the idea of having a soulmate offendeds him so much he is gonna be obsessive about said soulmate and soulbond. them being soulmates makes their relationship as enemies so much more intense and high stakes
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bywons · 11 months ago
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lovesickdeadsims · 1 year ago
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"Hi Debbie. I got something for you!" Debbie had been lazying around the house all day. Marina finds her sunbathing in the last rays of the day. "Oh yeah? And what can a little kid with no money get to an adult woman?" mocks Debbie "Did you make me a paper flower?" "Oh no, I swear I used all of my pocket money to get you this gift!" Marina hand Debbie a colorful box. She accept and finally opens it. A stench of rotten eggs fills the air when it erupts from the box and in Debbie's face. "UGH!" gags Debbie. Marina is so happy her prank went well, her tummy hurts from laughing! Unfortunately Debbie doesn't find the prank very funny and turns into her manest, wickedest self Marina has yet to see. "BRAT! I'm sure your mother is glad to be DEAD! At least she doesn't have to deal with such a parasite!" Marina is too shocked to say anything. She didn't think Debbie knew about her mother ("But of course she does, dad must have told her!" she thinks), and she definitely never expected Debbie to use it against her. "Silly little girls should be sent into a private schools!" continues Debbie, cruelly "Maybe I'll talk to your father about it, once my baby is born..."
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obscurethemeaning · 2 months ago
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arclundarchivist · 1 year ago
Spectember 25: Ambush
Wafari Drifters (Asteroceras summalignum) are large shelled cephalopods that can be found solely in the shallow sea of Wafari, which separates much of Umasi and N’Jando from each other.
A shallow sea prone to sea grass and relatively calm weather, it is a place of abundant life.
Wafari Drifters, take advantage of their verdant habitats, disguising themselves most commonly as patches of shifting sargassum.
Reaching around ten feed in width due largely to their shells, the sizable sideways aligned beasts have been seen to prey on all manner of fish, as well as the few sea mammals and reptiles that come to feed on their sargassum covering.
Drifters, wait until their prey is right on top of them, completely still until they are in positioned properly,
They jettison their barbed tentacles of which they have six, and their brakes mouth which is on a retractable proboscis to latch onto prey, pumping a blood-thinning toxin that causes the struggling prey to create their own demise. They used their snapping beak and tentacles to tend the corpse into more palatable portions, drawing in dozens of other scavenger species, some which even call the Drifters home.
Their breeding practices are very basal, with females laying eggs that males later fertilize allow the hundreds upon hundreds of little spheres to be carried away on the tide.
Sailors from the numerous cities that ply the Wafari claim that some Drifters have taken to disguising themselves as floating wrecks or other ship debris, hoping to attract curious sophonts. These supposed manesters are said to grow nearly twice as large as their kin, and are willing to work alongside each other, in a manner alien to their less aggressive kin.
This has lead to some speculating they have been influenced by some outside occult force, but so far the “Snatchers” as the sailors call them have yet to be seen or identified by scholars.
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a-n-e-s-t-h-e-s-i-a · 2 years ago
Cliff is so gender. He's the manest man I've ever seen man.
I'd give anything to have Cliff's awesome laid-back and take no shit attitude.
And I'd give anything to go and fish with him. That'd be fun.
I adore that amazing manly-gender-dude-man. ❤️❤️
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alvarthethiccpipecleaner · 10 days ago
I'm in a terrible dilemma
I run 2 sideblogs
one is essentially a grady fanpage
the other is my alvar rp
and I love gethen as well
help me your eminence
grady is not a sexyman!! leave his ass behind. abandon him.
as for gethen and alvar ❤️ i personally like alvar more but i suggest supporting gethen. he has the best shot at the sexy crown this year.
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blackwoolncrown · 5 years ago
a moment of silence for all the homophobic women on pickme twitter constantly nitpicking men about every little thing they possibly being ‘gay’ (like eating dessert?? apparently) bc their dumb asses are gonna end up married to some uptight hypermasculine asshole with no feelings and we will see them in 10 years bitching about how he doesn’t give emotional support
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sportsfeedtoday · 2 years ago
‘I feel betrayed and Manchester United forced me out’: Cristiano Ronaldo
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Cristiano Ronaldo thinks “he feels betrayed and forced out of the team by Manchester United
In August, Ronaldo made a commitment to share his perspective on life at Old Trafford after failing to move on from Manchester United to a club competing in the Champions Leagufeele as he had intended.
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bunny-n3zuk0 · 2 years ago
thank you for tagging me stewie!
Y - Yellow (Coldplay)
U - Up all night (Matt DiMona)
M - Manester (Nelly Furtada)
E - Edge runner (HERETIX PROD)
tagging 💗: @utas-faerie-gf @mydarlingdahlia @ anyone else who wants to join (no pressure)
spell out your name or url with songs !!
P - Prom Queen (Beach Bunny)
I - I’ll Make Cereal (Cavetown)
G - girls (girl in red)
E - Empty Bed (Cavetown)
O - Oh Ana (Mother Mother)
N - No Surprised (Radiohead)
tagging: @angerycat @ast3ria-blue @swiftieannah @melancholy-melomaniac @melancholypessimism @whyybesocial @i-have-no-idea-111 @the-literary-anything-blog @underappreciatedtomato @livelaughlovebillzo @charlie-is-missing @chronic-stressed @v4nillaskies @nonsensical-space-ghost @alm0std34d and any other mutuals or people who want to join in !!
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maraczeks · 4 years ago
community s6 thread pt 3
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