#mandy gets an ask
senor-cummies · 2 years
If you were a tree what tree would you be? (Picture welcomed)
If i was a tree I would be a weeping cherry tree. i mean just look at it!
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so beautiful!
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mandiemegatron · 4 months
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(ʸᵒᵘ ᴹᵃᵏᵉ ᴹᵉ ᴰᵒ) ᵀᵒᵒ ᴹᵘᶜʰ ᴸᵃᵇᵒᵘʳ
ᵀʳᵃᶠᵃˡᵍᵃʳ ᴸᵃʷ ˣ ᶜᶦˢ!ᶠᵉᵐ ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
ᴺᵒᵗʰᶦⁿᵍ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵃⁿᵍˢᵗ ʰᵉʳᵉ, ᶠᵒˡᵏˢ!
ᴿᵃᵗᵉᵈ: 18+, ˢᵉˣᵘᵃˡ ᵗʰᵉᵐᵉˢ ᵖʳᵉˢᵉⁿᵗ. ᵁⁿʳᵉᵠᵘᶦᵗᵉᵈ ˡᵒᵛᵉ, ᴸᵃʷ ʰᵃˢ ᵃⁿ ᵉᵐᵒᵗᶦᵒⁿᵃˡ ᵈᵉᶠᶦᶜᶦᵉⁿᶜʸ, ʸ/ⁿ ᶦˢ ᵉᵐᵒᵗᶦᵒⁿᵃˡˡʸ ᵗᵃᵏᵉⁿ ᵃᵈᵛᵃⁿᵗᵃᵍᵉ ᵒᶠ.
Songs to listen to while reading ;
Labour // Paris Paloma (main)
Cynical // twocolors, Safri Duo
Never Go Back // Dennis Lloyd, Robin Shulz
As always, a huge smooch to my beta @moss-woods , couldn't have done this without you 🥺💖💋
Tagging ; @bby-deerling , @icy-spicy , @kazieai , @guilty-sugar , @buggyandthebartoclub 💖
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It was never a tedious thing for you, to love Trafalgar Law the way you thought he deserved.
The soft brush of your hand over his shoulder as you brought him tea and a snack, the encouraging whispers of praise whenever he finally completed a particularly heavy weighted task on his already overloaded mind -
The soft smiles that he knew you reserved for him, and him alone.
It was new and strange to him, the way your eyes met his would make his heart skip a beat to the point he had to stop looking at you for a few days, secluding himself in his office with menial tasks just to take up the time.
When he finally emerged, you were standing right beside his door, a small stack of papers for him to sign and log in your palms with that same, gentle smile on your face.
His brain stopped, a primal urge rising in him as he rested a warm palm on your cheek, his thumb caressing along your skin lovingly. There were no words, just a shared stare of inner turmoil that he finally defeated by pulling you into a rough kiss.
Pulling you into his office, he shoved everything off his desk, a hazy desperation washing over him as he pulled you to him and seats you on his now empty desk. Tattooed fingers rip at your clothing, pulling the boiler suit down and off your beautiful body and dropping it off to the side as your own shaky fingers pull at his spotted pants.
You were almost shocked as he slaps your hands away, ripping his own clothes off into a pile next to your own, not giving you a single moment to think as he suddenly plunges a finger into your already soaked warmth. The low grumble that echoes in his chest sends shivers over your skin as your eyes fall shut, a moan leaving you as he adds a second finger.
His other hand slaps over your mouth a little too harshly, your eyes opening in pain to stare up at the glassy amber eyes of your Captain.
“Stay quiet,” he murmured, pressing an almost too soft kiss to your forehead as you give a slow nod. “Good girl.”
It was nothing but pure ecstasy for you, finally being under him the way you'd been dreaming of since you joined his crew. Your hands wander over his tattooed chest, fingertips grazing his pert nipples and pulling a soft hiss from him as his fingers curl upwards inside you.
Your mouth drops open as you squirt over his hand, eyes screwed shut as wave after wave of pleasure ripples through your body. They only snap open when you feel him tease your entrance with his cock.
Your eyes meet and there's a strange look on his face. He leans over you and presses a harsh kiss to your lips, his teeth biting at your bottom lip until he moves down, teeth nipping and lips sucking at your throat, leaving blooming bruises behind.
As he finally enters you, his name falls from your lips and one of his hands covers your mouth again. You're not upset by it, thinking you were just too loud again. He grinds his hips into yours slowly, his voice faltering as he quietly gets out, “Taking me so well, you're so good, so good…”
When you reach up and wrap your arms around his shoulders, something in him changes. He turns almost stiff under your touch, even as your lips press butterfly kisses to his jawline and cheek. In a flash, he's quick to take what he wants, his face buried in your neck as he grunts and groans softly into your skin.
You were so close to an actual orgasm, so close to falling from the edge when he suddenly pulled from you, furiously fisting his cock over your stomach and painting it in his sticky whites. He breathes heavily over you, unable to look you in the eyes, even as you raise a loving hand to brush his hair from his forehead.
You ignore the way your heart tugs when he pulls his face from out of your reach.
He grabs his shirt and cleans you off, tossing the soiled shirt off to the side as he murmurs, “Go wash up.”
You slowly gather yourself, worry seeping into your skin as you begin to ask, “... Law? Are you-”
He stops you by pressing a chaste kiss to the top of your head. “Just go wash up.” He repeats, still unable to look at you.
You sigh through your nose and gather your clothes, getting dressed in record time and reaching up to press a quick kiss to his jawline.
He, again, stiffens under your touch.
You frown slightly and finally leave his office for him to clean.
You bite back anxious tears until you reach the shower room, glad no one else was using any of them as you move towards the back. You turned off the furthest shower, stripping naked once more and tossing your clothes onto the small bench off to the side.
The second the hot water hit your skin, you began to sob. Something was wrong with what just happened and for some reason, your brain wouldn't let you process it. You finally gave the man you loved every inch of you, but somehow, you felt used.
It felt wrong.
You weren't sure how long you were in the shower for, not even noticing the water had gone ice cold. Your face was pale and sad as you turned the handle, the icy spray finally stopping its onslaught to your already frozen skin.
Wrapping a fluffy towel around you, you picked up your clothes into a bundle under your arm and padded off to your shared room with Ikkaku, opening the door and letting it shut behind you as you flopped face first onto your bed.
“Girl, what is with you?”
You turned your head to the side to see Ikkaku looking down at you with a worried expression.
“Are you sick? Do you want me to grab-”
She jumped slightly as you shouted at her, panic and anxiety written in that one word as you slowly sat up onto your knees. You wrapped your cold hands around your just as chilly arms and whispered out brokenly,
“We…. Ya know….”
A surprised gasp came from Ikkaku and she shook you slightly by your shoulders, a wide grin on her face as she joined you on your bed.
“Ooo, you've been waiting for this! Well? How was it?”
You gave her a look that made her brows furrow. “... Oh god, was he that bad?!”
Your lips ticked up slightly as you gave a soft snort, shaking your head as you murmured,
“He was just… I don't know. It didn't feel like his heart was in it.”
Ikkaku's warm hands picked up your frozen ones, holding them to her chest as she asked softly,
“Not the way yours was?”
Tears pricked at your eyes as you nodded, falling forward into her now open arms, cradling your body to hers. Her hands gently rubbed over your back as she shushed you gently.
“It's okay, Y/N… it's okay.”
You somehow sobbed out,
“I love him.”
Ikkaku shushed you again, holding you tightly as she replied,
“I know girl, I know…”
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The Polar Tang rested at a quiet island, swaying slightly with the waves. Most of the crew was on the island grabbing supplies, while a few stayed behind to watch the ship.
It had been three days.
Three days since you gave yourself to your Captain, heart, mind and soul.
You haven't seen him once.
Even when you tried to bring him his usual cup of tea, his door was locked and there was no answer behind it.
You were half-way through lunch prep when Shachi comes into the kitchen, leaning comfortably on the metal island as he watches you cut vegetables.
You look up, slightly shocked that you were so into your thoughts that you didn't hear him come in.
“Hey! What's up, Shachi?”
There's a deep frown on his face, eyes watching you intently under his shades as he says,
“The Captain wants to see you.”
Your heart almost stops.
A small smile ticks up your lips as you breathe out,
“Finally. I was starting to think he hated me or something.”
Shachi gives you a wavering grin in response, motioning for you to follow him with a movement of his head. You place your knife down and rip off your apron, tossing it aside, following behind him quietly.
When you both make it to Law's office, Shachi is quick to pull you into a tight hug, sniffling softly as he murmurs,
“No matter what happens, we love you.”
You pull back in shock, your face confused as you ask,
“... what the fuck does that mean?”
Shachi sniffles and presses a quick kiss to your forehead before opening the office door and pushing you into it. You give an indignant shout in response, grunting softly as you finally turn as you take in your Captain.
He sits quietly at his desk, his hands clasped together on top of the mahogany wood comfortably. He stares you down, the look in his eyes unrecognizable as you sit in the chair opposite his, your own hands clasped and resting in your lap.
Your heart breaks at the way he says your name without the usual suffix at the end.
“... Captain.” You reply softly.
Law internally winces at the way you speak. He gives a heavy sigh, taking his hat off and plopping it on the desk before running a hand through his hair. He's clearly looking for the right words to say, causing you to watch him with a slowly breaking heart.
“... Y/N, what we did… that was a mistake.”
Your eyes immediately filled with tears.
“I shouldn't have taken advantage of you like that. You have my sincerest apologies.”
You sniffled, crossing your arms over your chest as if to protect your shattering heart.
“I don't have feelings for you like that, and I don't think I ever will. You are my subordinate, I am your Captain, and that's how it has to stay.”
You were silent for a long while, angry tears cascading down your cheeks as you thought about everything that happened between you both since you joined.
None of it mattered.
Slowly, you lifted your head, your eyes meeting his and for the first time, you saw shock wash across his face. He sat back in his chair slightly, unsure of what to say.
After a few moments, you stood, making your way to the door when he stopped you with a soft,
You froze in your spot, pure fury rushing through you as you spun around and spat out,
“Fuck you, Law. You knew, you fucking knew, and you still took from me. That's all people like you do, is take, take, take, until people like me are left with NOTHING. I gave you my EVERYTHING, and IT STILL WASN'T ENOUGH?!”
You were shouting by the end. A small smidgen of pride washed over you at the look on Law's face, obviously not expecting you to snap at him like this.
“I loved you, I bent over backwards for you over and over, I did everything you asked of me and more, and yet even when I finally give you my body and my soul, you essentially tell me you don't care? You don't want me?”
Angry tears rushed down your face as you poured out your heart to him. His eyes had moved to his desk at some point, physically unable to look at you as you verbally tore him apart.
“That's fine. Enjoy your fucking karma, you fucking bastard.”
You ripped his door open and slammed it shut behind you, your boots slamming against the metal floor as you ran to your room. Reaching under your bed, you pulled up your duffle bag and began filling it, shoving everything you had into the bag until it was almost unable to close.
You didn't want to risk bumping into anyone with your bag so you opened the porthole window in your room, looking down and sighing happily when you saw your window was above the wooden dock. Tossing your bag out the window, you were just about to jump out and down when your door ripped open, a very anxious looking Law standing there watching you with wide eyes.
“Y/N-ya, don't do anything stupid!”
He took a step into your room and you gave him the middle finger, snarling at him,
“Eat shit, Trafalgar.”
You jumped.
You didn't look back up as your name met your ears, shaking off the tingling in your legs from falling from a decent height. You pulled your bag over your shoulder, kicking your feet into high gear as you suddenly hear,
You watch the soft blue bubble slowly surround you and you move as fast as you physically can, giving a shout of anger as you pop outside of the bubble right as you hear,
You spare a glance behind you, seeing a few boards from the dock missing, papers from your room now floating down into the water below. You shake your head slightly and continue running, ignoring the pain in your now ex-captains voice as he shouts for you again.
You kept running until his voice was out of earshot, your angry and hurt tears nearly blinding you as you ran into a densely forested area. You were wiping at your eyes when you bumped into someone, falling back onto your ass with a shout of pain as your palms dug into the grassy ground.
“Oi! Watch where you're going, you brat!”
Your watery gaze looks up and you're shocked to see the redheaded Eustass Kid, one flesh arm and one metal crossed over each other on his massive chest.
It takes him a second, but he grins wickedly as he barks out,
“Well, if it ain't Trafalgar's little bitch! What the hell are you doing here?”
He cackles at the dark look you give him, slowly standing and brushing yourself off as you pick up your bag from the ground.
“Fuck you, Eustass. I'm not his bitch, and he's not my Captain. Not anymore, at least.”
Kid sneers down at you.
“The fuck does that mean?”
You sniffled and rubbed at your face angrily before tossing your bag over your shoulder and attempting to walk past him.
“It means what I fucking said, are you deaf?”
A heavy hand angrily pulls you back and your back is pressed against rough bark, Eustass’ scarred face inches from yours as he leans down to bark again,
“What the fuck does that mean?”
You glare back at him as you bark back,
“It means he wants nothing to do with me. It means, he took what he wanted from me and it still wasn't enough. He doesn't give a FUCK about me.”
There was something in Kid's eyes that flickered at your words. He gently puts you back down, leaning back up as he watches you rub at your eyes again.
He's silent for a few moments before he replies,
“Come on.”
You gave him a wary look.
“... why?”
Eustass only replies with a wide grin, cackling loudly for a moment before commenting as if speaking about the weather,
“I hate seeing gorgeous women cry.”
Your cheeks burn at his words, your mouth opening to snarl back a reply when you suddenly are stopped by him continuing,
“That and it's gonna get dark soon, you're not gonna wanna be here when it does. But that's up to you, brat.”
He begins walking away as he shouts over his shoulder,
“I could always use strong fighters on my crew, but if you wanna die out here like a dog, that's on you.”
You stare at his back, confused and anxious as your hand tightens around your bag strap.
You weigh over the pros and cons of leaving one pirate crew for another, especially ones from the Worst Generation.
It takes you only seconds to pull yourself together and run after him.
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For an entire 24 hours, the entire crew minus Bepo search the island high and low for any trace of Y/N.
Law is furious as he paces in front of the Polar Tang, arms crossed as he waits for his Den Den to ring with news that someone had found you.
When night finally fell, Law continued to grow anxious, checking his pocket watch (a gift from you which now wretched his heart whenever he looked at it) and giving a grunt in irritation as he stared down at his resting Den Den. He pokes it gently to wake it up, the snail's eyes blinking tiredly up at his master before frowning.
“Call her.”
In an act that shocked Law, the Den Den slowly turned away from his owner and went back to sleep. The Heart Pirate Captain stood in utter confusion and slowly growing anger, he manually picked up the receiver and dialed Y/N's Den Den.
His heart sank lower and lower as it rang and rang, the soft peru-peru-peru echoing in his head.
His heart jumped when there was finally the soft click-clack of someone picking up the other end and Law quickly asked,
“Y/N-ya? Please, I'm sorry-”
He stopped as a familiar voice came through.
Angry tears pricked at Law's eyes as he hissed out,
The mink sniffled on the other end before sobbing out,
“... She left her behind.”
Law slammed his own receiver down a little too hard, causing his Den Den to give a low hiss in pain. He rubbed at his face with a shout of irritation, huffing to himself.
He lifted his face at the sound of boots crunching into the gravel, hope rising in his chest as he took in the boiler suits coming closer to the Tang.
His heart drops as Shachi shakes his head once he's close enough, clapping a heavy hand on Law's shoulder as he murmurs,
“She's gone, boss.”
Law sighed softly through his nose, finally accepting the fate of his ex-crewmate. He picks up his Den Den and walks back into the Tang, ignoring the questions or comforting words from his crew.
In the silence of his room, Law holds a silly drawing you did of you both, a rare smile on Law's face in your art that pulls at his heartstrings. He smooshes the paper to his chest for a moment before placing it aside, sitting up and immediately meeting his black Corazon jacket resting in the chair you used to take up.
“... Cora-san…” he murmured as he rested his elbows on his knees, his face falling into his palms as he quietly asks,
“What have I done?”
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honestly I really like the fact we don't know shit about Laura Milkovich cause neither Mickey or Mandy knows shit about Monica and they haven't met her either it seems fair
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biblionerd07 · 2 months
I have a lot of gripes with the last two seasons of Shameless (and I know I’ve been complaining a lot lmao) but one of the worst offenses, to me, is the way they refused to let any of the characters acknowledge their own histories. Nothing from previous seasons was allowed to carry over, for whatever reason. And it bothered me the most with Terry Milkovich. (I’m putting this under a cut because it turned into a damn essay lol)
They defanged Terry. They turned him into comic relief and had both Ian and Mickey turning to him for advice. ADVICE???? It did Mickey’s growth through the show SUCH disservice. There was some quote from Wells (😡😡😡 a thousand curses upon his name) about how they did it on purpose because we should all laugh at homophobes to show them their views are stupid or something like that. And like, okay I guess? That is such a straight guy stance. Maybe that works when the homophobe in question is some harmless stranger who has no effect on your life and their views are like the water turning the frogs gay.
But Terry was not that kind of homophobe. Terry was a very real type, whose abuse shaped every part of who Mickey was. Turning him into comic relief made it seem like Mickey’s fear was over the top and he was just paranoid. But when Terry walked in on Ian and Mickey, he physically assaulted them and used corrective rape by proxy. Mickey’s fears were EXTREMELY founded.
That was the crux of Mickey’s character and his development! That even with all of this terror and self-loathing and abuse, he was slowly opening himself up and not only learning to give Ian his love but to accept love. Mickey’s bravery was such a key element of his character! We knew what kind of abuse he’d been subject to, so every tiny, halting step forward made us cheer for him. Turning that into comic relief was an absolute slap in the face after that journey they’d taken him on. (And they were sure as hell happy to remember it when they were getting awards from queer outlets and using it for promo, weren’t they? 😒)
Mickey’s speech before the wedding about Terry always winning was so much more hollow than it should’ve been because for some reason they wouldn’t let him talk about his worst offenses. Having Mickey talk about Terry stealing Halloween candy and Christmas presents and ignoring the rape and abuse was genuinely bizarre. (And bless Noel, who gave his everything and made that even slightly impactful.)
I liked that Mickey was extremely defeatist in that scene. That would absolutely be his mindset! For his entire life, Terry wins. Terry gets what he wants and hurts who he wants and no one stops him. Everyone around the neighborhood (and the cops) knew exactly what Terry was like. There were always other adults hanging around. And no one ever stopped him from abusing those kids. Mandy scoffs and laughs about Terry pistol-whipping Mickey. (ZERO hate to Mandy on this, because all of this is her reality too, and she didn’t even know the whole story.) No one has ever stood up for Mickey against Terry.
Until Ian. I cannot ever get the scene in the Alibi out of my head. There’s an entire bar full of people who are seeing this happening and nobody does anything. Mickey’s right back where he’s always been, on the ground under Terry’s fists, and everyone is just grabbing their drinks and getting out of the way.
But not Ian. Ian (who, it should be noted, is also still a teenager here) pulls Terry off Mickey and fights back. This is very likely the first time in Mickey’s entire life that anyone has ever defended him against Terry.
And now he’s finally supposed to be happy with Ian in such a “normal”, tangible way, and here comes Terry to take it away. Of course. Mickey can’t even be surprised by this. It’s the way the world works. He says there’s no point in trying to find a new venue until they address the root of the problem and kill Terry.
But allllll of this hinges on us as the audience remembering what Terry’s done without a refresher, because for whatever reason, they refuse to let the characters connect to their own pasts in ways that would enrich the story they’re trying to tell. It’s such bad writing and I can’t fathom any reason for it.
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sephvroth · 2 years
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“satoru gojo is master getou’s one and only best friend, after all”
jujutsu kaisen - gojou satoru and getou suguru (satosugu)
@animangacreators friendship day challenge : dedicated to @anyaaforger
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daryl-dixon-daydreams · 5 months
Hey ! I just wanted to tell you how much I loved reading Dead of Winter. Your Daryl was on point and the writing was amazing, but most of all I loved the reader you created. Every little detail about her was perfect and she felt as much like myself as her own person.. I really liked the purpose you gave the characters, and how falling in love wasn’t on their checklist but they each brought up that longing for each other. I felt so close to them, i feared for and with them, never not understood where they were coming from.. thank you for writing this, please pretty please never stop writing and fuck it, I’m getting dogs before the apocalypse shows up !
I can’t wait to read what’s next !
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WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME?! <3 Bless you. This was so thoughtful and meaningful. Thank you for thinking and feeling so deeply about my writing... I have all the feelings right now. That story is very close to my heart. I've said this a thousand times on here before, but Strider is based on my lab Aldo who tragically passed away at only age 7 before I'd even completed the series. Every time I re-read that story or think about it, I feel Aldo in it so much. And that makes me happy and sad. Thankfully, I still have Kuma around (Bear!) and a one year old lab named Otter who came from the same breeder Aldo did.
I highly recommend getting some pups before the apocalypse hits ;) Thank you again for reading and especially for interacting and taking the time to send me this. I actually really needed it today. Can I direct you to my Sacrifice series next? If you haven't read it, I have a feeling you will love it. Sending love, anon!
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dennisboobs · 1 year
Yes! Someone who shares my opinion of New Wheels! I’d seen mostly positives for it around but I never liked it much for the exact reasons you said!
Oh I have.... definitely expressed my hatred for it. I was surprised by the results of the poll I did, and I've seen a lot of love for it too; rewatching I honestly can really only say Why. Why does this episode exist, and why does it play out like that. Like, surface level it's an alright episode, rewatching all of s13 I can maybe understand why people would say it's the best episode of the season, but it's just... perfectly exemplary of the weirdness of the entire season. I know RCG doesn't like having to deal with continuity in most seasons (s2 was an exception because they were trying to integrate Frank into the gang, and it ended up fucking them over bc the network reordered the episodes creating weird continuity errors) but there's a difference between basic continuity (adhering to previously established lore) versus writing a semi-continuous story that carries throughout the season. Glenn has talked before about preferring to keep the show more grounded rather than allowing it to be cartoonish (arguing against the inclusion of little things like adding SFX for Frank firing the gun in post when they hadn't planned for that in a scene, which means that there's a complete lack of reaction from people in the restaurant = unrealistic) and I have to wonder if it's a coincidence that for the seasons he wasn't in the writers room for, shit got. wild. I think at some point you have to draw a line and say, okay, there is no way in fucking hell these are real people anymore. Not that they haven't been getting away with absolutely despicable shit for years now, but it used to be that the designated straight man of a scene would at LEAST point out how fucked up something is, have some sort of objection, something to ground the show in reality and remind us that these characters are in the real world who could face consequences (injury, community service, arrest). I feel that's what missing from New Wheels. WE as the audience knows how fucked up it is for Mac and Charlie to kill a child, or for Dee to sleep with a minor, but to have Dennis, completely removed from the situation, not react with shock or horror, is...... a weird choice. Especially with how grounded his arc is, and how grounded HE is, relative to the rest of the gang in the episode. It feels off. Even if it was like, Mac and Charlie saying YOU DID WHAT? to Dee, and she and Frank doing the same back after hearing that they're unsure if they killed a kid. Zero judgement at all? Unlike the gang <3 They can generally recognize when the OTHERS pull something that's completely batshit,they just lack self-awareness when they're the one committing the acts yknow?? not always, but usually.
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hayscodings · 9 months
hi!! i know i probably sound insane at this point, but i love your posts so i have a few svetlana questions. if svet and yevgeny had stayed until the series finale what do you think would have happened with their characters? what would svetlana do when mickey gets out in season 10? would she and yevgeny attend the gallavich wedding? would svetlana stay in the thruple or get her own place or would something else happen? what would be a proper ending for her?? she’s such an interesting character and we were so robbed when she left with such a bad ending
Noooo I love your asks and asks in general, I am always more than happy to talk about Svetlana.
So before I get into these questions, I just want to preface this by saying that, even though I'm on my third rewatch, I still don't have a good "big picture" concept of each season, especially past S8. So I probably won't get into timeline specifics because my general recollection of the timeline is...not great. I've also never really thought about how Svetlana's storyline would have played out if she'd stayed on the show, so this will be entirely off the cuff.
Personally, I would have liked to see the throuple to work out. I think, because it was executed imperfectly, that there was a lot of potential to work out those kinks and improve on what needed improving. I think they should have delved into each of those dynamics more and showed us how they complemented one another. One of the things I missed in S7-8 was Kev and Svetlana's friendship. They bonded in S5 and worked alongside each other all of S6, but then as soon as they all became a throuple, the focus shifted to Svetlana and V (to the point where you almost forget that it was initially Svet and Kev who made a connection).
All three of their feelings, concerns, etc. should have been properly explored (one short therapy session scene wasn’t enough) and their issues should have been addressed and gradually worked out over the course of the season. I would have liked to see more meaningful conversations between them, not just short little disagreements that conveniently resolved themselves by the end of the episode without them getting to the actual root of the issue. Svetlana wasn't a good communicator, Kev would resort to immaturity any time he got angry, and V frequently put Svetlana on a pedestal while neglecting to consider Kev's feelings. They all had things they could work on.
As far as how it would all play out, I think it would have been good for Svetlana to be on her own for a bit. She could focus on herself and raising Yevgeny and maybe reflect on where she went wrong in her relationship with Kev and V. So let's say that by the end of S8 she's living in the apartment above the Alibi with Yev and her aunt. (She's not paying rent because Kev and V owe her that much after reporting her to ICE and generally treating her like shit.)
When S9 starts, she still owns 50% of the bar and is working alongside Kev and V. Maybe there's still some awkwardness from the whole breakup, but for the most part they're doing okay. I honest to god don't remember what Kev and V's plots are this season, but I think this is the one where Amy and Gemma start acting up and one of them says something about how they don't remember the girls behaving this way when Svetlana was around? I thought it was odd that they didn't consider that the twins missed their stepbrother and stepmom, so...Amy and Gemma start acting up, and they realize it's because the 'divorce' really affected them.
They talk to Svetlana about this (Yevgeny misses his sisters too) and decide to arrange playdates with the kids. I always felt that Svetlana just taking off to marry that old dude was too clean a break. I mean, they made no mention of a divorce, didn't have to deal with custody, didn’t bring up Svetlana’s 50% ownership of the bar, and never had the kids see each other again? That’s so lazy. So anyway, this gradually ends up bringing them all closer together again. They discuss putting the kids in the same preschool and it's all very full circle to S5.
Another thing I would have liked to see for Svetlana is her no longer having to depend on another person for a visa. The show never addressed her and V getting a divorce, so I have no idea when that happened, but let's say that they get one in S8. I am not an expert in immigration law by any means, but my guess is that Svetlana would be left in a similar position as she was in S6. So, she does some research, applies for a T Visa, and ends up being eligible for one. This is a huge relief for her because it's the first time that her status in the country is legitimately secured. By the end of the season she's saved up enough money to get her own place (the room above the Alibi isn't big enough for three people), so she rents a nice little apartment where Yev can have his own room. She also enrolls him in some sort of activity— maybe dance or gymnastics, whatever he shows interest in.
Come S10 she's thriving. Once again I have no idea what happens this season other than Gallavich wedding, so I apologize for not being able to incorporate more plot-relevant storylines. I'll come back to this ask once I’m further in my rewatch. Anyway, this is the season where shit really starts going her way for once— she's doing pretty good money-wise, she's officially back on good terms with Kev and V, and Yevgeny is thriving. She's got lots of ideas for bringing in business to the bar, and maybe a couple of side hustles for good measure. She's still in touch with most of the girls from the massage parlor and one of them ends up giving her the number of a therapist who specializes in helping survivors of human trafficking. She sits on it for a long time but finally brings herself to call when she gets news from her mother in Russia that her father passed away.
She finds out about Mickey getting out of prison from Ian. They end up reconnecting and talking somethings out and Svetlana tells Mickey that if he wants to have a relationship with Yev, whether in a parental capacity or otherwise, then the door is always open. He asks her about the whole throuple situation— teases her about how he would have loved to be a fly on the wall— and she assures him that that ship sailed and that she blew it. She gets invited to the Gallavich wedding and attends with Yevgeny. Mandy is also in attendance, and the two of them get to talking and wonder why they didn't bond sooner.
S11 is when she's finally a place where she's ready to try and make a relationship work again. She's grown and healed a lot since S8, and she's no longer dependent on anyone for security so that anxiety has ceased being a motivating factor for her actions. Kev and V have since apologized and made up for everything that they put her through, and Svetlana understands why they felt betrayed about the bar and apologizes for hurting them. The three of them start to rebuild their relationship throughout the season, determined not to make the same mistakes as last time. Eventually they decide to move in together and buy a place somewhere away from the Southside, though still not too far. It feels like a proper fresh start.
Ian and Mickey start to be a part of Yev's life and Svetlana considers them family. She also becomes very close with Mandy and encourages her to go back to school so that she can get a better job. She’s relieved when Mickey informs her that Terry died, but attends the funeral in solidarity. His mixed feelings remind her somewhat of her own when her father passed.
Post-series, Kev and V get to practice the little Russian that Svetlana has taught them when they finally meet her family (her mother and grandmother fly out to Chicago to see her and meet Yev for the first time). They’ve learned to embrace her culture. Yevgeny is fully fluent and the tries to teach Amy and Gemma. He’s also inherited his mom’s mathematical prowess. Svetlana is safe and happy and finally has what he always wanted for herself and her son— a loving family. Several years down the line she’s able to obtain citizenship.
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stitchwraith-stingers · 5 months
anyways talking about faz frights made me remember faz frightsrompa and I wanna think about it again honestly
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puppywritesthings · 4 months
Happy Mandy Monday ⏮️🐻🪤
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Thanks! Here’s some homoerotic tension!
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senor-cummies · 10 months
Hey dad, I don’t have the actual balls to say who I am but I need some advice and don’t know where to go with this. I though this might work. On with the question, How do you ask someone to not do something your uncomfortable with them doing though it’s decently common but you just don’t like it. How do you bring that sort of thing up?
Sorry I took a bit to answer this!
The way I would handle this is, assuming it isn't something that physically hurts you, wait until they do it again to ask them to stop. Alternatively, you could wait till the next time you see/talk to them and tell them you have something important to talk to them about and then set your boundary then. If they continue to do it after the fact, especially after reminding them you don't like it when they do that, it may be good to reconsider your relationship to them, as they've represented a lack of respect for you and your boundaries.
When confronting them, stick to using "I feel..." statements, especially when asserting your boundaries.
"I don't like handshakes and it makes me feel very uncomfortable when you give them to me, I would appreciate it if you didn't give me handshakes anymore."
Sorry if this isn't much help, I can only really help from my own experiences so this is just what usually helps me. Please feel free to ask/dm me if you have any other questions.
I hope the confrontation goes well, whenever you have it.
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mandiemegatron · 4 months
Okay but, Law angst based on "when I was your man" by Bruno mars
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I can't handle the pain you enjoy putting me in😭😭😭😭😭😭
👀 you're not wrong though.
How about a taste of that? 😈
This is NOT part of an official part two for (you make me do) too much labour, but if you want to believe that it is, then go for it bc I am not sure if or when I'll get to writing it.
Enjoy, my lovely lil tangerines !!! I love you sm !!! 🤭💖💋
Written while listening to When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars.
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It was like being punched in the gut.
With a knife.
That was on fire.
He hadn't even been looking for you this time, having been entirely focused on actually refueling the ship and making sure every crew member came back with what they were supposed to.
Shaking fingers held the clipboard that marked down the wares that came onto the ship. He'd first heard that ugly, unruly laughter from a certain redheaded, knowing that Eustass Kid must have also been refueling at the same port.
He lazily looked around and spotted him, not fifty feet away. He was talking to his masked crew mate, Law vaguely remembers his name is Killer, ironically enough, and goes back to his clipboard.
Law idly wondered if Eustass was following him.
But how?
He had no way of knowing which way the Heart Pirates were going next, unless-
Law froze in his spot when he heard another familiar laugh, and he couldn't fight the way his body immediately went into an anxious state, his wide eyes watching in utter shock as you came out from beside Kid's massive form.
His eye twitched as Kid leaned down and pulled you into a kiss, resentment and fury clinging to his entire body at the audacity you and Kid held.
In that instance, everything fell into place for Law. Why he was suddenly always seeing Kid's ugly ship show its face everytime Law docked somewhere, why he felt like Kid was chasing him or following him -
It was you.
This whole time... it had been you.
"Boss! Did you see-"
"I saw."
Shachi and Penguin flinched at the venom dripping from Law's mouth, watching with worried expressions as their Captian burned holes into the back of your head.
For the first time in months, since you'd ran off from the Tang, you slowly turned and froze with wide eyes as you took in your ex-captain. You'd recognize that stupid, spotted hat anywhere.
Your gaze stuck with his, almost as if something was trying to pull you together. You could feel the anger, the sadness and the rage that fell off Law like a bitter waterfall, covering the entirety of your senses in a thick sludge.
It'd been the first time in months that you'd seen him.
You hated the way your heart ached to go to him.
"... Oi."
You broke your gaze from Law to stare back up at Kid, a set frown etched into his lipsticked mouth. There was uncertainty in his eyes as he nearly snarled out,
"... You're mine now. He can't have you back."
You flashed your lover a warm, loving grin and clung to him, holding his slightly larger face in your hands as you replied,
"I'm yours. I'm not going anywhere."
Kid's eyes softened slightly before he glared darkly at Law, the other captain suddenly standing a little taller at the challenge. They glared each other down until Kid looked away as you tugged on his opened shirt.
"Come on, let get out of here," you murmured, desperate to get away from this uncomfortable and fucked up situation.
You jumped slightly when Killer placed a warm, heavy hand on your shoulder, the other coming in front of you to give you a small bouquet of pretty weeds. A slight grin came over your face as you looked up at your masked lover and friend, the man giving you one in return that you couldn't see, but you knew was there.
He led you away by taking one of your hands into his, bringing the back of it up to his mask in a faux kiss as a sign of adoration, just as Eustass Kid turned back to Law, a wicked grin on his face as he mouthed something Law can't understand.
He points at Law, gives him the middle finger, then points at the sky before turning away with a loud cackle, following after his best friend and love.
Law then stiffens, knowing exactly what Kid meant.
"You... fucked... up."
Law turns away as Kid's loud voice echos over him, his heart gripped in a tight, metal hand as he hears Kid ask you,
"Apparently, they're throwin' a party here tonight... we gonna dance our asses off or what?!"
His heart breaks as he hears you reply happily,
"Ooh, you gunna take me dancing?! Thank you, baby!"
Law roughly slaps the clipboard into one of the crewmans stomachs, ignoring the over-exaggerated "Oof!" that Shachi gives. Law begins to turn, walking back towards the ship when Shachi suddenly calls out,
" ... How many times did she ask you to take her out?"
Law freezes in his spot, his eyes wide and dark as he stares down at his best friend and crewman.
"... what did you say...?"
"How many times... did she ask you to take her out? Or to bring her something that reminded you of her?"
Law's face contorts into one of raw fury, mouth snapping open to roar at Shachi's insolence when suddenly Ikkaku speaks up,
"All she wanted was you, Captain. And you made it clear that you didn't want her."
Law's head audibly snaps to the side, his dark gaze looming over Ikkaku as she continues,
"Just be happy for her. She's alive and clearly happier with them. Stop acting like the victim."
The anger and bitterness in Law grows as he snaps out,
"She's a traitor. She doesn't deserve to be happy with anyone!"
Ikkaku shouts back,
"Why?! Because she didn't want to keep having her heart broken by the man she loved?! Get OVER yourself!"
Law steps back slightly at her words, his chest heaving as pain and hurt take over the anger.
Ikkaku cuts him off with a sharp, raised hand.
"You are not the victim here. Stop acting like your actions don't have consequences just because you're a pirate Captain."
Law falls silent, his face half covered by the wide rim of his hat. He hated that Ikkaku had a point, but he wouldn't tell her that.
"... make sure everyone gets back to the ship."
Shachi and Ikkaku give a tight salute, small frowns on both their faces as they watch their Captain walk back into the Tang.
They share a look with each other before going back to their duties, Shachi's shaded eyes watching you, Kid, and Killer until you were gone from his vision.
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ziracona · 1 year
I know I say this every time I read my own work, but Speak for the Dead really is the best chapter in ILM.
“Well, you know for the first time in a long time this actually feels like fall?”
Jane Romero was smiling at him, sitting propped up against a tree in what had sort of become her usual ‘therapy’ corner in the past almost two weeks. And she was right, it did feel like fall. The air wasn’t as sharply cold as normal, and honestly ‘sharply’ cold was a nice break in and of itself when it happened—usually the weather here was somehow just cold—cold with no adjectives attached. But today it was nicer. It was the kind of waiting fall cold that came when it wasn’t biting outside yet, and it was almost pleasant. A promise of a change in the seasons. Tapp wondered why.
The trees hadn’t started to change color with it, or fall in piles, and as far as he’d gathered there weren’t seasons in here. Everything looked the same. Tall, thick woods, undergrowth and moss and rocks and fallen logs, a slight breeze on and off. Dark sky overhead, full moon, at this point long since throwing off everyone’s idea of what day and night were supposed to mean. All the usual. Except, somehow, the kind of cold in the weather. Who knew, maybe nothing had changed. Maybe they had just started to feel better.
LIKE. Those opening lines mean nothing but environmental flavor when you read them. But they’re a lead in for the thesis of the entire chapter.
“Well, you know for the first time in a long time this actually feels like fall?” - A promise of a change in the seasons. - Who knew, maybe nothing had changed. Maybe they had just started to feel better.
Like that’s it. Speak for the Dead is about a lot of things, but at its heart it’s about healing. It’s about forgiveness and healing, that exists between the living and the dead. It’s about how you can only speak for them, by speaking for them. Not how you want to punish yourself or live for them, but by how you know they would forgive you, or would ask you to live. Very little other than exchanges of information happen, but so much happens at the same time. All of it significant. It’s hope. It’s about how Tapp (and Meg) have spent every day here fighting in their own way to cope with the agony and failure of their lives, and the loss of people they couldn’t save, and have only dug their wounds deeper. About love. About nothing stoping the lambs from screaming except accepting that they want to let you go.
#god I love this chapter so much. literally I can start reading ANY part of it and get hooked. Me every time I re-read the one time in my#life I hit script perfection for an entire chapter straight: 💕💕💕💕💕#in living memory#in living memory (fic)#Speak for the Dead#I’ll never write something that good again maybe and that’s ok. perfection is perfection god I love that chapter#there so much said and so much unsaid. the way he buries Mandy. Adam trying to help. the fact literally never after in the story /does/ Meg#find out that she almsot died in a Jigsaw trap because she was judged for cutting? never. not post fic either. Ace and Tapp silently both#decide to never tell and she /never/ has to know. the way Meg asks if Michael knew Tapp loved him more than the job and that question is#not answered. she just says ‘he loved you’ and accepts that as a more significant one. the whole Jane discussiom. the way Tapp says ‘yes’#/only/ to ‘did it haunt you?’ when asked serious questions and usually just says ‘I don’t know’ if it’s probably true? the way he talks#about himself? the Saw references??? the dead people’s actions existing like ghosts in the script helping charcaters on a meta textual level#bc I only wrote Tapp surviving with a pen tracheotomy bc Peter Strahm did it? the The Silence of the Lambs thing?#all the ethical discussions that are so conceptual and simultaneously concrete in different ways. even the ethics are the dead and the#living mixing together. the way Tapp’s argument the only thing you can do for the dead is to finish their story for them-to do what they’d#been trying to do—doesn’t change? just what that means to him does. the way the entirety of In Living Memory itself is Philip finishing#Vigo’s story because Vigo is dead? and ILM literally /is/ Vigo’s ghost in the void chronicling these events to watch over and to tell this#story about how Philip is a good man. in which he is fulfilling Philip’s goals for him when Philip no longer can. the entire book is about#love and loss and no chapter in as deep a way as Speak for the Dead captures that on such a literal level#the book is the living speaking for the dead. and the dead speaking for the living. & a hope from that. a promise of a change in the seasons#literally. when they make it in V.S. from the eternal october. to finally November.
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spengs · 2 years
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Hallows eve innit
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jawsplitter · 11 months
BTW i saw the trailer for the new saw movie cos my brother told me about it...it actually looks decent?? like a REAL SAW MOVIE in this day and age??? of course i was fooled by the welcome to raccoon city trailer, but saw X looks like a saw movie. little confused by the premise being. i think john just putting Anyone who was involved in his cancer treatment in a trap? but whatever peepaw wants to do. they're keeping the early john kramer energy of trapping anyone who mildly inconveniences him
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bringmefoxgloves · 2 years
I am so sorry for sending like 500 asks a day BUT it must be said your tags about Alison Gordon are completely correct, she literally is such a good character and people are SO mean to her for no reason and it breaks my heart!
Don't ever apologize for sending asks, I love them <3
But for real!!!! Like she never deserves this much hate!!!! So many depictions of her make her adversarial to Lawrence and like a huge Bitch and nothing else. Which just like. Breaks my heart.
Prepare for a long ramble about her, bus especially in the context of Chainshipping.
Like the reality of her?
She is a strong protective woman who cares about her child and her husband and wants her relationships to be valued and she's just trying to do her best!!! Like I'm all about Chainshipping, but like. To make Alison the Evil Bitch who stands in the way of that is hmmm. Not where it's at.
My favorite versions of her (in the context of Chainshiping) is someone who may (or more realistically, or may not!) initially understand Lawrence being gay. If she immediately understands great! More power to her, if she was married to him, she would most likely be the first one to pick up Lawrence is gay. If she doesn't, equally understandable!
Because, (Gasp! A woman side character with complex feelings???) any feeling of being betrayed or lied to when a previously long and lengthy relationship ends because of said partner's self discovery of sexual orientation is an immediate real human reaction, especially within the context of a relationship that has a child involved.
And I'm not saying it's the kind or accepting or most correct instinct, but it's an understandable feeling to have, and Alison, depending on your interpretation of her, is absolutely allowed to have such complex feelings. She's human and complex and allowed to think wrong things and make mistakes.
But, Alison doesn't strike me as a person who would hold that sort of resentment for long. She might be confused at first as to how Lawrence could have claimed to love her (but, deep down, she knows he didn't) and how he could have had a child with her (As, unless you are familiar with hetronormative closeting and family building, it would be confusing!), but she'd educate herself and move on.
She would never want Diana to pick up resentment or hatred of her father from her. She fought and bled and attacked a man bodily to protect her daughter, so why would she ever want to damage her daughter's relationship with her father? She wants the best for both Diana and Lawrence, as well.
She would be, in the end, I think, supportive and happy for her ex's happiness. Like that's literally all she wants!!! She wants Lawrence to have passion!!!! To be happy!!! She literally says that!!!
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She's willing to accept Lawrence's hatred of her as long as it inspires some genuine feelings within Lawrence!!! She wants him to be fully alive and feeling and living!!! She wouldn't stand in the way of Lawrence achieving that!!!
And we, the fandom, forget that about her.
It's a fine line to walk when there's a canon straight ship that 'gets in the way' of a fandom popular gay ship, but please, please, please, everyone. Value and stop demonizing Alison Gordon 2kforever.
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