#makkari has a zero tolerance for putting druig down policy
lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I'm With You - Chapter 5.3
Happy Friday fellow Drukkari stans, or whatever day it is for you! I'm on a roll with the updates apparently. If you missed the last mini-chapter and need to catch up, you can find that here, or you can go back to the very beginning here. The remaining Eternals have officially joined the friend group, so group scenes are about to get even more chaotic! So, without further ado, here's the next installment of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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It was only right that the rest of the competitors be invited to dinner. Sadly, Sprite’s mom thought it better for her to get an early night, and Phastos was too tired to stay up with them, even if the days were getting slightly shorter. But Gilgamesh was more than willing to join, having heard about their weekly soirées.
“Frankly, I was a little offended I wasn’t invited sooner,” he joked with them that evening.
It is a very exclusive group, Makkari responded with mock seriousness.
“Yes, so exclusive that we let everyone in,” Sersi added with a smile.
“Well, as many as we could fit in one room,” Ajak interjected. Despite the extra invitations, Druig really wasn’t sure how they would’ve fit any more attendees short of having them eat on the bed. Ajak didn’t seem like she would appreciate that. “But you could’ve just asked. That’s what I did!”
“Really? I thought it was like a secret club. Members only,” Gil said, which drew a few chuckles.
“To be fair, I thought the same thing at first,” Sersi conceded. “I only joined after Druig invited me.”
“Is that how it happened?” Dane asked, his demeanor polite but an ever so slight uneasiness in his face. Druig almost thought he imagined it until he saw Makkari looking between him and Dane curiously.
“Yeah, I told you about it, remember?” Sersi continued. “When I asked for his macaron recipe. He gave me the copy at dinner, which is how I got in.”
“Oh, right,” he replied. While Sersi seemed oblivious to it, Druig could still feel something slightly off in Dane’s usually cheerful personality. Before he could dwell on it, Makkari quickly signed, Speaking of recipes, how did you come up with that yuzu and matcha éclair recipe, Gilgamesh?
“I was wondering about that, too!” Ajak joined in. “I’ve never had those together.”
“They looked incredible, like straight of a pâtisserie,” Druig added.
Gilgamesh was more than happy to talk about his éclairs. As he interpreted for her, Druig could tell that Makkari wasn’t really listening to Gil’s story, her eyes drifting back to Dane and Sersi. Guess he’d have to ask her about this abrupt change in topic later, he thought, as Gil finished his story.
“That’s amazing, Gil! You really should open your own bakery when this is all over,” Ajak said, a subtle smile tugging at her lips. “People would come from all over!”
“That’s kind of you to say,” he replied, suddenly bashful.
“She’s completely right, though,” Sersi interjected. “Those éclairs would definitely go viral on Instagram.”
Sersi’s an expert at Instagram, I’d believe her if I were you! Makkari added.
“Well, if she’s the expert, I guess I have to listen,” Gil joked good naturedly. “Can’t do anything yet, though. I’ve got to win this competition first!”
This provoked some surprised sputters from the table.
“Woah, those are fighting words!” Druig admonished, trying and failing to hold back his grin.
“Hey, I am playing to win,” Gil continued. “I thought I’d have this week’s Star Baker in the bag until I saw your éclairs.”
“Mine were alright, but I don’t know if they were Star Baker level,” Druig tried to brush off. He narrowly avoided the piece of bread Makkari threw at him.
“Hey, no throwing food!” Ajak scolded, but Makkari wasn’t listening.
I beg to differ! Those éclairs were a triumph! she said, making each of her movements very sharp and deliberate. And thanks for bringing them up again, now I’ll be craving them.
“Sorry,” he mumbled sheepishly.
“Now I really wish I’d gotten to try them,” Sersi said with a sigh.
“Don’t forget you got second in the technical,” Ajak chimed in. “Gil’s right. I think this might be your week, Druig!”
Druig swore up and down that it was a fluke (custard tarts were another one of his specialties), but the rest of the group was not having it. So, he held his hands up in surrender as they continued to heap praise on him, along with a few good-natured jabs. In truth, he had been more worried about just staying in the competition, not necessarily winning. Up until now, getting Star Baker had been the last thing on his mind. But after the day he’d just had, he was wondering if it really could be in reach.
As they were leaving Ajak’s room for the night, Druig hung back and tapped Makkari’s shoulder. Can I walk you back to your room? he asked, and she gave a small nod. As they let the others get further away, he turned to her to ask, So, was Dane acting weird earlier?
Makkari’s eyebrows shot up at the memory, and she replied, Uh, if you consider being jealous the same as being weird, then yes!
Druig felt his eyebrows furrowing as he simply signed, Jealous?
At this, Makkari gave him a pointed look. When his expression remained confused, she halted in her tracks, grabbing his sleeve so he’d stop too. You really don’t know what I’m talking about?
No, he confirmed. Jealous of what?
Her palm went straight to her forehead, after which she vehemently signed, Of you, stupid!
Druig’s mind took another second to put the pieces together, his eyes going wide once he finally realized. He thinks… me and Sersi? was all he could get out.
At this, Makkari doubled over laughing. It went on for a good minute as Druig tried to wrap his head around this new information. When Makkari finally recovered somewhat, still wiping tears from her eyes from laughing so hard, he asked, Why would he even think that?
You really don’t know that either? she signed incredulously. She was fighting off another laugh attack, but she calmed herself long enough to say, Well, when a man learns the woman he likes was asked out by another man—
It was a group dinner! Druig interrupted.
Yes, but Sersi said you invited her, not the group, she continued. And while Dane may have been oblivious to Ikaris, he’s watched you, me, and the others get closer to Sersi over the past few weeks. It’s not that big of a leap for him to think he may have competition.
From me? Druig asked, still in disbelief.
Well, you are the other young, handsome single guy at dinner, she signed matter-of-factly. I’m sure he would’ve had the same reaction to any other single person in your position.
Druig nodded thoughtfully as he mulled over this explanation. Then, in an instant, the realization of what she’d said hit him. You think I’m handsome?
Makkari’s eyes widened, as if just realizing what she’d said herself. As she averted her gaze and thought about how to answer him, Druig thought he noticed her beginning to blush. He’d really caught her off guard.
Well, yes, she finally answered, her eyes finding his again. He was beginning to smirk when she surprised him again by punching him in the arm. Don’t let it go to your head. You won’t win Star Baker tomorrow if you’re too busy thinking how handsome you are.
Yes, milady, he replied, unable to stop himself from chuckling even if his arm did hurt. They’d already arrived at her door, so they said goodnight and she slipped inside. Druig was grinning all the way back to his own room.
Fun fact: The Eternals writers considered making the love triangle between Sersi, Ikaris, and Druig but decided not to. Anyway, let me know what you think!
Part 17
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