azsaud · 3 months
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sous-france · 2 months
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Contact avec le Temple sacré, Les pèlerins touchent la Kaaba, Connexion divine.
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amal-97 · 1 year
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amna-minhas · 3 months
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mishelkhan26 · 3 months
Where to exchange money in makkah haram | Paise Kahan Se Change Karen | ...
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qamer · 1 year
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@alratv حُسنِ جاناں کی تعریف ممکن نہیں، آفریں آفریں @younus_algohar #kaaba #🕋 #makkah #makkahalmukarramah #hajj #umrah #saudiarabia https://www.instagram.com/p/CoKwz3FP1Lm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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islamic-writer-8055 · 2 years
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mashriqiyyah · 4 months
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An invaluable lesson from a Hadith Master on being grateful for what you have.
The great Hadith scholar of the Levant (Shām): Imam al-Awzaa'ee رحمه الله once traveled, stopped at his hometown, and visited his brother. When dinner time came, a meal was presented to the Imam; as he was reaching his hand out to eat, the host said, "Pardon us (for this frugal meal) as you have visited us during a difficult time."
Imam Al-Awzaa'ee returned his hands to his pockets and refused to eat despite the host's several attempts to convince him. The next morning, the host asked him about what happened the night before and why he didn't eat. Imam al-Awzaa'ee رحمه الله said,
"I did not want to eat food in which the host had little appreciation for Allah's bounties or was completely ungrateful for Allah's blessings."
So al-Awzaa'ee spent the night on an empty stomach.
Paraphrased from: al-Jarh wa-Ta'deel by ibn Abi Hatim: (1/210).
Sometimes, we make statements when serving guests like, "Forgive us, this is what we have" or similar phrases downplaying the dish. Instead, we should present the food and thank Allah that He has favored us with a meal! If we practice gratitude to what many deem to be "minute" affairs, then it'll surely lead towards gratefulness for bigger blessings.
✍️ Abu Awzaa'ee Abdus-Salaam al-Makki al-Hanbali وفقه الله
🕋 Makkah al-Mukarramah حرسها الله
🗓 10th Shaban, 1444 (3/2/23ce)
🗝 Keys To Knowledge | T.me/K2KNYC
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loly945 · 5 months
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الكعبة الشريفة 🕋🤍 مكة المكرمة - تصويري
Kaaba sharifa - Makkah - Taken by me
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The Grand Mosque of Mecca tops the list of the most expensive buildings on Earth built at a cost of $ 100 Billion.
Size: One million (1,000,000) square meters Capacity:
🕋Can accommodate two (2) million people
🕋Receives twenty (20) million visitors annually
🕋Open twenty -four (24) hours.It has never been completely closed in over 1400 years
🕋Has 1800 cleanersHas 40 electric sanitary cleaning cars
🕋Has 60 electric sanitary machines to clean open courtyards
🕋Has 2000 Sanitary barrels spread throughout the premises
🕋Floor covered with 40000 carpets (longer than the distance between Jeddah and Makkah (79km))
🕋13000 toilets, cleaned four (4) times/6 hours daily
🕋25000 water dispensers (one of the largest water dispensing systems in the world)
🕋100 random samples of drinking water are inspected daily
🕋Excess water from Zamzam Well is stored in storage tanks with a capacity of 1,700,000 (1.7 million), water bottles (capacity 10 liters)
🕋HARAMAIN recitation service: broadcast recitation of the Quran;
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rakibulislamsalafi · 2 years
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أنتِ الصباحُ إذا أتاني مُـشـرقاً أنتِ الضياءُ و كلهُم ظُلماتُ 🤍 ____________________________________ #Makkah #Mecca #Kaaba #Baitullah #TheHoliKaaba #Haramain #मक्का 🕋 #HaramainSharifain #MasjidAlHaram #Rakibul_Islam_Salafi #SaudiArabia ‎#المسجد_الحرام ‎#الكعبة ‎#مكة_المكرمة #Madina #Medina #Munawwarah https://www.instagram.com/p/ClB0WwLo013/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sous-france · 2 months
" Dieu a fait de la Kaaba, la Demeure sacrée, une station érigée pour les gens [...]
Sourate 5. Verset 97
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rahayuaphs · 14 days
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as-told-by-sura · 18 days
Hajj live😍😭
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qamer · 1 year
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@alratv حجر الاسود 🕋 @younus_algohar #kaaba #🕋 #mecca #makkah #masjidulharam https://www.instagram.com/p/CoINk1ev_oJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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optib1s · 2 months
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🕌 UMROH PLUS 5 NEGARA 🕌 🔥 PROMO HARGA 33jt-an 🔥 Jelajahi keajaiban spiritual dan budaya dengan paket Umroh 5 negara kami! Dengan pemandu ahli, kunjungan ke Mekah, Madinah, Istanbul, Dubai, dan Abu Dhabi akan memberikan pengalaman yang mendalam dan tak terlupakan. Pesan sekarang dan ikuti perjalanan spiritual Anda yang penuh makna bersama kami! 😇🕋 HIDAYATUR UMROH DAN WISATA MUSLIM DUNIA A JOURNEY FOR IMAN Kami adalah Tour and Travel yang Insyaallah amanah dan membuat perjalanan anda menjadi barokah dan menyenangkan, mari Umroh bersama Hidayatur 🤗 LAYANAN KAMI : 1. Visa / Document 2. Tour Organizer 3. Event / Mice 4. Reservation 5. Umroh Plus 6. Umroh Vip / Private / Express / Backpacker 7. Halal Tours 8. Badal Umroh Layanan Plus - company - Thematic - Community - Rewarding - Backpacker - B2B / Partnership - Training - Consulting - Document - Land Arrangement ----------------------------------------------------- 📱 : wa.me/6281959594529 📍Alamat : Jl. Pamanukan No.12, Antapani Kulon, Kec. Antapani, Kota Bandung - Jawabarat - Indonesia #umroh #umrohmurah #umroh5negara #umrohplus #turki #turkiye #dubai #abudhabi #umrohhemat #makkah #madinah #hidayatur #umrohbandung
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