#making this my pinned so I don't keep swapping between info posts
Heeeyy welcome! (old pinned post)
Welcome to my blog! It's a blog!
I'm gonna be posting fandom stuff, mostly, along with probably some vague ramblings about things that aren't directly fandom related! I also don't know how much/quickly stuff is gonna be posted, especially at first, I need to figure out my followed tags and accounts, find stuff to post about, etc
(Actual info, including fandoms and abt me below the cut!)
(Here's the short of it: Good Omens, Hazbinverse, MCYT, I use he/they and some other pronouns, no specified DNI, please use tone tags, and I have some fun tags! Oh also, I tend to ramble, as evidenced by this post right here)
My active fandoms: Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Good Omens, working my way into Death Note, MCYT (i do not support Dream nor do i consider myself a "DSMP fan" anymore, but still have an interest in MCYT content as a whole and fandom content surrounding it!)
I also may end up posting/reblogging some stuff from older fandoms/hyperfixations that I don't really engage in actively anymore, but cross my mind from time to time! (lookin' at you, Voltron)
What about me?: I use it/he/they/xey pronouns, nonbinary transmasc etc etc. I'm very much so neurodivergent and my hyperfixations tend to come in waves of two flavours: ramblings that are genuinely completely incoherent, and full on multi-thousand blocks of analysis text. Both of those will be making their way into this blog! I also have a tendency to swap rapidly between more formal typing styles and much much more informal and casual typing, depending on the tone of the post, so be prepared for that inconsistency! I am also auDHD, so please do use tone tags! I have a tendency to misunderstand tone and may end up asking for clarifications either way, so it's a good way to start!
This is very much gonna be a catch-all for any of my brain thoughts about fandom stuff, and I'm probably not going to bother with a queue, so things are just going to HAPPEN in bursts. I operate in EST but have a really ridiculous sleep schedule, so post times are inconsistent either way. I'm planning on including word counts on posts longer than one "block" of text!
Oh, also, I don't really have a DNI I plan to enforce? Don't come on here if you're, like, a bigot, or gonna harass people about shit they can't control, but I do also block freely. So, I'm not gonna tell you not to come in here, but I post what I post and you post what you post, so if I happen to click on your blog and see something that doesn't sit right with me, I'll go from there (do remember, though, that DNIs go both ways! If I see that something in your DNI, assuming you have one, includes me, I'll also block you then!)
One last thing: tags! I have them! I like being able to organize my stuff on here, so I try to keep several tags that will direct you to the specific stuff you want to see. All posts will also have the appropriate general fandom tags, so you can also go through there.
#helluva hotel : any posts relating to the Hazbinverse, either Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel!
#ineffably involved : anything related to Good Omens
#cubic nonsense : things related to both MCYTs and Minecraft the actual game, the game itself is another ongoing interest, so it's likely gonna come up and i'm gonna shove it in this tag!
#asphodel lore : my own thing! i have an OC lore that's really weird and detailed that i want to talk about more, and i'm probably gonna end up posting about it, so here's a tag!
#my own shit : anything I may post that's not directly related to an already-listed fandom
#hyperfixation type beat : posts for things i'm actively or currently hyperfixated on, they come and go
#analytics and word blocks : i tend to analyse stuff and write really long bricks of text about my interests, so anything that gets long enough for me to put it behind a cut purely for length
#stuff and nonsense ramblings etc : tag to catch any shorter and rambly posts, usually stuff that doesn't have much of a deeper meaning but i want to put out there
#this is not mine! : reblogged posts!
#this belongs to someone i know! : reblogged posts specifically from mutuals and people i know outside of tumblr! (used in addition to prev tag)
ANYWAY yeah thank you for reading! I think this post gives a good idea of how off-track and rambly I tend to get-
Actual posts coming real soon! (like, in a few minutes soon)! Welcome again, enjoy your stay, it gets weird!
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Ship Friendly TWEWY Discords
This list is updated to the best of my knowledge as new information comes to my attention. If a link stops working, please let me know.
General servers
TWEWY Hangout, a general (N)TWEWY server, run by @composeregg, info post here
General (N)TWEWY Ship server, run by @grinreaperr, invite here
Ship specific servers
20+ JoshNeku server, run by Bani, info post here
18+ JoshNeku Server, run by @twinkuraba and @yoshiyakiryu , info post and invite here
18+ Frindo server, run by @grinreaperr, invite here (top link)
18+ Hazrin server, run by @grinreaperr, invite here (second link)
18+ NekuBeat server, run by @hellpupp, info post and invite here
Neshiki server, run by Tally (no NSFW as admin is a minor), direct invite here
These servers are ship-and-let-ship, aka anti-harassment, aka pro-fic, and make efforts to not tolerate bigotry. There are various levels of screening to make sure you're not joining them just to shit-stir.
If you've got a TWEWY server you believe fits this criteria I'd be happy to add it to the list! Help everyone find a place to join in the fandom.
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