#mahi hired their boyfriend without their boss's knowledge
yesyourstalker · 11 months
Neta: alright!.... tonight I'm heading out for my mission to get a power source for the bunkers...
Warabi: and I'm coming too!!
Neta:.........yep..... I don't know why they allowed you to come but you were coming with me as well. The mission is only going to take around 5 days to complete and-
Mizole: 5 days? Took y'all two to steal our power source. Why does it take longer to get a new one?
Neta: ......... Because we actually have to find the power source okay. The great zapfish was right there it was easy to get. It's really tedious, we go to their natural habitat, and track it through sonar..... And we actually have to get it..... Sedated and then transfer it to-
Mizole: why don't you take the zapfish we already have to the underground You stole it before it. At this point just take it. Give us a new zapfish?
Neta: it's too big... When we first took it we had no idea where we were going to fucking put it.. We need something smaller
Candie: why do we need to get your hand me downs? What surface dwellers get to have a new shiny zapfish with faster power while we get the crappy old one that won't even last another 100 years..
Mizole: I didn't mean it like that! I thought it would be like a little bit easier.... fuck you I have nothing to explain to you!
Neta: alright!! We're going out for five days...... ikkan is taking my place.....so be nice to him, If not you're fired. especially you mizole..... Mahi should never have hired you
Mahi: he's the perfect employee... [Kiss]
Mizole:hehe yeah am fine.... at least I got a proper interview. ikkan just got the job cuz he you're SooOuuULmAaatE.
Neta: ......... Why are you like this?...........ugh.... any questions? Yes Candie?
Candie: is this mission dangerous?
Neta: if it was Warabi wouldn't be going
Warabi: hey!
Neta: anyway. Don't burn down my store.... keep it clean.... Keep it afloat.... Mahi ....... You know what you're doing
Mahi: Yeah yeah I got it boss
Warabi: yeah! You guys better behave while we're out!
Ikkan: [kisskiss] be safe [kisskisskiss] be nice to the other soldiers [kiss]Including the inkling ones [kisskiss] Make sure Warabi doesn't kill himself [kisskiss] and again, please be safe. Okay? I love you
Neta: yes I know ikkan....I love you too... And I'll try to be safe
Ikkan........ You look really nice in your uniform
Neta:............ Heh.....I can't wait to take it off....... when I get back maybe you can take it off for me
Ikkan: heheheh.. maybe
Warabi: ewwwww You guys are gross! Let's go Neta!!!!
Neta: alright!!! I'm coming!!! Bye ikkan [kiss]..... Bye crab cakes be good for ikkan [kiss]
Cirrina: ok Dad!
Neta: [kiss] .......Make sure cirrina studies, she has an exam this week.
Warabi: Yeah okay Mom!!....... Yes, I'll be safe!........Dad! Come on. I'm not going to die!........Okay yeah I know. Love you too. Bye guys.............I'm so excited! We're actually going to catch a great zapfish!
Neta: It's actually an eel... And I'm telling you right now this is going to be very boring.
Warabi: what!? No way you're lying
Neta: Yeah it is. All we're going to do is sit on a dumb boat.... catching a damn eels....... Where's my lighter?
Warabi: You might see some of your old Splatoon buddies......*gasp* you get to make friends with Inkling soldiers
Neta:................ We're here..........
Warabi: this is going to be so cool!!!
Warabi: I'm bored as fuck.... ...
Neta: Yeah I gave my old charger to my daughter...... They gave me this new one. Honestly it feels like a downgrade..... Any of you guys got a lighter?
Inkling soldier: yeah I got you buddy. They don't make weapons like they used to back in the day.. hahahah.... They gave me a brand new splatling. The rotary was great but the firing rate was terrible. The ink tank held way less than my old one and yet somehow It weighed the same!
Octoling soldiers: That's because they rely too much on branding crap! The shit they gave us was made for little kids for the little turf war battles..... Give me a cig........*huff*.... Do we even need weapons at this point?
Neta: You never know. Warabi check the sonar!! Did we find anything?. Also, bring a pack of cards off the table
Warabi: There's nothing yet. Here........*sigh*.......*cough* *cough* do you all really need to smoke here we're inside!
Inkling soldiers: sorry sweetheart, you can go outside if You're so sensitive............ So..... Imma put down 100 gs if I win I keep it if I lose one of you suckers can have it
Warabi: .............. Neta.......
Neta:Just give me a second. I'm going to put down 400 gs.. Warabi come here..... ....... What's bothering you?
Warabi:. This mission is fucking boring and everyone here are dicks.
Neta: .... Really? they seem pretty cool to me
Warabi: Yeah they're pretty cool to you because they treat you with respect..... They treat me like........ Like how you used to treat me.
Neta: Warabi......*sigh*.......... Listen these guys are going to be a little rough around the edges you know?..... They didn't grow up in nice places and when they see someone like you....... ugh...... They don't really see you as kin..
Warabi: so you're just going to let them treat me like this!
Neta: Warabi calm down!!! You just need to assert yourself and not let them treat you this way. Let the folks get to know you and they'll warm up. The reason why I stopped hating you is because I actually got to know you andtherapy but that's besides the point...... Next time they say something to you say something back. you'll earn their respect in time.......You want to play Shanghai poker??
Warabi: mmmmmmm.... I'm going to sit out here till the smoke clears....
Neta: ok..... Take my advice right? Don't let them get to you....... They're like me, scary when you first meet them but will crumble the minute something spooks them.. hehehe...
Inkling Soldier: ay stretch!! You playing or what?!
Neta: shove it up your ass!!! I'm playing!! See not so hard.
superior: alright men!
Inkling soldier: some of us aren't men asshole!!
Superior: Yeah yeah cry about it !! Unfortunately we do not have enough beds!
All Soldiers: * mumbling*....*Complaining*....
Superior: SHUT UP!! Some of you are going to have to share beds I don't care what you do....hehe...Just make sure the lights are off.......... welp...... night
Neta: well.... I guess we have to share a bed.... I usually take the right side but the beds are twin size so I don't really think it matters
Warabi:..... This sucks...
Neta: ......*snoring*..........mmmmm.. ikky....... Why so far away... Come here... Hehehmm.............*snoring*
Warabi: awww...he thinks I'm ikkan...heheh maybe it's not so bad.
Mahi was barely in this episode. *Sad face* Oh well @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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