#magnuc chase
ez-with-a-fez · 3 months
So recently, after years of only having the second and third one, I got the first Magnuc Chase book on audiobook. And I have opinions so I need to dump them somewhere.
First a little backstory. As a child, somehow my audiobook library only got the second and third Magnus chase books, hammer of thor and ship of the dead. Id already read them all physically but audiobooks can be like podcasts to me. Especially if I like them a lot. So I'll just listen over and over.
Id listen to them on loop. Hammer of Thor, ship of the dead, repeat. When I was cleaning, when I was crafting what the freak ever. So I have a lot of opinions on Kieran Culkin (H.O.T [hammer of Thor, I'm not calling him hot]) and Michaels Crouch (SOTD). For instance, Kieran had a better Magnus voice, but Michael does better with the variety in the supporting characters' voices. Both of them are equally good and I enjoy listening to them.
But sword of summer. Oh man. Sword of summer.
I'm probably just biased because of my history with the other books, and I'm trying so hard to ignore it and look at it objectively, but WHAT THE FUCK. WHO IS THIS MAN. Fricking christopher something or other idk I've only listened to the first part so far. Dude's voice is not Magnus at all and he reads it like he's reading to a bunch of kids. Magnus needs the wry sarcasm and self deprication of Kieran Culkin and Michael Crouch. Christopher Guetig (I looked it up) makes him sound like this fricking nerd ass middle schooler who thinks he's cool when he DOESN'T. AT ALL.
I can't imagine listening to them all the way through and getting from Christopher Guetig to fricking Kieran Culkin. Like. Ahhhh. No offense to this guy. I'm totally judging him solely on this one book I know nothing else about him. Or the other guys really. But still. This was my freaking childhood.
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gingerly-kinning · 10 months
Hi again! Could I please have a moodboard for Magnus Chase (Magnuc Chase & The Gods of Asgard) with themes of nature, found family, and grunge aesthetics? Thank you in advance! - 💤 Anon
It's posted!! apologies about the wait! you can find your moodboard here!! :3
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I think I may have a type when it comes to shipping
Enemies to lovers
One of them being excessively fashionable and put together or atleast wears bright clothes/the other one wears clothes with holes in them or dorky geeky outfits or dark clothes of the funeral or can't ever dress to impress
Sassy or power bottom/Possesive or obsessive top
One that always gets them IN trouble while the other gets them OUT/or one being a trouble magnet and the other complaining the entire time they try to get out of it
"I don't like them but if you say one bad word about them i will reshape your jaw line" /coos over them all the time about being good looking and cute and is ready to rant about it for 10 minutes straight (haha straight)
Annoyed™ // Cute Puppy Eyes
Tag your ships.<3
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bubblehamu · 8 years
I was almost tempted to die just to embarrass Jack in front of the lady sword.
Magnus Chase  (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard #2)
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