#mafia! shouta aizawa
nartothelar · 2 years
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he can have a cool jacket, as a treat
- mic bought it for him as a gift
- aizawa is secretly very protective of it
- his intimidation factor has gone up by 20%
- aizawa keeps cat treats in the inner pockets
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zentraex · 1 year
Could u do an arrange/forced marriage of aizawa fic please ❤️ (Maybe mafia AU?)
Thank you so much for this request! This is my first one and it made me so happy! I hope I didn't disappointed you or something like that.
Like always, English is not my first language and German grammar is a lot different than English grammar. So, sorry for any mistakes.
Trigger Warnings: forced marriage, slightly yandere, mentioning of a gun
Also, I got an inspiration for the last few sentences from a picture in Pinterest. So, it wasn't really my idea, but fitted really well.
I hate you
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The detailed planning should make you feel like you're floating above clouds.  The closer the day gets, the wilder the butterflies should fly in your stomach.
It should be the most beautiful day of your life: your wedding day.
A nightmare. This is a nightmare.
But why is it exactly the opposite for you? 
Locked up in your room, the only retreat you had left until now, the day scratched squeaking at your door. 
You dreaded this day, so much that the nausea in you grew bigger and bigger.
It is the worst day of your life: your wedding day.
The shackles around your hands are straining at your wrists. Just...what shackles? The ones you imagine?
How could you end up like this?
Your gaze wanders to the empty seats which are reserved for your parents. 
True, they are to blame... Or rather yourself? 
When did it all start?
Your family was a normal baker's family, nothing special. You were happy to follow their footsteps and take over the shop later.
You would have had regular customers, 70% of them would have been old seniors, and you would have chatted happily with them. Who knows, maybe that's how you would have found the love of your life? 
Your future partner wouldn't have wanted anything big, just a few rolls, but he wouldn't have known which ones. You would have advised him and your way of talking and smiling would have charmed him. He would have come again and then more regularly, and slowly, the two of you would be something more.
You've always raved about it. Who would have thought that this dream turned out to be a nightmare? 
Shota Aizawa or Eraser Head as he is called in his mafia group, was actually the one customer, “your true love".
Your parents wanted to have an evening to themselves, so you had to take over the shop. 
"Welcome," you smiled. The man in front of you was tall. His black hair was disheveled and hung down to his shoulders. His red eyes were only half open. He looked like he had been through several sleepless nights. 
"A few bread rolls."
For a moment, there was silence between you as you waited for him to give a more precise order.
"Which ones and how many?"
His tired eyes wandered through the variety of bread rolls your bakery had to offer. 
"Which ones are good?"
A proud grin formed on your lips. 
"I'd say they are all of the best quality, but if you ask me what my favorites are, it's definitely the milk bread rolls."
"Yes, then I'll take those."
You almost sighed out loud.  What was with that guy?
"And how many?"
His eyes glanced briefly at your smile. 
"All of them."
Your eyes widened when you heard this almost absurd order. Unsure, you analyzed the stranger in front of you, only to get a completely serious look in response. 
"Okay... do you want another coffee? You look very tired."
"No, the work just gives me a lot of headaches. That's all."
"Oh, I know that only too well! I always catch my parents feeling exhausted after a day full of work."
The man in front of you raised an eyebrow.  "Your parents?"
"Yes, they own the store. Normally I just help out, but every now and then I get to take over.
The stranger just nodded.
"So, that would be then..."
Your neighborhood was known for having a dangerous mafia group. There were many reasons why, despite all this, so many lived here. One of the reasons was because the rents weren't too high. Aside from that, it was rather on the edge of the town and therefore there was not really anything going on. The neighborhood was peaceful, if the mafia was left out. Most people were always nice to you and only a few were bullies. But the smiling faces could never hide the fear in the eyes of the people. Many shops had to close out of nowhere and many people disappeared suddenly. You could never be sure if someone was a member of the mafia, as no one dared to reveal their identity. 
That's why you didn't recognize him, just like all the other times: the man everyone feared the most. 
How could you? Not even the members of the mafia gang themselves knew what their boss looked like. 
That's why you always greeted him with the widest smile you've had. First week after week and then day after day. A friendly smile quickly turned into a loving one...
"It's funny how long we've known each other and yet I never got your name."
"It's also the first time you've brought it up, Reader. Do you want to know?"
But there is one thing everyone knew about the boss of the mafia... 
"Don't ask if you already know the answer," you answer with a wink.
The name.
„Shota Aizawa.“
Your eyes widened and your breath stuck in your throat. 
"W-What? I don't think I got your name right."
Casual as always, he rested his head on his palm and looked at you with a smirk.
„Shota Aizawa.“
Your profuse sweating lasted until he left. Did he mean it as a joke? How could you talk so peacefully with a criminal for so long  ?
Even worse, how could you fall in love with someone like that?
Since that day, you had avoided working in the bakery and spent a while in a friend's apartment. Maybe that was the most decisive mistake you made. 
"500,000 Dollar or our store closes? What have we done to make it happen to us?"
Nothing. Your parents had absolutely nothing to do with it. It had been your fault that you had bewitched him and then disappeared. 
"How are we supposed to get so much money together in three days?"
You had ridden your parents into misfortune.
The three days passed slowly. Your family came to terms with the fact that you can't get the money together and so you all just waited for your end. Shota didn't show up during that time either. 
Too your surprise, The boss himself was present at the day of reckoning. This time, Shota was  wearing a suit and his hair was styled back. He was bent forward, his arms resting on his knees, and his hands are intervened. Typical for him are his half-open eyes and the corners of his mouth pulled down. Usually it made you smile, at that time it sent shivers down your spine.
"The money?" he asked. During all this, he hadn't even given you a quick glance.
"Unfortunately, we don't have it. You know-", your father couldn't even finish talking, Shota immediately interrupted him with a shot of his gun. Your breath trembled, and your sweat ran down your face continuously. 
"I don't want to hear excuses," Shota muttered and sighed. "You know what that means?"
None of you cried or pleaded. You have already finished with your lives three days ago.
"Normally, you have to pay with your life..."
That was true. In the best case, one was allowed to die, otherwise most women became prostitutes and men became slaves. It hit you very badly when one were given the title of a pet. You only heard rumors of how one had to eat dog food.
"But I'm generous today." 
 A wide grin suddenly spread across Shota's lips.
"Either the two of you," he said, pointing to your parents, "die or you give me your daughter as a bride. You can even help with the planning."
You didn't even have the right of codecision. It was also the last time you saw your parents. As far as you know, they had packed their things and moved…wherever. 
While Shota was bursting with satisfaction, your world collapsed. 
And this is still the case today.
Why me?
The wedding march in the background, which made you dream of your future in the past, sounds distorted to you, like the music in a horror movie. Even though the walls of the church are colorful, you see them only with a black and white filter.
Why do you progress so fast when you walk as slowly as you can?
Stay away from me, I hate you.
Worst of all, however, is his mangy grin. Everything in you is screaming out to rip it out of his face.
I hate you!
Except for the 4 closest confidants of Shota, there are no other guests. Your parents have received an invitation, but why should they come? 
When you arrive at Shota's side, the first tears roll down your face.
"We have gathered today because Shota Aizawa and Reader want to enter into the covenant of marriage. Love..."
Love? What love?
"... endures everything, believes everything, hopes everything, withstands everything. Love never ends."
No, I hate you. I don't want any of this. 
"And so, we hope that it will succor you."
Your grip on your bouquet crushes the poor plants. 
"So, I ask you, Shota Aizawa, will you honor and love your wife in good and in bad times? So answer with: yes, I do."
I don't want to be honored by you. 
"Yes, I do."
No! I hate you! 
"And so I ask you, reader, will you honor and love your husband in good and in bad times? So answer with: Yes, I do."
No, I don't want to!
There is silence in the room for a moment. The lump in your throat is too big to get it down all by once. Your silence meets the warning gaze of Shota. 
"Yes, I do."
"So now, by virtue of my office, I declare you husband and wife.  You are now allowed to kiss the bride."
You assh*le, wretched b*st*rd. Don't touch me with your disgusting lips!
As soon as his lips touch yours, it feels like a plague is spreading throughout your body.
The ring he puts on you weighs tons, at least that's how it feels. Your skin burns underneath.
"Look, now you're officially mine. You can't imagine how long I've been waiting for this moment."
"A cageed animal is not immediately yours. I'll get away from you."
"We'll see."
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crow-gothtree · 1 year
I imagine this Aizawa is hiding so many tattoos.
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If anyone knows any good tattooed Aizawa fics on ao3 send em my way...
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shoutascoffeepot · 4 months
Chapter four: Dawn of Judgment.
The Art of Deception: The Deadly Dance - Series
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Pairing: Aizawa Shouta x Female Original Character
Themes: Mafia, psychological, gore, age gap, cultural differences.
!!!Trigger Warnings!!!: Age gap, sexual visualizations of a minor (she's almost 18), swearing, gun usage, deep talk, kidapping, controlling, smoking, drugs, graphic depictions of gore, blood, torture, dead dove do not eat.
Notes: I'm sorry I keep disappearing, I'm busy IRL even though I am almost done writing chapter 10. There are more posted chapters on my ao3 account, the series name is the same if you'd like to search it up there.
Warning: Names, places and events that happen are all fictional. Any overlapping on real life people, places or events is purely coincidental.
Also, this chapter contains unfiltered criminal and psychological behavior, please be mindful whilst reading the trigger warning list and expect the worse before proceeding. Read at your own discretion. Your mental health matters <3
  My hand was shaking, a roll of goosebumps ravishing my entire body and a rush of cold washed over me. Impulse was both my strength and weakness. When I would be over what particular thing I’ve done, this ice cold settles in and I’m not sure I was the fondest of it. 
  Eraser dragged us all out and per my request, he made sure Chisaki was with us yet in a different car. Eraser hasn’t said a word to me, but I read him well. Fuck I read him too well. Eraserhead may want to appear to be the most unreadable, disheartening, boss. I saw resolve, doubt, he kept quiet to think the silence was loud enough. 
  Eraser was in fact, speechless. 
  I scoffed with half a smile on my face, then my headache hit again. Did he take my vape? It has been a long time since I smoked. I preferred not to. 
  His eyes bored into my soul. My eyes met with his tired ones, he pulled yet another fat cigarette and lit it up, a puff of smoke left his lips as it glowed, glancing away out the window. Contemplating. This air around him was like electricity to me. And the memory of this morning flooded my head. Him breathing over my face, a breath rich of tobacco and coffee mixed in with his earthy spicy cologne. 
  I leaned to tower over his side. “Sumanai.”  I spoke before picking his cig and taking a hit, too heavy. It went right to my head, the ache washed away with dizziness. I shouldn’t have taken such a big breath. 
  And the car went over a speed bump. 
  I rumbled and lost balance. Yet Eraser was quick to catch his cig from my hand and press me plush against him with his free hand. 
“So much for a big girl’s puff.” His deep voice called and I dare not look at him. I can already feel the bass of his voice in my core. I could hear him take another breath and smell it as he exhaled. My hands on his chest, I pushed myself up but he grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled. 
  I gasped, looking at him with my cleavage and neck exposed. 
“Sorry for ruining the deal, don. And sorry for ruining this dress.”  I blurted, I could feel his eyes restraining from looking down at me and clinging onto my eyes. 
“Sorry for staining your suit too.” I brought my fingers to my mouth, teeth latched on the lacy fabric and pulled my black glove off. It was my right hand. Nails painted red and fingertips stained red too. He bit his lower lip and loosened his grip. 
“Black suits you.” 
“I know it does.” I responded to his comment and leaned back to my seat, closing my eyes. “My job is done. You have to let me go.” I announced, unwilling of it. 
“You’re not planning to have me dead?” 
“My job was to keep you alive during the deal.”
“How did you–?” 
“I have my ways. Now just like how fast you took my things. You shall return them.” 
“Who are you–?” 
“It’s not important now.” We reached his place and I got off, gazing over my shoulder as he followed. “I can be whatever you want me to. I am Lilith, your savior.” I smirked and he let out a chuckle. 
  Deep, vibrating chuckle. 
  I almost felt it in my core. 
  My chest.
“What’s on your mind?” He asked and I looked at him, zoning back in. 
“Nothing. Why?” 
“You dropped your smile for a second there.” 
  I grinned. “It was fun while it lasted.” 
“Even though there was nothing to–” We both spoke.  
“Last.” I breathed. 
“Last?” He questioned
What the fuck is this tension? 
“Jinx.” The muscle in his cheek flexed as he said that. I enjoyed how he looked doing that. 
“The girl.” Clearing my throat, I started. “Who’s taking care of her? I’m not legal yet.” 
“You’re not?” He seemed surprised. 
“October.” I chimed as we strolled inside. My gloved hand holding both my one heel that I was wearing and the other glove as I walked barefoot. 
“I see. An innocent girl shouldn’t live under danger.” 
“Right. Your mansion is both safe and dangerous. And I don’t suppose I’m quite the right person to take care of her.” I mentioned right when we reached my wing and the men were already inside, packing for me. When did he order them?  I went inside and gestured Shouta to follow as I went to the closet
  I picked out a bra and a pair of panties, both in fushia, alongside black cargo pants and a full sleeved black top. 
“I will have you an SUV to drive you home.” He mentioned. 
  Humming in agreement, I rolled the idea of having a kid around. I suppose it wouldn’t be too bad. I might force myself to fix my sleep. It would be.. More of an antidote. 
“Do you think keeping her with me is safe?” My eyes trailed to his face. He had the lightest of flushes with the clothes in my arm, he looked tired, eyebags growing. 
“Yes.” He didn’t hesitate. 
“Even when I disagree with Chisaki, I wouldn’t be too sure one of his men won’t free him and kidnap her.” He added. 
“Speaking of.. Let me go pay him a visit, no?” I put down my clothes on the marble counter in the bathroom and came back out, putting my glove back on and leaving the heel behind. 
“Let’s drain some answers out.” I could feel the curtain draping over me again. The urge to kill. The urge to see all the pride flush away from their faces with the knock of death. 
  He led me to a spacious basement. It was undecorated. The ceiling was cement with white light bulbs hanging fairly lower than the average. The walls and floors were glazed cobblestone. Smart. Cement wouldn’t be easy to clean. The only thing separating the staircase corridor from the big room was bars. 
  I could hear the echoes of Eraser’s dress shoes when we walked. The room had random chairs, chains and a plastic table atop all tools used near the right wall. Unlike everything else, the tools –once I drew the knife out of its pocket– were so shiny I could see my reflection in them. I plucked one of the hairs from my own head and tried slicing it in half. The edge of the blade glided smoothly on the follicle. 
  Another set of feet walked into the basement and wails of pain alongside screeches of Chisaki’s shoes as he was forced by two men. I watched them as they chained him onto the chair. His left eye socket was empty and my heel was still in his thigh. 
“Go ahead and kill me already.” He grumbled. 
“Not until I get my answers.” I flipped the knife in my hand, gripping the handle then bringing the blade to my palm, gliding it open until crimson bloomed. I could hear the fighting and gruntles of the other men that worked for Chisaki as Eraser’s agents chained them up too. 
“Lilith–” Eraser called to my injury but I paid no attention. 
“Sh..” I put down the knife and brought my bloody finger to my lips. “You will watch, better enjoy the show.” 
  I went to the first man, recognizing him as the one who defied me. “Say, I know the people in the room know the information I need. Where is your so-called product stored?”
  My voice was soft, dreamy even as I sucked on my teeth, observing the man before me. He glanced behind me, at Chisaki. I held his face with one hand and jerked it back to meet my eyes. “You’re at my mercy.” I leaned in, inch away.  “Do not forget that and answer.” 
He quivered as I leaned away. 
“You better start talking.” I turned back to the man, beaming.
“N-No.. Please-” 
I sighed and turned back to Sho– Eraser. Eraser. “Can we get a torch lighter? I want to heat up the tools.” 
  He crooked up a brow. “Yes.” He leaned back and his man beside him went stumbling up the stairs and briefly came back as I scanned the pliers. I handed him the knife from before. “Make it red.” 
  I grabbed the plier and grabbed the guy's hand, he struggled of course but I managed to get it between my thick thighs and pulled on the nail with the tool. His guttural scream echoed through the walls of the room as blood oozed from the raw nail bed. 
“If you get a deep wound I will scorch you. So you stay alive for days, weeks, watching as I butcher you and your comrades.” I threatened.
“Look at your former leader, one silly move and he lost an eye and a functional femoral artery. He’s only awake because my pretty little SHOE is stopping him from bleeding out.” I loomed before pulling on his hair and forcing him to stumble forward, two meters away from Chisaki and forced to stare at him, sniffling like a goddamn child. 
  I waited patiently, by the sound of how his sobs got deeper I knew he’s guilty because he’s gonna fess up. 
“Sorry boss…” 
“There’s a bar near the starbucks that’s by some famous spa center in Sapporo district–” 
“AHO DA-” Chisaki screamed. 
“SHUT THE FUCK UP.” I let go of the guy and went up to Chisaki. Grabbing his finger with the pliers I twisted the bone of his knuckle off and stuffed it into his throat. 
“Keep going. I’ll make sure your body reaches your family.” I stood over the guy again. 
“You need to have a password to be let into the secret passage… Only Chisaki knows it.”
“Anything else I should know of?” I clicked my tongue. 
“It connects all of the cities and towns together, very convenient for traveling and hiding.” He sighed. 
“Good boy.” I patted his head. “You’ll die an honorable death, I give you my blessing to go to hell.” 
I moved away and eyes met with Shinsou who was taken aback. Where did Sho– Eraser go? 
“Get a bullet in this man’s head.” I cleared my throat and Shinsou went ahead and put the gun to the side of his head. With the gunshot the brains splattered onto the others faces. I went ahead and took the red knife from the man who’s been heating it up. Then proceeded to brand Chisakis' knuckle so he’d stop losing blood. 
“Get him a doctor for his thigh.” I mumbled before leaving the cell and heading upstairs. Where the fuck did he go? Whatever, it was none of my business now. 
  I went back to my room and turned on the shower, red footprints left of my trail on the creme tiles. Stripping down and letting the almost scorching water engulf me in warmth.  
  That unpredictable piece of work. Who the fuck kidnaps a random off the floors of the club? My chest ached; did he often do that? Kidnap, mesmerize his subject then use them before killing for fun? My visit to Japan didn’t revolve around him, in fact I was going to abandon that idea since it was undoable. 
  Yet the idea of leaving didn’t fail to make my chest feel hollow. This crazy obsession over one man had to come to an end. Stalking him for two years is enough, I’ve come to Japan, that’s as close as I can be. He’s way older and seemed like the drugs, one-fuck and go type. I hated that, so disappointing. I knew he was like that in his early years but the image of him leaving those behind as he turned thirty was a theory I managed to convince myself only. 
  That’s what I get. For fabricating a version of him that never existed. 
  When I got out of the shower I clipped on the bra, slipped into the panties, got dressed in the cargo pants and pulled my top over my head. I feel dumb, so dumb. All of these stupid men are the same, wanting a hole to fuck. It’s not like I’m the easiest to love anyways, my arms and legs were full of scars, they like to think they’re shawarmas. 
  I dried my hair and it immediately fluffed up. Then I wore my favorite pair of trekking boots.  I already miss the shower. Is that going to be the only place I feel warm? My eyes burned. 
  Why am I such a sensitive bitch?
  Leaving the bathroom, one of the Aizawa’s men stood there. “Your car is ready, Ojo-Sama.” 
“Arigato gozaimasu.” I left and made my way through to the gate, looking around, this little piece of heaven will go to some other woman, or man, whatever it is. 
  It is what it is. 
  I then locked eyes with Aizawa and he pulled me into his office, pinned me to the wall and locked the door. He seemed distraught. And I was caught off guard, my heart pounding as I observed his suave features. 
“Your name..” He panted, his face was so close. Moreso the reason I lightly rolled my eyes. 
“My name, what about it?” I closed my eyes, perhaps I can relish this moment a little. I can feel his breath on my cheek.. The heat of it gathered in my chest, and other places. 
“Noor. The light of death or dawn of judgem–” 
“Don’t.” I glared at him and pushed him away. The blood in my veins went cold. 
“I was never paid to kill anyone, I was paid to get answers. The fuckers just die because they make themselves suffer too much. And this stupid thing–” Tears rolled out my eyes, it feels like everything I’ve worked to do had come with no avail. 
“Me coming here. Protecting your fucking ass, was not a job. No one told me to do shit. I wasn’t even gonna do it because it seemed impossible to intrude. You kidnapped me and made it possible. You being alive right now is a mere fucking coincidence and I wish it hadn’t happened!” I yelled at him as he stood unfazed yet gulping this shit down. 
“Only for you to be so-” I gestured with my hands. “Charming.” I gritted. 
“Fuck. You.” I unlocked the door and left, sniffling. 
  I still didn’t process one thing she uttered at me. Does that mean she knew me beforehand? Was she stalking me? How did she even know of me when barely the Japanese know of me? Also.. I was charming? That surely did bring a smile to curve at my lips but why does it upset her?
  Running my hands through my hair, I slumped onto my desk chair and called for Shinsou. The odds of this whole ordeal were slimmer than the chance of finding a needle in a mountain of hay. My attraction to her was merely infatuation and shall pass by. I ordered him to install cameras in Noor’s apartment as I skimmed through the file of information I made my men gather that rested on my table. 
  Her apartment wasn’t even under her name, it was under someone called Yin. How fucking clever. Not registering it under a family member’s name. I had access to cameras that are tiny, they don’t glow red, like a speck of dust. They should run unnoticeable. I saw the next document, it was her application for university under her real name. A copy of her IELTS, seven and a half? Impressive. 
  There was a copy of her passport. Fuck, she looked put together and… Beautiful. Looking right through the camera wasn’t she? With that sly smirk. She was Arabic after all, not european. My instincts were once again proven right. 
  Shit, I shouldn’t be wasting time running a background check. Nor installing cameras. Fuck it, I’m installing them to insure safety of the child, I do not involve myself with dangerous people who threaten my reign or make me feel inferior. Yet that scene from today replays at the back of my head, over, and over, and over. 
  Pulling nail beds out, ripping fingers off, burning the wound so Chisaki doesn’t bleed out, she knew her ways and wasn’t even legal. I couldn’t help but wonder what would push such a young person– An innocent looking girl. Into that shit. She didn’t need the money, her financial status was stable, above average even. She’s smart, and got into a prestigious university with flying colors. 
  Noor seemed to… Enjoy it… In a way.
  Even I always had someone else to do the torture, I couldn’t stand the whining. My game was at tracking people down and making illegal money. Not torturing per say… 
  What am I even thinking about? I need sleep. Yes. 
  It’s been a long day. 
  Long, eventful, day. 
  Once I reached my room, I slipped out of my clothes and let my hair free, plopping into the bed in nothing but boxers and wrapping myself in the crisp blanket. 
  Closing my eyes. 
  Rolling over. 
  Stay still.
  Focus on breathing. 
  The image of Noor’s curious eyes and glossed lips flashed in my head again. The way she took my cig, got lightheaded and how her breasts felt against me. How she flashed those pretty doll eyes at me. How she smelled when I pinned her to the door, her eyes closed and chest heaving with anxiousness, curiosity and desire. So unpredictable yet so fucking entertaining and..
  Sweet, oh so sweet.
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Sleuths & Syndicates
Part 4
Detective! Aizawa x fem!reader
Mafia Boss! Shigaraki x fem!reader
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˚✧₊⁎ find Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3 here  ⁎⁺˳✧༚
CW- kidnapping, elements of dubcon, murder, psychological trauma, angst, explicit sexual content.
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Shigaraki doesn’t know what he expected when he answered a call from Mustard, one of his newest recruits, but it wasn’t this.
“Don. The little lady wants to talk to ya. Says it’s urgent. ’salright if I give her the phone?”
His heart beats in his throat, but you sound fine when you’re on. Cheery, even.
“Tomura, what time will you be home today?” You lilt.
“The fuck kind of a question is that to call over?” He rasps into the phone.
“It’s just…” your voice dips low, cadence syrupy sweet. “Could you maybe bring me some bubble tea on your way back?”
He swallows thickly. The last time you asked for bubble tea, he very nearly transcended to a different plane of existence, so yes he’ll get you some bubble tea. Buy you a freighter full of the stuff if it’s what you want. He stays on the line when the conversation’s done, distracted by smutty thoughts of what could happen later tonight, but something on the other end catches his attention. He hears laughter, yours and the boy’s.
“That’s what was so urgent?” Mustard complains and you’re giggling.
“Shut up!” comes your voice, and then more laughter before the line goes silent.
Cracks form along the glass screen in his fist.
You’re dressed extra cute in preparation for his return. Nothing but thigh-high socks, cheeky panties, and a loose t-shirt that you’ve cut up to just barely cover your nipples and ass. Bored as you are here, you’re looking forward to this. But your grin instantly drops when you see Shigaraki walk into his room. He’s told the guard at the door to call for Mustard and he’s got one of his consiglieri in tow – the one with icy blue eyes and all the piercings. He’s smiling at you but his eyes have that look in them that makes your blood run cold.
Mustard is at the door before you’ve thought of something to say to break the tension. He asks if he can help with something. He can indeed, he’s told, and then Shigaraki pulls out his Colt 45 and shoots him in the middle of his forehead.
You catch yourself, not allowing your body to betray a reaction beyond the initial twitch from the shock. You’re sitting at the edge of the bed frozen in terror.
“Get that cleaned up, will you?” Shigaraki tells the consiglieri at the door, but the man’s looking you up and down, pierced lips curved in a smirk. Shigaraki bristles. “You wanna be next, Dabi?” to which the man laughs, heading out to get the required help. You’re left to stare at the dead body of the one person you’d felt remotely comfortable around in months.
Shigaraki’s regarding you like he’s seeing you as your own person for the first time. “Eh, Sunny,” he asks, finger cupping your chin to tilt your face up towards his. He’s still got the Colt in the other hand. “You’re mine, right?”
You’re shaking, fighting not to let your eyes glaze over with frightened tears. You bite your bottom lip and try to nod as best you can with him holding your chin.
“How many others’ve had what’s mine?”
At that, you can’t stop the tears from falling.
Part of you had given up ever getting out of here and had made peace with whatever may happen to you. But this changes things. It isn’t just you in danger anymore.
Shota, your mind screams. He’s going to kill Shota.
“I-I didn’t know, Tomu. I’m sorry,” you stutter, but he shushes you, stroking the top of your head with the hand that’s holding the gun. The metal’s warm.
“Names, Sunshine.”
You consider lying, but you falter. Your past relationships are easy enough to track down on social media, and while Aizawa doesn’t do socials, you two weren’t exactly a secret. Even the look Shigaraki’s giving you seems to say that he’ll know if you’re not truthful.
And surely, not even Shigaraki could get away with murdering a member of the police force, right?
“A-a-aizawa…” you whisper, after you’ve quickly mentioned the others. Shigaraki’s ruby eyes widen.
“Detective Shota Aizawa?” he asks, and your throat burns but you nod in confirmation. He’s chuckling, grin sharp and wide and humourless.
“You’re a badge bunny?” He chuckles. “Really, Sunshine, who’d’ve guessed?”
“I didn’t know, Tomu,” you wail, “didn’t know I was yours. I was so stupid. Please. It was only a couple of dates – it m-m-!”
You stop short of saying it meant nothing, not wanting to oversell the act. 
“Well, this changes things, doesn’t it? You being a little cop-slut,” he punctuates the moniker with two patronizing slaps to your wet cheek. “I know the guy. Met him a couple times. Pretty cool, that Aizawa…” He’s quiet for a beat, seems to be considering something.
“You obviously think so,” he drawls, looking down at your small, flinching form and scratching the back of his neck. “You wanna go back to him?”
His voice becomes soft and you sob harder at the thought of being safe in Shota’s arms. You hadn’t let yourself think about him in so long. Knew you wouldn’t have the strength to carry on with your life if you reminisced about what it was like before, the happiness that you had been torn away from.
Above you, Shigaraki has asked a question, and you need to make him believe that you are his by choice. 
Steeling your resolve, you leap up and throw your arms around his waist, hugging him tight underneath his blazer.
“Please,” you sob into his shirt, “please don’t send me away, Tomu. I’m sorry about the others. I don’t want to be with anyone else, just you!”
You’re nuzzling into his chest, hands grasping at him, pressing yourself fully into his strong frame as you whimper, “just you, Tomu,” over and over. You’re halfway convinced that he’ll shoot you right there or maybe drag you to Aizawa and then shoot you in front of him, but you feel him tuck his gun back into his belt. He brings his hands to your shoulders, resting them there for a second before slowly prying you off of him. His eyes are staring into nothing, thoughts far away.
That night, you sleep alone, and you’re disgusted with yourself for what you’ve become. You were forced to remember Shouta today, and it drags you back into a world that would abhor and reject the things you’ve done to survive, how you’ve adapted.
You are repulsed by yourself for missing Shigaraki’s cool touch, his head cradled in your arms, because he’s all you’ve got. You try not to think about what will happen to you if you lose his affection. Instead, you let your mind go where you haven’t let it for months. You think about Aizawa Shota.  
You think about the last time you woke up with him beside you, and how there had been too few of those mornings in your life. He’d sometimes get one of his subordinates to babysit Eri so he could spend the night with you. And those nights, he’d be a bit different. He was always attentive and you could tell he loved being around you, but on those nights he’d be so much more relaxed because he knew he finally had time with you – just you.  
Whatever you did for the evening, it always ended up with you both curled up comfortably on your couch (your cat occupying the opposite end, slightly annoyed). You’d tell each other stories and things about yourselves and just take the time to get to know each other. His chest would be so warm under your cheek and you’d feel the soft rumble of his voice as you rubbed your palm along the rippled expanse of his torso.
Maybe your thumb would inadvertently stroke over his nipple and you’d feel his abs tighten. Gentleman that he was, he’d do his best to carry on and pretend nothing happened. Until you happened to do it again…and again.
Then he’d stop mid-sentence and use the hand that was softly rubbing your arm to lift up your chin, making you meet his heavy-lidded gaze.
“Need something, pookie?” His lip would twitch, holding back a smirk.
Rubbing your thighs together, you’d nod up at him coyly. Sometimes he’d pull you in and kiss you senseless. Other times, you’d act fast and pounce on him, pushing his shirt up to his neck, flicking the tip of your tongue over his nipple and sucking on it like you’d been thinking of doing. Drinking in his low, soft gasps and choked moans until he slung you over his shoulder and carried you to your bedroom.
And because it was one of those nights, he would take his time. He would get to know every inch of you, worshipping each and every part of you, learning you. He’d kiss from your neck all the way to your fingertips. He’d palm both your breasts and alternate between your nipples, kissing and sucking them until you were close to tears with how good it felt. He’d spend long, so long between your legs, experimenting with all the different sounds he could pull from you with clever flicks, prods, slides…
His cock would be flushed and aching but you’d have to fight to flip him over and get your turn. And then you’d do your own exploring. You knew that Shota wasn’t one to be fooled by innocent looks. But you loved how you always made his eyes widen slightly with just how filthy you – sweet little you – could be for him.
Breasts squished against the tops of his thighs, you’d frame his shaft between them and admire how it throbbed, tongue peeking out to lick at the pre dripping from his slit every time it twitched toward you. He would grunt under his breath but would really let go and moan when you sucked on the sensitive flesh just under the tip. And when you hovered with your open mouth just over him, hot breath fanning over his silky, glistening length, he’d go wild.
Sex with him was always raw, intense. He’d be tired from endless days of overtime but when it came to being with you, he was a ball of fire. On those nights, that intensity would take on a whole other form. He would go hard and deep, but his girth would drag against your walls slowly. He was in no rush, after all. With every languid pull back, he’d unsheathe himself almost all the way before thrusting back into your hole hard, stretching it out so perfectly, filling you up so completely.
If he felt himself getting close sooner than he liked, he’d pull out entirely and then prod only his flared head in and out of your cunt, just past the tight first ring of muscles. The sudden, heavily contrasting emptiness and that teasing stretch – maybe a deft pinch to your clit – were enough to make you come undone. He loved watching how your pussy contracted around his cockhead, as if desperately trying to suck him in.
He loved interlacing his fingers with yours against the pillows, kissing you, making your knees touch your shoulders as he leaned over to catch your parted lips with his. He wanted you as close as possible when he came. Loved that you let him come inside you, that you insisted on it, even.
Nothing could compare to the feeling of Shota deep inside you, every throb against your walls like a flare burning you up from the inside out as he relinquished rope after rope of his white-hot release to you.
But you never told him that. You’d held it close to you like an ace you were looking forward to play when the time was right. Maybe on a video call a year or two down the line if one of you was out of town. Or maybe on the first night you’d both call the same place “home”.
He loved when you ran your fingers through his hair as he drifted off, when he finally, begrudgingly accepted the end of your day together and let himself rest. You found out, that one morning, that he loved when you woke him up with soft kisses littered across his shoulders and neck, so you’d made a mental note to do it more often.
You never got to do it again.
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cheekykitsune · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Toyomitsu Taishirou | Fat Gum/Reader, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Reader Characters: Toyomitsu Taishirou | Fat Gum, Reader, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Additional Tags: Alternate universe - Mafia, Alpha/Omega, Alpha / Omega / Alpha, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Public Sex, Table Sex, Creampie, Knotting, Vaginal Fingering, Biting, Threesome - M/F/M, Blow Jobs, Under-Desk Blow Jobs, Caught, sharing is caring
The last thing (Name) expected that morning, after waking up on her mate’s chest; was for him to announce that he would be taking the morning/early-afternoon off from his usual mafia-related responsibilities. Without giving her an actual reason for the spontaneous decision, Taishiro tells her to get dressed in something eye-catching so that they can leave. Beginning her day of adventure and new experiences.
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hopenight · 3 months
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barbies1shots · 26 days
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here is my masterlist. if you have any special requests or anything specific, dont be shy and ask!
my inbox is always open.
i dont do anything with serious mental problems. it is triggering. though, im cool with gore, horror and, non-con/dub-con
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 My Hero Academia !<3
WARNINGS!drool , body fluids ( cum, spit , tears , a little bit of snot ) , overstim , slight choking , dirty talk , squirting , PET NAMES! size kink ?
Kirishima (aged up!)
WARNINGS!fav big boy pushing you into a mean mating press? mating press, size kink, dub-con, small degradation, featuring BIG BOY KIRI♡, overstim
Aizawa Shouta
WARNINGS!exhibitionism(in the classroom), gender neutral reader, size difference, praise, established relationship, overstim, free use, featuring AIZAWA SHOUTA♡
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 Jujustu Kaisen !<3
Sukuna Ryomen
Toxic!Sukuna Ryomen prt1
Toxic!Sukuna Ryomen prt2
Toxic!Sukuna Ryomen prt3
Revenge! on Toxic! Sukuna Ryomen
WARNINGS!every post has individual trigger warnings, please read at caution.
Gojo Satoru
WARNING!creep!satoru , yandere , stalker!satoru , obsessive!satoru , power dynamics , NONCON , abuse , SELF HARM , body fluids
Suguru Geto
WARNING!slow - rough sex, featuring GETO SUGURU, whiny geto, pathetic geto, slight feral geto, overstimulation, condescending reader, werewolf!geto x vampire!reader, implied fem reader but anyone can read, use of pretty girl, biting, riding - mating press
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 Attack on Titan !<3
Eren Yeager
WARNING!Size difference , slight public setting , cliche (?) , spoiled!reader , blackcoded!reader , cervix fucking , name calling(ma , pa , baby ) , unprotected sex, creampie
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 Demon slayer !<3
Gyomei Himejima
WARNINGS!bondage, gags, featuring GYOMEI♡, overstim, size k!nk , manhandling
Uzui Tengen
WARNINGS!sloppy/sleepy/SENSUAL sex, huge size kink, spooning position, slight choking(headlock), featuring TENGEN UZUI♡
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 Your fav inserts !<3
you can read the warnings and decide if you want to read or not.
WARNINGS!mafia boyfriend husband with one of your favs ..? messy office sex ..? hyper fem reader ..? sunshine/grumpy visuals ..? love confessions ..? with a little bit of gore ..?
WARNINGS!size kink, overstim
WARNING!straight dumb fucking, fem reading in mind
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kavtsuki · 2 years
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everything i post will have adequate warnings and tags applied, but for the safety of everyone here i ask that you please make sure to read this post carefully before sending in a request. requests are currently : 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 !!
i write fluff, angst, smut, headcanons ❪ max five characters ❫, drabbles, alternate universes, and short stories ❪ 5k+ words ❫.
i post some taboo content that anyone under the age of eighteen is not allowed to like, reblog, or interact with. those types of posts will have a "minors do not interact" on it.
i also write stuff that may include age gaps, poly/threesome+, dubcon, incest, toy play, light bdsm, breath play, praise and light degradation, supernatural ❪ i.e. omegaverse, werewolf, vampire, etc. may include knotting in certain cases ❫, choking, stepcest, mommy/daddy kink ❪ to an extent ❫, and dacryphilia.
i will not write about cheating ❪ on the reader's behalf ❫, manipulation, abuse, etc. however, i will write about the reader being cheated on ❪ although not explicitly; mostly just mentioned in passing ❫.
i write strictly male!character x fem! or gn!reader !! i do not write character x character pairings.
i highly suggest reading the warnings on every story that i create in case anything included is possibly triggering for you as a reader. do not proceed to read any story of mine before you have safely comprehended what you are about to read.
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HARRY POTTER UNIVERSE . . . harry james potter, ronald weasley, neville longbottom, draco malfoy, blaise zabini, theodore nott, dean thomas, fred weasley, george weasley, bill weasley, cedric diggory, oliver wood, james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, sebastian sallow and ominis gaunt.
THE BAD BATCH . . . all of the bad batch members ❪ excluding omega ❫.
DC UNIVERSE . . . bruce wayne ❪ gotham version, battinson version, and comics version ❫, jason todd ❪ red hood, titans, and arkham knight version ❫, dick grayson ❪ nightwing, young justice, and titans version ❫, tim drake ❪ young justice and comics version ❫, damian wayne ❪ comics version ❫, wally west ❪ young justice version ❫, garfield logan ❪ titans version ❫, conner kent ❪ titans and young justice version ❫, and jaime reyes ❪ young justice version ❫.
GOD OF WAR . . . kratos, heimdall, brok, sindri, thor, freyr, mimir ❪ before  beheading ❫ and baldur.
ASSASSIN'S CREED: VALHALLA . . . male!eivor varinsdottir, sigurd styrbjornson, vili hemmingson, hrolfr/rollo, ubba ragnarsson, hytham, basim ibn ishaq, otta sluggason, aelfred the great, and leofrith.
MARVEL UNIVERSE . . . bucky barnes ❪ the winter soldier ❫, stephen strange ❪ doctor strange ❫, peter parker ❪ andrew garfield and tom holland’s versions ❫, and pietro maximoff ❪ quicksilver ❫.
HAIKYUU . . . all of karasuno, all of nekoma, all of aoba johsai, all of date tech, all of shiratorizawa, and all of inarizaki. other characters include takeru nakashima from wakutani south, yuudai hyakuzawa from kakugawa high, suguru daishou, kouji hiroo and isumi sakishima from nohebi academy, and sakusa kiyoomi and motoya komori from itachiyama institute.
BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA . . . all of class 1-A and all of the league of villains. other characters include mirio togata and tamaki amajiki from the big three, tetsutetsu tetsutetsu, sen kaibara, and neito monoma from class 1-B, hitoshi shinsou from the department of general education, yo shindo from ketsubutsu academy, inasa yoarashi from shiketsu high, and pro heroes shouta aizawa ❪ eraserhead ❫, keigo takami ❪ hawks ❫, taishiro toyomitsu ❪ fatgum ❫, toshinori yagi ❪ all might ❫, enji todoroki ❪ endeavor ❫, tensei iida ❪ original ingenium ❫, and mirai sasaki ❪ sir nighteye ❫.
JUJUTSU KAISEN . . . inumaki toge, gojou satoru, chousou, ryoumen sukuna, kento nanami, junpei yoshino, aoi todo, itadori yuuji, and megumi fushiguro.
BUNGOU STRAY DOGS . . . all of the armed detective agency and all of the port mafia. other characters include edgar allan poe and mark twain from the guild, and fyodor dostoevsky from the decay of angels.
DEMON SLAYER . . . tanjiro kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, inosuke hashibira, and giyuu tomioka. other characters include kyoujurou rengoku from the hashira group, genya shinazugawa also from the demon slayer corp, and yushiro the demon.
KUROKO NO BASKET. . . all of seirin high school. all of the generation of miracles, yukio kasamatsu from kaijou high school, takao kazunari from shuutoku high school, tatsuya himuro from yousen high school, and reo mibuchi and kotarou hayama from rakuzan high school.
ATTACK ON TITAN . . . all of the scout regiment. other characters include marco bodt, moblit berner, and reiner braun and bertholdt hoover from the marleyan warriors.
TOKYO REVENGERS . . . manjiro sano ( mikey ), takashi mitsuya, shinichiro sano, naoto tachibana, ken ryuguji ❪ draken ❫, atsushi sendo, chifuyu matsuno, baji kaisuke, kazutora hanemiya, ran haitani, rindou haitani, nahoya kawata ❪ smiley ❫, hajime kokonoi, wakasa imaushi, and souya kawata ❪ angry ❫.
OBEY ME . . . lucifer, mammon, leviathan, beelzebub, belphegor, simeon and diavolo.
VOLTRON: LEGENDARY DEFENDERS . . . keith kogane, lance mcclain, and lotor.
MYSTIC MESSENGER . . . hyun ryu ❪ zen ❫, yoosung kim, jumin han, saeyoung choi ❪ seven/707 ❫, jihyun kim ❪ v ❫, and saeran choi ❪ ray/unknown ❫.
OTHERS . . . leon kennedy + chris redfield + carlos oliveira + ethan winters ❪ resident evil ❫,  joel miller + tommy miller ❪ the last of us - video game version only ❫, steve harrington + eddie munson ❪ stranger things ❫, rick grimes + daryl dixon ❪ the walking dead ❫.
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nartothelar · 2 years
Jealous aizawa PLEASE
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boss aizawa is jealous
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homelesstravelerssp · 7 months
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Something I've been drawing on Aideku week, but I just don't like the way it looks. I don't want to post this on my main account, but it's a sp, so here it goes. And context for each of those
Day 1: paranormal/supernatural.
This is a world where quirks are not genetic, but a spirit that chooses a person for itself from infancy. After Oboro's death, Shouta was very weak, his own soul began to get lost and dissipate, and he would not even be able to undergo rebirth. Shouta's spirit loved his man very much, and in a dream he made a pact where he would keep Shouta alive, in exchange for control of the body while Shouta was sleeping and that Shouta would forget about the pact. Aizawa agreed.
no spirit at Izuku's birth chose him. When the OfA passed to him, thanks to the singularity and the ability to see past users, Izuku was able to see the spirits of patrons. This is how he learned about Shouta’s Possession, and at night he often talked with the spirit. It was with the spirit, and not the way the patron pretended to be an awake Shouta. This is Art's plot.
(And then, Izuku, willy-nilly, learns a lot of little things about Aizawa through his soul, and without noticing it gives himself away (makes coffee, gestures, phrases, sudden inappropriate knowledge, etc.). Aizawa questions him and this is how information about the sound and spirits comes out. They will start training. Over time they will become friends, and only many years after graduation will they fall in love with each other. (Shouta's spirit is also happy because Shota has started to take him into account)
Day 3: Omegaverse. Well, that's it
Day 4: Shouta's birthday
Day 5: Quirk accident
Due to the sudden activation of the quirk of a child who crashed into Izuku and Aizawa on the street, their bodies merged into one. Luckily, this only lasts a day! Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to hide any thoughts or secrets these days...
Day 6: villians/mafia
All Might truly defeated All For One. Even so, after his retirement, nations began to fall apart. Both villains, heroes, citizens, and the government began to lose understanding of each other.
Deku realized that people needed to unite. Knew it. But no good deeds or speeches helped this. And then he realized.
If people do not unite in the face of good, they will do so in the face of evil.
He issued a challenge, pointed a blade at the whole world, so that, trying to defeat him, they shared our common language. Either this, or the unhappiness, loneliness, misunderstanding and endless war that pulls towards one.
And in this he does not have a single ally. He cannot allow his love, Aizawa, to follow him, and makes him believe that he has betrayed him.
(Though Aizawa sees right through him and eventually joins >:3)
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thiefoflight68 · 2 years
Just A Silly FanFic Writer! My Masterlist
Hello and welcome to my Tumblr account. I post all my writings in Fanfiction, A03 & Wattpad. Everything is under my user id Thiefoflight68.
I consider myself a girl but use She/They as I am pansexual. I generally write Fanfiction, play Dungeons & Dragons and walk on the beach all the time with my dog listening to music for my fics. I love music and try to put some good songs into my stories to help get the vibe of the scene. I do try to keep characters as canon as possible but I like to change up personalities so that it's not always the same for my readers (and myself). I mainly write MHA at the moment. I've also started doing Fem Reader Inserts and am enjoying those.
It's finally happened - I wrote a fanfics that are not MHA!!
Current WIPs:
ITBD - Born half-human / half-dragon and cursed for eternity doesn't do much for your self-esteem. Katsuki Bakugou discovers that not only is he cursed to be brutally murdered by humans his entire existence, he manages to make other half-dragons along the way. Now they have to find a way to fulfill the prophecy of love… if you believe in that shit. Which Katsuki doesn't. But he does want to find the one dragon that has managed to get away. In their search they end up working at a new restaurant started by Shouta Aizawa, a Greek literature professor? Is he a chef? Or is this a front to take down one of the most powerful mafia bosses in the city, Kai Chisaki? Are you confused yet? So am I… but damn this is fun.
The Kingdom of the Six Pillars - Being pulled into another world through a magic portal only happens in stories, right? Not for Izuku Midoriya. Finding himself in a strange realm, he has been brought to the Kingdom of the Six Pillars as a Magical Transfer. This world only is able to survive by the magic created between a bonded pair of a Transfer and a Pillar. Except Transfers must have magic to be bonded and as Izuku steps into the dark water, it shows... nothing. Now stuck in this world for as long as it takes for a bonded pair to form, Izuku decides to explore and discover the world around him.
My Current Works:
One Shots -
Waiting for The Ghost King - Fluffy one shot of Xie Lian on Mount Tiacang alone.
Broken Heat - MCU Bucky Barnes x Sam Wilson. Omegaverse plot bunny challenge.
A Cowboy in Chaps - A fun Sero x Reader off of my new Western AU Second Chance Ranch (not yet posted).
Taming Of The Crew - Sequel to @succibisblog story 4M/1F Bakusquad GB with fluff (gotta have my fluff) Bakugsqaud x Fem!Reader insert
The New Employee - Reader request for an edgy but soft 6M/1F Bakusquad gangbang with fluff Bakusquad x Fem!Reader
The Drop - Baku/Eijiro x Fem!Reader - A BDSM series Part One
The Scene - Part Two
WIP Third Part - Someday, I promise. It's written but I don't love it and I won't publish what I don't love! SIGH
Kirishima Drives Like A Maniac - Highjacked from I Will Always Love You. Funny one shot - Kirishima x Fem!Reader
What If You Couldn't Sweat Kacchan? - This is a K+ (language) silly one shot for a competition - Baku/Deku
Reaching For Gold - Shoji's Wish - This is a request from a reader for a one shot from Reaching For Gold - Baku/Deku/Shoji Smut
My long Fics -
Second Chance Ranch - When life hasn’t gone the way you wanted, shouldn’t you get a second chance? Bakugou found himself trying to get a job to restart after being released from prison but fate had other ideas. A chance meeting brought him to the Midoriya Family Ranch, also known as Second Chance Ranch by the ex-convicts that had made a new life there. But is he the only one needing a second chance? Destiny seems to have brought him here to be the rescuer as much to be rescued.
If I Have a Quirk, Then Why Do I Need a Gun? - Baku/Todo After the loss of their friend and the government revoking their Pro Hero licenses. Several members of the 1A class have become detectives. During their investigation they began unraveling a mystery that may lead them to understanding what happened to their friend or to their own deaths.
I Will Always Love You - Baku/Deku Bakusquad on tour as a professional music band. Super hot Shinso/Ojiro side ship, they about steal the show.
Let's Give Them Something To Talk About - A Small Town Romance- Baku/Deku with side ship of Sero/Kiri
Reaching for Gold - Baku/Deku with side ship of Miro/Sero - Sports Romance
A Succulent Prize - The Anti - Cupid (Written in a COVID Fever - so just...) Baku/Deku strange little story - Romance + ? (I adore all my fics but this weird ass story is my low key favorite.)
Open For Business - Baku/Deku - My first and super sweet Romance - Hurt Comfort but a little rambling LOL
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shoutascoffeepot · 11 months
Chapter One: Pilot
The Art of Deception: The Deadly Dance - Series
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Pairing: Aizawa Shouta x Female Original Character Themes: Mafia, psychological, age gap, cultural differences.
!!!Trigger Warnings!!!: Age gap, stalking, kidnapping, clubs, murderings, guns, mention of drugs, mention of stress.
To run his life, he had to kill. The first time was unintentional, a reflex, yet it’s his first kill, a bullet to the head of the yakuza who was threatening his small thug gang when he was sixteen if they didn’t oblige. After that it all became memories and history. Somehow his group of thugs grew, got their own business of hitmen and substance-smuggling. By the age of twenty one he had enough to open up an official business in the market, alongside running the one in the dark. 
  Killing is a profession, it needs talent, it needs someone ready to shed memories and skins on a daily basis especially when he was already in deep, living the life whilst applying his own ethics in his work out of law’s report. His life was neon lights and starry nights, he’s the most sober at all times. In present time, he’s thirty two with Japan wrapped around his fingertip, the most powerful Yakuza who erases the existence of those who dares to oppose him or his ways. A man with tired, judging eyes and an intimidating aura to his gruff, unhinged presence. 
  On the other hand, someone living the princess life, saw life all in pale pink tinted sunglasses, was a foreigner who had never stepped foot in Japan once in her life. In average height, shoulder trimmed ebony hair that curtained a fringe over her round, ivory flushed face, she’s dancing across the kitchen while making milk tea, unbothered and carefree. 
  While taking her cup Lilith’s phone rings. She answers while putting it on speaker, it’s her best friend. 
“Good morning babyyyyyy!” The feminine distorted voice cheered from the phone as Lilith leans back on the sofa and sips carefully from the warm mug. 
“Good morrnningggggg~” She replied with a chuckle hitched in her voice. 
“Have you rested well?” 
“Hm, can’t tell, I’m too excited to go out. When will you show me around?” 
“So I’ve got all day free, I was thinking we could get lunch, you work your magic on our faces with your witchcraft of makeup, then I got a club appointment~” 
“You do know I don’t really like those places right?” 
“It’s not a cheap ass place where people harrass you, the bookings are always full two months ahead. Come ooooon, it'd be fun to let stress off. My treat.” 
“Fine, but don’t get too drunk on me. I won’t be drinking.” 
“What time should I drop by to pick you up?” 
“It’s already one in the afternoon, It won’t take me too long to get ready if it’s just lunch. Plus we’ll be back to actually glam up.” 
“Okay I’ll just change and be right over.” 
“Put sunscreen on!” 
  But she already hung up. Lilith changed into black skinny jeans and a loose-fitting graphic tee. She applied sunscreen and patted some cream blush and concealer in to look more alive and less like a zombie. By the time she was picking out her converse there was a knock at her door. When she opened up the door a smaller figure jumped into her arms, she hugged back with the brightest smile. 
“I missed youuuuuuu!” The muffled, shorter girl called. 
“I missed you too Yin,”  Said Lilith, in the gentlest voice as she pulled away, “Let’s go yeah? Seeing the unpacked things here makes me crawl in my skin.”  
While they walked out and Lilith Locked up her apartment, along with noticing the outfit Lilith had on, Yin noticed how her best friend’s expression was off. 
“What happened? Are you okay?” Questioned Yin to which Lilith Immediately responded. 
“Yeah, just stressed, that’s all.” Lilith brushed off with a smile. “You know how it is, I’m sure some time out could wash out all those intrusive thoughts.” 
Yin’s bright smile softened, almost diluting. “Another episode?” 
The way her voice was barely a whisper, fragile and skittish to her best friend’s state, sent goosebumps all over Lilith that made her shake her head lightly. 
“It’s hard, you know how it is. But I’ll be okay.” She reassured her. 
The topic quickly faded from seriousness and into more lively chatter as they walked down the street, to the ramen house and ate. Yin asked about Lilith’s life, especially her love life with an expecting smile as Lilith brushed it off. There wasn’t anything to talk about, even ‘nice’ guys were red flags. So the whole spectrum was avoided efficiently by Lilith in pursuit of her career studies which got her here to Japan in the first place. In return Lilith teased Yin about her weird habits and they would pick on bad trends together as the conversation diluted to what makeup style they’d wear while they returned back to Lilith’s apartment.
Lilith played some music as she started with Yin’s makeup, they were both gonna have the same eyeshadow style. A soft glittery pink fade with dimension, except for yin she’d have a normal cat-eye liner and for Lilith she drew a softer extra lash since her eye is more hooded, barely called eyeliner. That, with the light base of concealer, contour, highlight and blush, set it all and they were ready. Yin wore a pink champagne metallic silk dress that finished right at the middle of her thighs. Lilith wore a black long sleeve dress that fell right above her knees yet showed cleavage, the same material as Yin’s. As they styled their hair and wore gold jewelry, they were set to go. 
It’s nine, yes it took a long time and going through a lot of playlists. That’s why they took Yin’s car and were taking selfies since they finished glowing up all the way to the club. The inside of the club was cozy yet freezing. The song ‘Ghost’ by Confetti was playing, a big droopy warm-toned chandelier was in the center of the ceiling of the copious arena. There was a shaded glass area that led to a V.I.P Section, it was lit up and the waiters and men were standing by it protectively. Waiting patiently for something. 
Rounded black marble tables were scattered over the room, and a ten by ten dance floor in the middle that glowed the same tone of gold the chandelier threw over the few people that were already there, all wearing fancy-looking clothes. Lilith’s shoulders were pushed down instead of slumping forward, curious doll eyes scanning over the place. 
“Not bad, this seems nice enough.” Said Lil, to which Yin smirked. 
“Told you-- That guy’s checking us out.” She whispered back. Lilith looked where Yin’s eyes pointed and met eyes with a fake blond with outgrown roots, his large monolid eyes slanted upwards as he bit his lip and drank from his cup. She breaks eye contact before he gets the wrong idea. 
“Not my type.” Lilith, who was now taking a step backward, stated. They both took their chosen table near the dancefloor. 
“What shall you drink tonight?” A pretty attendant came by once they sat, she had brown hair with highlights and a gold shimmery eye and a nude lip, perhaps that’s the dress code here? Since every woman working there seemed to look the same except for the hair. 
“A margarita for me and--” 
“Lemon iced tea for me. No alcohol.” Lilith swallowed her throat, it was embarrassing to be sober but so be it. She never liked the feeling of being drunk anyways. As they waited for their drinks, other songs started playing, ones Lilith wasn’t familiar with. 
“You seem tense,” Yin announced as she sipped from her drink. Lilith snapped back with a jolt as she stared at the iced tea in front of her. 
“I was zoned out, sorry. Uh, did you notice what’s there?” Lilith asked as she opened the can and poured the contents of it into the cup that had ice and mint. Yin glanced at the V.I.P section that was getting more crowded by the minute. ‘Hushhh’ by Aviva started playing.
“I don’t know..” Yin contemplated. 
“Nevermind. I know this song--” Lilith stood up and walked to the dancefloor and swayed her hips to the beat drop, letting her head fall to let some steam off. She looked too erotic to be dancing alone. Skipping her feet and caressing her thighs then trapping her index to her lip on the word ‘hush’. God she needed this, grinding to nothing but air with hands up. 
The song ended and she let out a soft laugh, the ecstasy of a good dance is more adrenaline inducing than any drink or drug. She slowly stepped back to her table and sipped her cold drink which was a contrast to her hot, pumping heartbeat in her chest. 
“You were sexy back there, that same guy was eyeing you while talking to another girl.” Yin smirked and chuckled. “Hey! Could I get two shots here?” She suddenly signaled to the attendant which came immediately with a tray of pints and set two on the table. 
“I’m not drinking.” Lilith deadpanned. 
“Who said they were for you? Both for me, this margarita is not getting me anywhere.” 
Albeit words faded, Lilith’s eyes were glued to the line of men that were standing near the V.I.P section, they were all tall and muscular under those slim-fitting suits. A profile view of one that had a bun and a sharp scruffy jawline caught her eye. 
“Quick look behind you, bun, is he hot or just tall?” Lilith looked away when the man made eye contact, noticing her long stare. “Quick-- They’re walking.” 
Yin waited two seconds to not seem suspicious after taking her shot and looked behind, no one. They weren’t there. “Where?” 
“They went inside. I swear to god they were like fifteen, all muscular and fairly tall.” Lilith empathized. 
“Well they’re gone now.” Yin took her second shot while Lilith groaned in loss. 
“Why don’t I know any songs here?” Lilith complained just as a song ended and ‘gimme more’ by Britney Spears started. She immediately stood up and took her way back to the dancefloor, Yin followed her and they both swung their bodies to the beat then rolled their hips. It was therapeutic in its own way. Lilith bit her lip and looked at the V.I.P section again, what if one of those money-loaded hot men was to watch? The mere consequence is thrilling her imagination to luxury life. She could get used to doing this every other night. 
“I’m going to sneak in there,” Lilith hinted while the song ended and they were on the way to their table. “I have to see if there is anyone worth a while, perhaps they’ll keep me there.” 
‘Harley’s in hawaii’ by Katy Perry started playing, Lilith was annoyed she’d miss this song but it was too slow to dance to alone anyways. 
“You’reeeee ditching me.” Yin raised her brow. 
“I’ll be back, I’m just gonna peek and come back back, Consider it a bathroom break.” Lilith explained. 
“Fine, don’t take long.” Yin said as her friend walked away to the secluded section. 
Amazing timing, the guards were busy with a drunk person picking a fight. Lilith picked a champagne glass from a walking waitress as an excuse and invited herself in. In the secluded cozy arena there was a ‘U’ shaped couch and small golden table stools scattered for drinks. There were two poles with strippers and right when the high note in the song hit, Lilith’s scanning eyes met with the guy who had the bun earlier. He lifted his head from the tray offered with lines of white powder and furrowed his brows when he laid eyes on Her.
The guards already caught up and were about to attack when the man with the bun raised his hand, a gesture for them to back off. Only then did she realize how handsome he was, with sharp chiseled features. He was roguish, in short, a dilf. 
Exactly her type of broken man. 
“Why are you here?” His deep voice vibrated more than the music that made her look away. 
“Someone uh… Wanted more champagne?” Lilith looked around innocently, the men were too busy eyeing her down, stripping her from her clothes with the longing stares of around fifty men in the room. 
“You’re a bad liar.” The man with a death stare, the handsome one, who she assumed was their leader since he sat in the middle of the U shaped couch, right ahead of her, deadpanned.
“Oh sorry, uh I should just lea--” 
“I did not dismiss you.” He argued as the guards stood in her way back. 
“Come here.” He demanded, to which Lilith’s slow steps carried her alongside the weight of dread to stand before him. “Sit.” He glared and she looked around for an empty seat that wasn't there. 
“Here.” He patted his thigh, 
She stood there flabbergasted. Her dignity wouldn’t let her. She took a step back as her cheeks heated pink. No matter how handsome, no matter how bookish, or how much of a fit any man was, she wasn’t that girl.
“No?” He raised one end of his brow. 
“No.” She sounded more confident, staring at his eyes with strong will. “I’d rather be killed than be treated like your object.” She put one word on the other. 
“I see.” He put one knee on the other as he drank from his whiskey and looked down at her albeit she was standing as he sat. “Then why did you act like an object by displaying yourself?”
What is happening? Why is he asking this? What’s going through his head and would he let Lilith go after he humiliates her a bit? Was she safe? These doubts ran through her head as she swallowed the lump in her throat. 
“What? Cat got your tongue?” He questioned in a low, certain tone. “Take her with us.” He spoke to the men who stood behind her who strangled her wrists behind her in a heartbeat. The champagne glass shattered on the floor. 
“WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?! LET ME GO NOW! LET ME GO--” Lilith struggled uselessly as they jabbed her shoulder with a pen. Her body was unresponsive yet her mind was numb. She was awake but she couldn't struggle or scream anymore. Tears rolled down her cheeks as it was scary just like sleep paralysis. And she soon passed into slumber. 
Yin only noticed Lilith’s long disappearance late. She made her way to the V.I.P section but it was abandoned. The strippers picking up the money thrown at them and the hosts cleaning up the place. She approached the stripper who had red rusty short hair and asked where her friend was. Describing how Lilith looked in detail. 
“Didn’t see her.”
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Sleuths & Syndicates
Part 2
Detective! Aizawa x fem!reader
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˚✧₊⁎ find Part 1, Part 3 & Part 4 here ⁎⁺˳✧༚
Detective!Aizawa who is checking out an armful of children’s books from the small library you work at when you meet him for the first time. He’s got his messy hair tied back in a knot and a dark V-neck on that shows off just how well-muscled he is, rolled up sleeves revealing sinewy forearms, and you’re so caught off guard by this rugged, handsome stranger that you almost forget to scan the books before handing them to him. You want to talk to him, but he’s probably married with kids judging by the books. Plus, he barely even looks at you before walking off.
Detective!Aizawa who comes in again next week to exchange the books for new ones. This time, he seeks you out and asks you for advice. He doesn’t need to – knows everything about kids’ books from his research but he’s been beating himself up all week for not talking to you and is grateful for an excuse. Remembering what his partner Hizashi had drilled into him, he makes sure to casually mention how the books aren’t for his kid – not that he has one. He only means, well, he’s not – that is – he doesn’t have a family, or a girlfriend. Not that you asked... He’s suddenly irritated at himself for messing up, almost resolving to turn and leave. And maybe he would have, had you not given him the most dazzlingly beautiful smile he’s ever seen and told him it was alright…that it was “good to know”.
Detective!Aizawa who doesn’t ask you out till over a month since you met because he’s not sure how, and whether you’d even be interested. He visits the library more and more often even though Eri has read all the books they’ve got for her age group. He’s only there on days you’re working. He’s taken up reading for himself now, indulging in the odd murder mystery that he’ll read during his five-minute breaks at work. You’ll talk at length about it, dissecting the plot, the characters, sharing snippets of your own lives. All your co-workers have caught on. You’re wide open, but Shota never makes a move. Having had enough of it, you cut him off one day with an exasperated sigh and ask if he’ll take you out for a beer when your shift ends in half an hour.   
Detective!Aizawa who gives you a wonderful evening, making you laugh and opening up to you, but losing himself to endless worry on his drive home. His line of work makes having a life complicated. It’s hard enough to care for Eri and keep her safe. Does he have time for a relationship? Would he even be able to make you happy? Give you all that you deserve? He’s almost convinced you’re better off without him. But the next day, you send him a text – just a short, sweet thank you and a picture of you with your cat (as promised, you write). It’s a normal selfie, with you in an oversized t-shirt lying on a couch, your cat perched like a loaf on your chest. You’re not trying to be cute or sexy but you just are. It does something to him. Your eyes, your smile, stir something inside him that he can’t suppress. And he knows he can’t stay away even if he wanted to.
Detective!Aizawa who’s had to cancel your first-date plans twice because the case he’s working on might have a breakthrough any day now and he’s needed out in the field more than usual. When he stops by your apartment during his lunch break to apologise in person, he’s surprised to find you almost in tears. You realise you barely even know each other, but you’re smitten. You thought that he liked you, too, but are growing less sure of it every day. You’d been telling him everything was fine, that you understood when he had to cancel. You put on a brave face but you were tired of acting like it didn’t break your heart every time he blew you off. Even telling him this, you felt like an insecure little girl. He wasn’t even your boyfriend and here you were, already crying.
Detective!Aizawa who cradles your face in his hands and lowers his lips onto yours, kissing you tenderly, whispering apologies against your mouth, your cheeks, along your jaw.
“’m sorry,” he murmurs against the shell of your ear, holding you against his chest and swaying slowly side to side. “’m so sorry. I want you to know that I care about you – deeply. And that I don’t take your time for granted.” He hates that he’s already let you down, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t move mountains to make it up to you.
The next time he kisses you, it’s in your apartment where you’ve invited him after your date at a riverside restaurant that you’ve always wanted to go to, and it’s significantly less tender. Three months have passed since your first meeting and neither of you has it in you to wait a second longer.
Detective!Aizawa who, despite your impatient protests, makes you cum on his long fingers and then against his mouth before finally letting you climb onto his lap and lower yourself onto his thick, weeping cock. Even just the flushed tip stretches your pussy so deliciously. His smooth shaft gets even thicker in the middle, and you’re a moaning mess, walls fluttering around him before he’s even bottomed out. Seeing you like this has him absolutely feral.
Before you can register what’s happened, he has your head tucked into the crook of his neck, large hands easily lifting your ass and holding it up as he fucks up into you at a brutal pace. He’s not a very vocal man but the way your pussy milks him tears loud, guttural moans from deep in his chest. He’s panting curses into your ear and telling you what a good girl you are for taking him so well, all the while you’re rendered speechless by how his cock slams into you over and over again, directly into that spot that makes you see stars and has your toes curling in searing pleasure.  
Detective!Aizawa who falls asleep spooning you, strong warm hand holding you tight against him by your belly. Work will remain tricky for a while, with two rival gangs encroaching on each others’ turf in the city. But he’ll do everything he can to make time for you amidst the chaos. He’d whisk you away and move you in with him and Eri in a heartbeat, if you’d let him. But he's pragmatic, patiently waiting for the relationship to reach a point of unquestionable stability and assurance that it's what you truly desire.
Detective!Aizawa who loses his mind with worry one fateful evening when his calls to you go unanswered. He can sense something is very wrong even before he checks in with your colleagues the next day, and the next, and they haven’t seen you either. By the time you're officially reported missing, and an investigation begins, Aizawa is barely holding onto his composure. Nothing is amiss in your apartment, apart from the things you might have left with on a short trip out – phone, purse, keys. Your bicycle was found in a park some dozen blocks away, but no one has seen you or anything suspicious at all. It’s like you just vanished from the face of the earth.
Detective!Aizawa is burdened with an investigation that strikes too close to home.
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 27 days
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3motionally3xhausted · 2 months
Two more pieces from the AKA Ito AU I posted recently, about Aizawa reuniting with his secret mafia family after about 15 years. This fic has been in my head for like a year and Im just now sharing art for it?? Yeah, anyway.
The autumn/Halloween scene is an extremely rare occurrence for these siblings to be getting along. (close ups +link below the cut)
And in the other I just wanted something dramatic where Shouta looks sad with a spotlight/projector shining on him, thinking about his father using his quirk on him.
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For this piece I had imagined their parents took them away from a Halloween party to do their mafia business thing, but ignored the kids, so they left the function to go enjoy the night. There is another sibling that decided not to join them because she thinks being upset about that sort of thing is petty.
Also for refernce, Shouta is around 10 here, Ueda is 20, Kiichirou is 16, and Kyou is 6. (My baby, I love Kyou VERY MUCHHHH!!!!!!)
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