#made to feel like I deserved harassment. pushed back into closets and forced myself into boxes I didn't belong in because
Maybe THIS time the tumblr queers have finally found the REAL Privileged Invaders who Don't Belong. Maybe this time they're REALLY actually harming the Actually Oppressed members of the community by trying to discuss the issues they face. Maybe this time the horrific troll blogs and disgusting anons harassing others while claiming to be from this group really ARE from individuals in this group, and maybe this time the indefensible and atrocious actions of an alleged member of this group justify making this entire segment of the community an acceptable target, and justify nearly identical harassment that has also been thrown at them, but ignored because, "well actually these other people have it WORSE".
Maybe. Possibly.
But this website also thought the same when non-binary people were the Privileged Transphobic Interlopers harming the Actually Oppresed Trans People. When bi and pan people were the Privileged Homophobic Interlopers harming the Actually Oppresed Gay People. When aspec people were the Privileged Cishet Interlopers harming Actually Oppresed same-gender attracted people. But people on this website have no pattern recognition, the memory of goldfish, and a love of "justified" lateral aggression so this has to happen every few years.
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stardust-and-blades · 4 years
Hi love! I was wondering if you took emergency requests? I know you mostly do Klance, and I love them! But, a week ago I was verbally sexually harassed by my friend. It made me self conscious about my sexuality. (I'm a lesbian btw) and last night I had a nightmare that my friend...r**ed me. Do you think I can have Keith and Lance comforting the reader after waking up from this nightmare. Maybe Keith reminding her that there's nothing wrong with being gay? If you can't I understand. Thank you sm!
Hello there! First, I wanna say how sorry I am you had such a horrid nightmare and dealt with being harassed. That is not okay from anyone, even if they are your friend. I hope they leave you alone. I am a bisexual woman and though I have not experienced your exact situation, I have dealt with judgement from family. It isn’t fun and can do a lot of damage.
Secondly, I do not normally take reader requests. Personally I am not a fan of second-person. Like you have seen, I write mostly fanfiction from a third person point of view, and occasionally first person. I do not consider myself skilled in said POV, it is hard to convey, a bit confusing, and not my cup of tea. HOWEVER, I will try my best with what I can come up with!
Do be lenient with me, this may be a disaster >_< But if it’ll help, I’ll lend my hand to you.
Remember, you are not alone and there is nothing wrong with you. Love is love. 
Now, *cracks knuckles and bREAKS NECK* Lets try this out
When you wake up, you’re in a cold sweat. The air around you is stifling. The blankets heavy, and for a moment you wonder if your bed is actually a coffin, ready to bury you away and suck the life from your bones until all that remains is a shell of a human.
You wipe your brow, slick with the remnants of the nightmare still lingering, a vivid, broken record player repeating the same horrible fear your so-called friend instilled in you.If you could reach in your head and pull out memories, you’d do it in a flash, removing the filthy, disgusting, wretched thing daring to plague your thoughts. It was real. Far too real. Yes you have been stressing about the incident for awhile, but you didn’t think it would be bad enough to enter what one would usually call a solace. A safe place among a reality ruled by chaos.
You switch on the light by your bedside, driving the shadows licking at your feet back to where they came from. You move out of the covers, feeling suffocated, and sit there, hearing nothing but the hum of the lamp and your erratic heartbeat.
You have closed your eyes, trying to think of something else. Something happy and comforting, but you just can’t get rid of this sense of...wrongness. The feeling of being and outlier and wondering if the nightmare lead to a truth.
You are so into your head that it takes you a couple minutes to realize you aren’t alone.
A red and blue hue glimmers against your eyelids. It is not harsh like the notifications of your phone, nor bright enough to make you assume your overhead lights were switched on. You peak through your dark eyelashes, sleep lingering at the corner of your eyes and a curiosity pushing aside the demons for a bit.
When you look, two very familiar boys stood before you. One with dark hair curving at the nape of his neck and eyes resembling the cluster of stars amidst a dusk night. The other with a darker skin color, tall and lanky, and the irises mirroring the seas of the beautiful and unknown. They smile, posing no threat or ill-intention. You do a double take, seeing if they would disappear the moment you blink, their bodies translucent. But they remain, the taller boy’s smile broadening ever slightly.
“Lance,” he winks. “And this fireball is Keith. We heard your distress.”
“My...distress,” you say carefully. “This--this isn’t real. You guys are fictional. I must be dreaming still.”
“No, no dream.” Lance shakes his head, pointing to the window. “We are from the stars. I was going to come alone, but Keith over here is a sad pup whenever I leave.”
Keith rolls his eyes, nudging him with his elbow. “You know why I’m here, jackass.”
“Because you love me?”
“Literally not the point.”
“So you DO love me.” Lance’s eyes were practically sparkling.
Keith rubs his eyes, sighing. “I question my taste in men.”
Lance juts out his bottom lip, ocean blues big and watery. “How rude! And after I gave you a cute purple lion at the faire.”
You couldn’t help it, you giggle. It is funny to see the interaction take place, your focus less on your nightmare and more at the boys bickering, though with love placed in their hearts. It was nice, seeing something so natural. Sweet, even. It makes you feel less abnormal, though the slithering thing in your gut turned to remind you of why you are awake in the early hours of morning.
You cringe from the reminder, the boys noticing and quiet their conversation. They ask what is wrong, and you tell them as best you could without breaking into tears, though it proves challenging.By the time you’re finished, they are sitting by you, attentive and sympathetic, Lance offering his hand for you to take and Keith telling you you do not have to go into details. That is the great thing. They listen. Not once do they interrupt, shame you, or display signs of disappointment. They care not of why they were called, but genuinely concerned, the pain all too familiar.
You spill everything out. Even your insecurities. How you love girls rather than boys, your worry if the friend was right, whether there is something wrong with you or not. If you are someone in need of fixing; in need of divine intervention like so many have preached on television and on the streets. If you should force yourself to like boys rather than girls, and if you are deserving of love if you go against the hetero-normative standard friends and family kept badgering for.
They listen. But more importantly, they care.
“It’s scary,” Keith starts. “Not knowing if you belong. Being different. There is this whole expectation of you built up the moment you’re born, and if you don’t fulfill those expectations, it’s a gamble to be you. You don’t want to lose people, because you love the idea of being accepted. But you hate denying who you are, because it’s like slowly dying.”
“You love being loved. it’s a lot easier, but the closet you shoved yourself into becomes cramped.” Lance adds softly.
“I’m not you, and you are not me.” Keith says, looking to the sky. “We are very different. But if there is one thing I learned in my short life, being loved for all of you is the best feeling in the world. Being who you are, being what is right in your heart, it’s the wings you need to fly.”
He moves his gaze to you, and gives a warm smile. “Being gay--being you--is okay. There is nothing wrong with loving girls. You deserve to find love, even if it’s in a girl. Which would you rather be, feigning a marriage to a man and be miserable, or kicking the big man in the balls and smooching the hell out of the girl next door?”
“Keith, a true man of wisdom and words.” Lance jokes, earning him a flip of the bird. Lance smirks, it melting into understanding and kindness as he turns to you. “He is right, though. Honestly, that friend of yours can take a hike. You don’t need that negativity in your life. You deserve way better. And I mean five star better, not the bare minimum. Do not settle for less, go on and kiss the girl of your dreams. If I were to have remained closeted, I sure wouldn’t have been able to be with that man over there.” 
He points to Keith, the dark haired boy blushing. Lance then grabs some tissues nearby and wipes away your tears. Keith brings you water, and they remain by your side until you felt comfortable and sleepy enough to curl back into the covers. The boys tuck you into bed, and you are hit with a wave of melancholy, for you know they are about to leave.
‘Don’t look so sad. Chin up, buttercup.” Lance rustles your hair. “We aren’t leaving forever. We will be with you every step of the way. When the hours are late and all seems frightening, just know we are beside you. You may not be able to see us, but we are there.”
Lance grabs Keith’s hand, Keith squeezing back and not letting go. “you’re not as alone as you think you are.” Keith says. “Your found family is out there, excited for you to enter their lives. Hold onto that hope.”
“And no one is going to hurt you.” Lance continues. “Guard yourself and stay away from that friend of yours, if you can call them that. You are not a toy. You are a human being, and you should be treated like one.”
“Call on us if you need anything.” Says Keith. “We will be there.”
And so they were until you closed your eyes, filled with nothing but sweet dreams and a sense of a weight being lifted from your chest.
I really hope this helped a little bit, dear reader. If you feel in danger, please contact someone you trust or report it. The behavior of your friend is not acceptable and should not be tolerated. I’d deck them in the face if I could 
You are loved. You are strong. You are a badass.
Sincerely, Shania
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chiimmchiimm · 5 years
❝𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 !¡ 𝓈𝒾𝓍  ❞
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CHAPTERS “  01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 -  11  - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 “  
The northern jail was the most dangerous in the country, social scum, thousands of criminals were locked behind their bars. Who would tell poor Blair that he would end up there because of his father’s mistake. The problem was not the lack of hot water, but that inhuman obsession that many of the prisoners had for “new toys.” Rookies had two options; be submissive and abide by veterans’ orders or suffer the dangerous anger of those disturbed minds. It all started one night when Blair had the bad idea of ​​going to shower alone.
𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔: Jungkookoffender au x (female: Blair) 𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒:  smut.(later), offender au, fluff, angst. 𝒲𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈:  4.6 k 𝑅𝒶𝓃𝓆𝓊𝒾𝓃𝑔:  +18   𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔:   abuse ,very violence, , sadness, psychological abuse, dirty lenjuage, muscles, oral innuendo, insults.
  With the help of my arms I push my body up to stand up. Curved back to back placing the pelvis in front, preparing a habitable posture to run as soon as I saw my integrity in danger. There was something in his wicked pupils that shouted his change in mood, because as soon as we made eye contact a crooked smile hugged the corners of his lips. However, the duo of friends I had at their sides could not be more tense with my appearance. Thirteen lifted half of his arm so he could see perfectly how his fingers curved in repetitive movements to indicate that he wanted to be followed. He took a step toward me but before taking another, he stopped.
"Model your right hand, Graff." He paused his voice to sound more threatening. I look sideways at his friend and he nodded. Putting his hands in his pockets, he went inside the closet where he had come from. Swallow nervous saliva while anticipating what would happen in that cleaning room. It gave me an obsessive compulsive disorder and I started to blink madly as it swelled and deflated my chest. When I entered the room the first thing I saw was how he supported his body on one of the walls. The only reason to catch his breath, right now, was to know that he was not annoyed. I run my tongue down his lower lip before dramatically separating them in a snap. "Have you heard the whole conversation, little nosy one?"
If you call conversation to threaten a person based on a wooden bat ...
"Yes," he said, lowering his tone to a whisper. Thirteen leans forward to hear me. Soon, my cheeks are intensely dyed a fiery red because of the shame that begins to shake me. I bowed my head so that I didn't see my shyness but I had forgotten that it is very insightful and never loses a single detail of my reactions. A laugh destroys me inside, and I can't recognize whether he is laughing because he is amused by the situation or is simply making fun of how pathetic I am. I prefer more for the second option because it hits him more with his bipolar personality.
"What am I going to do with you, Barbie? You ignore me. You do what you want and on top, now it turns out that you listen to my conversations."
He laughs again and my body is startled by his hoarse vibrato. If he were not in such a compromised situation, he would accept that his laughter is somehow charming.
"Start by not calling me that, please." I don't like it. ”I suppress a babbling, lowering my tone of voice. How do I have my eyes glued to the ground? I step backwards when I see how it progresses. I close my eyes as a frightened groan gets stuck in my throat, my back collides with the redness of the door. I feel his laughter closer, his breath moves the loose hairs of my badly made ponytail. The door creaks when it supports a hand and bends. I am cornered between your body and the door. I clench my lips in shock at the sensation of the moisture in his mouth brushing the skin of my ear.
"And what do you want me to call you? Because I can think of an endless number of nicknames with whom I could call you, right now." He sighs against my cheek as he draws a smile on my skin. My neck is tipped when I feel the humidity of a little kiss What the hell really this guy has a serious problem of mood swings My body tenses accordingly and I renew myself uncomfortably against the door I cling the other cheek to the door by inertia I want him to stop kissing me but my body does not respond Another kiss lands against my face, this time, a short distance from my right corner, his fingers catch my chin to lower my neck and place his palm behind my neck, turning my head so that I could face it, but what I see leaves me freezing, it has dilated pupils and its shortness of breath falls on the skin of my lips, and although it seems to me like a horrible person, I cannot help being enraptured with the intensity of its Jose, he squeezes my fingers in my neck and brings me closer to the point that our noses touch in an insinuating way. His gaze falls on my parted lips and I open my eyes to the fullest when I feel his head bow.
I put my hands on his chest and with a push I stick to the door.
“What-what is it?” I ask on the verge of mental collapse. My cheeks have blushed more at the thought that Thirteen wanted to kiss me. Because I would have done it if I didn't push it back. The bitter taste fades with my saliva the moment my mind punctuates my passivity in the matter, a small part of me still wondering what would have happened if I had let it shorten the distance. I push away the stupid idea when I shake my head slightly. Next, I notice that the pressure in my neck disappears when he removes his hand. He walks away and frowns. He seems as or more disoriented than me. He caresses his face with his palm and then turns to turn his back on me. He took his back off the wall and slowly approached him. "Jungkook?"
The muscles of his back tense when he pronounced his name. He turns sharply and gives me a cold look.
“Who the hell do you think you can say my fucking name?” Cut the distance in desperate screams. My back bounces against the door when I back off clueless. "Don't do it again, do you understand?" Fuck. ”He curses through a loud growl. "You are not worth a shit, little bitch. Reserve your character because of how much you are going to get fucked by the pussy hole you are going to wear out."
His fingers stick to my forearm to push me away from the door. The door knocks my body to the ground, kneeling. The patella burns after impact. I put my hands on the tiles to stand up. A prick pierces my spine when I straighten. I hear steps approaching and I get stiff. Have you regretted having left and come to hit me? I try to run to the door but it opens before it arrives.
I stay on site. And only when I raise my head and recognize the person, I sigh in relief.
“Blair, what are you doing here?” He asks calmly as he grabs the folder by putting it under his arm. Listening to Garcia's soft voice forms a smile on my face. One that is erased when I sin and I am confident. I groan over the cramp that buzzes down my knees. I doubled because of the thinness of my legs and I don't fall because Garcia holds me by the arm. "Hey, what happened to you?"
I don't know what makes me decline if his tone of concern or the fact that the tears had spent too much time holding back. I don't think so, it just happens.
"I can't anymore ... I just ... I can't."
His finger caresses the skin of my arm in small circles. His intense gaze tells me that he will not judge me and that he is here for me. Then, I sink my head into his chest. At first, his arms are hanging but it is not long until I feel the strength of his muscles hold me back. I don't know how much time he spent crying but when the wetness wet my face he separated me embarrassed by the fact that I wet his blue shirt. Two big brands expand through the area of ​​his chest and I put my lips in response. But instead of bothering to have shattered his uniform, he shows a small smile that brings me joy.
"I'm sorry." I mutter my head as I absorb through my nose. His concise laugh makes me lift my head. His eyes wrinkle in a tender way, it's amazing.
“Are you going to tell me what you are doing here?” He lowers his head to the height of my eyes. Adjust a sympathetic smile, I know you won't judge me. But that doesn't matter because I can't skip the jail rules. Because being a dummy means spending a whole day with your head in a vater. So, I explained the first reason why I had finished in this closet. I wasn't lying because, after all, it was what I would have done if I hadn't met that psycho.
Spending all the time observing the spaces through which he passed was not pleasant, on the contrary it was very stressful. The lump in my throat was falling apart as I moved away from the dark corners. The clarity of the sun filtered through the red bars that held the patio door. I was forced to freeze when the door opened, the memories harassed my mind, but when I saw a girl of extreme thinness pass my breath back to my body. It was too much. I couldn't scare myself for everything.
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"Inmate 646 goes to reception has a vis a vis"
I paid close attention to the mechanical voice coming out of the speakers in the corner of the wall. I raised my eyebrows when confusion struck my understanding. Vis a vis? I have not requested that such permission be granted. I turn around and head towards the west wing counter. An officer welcomes me with a neutral smile. It is almost scary to see that the skin does not move with the smile.
"You have a family vis a vis. Do you want to receive them?"
“Who?” My question seems to cause a sharp pain in my belly because he clenches his annoying lips.
"Yes or no? Inmate."
"Yes." I agree. Swallowing a myriad of words to answer their abuse. This is outrageous. Prison officers treat us as contagious parasites. By God, most of the people who lived with me were no more thieves or drug addicts but even the worst monster in the world deserved the least respect.
He left the counter and went through a door to exit later by another that was next to it, outside this one, to open the door to me tiredly. Inside it was a rather narrow corridor that led to another door that was opened by another woman . It looked like a maze with so much door and turn of the aisle.
"You can't touch, hug and pick up things. You will be registered before and after the visit. Any questions?"
I deny
Press a red button and the doors open. The mechanical sound distracts me enough to not realize when it has disappeared. A man approaches me and places some handcuffs after telling me that it is for the safety of the visitor. Another negative aspect of this place does not take into account your good being because you are only a constant threat. I had almost forgotten how annoying and cold they were around my wrists. Point in front of me to move forward.
The tables are intrinsically ordered six by six. I hear cries, laughs, the screams of a woman when she meets her apparently boyfriend or husband, emotions spring up for people. My breath cuts suddenly when I visualize my father's striped suit. My mother is by her side, her couture dress takes the envious looks of some women. Slowly, I just sat at the table. Although I notice my mother's plea to direct her gaze, I do not. All my attention is on the man in his side. My father. The culprit of all this. His rehearsed smile gives him a perverse touch in contrast to my father's guilty gaze. Raising my chin I spit my first words.
"What a pleasure you honored me with your disgusting presence, father."
His laugh rumbles in my ears like a hint of warning.
"I see that the discipline of this place has not placated your bad education, daughter." Pause her voice at the last word to create more tension. My mother cleared her throat to end the brief discussion that is beginning to form. My father watches me with his classic upper air. Of course he doesn't give a shit that he's paying for his mistake. He seems to enjoy his freedom and not have a single regret.
"Please, it's not the time." My mother says through a desperate whisper. Intercala the look between my father and my body. A wry smile embraces my lips when I see my father lie on his chair. "Blair?" He names me with so many regrets that my head turns on its own. "Please, don't disrespect your father."
He raised his hand and interrupted.
"I respect people who deserve my respect."
I try to get up but my wrists hit the table and I fall back into the chair.
"You should thank me. Your life was boring. I give you the opportunity to live new experiences." the hypocrisy in his smile makes me sick. How can you talk so boldly knowing that I carry your blood? Well, in a way, that was never an issue to denigrate me as a person. In an elongated sigh he leans forward and clasps his fingers to speak as if it would be a meeting of his low business. "It was my turn to bribe the prosecutor to get your trial going, so show me a little more respect, fuck."
“Do you want me to thank you?” I stifle a grunt, squeezing my tongue against the palate. He let out a dramatic laugh as he leans back in his chair. He lifted his lips only to ironize a sigh. "Not even in your fucking dreams."
This time, my comment affects him because he clicks his tongue as he deflects his head.
"Both you and my mother know that I am innocent and who committed the fraud was you." I will not lie at the trial. I'm going to sink like you did with me, I swear, father.
“Blair!” My mother cries out in shock. “Please don't say those things.
He stamped my wrists against the cold table. The sound that wives make when hitting the steel surface takes all my mother's attention.
"I hope one day you will realize the monster you have as a husband." And I also hope that when you do it is not too late.”
Without further ado, I got up from the table being careful that my wrists will not hit the table. In the background I listened to my mother's pleas but I kept going with my head up. A large part of me wanted to turn around and hold her in my arms, but a smaller one, I was furious with her for allowing that cocoon to ruin my life for her salvation. What I can't understand is how he managed to stamp my signature on those documents. He must have faked it. I keep a low profile when I go back down that long hallway. When the same woman from before sees me immediately, she gets in my way with a dominant posture.
"Spread your arms and legs. Come on." Humming in a way too burlesque, he shakes his club to follow his instructions. I purse my lips but I pay attention. He bends down and starts to feel from my ankles to the upper part of my legs. I get stiff when his hands slide over my inner thigh, near my parts. Instinctively, he waved my hip and I am a confusing step back. The woman frames an annoying eyebrow at my lack of collaboration. "What do you do? Open your legs again and don't move."
"I barely lasted a minute. He won't believe he has given me time to put anything in."
The woman stands up with a rough and dry look.
"Take off your pants, panties and stand against the wall."
I widen my eyes at his demand.
"What are you saying?"
"You make me cool? Do you want to spend the week in isolation?"
Then, I respond in the same way as he crossed my arms.
"No. It just seems too excessive that I want to urge so thoroughly."
The woman emits an annoying growl but when she opens her mouth to spit at me with her little shame, the sound of a few steps retracts her. I watch the blue uniform as soon as Garcia appears through the entrance door. He looks at us both as he frames an eyebrow high up. The officer swallows saliva and then retires behind the counter.
“Everything in order?” His question is directed towards me since the officer has tried to hide behind the cold metal of the bar. The woman swallows nervously as I lick my lips before responding. To his surprise, he didn't give it away. I nod slowly taking a small smile from the man. Now that I notice, he has a very pretty smile. One that is consistent with his baronile features and muscular body. I shake the hostile thoughts of an imaginary kick, it's neither the moment nor the place. I feel terribly embarrassed by my lack of decorum. He is just a kind officer, nothing more. But his voice makes me delirious when a whisper calms down. "Come with me."
Before following him through the door I take a look at the crazy lesbian who has tried to spread herself, she is rigid and I glare at her before going out the door.
"How was everything? I was told that you had a family vis a vis."
I deflect my distressed eyes. My withdrawn sigh causes some attachment to me. I am really grateful to have met you. He is, without a doubt, the best person I've met here, except for Sole, of course. I clench my lips with some nostalgia as I tell him the scene so tense that I had with my parents. At all times it does not emit a word, just nod sympathetically and let it end. And my heart leaps excitedly against my chest, for so long that I didn't feel confident with someone. Telling the final scene I support my tired back on the wall, then I sigh and squeeze my eyes when I close them.
"I need to get out of here, this place is going to drive me crazy."
"Well, if you run away or make a deal with the police ..." he jokes.
My eyes open alone.
“A deal with the police?” He took me off the wall and he raised his eyebrows in response. “Is there perhaps such a thing? I thought it was just a hoax that was used to give emotion to the detective novels.
"Yes and no." He answers with a pun. "How will you know these sites are too dangerous to infiltrate agents." Even being the best agent in the world you can end up in trouble. You know the rules of the jail on the issue of traitors ... So, the police choose prisoners with minor crimes and offer them a deal to say what they know and fuck more dangerous prisoners. "
Like thirteen. I think inevitably.
"And you could get me an appointment with one of them?"
His incessant flickering makes me anxious.
"Do you have confidential information that may interest them?"
Surround all possible corners of the hallway with my eyes. Garcia understood that he wouldn't say another word until he was in a safe place. The doors and walls had eyes and ears embedded in their strong impenetrable structures. I could not risk Thirteen or any of his animals listening to me. Garcia understood my situation and stopped insisting.
"I'll see what I can do." He sighed with a little burden. "Well, take care, okay?"
“Wait!” My scream stopped him. He turned and waited for an explanation as he raised an eyebrow. "Does it seem illogical that you know my name and I don't know yours, don't you?"
Then he smiled.
"My name is Brain."
Brain Garcia
His name was etched in my memory. She smiled pleased by our spontaneous talk. And I was glad to remember that today was the first day since I arrived at this demon prison that I could really smile. Not for fear Not because of nerves. Brain had ripped me out sincerely. My palms sweated with the incessant friction of my hands against my pants. Although he was a kind man, his attractiveness made my hair stand on end. I bit my lip as I remembered how hot her wet lip looked. Who would say that I was beginning to like Officer Garcia? God, what things do I say.
When I crossed the door of my cell everything seemed in its place. Liberty slept peacefully on his mattress, so, deducing that it would not come out more, I pressed the button of the cell to shelter behind the bars. I walked towards my bed but when I sat on it a sob disoriented me. Looking for the owner of that drowned sigh, I found myself looking at Liberty's body. When I heard it again, I stood up and knelt beside the bed.
“Hey, why are you crying?” He lowered a whisper near his neck. Liberty hiccups a sob as her back shakes in a shiver. I rubbed the broken skin of her arm with my fingers, making the girl straighten up and look at me. His eyes were red and swollen and his lips trembling, it seemed as if he had been crying for a long time.
"Nothing happens to me." He answered defensively. Gangue an annoying protest. I squeezed my features upset but finally pulled my hand away from his body. However, when he sensed my next move, his wet wrist adjusted to mine. I undoubtedly froze at his desperate gesture. I looked at her with pity again. "Please, hug me."
I accepted her plea and soon I found her nose sunk in my chest as she took me with her to her bed. I lay under her while stroking her matted hair in caressing hair. The alarm struck in my sense of urgency when I noticed a blood stain staining his pants. I tried to straighten myself on the bed but she squeezed harder and held me back.
"Why do you have blood-stained pants?"
But he didn't answer me, he just dedicated himself to increasing his sobs and increasing the humidity of my white shirt. Specify with greater attention the surroundings of your body, I was calmer when I saw no signs of any injury. Although if I can see a mark of hands on his wrist that would later welcome a bruise. Oh my god, but what happened to this girl? A record of my experience similar memories where my mother hugged me in the middle of a panic attack when my father hit her. Liberty seemed to suffer the same evil, but more than a suffocated woman, she looked like a frightened and trembling little animal that needed human contact.
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Another night I suffered insomnia. But this time not for my regrets but for being aware of Liberty's health. The next day, she woke up hungry and got out of bed as if nothing had happened. He was smiling with that grin that mocked his mouth so much when he spoke. But I was not fooled because I had dealt with that kind of performance all the time. However, life also taught me that in these cases it was better not to overwhelm the victim, the most efficient was to wait for her to speak for herself. Forcing her the only thing that would provoke would be a negative withdrawal. So, I followed her slowly down the hallways to the cafeteria.
"What a beautiful day it is, right?"
"If you say it."
"You are very pessimistic ..."
Suddenly it stops. My walking stopped also so as not to collide with his back. I frown my eyes confused by the sudden tremor of his body. A hand rushes to catch mine scaring me by the speed. His joy has gone out the window as he entered the cafeteria. Wondering what his motive would be, I turn my gaze to the same direction in which he stops in panic. I only see two people. An officer who is in charge of cleaning trays. The same stupid of the other time. And to that blond of the bat to eat calmly what seems to be a toast with some jam.
"Did he do something to you?"
Liberty shakes her head out of the trance and looks at me puzzled.
“Who?” He asks distractedly.
He nodded toward the blond and Liberty squeezes my hand so hard that it takes my breath away.
He leaves me with the word in his mouth when he moves to the food counter. I blink in bewilderment and follow her so as not to remain within reach of unwanted glances. As the minutes go by, Liberty seems to shed that restlessness and enjoy the food, if you can delight in a pink mass of unknown origin. It seems oblivious to the world until one arm surrounds its neck. He drops the fork and looks at me abruptly. She looks scared but not horrified as last night.
"Honey, see you tonight?" You know, where ever. ”Says the blond in a whisper straight to his ear. He raised his eyebrows when his attempt to cope with a private conversation goes badly because the boy seems not to know the difference of a whisper and a high tone. Because I can hear everything he says. Liberty looks for my gaze and when she meets mine seems to beg me for a plausible escape.
"Tonight, I can't, Jimin." He clears his throat terribly before grabbing his fork again and finishing off the last pieces of dough from his tray. The answer does not seem to please the blond because he growls disgusted by the rejection. However, and to my surprise he doesn't treat her roughly, I can even see a sincere pain in his eyes.
"But ..." She shuts up when she perceives my attention and looks directly at me. I immediately look down at the plate because I feel intimidated by the pair of brown eyes. A whistle echoes through the cafeteria calling my attention. Jimin turns to see the person who demands his attention. I do that too. My heart turns off its heartbeat at the moment Thirteen looks away from his friend to me when he notices my attention. He gives me as a last gesture a smile that, far from looking charming, gives me a lot of respect. And then, the bulb in my head seems to come alive and comes on. I get up so abruptly from the table that it caught the couple's attention.
"I have to go," he announced, running over a gasp. Liberty frowns and opens her mouth but I've already run away. How did it not occur to me before? I am new to this place so I don't know much about its people but I have seen things. Things that the police officer might want to know. My head is spinning when an annoying buzzing whistles inside me. But that discomfort does not divert me from my objective. I am surprised at how little security there is in module five considering that this is where it hosts the worst of the worst. The officer does not seem to care that a prisoner of the opposite gender crosses the module door that he should monitor. He pays more attention to the newspaper article that shakes his fingers. As it is time for the patio, not a single man walks through the corridors of the cells. A point that I am grateful to satiety for not having to endure neither sluggish glances nor risque sexist comments. I release a ragged sigh of emotion when I see its doors have opened. Without thinking twice I enter the cell. I look around. The beds. Old furniture. The first thing I see comes to mind is to look under your mattress. However, when he knelt to quench my curiosity, a terribly low voice gets in my hatred.
"Well, well ... But what do we have here?"
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cameronspecial · 6 years
The Marriage Games (Ch.5)
Pairing: Prince! Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: (Y/N) (Y/L/N) grew up in the palace with her brother and the royals; her and her brother are practically apart of the royal family. The Queen decides to help her eldest son find his own queen by inviting ten female suitors to live in the palace. What happens when through this process he finds love with a woman that is not one of the contestants?  
Word Count: 2 069
Disclaimer: This series is inspired by The Selection by Kiera Cass and Yellow Roses by @h-osterfield.
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Y/N stood on the pedestal in front of the mirror in her walking in closet. She wore a beautiful white dress with spaghetti straps and a v-shaped neckline. The slowing skirt bottom had an interact design light pink flowers and butterflies. The trail behind her is not that long, but it is longer than she is used to. She instantly fell in love with the dress as soon as she put it. Her pink heels have the same interact flowers and she felt beautiful as well as empowered. “You look lovely, my lady,” Carly praises her boss as she helps Y/N off of the pedestal. Y/N whispers a thank you and sits in her hair and makeup chair. Julia, Y/N’s makeup artist, starts to do her work while Y/N goes over her speech. About an hour later when Julia is finished, Y/N is finally ready to make her way down to the ball with everyone else. Tom had also finished getting ready and steps out of his room in his newly tailored suit. He spots Y/N coming out of her room as well and blushes when he sees that his suit has the same colour scheme as her dress. “You look beautiful, Y/N,” Tom calls out to her. She turns around to see Tom in a matching suit and smiles, “You don’t look too bad yourself. You clean up nicely.” Tom chuckles and holds his arm out to her so that he could escort her to the Ball. She happily accepts it and they make their way over. When they arrive, they go through the typical Royal announcement and they chit chat with all the guest that came. Nikki made her way over to Y/N in a stunning emerald green dress. “It’s time for you to make your speech if you are ready,” she whispers into the young girl’s ear. Y/N nods her head and makes her way over to the balcony to make her speech.
Y/N clears her throat and takes the microphone into her hand. “Excuse me! If I could have everyone’s attention please?” she starts off, “My name is Y/N Y/L/N and I have been living with the royal family since I was four years old. As some of you may or may not know, on Monday, June 21st, I was sexually assaulted in the bathroom of Club Rouge.” Y/N breathes out softly as feels tears start to stream down her cheeks. She quickly wipes them away, “At that moment, I did not know what was going to happen to me. I could help feel his hands all over my body and I felt violated as well as scared. I did not know what was going to happen to me and I did not how far he would be able to get. I felt powerless and afraid, however, I was lucky enough that the royal guards came in time to stop her from going any farther because a lot of people do not have that luck. If they did not come to save me, then who knows what they would have been able to do. He might have been able to continue the assault for a lot longer or … or…” Y/N could feel herself getting lost in her own words and tears continue to stream down her cheeks. She tries to continue, but she didn’t know if she had the strength. All of a sudden she feels an arm intertwining with hers and she looks over to see that it’s Tom’s hand. He gives her an encouraging smile and she feels that she has the strength to continue. “Or I could have been raped.  After the incident, I did not know how to feel. I felt glad that it was over, but also scared, angry, sad, and most importantly confused. Confused as to how someone could let themselves make someone feel so afraid. Confused as to why he could not have just asked me to dance if he found me attractive. Confused as to why this had to happen to people all over the world when they just want to live their lives. On that day, I told myself that I’d do anything in my power to stop another person from feeling how I felt.”
Y/N lets out one final breath and then makes her announcement with Tom by her side encouraging her, “Which makes me please to announce the Supporter Organisation. The organization will organize support groups for victims of sexual assault, harassment, rape, and so on. It will also soon be able to help people acquire legal aid such as lawyers if they cannot afford one. Therapy will also be available for those her are seeking it. It will also provide self-defence training and training for the victim’s family members, so that they may be able to look out for signs of depression, PTSD, and other mental health problems that they may experience after the incident. All this will be available to the public as soon as the organization’s building is ready.” The crowd clap when they see that she is finished talking and some raise their hands for questions. “Where will you get the funding for this project?” the partygoer questions. Y/N takes a second and responds, “King Dominic has generously donated half a million dollars for us to be able to build the facility as well as employ legal representation and psychiatrist.” Y/N answers the other questions before the crowd gives her a final round of clapping before she makes her way back down onto the ballroom floor. Nikki walks over to Y/N and wraps her arms to give the girl a warm embrace, “You did wonderful, sweetie.” Y/N whispers a thank you and heads over to the bathroom. She looks at herself through the mirror then sighs for a second; she takes out her lipstick and touches it up. Farryn looks into the mirror with a blank look on her face and Y/N reached out to her to see if she is okay, “Are you okay?” Farryn shakes her head and a tear descends her cheek. Y/N immediately closes the tub of lipstick and envelopes the fellow female in a hug.
“I think I was sexually harassed. A year ago, I was working in a small coffee shop. It was late one night and one of my co-workers, Dave, was helping me close up because there was a big mess and I asked him to. When we had finished and we were getting ready to go home, he had tried to kiss me, but I pushed him off. He told me that he deserved something for helping him and then he groped my breast. I was so scared. I had enough strength to push him off and I quit as soon as I could,” Farryn confides in her. Y/N gently strokes her hair and tells her that she is going to be okay. Y/N wipes her tears away, “We are going to do whatever we can to find that man and get him to pay for what.” Farryn nods her head and cleans up her makeup, “I don’t know why that came out right now. I just needed to let it out.” Y/N helps Farryn clean herself up and the girls make their way out of the bathroom. “I totally understand. You don’t need to explain that to me. Now, let’s go have some fun.” Farryn gives her a smile and they both go their separate ways, but the events in the bathroom did not go forgotten by Y/N.
Y/N found herself at the snack bar as she watches the boys talk to the guest. She had just bit into a dumpling and a little bit of juice leaked down her chin. Someone from beside her hands her a napkin, “Thank you.” “The dumplings are really good. Have you had the chance to try the meatballs, they’re also delicious,” the person informs her and she looks up to see a handsome blond man with the clearest blue eyes smiling down to her. “No, I haven’t, but I am definitely going to need to try them now then. I don’t believe we’ve met. I am Y/N,” she introduces herself to the handsome young man. He gives her a warm smile and shakes her outstretched hand, “I know, I mean, I was here for the announcement of the Supporter Organisation. I am Jack Williams, Councilman Daniel and Cindy’s Williams son. Y/N knows that Councilman Daniel is one of the Councilmembers on Dominic’s council. Daniel and Cindy were a lovely couple, but she had only met them once. “Would you like to go somewhere quieter?” he asks politely as he extends his arm out to her. Y/N smiles and hooks her hands with his, “I would love that.”
They had retreated to one of the sittings room near the ballroom area with a big piano in the middle of the room. Y/N sits on the piano bench and plays around with the keys like a child does when they see a piano. Jack sits next to her and takes something out of his pocket to places it on top of the piano. She sees that it was a napkin full of some of the hors d’oeuvres; she lets out a quiet giggle and takes a meatball into her mouth. Jack smiles at her and does the same with a dumpling before brushing off his hands to start playing a beautiful melody. “You are really good at playing,” Y/N complements. Jack continues to play for her, “I went to classes every week as a kid.” “Was it because you wanted to go or because your parents forced you to go?” she questions as she stares at him in amazement. “We have a piano in the living room and as I kid I would love to sit down on the bench and pretend to play. My parents saw that I loved it and put me in classes. Turns out, I am pretty good at it, so I kept learning,” he explains to her. “Well that sounds nice, I could never play an instrument because I couldn’t keep a rhythm and that frustrated the music teachers so much. It was funny,” Y/N giggles at the several different music teachers she had. They continued to talk for a while and Jack even tried to teach her how to play, but he was ultimately defeated when she couldn’t keep the beat.
Tom went looking for Y/N who he had noticed had not yet come to dinner. He walks pass one of the sitting rooms near the ballroom when he heard laughing and a piano being played. He enters the room to see Y/N sitting very close to Jack on a piano bench with a huge smile on her face. Tom felt jealousy overcome him with how close they were and he immediately made his presence known. “Hey, sorry to interrupt, but you didn’t come to dinner and I was worried,” Tom tells her. Y/N smiles at him and tells him that she’ll be there in a second. Tom left the room but could help himself not eavesdrop on their conversation. “Well, I guess that’s our cue to head back to the party. Thank you for trying to teach me how to play the piano, I know I can be difficult, “Y/N says as they both stand up and make their way towards the door. Jack chuckles and puts his arms around her shoulder, “You definitely have no musical talent, but that’s okay because you’re really funny. We should do this again sometime.” Tom could hear the hope in Jack’s voice and he found that pathetic. However, his heart dropped when he heard what she had to say after that, “That would be absolutely lovely. I’ll give you my number before you leave just come find me after dinner and maybe I’ll give you a dance.” Tom can hear that they had arrived at the door and immediately heads back to his table. “I am sorry I am late. I just lost track of time,” she explains to everyone as she cuts into her steak. Tom looks over to where Jack was sitting with his family and imagined daggers through his skull. He wanted to ask Y/N what she was doing with him, but he knew that it would look weird if he questioned her about something so little.
Taglist:  @tmrhollandkay @embrace-themagic @whereartthouwakanda @smexylemony @bookgirlunicorn @mysteriouslydelightfulwolf @melancholland @casualprincess77 @notes-from-my-journal @katiekitty261 @spidermansmj14 @redrebecca @deranged-sewer-rat @loverofthingscool @jackiehollanderr @iamthescarlettwitch @parkeret @i-bitch-you-bitch @furiouspaperfarmegg @arrantsnowdrop @loxbbg @hollandechart @converseskyline @musicandbokkslovingweirdo @holypizzafestivalfire @youllbemineandillbeyours @lydiasbxtch @tomshufflepuff @bookgirlunicorn @spideysimpossiblegirl @starlightfound @softspideyboy @captainbuckyy @arrantsnowdrop @timelock97 @ophcelia @mendesmusical @the-tales-of-ck @tchalameme @thequeensardine @inlovewith3 @alovely-day @racewife2004 @fangirllegacy
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multibear · 5 years
the danger of speculations
one part of dan’s video that really stuck out to me was the part about speculating peoples’ sexualities, and the whole “lol wbk” thing. he’s so right. when you speculate things like that, you are either harassing someone who is actually straight or cis or whatever, or you are depriving an lgbtq person of the ability to introspectively explore their own identity before coming out on their own terms, and pressuring them to come out. straight people really don’t understand how damaging this is.
it doesn’t matter if someone is or isn’t gay, if people so much as think they are gay they will be harassed all the same. nobody should be subject to harassment based on sexuality or even assumption of sexuality. i was physically and verbally harassed for the first time when i was 12. a kid i’d known for a few years who i was stand partners with often, who always pushed my sheet music on the floor and poked me with his bow, pushed me to the ground and yelled at me, “nobody likes gay people. nobody likes trans people.” i wasn’t affected personally. i had thick skin and knew he was being ignorant, but i was afraid. i had never told him in particular anything about my identity, but that didn’t matter to him. whatever people said i was, i was.
i remember when i was in middle school and unsure about my gender. i finally seized a moment of courage to tell some my friends about this during science class one day in seventh grade. they weren’t even close friends. they were just there when the moment came. i remember, one of them was the girl who made me realize i’m not straight. she came out as bi in sixth grade and i had no idea what “bisexual” meant. i looked it up and i finally found a word that came close to describing me. after that, an lgbt account popped up in my instagram explore page and i was suddenly learning about different sexualities and gender identities and finding words to describe myself. anyways, i saw these people and decided to admit, “i don’t think i care abut gender. i don’t care about pronouns or anything at all.” except i didn’t. i said, “i’m trans,” and when asked about my pronouns i panicked, thinking that “anything” and “unsure” would make them think i wasn’t real or something, and said, “he and him.”
maybe i could have backtracked. maybe, at a later time, i could have said that i’m “actually kind of unsure and questioning” to that small group i initially “came out” to and the other friends i came out to directly following that moment, riding on the high of feeling satiated and freed from something i was taught to think to myself was a secret i was harboring from others. that didn’t happen. soon, word got around, but it was okay, because i came out, right? it’s okay that everyone knows now, right? this is what i wanted, right? coming out is freeing, right? otherwise, i’m just living a lie, right?
the first time someone i didn’t directly come out to called me by the pronouns and name i used at that time, i was terrified. this was a personal, confusing part of my life that suddenly everyone knew about. it only got worse. that same day, my english teacher asked my if i preferred to be called another name because a friend of mine in one of her earlier classes was talking about how excited she was that her friend [redacted lol] was back in the country. looking back, i was probably very obviously lying, and very obviously fearful when i shook my head and quickly said no. then, a girl sitting nearby harmlessly said, “but you do,” to which i replied, even quicker, “no i don’t.” i doubt my teacher bought it. that wasn’t the first or last time something similar had happened. but it was okay, because i had come out, right? this is what i prefer, right? i realize now, i didn’t get to come out. i was outed. i didn’t feel accepted, i felt exposed.
i crawled back into my closet a little bit. i mentioned questioning if i was a lesbian, because i wanted people to think, “hey, maybe sexuality isn’t the only thing being questioned here.” on a related note, i never was able to formally come out as any sexuality. it was always assumed i was gay ever since people found out about my other questionings. continuing onwards, by high school, people didn’t know what to call me. it was a mixture of different names and pronouns and i gave nobody any answer whatsoever. i was in my closet, and it’s the best thing i ever did. for the first time, i had my personal life personal again, and i could really figure myself out without the pressure of all these people thinking they know who i am. i could confidently say, “i don’t know.” if i didn’t know, then nobody else needed to know.
when i was 15 i started dating a girl. my mom found out. she was looking through my stuff without my permission and found a love letter. she asked me how i felt about her. i told her that she’s my best friend. i knew she was suspicious. she was asking about crushes, she was even asking about my guy friend who i have said is like a brother to me. i was pressured to tell her after five minutes of silence: “she’s my girlfriend.” it wasn’t liberating. it wasn’t freeing. it was enclosing and suffocating. i wasn’t ready at all, but i knew she knew. she said, “break up with her.” she doesn’t want her daughter to date girls.
there was only one time when i had ever felt something truly freeing in regard to my identity. in middle school, when everyone knew about me before i knew they knew, and i was scared all the time that i would be outed to people that could change the way i live my life, i had a fight with my best friend during recess. she felt the need to tell me her mom hates trans people because that’s “not what god intended” and she too thought “it’s not normal.” i was angry and devastated at the same, so i went to rant to my other friend. we were swinging around the bare tether ball poles. it was then i found out, that despite everything happening literally right in front of her (i had literally came out to people right in front of her while i was on the initial rush of telling my friends after telling that small group of three during science class), she was completely oblivious. at that moment, i came out to her, at least with what i thought of myself back then. i felt so naked, yet so comfortable. i was willingly laying all my thoughts and feelings out for her to see, and i felt safe. i didn’t have to be brave or courageous, i just had to be honest. that was the first and only time i ever came out to someone in a calm, comfortable, non adrenaline invoked space. it was one of the only times i came out rather than getting outed. it was the only time coming out ever felt liberating to me. to this day, it doesn’t matter that the first time i came out to her it was with a label that didn’t fit me, i can come out to her again and again. i can tell her whatever nuance i feel because i was never pressured with her. i can always go “wait, never mind” with her because that important, pivotal moment i had with her was in a calm mindset, in a safe environment.
despite everything that has happened, i am lucky. i am so lucky that i was outed to a mostly accepting environment. i am so lucky that i even had one person that could make coming out feel comfortable, yet bare, and so freeing (she had one grievance, though. that i had told her brother in that group of three during science class in seventh grade before i told her. she should know that with her brother, though, i was more exposed than comfortable, unlike how i felt with her). i am lucky that i was able to take a moment to enclose myself for my own introspection, then realize that i’m not what people have thought of me, and then for those people to be okay with it. 
being deprived of the opportunity to introspect and come out on my own accord was absolutely horrible, but it’s even worse for people who don’t get to have the luck i had. so please, please let this show you the effects of speculating someone’s identity. please let this show you that responding to people coming out with “wbk” and “not surprised” is more scary than it is accepting. please let this show you that you don’t have to tell people your identity for them to hate you for it. please let this show you that coming out is something a person nurtures on their own until the time is right, not something that should be pressured or forced. please let this show you that outing someone doesn’t show your support, it only shows your disregard to a person’s trust and level of comfort. everyone deserves to live who they are when they want. making speculations deprives both lgbtq and non-lgbtq people of that.
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starpiper3 · 7 years
Chapter 2: Food Fights
Chapter 1: All the Little Children
Chapter 2: Food Fights
It had been a few days since the food goo incident...
What was meant to be just a harmless prank turned violent, causing a fight to break out between Luana and Keith.
Luana laughed so hard she thought her heart was going to stop.
“Y-y-you guys should s-s-see your f-f-faces!!” She howled holding her stomach while reeling back in her chair. The paladins, minus Shiro, and Coran, had green food goo all over their faces and outfits. With a little help of science and what ever she could find in the kitchen, she managed to make their food explode with just a little bit of pressure put on the food. It was one of her best pranks she had done in space, along with one of her first.
The four of them stood up suddenly in disgust and alarm.
“Are you kidding me?! Another food prank? How classic.” Lance fumed as he began wiping the access goo off of his hoodie and shirt.
“First the salad bugs, then the nausea soda, then the Mac and cheese horror! Now this?! Oh god please when will it end,” Hunk cried as he stood there paralyzed, “I just want to be able to eat in piece,” he whined not wanting to touch the goo.
“I don’t see how this is funny,” Coran said as he was the only victim that was still sitting, “I think this is most efficient!” He announced as he stood, “You see, instead of wasting time using utensils...” he muttered as he talked to himself. He had gotten to the point where no one was listening anymore. It only seemed to give Pidge the opportunity to speak. 
“Oh you're just lucky I’m not wearing any of my electronics today. I left them all back in my room just for this purpose. You're too predicable now, and not even close to funny,” Pidge grumbled as he wiped his glasses off with the white napkin that was on the table, “what a nuisance,” his shoulders sagged as he looked at her.
“Oh come on you guys! It was supposed to be funny! Just like old times sake! You know,” her eyes narrowed, “your favorite prankster.”
Shiro and Allura looked at each other with concerned faces, unsure of what to say or do to make the situation any better. On one hand, Shiro wanted to go along with the joke, as it was a tad entertaining to him, but on the other hand, he knew a little bit of common sense would be needed in the situation. For Allura, it was only the same, yet she decided to give it a gentle scolding a shot anyways.
“Luana, that was quite-”
Allura was interrupted by Keith slamming his hands on to the table. His body shook with rage and his jaw was clamped together by an unimaginable force. Goo was dripping from his hair onto his face, and from his chin onto the table. His nose was scrunched up, allowing his brows to be brought so close together it was if they were mine as well kissing. 
“You think... that this... is funny?” he hissed leaning closer to her, “What about this seems to be any type of funny?”
There was a hard pause between the two before Luana decided to stand up and  lean her hands against the table to get even closer to him. Shiro and Allura both stood seconds ager her, ready to interfere if anything were to happen. Luana smirked. Her long deep amber side bangs covered a small portion of her face allowing her to look a bit on the menacing side, yet, it was not enough to harass Keith. 
“I find it funny that you guys think it’s ok to talk trash about me behind my back and expect it to not some how find a way back to me, Keith. I think it’s funny that it’s ok for a boy much older than me, to think that it is ok to bully such a small girl like me.”
“The only thing funny here is that the bully here isn't me, it’s you.”
Luana gritted her teeth and bared her teeth at him. Her arms shook from anger as she was ready to pounce at any second.
“You worthless, no good, little Rat,” Keith snarked, but Luana decided to hit him where it would hurt the most.
“Awww, is the drop out angry?” She said trying to hold her cool, “such a shame you turned out to be such a failure.”
“Dont, say that!!” He yelled as he quickly grabbed her hair, giving her no time to react to what was going on. Shiro and Allura launched themselves to Keith’s side of the table. They watched him drag her closer to him before shoving her off the other end of the table. Pidge, Hunk and Lance all stood back, cheering Keith on, allowing him to do his worst.
He jumped over the table and landed right in front of Luana who held her arms up for defense. Keith swung, she dodged it and continued to circle around each other. It wasn't long before Keith lunged in and pushed Luana to the ground catching her off guard. This allowed him to pin her to the ground. Reeling back to land a hard blow to her face, Luana brought her hands up to shield her face. It was only enough to block the first hit, the second punch he threw landed  and land a hard punch to her face. Struggling to get off of the ground, she kept fighting to break free. Grunting to keep her motivation up, she bore her teeth in pain and continued to defend herself.
Allura was beside Luana in seconds while Shiro yanked Keith off of her.
“I don't want to see you here in this dinning hall ever again! You hear?!” Keith yelled at Luana.
“Oh no... um...” Allura’s voice faded off as she looked down at the small girl who was squirming on the ground in attempt to get off of the floor. 
“What exactly is your problem Keith?!” Shiro yelled getting into his personal space.
“She deserved it!” He yelled.
“No one deserved to be attacked like that! Especially one of your team mates!”
“You don't even know half of the things she does Shiro, why are you always so concerned about her? Can’t you see that she’s awful?!” Keith yelled as he pointed to Luana. She held the side of her face with one hand while using her other hand to stand up in preparations to scurry away. Shiro’s face scrunched up in anger.
“You, stay right here,” he said poking his chest, turning to Luana, he knelt down to the ground, “Luana are you okay-” Shiro whispered, but she was already on the run for the nearest exit, “Hey! Wait!” He called out, but he was too late, she was already gone. Clenching his teeth, he stood and glared at Keith who glared back.
“We will talk about this later, and I expect a better explanation other than ‘she deserved it’.”
As Shiro left the dining room, Keith looked at the five pairs of eyes that were staring at him. He snarled and glowered at all of them.
“What are you all looking at.”
“Oh uh, we were just on our way out. We’re not really hungry anymore, are we.” Hunk asked looking at Pidge and Lance who muttered agreements. The three of them left quietly in an awkward silence.
“Keith, I expect this won't happen again.” Allura said with a demeaning face.
“No promises princess.”
Shiro knocked on Luana’s bedroom door. Begrudgingly, Allura freed up a small closet and turned it into a bedroom for Luana. Even though the room wasn't what all the paladins had received, Luana seemed to be thankful none the less, “Luana?” He paused, “Are you ok?” He jiggled the door handle in hopes that it was miraculously unlocked, only he had no luck.
“I’m not going to apologize, I didn't even swing.” She muttered, loud enough for Shiro to hear through the door.
“Well, you're right about that part, and I’m not going to ask you to apologize-”
“Then what do you want.” She raised her voice. He froze where he stood, unable to form a comprehensive sentence in his head.
“I’m here for you, I hope you know that. I know I was gone for a while but-”
“I’m fine Shiro, just.... leave me alone... I’m not a baby anymore, I can take care of myself.” 
He hung his head and leaned against the frame of her door. Getting her back to her old self would be tougher than he thought. 
 Since then, Luana helped herself to private dinners in her room. Not wanting to spread the team further out onto thin ice, she thought it was the best option for all of them. Until she no longer butted heads with Keith she decided to live on her own terms. Only today she had been personally messaged by Allura, saying that her dinner plate would be in the dinning hall as a wish for her to join her and Shiro for a nice meal. 
Getting the message really lifted up her spirits. There was no form of acceptance or love from the four paladins. It was just an unreal cruelty. She thought about it long and hard. Was this just a trap to get her to eat dinner with the group? Or was this merely just a kind gesturer. 
She hopped off her bed and walked over to the small mirror she had on the back of the door of her room along with the small backpack she had packed for the ‘short’ trip. Her black eye hadn't gotten much better. What would Shiro do to Keith if he saw the real damage he had dealt to her? Maybe she’d be better off skipping a meal, she didn't feel like talking anyways. Then again, it was in a couple hours, her mind could always change.
Sighing as she flopped back onto her bed, memories of her life back at the Galaxy Garrson flashed through her mind. How things were so much simpler. Her life as a prankster kept her alive. It was never the life she intended to have, but as the sayings always went, she had to fake it till she made it. But to where? Here? In space? In an alien like castle? It didn't seem real, nor did it seem right. 
“God, why can't I just be myself again.” She mumbled to herself as she turned on her side to fall asleep, clutching her prized stuffed animal close to her. It’s going to be interesting to see how things pan out later. She thought to herself as she drifted off into a light slumber. 
Putting her hand on the door that lead to the dining hall, she took a deep breath. She didn't know if she was mentally prepared for what was going to be on the other side of the door. Closing her eyess, she pushed the door open slowly. Before her sat the paladins and Allura. Slumping her shoulders and keeping her gaze down, she advanced towards the table. She could feel everyone’s stare on her, some with smiles and some without. In all honesty, she just wanted her food. 
Luana picked up her plate with a glum look on her pale face. Her black eye was still present and not looking any better, as noted by everyone in the room. It was clear that she hadn't seen any sort of natural light in days, let alone any social activity. While the others glared at her, Allura presented a warm smile.
“Luana, how wonderful it is to see you today-”
“Thanks for making my plate princess.” She mumbled as she began to walk away. Allura and Shiro looked at each other not knowing what to do or say next. They couldn't force her to stay and eat with them, although doing so would lead to an even further back track on the progress they had made.
“Oh Luana, would you please join us?” She asked once more, hoping it would change her mind. Pausing where she stood, she took a second to think about what to do. Glancing back at the table, she noticed that there were a couple chairs open, but all of the paladins had put their legs up on the empty chairs.
“Sorry, these seats are taken,” Lance said as he started to eat his meal. 
“As are these,” Pidge said pretentiously eating his meal. Keith stayed silent as he continued to eat.
“Yeah, you mine as well leave,” Hunk muttered with food in his mouth. 
“Sorry princess, but it looks like the table is full,” Luana said as she continued to head towards the exit. Just when she got a couple feet from the door, Keith spoke up.
“That’s right, keep walking. You don't belong here.” 
Her plate cracked. A couple loose pieces fell to the ground making a high pitched clattering sound. She spun around and threw the broken pieces towards Keith. They landed just behind his chair. He glanced back and looked at the pieces before looking at her while he was drinking from his glass. He put the glass down and pushed his chair out before getting up and walking towards her. Getting up close and personal, he looked down at her.
“If it’s another fight you're looking for, why don’t you throw the first punch.”
Gritting her teeth hard, she clenched her fists and willed herself to walk away
“Speak for yourself, lackie,” She spat as she exited the dining hall. Shiro ran after her hoping to catch her before she disappeared into her room. Allura looked over at Keith. 
“You really do need to shape up Keith. That was uncalled for, unexpected, most of all, it was plain disrespectful!” She shouted at Keith.
“Please tell me this princess, for all the times she’s been rude to you? Does she not deserve it. She’ll never be a part of this time. I refuse to let that happen.”
“She doesn't,” the rest of the paladins looked at her, “for all I know, we had a rough start. Sure there was yelling and anger and a lot of disrespect, but you have to earn her respect, as Shiro has informed me. I changed, I started respecting her and she treats me right. I will not stand by and watch the paladin of the red lion treat someone so poorly.” She stood up and walked out of the room in hopes of finding Shiro and Luana.
“Do you think she’s right?” Pidge asked Keith. He glanced over at him and leaned back in his chair putting his feat up onto the table. 
“Pidge, if you knew what was good for you, you should listen to me and stick to not taking to her, let alone being around her. None of them know what they are talking about. This is our chance to make the team right.”
At the sound of foot steps coming from behind, her short gait slowly turned into a full on sprint for her room. God, why won't he just leave me alone?!
“Luana wait!” Shiro yelled as she darted around the next corner. He was so close to catching her yet so far. The sound of feet hitting the floor echoed through the corridors as they raced each other to her room. Only the race came to a hard stop as Luana turned a corner too hard and came crashing down onto the hard floor. She could feel her skin burn and tear open as she slid across the floor, only they didn't effect her that much. This was nothing compared to what the boys and girls used to do to her back at the Garrson. 
Popping back up from the ground, she continued to bound towards her door. Shiro wasn't too far behind. He knew she was fast as a little girl, but now she seemed even faster than before. All of her training must have worked off, that is if she continued to train after I had left. Shiro thought to himself. 
“Luana please! Can we just talk?” He shouted at her.
“Just leave me alone!” She yelled, although it sounded more like a wail to Shiro. Turning the last corner, they reached her room. She opened the door and slammed it shut before Shiro could stop her. He slammed his fist against the door in frustration. No matter what he tried, he couldn't understand what the big deal was. Why she wouldn't talk to him, why she wasn't herself, had he lost what he had with her, was he really gone for that long? There were too many questions not to ask. 
“Luana open the door this instant!” He yelled demandingly, slowly losing his cool.
“No! You can't tell me what to do!” She screamed back.
“Luana Renee!” He seethed. A muffled scream came from her small body as she proceeded to stuff her face into a pillow. To Shiro, it sounded half angry and half upset. He had finally realized that he had crossed the line. Biting his lip, he took a deep breath to calm himself before attempting to do anything. 
“Please, can I talk to you,” he said calmly. Only unsurprisingly, there was no response, “I know it’s been difficult, and I’m sorry that most of it is my fault. I really did want to take you on the Kurberos mission with me, I swear I did, but the Commander said no. There wasn't much that I could do. We both knew that we couldn't leave you alone. But I don't blame him for saying no. The mission got compromised and everything went down hill from there,” he paused hoping there would be some sort of communication from her, but there was nothing.
Resting his head against the door, the only other thing he could think of to prove himself was to stay with her. He slowly sat down on the ground with his back to the door.  It wouldn't be the first time he had done something like this, and if he was right, it definitely wouldn’t be the last. Back at the Garrson, it was the only thing that seemed to work. After what seemed like forever, the door finally creaked open. 
“Why are you still here?” Her small broken voice asked. Shiro looked up at her from his seated position and slowly stood up. 
“Because I care about you Luana, you know I do. Can we just talk?”
“There’s nothing to talk about.”
“Well there’s actually lots to talk about.”
“Yeah? Like what exactly.”
“Well, we could talk about how the stars shine, how cool the castle actually is, or even what’s on your mind-”
“Yeah that trick doesn't work on me anymore and you know it.”
“Ok ok I’m sorry, but my point is that I just want to talk, hang out and you know, be there for you.”
“Sorry but the last time I checked, only team members were allowed to hang out and have fun, so sorry but I am no longer available.”
“No wait!” Shiro said reaching out, only he was too late, the door was already closed.
“Only paladins and royal members are allowed to be on the team! I don't have a lion nor do I fit in the royal category! I don't know why you keep on trying!”
“Because I am supposed to take care of you Luana! You are my responsibility!” He said in a raised voice.
“Mama and daddy did not leave you in charge of me! And I know it!,” she screamed, “They would’ve told m-m-me.... or... they...” She started to choke on her own words. Her breathing became irrational and her eyes filled with tears. He could hear her change in demeanor, feeling awful for her. The pain she must be in... 
“Hey hey hey... It’s going to be ok, I promise,” there was yet again, no response. He then thought of an idea that was almost guaranteed to work, or so he hoped. I just have to word this right.
“Hey, you may not be a part of the entire team, but would you like to be a part of mine?” Silence followed, “But, to be on my team, you have to do an extremely big task.” He paused, “I don't know if the other paladins would be up to the task, but I know you have a big big big amount of potential in that little head of yours.”
The door inched open once more. Her puffy eyes looked up at him. She sniffled and made sure to keep her face hidden, yet, her eyes were full of curiosity.
“You don't really mean that, do you?”
“Of course I do, so what do you say?” He knelt down to be eye to eye with her, "You think you can handle this extreme adventure?”
She looked down in thought before looking back up. Nodding her head, she allowed him to continue.
“What do I gotta do?” her small voice squeaked.
“You gotta take a ride with me....” He looked around all cautious before finishing, “in the black lion.”
Her eyes grew wide with awe and determination. “Noooo,” she said stunned.
“Oh yes.” smiling at her he extended his hand, “so what do you say? Wanna go for a ride?”
Allo peeps. 
OK, so this semester has actually been a piece of shit. I’m busy basically 24/7 and I think I am cursed. I get pestered by a number of annoying people everyday and I get so close to losing it every day.
Here’s chapter two. Not the best, and not really what I want, but editing comes later now, I guess. I dunno. I’m also so sorry that its so terribly short. I just, these were the only two scenes that were supposed to be in chapter two so.. Wellp. 
The song for this chapter is below
And as always, I'm always open for messages and feed back and honestly anything at this point.
Also, on a side note. I will be getting back into Mercy76 soon, as well as a story based on my relationship with my sister. We just went through a really tough conversation that lasted like. Three hours. With lots and lots of tears. So if you see something thats not fanfic related in the future, jut know that I am trying to also write about us. 
Until next time space riders.
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