#macy vaughn
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louisbxne · 6 months ago
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black vampires + witches
akasha, queen of the damned (2002)
louis & claudia, interview with the vampire (2022-)
tara thorton, true blood (2008-2014)
blade, blade (1998)
marcel gerard, the originals (2013-2018)
sarah fox, my babysitter's a vampire (2011-2012)
alex & camryn, twitches (2005)
rochelle zimmerman, the craft (1996)
bonnie bennett, the vampire diaries (2009-2017)
vincent griffith, the originals (2013-2018)
marie laveau, american horror story (2011-)
macy vaughn, charmed (2018-2022)
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hikarielizabethbloom · 1 year ago
Tonight I miss them! 😭😭😭
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blackfemmesurvival · 4 months ago
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Macy Vaugn
Charmed (2018)
Status: Deceased
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Physical violence
Verbal insults
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phoebehalliwell · 15 days ago
ooooooooh, wait, food for thought, is macy from the reboot actually prue and darryl's daughter? tall? ✔️cheekbones? ✔️ telekinetic? ✔️ genius? ✔️
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it’s literally her!!!!!!!!!!
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dd122004dd · 1 year ago
The Elder Sister
Request: can I please request a Maggie (charmed) x sibling reader who goes to Tartarus instead of her and she’s really protective of the reader?
A/N: Well, requester, your wish is my command! (I'm trying to get through my requests, so sincere apologies that this is coming out so so late, but I'm trying) Also, she's the eldest sister of the charmed, like she's not part of the charmed trio but shes the first-born.
Warnings: fem!POV (Because I just learned that that needs to be in a trigger warning), Tartarus/hell, witches, yup thats about it.
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The deal was done. The price set. One Harbinger in exchange for Harry. A fair price, an impossible price, yet one they were willing to pay. With the innocent-looking paint can in hand the Charmed ones and their eldest sister made their way to Dante’s workshop, their sights trained on a singular goal, the release of Harry Greenwood.
Dante’s workshop was unassuming in nature. A rather large lock store with an intimidating owner who had a rather macabre sense of humor. The warden of Tartarus was a fair demon, his loyalties were to Tartarus, which made him rather unbiased, an admirable trait for a demon. Yet, he hated being tricked. And the infamous Charmed ones had tricked him. A decision they’d soon regret.
Dante stood before the four witches, menacingly opening the gate of Tartarus, before grabbing Maggie. As he was about to throw the witch in, she stopped him using her whip, the metallic coils wrapping around his arm, immobilizing him, “Warden,” she said, her voice echoing through the small space as she approached the aggravated demon.
“You will not imprison this witch within Tartarus.”
“And who’ll stop me? You pay when you cheat Dante.”
“If it is payment you need, I will pay the price, I will go in her place,” she said as she entered Tartarus before anyone could stop her.
"No!" Maggie's cry echoed as the gates swiftly closed.
In a snap Dante broke free from his bonds, chasing the three witches away with the final words, “The Harbinger for her.”
Tartarus was hell, in all senses of the world, with its fire-y pit and the dragon guarding the cells, it’s hissed words taunting her, drawing forth insecurities that remained well-buried for decades.
"The eldest, the forgotten, the misfit, the worthless one," the dragon intoned, yet the most piercing was the epithet, "Uncharmed." A creature deemed worthless, forever neglected.
She was a mere burden to her sisters; she was of no use to the all-powerful ‘charmed’ ones. Her depressing thoughts echoed within her being as her body was wracked with pain from the scorpion’s stings.
Her world slowly grew darker as she sook respite from the pain, yet even her dreams were filled with poison. She sent a silent prayer to whoever was listening, wishing her sisters would rescue her as she drifted into a fitful sleep.
Maggie’s hands shook as she handed the unassuming paint can to Dante. His ring crackled against the rim as he chuckled, “This is the Harbinger all right!”
As he moved to claim the paint-can, Maggie pulled it away, “First, you have something that is ours. Harry and our sister. Return them and the Harbinger is yours.”
“Fine,” Dante grunted as he unlocked the gates, “But I can’t guarantee they’ll be in…. mint condition though.”
She stumbled through the gate with Harry leaning heavily against her.
She felt like she could finally breathe as fresh air filled her lungs. Looking at her sisters’ tears welled in her eyes as she took a staggering step towards them. Maggie rushed forward first, hugging her sister. Her voice cracked with emotion as she mumbled, “Never do that again.”
Their sweet reunion was short-lived as a voice spoke aloud, “Oh what a sweet reunion!”
Their heads swiftly turned towards the entrance as they saw Alastair Cain. “Good evening, everyone. You have something that belongs to me.”
The workshop crackled with magic as Alastair unleashed fire with a mere flick of his wrist. She watched her sisters, huddled together, cowering, panicking, wondering what to do. Protectiveness flared within her as she slowly crawled from behind the cabinet, screaming, “Captus aqua. Captus terra. Captus aere. Captus ignis,” as a shield slowly formed around the fire-y demon.
“You think a measly shield will hold me, witch?” He spat in disgust as his flames grew more powerful with his anger. He unleashed more fire at the shield, till it formed tiny cracks.
She felt the strain on her magic as the demon ripped her shield down, layer-by-layer till she could feel him slowly break to the surface.
Turning to her sisters she tearfully said, “GO! Get out of here! I can’t hold him for much longer.”
“No! We’re not leaving you again,” Maggie said, desperation in her eyes.
“I’ll always be with you, Mags. All of you. Now go,” she said as she turned to the demon once more as he tore apart her magic with his flames. Her sisters dragged Harry out of the workshop quickly as she stared the demon down. She could almost feel the sweltering heat as he burned through the shield till there was nothing left.
She stumbled back from the force of his attack as he stepped towards her, his shoes echoing against the floor, “This. Is for your insolence,” he said, conjuring a ball of fire within his palm as he menacingly raised his hand. She closed her eyes, willing everything to end quickly as the thought crossed her mind, ‘At least my sisters are safe.’
She heard a scream in the distance as a violet light flashed behind her eyelids. She opened her eyes to see her sisters standing protectively before her as they conjured a shield with their collective powers, pushing against Alastair’s flames till he discorporated, escaping the Charmed ones.
They swiftly turned towards their eldest sister, huddling around her as she slumped against them, finally within the embrace of safety as she heard Mel whisper, “Thank you for protecting us.”
“Always,” echoed Macy and Maggie. She smiled slowly as her vision slowly darkened, the exhaustion and exertion of her powers caught up to her.
She awoke with a start, expecting to see the large green-eyed dragon yet she was pleasantly greeted with the familiar walls of her room. Her soft mattress sunk under her weight as she laid down once again, nuzzling into the sheets as her body relaxed.
“You’re up!” she heard a chirpy voice say from the door. She opened her eyes, seeing Maggie, her youngest sister, her favorite.
“Mags,” she whispered.
“I got you some hot chocolate. It’s in your favorite mug too!” she said excitedly as she approached the bed, carefully placing the cup of thick hot-chocolate on her bedside table. She sat on the bed, talking a moment to look at her sister before she broke the silence, “Never do anything like that ever again,” she said with a lump in her throat as tears welled into her eyes, “I wouldn’t know what to do if I lost you.”
She looked at her younger sister with affection as she slowly pulled her into a hug, softly reassuring her sister that she wouldn’t be parted from her, “Mags no one’s taking me away, not if I can help it. They’ll have to claw me out of your grasp before that ever happens,” she cuddled her sister closer as the two laid on her bed, reminiscing on their shenanigans while sipping hot chocolate. After a while Mel and Macy joined too, forming a small circle as they traded stories with each other, some exaggerated, some not and in that moment, wrapped in her comfortable blanket and enveloped in the comforting presence of her sisters she finally thought, ‘This is where I belong. This is home.’
Taglist: @iobsessoverfictionalmen
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freegrain · 4 months ago
thought about macigael recently and wow, it really was just me against the world
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 9 months ago
honestly macy has more chemistry with abigael than harry. let her be aspec or bi. please.
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terapsina · 2 years ago
glimpse of a lifetime - abimel fic
“She's kicking,” Mel let out a stunned smile and grabbed Maggie's hand. “Do you want to feel it?”
“I thought you hated people touching your stomach?"
“Random people who treat my stomach like it's a dog they want to pet," Mel said, voice filling with the irritation of one too many strangers on the street baby-talking over her baby-bump, oblivious to their brush with a near-death experience "you're my sister and I'm giving you permission."
Maggie let Mel guide her hand to her pregnant stomach, her curiosity momentarily overcoming the lingering weirdness of her sister’s temporally-displaced pregnancy. For a fraction of a second she felt nothing except the fullness of Mel’s belly, but then -- even as there was the tiny, precious movement of something beneath her touch -- the world whited out, replaced by the familiar sensation of an oncoming vision.
Maggie had time only to gulp in a deep breath of air before she was pulled under its wave.
Mel, dressed in black, dirt and sweat covering her from head to toe as she and someone else hid in an alley. Their face was concealed from sight by a side-sweep of straight, light brown hair and the shadows cast by the wall of the dank alley wall sheltering them. They were throwing a careful look around the corner.
“They’re coming,” the person whispered at a volume so low it wasn't identifiable, despite something familiar raising up a flashing light.
“We can make it,” Mel pleaded.
The other person’s shoulders tightened as they- as she whirled around and pulled Mel toward her into a short, desperate kiss.
Mel let out a torn sob against the lips kissing her own.
“I love you,” the woman said pulling back, finally revealing her face and its uncharacteristically vulnerable expression while keeping one hand on Mel’s cheek and the other over the swell of her stomach “I love you both. You know what you need to do, I’ll lead the Infected away.”
Maggie‘s eyes snapped open and she was left staring at Mel, feeling her jaw drop as the sensation of the vision drained into the present and she realized exactly what she’d just seen.
“What? Is something wrong? Did you see something?” Mel's brows furrowed in worry, her arms already protectively encircling her middle.
“No!” Maggie threw out with a pitched laugh, swallowing down the hysteria before Mel could notice it “I- I was just startled by the kick. I didn’t see anything.”
Right. Except for the person who was maybe- probably -- it was hard to misinterpret that agony she'd seen on future Mel's face -- the other mother to Mel’s future baby; and who looked suspiciously like the dethroned Demon Overlord whose future version had apparently lied to Maggie and Macy's faces -- just a part of Mel's Resistance her ass -- and had, not that long ago confessed her feelings for Maggie’s sister under the influence of a truth serum.
Oh god, Maggie was going to have to hear herself get called the Prancing Princess for the rest of her life.
"Macy?" she asked, feeling near ready to bite her nails -- which would be a crime against the perfect manicure she'd gotten done last week.
"Yeah? What's up?" Macy threw over her shoulder, busy going through pages of graphs containing science Maggie didn't even attempt to identify.
"What would you do if you knew something? Something that someone would probably really want to know, but you're not sure if it would be better to let them find out on their own. Or to not find out about it at all. Except they'd probably find out anyway because if it happened once it will probably happen anyway, even though you kinda find it a little insane. Though maybe not as insane as you would have once. And anyway, it's not like you want them not to know, because they definitely deserve to-"
"Maggie!" Macy interrupted her, her full attention on the conversation now. "Take a breath and tell me what's going on."
"IhadavisionandIthinkAbbyistheotherfuturebabymama." The information exploded from Maggie in one babbled breath of probably incoherent information.
"Sorry, run that by me one more time?"
"I had a vision, Mace. I'm pretty sure Abigael's the one who future Mel was going to have that baby with," she repeated herself, paraphrasing to sound a bit less like a crazy person.
"Oh," Macy blinked. "Well, she definitely left some stuff out when we asked her about Mel."
"Right?! That's what I was thinking. You'd think 'I'm your future sister-in-law' would be relevant information."
"I mean... she probably didn't want to accidentally erase that part of the future," Macy allowed with a slight shrug.
"But Mace, Abby's in London. And I think Mel's still sort of dating Ruby. What am I supposed to do with this information?"
"You had the vision for a reason."
"I know, it's just... it feels like I'd be putting my nose into Mel's personal, romantic business. I haven't really done that since I was like thirteen." Maggie threw herself dramatically into the armchair cushions, groaning into the hands now pressing against her closed eyelids. "And it's Abigael."
"You know she's changed, Mags." There was something nearly defensive in Macy's voice, something that Maggie had noticed had been revived after Abby returned Macy's fire magic. "And anyway, even from London she's been sending Mel whole mountain-loads of stuffed animals, and baby clothes for the past two months."
Neither one of them chose to mention the one time the gifts included a box of lingerie, that had promptly gotten slammed back shut and had made Mel's face turn into a very deep sort of red. Maggie knew they were both thinking about it though.
They shared a slight smirk.
"And she's been calling her like once a week," Maggie finally sighed instead, she'd also seen Mel's face light up whenever Abby's name lit up the screen of her cell. The telling look then always replaced with put-upon exasperation, and compressed amusement during the few times Maggie'd been around to listen to her sister’s half of those phone conversations. But Maggie knew what it looked like when her sister was fighting off feelings.
But this brought them back to how Mel was only sort of dating Ruby by now, and how even that was rapidly shrinking into an oncoming split that Maggie would be surprised to see last past the birth of the baby.
Even more so now.
She and Macy shared a look.
"We could probably have guessed where that's been heading," Macy admitted.
"I mean yeah, but I thought she'd at some point put the Demonic Drama Queen out of her misery and sleep with her, not magic up a daughter with her." Some of the initial hysteria reared up again.
Macy's face filled up with scientific curiosity. "Do you think that's what happened- will happen?"
"You think they used magic?"
"Well, not on purpose?" Maggie scrunched up her nose in thought. "Honestly, I've been thinking Mel probably came across some totem from one kind of fertility goddess or another and activated it on accident. Mel's too level-headed to try to get pregnant during a post-apocalyptic hellscape. Also, I don't think there were any convenient clinics open for artificial insemination."
"That's... a good point," Macy said and then looked at Maggie more pointedly. "You know you need to tell Mels what you saw."
Maggie groaned. "I know."
"So what did you want to talk to me about, Maggie?" Mel asked her.
"I know who the other mother to your baby is gonna be," Maggie said.
"I knew it," Mel exclaimed, eyes narrowing. "You did have a vision. Why didn't you say anything?"
Maggie opened her mouth. She closed it.
Macy poked her sharply on her side and thus left Maggie no choice except to poke Macy in retaliation, ignoring the judgemental stare from Mel, who had clearly been born to give out unimpressed Mom Stares. Mel was going to be a wonderful mother to their niece.
"It's Abigael," she said, finally.
"Excuse me?"
"Oh," Mel blinked, clearly trying to process, her face flushing and filling up with something Maggie found uncomfortably soft. The expression stayed for a lingering moment to be eclipsed by pained horror. "Oh, no."
"What?" Maggie worried suddenly about the likelihood of Abby having turned evil again somewhere within the past two days, since the last time Mel had needed her sisters' help to drag into the house and up the steps to the nursery one of the mailed gifts sent by the former Demon Overlord, this time the giant stuffed unicorn.
"She's going to be insufferable."
There was a whine in Mel's voice but Maggie didn’t miss the way her sister’s eyes seemed to gain a spark of something that was suspiciously very sappy and joyful.
Yeah, Maggie was going to have to resign herself to a lifetime of Perky Peanuts and Pushy Pistachios as her nicknames.
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bifairywife · 2 years ago
[sits down and sighs] this is karma, i can feel this is karma
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blank version of the meme under cut:
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reusedtvseriescostumes · 5 months ago
This red/dark blue apron is worn two times in Charmed , First worn on Rupert Evans as Harry Greenwood in Other Women (2018) and later worn on Madeleine Mantock as Macy Vaughn in Witch Perfect (2019)
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soldierandawar · 1 year ago
Abigael got the storyline that Macy should’ve gotten. Like, she was the SOURCE, and it lasted an episode. They basically brought the white lady in just to tell a story they could’ve told using one their main characters like???
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flywitchesfly · 1 year ago
So, I’m trying something new - if you are a fan of the 2018 Charmed reboot then you may enjoy my new discord server 💫
This is a place for CW Charmed fans to discuss the show, along with Charmed fan fiction and fan art.
We have polls, rewatch threads, events and ship specific channels 💕
You can also choose server roles specific to the show e.g. Witch, Whitelighter, Pixie or Demon.
Please click the link below if this is something that interests you!
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hikarielizabethbloom · 2 years ago
Every character at some point
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darkstar84 · 1 year ago
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Even though I also ship Abimel, this one had so much potential. There was such territory that could've been covered if they had went this route.
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thecrazywriter7182006 · 11 months ago
Warlock (Part 2)
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Percy walked up with Hunter “Defiling a grave wouldn’t be the first time” Percy looked at Hunter as he smoked into Trip Bailey’s grave.
Hunter and Percy posed as FBI agents and talked to Niko, they walked into the police station “The charmed ones girlfriend really?” Hunter smiled “What I didn’t choose who the girl is dating now get ready we need to found the elder’s witch blood” Percy looked at Hunter “Why not go after my parents” Hunter smiled “Your heart is full of arsenic god I don’t see why Parker left you now I have to call our boss and tell him what I found”
“Look at that, she’s on the move” Percy smiled “Get driving” as Hunter drove, Percy was on his phone scrolling through Parker’s social medias “Who’s this Lucy chick” Hunter rolled his eyes “Stalk later and wait I’ve got the DNA” Hunter went into the tiny shack and came out and got in the car and drove off.
Percy kept scrolling through Parker’s instagram “Perfect, he dumped the sorority chick” Hunter rolled his eyes “Focus on the task now follow me”
Percy was dressed as a nurse and leaned against the wall and scrolled through instagram, being extra careful to not like anything suddenly he heard fighting and ran into the room and saw Hunter frozen and he grabbed the extra syringe froze in mid air and walked over to Nico but suddenly he heard the charmed one call out to Harry and grabbed Hunter “No!”
Percy summoned his athame and threw it at the Charmed one but Harry stopped it and threw it at Percy and he teleported away.
Then he teleported back to Hunter but they weren’t at the hospital “Are you okay” Hunter pushed him away “Why didn’t you finish the job!” Percy looked at Hunter “I could have died! So no thanks I don’t want to die sorry but don’t worry we’ll get the job done” Hunter nodded.
Hunter and Percy were looking for a way to get inside the Charmed one’s house when suddenly a wave a magic shot out.
As Hunter and Percy opened their eyes they were confused “Who were we after and the elder blood” Hunter grabbed Percy and teleported them back to Alistair’s office.
Percy stood in the corner and stayed quiet as he can’t speak but he could tell Alistair pissed off Hunter.
Hunter pushed Percy on to the bed and placed a thing of gold “Payment” Percy smiled and got undressed and Hunter grabbed him and started to kiss him and slowly went down until he started rubbing Percy’s cock and Percy gasped and moaned and the Hunter flipped Percy over and pounded into him until he climaxed and since he’s a demon that took a while but that was fine because it was good for Percy.
“See I’m better at everything than Parker” Percy got up and grabbed the gold “You are better than Parker at a lot but screwing me isn’t one of them, your little brother knows what he’s doing better than you” Percy smirked as he teleported.
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cancerian-woman · 11 months ago
Mel never liked Macy…she has always viewed as an outsider by Mel tbh
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