#mac taking stabs in the dark until he figures out what fitz means
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melindacoulson4 · 8 years ago
Prompt please please for a short drabble where May rescues Coulson from drowning and saves his life when he isn't breathing and they finally kiss for real afterwards smut ensues
Trigger warning: (1) talk of knives/being cut, (2) drowning
Warning: Smut (under the cut)
A short drabble….hahaha.What does that mean.
“Okay Daisy, to your left,” she relays into the comm.She stares hard at the laptop screen in front of her, watching as a little blueSHIELD icon quickly moves across the screen.Her hand reaches towards her outstretched right leg, intending to massage themuscle. The calf muscle there has been twitching painfully for the last twenty minutes.The pain medicine that Simmons prescribed has been wearing off for a while now.Earlier, she had been able to ignore the ache with all of the excitement ofpreparing for this operation. But now, sitting in this chilly metal van all byherself, the leg wound was all she could think about. “Anything?” She asks Daisy. She waits for a couple of seconds, yet still receives no response. Only static. That means that the comms went down. This seemed to always happen. Thetechnology was not reliable at all, that’s why she prefers to be out in thefield where there were no delays, just real-life action. “Damn it,” she mutters as the whole screen flashes to black. After a moment, the map of the marina pops back up with blue, yellow, andpurple SHIELD icons. She studies the icons carefully. Something is different.There’s one less icon. Where’s Phil’s?“All teams check in,” she demands, driven solely by anxiousness. What the hell just happened?“Blue one, here.” Okay, that’s YoYo. “Blue two, here.” That’s Daisy. “Purple one, here.” Fitz.“Purple two, here.” Simmons. Now, it should be Phil checking in. But all she hears is silence among the comm. “Yellow one…check in,” she orders. The worry begins to grab a holdof her now. More static.“Hey Coulson, if you haven’t noticed that’s you,” Daisy jokes, alwaystrying to keep things light-hearted. Still, they receive not even a word from Coulson. “Yellow two, here,” Mac’s voice hits her ear. “I don’t have avisual on him.”“Does anyone have eyes on Coulson?” She asks, already knowing theanswer. “Coulson, come in,” she begs. They were currently chasing an inhuman named Henry Caine who has been creativelynamed The Lizard. This was due to his ability to blend in with anysurroundings. Technically, he should be named the chameleon, but the media hadalready made their choice after the first sighting. He was fast, dangerous, andrelatively invisible, which made her fear for what he could’ve possibly done toCoulson. “Coulson!” She calls again on the comms. That was his last chance. She can’t sit in here anymore with his life possiblyin danger. She sets the laptop to the side and scoots herself over to the vandoors, pushing them open. The pain in her leg intensifies at the suddenmovement. She slides herself out of the back and lands with both feet on the grass. She bites back a groan of pain. The stab wound would probably break open again,but she wasn’t going to let that stop her. “Damn it, Phil,” she mutters. Anger would help her push past theincreasing ball of anxiety in her stomach.“May, what are you doing?” Jemma asks through the comm. Melinda rolls her eyes. Of course, Jemma would somehow sense what she wasdoing. She was simply breaking the promise that Jemma had all but forced her tomake while she was good and drugged up in the SHIELD recovery bay. Oh well. She was first in line tocommand when Coulson was unavailable. So this is her command now. “He waslast on the dock. I’m going to look for him. Everyone else hold your positions.Keep looking for Caine,” she orders, her tone leaving no room forexceptions. Gritting her teeth, she pushes herself off of the van’s bumper and beginsrunning towards the dock. Well, if you could even consider what she was doingas running. It was more of a quick limp, hop, and then jog. If she would’vebeen sliced instead of stabbed this would all be much easier, but some jackasswatchdog had plunged a serrated knife into her calf almost down to the bone andthen ripped it back out. Jemma had told her she should be on bed rest for amonth, but that was never going to work anyway. Her boots pound on the wooden deck as she awkwardly shuffles around. If TheLizard was around here, he would definitely hear her coming. All she can hear is the rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the undersideof the boats. There are boats everywhere, impeding her line of sight in every direction. It’sgoing to take much longer than she anticipated to search this whole place forPhil. She unholsters her gun and points it in front of her as she reaches theend of the first row of boats.  A sudden crashing followed by yelling hits her ear through the comms.“He’s in blue territory!” comes YoYo’s breathless voice. “Tracking him now!” Daisy chimes in, after a moment. “Got it,” she responds. YoYo and Daisy could handle the inhuman. After rounding the hull of another boat, her toe catches on something. Sheglances down, thinking it may be something that could lead her to Phil, she’smerely met with a plastic bag. Damn it.She kicks it off and continues her sweep. “Phil!” She calls. Maybe ifhe figures out that she’s close, calling out to her would be made easier or hecould try to make some type of noise.“Phil!” She yells again. After ten minutes of nothing, she happens to pass a two passenger speed boatand spots something next to it in the water. She points her gun at it, only torealize that it’s a body floating face down in the lake. She knows that blackjacket and dark grey pants. Its Phil. 
He’s not moving. Her heart just about explodes at the sight. “Phil!” She screams, barely able to get the words out. Her hands drop the gun immediately and she dives into the water without hesitation. She pries her eyes open under the water and sees that she’s surrounded by murkygreen-tinted water. Luckily, Phil is a mere 10 feet away. She uses her arms topropel herself towards him. She tries to kick both of her legs, but the rightone is already burning with pain from the contact with water. Her hands reach for his arm as she breaks to the surface, sucking in a breathof air. She grips his jacket tightly in her hand as she flips his body over inthe water so his face is turned towards the sky. “Phil,” she calls to him shakily, hoping by some miracle that hewould respond. She begins pulling his body towards the dock, searching for a way to climb upand get him to safety. She prides herself on being strong, but hulling his bodywhile swimming with a less than perfect leg was difficult. Not to mention theway her nerves are lighting up all throughout her body. She can sense theshaking of her elbows and hands as she clutches onto his soaked jacket.Somehow, there’s a metal ladder hanging off the side of the speed boat and it’sjust within her reach. Her sopping wet clothes weigh her down as she tries to drag Phil up the ladderwith her. Her muscles burn with the effort, but she’s able to get him highenough that she can fall backwards into the boat and position him on top ofher. She moves onto her hands and knees and leans over his body, water drippingeverywhere around them. “Phil,” she calls hysterically. He hasn’t moved this whole time. Shelifts a hand to his face, slapping his cheek with no response. His face rollsto the side. He’s out cold. 
He’s not breathing.Her fingers pull his head over and tilt it back. She pries his mouth open andbends over his body, giving him a couple of rescue breaths. This is not how sheever imagined pressing her lips against his. His lips are blue and cold against her deep red ones. His face is white as asheet. Everything about him is lifeless. She pulls away and begins pressing the heels of her joined hands against hischest, giving him rapid compressions in quick succession. Still, no response from Phil. His body stays limp. No. No. No. No. No. She won’t let him go. She won’t!Especially like this. Her teeth chatter along with her shaky arms caused by the combination of thecrisp air and the adrenaline beginning to wear off. Time for another rescue breath. Sheleans over and covers his mouth, blowing a deep breath of air into his lungs. She feels a rumble underneath her palms on his abdomen. Pulling away quickly,she stares in shock as his eyes pop open. He sits up quickly and turns away from her, beginning to cough roughly. She watches, stunned, as he spits up fluid, his shoulders shaking with theeffort. Her hand wraps around his bicep and squeezes lightly, hoping to comfort him andlet him know that she’s here with him. “Phil…are you…okay?” She asks, voice quivering with emotion. He turns back around and pulls himself into a sitting position, still breathingheavily. “Melinda,” he wheezes. She trails her hand down the length of his arm and grabs a hold of his hand,squeezing tightly. “You’re okay,” she reassures him. At the sametime, she’s also reassuring herself. She tampers down the instinct to ask him what happened. She would ask himlater. Right now, he should be focusing on his breathing. “Simmons, get up here,” she says. It’s only after the words leave hermouth that she realizes that her comm device must’ve fallen out. She didn’teven think to take it out before jumping in the water. Her hand searches in her jacket pocket and pulls out her phone. Now soaked andruined. She can’t even call for help. Before she can begin to freak out, she hears the pounding of multiple sets offootsteps on the dock. Fuck. She doesnot need that inhuman around here right now. She scoots herself in front of Phil, preparing herself to protect him at allcosts. That is, until she sees a clearly rattled Daisy leading a flusteredFitzsimmons with a concerned YoYo and Mac pulling up the rear. “Oh my god,” Daisy comments, eyes growing wide as she spots them.They probably look pathetic, huddled together, shivering, and wet. Simmons pushes past Daisy and runs right up to Melinda, grabbing a hold of herleg. “May…What-“ She shakes her head at Simmons. "Check Coulson. I had to give himCPR.”Simmons nods and moves away from Melinda’s leg over to Phil. Melinda sits there trying not to move an inch, the pain from her leg nowincessantly throbbing. Her eyes squeeze shut in agony. She’s startled as arms surround her on both sides. As she opens her eyes, sherealizes its Daisy and YoYo helping her to stand up. “Come on,” Daisy encourages her gently.She opens her mouth to object, wanting them to worry about Phil first, but YoYobeats her to it. “Mac and Fitz have your guy,” YoYo comments with asparkle of humor in her eyes. Melinda turns her head to see Mac and Fitz hoisting Phil’s dripping form up.Simmons is touching Phil’s face and prying his eyelids open, checking him over.He doesn’t seem too fazed by it. He’s obviously much too exhausted to object.
After a much needed hot shower and check-up by Simmons she gets the okay toleave medical. Simmons had fussed over her reopened wound and the possibilityof infection from the “infested microbial waters”. The downside to being released was not the thick layers of bandaging around hercalf, oh no, it was the crutches that she now has to use for the foreseeablefuture. The plus side: she gets to finally check on Phil. She limps with the metal crutches digging into her armpits after each step. Ugh, they were already pissing her off.She’ll ditch them in a couple of days. She reaches the room that Simmons told her Phil was in and pushes the dooropen. There, she sees him sitting on the edge of the hospital bed with his legshanging off of the side. A blanket is wrapped around his shoulders.Immediately, she notices that his face is grim with displeasure. She knows thathe hates hospitals or anything to do with them. It brings back memories of hisfather’s heart attack and subsequent death due to surgical complications. He looks over to her and flashes her a small smile. Slowly, yet steadily she hobbles her way over to his bed intending to stand infront of him. To her surprise, he pats the empty space next to him, invitingher to sit. Probably just because of the crutches, she tells herself. She lowers herself onto the mattress, leaving about two feet of space between them. “So?” She asks him. He sighs. “Just doing some tests, then I should be good to go. Jemma justwants to make sure.”She nods. Okay good. Nothing major iswrong with him. He’s okay. She can finally breathe easily again. She catches him staring at the white gauze around her calf muscle.
“Your leg…”“It’s fine,” she dismisses. And truly it is. It’s cleaned up and shehas pain medicine now, so it’s fine. She can still spy the guilt in his eyes.“I made it worse,” he says. She stops him before he can continue to blame himself. “Phil, its fine. Iwouldn’t tell you its fine if it wasn’t. You know that. Besides, you’re the onethat stopped breathing today. I care that you’re okay.” Her hand reachesout and rests against his thigh. His eyes stare at her hand as if it was burning him. Just as she thinks aboutremoving it, one of his own much larger ones covers it. This time, his skin iswarm rather than ice cold from the lake. It’s everything she wants at the moment. Just touching him was comforting.Feeling his skin, knowing that he’s alive and breathing was all the reassurancethat she needed. She glances up and realizes that he’s staring right back at her. Their eyeslock and something shifts something that wasn’t there before today. Her brainbegins focusing on his lips. How they were so blue with the lack of oxygen. Howthey were dull and lifeless against her own earlier today. She can’t help butflicker her gaze down to see what they look like now. They’re colored with adeep pinkish-red hue. She wonders how they would feel now. If she leaned inand-A bang startles her, she pulls away from Phil and turns to see Daisy’sapproaching figure. “Hey, I just wanted to see how you were. You too, May,” Daisy says,blissfully unaware of what she had just interrupted. As Melinda sits there, quietly enjoying Phil and Daisy’s company she finallyrealizes what that shifting feeling between her and Phil was. Worry. Worry, that they were running out oftime. 
Water. Fear.No oxygen.Darkness. She pulls him out. Tries desperately to revive him. It doesn’t work. He’s dead. Phil’s dead. Her mouth opens wide, trying desperately to suck air into her lungs. She sitsup wildly in bed, gasping. It was just a dream. More like a nightmare, but itdoesn’t matter what she calls it. What matters is that it wasn’t real. Phil isalive. She saved him. She got to him in time. So why couldn’t she catch her breath? He’s safe, but her mind is plagued with regret. She can’t stop thinking aboutall of the things that could have gone wrong. He could’ve died had shehesitated or stayed in the van. She could’ve lost him. She almost did. Why did they keep wasting so much time?How could she have just sat there in that recovery room and not told him howmuch he means to her? Does he even realize how much she loves him?What if he would’ve died never knowing?Her chest feels tight again. Tears roll down her cheeks that she quickly swipesaway. Tomorrow she would tell-A quick tapping at her door interrupts her thoughts. Her head snaps to the clock at her bedside table: 3:06 a.m.It’s either an emergency or its Phil. She scoots herself off of the bed and hobbles over to the door on one foot. Shedoesn’t feel like using the crutches right now. She pulls the door open and sees that it is in fact Phil. Good. She couldn’t deal with another crisis right now. He’s in a plain grey SHIELD t-shirt and blue cotton sleep pants. He’s exhaustedshe can tell. His squinty eyes have dark circles under them. “I was hoping thatyou weren’t asleep,“ he comments. She leans against the door frame for support. "Can’t sleep. I keepthinking about what ifs. Again,” she whispers.That was bold. She hadn’t expected to even tell him that. But she was just sotired of hiding it. He nods solemnly. “Another close call. Too close. But lucky for me, youwere there,” he says, softly. "May,“ he pauses, smilingslightly. "Melinda. I….I’m just going to say this and I hope it doesn’tmake you uncomfortable or hate me but….I can’t keep it in anymore.”Her abdominal muscles tighten at his words and suddenly she wants to throw up.She swallows, then says, “okay.” She meets his gaze. The seriousnesswithin his eyes startles her. Her hand reaches for the door frame and squeezes,bracing for what he’s about to say. He moves a little bit closer to her face. “I want you,” he confesses,voice husky and deeper than she’s ever heard. It’s obvious what he means. What elsecould he mean by that…nothing. He wants her. Oh god. Yes. His pupils are blown wide, another confirmation. She leans in, but can’t get up high enough to kiss him. He’s going to have tomeet her halfway. Like everything else that they do. And finally, he does meet her, leaning down and capturing her lips. She feels his hand cup her face, pulling her even closer. The kiss is nice. Hislips are soft and steady against her own. They stay still like that, revelingin the moment. It’s warm and comforting, at first. Then, it turns into pure passion. His fingers thread through her hair, trailing down to press against the nape ofher neck. His other hand reaches for her hip, pulling her body flush againsthis. Everything is touching now. Their boundaries have now flown out thewindow. She can feel the tight muscles from his thighs against her own legs andhips. Her breasts are now flush against his torso. She’s wearing no bra and hernipples harden at the strength of his hands cradling her against him. He tilts his head as he opens his mouth and presses his tongue against herlips. Her jaw drops open and he pushes his tongue in. She moves her own againsthis and it becomes a silent duel like everything else between them. Up until now, she had been too shocked to act. Her hands are squished under herbreasts, but now she turns them, grabs onto his t-shirt, and drags his bodyforward. They have to move this out of the hallway. She does not want to give anyone ashow tonight. He barely reacts, just follows as she drags him into the room and then he’ssomehow able to swing the door shut with his foot. He does this all withoutbreaking the kiss. She momentarily forgets about her leg wound as she’s backing up and loses herbalance. She falls backwards while pulling Phil with her. Luckily, her bed isright there to catch her. Her back hits the mattress as Phil’s body falls ontop of hers. They both land with a surprised oofin a tangle of limbs. His weight is now fully pressed against her own. And shecan feel his hardness against her stomach. She bites her lip in response. She looks up at him and finds him alreadystaring at her. “Melinda..,” he says, completely serious. “Do you wantthis?”She swallows hard. They are really doing this. “Yes,” she responds. He grins, then leans down and captures her lips again. His hands now caress theexposed skin of her abdomen. The rough surface of his palms the perfectopposite to her smooth skin. She wraps both of her arms around his neck, her elbows resting on his shoulderblades. She presses her hands to the back of his head and uses her nails toscratch his scalp. At first, she’s unsure if he likes it, but shortly after starting he lets out adeep groan of pleasure. He pulls his mouth away from her own. Then, begins trailing his lips down thelength of her neck, lighting a fire as he goes. He stops at her pulse point andsucks a little harder causing her to gasp. Her eyes flutter closed at thestrong sensation. Her breathing increases as he begins moving down again. She can feel thewetness pooling between her thighs already. God, she wants him. He pauses at her breasts. She thinks he’s going to give them attention until helowers his face to her chest and begins moving again, teasing her. He movesdown quickly, then stops at the end of her shirt. Each of his hands grip thesides of her shirt and pull up. The material moves from her hips, over herstomach, breasts, chest, and then stops at her underarms.He moves his hands towards her own, which are now resting at her sides. Hegrips her wrists and guides her hands up above her head, successfully pullingthe shirt off. She’s topless now. His eyes focus on her nipples and his mouth soon follows. He lightly runs his tongue over her right nipple. The wetness and tip of histongue teases her into full peak. He presses his open mouth against it andbreaths hot air over her. She shivers in response. Her back arches off of thebed to get even closer to his mouth. She needs him everywhere now. He pulls away and moves over to her other breast, giving it the same attention. Her hands grip tightly at the bed sheets until she realizes that she could besqueezing Phil. He’s a little too clothed at the moment. She cups his jaw in her palm and pullslightly, signaling him to move away. “Shirt off,” she orders. She would pull it off of him, but she’s so ready for him to be naked that shereally doesn’t care who is responsible. His weight moves off of her as he tugs the shirt over his head and all she canthink of is how much she wants him on top of her again. He’s shirtless now, just as exposed as she is. Her eyes are drawn to the scarfrom the battle of New York. It’s red and raised just over his sternum. It’sexactly as she remembers it was from before, but now she is free to touch ithowever she wants. They had been building their trust of one another since thatday in his office. She reaches out and lightly caresses it. It’s rough with uneven scar tissue,but she doesn’t care. It’s a part of him and it saved his life, so she lovesit. She can feel his rapid heartbeat underneath his skin and notices that he isn’tmeeting her eyes. He’s nervous about how she’ll react to the scar, sherealizes.“Phil,” she calls. His eyes are slow to meet hers. She feels a burst of emotion. “I love you,” she confesses. She’s onher back. He’s leaning over her. They’re both shirtless, about to have sex. Ifthey’re going to do this, then they’re doing it the right way. No more secretsor regrets. She would be a fool not to tell him now. His eyes widen almost imperceptibly, then dart all over her face searching forsomething. He laughs, but quickly covers it up. “Sorry…..I. I just can’tbelieve this is real. That I’m not dreaming. I just- I’m happy,” hepauses, swallowing. “I love you,” he says completely serious again. Her heart pounds in response. He loves her. She is in love with Phil Coulsonand he with her. Finally. She wraps a hand around the back of his neck and pulls him down. She wants hisbare chest against her own. And his lips pressed against hers. He’s warm and solid against her. It feels fantastic. She kisses him with everything that she has, wanting to get as close aspossible. His hips press against her again and he’s even harder thanbefore. They’re both panting with anticipation now. She doesn’t think that they can wait any longer. They’re ready. Her hands grip onto the waistband of his pants and boxers. He instinctivelylifts his hips, creating enough space for her to yank the pants off. When he rolls off of her, kicking the rest of his pants off she decides tosurprise him by shedding her own leggings and underwear. It proves to be alittle more difficult than expected when she has to take her time pulling thestretchy material around the bandage on her calf. But, she’s able to get it offbefore he even turns around.  Now, they’re both completely bare. No boundaries between them. Condom. She flips her body around andscoots towards her bedside table, opening the drawer and finding one of thescattered packets that she knows are in there. She’s had those in there for awhile. It was always better to be prepared, just in case. She jumps in surprise at the hands around her waist. She didn’t think he waspaying attention to her yet. But apparently, he was. He helps her move back towards the middle of the bed and turns her around, sothat they’re facing each other. His hand finds her own and takes the little packet, ripping it open and pullingthe latex out. She finally glances down to get a look at him. His penis is fully aroused,hard, and ready. He’s a little bigger than the average length, which is good.Not some small thing that she wouldn’t be able to ride at some point. Thatwould’ve been disappointing. He rolls the condom on with a small grown at his own touch. The sound goesright to her core. She feels a rush of wetness in anticipation. She lies back, completely flat against the bed and spreads her legs for him.The sheets are a welcome cool contrast against her burning skin. He shuffles over, kind of in an endearingly awkward way and grips himself,pausing at her entrance. “Ready?” He asks. Of course! She’s been ready for overtwenty years. “Yes. I need you,” she begs. The hand that he doesn’t currently have poised at her entrance lands on herthigh and spreads her even wider. His tip teases her entrance oh so slowly. He moves, stretching her, allowingher muscles to conform to his shape. He pauses when he is in all the way. Phil’s hips are fully pressed against herown. They are joined in every way. He bends over her and leans down, kissing her lightly. She can tell this is probably torture for him. His eyes are already squeezingshut trying to get a hold of himself. Her muscles begin twitching, so she bucks her hips into his without warningsignaling him to move.  He lets out a deep guttural uhhhh inher ear in response. And then, it begins and she’s floating on cloud nine. He isn’t slow or gentle;he sets a bruising pace. It’s all fueled by passion and years of built uptension.
He pulls out almost all the way and then slams back in. A loud moan escapes her previously closed lips. Shit. She has to stay quiet. It’s the middle of the night and theyare on base with other agents around. He continues the pattern of moving out almost as if he’s going to stop but thenhe slams back in even harder than the previous times. She moans each time, which seems to drive him on.She closes her legs tightly around him and tries to squeeze him while he’sinside of her. “Oh uhh mm-Melinda,” he gasps, face pressing against the sheets overher shoulder.They’re burning up in both temperature and desire. He speeds up his thrusts, clearly close to coming. Thankfully, she is too. They’re both groaning and panting at the sensations. Suddenly, she feels one of his hands under her right leg as he bends and liftsit, cradling it against his hip. This changes his angle and somehow he’s able to move his body on top of herseven more. This way, his length hits her clit with every thrust. She can’t take much more. “Oh god, Phil. I’m so close,” she moans. He gives three more powerful thrusts and she comes, muscles twitching all atonce. He follows her, shuddering to a halt over top of her and groaning as he comes.They both collapse in exhaustion and pleasure, trying to catch their breath. Being with him was definitely worththe wait. 
//end//Hope this was what you wanted anon
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