#luxuria's family
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vauslogia · 18 days ago
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💛💛💛💛Everyone from February 14th!💛💛💛💛 I barely made it... Finally, I realized a long-held idea and drew one of my most favorite couples — consul persigal Sayor-Bias and journalist Marty-El, however, with a very sad story. Due to Bias's racial prejudice and pride, they never confessed to each other until the consul's brother Luxurias killed Sayor. I can say that according to the plot, this couple will still be together only in the next life, so TAKE CARE OF YOUR SOULMATE AND DON'T BE AFRAID TO TALK ABOUT SINCERE FEELINGS! As I wrote earlier in my posts, Bias is a white Persian, consul and head of the family. He had four quaestors who, in their interpretation, carried his will through the centuries. He was the firstborn and the first among his brethren to die. Romantic illustrations of Sayor and the dragon Mary-El are NOT CANON! Rather, I like to imagine what would have happened if Bias hadn't died in battle with his brother. I have three endings with these two, and all of them are sad, the only difference is that in the third ending they still slept together, pa-ha-ha-ha. (I'm SO TIRED OF DRAWING THEM, I'M SORRY, IT's been 2 days.)
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Gabriel Engélēck (He/Him) Anabelle Engélēck (She/Her) Pix Engélēck (They/Them) PD / Plague Doktöre (They/Them) Equinox Doktöre (He/Him) Rhys Ryder (He/Him) Marigold (She/They) Dynamite Therilomide (He/Him) Hunny (He/They/It) Elith Feinsuk (He/They) Night Shadious (She/Her) Maxwell Abrel Saint (He/Him) Cecil Edwards II (He/Him) Simon (He/Him) Vasilis Rex (He/They) Atticus Eques (They/He) Umbri Azzagin (He/Him) Keith (They/He) Robert (He/They/She) Neo Shadious-Scailiterx (He/Him) Oliver (He/Him) Elias (He/Him) Amadeus Misanthro (He/Him) Edgar Von Scailiterx (He/Him) Arlo Pheyter (He/Him) Zoe (She/They) Miles Smiles (He/Him) Charlie Discordia (He/Him) Molly (She/They) August (She/Her) June (She/Her/It) Millie Ryder (She/Her) Delia Ursinia Ireztible (She/Her) Katia Trujtmen (She/They/He) Elara Carpo (She/Her)
Io (She/Her) Kalyke (Any/All) █████ / Juniper (They/He [But he in the way you refer to an inanimate object]) Jack (He/They) Tarr (They/Them) UE-405 (He/Him) CB-P4 (Any/All) Box (He/They) Zarion (They/Them) FR-1 (They, but in the plural) Dènyre Doktöre (He/They) Dr Spencer (He/They) Dreamwalker (They/Them/Her) Tethys Enceladus (He/They) Axel Crow-Lexi (They/Them/Xey/Xem) Volt (He/They) Voltage (He/They) Themisto (She/Her) Europa Valeanteyn (He/Her) Imra (She/Her) Joseph (He/They) Mozze (They/Them) Supernova (She/Her) Candycorn (She/Her) Slinky (She/Her) Twinkie (He/Him) Arach (He/They) Harpalyke (He/Him) Party (They/Them) Laplace (They/Them) Earthworm (They/Them)
Lunar (She/Her/They) Sol (She/Her/They) Tempus Core (He/Him) Eclipse (He/They) Zîztiǚr (She/They) Yusuf (He/They) Abaddon (He/They) Firacious (She/Her) Leioar (He/Him) Sanguis (She/Her) Fenix (She/Her) Aquila (He/Him) Galaxia (She/Her) Pavo Naos (They/Them) Miss Match (She/Her) Cupid (He/She) Izaiah (He/They) Alia Kazam (She/They) Thea (She/Her) Jinx (She/Her) Luciferus (They/Them) Libidine Eros (She/Her) Father Time (He/Him) Waandereluzt (He/They) Leviathan Baal Core (demi-god) (He/Him) Apollyon Chemosh Core (demi-god) (He/Him)
Ivanushka (He/Him) Bobo (Clown/Entertainer) (She/Her) Mister Match (He/Him) Nila (She/Her) Nys (He/Him) Asal (He/Him) Uru (They/Them)
Grezdor (He/Him/They/Des) Superbia (She/Her) Rex (He/Him) Acedia (He/They) Luxuria (Any/All) Margia (She/Her) Invidia (She/Her)
Marlow Mabery (She/Her) Craz Zolferzintine (He/Him) Beryl Paam (He/Him) Adamaris (She/Her) Checky (He/Him) Inix (He/Him) Obsidian Equon (He/Him) Onyx (Any/All) Pyrite (They/Them) Hex Arragotea (He/They) Hypnos (He/Him) Jackpot Purreyze (He/Him)
Tägeôf (Any/All) Osmoday (Any/All) Zerafus (He/They) Callisto (He/Him) Zane (He/Him) Tammy (He/Him) Negativity (He/They/She) Celest (She/Her) Moses (He/They) Adrastea (They/Them) Dayl (They/Them) K. Kobra (He/Him) H.B (They/Them) Gulosity (They/Them) Angelus (They/Them) Beezle (He/Him) Yvel (He/Him)
Positivity (They/Them) Maroth (They/Them) Zeim (They/Them) Azrael (He/They)
Artemis (They/Them) Apollo (He/Him) Ringmaster (She/Her) Vacia (They/She) Kree (They/It) Razz (She/Her) Dazz (He/Him) Zibjik (He/They)
Ganymede (He/Him) Dione (She/Her) Dolly/Ashes (She/Her) Izzy (She/It/They + any neos you wanna apply) Astral (He/They) Remy (He/They)
Valetudo (It/They/He)
Mimic (Depends on Mimic) Mymk (Depends on Mymk) Shrieker (Depends on Shrieker) Smoko (Depends on Smoko)
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arosesstorm · 1 year ago
BTS as the seven deadly sins ♛
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Superbia (pride, hubris)
↳ Pride is defined by Merriam-Webster as "reasonable self-esteem" or "confidence and satisfaction in oneself". [1]Oxford defines it as "the quality of having an excessively high opinion of oneself or one's own importance." [2] Pride may be related to one's own abilities or achievements, positive characteristics of friends or family, or one's country. Richard Taylor defined pride as "the justified love of oneself",[3] as opposed to false pride or narcissism. Similarly, St. Augustine defined it as "the love of one's own excellence",[4] and Meher Baba called it "the specific feeling through which egoism manifests."
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Acedia (sloth)
↳ Sloth is one of the seven deadly sins in Catholic teachings. It is the most difficult sin to define and credit as sin, since it refers to an assortment of ideas, dating from antiquity and including mental, spiritual, pathological, and physical states. [1] One definition is a habitual disinclination to exertion, or laziness. [2] Views concerning the virtue of work to support society and further God's plan suggest that through inactivity, one invites sin: "For Satan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do." ("Against Idleness and Mischief" by Isaac Watts).
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Avaritia (avarice/greed)
↳ Greed (or avarice) is an insatiable desire for material gain (be it food, money, land, or animate/inanimate possessions) or social value, such as status, or power. Greed has been identified as undesirable throughout known human history because it creates behavior-conflict between personal and social goals.
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Invidia (envy)
↳ Envy is an emotion which occurs when a person lacks another's quality, skill, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it. [1] Aristotle defined envy as pain at the sight of another's good fortune, stirred by "those who have what we ought to have". [2] Bertrand Russell said that envy was one of the most potent causes of unhappiness. [3]Recent research considered the conditions under which it occurs, how people deal with it, and whether it can inspire people to emulate those they envy.
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Ira (wrath)
↳ Anger, also known as wrath or rage, is an intense emotional state involving a strong uncomfortable and non-cooperative response to a perceived provocation, hurt or threat.
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Luxuria (lust, fornication)
↳ Lust is a psychological force producing intense desire for something, or circumstance while already having a significant amount of the desired object. Lust can take any form such as the lust for sexuality (see libido), money, or power. It can take such mundane forms as the lust for food (see gluttony) as distinct from the need for food or lust for redolence, when one is lusting for a particular smell that brings back memories. It is similar to but distinguished from passion, in that passion propels individuals to achieve benevolent goals whilst lust does not.
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Gula (gluttony)
↳ Gluttony (Latin: gula, derived from the Latin gluttire meaning "to gulp down or swallow") means over-indulgence and over-consumption of food or drink. In Christianity, it is considered a sin if the excessive desire for food causes it to be withheld from the needy. [1] Some Christian denominations consider gluttony one of the seven deadly sins.
source -> here
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© 2023 of Mia (arosesstorm). All Rights Reserved.
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vampirecatprince · 1 year ago
So, on the surface, the setting is near identical to modern life Earth, but there's little cultural differences so...
It's Time To Infodump about The History of Hell!
(and also how surnames work in Hell bc I'm a nerd)
So in Hell, human inventions have been slowly filtering in over the millennia but historically, it was all the Goetic princes ruling, largely due to the fact they were simply physically strong enough to hold their title, thus all the more powerful Old Guard being so physically massive. For example; Furfur, Lucifer, and Satan are all around 7' tall before horns. Asmodeus and Behemoth are almost 8'. Your average demon is just... human sized. But, The Old Guard is basically as physically large as possible before their bodies just aren't able to support their own weight and mass anymore.
But- due to the slow trickle of human technology coming in over time plus the sudden Western Industrial Revolution creating a lot of very advanced weaponry (and just enough technologically savvy human born demons remembering enough of their past), there was a civil war because a lot of demons suddenly had the strength via technology to even the playing field. And during that period a lot of The Old Guard went missing or were killed, creating a power vacuum that was eventually filled by The New Goetic Lords and their more modern domains, like Mr Belfry and his city sized theme park based off his cartoons, or Callafia and her Manhattan sized Vegas style casino.
Also- over time, it became common or trendy to give your child a powerful name like one of The Old Guard, often times adjusted or shortened in cute ways. That's why Asmo is named Asmo. It's like naming a kid Arthur or Kennedy. (Yes- I knew someone with the first name Kennedy growing up ) Bill also sometimes gets mistaken as Bael because of this. (Nah, he's not William, he's not Will, he's not even Bael. Nope, he's cursed with just... Bill.)
But- all this lead me to thinking about how would last names work in Hell and how surnames call back oftentimes to old alliances or occupations.
So in Hell- you basically have a title.
It started off with which house of which Prince (and thus which sin) you were in alliance with as well as anyone notable that you might be related to and any notable things that you have done. But- with the loss of the feudal structure in hell, over time it's evolved into an identity marker. You still put the sin you feel the closest affiliation with, but you can also put familial associations (chosen or not, it's up to you), accomplishments that you're proud of, history that you feel you need to emphasize, things like that. (It's actually quite suspicious if someone doesn't have some sort of affiliation in their title.)
So- for example, at the start of the game Asmo's full name is Asmo, Domain of Acedia, Guitarist, Heir of the House of Mr. Peltz. (His endgame title has spoilers, so NOPE) Valentine's full demon name is originally Party Valentine, Human Born, Domain of Luxuria, Drummer of The House of Belfry. And it's actually a point of characterization that Bill refuses to put his affiliation with Callafia's casino, The Amazonian, in his name, so he's just Bill, Domain of Ira. Vergil is Vergil, Domain of Invidia, Guide of the House of Behemoth.
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beckthetyphlosion · 3 months ago
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Notes by Cheryl R. Bennett and Josh Montgomery
Creation number 6: Toby
Embodiment of Luxuria/Passion/Vengeance/anxiety
(1) A curious case amongst the entities. Possibly one of two document cases of human to creature phenomenon.
Retrieving Toby's life history is proving challenging; available evidence indicates a possible history of abuse by family members or multiple individuals. When questioned about this matter, Toby appears to have significant memory.
(2) approximately 30 years of age.
(3) Analysis indicates a strong bond between Toby and Slenderman, as evidenced by Toby's consistent close proximity. Evidence suggests Slenderman was accompanied by two others, Masky and Hoodie, who were subsequently neutralized by Toby. possible jealousy suspected.
(4) While embodying luxuria, his primary focus is on protective and maternal instincts, particularly toward the Children of the Underrealm. He displays a kind, gentle, and almost loving demeanor, similar to the Ire Embodiment.
(5) Among the embodiments, excluding the SeedEater, Toby is generally regarded as the least powerful. Historical data suggests a progressive increase in power with each successive creation. Despite this, the Underrealm maintains a high level of respect for him.
(6) Per Zalgo's orders, Toby exhibits a significant personality alteration, shifting from empathetic to ruthless and sadistic. He possesses four axes—two drawn, two in sheaths—and his equipment suggests advanced combat training. His remarkable agility makes him a highly effective and seemingly insurmountable threat. He demonstrates exceptional hunting skills, utilizing highly effective and, at times, graphic lure techniques. Post-hunt reports are detailed and descriptive. His stated goal is to procure souls for his deity. He presents himself as a powerful and... insatiable predator. A truly dominant force.
(7) The subject demonstrates a preference for targeting male individuals. Following the elimination of a target, pyrokinetic abilities are consistently observed. Instances of carnivorous behavior are relatively rare.
(8) A persistent and pronounced odor of fire is detected on the individual. Additionally, the subject displays an absence of pain response to inflicted injuries, which is a significant observation consistent with congenital analgesia.
(9) Infernapyrotechnic dance performances are occasionally conducted at his forest residence, sometimes accompanied by an evocative melody. Forest fires are a subsequent occurrence.
"سأكون إلهتك. رغبتك البدائية. ملاذك. أشعلوا النار في أرواحنا فقط دعني أكون، كل ما تتوق إليه. اطلب مني تقبيلك سأكون شجاعاً صرخ اسمك، مع العاطفة اللهب."
(10) The patient's speech exhibits documented irregularities, particularly during episodes of significant stress and anxiety. During these periods, noticeable clicking sounds have been observed, indicating a need for further investigation through audio recording. Additionally, instances of self-harm have been reported during times of elevated stress.
John and I aim to observe, learn, and respond appropriately; we mean no harm.
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drakelascivachasity · 6 months ago
Luxurian Fables: The Nohr Princess
Rozabella was once a princess from a far off land that's in conflict with another.
A hero choses the enemy over her family's kingdom. She vows to kill the enemy for taking them away.
The war leads to a secret passage.
Some say the hero chose her family's kingdom… or that the hero didn't chose at all.
What mattered was that she fought and fell in battle with ruins collapsing all around her.
But with the remaining light, a silhouette of a dragon stood before the princess…
The dragon then became a succubus, the goddess Lasciva. She reached out to the princess who reach out in turn with a gash over her chest and cuts on her limbs.
"Please… Help me." The Princess begged.
As Lasicva grabbed her hand and the halls collapse, she whisked her away.
The Princess of the land called Nohr is now in a realm called Luxuria. She is given news of the war she fought in was now over, but she is reported dead.
This hurt the princess and didn't know who to blame and what to do now.
Then the Goddess treated her wounds out of pity.
Lasciva gave the princess a home in Luxuria and a place to study. The princesss had an affinity for drakes and was able to save them from extinction. This princess then became a scholar, she took on the name Rozabella and become a regent of Luxuria in her name.
Rozabella will never forget the kindess Lasciva gave her, but she will never forget Nohr and who she once was.
But she will accept this new life.
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soraeia · 2 years ago
The Dominions of The Seven Deadly Sins
The Dominions are a class of seven eight individuals who have been granted embodiment(further explanation later) as well as leadership and supremacy over other creatures and lands existing within the domains of their respective Sin. Thus, the Dominion demons themselves rank just below the imperials(or imperium, a class reserved specifically for Hell's ruling family).
Wrath - Ira, Lord Ira/Wrath, Damian d' Ira
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Name: Damian Havencor Up until Lyall, he has been the only Dominion known to have once been human. A part of the "dead race", as those who look down upon mortal-turned-demons would call them.
Lust - Luxuria, Lord Luxuria/Lust, Savane de Luxuria
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Name: Savane Soresi He is in serious financial debt to Greed (and Wrath, much to his chargin) due to his excessive spending.
Pride - Superbia, Lord/Lady Superbia/Pride
Names: ??? The anomaly. Only one individual at a time is ever allowed to hold a Dominion Sin title, yet somehow an ancient demoness and her newly wed headless husband has made it possible.
Greed - Avaritia, Lord Avaritia/Greed, Avar, Hyland d' Avaritia
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Name: Hyland (but he does Not like being called by that) Perhaps the quietest among the Dominions, mostly minding his own business as he builds and builds a wealth he is never satisfied with. Also has a small daughter named Paperclip. Yes. Paperclip.
Gluttony - Gula, Lord Gula/Gluttony, Little Lord
An actual 600-year old child. He has others who help him do his job while he just runs off to do what he wants. Attaches to an individual he will refer to as "mama" every other century before he eats them.
Sloth - Acedia, Lady Acedia/Sloth, Cia
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Name: ??? The most dormant yet most powerful Dominion if woken into a frenzy. Sleeping near 80% of the time, and when not sleeping she's attached to her mate like a cape.
Envy - Invidia, Lord Invidia/Envy, Lyall d' Invidia
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Name: Lyall L. Merlow The youngest and newest Dominion, and also the younger brother of Allisae and Avelan from their time as mortals. Has no idea what is happening. Is a mess. Probably also needs help doing his job because just wants to go back to his mom but he isn't allowed to leave---
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my-romance-library · 1 year ago
'Luxuria' (Shades of Sin #1) - Colette Rhodes
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Ophelia has a dirty secret.
Well, it’s not really a secret anymore.
Ophelia was born into a family of Hunters, tasked with protecting the humans from the creatures of the night who feast on their fear.
Except Ophelia always found the idea of monsters kind of intriguing. She even made the grave sin of committing some X-rated monster thoughts to paper—which in hindsight may not have been the best idea because her parents were mortified—but you live and learn. Well, everyone finds out your secret, you get banished from society, and then you learn.
But the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity Ophelia has been waiting for to make good on some of those fantasies has arrived. The King of Shades requires a hunter bride, and Ophelia is the best fit for the job.
Now she just needs to convince her surly monster husband, Allerick, that she’s the best fit for him.
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houssed · 27 days ago
Shree Hans Luxuria Utran: Elevate Your Lifestyle with Unmatched Luxury
Shree Hans Luxuria Utran is a premium residential development designed to offer a perfect blend of luxury, comfort, and convenience. Situated in a prime location, this exquisite project redefines modern living with world-class amenities, sophisticated architecture, and an environment that promotes peace and serenity. Whether you’re looking for a dream home or a valuable investment, Shree Hans Luxuria Utran is the ideal choice.
Architectural Excellence & Spacious Homes
Every home at Shree Hans Luxuria Utran is a masterpiece of contemporary design, offering spacious layouts, high-quality finishes, and elegant interiors. The thoughtfully planned spaces ensure optimal functionality and comfort, making everyday living a delightful experience. Large windows allow ample natural light, creating bright and airy homes that exude warmth and positivity.
Exclusive Amenities for an Elevated Lifestyle
Shree Hans Luxuria Utran offers a range of world-class amenities that cater to every aspect of luxury living:
Grand Clubhouse — A perfect space to socialize and unwind
Fully Equipped Gymnasium — Stay fit with the latest fitness equipment
Swimming Pool & Spa — Relax and rejuvenate in a serene setting
Landscaped Gardens & Walking Trails — Experience tranquility amidst lush greenery
Children’s Play Area & Indoor Games — Fun and entertainment for the entire family
Multi-Purpose Hall — Host events, celebrations, and gatherings effortlessly
24/7 Security & CCTV Surveillance — Ensuring a safe and secure living environment
Strategic Location & Seamless Connectivity
Located in Utran, a rapidly developing area, Shree Hans Luxuria offers seamless connectivity to major landmarks, business hubs, and essential facilities. With well-developed road networks and proximity to public transport, daily commuting becomes effortless. The project is close to:
Educational Institutions — Top schools and colleges within easy reach
Healthcare Centers — Leading hospitals and clinics nearby
Shopping Malls & Entertainment Hubs — Enjoy convenient access to retail stores, restaurants, and multiplexes
Business Districts — Quick access to commercial and IT hubs
Why Choose Shree Hans Luxuria Utran?
Premium homes with elegant architecture and high-end finishes
A wide range of modern amenities for a luxurious lifestyle
A prime location with excellent connectivity to key areas
A secure, vibrant, and well-planned community
A valuable investment opportunity with high growth potential
Your Dream Home Awaits
Shree Hans Luxuria Utran is more than just a residence — it’s a lifestyle upgrade. Whether you’re looking for a peaceful retreat, a space to grow your family, or a home that reflects your aspirations, this project offers everything you need. Experience the perfect fusion of modern comforts and timeless elegance in a community designed to enhance your quality of life.
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moustachescapes1 · 3 months ago
Best Hotel, Resort & Hostel in Rishikesh with Bar - Moustache Rishikesh Luxuria
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Rishikesh, often referred to as the Yoga Capital of the World, is a paradise for travelers seeking tranquility, adventure, and spiritual enlightenment. Nestled amidst the serene backdrop of the Himalayas and the flowing Ganges River, the city offers a perfect retreat. Among the myriad of accommodations available, Moustache Rishikesh Luxuria stands out as the epitome of comfort and luxury, providing an unparalleled experience for its guests. Whether you are a backpacker, a couple on a romantic getaway, or a family looking for a serene holiday, this is your ultimate destination.
Why Choose Moustache Rishikesh Luxuria?
Moustache Rishikesh Luxuria is not just another hostel; it is a seamless blend of a hostel, hotel, and resort, offering top-notch amenities to its guests. Here’s why it is the best hostel in Rishikesh:
Luxurious Resort Facilities: The property boasts resort-like facilities that cater to every need, ensuring a lavish stay.
Swimming Pool: Take a refreshing dip in the sparkling swimming pool, a perfect way to unwind after a day of exploring Rishikesh.
Air Conditioning: All rooms are equipped with air conditioning to keep you cool and comfortable, regardless of the weather outside.
Game Room: From pool tables to board games, the game room is a haven for guests seeking entertainment.
In-House Rishikesh Bayleaf Bar and Restaurant: Relish delectable cuisines and sip on exotic beverages without leaving the premises.
Prime Location: Situated at Opp. Deccon Valley Apartments NH58, Badrinath Highway, Tapovan, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand 249137, the hostel is easily accessible and closes to major attractions.
Explore the Exceptional Amenities
1. Resort-Like Stay
Moustache Rishikesh Luxuria combines the essence of a resort with the community vibes of a hostel. The property is meticulously designed to cater to guests seeking both relaxation and adventure.
2. Swimming Pool
Imagine relaxing by the poolside with a breathtaking view of the mountains. Whether you want to take a morning swim or simply lounge with a book, the pool area provides the perfect setting.
3. Comfortable Air-Conditioned Rooms
After a day of exploring, return to your cozy, air-conditioned room. The rooms are thoughtfully designed, offering a perfect blend of comfort and style.
4. Game Room
Whether you're a gaming enthusiast or just looking to kill some time, the game room is a fantastic place to connect with fellow travelers or enjoy solo.
5. In-House Rishikesh Bayleaf Bar and Restaurant
The in-house Rishikesh Bayleaf Bar and Restaurant serve a variety of dishes, from local flavors to international delicacies. Enjoy a drink or two while soaking in the ambiance.
What Makes Moustache Rishikesh Luxuria Unique?
Strategic Location
Conveniently located near the heart of Rishikesh, the hostel is just a stone's throw away from popular attractions like the Laxman Jhula, Triveni Ghat, and numerous yoga centers. It is an ideal base for adventure activities such as river rafting, trekking, and bungee jumping.
Community Vibes
Moustache Rishikesh Luxuria offers a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded travelers. The common areas, including the game room and poolside lounge, are perfect for socializing.
Affordable Luxury
While the hostel offers premium amenities, it remains budget-friendly, making it a top choice for travelers looking for value for money.
How to Book Your Stay
Booking your stay at Moustache Rishikesh Luxuria is easy and convenient:
Contact Number: +918929100705
Address: Opp. Deccon Valley Apartments NH58, Badrinath Highway, Tapovan, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand 249137
Visit the official website of Moustache Escapes to check availability, explore packages, and secure your booking.
Nearby Attractions
1. Laxman Jhula
This iconic suspension bridge is a must-visit for its stunning views and historical significance.
2. Triveni Ghat
Experience the Ganga Aarti, a mesmerizing evening ritual on the banks of the Ganges.
3. Adventure Activities
Rishikesh is famous for river rafting, bungee jumping, and trekking. Moustache Rishikesh Luxuria’s strategic location makes it easy to access these activities.
4. Yoga and Wellness Centers
Immerse yourself in yoga and meditation at nearby ashrams and wellness centers.
1. What makes Moustache Rishikesh Luxuria the best hostel in Rishikesh?
Moustache Rishikesh Luxuria offers a unique blend of luxurious amenities like a swimming pool, air-conditioned rooms, a game room, and an in-house Rishikesh Bayleaf Bar and Restaurant, all at an affordable price.
2. Is there parking available at the property?
Yes, ample parking space is available for guests.
3. Can I book adventure activities through the hostel?
Absolutely! The hostel can help you arrange activities like river rafting, trekking, and more.
4. Are the rooms suitable for families?
Yes, Moustache Rishikesh Luxuria caters to families, solo travelers, and groups alike.
5. How far is the hostel from major attractions?
The hostel is located in Tapovan, a central area in Rishikesh, making it close to attractions like Laxman Jhula and Triveni Ghat.
Experience the perfect blend of luxury, comfort, and adventure at Moustache Rishikesh Luxuria. Book your stay today and make unforgettable memories in the serene lap of Rishikesh.
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vauslogia · 7 months ago
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I was on a trip and decided to make primordial persigals based on the Phyrexian design. White Phyrexian dragon-mage. A special combat unit capable of solving a number of complex tasks, in particular, planning an offensive and repelling magical attacks. This dragon-persigal is very arrogant and selfish, but at the same time a good consul, strategist and politician.
Sayor-Bias-persigal called the sin of Pride. He was suitable in that his family will carry out an important mission, his species is much more effective than ordinary living beings. He is mobile, strong and charismatic.
Died at the hands of his younger brother Luxurias (lust)
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raymondrealty · 6 months ago
Top Real Estate Projects in Thane: Your Ideal Investment Destination
Thane, a bustling suburb of Mumbai, has quickly emerged as one of the most sought-after destinations for homebuyers and real estate investors. With a growing number of residential and commercial projects, excellent infrastructure, and increasing demand, this city offers a perfect blend of convenience and luxury. Whether you're looking to buy a flat in Raymond Realty Thane West or exploring the best real estate builders and developers in Thane, this guide covers some of the top projects to consider.
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1. Raymond Realty, Thane West: Redefining Luxury Living
If you're looking to buy a flat in Raymond Realty Thane West, you're in for a premium living experience. You can expect an exceptional living experience if you buy a flat at Raymond Realty Thane West. Situated in the center of Thane, Raymond Realty creates projects that are deliberately designed. With contemporary amenities like swimming pools, clubhouses, landscaped gardens, and high-security features, the developer offers spacious 2 and 3 BHK residences.
Among the best real estate developers and builders in Thane, Raymond Realty is also a representation of creativity and sustainability. The Eastern Express Highway, important corporate centers, and social infrastructure like schools, hospitals, and shopping centers are all easily accessible from the project. Raymond Realty is a popular option for potential purchasers because of its premium lifestyle combined with ease.
2. Lodha Luxuria Priva, Majiwada: Upcoming Luxury Residential Project
Majiwada, another desirable area in Thane, is well-known for its upcoming luxurious residential projects. One such property that is drawing notice is Lodha Luxuria Priva, which features elegant amenities and an ultramodern style. This project caters to the affluent client seeking unrivaled luxury by offering opulent 3 BHK apartments with private elevators, sky gardens, and exclusive clubhouses.
Major highways and transportation links are also conveniently close to Majiwada's forthcoming luxury residential complexes, easing everyday travel. When you purchase from reputable builders like Lodha, you're investing in a lifestyle that will increase in value over time rather than just a flat.
3. Rustomjee Urbania: A Well-Planned Township in Thane West
Rustomjee Urbania, a vast township spanning 127 acres in Thane West, is another noteworthy project. For contemporary families, this property offers a combination of 2 and 3 BHK apartments. Rustomjee Urbania distinguishes itself as a self-sustaining ecosystem with its cutting-edge infrastructure, which includes an international school, a hospital, and commercial areas all within the township.
Rustomjee is a reputable real estate developer and builder in Thane that people can trust to complete projects on schedule and with high standards of quality. Its advantageous position near the Eastern Expressway and train terminals increases its allure and makes it a great option for investors as well as end customers.
4. Kalpataru Immensa, Kolshet Road: Affordable Yet Luxurious
In Thane, Kalpataru Immensa is a great option for individuals wishing to purchase a nice but reasonably priced house. This property, which is located on Kolshet Road, features beautifully designed 1, 2, and 3 BHK apartments with upscale features like a clubhouse, gym, swimming pool, and kid's play spaces. Among the real estate developers and builders in Thane with a solid reputation for producing innovative and well-built projects is Kalpataru.
Working professionals favor the project because of its convenient position in relation to Mumbai and Thane's IT clusters.
Why Thane is the Best Destination for Real Estate Investment
Because of Thane's advantageous location, quick urbanization, and influx of upcoming luxury residential projects in Majiwada and other important neighborhoods like Thane West, Kolshet Road, and Ghodbunder Road, the real estate market in Thane is booming. The area is masterfully organized, featuring first-rate open spaces, entertainment venues, and social infrastructure.
Infrastructure Growth: Thane is now very well-connected to Mumbai and Navi Mumbai, saving a lot of time on travel thanks to the construction of metro lines, flyovers, and bigger roadways.
Career Opportunities: For working professionals, Powai, Airoli, and BKC are the closest main business hubs, making it a favored location.
Quality of Life: Thane is an excellent area for families because it has a great variety of leisure alternatives, such as parks, restaurants, theaters, and malls.
Final Thoughts
Whether you're planning to buy a flat in Raymond Realty Thane West or exploring the upcoming luxury residential projects in Majiwada, Thane has something to offer every kind of homebuyer. With projects from reputed real estate builders and developers in Thane, this city promises not only a high standard of living but also lucrative investment opportunities.
Make your next big move in the booming real estate market of Thane and secure a home that fits your lifestyle and investment goals.
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livik123 · 7 months ago
Luxury resorts in Wayanad | Resorts near Kabani
Private pool villa resorts in Wayanad offer the perfect blend of luxury and nature, and at Livik Hospitality, we excel in providing just that. Nestled in the lush landscapes of Wayanad, Livik Hospitality is renowned for offering the best in comfort, service, and unforgettable experiences. With four distinctive properties, each designed to cater to different tastes and needs, Livik Hospitality ensures your stay is nothing short of extraordinary
A Slice of Paradise: Our Private Pool Villas
Imagine waking up to the soothing sounds of nature, with the cool, crisp air of Wayanad filling your lungs, and your own private pool just steps away. At Livik, our private pool villas are designed to provide an unparalleled sense of privacy and luxury. Spacious interiors, modern amenities, and a personal pool make these villas the perfect retreat for those looking to relax and rejuvenate.
Unmatched Hospitality
What sets Livik Hospitality apart is our commitment to making every guest feel at home. From the moment you arrive, you’re treated like family. Our dedicated staff goes above and beyond to cater to your needs, ensuring that every moment of your stay is comfortable and enjoyable. Whether you have a special request or just need a simple favor, we’re here to make it happen with a warm smile.
Explore Our Four Unique Properties
Livik Hospitality offers four distinct properties, each with its own charm:
Kings Flora Organic Farm: Embrace nature at Kings Flora Organic Farm. This property offers a unique farm stay experience where you can connect with nature, enjoy organic produce, and unwind in a serene environment.
Klov Resort and Spa: Indulge in ultimate relaxation at Klov Resort and Spa. With luxurious spa treatments, beautiful landscapes, and elegant accommodations, it’s the perfect place for a rejuvenating escape.
Banasura Jungle Resort: For adventure enthusiasts, Banasura Jungle Resort offers an exciting blend of thrill and tranquility. Explore the jungle, enjoy treks, and experience the wild beauty of Wayanad.
Mirage Luxuria Inn: Experience sophistication and style at Mirage Luxuria Inn. With top-notch amenities and exquisite decor, this inn offers a luxurious stay that caters to the discerning traveler.
Creating Unforgettable Experiences
At Livik Hospitality, we believe in crafting experiences that linger long after you’ve left. Enjoy guided nature walks, thrilling treks, and relaxing spa sessions. Savor delicious meals at our gourmet restaurants, where each dish is a culinary delight. Whether you’re looking for adventure or relaxation, Livik has something for everyone.
The Best Hotels in Wayanad
Livik Hospitality stands out among the best hotels in Wayanad, offering a range of accommodations that cater to all types of travelers. Whether you’re looking for a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a solo retreat, our properties provide the perfect setting for an unforgettable stay.
Family Resorts in Wayanad
Looking for a family-friendly resort? Livik Hospitality’s properties are ideal for families seeking a fun and relaxing vacation. With activities for all ages and spacious accommodations, our resorts ensure that every family member has a memorable experience.
Welcome to Livik Hospitality
Livik Hospitality is more than just a place to stay; it’s a destination that promises to create lasting memories. Our private pool villas provide the ultimate in luxury and comfort, making us the top choice among private pool villa resorts in Wayanad. Book your stay today and experience the true essence of hospitality and luxury at Livik. We look forward to welcoming you to our home in beautiful Wayanad.
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gharjunction · 8 months ago
2 Bhk Flat In Thakurli Near Station
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Welcome to Metro Luxuria Thakurli: The Epitome of Spacious Living
Discover unparalleled luxury and spacious living at Metro Luxuria Thakurli, a premier residential project by Metro Group. Nestled on the 90 Feet Road in Thakurli, Thane, this project redefines modern living with its blend of elegance, comfort, and convenience. Whether you are looking for a 2 BHK flat in Thakurli near the station or a cozy 1 BHK, Metro Luxuria offers a variety of apartments designed to cater to your needs. 
 1 BHK and 2 BHK Apartments: Space and Style
- 1 BHK Apartments: Spanning 506 sq. ft. of carpet area, these apartments are perfect for individuals and small families seeking a blend of comfort and functionality.
- 2 BHK Apartments: Offering a spacious 752 sq. ft. of carpet area, these flats are ideal for those looking to enhance their lifestyle with more space and modern amenities.
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moustachescapes01 · 10 months ago
Experience the Tranquil Grandeur of Lush Lush Spiti Valley with Moustache Escapes: Unveiling Moustache Koksar Luxuria
Nestled amidst the awe-inspiring landscapes and serene ambiance of Lahaul Spiti Valley, Moustache Escapes beckons travelers to embark on a journey of luxury, adventure, and relaxation in one of India's most captivating destinations. As you venture into the heart of the Himalayas, let Moustache Koksar Luxuria be your sanctuary, offering unparalleled comfort, hospitality, and experiences that leave an indelible mark on your soul.
lahaul spiti hotels
Discovering the Enchantment of Lahaul Spiti Valley
Lahaul Spiti Valley is a treasure trove of natural wonders and cultural heritage, captivating visitors with its rugged mountains, ancient monasteries, and pristine landscapes. From the surreal beauty of Chandratal Lake to the spiritual aura of Key Monastery, every corner of this enchanting region is steeped in history, spirituality, and unparalleled beauty. Whether you're an avid adventurer, a culture enthusiast, or a seeker of inner peace, Lahaul Spiti Valley offers something for everyone to discover and cherish.
Introducing Moustache Koksar Luxuria: Your Gateway to Luxury in Lahaul Spiti
At Moustache Escapes, we are committed to curating unforgettable experiences that go beyond the ordinary. Our luxury hotel in Koksar, Moustache Koksar Luxuria, is designed to immerse you in the essence of Himalayan hospitality, offering a harmonious blend of modern comforts and traditional charm amidst the awe-inspiring landscapes of Lahaul Spiti Valley. From the moment you arrive, our team is dedicated to ensuring that every aspect of your stay exceeds your expectations and leaves you with memories to treasure for a lifetime.
Luxurious Accommodations Amidst Nature's Splendor
Step into a world of opulence and elegance with our luxurious accommodations, meticulously designed to offer the perfect blend of comfort, style, and functionality. Each room at Moustache Koksar Luxuria is thoughtfully appointed with modern amenities and breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains, providing an idyllic retreat after a day of adventure in Lahaul Spiti Valley. Whether you choose a spacious suite or a cozy room, expect nothing less than the epitome of luxury and relaxation at Moustache Koksar Luxuria.
Indulge in Gastronomic Delights
Savor the flavors of Lahaul Spiti Valley with a culinary journey at our onsite restaurant, where talented chefs create gastronomic masterpieces inspired by the rich culinary heritage of the region. From traditional Himachali dishes to international favorites, every meal at Moustache Koksar Luxuria is a celebration of flavors, textures, and culinary craftsmanship. Whether you're dining indoors or al fresco, expect a dining experience that tantalizes the taste buds and leaves you craving for more.
Immerse Yourself in Unforgettable Experiences
Beyond the comforts of our hotel, Lahaul Spiti Valley offers a wealth of experiences waiting to be discovered. Explore the ancient monasteries of Tabo and Dhankar, embark on treks to hidden villages and pristine lakes, or simply soak in the serenity of your surroundings as you unwind amidst nature's splendor. Whether you're seeking adventure, spirituality, or simply a moment of peace, Lahaul Spiti Valley promises an unforgettable journey of discovery and transformation.
Plan Your Escape with Moustache Escapes
Whether you're planning a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or an adventurous expedition, Moustache Escapes invites you to experience the magic of Lahaul Spiti Valley in style. With our seamless booking process, personalized service, and commitment to excellence, we ensure that every moment of your stay is filled with warmth, comfort, and hospitality. Discover the beauty of Lahaul Spiti Valley with Moustache Escapes and create memories that last a lifetime.
Also See;
lahaul spiti hotels
hotels in koksar
Moustache Koksar Luxuria
spiti valley hotels
luxury hotels in spiti valley
sissu hotels
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drakelascivachasity · 6 months ago
Luxurian Fables: The Courtesan
From beyond Luxuria, a young succubus was raised under a loving household. She was kept away from the true face of what it is: a succubus brothel.
They serviced people through dreams and love at the cost of one's lifespan.
Her mother was a Mistress and the father is a ghost mage. She would be named Rathnait. When she grew old enough, she learned the wiles and seduction from her mother and the life magic and dream magic from her father.
She worked every night to please the people. But then...
The father would disappear and then the mother would pass away. Rathnait's family is taken away from her by life. The only thing to remember them by the was the brothel they built.
She continued her work, pleasing the people through in lust and dreams. And they loved her.
But one day, the church recognized the brothel's fame. And like all churches, they shunned the erotic.
Their word riled up people.
The next day, the people became crown.
The next day, the crowd became a mob.
The final day, the mob became looking like monster than man.
That night, they stormed the brothel like wolves. Fire and stone. Fire and stone.
No courtesan lived. Treasure was preserved. No memento for Rathnait to keep. She lost everything to the puritanical powers.
She was the only one left in the husk that was her family's home.
But from the smoke-covered skies came our Goddess Lasciva who offered her a new home to rebuild. Rathnait looked up to her in with tears wiped away by the wind made by Lasciva's wings.
The Goddess promises to take her away to a world where love and lust are not shunned.
Rathnait's answer was yes. From then on. She was taken to rebuild her life, becoming mayoress of a red light district and the guide of a hall of Vanadinite. But every once and while she returns to the ruins of her home to mourn. Your past should never be let go. Remember them.
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