#luna's more of a kid and ezza's less of an idiot basically
enzoid23 · 2 years
Gonna improve some older OCs I have in this post lol
So if someone who saw me rp in that one ask blog as them sees this, hi lol they're getting changed!
They were called Nerezza and Luna, Nerezza went by Ezza. Ezza was like 7 and Luna 12 I think?
Now bare with me but Luna is a shapeshifter and Ezza was supposed to be but like got stuck/never got the ability. She's bummed out by this and to make up for it desperately wants to learn to do magic tricks..but the thing is she doesn't know they're tricks and tries to ACTUALLY do them. Logics basically "People without powers do this all the time, so I'll be able to be like my sister if I can do this! :D"
So Luna was also abusive to Ezza, but it was going slow and then WHAM its all at once. It started with being so mild it probably wasn't even abusive just mean, and was a little verbal abuse mixed with lying with stuff easy to cover up, specifically to her. This was out of malice, but a childish malice, not a strongly planned or intended thing.
Luna would also do pranks, normally just pretending to be something else like an object or animal and then once Ezzas convinced she'd show herself. Definitely caused some trust issues in Ezza especially considering that Luna could be people too, the kid didn't know who to trust lol!
And you know they're adopted lol. The parents like coordinate their toxicity because I thought it's be funny, like they go through a "Benevolent beings-nice-okay-eh-rude-mean-cruel" kinda thing back and forth.
They don't have anything from their birth parents and don't know who they are, and they don't care to look.
Both are treated equally and have their own lives, Luna isn't lashing out from abuse she's just a dick.
Okay so here's the cringe parts (imo)..
*Something I literally never considered even making options for happened, I'm almost too embarrassed to type this, corrupting Luna. This does the following:
Forces her into this one weird floaty form
However she was before? 10× worse
Physically, verbally, mentally, all the abuses minus sexual to Ezza
Mostly does the abuse in private but just does not care if people see it
Touching people causes a lot of burning pain and a black mark to show up in the shape of her hand wherever she touched. Does not cause damage but does cause permanent marks and sensitivity to the area. Often does this to Ezza when mad or bored
Can float (her hair saw that ability and decided it wanted to as well. Basically her hair floats on its own at all times lol)
And probably more! I forgot!
(The true cringe is the design I made..)
*Nerezza is a stupid fucker. Not even child dumb but genuinely idiotic. If she grew up she'd never keep a job or finish school she's so dumb. Wanna know why? She tried. The fucking chainsaw, cutting people in half trick. Thinking it was real. MULTIPLE TIMES.
*She feels guilty. Still genuinely thinks she can do it one day but decided to quit brutally killing people until she "works up to it". Luna finds the whole thing hilarious and is the one who convinced Ezza not only to try it once, but that she needed to keep doing it until she got it. So it's not all on Ezza but even when deciding that I was laughing at it
Some old art of them (NOT RECENTLY MADE I PROMISE)
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Luna, corrupted
not a single.fucking.word
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Luna, post-corruption
(Honestly proud of this one though!)
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So that's pretty much it there..Onto the new ones!
New Versions
So, not toooo many changes...but basically,
Instead of abusive adopted parents, it's gonna be like maybe negligent or people who don't know how to care for kids but didn't want to give up the baby+toddler on their door step or something? Something like that.
And Luna was still mean but not really from malice, definitely no good intentions but she thought more of fun than how it affected her sister. She loves Ezza but doesn't like her if that makes sense? Not in the sibling dislike way either. Doesn't really like nor dislike, still loves, idk how to explain it...
Ezza did NOT become a serial killer for the sake of magic but still tried to learn to compensate. In this version, Ezza thought of cutting people and Luna shot it down! How the turns have tabled.
Instead of 12 Luna's like 14 because 12 is too young but 15 is too old imo. Immature but aware kinda thing I think
Ezza is still like 7 or 8
Luna still gets that same corruption arc but the design..The design HAS to change. I'll reblog after I figure it out and draw it. She isn't being controlled or anything, it mostly changes abilities and wills and desires. Takes normal guy and makes him a semi-powerful melee sadist with no regards or care for others and can't be redeemed in that state, but still has whatever free will OCs can have. Sooo..subtle control I guess? That's like giving someone a gun with bullets, stripping their morals, making them super angry, and putting them in front of someone they don't like, with no outs, so I guess I can't say it's completely them doing it.
Luna gets somehow broken out of it (I haven't even decided how it HAPPENED how would I decide how it UNhappens?) and has a permanent scar. If she takes form of anything with a face, it has the scar. She can't customize it, has to live with it. Why a scar? Because I like giving characters permanent reminders of their sins they weren't all there to commit. She'll try to get along with Ezza after that but Ezza now has trust issues and a phobia of Luna so that'll take work lol.
Anyways that's it so far, I'll reblog later with the redesigns and any extra info I might remember to add!
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