#love you all Xx Dee <3
bradshawed · 1 year
Masterchef ft. Mama Seresin
summary — ladies first. it’s chick’s turn to wow jake and she’s scrambling all over the place to get the perfect night together with the help of bob and a rooster sized distraction
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warnings — no use of y/n, female reader, fluff, mild cursing, bobby being a sweetheart <3 and rooster being a cockblock
word count — 1k words
Chick’s an anxious sweetheart determined to win and Jake’s Jake (I feel like that sums it up pretty well). Sometimes things might not entirely go according to plan or they may need a little help from the squad but that’s okay. It’s how their family works, they’ve got each other’s backs.
This wasn’t how I’d planned to start off the series and some of it may seem a little out of order but that’s sort of how they work. Hope you all like it and them and feel free to drop in any thoughts or ideas of your own that you’d love me to write for them xx
the love olympics masterlist.
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Fuck. The time on the oven inched closer to half past seven and the peach cobbler had only just been placed in the oven. You were a flour covered mess and your kitchen counters weren’t looking any better, although it seemed that Bob had avoided the brunt of the explosion. Panic had officially set in as Jake could walk through the door any moment and there was still so much to be done.
Bob, sensing your panic, placed a calming hand on your shoulder, wiping a smudge of flour from your cheek as your body collapsed against his. “You go get ready, I’ll clean up the kitchen and check on Jake’s status and we can set the table together.”
“Are-are you sure? You don’t have to do all this, you’ve done plenty already Robby I-”
“I did it because I want to, and that was an order Chick, go get ready.” You raised an unconvinced eyebrow at the man who’d quickly become a brother figure to you, “Go, you seriously need a shower.”
“Okay, okay I’m going. Thank you for your help, I really couldn’t have done it without you.” You thanked him with a flour covered kiss on the cheek before bounding up the stairs to get your much needed shower.
By the time you’d put on Jake’s your favourite sundress, the kitchen had been cleared, the table set and candles lit, illuminating the room in a soft orangey glow.
There was a note in Bob’s soft cursive sitting next to the oven with little instructions and an apology for looking through your things to find the candles which you really hadn’t minded one bit. He’d signed off the letter with his usual signature adding a small ps on the end mentioning that Jake might be a little late. You chose not to question it as you sat down on the couch waiting for the aviator in question to arrive.
A soft knock came from the door and you scrambled to find the remote to turn off the tv. Nearly falling over yourself in an effort to reach him, you collected yourself for a moment before opening the door with a shaky breath. There he stood dressed in an emerald green shirt to match his gorgeous eyes and black slacks, holding out a beautiful bouquet filled with your favourite flowers.
You smiled up at him shyly as you accepted the bouquet with a kiss on the cheek, welcoming him inside before he could make one of his usual smart ass comments.
Jake was stunned into silence at the aroma that filled your small house, his feet (once void of his shoes) carried him straight to the kitchen like he was five again in his childhood home.
“Dee- is that-?”
You gently took his hand in yours, bringing him closer to the dishes, as you moved to plate the dinner you’d prepared with Bob’s help.
Bringing the dishes to the table with Jake trailing behind you like a puppy carrying the beers diligently, you felt a nervous pit in the bottom of your stomach. Whether it had been brought on by his reaction or the fact that it was him, you couldn’t tell, but it caused you to wring your hands together once you’d sat down after Jake had kindly pulled your chair out for you.
“You know Chick, I wasn’t expecting this for the first round. It’s not bad but I could definitely show you a thing or two to make it better.”
Jake had flipped back into himself almost immediately while you were both eating. The conversation flowed naturally as you asked each other about anything and everything. You weren’t quite sure what caused it or if you were glad to have that part of him back but it did ease your nerves. This you could do, this was comfortable, it was natural, just one more surprise left, you could do this.
“Don’t worry cowboy, I have plenty of tricks up my sleeve.” You quipped before standing up to retrieve the plates. Jake however, stopped you, taking them in for you while you led the way to the kitchen to plate up dessert.
A pair of arms came to wrap around your waist, trapping you between himself and the counter. “Sorry I was late darlin’ Rooster was being weird and kept stalling for something.”
“Stalling? I’ll have a talk with him later, ask him what’s up.” You had a few ideas, possibly one involving a certain aviator making a phone call to check on Jake’s eta, a phone call you’re guessing went straight to Bradley. You were gonna have to bake something to thank them both.
You entangled yourself out of Jake’s arms carrying the plates to the couch, refusing to let him help you. His pout however, was quickly erased at the first bite to which he let out what sounded like a moan.
“Fuck this is so good! It tastes exactly like my momma’s recipe. Where the hell did you get this from?”
“Made it, from scratch, with Bob’s help..” A smirk creeped up onto your face, “the recipe, I got from Evelyn.”
Jake froze with his spoon halfway to his mouth. “You talked to my mom?” A giggle escaped you as Jake wrapped his arms around your body pressing you into the couch, “No wonder everything tastes so good.” You let a shout of protest at that.
“And you call yourself a momma’s boy but you can’t even tell your mother’s recipes. Shame on you Jacob Thomas Seresin.”
His signature mischievous smile creeped up onto his handsome face, “Oh, you’re gonna get it now sweetheart.” His fingers began to tickle you, your yellow sundress beginning to ride up as you giggled and tried to squirm away from him, begging for him to stop.
Laughter subsided as his movements began to slow down, both of you realising the position you were in causing your faces to heat up. That’s of course, when Bradley decides to walk into your house ranting about how Bob owes him a huge favour.
He pauses, squealing, as he slaps a hand on his eyes, “Are you both decent?”
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feel free to ask to be added to the tag list!
tags; @waklman @sematarygirls @djs8891 @genius2050 @dempy
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codename-adler · 4 months
All aboard the Trojan Horse 🥍
in an exercise for motivation, i’m making the decision to share my OC team of the USC Trojans! this started years ago, wayyyy pre-TSC announcement, as a background for a Jerejean fic called 'Steady Now' but well. as OCs do, it got out of hand realllll quick. now everyone's got a complex backstory AND storyline!
in bold are my OCs, ready for you to be introduced to ; in regular are Nora Sakavic's characters, but i painted them with my watercolors so you should absolutely ask me about them too!! if there is [redacted], that character's not ready to be born yet! or sometimes it's just an issue of final name... if the name is underlined or has numbers beside it, it means i've provided some lore already, but you should def ask more about them, always!!
i would like to thank @joanofexys with my whole heart for being an inspiration and the loveliest enabler <3 Jo (may i call you Jo?), you are a breath of fresh air to this fandom and a light to my dashboard, i love everything that you do and the passion with which you accomplish it all xx.
without further ado, the USC Trojans Exy Team (Adler's Version) :
01 - Nikita Bailey
02 - Laila Dermott
03 - Mari Kobayashi
04 - Gabrielle "Gabby" Oakes
05 - Catalina Alvarez
06 - Mateo Solano
07 - George Albie Riley
08 - Namrita Khatri
09 - Angelica "Angie" Pullman
10 - Viggo Larsen
11 - Jeremy Knox
12 - Sadie "Dee-Dee" [redacted]
13 - [redacted]
14 - [redacted]
15 - [redacted]
16 - Dakota Emerson
17 - Destinee Isaac
18 - [redacted]
19 - Joel [redacted]
20 - Jack Driver
21 - Levi Romanov
22 - Daveed Ferguson
23 - [redacted]
24 - Ariel "Baby" Driver
25 - [redacted]
26 - [redacted]
27 - Charlotte Gericault
28 - Yanko Florescu
29 - Jean Moreau
XX - Adèle Moreau
XX - James Rhemann
XX - Anderson Atwell (Assistant Coach)
XX - Chelsea Faraj (Team Nurse)
XX - Owen O'Brien (Team Nurse)
XX - [redacted] (Team Therapist)
XX - [redacted] (Team Therapist)
XX - [redacted] (Athletic Trainer)
XX - Wade Vesper (FBI Agent)
*** - Eva Josten
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jacaranda-bloom · 2 years
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Thank you to @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed @nouies @allwaswell16 and @chai-hat-tea for tagging me to share my year in writing xx
2022 was a bit quieter for me when it came to writing, and I definitely didn’t get to everything I had planned after work and life took over for the last half of the year. That said, it’s been a good year!
1. Number of stories posted to AO3 this year: 9
2. Total word count posted to AO3 for the year: 209,410
3. List of works published this year:
Jan - Mistletoe, Memories, and Mayhem (13k)
Feb - With A Little Kindness (33k)
Mar - Love On A G String (20k)
Apr - Best Snog Ever (13k)
May - From Dust To Lust (45k)
Jul - Truebonds (40k)
Aug - Moonlight Minx (15k)
Sep - Love On Air (19k)
Oct - Under The Milky Way (11k)
More under the cut...
4. Work I’m most proud of (and why): That’s a tough one, but it would probably be Truebonds. The world building in that story was next level - super complex and new territory in terms of the ABO trope. I love writing ABO and exploring the new dynamics with nesting and scenting was really fun!
5. Work I’m least proud of (and why): Sadly, Mistletoe, Memories, and Mayhem. This was entirely my own fault, but it did finally make me realise that writing for Exchanges is just not my jam, so it’s fests or standalone fics from here on out!
6. Share or describe a favorite review you received: I received so many lovely comments and messages this year and I appreciate every single one of them. I remember reading this one though and just stopping in my tracks because it made me laugh. This is the true nature of it all, isn’t it? I mean, this is why I write, because I enjoy it. So thanks to Jill on AO3 who is always prodding me with a stick for my next story and giving me a good chuckle along the way.
Under The Milky Way: “You enjoyed that way too much Dee.” Jdickson60
7. A time when writing was really, really hard: Work really took over a lot of my normally free time in the second half of this year, which was frustrating, but something that couldn’t be avoided. Then, once it eased off, my rhythm of writing every day was in disarray, so it took a while to get back into it. 
8. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: Louis’ Omega character in Truebonds didn’t end up where I had envisioned. In the original story, he was far more subdued, but then once I started writing it, that went out the window and with it, a lot of the plot. I’m really happy with how he turned out though.
9. A favorite excerpt of your writing: From Dust To Lust (this is stupidly long - apologies - but I just loved their banter in this fic)
Harry twists around in his seat. “Ooohhh, you’re one of those people?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“A control freak.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“It’s fine. I’m just more of an adventure seeker. Like to let the road unfold before me and enjoy the journey.”
Louis’ blood boils in his veins. Who the fuck does this guy think he is? He’s about to rain hellfire down on him when he catches the glint in Harry’s eyes. Cheeky, fucking, shit. He fixes Harry with a challenging stare. “Oh yeah? Care to explain your behaviour back in the departure lounge then?”
“Whatever do you mean?” Harry asks faux-innocently.
“I mean, you’re full of shit. You’re just as much of a planner as I am.”
“How do you figure that?”
Louis narrows his eyes. “There were, what, seventy people in that lounge? And yet you and I were the only ones to work out what was really going on, what the implications were going to be, and then devise a plan to get out of there. What was your process?”
The self-satisfied grin that blooms on Harry’s face is one Louis can’t help but mirror, no matter how hard he tries.
“Well, I checked the weather app, then social media, and worked out what the problem was.”
“Same,” Louis says, nodding.
“Then I checked the car park and realised-”
“There was only one rental car left.”
“Yeah. Clocked you from across the room and assumed you’d made the same deduction, but I didn’t want to create a scene or a stampede, so I just hoped I could beat you to the rental desk.”
“Hmmm… shame for you that those stupidly long legs couldn’t carry you there a bit quicker.”
“Shame for you that your arse couldn’t bounce you over faster too.”
Harry’s grin turns up into a full-on smirk. “Anyway, I thought we could just get on the road and sort out the other stuff as we went along. That’s the advantage of having two people in the car.”
Louis huffs out a breath and turns to look out of the open passenger window, trying to hide his own smirk and the hint of a blush he doesn’t think could be reasonably excused by the warm weather. “Yeah. Whatever. Let’s go, Harold.”
“It’s just Harry, actually.”
“Of course it is, Harold.”
10. How did you grow as a writer this year: I was so terrified that I wouldn’t get my mojo back after I’d had to take a break due to work commitments, and it did take longer than I thought it would, but I learned that if I trust myself I’ll always find my way back.
11. How do you hope to grow next year: The story I’m going to be writing for the next few months for Big Bang is a tough one. Louis is blind for the majority of the fic and that has presented some real challenges in terms of my writing style. I usually use visual descriptions to set the scenes, but that isn’t possible here, so I’m learning how do that in other ways. I’m interested in how that will come across to the reader and whether it will be at all successful.
12. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): I’m so grateful for everyone who has a positive influence on my writing, especially all the lovely writers on discord, but I’d like to give a special shoutout to @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed @evilovesyou and @lululawrence for being so supportive and sprinting with me throughout the year and, of course, my amazing beta @parmahamlarrie who is always there cheering me on and giving so much of her precious time to polishing my ramblings xx
13. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: So, so much. I really doubled-down on the whole Australian thing this year. 6 of my 9 fics were set in Australia and I absolutely adored sharing locations and experiences I’ve had with everyone. There will definitely be more of this in 2023!
14. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: Listen to the characters and let them take you where they want to go!
15. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: Two in particular. My Advent Fic that didn’t end up happening this year that I will be writing for Christmas 2023, which is called 7 Decembers, you can read a bit more about it here! Also, my pack ABO fic called Unbonded, which you can read more about here!
16. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: I’m not sure who has done this so far, but I’ll tag @kingsofeverything @zanniscaramouche @louandhazaf @evilovesyou @alwaysxlarrie @parmahamlarrie @bananaheathen @lululawrence @beanno28 @haztobegood @neondiamond @disgruntledkittenface @beelou and @justalarryblog if they’d like to share xx
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priokskfm · 4 months
#MixOfDay #Podcast #Radioshow #LiveDjset Da Rhythm Sessions 24th April 2024 (DRS439) Ricardo "Da Rhythm" live in the mix 24th April 2024. Many thanks to all the live listeners. Very much appreciated... Enjoy! Remember If you like these kinda vibes you can catch me live every Wednesday 8-10PM (GMT) on www.d3ep.com Tracklist... 1. Brawther - Brudan In Leeds [Negentropy] 2. Armless Kid - Internet Love [Vertv Records] 3. Grant - Cliche [Mork] 4. St. David - A Deep Touch [Imogen Recordings] 5. DJ Nav - Moody Beats [Pocket Money] 6. Antonio Deep & Toshi - Kuyo (Kerri Chandler Mix) [Kaos Theory] 7. James Dexter - Anyone [Inermu] 8. Demuja - Come Back and Dance [Muja] 9. Phaze Dee - Basic Luv [Moods & Grooves] 10.Soul Wun - Thank You, St Germain [Sloth Boogie] 11.Toronto Hustle, Sean Roman & Javonntte - Deep In This [Freerange] 12.Retromigration - Just Take It [Wolf Music] 13.DJ Bigspin - Billyboy [Running Out Of Steam] 14.Deep 88 - Someone's On The Phone At 3 O'Clock In The Morning 15.Sondrio & Black Loops - Stepper [Romantics] 16.Iron Curtis - My Humming Machines [Hudd Trax] 17.Earth Boys - Earth Song [Wolf Music] 18.Bress Underground - Back! Back! [Special Grooves] 19.T Jacques - XI XX [House Puff] 20.Mike Millrain - Together [Soul Revolution] 21.Kindimmer - Comfortable Solitude [USM Recordings] 22.DJ Steaw - Riding High [Rutilance Recordings] 23.Kerri Chandler - Oblivion [Soul Heaven] 24.Diego Krause - Bring The Noise [Unison Wax] 25.Dan Ghenacia & Chris Carrier - Just a Sin (Diego Krause Mix) [Adult Only] 26.Grant - Feeling (Dub Mix) [Lobster Theremin] "D3EP Radio Network" www.priokskfm.online https://ift.tt/oWD840Y
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anitosoul · 3 years
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tripreport.022: Year of the Space Tiger
it’s all just the same thing 🐅
A-Side: Transfiguration Tracklist
1. 00:00 St. Vincent - Year of the Tiger 2. 03:22 Anz - Loos in Twos (NRG) 3. 04:00 Technotronic - Pump Up the Jam (Hugo Cantarra Remix) 4. 06:00 Gesloten Cirkel - Submit-X 5. 07:20 Ayesha - Potential Energy 6. 09:40 Kettama - B O D Y 7. 11:00 Overmono - Diamond Cut 8. 14:10 Daft Punk - Adagio for Tron (Teddybears Remix) 9. 17:40 Empire of the Sun - Walking on a Dream (Sam Le More Remix) 10. 19:15 Mitski - Love Me More 11. 22:15 Manni Dee - Persist and Change 12. 24:50 SASAMI - Call Me Home 13. 27:50 PPK - Reload (Space Club Mix) 14. 29:45 Nikki Nair - Justtryingto (Hermeth Remix) 15. 32:20 TAALIAH - Transdimensional (feat. KAVARI) 16. 34:00 Black Rave Culture - Sub Poppin 17. 36:07 W1NRAR - SICK & TIRED (feat. Lancey Foux) 18. 37:15 SINJI, DJ PLAYASTATION - CREEP STREET 19. 38:05 Piri, Tommy Villiers - beachin 20. 40:00 Two Shell - no reply 21. 41:30 Ezekiel - help_urself 22. 42:55 Acetantina - Fanfare for Astral Projection 23. 44:20 Burial & Four Tet - Nova 24. 45:20 PinkPantheress - Pain (LSDXOXO Remix) 25. 46:20 Jamie xx - Loud Places (Special Request VIP Remix)
B-Side: Renewal Tracklist
1. 00:00 Yaeji - THE TH1NG (feat. Shy One, Victoria Sin) 2. 03:45 Yuné Pinku - Affection 3. 06:35 Papa Hugs - Chocolate Pain 12. 07:00 Freestylers - Right On 13. 09:30 FJAAK, J. Manuel - XoXp0rt (Cocktail Party Effect Remix) 14. 12:00 Raito - Moon Dance 15. 14:45 Posthuman - Pleasure Machine 16. 16:45 Hackman - Close 17. 18:45 Caribou - Never Come Back (Four Tet Remix) 18. 21:15 Soundbwoy Killah - Burning 19. 24:00 The Weeknd - Sacrifice (Swedish House Mafia Remix) 20. 26:00 Aurora Halal - Eternal Blue (Wata Igarashi Crossing Remix) 21. 28:15 Slikback - KYOKAI 22. 29:45 Enduser - Not So Distant Drums 23. 30:55 Sewerslvt - Mr. Kill Myself 24. 35:00 Frank Ocean - Solo (East loft remix) 25. 36:55 SUCHI - Lotus 26. 39:30 Four Tet - Insect Near Piha Beach 27. 41:40 ishi vu - This Is Your Life
This month was an exploration into an idea initially explored in September 2021 centered around this idea of music that represents the future. It was tied more deeply, though, to the type of experience that connects immigrants, immigrant kids, and people of color and attempting to pin it down. It was my first time living in my apartment in Chinatown during the Lunar New Year and there was an air of celebration around me. It was nice feeling connected to a celebration of culture; despite only having a small amount of Chinese heritage, being in that jovial space and feeling connected to it through that thing that links all of us POCs was special.
February also saw the return to live DJing as places were starting to feel more comfortable opening up again. We had our Cosmoglitch party at Purgatory and to this day it remains one of the most fun DJ sets I’ve ever done. I went b2b with Lissoms and people were dancing so hard the whole time. We also had our planetqueer fresh beginnings party at Bar Jade which I closed out, playing from 3-4am. It was really fun going deep for that set and having a solid crowd still there for the end. We packed out Bar Jade that night, and it was a super validating experience as a DJ as well as an organizer for planetqueer.
The vibe for this month fully formed after seeing Four Tet do a surprise show at Nowadays on Sunday, February 20th. After the show, my friend Emil and I stayed up until the sun rose and talked about “the thing.” It’s hard to describe, but it’s the feeling you get when you’re around another POC/queer person/working class person or whatever where you don’t have to explain yourself. It’s that shared understanding that we’re a new generational wave that bears the weight of survival trauma in addition to the need to self-actualize. The Year of the Space Tiger represents that courageous push towards the future to define a new reality built for us, by us.
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parmahamlarrie · 3 years
October fic recs! This month I delved into the paranormal and fantasy a bit for the spooky season. Enjoy! xx
The Night Sky Is Changing Overhead || orphan_account || 124k Tattoo Artist Harry, Dom/Sub Elements, Meet Cute Somehow, those are the tags for this story, but holy shit is it so much more than that.
Vampire AU Series || orphan_account || 63.3k Vampire AU, Hurt/Comfort, Side Ziall, MCD in part 3 (though they're also immortal so) My first long Vampire fic! A great way to break into the trope.
somebody to love || dilfrry / @silverfoxrry || 51.1k Nanny Louis, Kid Fic, Older Harry (32) A new comfort fic for me! Margo is so sweet!
The First Year || parmahamlarrie / @parmahamlarrie || 46.9k Uni AU, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, OT5, Hurt/Comfort, Badboy Louis, Soft Harry So yes, this is my fic, but I'm including it because I am really proud of it and I hope you guys enjoy if you choose to read it.
Canyon Moon || delsicle / @eeveelou || 40.8k Werewolf A/B/O, Shifters, Angst, Pining, Childhood Friends to Lovers This one is based off of Lion King and I absolutely loved that element of it! It was nice to have some familiar angst that wasn't too painful.
Player || jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom || 28.2k Tennis Player Harry, PR Louis, Side OT5, Main Character Injury, Humor This one is such a joy, definitely through some curveballs at me that I wasn't expecting, but really was a lovely fic!
tell it like an old song || outropeace / @outropeace || 26.6k ABO, Alpha Harry, Alpha Louis, Amnesia, Eventual Mpreg My first Amnesia fic! Made my heart hurt in a sweet way.
Forever Young || jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom || 23.k Wings AU, Strangers to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, OT5 My first wings fic! (so many firsts this month lol). Dee did a great job on this one creating a story that was quite layered and painted a world I got immersed in for under 25k words.
Spellbound || lovelarry10 / @chloehl10 || 22.4k Witch Harry, Shifter Louis, Established Relationship, Halloween, Oblivious Idiots This kicked off my two weeks of Halloween fics! So fun and fluffy!
break open the sky || karamelised || 20.3k Werewolves AU. Uni AU Not my usual genre, but really enjoyed this!
pink like the paradise found || disgruntledkittenface /@disgruntledkittenface || 18.4k Girl Direction, Fluff/Smut
love so soft, you ain't had nothing softer Series || NeonDiamond /@neondiamond || 15.4k A/B/O, Alpha Louis, Omega Harry, Fluff/Smut, So sweet
I'm Hot for Teacher Series || phdmama / @phd-mama || 14.7 Professor Louis, Med Student Harry, Pining, Fluff This was one of my favorites of the month! Wow! The relationship development was incredible, it made me giggle with how much I loved these two.
Service Kink AU Series || lookingfortherainbow / @andtheywerebandmates || 14.5k Injured Louis, Service Kink, Domestic Fluff
Dilly Boy Series || harrylouisinlove / @harrylouisinlove || 12.4k Kid Fic, Child POV, Fluff, Mpreg, Part 3 Christmas
The Section || bananaheathen || 11.k TA Louis, Student Harry, Pining, Fluff, Great Side Ziam Another favorite this month! I will be rereading this one again soon.
the most domestic husbands series || trackfive || 10.9k Canon, Ficlets, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Fluff I'm not huge on reading canon fics but these are all so sweet!
Make Me Feel || bananaheathen || 10k Sculptor Louis, Temp Harry, Small Town Living, Pining
open up your butterfly doors || docklands / @hershelsue || 8.8k Dom Louis, Sub Harry, Safeword Use, Subdrop, Essentially PWP
boy with the kaleidoscope eyes || docklands / @hershelsue || 7.8k Drug Use, Friends to Lovers?
Sun-Kissed Hurricane, Perfect Storm || iwillpaintasongforlou || 7.6k Nerdy Harry, ADHD Louis, Badboy Louis, Pining and Fluff
I'm sticking to you like glue || peanutbutterapple || 6.2k College AU, Sick Fic, Halloween, Fluff
Only Thing That Can Quench My Thirst || eyesofshinigami || 6.5k Canon, Essentially PWP There's just something about how soft Harry is with Lou in this that just - *chefs kiss*
Lost in your Paradise || SadaVeniren / @sadaveniren || 6.3k A/B/O, Public Sex, Unplanned Pregnancy “To the alpha I fucked at the Ziam concert, I think this is yours.” - SO GOOD! This one's stuck with me since I read it. Wow.
Thrown in Wide Open Spaces || berzerkshires / @berzerkshires || 5.1k Kidfic, Meet-Cute, Big Brother Louis, Babysitting
Chew Me Up And Spit Me Out || tequila-tequila / @tequilatequilafics || 5k Neighbors AU, Tattoo Artist Louis, Florist Harry
I'll be There || allwaswell16 / @allwaswell16 || 5k Uni!AU, Sick Louis, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to Lovers
golden hearts (light their way back down) || fairytalelights /@lookslikefairytale || 4k Summer Camp AU, Humor
I've Been Running with the Wolves || RealityBetterThanFiction || 3.3k Werewolf/Shifter Harry, Human Louis, Established Relationship, Kidfic, Fluff
Putting It In! || 4ureyesonly28, BringMeADream, foreverfanficaddict || 2.9k Crack Fic, OT4, Golf, Humor
If Wishes Were Dishes || LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup || 2.6k Domestic Fluff
oh my my, baby don't be shy || ballsdeepinjesus || 2.2k Fluff, Meet Cute, Older H and L
love rushes to your heart, and hope || loveroflou / @grimmpitch || 2.1k Trans Harry, Established Relationship, Fluff, Gender Euphoria
So Happily || DontLetHimGo || 2k Kidfic, Married H&L, Future Fic, Surrogacy, Fluff
built my life around you || blueskiescalling || 1.4k Domestic Fluff, Kidfic
September Recs / August Recs
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
sorry for the unannounced hiatus, just came back from a business trip in cairo and a very long period of writing fics prior cause ykyk 🤭🤭
GUESST FRICKIFN WHAT I MET OSCAR ISYAC OM MY LORD— literally freaking out still, I got him to sign my poe dee lego with the xwing and bb🤧🤧
keep going love you lotz, moonjin xx
hiya moonjin,, i missed youuu :)
okay okay… calm down @ me
anywaaaay, thank youu!!! i’m delighted that you liked the drabbles 🥺💖 but how have you been??? how’s everything!! i hope you’re doing lovely sweetie & that you’re back to writing soon (no pressure ofc!) cant wait to catch up with you soon <3
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thebtswritersclub · 3 years
Happy birthday Eva!!!
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Today’s a very special day in the net. We’re celebrating our admin and founder Eva’s birthday!!!! We all love you so much and we wish you a really good day, Momma 💜 Here are some messages from the staff and members to wish you a great day:
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EVAAAAAAAAAAA! MOMMY! Happy birthday! This year has been A YEAR! And you've ROCKED IT! You're so amazing! I'm so glad we're friends. Talking to you and playing games together really makes my weeks and I'm so thankful that I've had the pleasure of being friends with you and an admin with you for so long! Happy birthday! I love u. -Lillia @moccahobi​
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Eva! My platonic soulmate, my braincell sharer, my Jin-biased comrade in arms! Though we only met less than a year ago, you have quickly grown to become one of my closest friends and confidants. I always find so much joy in our conversations and having you in my life brightens my world in so many ways. I love you and I hope we stay friends for a long, long time. Have a great birthday, you deserve it and so much more. -Dean @eternalseokjin​
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Eva, queen of multitasking and mom extraordinaire, I hope you know how much I and everyone else loves you. I have always been a fan of your writing but the last year has given me the chance to get to know you as a person and it is both my privilege and pleasure to be able to say that I am your friend  hope this year brings you all the love, joy and luck in the world  u r adorable and ily. happy birthday luv. -Aditi @ditttiii​
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Happy birthday, love of my life!!! I can't believe that we've made it this far, honestly. Your friendship is one of my most valuable possessions in life. Thank you foralways being there in the good and bad moments. Know that I'll always have your back. Eva, I'm so incredibly proud of you and all the amazing things you have accomplished, in and out of the net. You're far stronger than you think, never forget it. I wish you nothing but the best, you deserve no less. Have the happiest of birthdays, my love. -Danna @unoriginal_username15234
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Dearest Eva! One year older and one year wiser! I want you to know that no matter how much stress you have and how much you ever doubt yourself, I'll be here to build you up with talks about werewolf aus and bias (wreckers)!! You've become such a good and supportive friend of mine and I love our talks, be they about school or thirsting over the boys. Thank you for being there and reminding me and everyone else how much we are worth - thank you for building up such a great community, my partner in angst. Happiest of birthdays and I love you so much. -Rid @taegularities​
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Happy Birthday, Eva! I’ve only been knowing you for a short while, but it feels like decades. You’re such an amazing person and writer. You’re so intelligent, talented, and funny. Oh, and your writing is mind-blowing! I wasn’t lying when I said that you inspire me; you are beautiful inside and out. We’re all so lucky to have you, and thank you for being here for us. We love you!!! Stay awesome, sweetie! And have a Happy Birthday!! You deserve it! Love, Dee Dee. @sugasbabiie​
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Eva, Happy Birthday!    Thank you for being so kind with welcoming me to the network. I hope your day is surrounded by the things and people you love!                                                 - Lou @sujigguk​
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Hey Eva! Happy birthday! You are one of the most wonderful, kind and supportive people that I know. It’s honestly a privilege to call you my friend. Thank you for all you’ve done for me, and here’s to many more happy moments to come :) -Elle @wheresmymoniat​
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Eva, You're a lovely person and have created such a wonderful little safe haven for so many BTS writers on tumblr. It's hard to put to words how happy I am to have met you and be able to call you my friend. It's not something I take for granted and I hope that we can continue to be friends for a long time. You mean a lot to a lot of people and I'm sure that whatever compliments I have to give you, someone else has said much better than I could lol. I hope that you have a wonderful day and take some time to relax and maybe do some self care! You work so hard and you deserve it! All my love, Keri @kerikaaria​
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eva! wishing you the happiest of birthdays!  You’re one of the most amazing people I’ve met in bwc and on tumblr in general, and i’m so lucky to be able to know you. I hope your birthday is as wonderful as you are. Sending you so much love and so many good vibes!!  -Carese @honeyj00ns​
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Happy birthday eva, the greatest team mom, amazing writer, DM and wonderful friend!!! I really hope your birthday is amazing as you are, you deserve it. I am so happy to know you through the amazing net you created. Thank you so much for being your incredible self and I hope you can feel as much happiness today as you bring to me and all of us at the net xx -Ru @btsmosphere​
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Eva! The happiest of birthdays to you my emo soulmate! I hope you have a wonderful day full of cake and cuddles and happiness! I'm so happy to have gotten t know you. Thank you for always listening to my rants about people who annoy me and ideas i cant get out of my head, but most of thank you for creating a space where i could meet other fantastic people such as yourself! i hope last year treated you well and that this year brings all the growth and fulfilment you desire! :3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!  -Mars @joheunsaram​
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Thank you for being our mum, thank you for entertaining us, thank you for being so kind and including everyone, thank you for giving me a place where I can be safe.  Don't ever change and I hope the day is filled with bright lovely moments and I hope this day brings you lots of happiness, fun and most importantly love! Ilysm and thank you for being you! <333 Have a great day Eva! -Ellie @jungkooksbroski​
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amethystpath-writes · 4 years
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I can't believe it! In two weeks, I gained 50 followers. That's so insane! Thank you all very much, and thank you to all of the newbies!
The lot of you have probably read my bio already, but for those who haven't, here's a little intro.
I'm Dee! You probably know me from Darling, I Did it for You (1st one here) or my Assassin and Queen series (1st one here). My prompts might have also brought you here. My master list isn't quite updated yet, but you can check there for plenty more (pinned to the top of my blog)!
I write tons of hero x villain, medieval times, and occasionally fae and vampires! My ask box is always open to requests (how many there are will determine whenever I get around to writing it) and you never have to be nervous about PMing me! I love chatting with you guys!
Thank you again to old and new followers alike!
Much love, Xx Dee <3
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sunday-romance · 4 years
Sunday Romance - Week 3
Welcome again Everybody!
Here we go again, after the wonders you created last week!
As before, you may use the prompt in any shape or form, as an inspiration, use the line, don’t use the line, whatever you like.
There are two versions and I’d like to ask everyone to tag properly so those who don’t want to see NSFW content can block the tag:
clean tag: #sundaylove
NSFW tag: #sundayheat (trigger warnings are highly appreciated)
Everyone is most welcome, this is a safe place for all of you.
And now to the point, this weeks prompt is:
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“Day after day”
Day after day I love you? Day after day you break my heart? Day after day you bring me joy or pain? Or maybe day after day all of this happens? Or more? Or less? It’s all up to you!
Word limit: 100-1500 (please, put it behind read more over 500 words)
You have until noon, 14th September (UK time)
If you don’t see me interacting with your post, it means Tumblr didn’t notify me, feel free to DM me.
Works submitted at a later time are going to be posted at the end of every month in a master post.
Have fun and keep the romance going xx
Tag list:
@a-fuckton-of-doubloons​ @adie-dee​ @aelenko​ @alias-levi​ @alltheangstmygifttoyou​ @ancientbruisesbrokenruses​ @ashiknees​ @austrohungarianwriteblr​ @bees-r-cool​ @bigboldgold​ @bigfatbreak1​ @booksrockmyface​ @brenpop345​ @c-nan​ @cirianne​ @clarissablackm​ @cooltmoney95​ @cream-and-tea​ @crowswritetoo​ @damfinette​ @dawnscribbles​ @daydreamidea​ @drbibliophile​ @drowsy-quill​ @ej-cappy-universe​ @elenajohansenauthor​ @existing-still-forgotten​ @fictionalsemantics​ @flamangoseven​ @flashflyingfish​ @fly-with-me-higher​ @ghostpicnic-writes​ @gingersnap0910​ @goldenhallelujah​ @gracelesssoloist​ @gwens-fiction​ @hell-yeah-fantasy​ @hey-i-like-writing​ @introverteddumbass​ @itsmariemccurdy​ @jekkiefan​ @juls-writes​ @kainablue​ @kellymunro​ @ladywithalamp​ @lookinpeach​ @lordkingsmith​ @lysander-xp​ @malakaldeen​ @mouwwie​ @mrs-raven-writes​ @my-liminal-spaces​ @nk-writes​ @notyouranswers​ @outcastedangel​ @overwhelmsion​ @pamelawalkerwrites​ @pencil-free​ @pheita​ @phoenix-miko​ @raevenlywrites​ @rainbowcoloreddays​ @ravenpuffwriter​ @rhiannonleewriting​ @riseandshinelittleblossom​ @ruinedqueenwriter @scribbleknots​ @scripturientworld​ @slightlycreepygiraffelove​ @smokedstorybara​ @sophielovesbooks​ @sunwornpages​ @thouhastgoodindeepth​ @thegoldenpages​ @theswordofpens​ @viawrites-andacts​  @wasinotwantedatthisexactsecond @wildswrites​ @wordsaremyescapefromreality​ @writer-in-monochrome​ @writerwaage​
Please, let me know if you’d like to be added/removed.
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team-reasonable · 3 years
From The Inbox (09/17/21) // Black Adidas – “Strawberry Kisses”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Black Adidas’ “Strawberry Kisses” Is Latest Single Before Planned New Album Next Year Rocket Scientist by Day, Lifelong Punk-Rocker Courtney Ranshaw’s Latest Marks His Love Affair with Music
LOS ANGELES, August xx, 2021 – Black Adidas, the nom de punk for Courtney Ranshaw, haven’t just been hibernating during the lockdown, releasing a pair of singles, including the latest, “Strawberry Kisses,” an unabashed valentine to the music he loves and continues to pursue, available on all streaming services Sept. 17. Produced by former Mighty Lemon Drops guitarist Dave Newton [the Little Ones, the Blood Arm and Aberdeen], “Strawberry Kisses” (like “My Favourite Song” before it) showcases Ranshaw’s patented raw, soulful, low-register vocals, which evoke the likes of shouters like Sex Pistols’ Johnny Rotten, Black Flag’s Henry Rollins, the Descendents’ Milo and Iggy Pop.
The singles offer a preview of the follow-up to Black Adidas’ self-titled 2018 debut, which produced such anthems as “Free Shit,” “Old Fashioned Rock and Roll” and “Play What We Know.”
A true believer in punk’s DIY ethos, Courtney studied physics at Humboldt State University graduating to become an aerospace engineer, the same job he’s held for the past 20 years. That’s right, Black Adidas’ Ranshaw is a rocket scientist who also happens to be a punk rocker, with a degree in physics and a proficiency in math and science which goes well beyond Dee Dee Ramone’s “1-2-3-4” battle cry.
Ranshaw does everything himself, from overseeing the design of the artwork for the album covers to getting them streamed. By personally making radio calls, he’s managed to secure airplay on weekend specialty shows at such influential stations as KROQ/Los Angeles (Kat Corbit’s Locals Only), KXSF/San Francisco (Carolyn Keddy), KEXP (Brian Foss’ Sonic Reducer) and SiriusXM’s Underground Garage (where it was showcased by Dollyrots lead singer Kelly Ogden).
"I’ve been in bands for most of my life, and it’s just something I have to do,” says Ranshaw. “I can’t imagine ever not playing and making music."
I think music has been one of the most important things during the pandemic era. Even as live music is starting to happen again, it’s important to remember why it matters. There are records you love, and there are bands that define you. I got into punk rock about 20-ish years ago. That’s why I like the music Black Adidas puts out. I can see the same love and affection for music that I have.
Also, I don’t usually copy/paste entire press releases. It tends to make the post look a bit unwieldy. But this one was really interesting. Because, goddamn, it’s nice to see someone putting so much effort into music when they also put a lot of effort into academics. Fucking rocket science. Who knew?
Black Adidas Bandcamp
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loveylangdon · 5 years
Satisfied pt. 4
a/n: I am sooo sorry for such a late post ive learned when I give myself a deadline it rarely goes my way. I hope you guys enjoy. somewhat undedited please bear with me ive been sick for a couple of days and sick brain doesn't agree with me This doesn’t feel like my best work but feedback is always welcome thank yall soo much XX
masterlist in bio
Word count: 2.5k
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*not my gif credit to owner*
“Connor fucking Brashier open this god damn door” you yelled leaning against it pounding your fist on the white wood.
This was bullshit, utter bullshit.
You talked to Brian 2 days ago about everything.
How it happened and how it didn’t change the way anyone felt about anything. You were drunk and Brian was probably a little more emotionally involved than you were, you were hurt to find out he wasn’t as gone as you were. He seemed to remember everything.
It sent you into a frenzy how could he consciously have taken advantage of your inhibited state, it felt like a betrayal. In actuality, both of you had foggy brains you just a bit more than him. Still, he knew how you felt about Shawn, why would he go and mess up a good thing.
That's where you both fucked up, you going to the first person connected to Shawn wanting to feel closer to him when the real reason Shawn didn’t fly home was that he flew to Amsterdam to meet up and sleep with some girl who lives there.
Brian thought he liked you, he liked the idea of what Shawn had with you. Someone who would wait around and answer every beck and call. You felt used and taken advantage of when Brian apologized profusely and started crying in front of you. You knew you guys should just blame it on the alcohol. Involving emotions was too real and too much.  Involving a one-sided emotion would only end up with someone getting hurt and a worse situation.
Coming to a consensus you were both drunk, drunk beyond relief and he was tipsy enough to not think clearly put two of those people in a room, both of them needy and horny and you wake up the next morning having slept with one of your best friends.
While you and Brian talked about it you still felt gross, he knew you missed Shawn, he knew you were drunk and Brian took his chance thinking maybe you would want him instead. A school crush gone wrong he said. He also talked to Shawn or stopped honestly once he found out Shawn wasn’t talking to you ‘it takes two and it wasn’t just you, I did more of the work if anything’ he spoke out making you cringe. But like the adults, you both are you talked it through and got over it.
Here you were locked in Connor Brashier’s bedroom with the one and only Shawn Mendes after tweedle dee and tweedle dumb thought this was the only way to get you and Shawn talking again. Connor stuck by his “Talk to Brian first and then Shawn” bullshit and here you were trapped.
“Connor fucking Brashier open this god damn door I swear to god blue eyes you won’t look so cute when I get my hands on you” you yelled leaning against it pounding your fist on the white wood harder in hopes he would actually listen and unlock you and Shawn from the confinements of his room.
Shawn started chuckling looking over your shoulder at him he laid down on Connors bed arm draping over his eyes as he let out a sigh.
“He’s not coming back to open the door, They left” He spoke out towards you
Your eyes getting big “What?!” You asked surprised, your voice getting higher
“Yah Connor told me him and Brian had plans later tonight I assumed it was all of us just us two tagging along. Guess they really did have plans that didn’t involve us.” He turns onto his side and looks at you still leaning against the door.
Huffing you put your back to it and cross your arms over your chest “Okay Mendes this is where the gym comes in handy use your big ass arms and break the door” you speak seriously at him as his eyes get wide and he goes into a belly laugh “What? What's funny” you ask
“I am not breaking Tiny’s door” he chuckles looking at you
Raising your eyebrow up at him “What your muscles aren’t strong enough or you aren’t paying him enough to replace a piece of wood” you fire at him annoyed and wanting to get out of this tense atmosphere
Hurt flashed across his face “Why do you do that always taking a dig at me no matter what we’re talking about” he rolls back onto his back looking up at Connors ceiling going quiet. Leaving you both to your thoughts and confused mindset.
“Maybe if you kept your dick in your pants we wouldn’t even be in this situation” you mumbled under your breath rolling your eyes looking at the floor.
“Excuse me?” Shawn asked offended, hurt evident in his voice as he stood from the bed clearly having heard your comment.
“What,” you asked innocence in your voice “Did I lie?” You shoot at him hoping the more upset the more he would want out. While he actually had the strength to get you guys out he seemed unfazed by being confined within the 4 walls.
“How- What the actual fuck y/n are you serious right now?” He asks looking at you arms crossed over his own chest
“I mean obviously Connor and Brian locked us in here to talk so lets do it” you shrug and look up at him challenging him. You can see the defeat and mix of emotions in his eyes
“We’re not talking about where my dick has been” he huffs at you jaw clenched
“What why not too many girls to remember” you start “or do you only remember the pretty ones?” Raising your hand to hold your chin between your thumb and index finger you continue ”oh or the ones who take your phone and follow themselves on Instagram while you go down on them in a stall” You fire at him snapping your thumb 3 times for emphases. getting heated “You know what you probably only remember the ones that blew you in public huh, those real keepers a girl who will get on her knees for you at your convince”
You can see his jaw clench “This isn’t about me and you know it” he shoots at you while his neck is starting to turn a shade of pink and you can see his veins becoming prominent as it pulses in his neck
“Oh yeah right sorry, its about me being drunk and sleeping with one person who knew I was in love with you right” you shoot at him standing up straight his eyes going soft as you say the L word but you continue anyway “he knew but decided to sleep with me anyways while I couldn’t even fucking stand straight but its my fault right, because I couldn’t keep my legs closed when all I thought about was you” you yell at him fire coming out of your ears “yah I forgot you misogynistic asshole who doesn’t even have the decency to tell me when he’s slept with another girl but expects me to be the virgin fucking Mary when he leaves without a phone call” you scream at him and feel the tears in your eyes you turn quickly and push at the doorknob again with your entire body, back facing Shawn.
“y/n” Shawn starts
“Save it I don’t care” you whimper out pushing against the door again hoping with the rush of adrenaline was enough to give you super strength “I just want out” you growl in a low tone
You feel Shawn behind you and you move out of the way and wipe your eyes with your hand. moving around Shawn and through Connors room looking for the trophy he talks about but hates so much. Grabbing it from the top shelf of his you move back to the door and bump shoulders with Shawn who looks down at you confused.
Using the platform of the trophy you hit it against the doorknob where it's connected to the wood hoping the force and your rush of adrenaline would be enough to damage its hold and break you free from the confinements of your love confession and Shawns lack of.
“Woah Woah what are you doing you’re gonna break the trophy” Shawn comes over and pries the gold statue from your hands as you try to hold onto it surprise and shock clear in his voice as he tries to soothe you out of whatever brain fog seems to have its hold on you
“Fuck off Shawn I want out” you try to push him away with your shoulder still holding onto the trophy but he’s stronger and gently pries your fingers off holding the gold thing above your head.
“Breaking Connors shit isn’t going to help anything” he looks you in the eyes holding your gaze so you know he’s serious and you feel a wave of emotions wash over you. “They wanted us to talk things out not break shit” he huffs placing the trophy out of your reach you can tell he’s no longer angry at your attacks against him and he looks at you with soft eyes.
Emotions are surfacing and you can feel it. The room is thick with emotion and tension. You’re not so sure if Connor and Brian wanted you to talk things out or shut up and fuck each other. Seeing how this could have gone both ways you chuckle and curse Connor because knowing him he wanted the ladder so he can stop hearing you both complain.
You turn back to the door and start lightly kicking it gauging shawns reaction and turn your head to see his head in his hands chuckling lightly
“you’re going to be the death of me” he speaks out lowly and groans
“Maybe if you kicked this door down you could have a higher life expectancy,” you say knocking on the door lightly with your hand. You don't hear a response from him and you turn around slowly.
He's looking at you with the softest expression ever and suddenly you feel like crying again.
He takes a deep breath and he’s about to speak before he can you cut him off
“don’t” you look at him with pleading eyes and you see him furrow his eyebrows
“I-” you see him shake his head confusion Clear on his features
You sigh “Don’t get serious on me Mendes I don’t want to start crying and it's not going to change anything I get it.” You give him a soft smile “I slept with your best friend I would hate me too don’t need to apologize for something you’re going to hold against me forever.” You shrug your shoulders and look away from him picking at your nails “Don’t act like we can get past this because at first I thought we could and then you reacted the way you did and I knew we wouldn’t be able too.” You look at him and tilt your head so it's resting on your shoulder softly “We won’t get past this you can apologize and I can apologize and we can both accept that we’re sorry for doing what we did or how we reacted but in reality, you aren’t. You’re not sorry and I'm not gonna sit here and hear you say those words and not mean them. And quite frankly I don’t want this new image you have of me to overtake the good one, you’re going to resent me or Brian and I already know it's going to be me so don’t make it any harder for both of us. Just don’t apologize for it okay I get it” you shrug again biting your lip. you feel tears welling up in your eyes and you sigh looking at the ceiling
He can apologize all he wants but he’s never truly going to forgive you and you know if anything or any type of relationship was to ensue after this he was going to use Brian against you any chance he got because he was guilty of the same thing. Is guilty of doing the exact same thing sleeping with another person. That's what hurt the most, not that he was mad at you for sleeping with Brian that he was mad at himself for doing it more than you have and you never calling him out for it. The guilt was eating at him and you saw it.  
You heard him take a deep breath
“I can never resent you” you hear him get up and walk over to you cautiously
You look at him but not up at him and see that he’s right in front of you, you feel him wrap his arms around you cautiously and pull you into his chest you don’t know you’re crying until you feel the wet blotches on his shirt and he’s repeatedly telling you how sorry he is in your ear. You feel his heartbeat and his arms tightly around you his head on top of yours and know that this is home.
a/n: sorry again for the late upload I've been dealing with a lot and this story isn’t feeling like its flowing idk. Thank you all for the kind words feedback is greatly appreciated masterlist can be found in bio xx 
some of the tags weren't working im sorry 
Tag list: @anyasthoughts @haileyofthefandoms @winterin127 @ucanttakemyyouth @turtoix @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @shawn-youth @unsolvedhearts @shawn-youth @mariamuses @crowdedimagines @lovablefangirl @sixwyrxstuff @ivegotparticulartaste @shawnandconnor @dreamersseeincolor
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ironicscavenger · 5 years
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𝔏𝔲𝔦𝔟𝔥𝔤𝔥𝔬𝔯𝔱 3/3 XX
D: “But we need a powerful and stable one. I understand. I only promise to meet him, if he’ll have me. But who knows... perhaps we will truly fall in love.”
Princess Dandelion Duncan of Luibhghort hereby announces her intentions to attend Prince Evander Xanadu of Dornne’s Ball.
Previous | Beginning | Next
About Luibhghort
This kingdom used to be hidden from the rest of the universe, but after the great civil war, it opened its borders to the rest of the world. Still, the magical barriers only allow allies to enter, as its residents are still weary of outsiders.
Luibhghort means Garden of Herbs in Gaelic, and that is exactly what this world is. You may find all kinds of herbs, trees, and flowers everywhere you go. That is why even the most average citizen knows their way around herbology, and the greatest asset of the economy is the trade of these precious ingredients. It is also why so many of its people are named after plants.
As it is with anything that is on a different plane (humans would call it dimension), sometimes the magic and knowledge can bleed into other worlds. This is why they have so much in common with druids, and their magic, also rooted in nature, seems to have been incorporated in their human counterparts as well.
Though many, including royals, are fluent in English, Gaelic is the common tongue used by all of the realm. And the way the land is organised and ruled would remind someone to the Scottish clans of old. Tough it is the Empress that rules it all.
*Authors notes: when in doubt, think Celts, Scottish highland and druids, and you will get a feeling for the place and its culture.  
About Dandelion
Aspiration: Spellcaster and Sorcery | Genious, Bookworm, Clumsy
She is an only child, but that hasn’t stopped her from having many friends. In her 27 years of life, she has been learning the art of alchemy and herbology, something she is very passionate about. But she is a natural with untamed magic, a talent which she probably inherited from the long line of untamed spellcasters her father hails from. Speaking of which, she still has not forgiven her father for betraying her mother and trying to steal the throne. She chose her mother in the conflict, helping her root out the traitors and restoring her to the throne. It came as a surprise to no one, since they were always very close. From a very young age, her mother taught her how to be a fighter.
Swordsmanship, archery, defensive and offensive magic. Those are some of the skills Rowan passed along to her daughter. Though Dandelion still couldn’t beat her (no one in the realm could beat Rowan at any of these skills), she is well on her way to dominate them.
However, don’t ask her to use practical or mischief magic, which you’ll likely end with a broken bone, since she cannot control them at all. Why, it is a mystery.
More facts about her:
Some things she hates: people who lie, wasting time, people who aren’t loyal, people who aren’t kind to strangers and non-spellcasters.
Her closest friends call her Dee-Dee (from her initials). She doesn’t like it very much, but she knows it means that this person is important to her, so she allows it.
As a child, she and her mother would spend a lot of time at the beach. So now that is a special place for her. But she would never go into the ocean, because it terrifies her.
Would spend her entire day reading if she could. But as the head of the royal advisory council, and her mother’s right hand, she spends too much time in politics, solving crises and making sure everything is alright. That is how she discovered the coup and was able to stop it.
*Authors notes: I imagine spellcasters on this realm to be prejudiced against non-spellcasters in the same way a human would be with a non-human.
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dear-indies · 6 years
hello! are there any tutorials around for those psds that are trendy right now? the ones with very proeminent colors and that often pixelizes the icons? i would like to learn how to do them, but unfortunately since most people are making a living out of it, no one really wants to teach. thank you guys.
A masterlist of 130+ free PSDs! 
Free PSDS:
theascoloring - blue sun. 
radiaint - heavy moon. 
radiaint - aecervus. 
aecervus - peanuts. 
aecervus - bubblegum heart. 
aecervus-archive - 072. 
sytheheart-a - 001. 
venuscommissions - freebie 007.
venuscommissions - freebie 006.
venuscommissions - freebie 005. 
venuscommissions - freebie 004.
oceanrps - shamrock.
oceanrps - internet. 
oceanrps - sherbet. 
oceanrps - wings. 
oceanrps - infinity.
oceanrps - rachel green.
fossaed - 22. 
fossaed - 21. 
fossaed - 19.
fossaed - 18.
fossaed - 17. 
fossaed - 16. 
fossaed - 15. 
fossaed - 14. 
fossaed - 13. 
fossaed - 12.
fossaed - 11. 
fossaed - 9.
fossaed - 8.
fossaed - 7.
fossaed - 6..
fossaed - 5.
fossaed - 3.
fossaed - 2.
darrkestsky - leia did that
somresources - angelic. 
ruinise - fairest, blossom and goldren
ruinise - monarch and verdant.
ruinise - mirage. 
ruinise - hacked. 
mooniepsds - fly eggs. 
ghostlyrec - bloodskine. 
goblinrph - regal. 
chlocommissions - darkness. 
chlocommissions - already dead. 
chlocommissions - silver screen. 
woodsbeyond - here, kitty kitty.
ashcommissions - psd 009. 
ashcommissions - iced psd. 
ashcommissions - angel dust. 
ashcommissions - the kind of lore.
chups-resources - vampire.  
chups-resources - amethyst. 
chups-resources - cherry bomb. 
chups-resources - heavenly. 
chups-resources- nevermind.   
chups-resources - thursday afternoon. 
chups-resources -  sunset
chups-resources - blessed. 
septicpsd - congratulations, you are still alive. 
septicpsd - miss sweet dee.
ghostdoubts - all the way. 
melodramarps - robb. 
shamurph - galaxy news. 
selfulfilling - verge. 
xx-corpsebride-xx - how far does the dark go. 
heyabooboo - r. green. 
greaserspsd - gloria. 
bluecommissions - rainbow.
juliakclly - kendra
oversought - psd by hex. 
gifsandthaangsformyblogs - bubble pop. 
gifsandthaangsformyblogs - haze.  
gifsandthaangsformyblogs - bold
gifsandthaangsformyblogs - halo.
gifsandthaangsformyblogs - variety. 
gifsandthaangsformyblogs - light. 
gifsandthaangsformyblogs - soft. 
sapphireroleplays - supercut. 
kingsleigh - aurora. 
kingsleigh - mistress. 
ndgrs - 003. 
ndgrs - 002.
ndgrs - 001. 
valorslain - here lies the land of the free. 
fnsies - disaster.
fnsies - cluster. 
fnsies - 1000miles. 
fnsies - teacup. 
fnsies - gruesome. 
fnsies - earthly. 
fnsies - supergirl. 
fnsies - telly.
fnsies - monster. 
fnsies - carter.
fnsies - gotham. 
fnsies - morgan. 
fnsies - oldschool. 
fnsies - lights. 
fnsies - hogwarts. 
fnsies- 20.
fnsies- 19. 
fnsies - 18.
fnsies- 17.
fnsies - 16.
fnsies - 15.
fnsies - 14.
fnsies - 13.
fnsies - 12.
fnsies - 11.
fnsies - 10.
fnsies - 9.
fnsies - 8.
fnsies - 7.
fnsies - 6.
fnsies - 5.
fnsies - 4.
fnsies - 3.
fnsies - 2.
fnsies - 1.
chunkzpsds - blue raspberry. 
chunkzpsds - snickers. 
chunkzpsds - gushers.
chunkzpsds - spiced apple. 
chunkzpsds - ciabatta. 
chunkzpsds - boudin.
chunkzpsds - lemon tea. 
chunkzpsds - cotton candy. 
sacrauri-archive - psd pack.
spytaught - wingless. 
hubrisfall - enigma. 
BONUS: free borders:
Normal / big:
oblivionresources - hugh. 
aecervus - long boy john and john jr
arizonacircles - tangled
fcmiliar - also includes small sizes. 
somresources - serine. 
somresources - edged. 
somresources - corners. 
fossaed - thicc 
fossaed - 001
aecervus - crowned and kingslayed. 
aecervus - full of love. 
aecervus - one taught me patience.
aecervus - uwu. 
aecervus - dog ear. 
aecervus - dot dot dot. 
aecervus - yeah it’s square. 
aecervus - full of love.
646 notes · View notes
tmarauder101 · 5 years
List 5 things that make you happy and then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you ❤️
5 things that make me happy…
1) getting a text from my friends (I’m looking at you @potter-art @shameless-bisexual @dragonmalfoys @notquiteartemis @ripoffqueenelizabeth @dee-at-221b @fu-ck-my-li-fe ) Also my good friends over at the Waffle GC, Weo Rat group, and Bad bitvhes club!
2) getting a notification about my fics
3) reading drarry fanfics, or just drarry in general. 
4) my little sister’s hugs because honestly, they are the best. 
5) and…. when @daddiesdrarryy @xx-thedarklord-xx @keyflight790 and @mothermalfoy post because I love all their accounts dearly and everyone should check them out! 
That’s all I got for now ! *insert heart* (I’m on a computer)
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Rejection (Part 3)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
Logans eyelids fluttered open and he realised he was laying on someones lap.
He sat up, ignoring the person asking how he was. He thought it was a stupid question if they knew what had happened. Of course he wasn't OK.
Unless they too thought him emotionally stunted?
His chest ached painfully as once again Romans harsh words echoed in his mind.
He was just an annoyance. A boring annoyance with an inability to feel emotions properly.
He put his head in his hands, his hands tightening into fists in his hair. He did still feel things but the pain was almost unbearable and for once he wished he couldn't feel at all.
It would solve so many issues if he could just turn the stupid feelings off.
Logan jumped as someone rested their hand on his shoulder and he met the eyes of Virgil.
"Logan, everything Roman said is wrong. You're not boring or emotionally stunted or an annoyance." he said and Logan stared at him in disbelief.
"Virgils right, you're intelligent and interesting and we're lucky to have you." A voice from slightly behind him said and he turned and realised the person who's lap he'd been laying in was Patton.
Logan didn't know how to respond to either of them and he probably would have just lapsed into an awkward silence if he didn't spot Deceit.
Seeing Deceit made Logan look around, taking in his surroundings and coming to the conclusion he was in the other mindspace.
If Logan was in the other mindspace then that meant there was a certain trait who might be able to help him.
"D... Deceit." Logan managed to croak out, making everyone wince sympathetically. "I want to talk to someone."
Deceit smirked and replied "But you already are talking to someone."
"Deceit, now is not the time for joking around and messing with him." Patton scolded, making Deceit sigh and adopt a more serious expression.
"Who did you want to talk to and why?"
"I... I want to talk to Apathy. I don't want to h...h...hurt like this anym...anymore." Logans voice shook as fresh tears fell down his face.
Patton looked slightly confused while Virgil and Deceit exchanged concerned looks.
"Logan, are you sure?" Deceit asked and Logan nodded adamantly.
"I.... I'll go fetch him then." Deceit shook his head as he walked off into the darkness and Virgil sat down next to Patton and Logan, trying to push away the worry and slight fear he felt from being back in the 'dark' mindspace again.
Deceit walked through the dark corridors until he reached a specific door. Before he could knock the door opened and a figure appeared, rage all over his face.
"What are you looking at Deceit? Come to get all buddy buddy with Apathy? Well he's all yours! Both of you can go to fucking hell!" growled the trait who shoved past Deceit and stormed off down the corridor.
Deceit looked back into the room and saw Apathy shaking his head.
"What just happened? Did you take away his lighter again or something?" Deceit asked.
"No he's just.... Him. He assumed things that were completely incorrect and obviously didn't like that he was wrong. He truly lives up to his name of Irrationality." Apathy said in his usual blank, emotionless voice.
"You can say that again, I still haven't forgotten when he set his room on fire because he thought it'd look pretty. Although I'm pretty sure it might have been because he saw a spider but either way that was difficult to clean up." Deceit said, staring down the corridor in the direction the crazy trait had gone.
"Enough mindless chatter, what did you require from me? You hardly do social calls anymore since you're usually bothering the main traits these days."
Deceit sighed. "There's been a lot of drama in the main mindspace recently and one of the main traits actually requested to talk to you. He... He was completely screwed over by one of the others and is pretty much emotionally broken and wishes not to feel anything anymore. I don't think it's the right solution but I said I would fetch you so here I am."
Apathy seemed to think deeply about what Deceit had said and then made a decision. "Which trait is it?"
"Logic, it was Creativity that caused everything." Deceit said.
"Logic and Creativity, not two traits that I would predict to interact much for any sort of argument between them to be emotionally damaging to either one." Apathy said as Deceit lead the way to the others.
"Logic loved Creativity but Creativity didn't feel the same. Instead he verbally ripped Logic apart and Logic ran until he ended up here." Deceit explained.
Apathy stopped with a small frown. "Creativity ripped him apart verbally? From what I know of that Disney Prince wannabe it seems more likely he'd attack physically in that sort of situation, anything from a small shove to full on throwing Logic into a wall or something. Plus I would have thought he'd be flattered someone saw him in that light, he's the most likely out of all the traits to randomly kiss another trait just because he thought they were his reflection or something."
Deceit let out a snort of laughter at Apathys last comment. "Well it'd be difficult for him to mistake someone for his reflection now, Pat... I mean Morality punched him in the face and broke his nose."
Apathy looked at Deceit with slightly narrowed eyes for a second before starting to walk again, making Deceit shudder.
He needed to be a little more aware of what he said because Apathy hated it when Deceit used the main traits real names. Apparently it made him sound too familiar with them and it got on Apathys nerves.
Three traits sitting on the floor came into view and Apathy took in Logic and Morality, not very surprised. It was when Apathys eyes locked onto the darker trait that the atmosphere changed.
"Virgil. What an unpleasant surprise to see you here, I'm quite sure I remembered you swearing to never return but here you are."
"Fuck off Apathy! I'm here helping Logan and that's it." Virgil growled, getting to his feet.
"wow, look at this brand new attitude. Where did timid little Anxiety go? You're little act might fool everyone else but we both know deep down you're still that scared little trait who cowered everytime someone looked at him funny."
Apathy had stepped forward so him and Virgil were in each others faces.
"That's not who I am anymore." Virgil muttered, glaring right back at Apathy.
"Oh really? What if I said Irrationality was going to turn up?"
Virgils eyes widened in alarm that was difficult to miss. "He... He's not." Virgil stumbled over his words and took a step back.
Apathys lips twitched up into a smug little smirk before he turned to the trait who'd requested his presence.
"Now explain what you wanted."
Logans eyes briefly flickered to Virgil, who was running himself through a breathing exercise and cursing Apathy under his breath, before they locked onto Apathy.
"I don't want to feel like this anymore. I want you to make it all disappear." he said in a hoarse voice, almost too quiet to hear.
"You do realise that if I do this it won't just take the pain and sadness, it'll take any joy or happiness as well. You'll be completely devoid of emotion and even the simplest of things will fail to make you feel. It's also completely irreversible. You're Logic so think it over before making a rash decision." Apathy explained, his voice quieter as he said the last part, in an attempt to come across less harsh.
Patton had got to his feet, his eyes narrowed at Apathy the entire time, unable to prevent himself feeling protective over the others.
"Morality there's no need to glare at me like that, I'm not going to hurt anyone, that's Irrationalitys thing. I'm not sadistic."
"Says who." Virgil mumbled with a glare, making Deceit face palm.
"Virgil, please don't bring that up again, you know we had no idea what was going on and when we did find out Apathy sorted things."
Virgil sighed "I'm sorry Dee, it's just that a certain someone decided to bring it up first to try and humiliate me."
"I didn't bring it up to humiliate you, I brought it up to prove a point. No matter how much you try to pretend you're strong, you can't change who you really are. No one can force themselves to change so drastically." Apathy stated.
Virgil could feel the curious gazes of Patton and Logan on him so he quickly changed the subject before they asked what they were talking about.
"Moral... Whoops... Patton punched Roman in the nose." Virgil said, shaking his head as he stumbled over his words.
Apathy raised an eyebrow in amusement. "So I heard, well done Morality I think that's something everyone's been tempted to do at least once but you're the first to actually do it."
"He hurt Logan, I lost my temper and that's all there is to it" Patton said, his eyes still narrowed at Apathy.
"plus he can be a bit of an arrogant pri....nce. Yep that's definitely what I was going to say. Arrogant prince." Deceit said, avoiding Pattons stern look.
Suddenly Logan, Patton and Virgil let out matching gasps of shock as they felt a rather desperate summons from Thomas.
"Logan are you capable of coming with us? It seems urgent." Virgil asked and Logan nodded reluctantly.
"I... I'll give it a go." he muttered and the three of them vanished leaving Apathy and Deceit alone in the dark mindspace.
General tag list:@amethystdarkwolf @mcfreakin-childproof-caps @patchworkofstars @kitkat-doodles @unikornavenger @dolphin-squirrel @sympathetic-deceit-trash @starryfirefliesbloggo @cakercanart @neonb-fly @kaymischief25 @punsterterry @aprilthevene @theoddkidnextdoor @fuckingemoace @i-sold-my-soul-to-thefandom @im-so-infinitesimal @sea-blue-child @thecatchat @iris-sanders-athena @saphael-malec102 @smedenn @corkeecoderyt @sopi-montezzz @illogicaldeath @deadpanstar @theanxiousfander @lesliealiceinwonderland @wicked-universe @anxious-is-the-name @a-black-pegasus @erlenmeyertrashofsandersides @ace-the-weekly-doodler @luarpice @novusavis @the-life-ofa-troubled-ace @heck-im-lost @nerdy-as-heck @pansexual-cat @ravens-rambling @echomist13 @myownhappilyeverafter @im-a-sexy-mouse @xx-fandom-potato-xx
Rejection tag list:
@ibelievewhatsontv @anxiouslogan24
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