#love the mucha vibes
thedreamwraptartist · 10 months
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“The Ballad of the Archer and the Fox” - I am enjoying A Curse for True Love so much that I had to create this illustration. Inspired strongly by Alphonse Mucha and exploring a fairytale vibe, I hoped to capture the dreamy beauty of Evangeline and the two archers of her ballad 💕 this is probably my favorite piece I’ve created this year! So happy with how everything turned out and I hope fans of the series will enjoy this too.
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Kaylee is a mega lesbian, she/it pronouns and shes a marine biologist, but shes super unprofessional about it. But in a fun way. Has a thick australian accent and surfs in her free time! She has whale shark-esq lusii, and also she keeps tiny lil seals as pets! :>
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turndecassette2 · 3 months
Hey don't know if it's a boring ask but how much do you think the wave of "Japonism" and "chinoiserie" in 19th western europe and the subsequent popularity of, like, ukyo-e woodblock engravings influenced drawing in the 20th century? do you think it's very blatant or do you think it's more subtle or something. sorry if the question is unhinged or super specific, I'm just curious for ur response anyways love ur art
I always liked the way mary cassatt used the flatness to do western motifs
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which has a kinship to japanese art w/o feeling like a pastiche/imitation from an outsider. (above might be 19th century though). I honestly haven't looked into a lot of vintage faux-eastern things, I guess most of what persisted (or what my brain bothers to register) is the stuff where that was like 1 of several ingredients. like a lot of art noveau/jugend had a bit of that I guess, which in turn is half of what moebius ended up doing by way of Mckay & Mucha
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like I come across Thomas Theodor Heine (sp? I keep forgetting his name) online sometimes & I assume these kinds of float-y lines + big flat surfaces have like a 1/4th japanese ancestry but wouldn't count as 'japonisme' in terms of content, vibe etc.
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& had a discord conversation abt herriman the krazy kat guy a while ago & how behind the funny animals he was kind of one of those 'indefensibly good early 20th century newspaper cartoonists' kinda like the above. & he had a huge impact on us comics obviously. but I'm not enough of an art historian to build a genealogy here
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so I'm just using your question as an excuse to post some nice old art. sorry it's very late
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masha-nikita · 4 months
The Archetypes of Red Rose, White Rose
I need to balance my brain out due to sudden onset of depression. It is the result. Rommel is probably the only general who, even if you draw him from the back, he's still recognizable- flowers, a camera, and love for beauty. Rommel has a Venus-Mercury conjunct with a direct Neptune influence; he is going to appreciate artistic expressions.
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In fact, this colored-doodle with an unintentional Mucha vibe has the energy of his wife Lucy in mind. According to some sources, Rommel wrote home to Lucy daily, as it was reported to be his mental crutch- I imagine it to be transcendental emotional support, not unlike my own experience, my own relationship with our Tumblr community here. Whether you guys interact with me directly or not, you keep me alive. My sincere thanks to you.
Lucy was a formal dancer in Danzig with a decent middle-class background, her father seemed to be a land owner- Lucy being able to do art, probably added to his admiration for her- fellow artists, angelic companionship.
I suppose he did need emotional supports, and a lot of it-- Rommel is the only high commander with whom Kessering "the smiling Albert" did not get along-- which is a feat. After all, Kessering was very renowned for his exceedingly cordial and diplomatic temperament. The same could be said of von Rundstedt, the calm, gentlemanly, old Prussian field marshal. These two could put up with some bad BS from any one else, except Rommel. He was too intense, too mentally off-balance, too difficult to deal with for his colleagues.
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There are a few things I noticed from Rommel's biography (including the Trail of the Fox, 2005), that allow me to make some observations. His love for Lucy appears to be non-sexual. They had their only son 12 years after marriage. That is a pretty long time, not customary with a Scorpio man who has a 8th house Mars (who is supposed to have at least above average sex drive).
As a matter of fact, Rommel had a daughter with Walburga Stemmer before his marriage with Lucy was finalized. At that point Rommel’s family felt the need to step in and strong-armed him back with his fiancée-- one reason being to prevent the young lieutenant from the pitfalls of sex and alcohol. In my humble opinion, the subtext here might be Lucy would not lead him astray in that regard, therefore his conservative family would rather have him marrying Lucy.
A side note, Stemmer family still holds a collection of hopelessly romantic letters from Rommel. Did Rommel write comparable letters to Lucy at that point in time? A bit hard to tell.
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I could not recall which article comments that Rommel was "hen-pecked' in the household, but Lucy was dominant at home, that part had been very true.
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Ouch, I don't know, some aspects of this living environment must've been toxic to Rommel no matter how much some folks wants to romanticize it. It is horrible to be in a friend group where there's a mean girl boss who takes pride in ruling over her husband and turning any girl who crosses her into a persona-non-grata. But I digress. Back to my title.
Nevertheless, for me, Lucy being archetypal White Rose still holds water as a concept.
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The Red Rose- White Rose archetypes originated from the same-titled short novel by Zhang Ailing, one of the 20th century's greatest female writers. She depicts love's tragedies as Chin dynasty fell apart and China marched into an era of post-colonialism, world war II, civil wars and partisan conflicts-- and eventually, modernity.
White rose is your ideal wife, the guardian of your family's social standing. She is angelic, she seems docile, she reminds you that you are from a place of honor and integrity, not of seedy backgrounds and carnal desires. White rose kills love by loving you, by being stable, by calming you down whenever you freak out. Very slowly, she castrates you, she brings you home to domesticate you.
The Red Rose symbolizes those dark desires, a black hole that sucks you in to have sex with you, a fragrant bed, a sex dungeon you do not have the will power to claw yourself out of. Red rose loves you by conquering you, destroying you and everything you represent and cherish with triumphant strides. Very quickly Red rose tears you down, burns all your bridges, until you are beyond recognition, until you are flesh, blood, fire and desire, a literal mess.
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It is implied in Ailing's novel that men invariably choose the White Rose, because they are human, all too human. Marrying her, he regrets it; not marrying her, he regrets it even more. Such is love's tragedy in the face of humanity, and tragedy is the only inevitability in Ailing's universe. That's why I pull Lucy in as a faint through-line in my Montgomery x Rommel fanfics... not that I am going to write any more, I don't think so.
And yes, Red Rose is synonymous with Bernard Montgomery, in my fandom brain's humble opinion.
I know I am weird.
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cricketnationrise · 7 months
500 Followers! Congratulations!!!
Oooh .. for a ficlet . .
a time stamp - 1:30 pm
location - a panaderia somewhere in NYC (maybe https://donpacolopez.com/pages/press-don-paco-lopez-bakery - since its in Brooklyn?)
character - Alex Claremont-Diaz
a song title/lyric for vibes - Many the Miles ( Sarah Bareilles) https://youtu.be/L-0uUSHa8wY?si=oHzEPF8AprRM4fcB
Rating - leaving it up to your discretion
Hi hello first of all I fucking love Sara Bareilles and this song in particular is one of my favorites :D second of all writing this made me want conchas really badly. that being said - all Spanish mistakes are my own, so if anyone notices any, please let me know and I'll correct them 💜🦗
read the rest of the ficlets here
1:30pm, nyc panadería
Don Paco Lopez, Panadería, established 1991, in the heart of Brooklyn, New York, smells absolutely fucking amazing.
The air is thick with the smell of dough and cinnamon and chocolate and something about the mix of aromas has Alex’s choking up a little – caught in the memories of his abuelas kitchen. The place reminds him so much of summers and Christmases in Mexico that he has half a mind to book a ticket down there right now, the nostalgia is so powerful.
Through the window, Alex can see illuminated baking cases — almost empty at this hour — and a man and woman dancing and laughing behind the counter, each covered in both wrinkles and flour. He can just make out the sound of Selena through the glass door.
Without a second thought, without any regard for his carefully structured schedule, Alex steps inside, the bell over the door jingling merrily. 
The dancing couple breaks apart at the noise, smiles still firmly in place, and moves to their stations before freezing in place, mid-greeting, as she recognizes him as the son of the President.
“¡Hola! Bienvenido a— ¡Dios mío, eres tú!”
Alex slips into Spanish as easily as breathing. “Culpable de los cargos,” he says, a sheepish grin on his face. “Huele increíble aquí. Al igual que recuerdo la cocina de mi abuela.”
“Muchas gracias.” They both still look stunned he’s in their shop. “Estamos horneando para la próxima orden de catering.”
The knowledge that this panadería does catering has Alex’s brain going a mile a minute. He scans the cases, searching for his favorites. Pan de muerto chico, tamales dulces, rosca de reyes, churros, cuernito, niditos—and there, in the far corner, Alex’s favorite: conchas.
“Bueno, quiero esa última concha de chocolate, pero también voy a hacer algunos pedidos de catering.”
“¿Algunos? ¿Cómo en múltiples?”
“Sí,” Alex says, letting his grin go a little wicked. “No puedo dejar que los niños del Refugio Okonjo tengan todas las golosinas, ¿verdad?”
The Lopezes laugh, albeit a little hysterically, as a timer goes off in the back. Paco excuses himself to the ovens with a gesture to his wife. “Mi esposa puede ayudarle con su pedido, Sr. Claremont-Díaz.”
“¡Llámame Alex!” he calls after Mr. Lopez. He lowers his voice back to normal volume as he turns to Mrs. Lopez. “Por favor, insisto.”
“Bueno… Alejandro. ¿Qué podemos hacer por ti?”
He chuckles, visions of piles of pastries dancing in his head. “¿Tienes un bolígrafo y papel a mano?”
Mrs. Lopez’s eyes crinkle with amusement as she clicks her pen and hovers over an order pad. “Estoy lista.”
Alex lets the words fly, making up the order for the shelter on the spot. Día de los Muertos is coming up, and there’s enough kids at the shelter who haven’t gotten a proper celebration of the holiday in a while that will practically die with happiness when he drops the baked goods off.
For his own order, he’s been homesick for Mexican baking for a while. He can make a mean mole, throw kick-ass enchiladas in the oven, even put together a salsa that June said was on par with their abuelo. But Alex doesn’t have as much time, or frankly the patience, to turn out conchas and other sweet breads that his abuela still makes once a week. He orders way more than he’ll ever be able to eat before it goes stale, but he doesn’t care. Henry will at least try each variety, and Alex can always bring any extras to class or his review session. 
Mrs. Lopez won’t hear of him paying full price, and Alex can’t fathom paying anything less. Mr. Lopez finally interrupts their standoff with a suggestion of thirty percent off for the shelter. That, Alex will accept—he’ll do anything for Henry and Pez’s dollars to stretch further to help queer kids. Mrs. Lopez still looks grumpy, but she concedes to Alex paying full price for his own order as well. (Alex will leave a big tip when he picks up both orders, whether she likes it or not.)
He thanks them again, setting a pick up time for both orders and leaves with his chocolate concha and a wide smile on his face. Henry and the rest of his family are going to make so much fun of him for the sheer volume he ordered, but in Alex’s defense, he was left unsupervised.
Translations: Hello! Welcome to— Oh my God, it’s you! Guilty as charged. It smells amazing in here. Just like I remember my grandma’s kitchen. Thank you so much. Well, I want that last chocolate concha, but I'm also gonna place some catering orders. Some? As in multiple? Can’t let the kids at the Okonjo Shelter have all the goodies, now can I?  My wife can help you with your order, Mr. Claremont-Díaz. Call me Alex! Please, I insist. Okay, Alex. What can we do for you? Got a pen and paper handy? I’m ready.
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spadesinred · 1 year
Jotaro, Polnareff, Kakyoin and Avdol with a Mute S/O! - G/N
REQUEST<3: holaa, vi que hablas español espero no halla problema con que solicite en español 🥲
podría solicitar de jjba a los cruzados(excepto Joseph) con un lector mudo? Algo románticon por favor
Espero no incomodar muchas gracias y suerte con tu blog ❤️✨😄
(Thank you anon! please excuse me for taking so long..Classes are a pain in the ass and i had final exams this last weeks..!) (btw..i take this as the S/O is mute but not deaf, sorry if i was wrong)
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-When he met you, he actually thought and suspected you had something different, always so quiet and eyeing everyone with piercing eyes.
-He didn't mind it or seemed weirded out or anything, as he is himself a very quiet and introvert guy.
-When you hang out, it's usually going to a quiet place where he can talk to you and you to express yourself calmly, hearing his random thoughts and perhaps watching marine documentals?
-Somehow, Jotaro can read your thoughts and what you want to say when you're looking at something or someone in a certain way, how your eyebrows furrow, how you squint your eyes, the way your lips curve, if someone can't understand you, he will sulk at the person and then explain it, turning his head at you to know if he was right.
-When you began to date, your conexion was so rooted, you always enjoyed his calm and collected nature, just like he felt at peace with your chill and silent vibes.
-You two actually developed like a secret telepatic language, only for Jotaro and his quiet lover, stare at each other, smile, pout, he knows what you mean, and so do you.
-When fighting a stand user, he is afraid of you getting hurt and he wouldn't know since he might not see you, he wouldn't be able to hear your screams for help either, he keeps you close to him, holding pinkies..!
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-When he saw you, he was mesmerized. Planning on how to introduce himself and impress you, he didn't know that you were mute, so when he comes to you and he sees you don't say anything, he actually got nervous.
-At first he didn't know exactly how to talk to you, later, he just gets used to your silent presence, he will tell you a random history of his, his dreams, his crave for love while batting his eyelashes at you.
-He will sometimes tease you lightly, since you can't answer back to him (at least with your voice) he will sometimes annoy you, perhaps just to get your attention and lighten your mood.
-You want to melt this man's heart? write him a love letter, it will fucking kill him.
-He will take revenge on you by leaving little notes with corny stuff everywhere.
-He's very protective of you too, if he sees anyone mocks, treats you bad for anything, he will probably have to hold himself from smashing their heads on the ground, especially if they mess with your mute condition.
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-He understands completely at first. If he was already paying close attention and with interest everytime you were pointing something out, now, he had his full attention on you everytime.
-He never gets bored of you no matter what you two are doing, he will often invite you over to play videogames or do random stuff at home, he knows he is able of understanding you and you are comfortable with him, but outdoors it may complicate things, so he rather have you do something nice in a safe place for you to do anything.
-He loves that even when you can't speak through your voice, you actually have a lot of long and interesting conversations, he often finds himself giving free rein to his mind. He loves that you two simply are so safe with each other.
-You tried to develop a little language for you two to use, but you can only say like some basic or urgent words, tho it works in case you need something or the other way. You feel bad? No more, Kakyoin is already taking you to a nice place to help you out with anything. Need a hug? He's got ya.
-Sometimes he won't speak at all, of course, he is an introverted guy and will just lay with you, his head on your thighs, or resting on your shoulder.
-He will treat you the same were you mute or not, he's a very polite and nice man already with anyone at first time.
-Since he knows a lot of stuff from being a fortune teller, (most fortune tellers have to analyze with precission the people they try to "read their fortune or misfortune" so they can come up with a believable answer, he knows how to read body language and the way someone expresses themselves) he manages to make you surprised most of the times, guessing things you never thought he could ever know if you didn't told him, but he did.
-He will teach you about tarot cards, he loves it when he has your whole attention focused on him, expect for him to do the same with you.
-When you began dating, he made a pack of small cards with essencial words for you to pull out in any place if anything happens or if you need something.
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chiquititaosita · 2 years
Hola! Amo tu blog. Leí tus historia de Zoro y Sanji y queria saber si podría pedir una de headcanons con Zoro y Sanji en una posada típica Mexicana? (Perdón por no escribir en inglés. No lo escribo pero lo leo.)
𝐌𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐡𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐨
bear note: si! muchas gracias amor! besitos for you!! 💋💋💋💋💋this was amazingly fun to write! Y’all let me know how I did on the smut!! I had to do it because AHHHH!!! I thought it’d be interesting 💋💋💋💋💋
Post type: Headcanon
Pairing: zoro x reader, sanji x reader
summary: these two bastards and their s/os go to a Mexican inn.
contents: established relationships , nsfw at the end of both characters thingies, food play (zoro and sanji )
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⇾ Hold onto your Chi chi’s I mean literally
⇾ “why are we even here..” he’ll grumble to himself, on y’all’s way walking there
⇾ “how adorable..” he’ll chuckle lightly with a smile watching you be all giddy in a Hacienda
⇾ he’s gonna be a leash boyfriend now when y’all are on this island like in public though mostly because he’s going to get lost if he wanders off ESPECIALLY IN THE DANGEROUS OUTSKIRTS it exists because I say so
⇾ when y’all make it to the hacienda/inn seeing all of the walls decorated into tile and supple colonial architecture. It made you feel like you were at home once again. Giving novela vibes for sure you were so excited and happy about it
⇾ immediately looks for something to drink, and will dump his face into the big ass water fountain that’s usually in the center.
⇾ tbh he seems like the guy to be easily intimidated by certain types of architecture
⇾ will easily get scammed to pay for more money so you have to translate and defend your Marino
⇾ because he doesn’t speak Spanish and if he does, by the way he says something that’s foreign
⇾ ”QUISTE AL LE VERGA WEY!!!” That’s one of the things he’ll say.
⇾ you both will take tons of pictures of anything that looks like a napping spot.
⇾ exploring is a must when you’re staying una gloriosa Hacienda venue. With all you see is grass, flowers, live stock, beautiful scenery, and a amazing lake.
⇾”OI WAIT FOR ME!! babe! BABE!! y/n!! Y/N!!!! SLOW DOWN!!” he’ll chase after you when y’all are in the field after you tell him something stupid.
⇾ “you look so beautiful as always.” He’ll coo into your ear and just tell you beautiful things into you your ear and wrap his arm around your shoulder as y’all watch the sun begin to set.
⇾ once he’s finally comfortable to the new surroundings he becomes completely relaxed and/or affectionate towards you.
⇾ will proceed to carry you everywhere around the villa to explore
⇾ “oh my goodness mírame amor los mariposas amor!”
⇾ sees a butterfly land on you and will boop your nose
⇾ “está bonita mariposa.” He’ll chuckle and kiss the top of your head. THE WAY YOULL BLUSH,
⇾”just like you baby.” His one eye will stare into your beautiful sparkling (colored) eyes. As you bat your eyelashes, looking away from him sheepishly
⇾”awe gracias zoritito!!” you’ll kiss him and he’ll deny that he liked that special nickname you made for him, than come into conclusion
⇾”hablaste español ahora zoritito ?! aye que lindo!! chiquito mi amorcito!!!” your eyes are in stars and again he’s baffled with you praising him
⇾ “I love you y/n.” He’ll just say it looking into your eyes this would be the very first time he says it to you during y’all’s relationship.
⇾”AWE YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME!!- WAIT!! WHAT!!” you’re blushing in shock! And dance in victory as the goofy ass you are
⇾”S-Shut up. It was just momentarily..” He’ll look away accepting your attack of kisses leaning down so you could kiss him even more.
⇾”I love you too!! Zoritito!!” You kiss him more
⇾ once you finish exploring you’ll have him place you down and take a break.
⇾ “ah finally a napping place.” He’ll plop himself onto a wall, while you explore the kitchen
⇾ not even five minutes you’ll be finding yourself cooking some onigiri with carne asada filling in the cocina while your moss head boyfriend is napping near you
⇾ once he smells the food, he gets walking up behind you to give you back hugs.
⇾ “are you making onigiri?.” He’ll mumble into the crook of your neck
⇾ “mhm! Just for you, we’ve been on our feet all day, since we got here.” You gesture him to eat, he goes down to town indeed
⇾ when you made elotes, and Dulce enchilados, or sweet and sour candy, he hesitates at first but once he starts getting used to the taste HES OBBSESSED!!!
⇾ I mean literally he eats the chamoy off of your titties
⇾”imma gonna lick the chamoy off of these chichis.”
⇾ once he places the chamoy bottle all over your plushy mounds, he deviously licks the curves of your breast. Literally doing what he says
⇾”hmmm…mmm amor!! Y-You said….you’d be gentle!..nghhh”
⇾ Already making you cum more than once, when he just finished spreading his seeds into you as his vision came white and blurry.
⇾”sorry, mamas..” he’ll breath heavily,coming back to consciousness, and lick you until you’re clean to you the usual skin tone color you were once again before. Licking the last of the chamoy off of his lips
⇾”I just got hungry for dinner. Now I need dessert.”
⇾ y’all can say y’all had a very adventurous weekend
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⇾” Y/N CHWANNN!!! THIS VILLA COMPLIMENTS YOUR BEAUTY LIKE THE GOLDEN SUN!!” He’s in awe of you, and the venue y’all chose to stay for the weekend.
⇾immediately wants to explore the hacienda with you, HOLDS YOUR HANDS ALWAYS
⇾he just doesn’t want to lose you
⇾ “the kitchen!!! AHHHH THIS MUST BE HEAVEN!!!” The minute he sees you walk around in awe of curiosity he’s got googly eyes all over you.
⇾”hehe that’s not even the best part corazon, mira!” You’ll show him around the villa he sees the beauty by holding his hand guiding him to the fields and gardens around with people working.
⇾”wow.” His eyes are now stars, and it reminded him of what his mother would tell him what her happy place was involving the rest of her children.
⇾he’ll be crying due to the nostalgia and you seem to notice it, and hug him
⇾”Sanji que pasó? is everything okay?” you’ll look at him and watch him cry into happiness hugging you, squeezing you, and crying into your clothes as you’re comforting him.
⇾you’ll be humming one of those lullabies to calm him down, and of course that one Selena song dreaming of you ITS AN AMAZING SONG
⇾”im sorry, i just thought of my mother that’s all. She said something like this was her happy place…and I can’t believe… I found it with you .” He’ll kiss your temple and whisper how you’re his all blue, his happy place, his dulce to his leche, his other half.
⇾”you’re my happy place y/n you’ve always been I love you so so so so much y/n chan I am eternally grateful to have you as my love.” he’ll kiss your knuckles and just shower you with adoration and kisses
⇾ the minute y’all are star gazing into the moon light. He just stares at you
⇾”have I ever told you that I’m so lucky to have you angel baby?” he’ll look into your colored eyes as y’all are. Your cheeks will flush into a crimson red
⇾”s-sanjito… you’re so sweet amor” you’ll pull him into a kiss, he kisses you gracefully, holding your hands.
⇾”I’m serious meroline, you’re the only one I want to spend the rest of my life with forever.” As he puts out the butt of the cigarette he’ll take your hand to get out, when it was getting starting to get chilly. Putting his jacket on you as he grabs your hand hearing mariachis play in the background
⇾”May I have this dance my dear Y/n?”
⇾ he’s just like ahhhhhh all shaky and shit with his breath.
⇾ slow dancing into the moonlight!! YALL LITERALLY FUCKING DO THAT!
⇾ “The moonlights beauty is nothing compared to yours mon amour.”
⇾ he’ll give you a bath and do your whole routine because he always says “Mi Reina a beautiful diosa (goddess) that I must serve must be treated with the most care.”
⇾ you were flustered and shook at the same time. “Y-you c-called me mi Reina y d-diosa..” you put your palms to hide your face, and squeal.
⇾ you both cook together! He loves exploring new flavors with you!! especially loved the chamoy candies y’all bought.
⇾” Y/n Chwannn!!! Can you make more candies whe-“
⇾ when some spilled onto your titty he literally licked that shit up! He got fucking hard after that.
⇾”AHHHH! what was that for!!” You’ll just be busted out laughing and blushing. I would’ve came if he did that
⇾ his thoughts immediately go ‘THEY LOOK SO GOOD ON HER MUST. KEEP. COMPOSURE!!! ‘
⇾your tits look amazing in his mouth nah for real! THIS MAN CAN EAT! you almost thought he was luffy because of how much of your boob he had in his mouth one time. He did not disappoint.
⇾”I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself!!” He was blushing as you kissed him with chamoy flavored lips.
⇾ that was until you started grinding on him playfully, and he just started humping you leaving out a shaky breath just a tad one.
⇾”hmm… I’m kind of hungry…”
⇾”what do you want my sweetheart?”
⇾ “yo quiero tu pollo.” You’ll playfully moan into his ear.
⇾it’ll take him a few seconds to process, since he speaks French and Spanish sounds so similar. He puts two and two together
⇾’if anything with o means for a boy and anything with a at the end is a girl. Pollo means chicken… OH MY GOD SHE WANTS MY COCK!!’
⇾ let’s just say he even got to take a picture of your boobs seasoned with Tajín and Chamoy. And of course fuck your seasoned titties
⇾ “My my beautiful Y/n, you taste as wonderful as you look..” he’ll kiss you everywhere and just body-worship you again you being seasoned like the hot tamale you are.
⇾ he keeps that picture in his wallet, and in a secret drawer of sentimental things on the sunny.
⇾ “say darling, when we have kids would you want to consider living here and the sunny?” He’ll think about after fucking you senseless.
⇾”what a day we have had today.” Y’all are just cuddling into the bed, fresh and clean after that fiasco.
⇾”indeed and I can’t wait to to have many more with you my lovely y/n.”
⇾”te amo sanjito.”
⇾”I love you too my y/n.”
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muchalucha-art · 7 months
*Feeling better today. 2024 has started with a whirlwind of lucha opportunities, which are all positive. Unfortunately my family fell ill, which means I fell ill, so I am playing catch-up this week. However before my temporary incapacitation I did finally nail the design for this guy!
Because every class of wayward, impressionable, mascaritas needs a maestro...
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I have to say, I am loving working in the ML! universe Mucha Luchaverse again. I think Hex has a real '2004' vibe going on...
Thanks for being patient everyone...playing catch up this week!
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notwhelmedyet · 11 months
typesetting 'A Fire Shall Be Woken'
So I've been nibbling away at this project in secret for a month but I finally reached out to the author Ealcynn (who I don't believe has a tumblr?) and got the go-ahead to post updates so! here we go!!
Over the past year I have fallen absolutely in love with a LoTR AU fic series called A Fire Shall Be Woken, which is essentially a "for want of a nail" AU where Legolas was exiled from Mirkwood and has never met Aragorn. It is very well written and intricately detailed and it makes me cry every time I read it & after reread #3 I decided I should probably bind a copy.
Around that same time I discovered Cloches de Noël et de Pâques, a french book from 1900 illustrated by Alphonse Mucha. There's a wonderful quality scan available online and each page has a gorgeous floral frame & I said to myself: well. I'm never going to find a fic that's a better fit for these illustrations than this series.
So, step one, I went through the book and picked up some of my favorite frames that has winter/autumnal vibes, since both fics take place from October-December. There are about 80 pages of frames, but less than 40 illustrations because they are repeated with varying color schemes. I needed 19 illustrations to have one per chapter. I recruited some friends in the Renegade Publishing server to vote on the order, though I ignored a lot of their sensible advice to put my favorites at the front and back of each volume.
Then I had to do basic image editing to clean up the covers. The scans were good quality but were very grey. Each page had a dark and light side due to the curvature of the pages during scanning. So for each image I:
Cropped to size & auto-adjusted the white balance to brighten the background to white
Selected the transparent frame between sections and filled it with white
Used a layer mask on a duplicate of the image to lighten the dark side of the page, using an opacity gradient to make the transition seamless.
Covered the text frame and top illustration with smooth-sized white frames of matching sizes. I tried just filling these with white but at the reduced size I'll be printing the imperfections of the original linework were jagged and distracting.
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krscblw · 1 year
Your art gives me goth Mucha vibes, and the way you shade (especially the background) is so distinct.
this is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me 😭😭 i love mucha and i'm definitely very inspired by his art! i'm glad that comes across. i'm also glad to hear that my art stands out to people! i'm always worried it's too boring, so thank you
and speaking of goth, i said ages ago that i was gonna make rain goth and i never finished the drawing.. i should revisit that
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my-fortnite-blog · 1 year
Fortnite x Yoshitaka Amano, a collaboration that nobody talks about.
Fortnite x Yoshitaka Amano, una colaboración de la que nadie habla.
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It’s very probably that if you are a big fan of Final Fantasy saga, the name of Yoshitaka Amano sounds familiar to you, but if you don't know him, let me tell you a little about this great artist, of whom I consider myself a great fan.
Yoshitaka Amano (天野 喜孝) is a Japanese visual artist, character designer, illustrator, a scenic designer for theatre and film, and a costume designer, throughout his career we can highlight the following works: Final Fantasy, Vampire Hunter D, Speed Racer, Gatchaman, Casshan, Guin Saga, which are the most important and recognized of his entire career.
Es muy probable que si eres un gran fan de saga Final Fantasy el nombre de Yoshitaka Amano te suene familiar, pero si no lo conoces, déjame hablarte un poco de este gran artista, del cual me considero una gran fan.
Yoshitaka Amano ( 天野 嘉孝) es un artista, diseñador de personajes, de vestuario y teatro; ilustrador y escenografo japonés. A lo largo de su trayectoria podemos destacar a la saga Final Fantasy, Vampire Hunter D, Speed Racer, Gatchaman, Casshan, Guin Saga, entre otros; los cuales, son algunos de sus trabajos más importantes y reconocidos.
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The art of Yoshitaka Amano is very special to me in many ways, it goes beyond having given life to many of my favorite characters from the Final Fantasy saga, such as Cecil or Terra.
When I was a little younger I began to be interested in the art that went behind a video game, in one way or another as a fan of Final fantasy I ended up encountering the art of Yoshitaka Amano, more than love at first sight I made an immediate connection with his art for only one reason…his art looks like my dreams, yes, the dreams I have when I sleep, all those colors, textures and level of detail in his works, it was as if he had entered my mind and said “I have I have seen your dreams and I have painted them” that is why his art is important to me.
El arte se Yoshitaka Amano es muy especial para mi de muchas maneras, va más allá de haberle dado vida a muchos de mis personajes favoritos de la saga Final Fantasy como lo son Cecil o Terra.
Cuando yo era un poco más joven comencé a interesarme por el arte que iba detrás de un videojuego, de alguna u otra forma como Fan de Final fantasy termine encontrándome con el arte de Yoshitaka Amano, más que amor a primeras vista hice una conexión inmediata con su arte por una sola razón…su arte se ve como mis sueños, sí, los sueños que tengo cuando duermo, todos esos colores, texturas y nivel de detalle en sus obras, era como si el hubiera entrado en mi mente y dijera “he visto tus sueños y los he pintado” es por ello que su arte para mi es importante.
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Art by Yoshitaka Amano to Final Fantasy VI
His style is unmistakable, when I saw the leaks that morning, and saw the loading screen, I immediately said "This is the work of Mr. Yoshitaka Amano, it couldn't have been done by someone else" and I just went to investigate to check that he was correct.
They might say that every what's in-game loading screen made by an artist is some kind of collaboration between the artist and Fortnite, and that's right, but as I have said, for me Yoshitaka Amano is special in addition to his great career and his importance in the artistic field, such as cinema, painting, theater and video games.
Going back to the collaboration with Fortnite, It not only presented us with a sublime loading screen but also with gorgeous skin that has all the vibe of Yoshitaka's style, which definitely stands out from the rest with her unique design, and that vibrant red that contrasts with the pale skin of the character, also look at that face, I love it!
Su estilo es inconfundible, cuando vi las filtraciones esa mañana, y vi la pantalla de carga inmediatamente dije “Esto es obra del señor Yoshitaka Amano, no pudo haberlo hecho alguien más” y solo me metí a investigar para comprobar que estaba en lo correcto.
Puede que digan que cada pantalla de carga qué hay en el juego hecha por un artista es una especie de colaboración entre el artista y Fortnite, y eso es correcto pero como he dicho para mi Yoshitaka Amano es especial además de su gran trayectoria e importancia en el apartado artístico como lo es el cine, el teatro, la pintura y del gamining.
Regresando a la colaboración con Fortnite, no solo nos trajo una sublime pantalla de carga si no que también con una skin preciosa que tiene todo el vibe del estilo de Yoshitaka, que definitivamente resalta del resto con su diseño único, y ese rojo vibrante que contrasta con la piel pálida del personaje, además miren ese rostro, ¡me encanta!.
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At some point I came to imagine what a collaboration between Fortnite & Yoshitaka Amano would look like? considering how many iconic characters that man has created, but I didn't think I'd get to see him and I'm really grateful for this collaboration. I think no one is as happy as me for this.
En algún punto llegue a imaginar ¿Cómo se vería una colaboración entre Fortnite con Yoshitaka Amano? tomando en cuenta la cantidad de personajes icónicos que ese hombre ha creado, pero no creí llegar a verlo y estoy realmente muy agradecida por esta colaboración. Creo nadie esta tan feliz como yo por esto.
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My opinion of the adaptation
The skin is so beautiful, I love it and absolutely she has all the vibe of a Yoshitaka Amano´s design, but, if we make a comparison between the design that we see on the loading screen and the adaptation that was made as a Fortnite skin, I have a couple of observations:
►The first: The length of the hair does not seem to be correct, it also has a kind of reddish reflections that could easily be taken advantage of and used to make reactive skin
►Second: the sleeve that you can see in the design does not match the final result, it seems to have a kind of red lace that the Fortnite guys decide to omit, also on his hand he seems to have a ring that was completely omitted.
Third: the long socks, this one probably doesn't count at all since it could be the interpretation of the reflection of the clothes in the light but it may not and that the color really is white. So this wouldn't be so much of a problem but I still wanted to mention it.
Mi opinión sobre la adaptación:
La skin es hermosa y tiene todo el vibe de un diseño de Yoshitaka Amano, pero, si hacemos una comparación entre diseño que vemos en la pantalla de carga y adaptación que se hizo como skin de Fortnite tengo un par de observaciones:
La primera: El largo del cabello no parece ser el correcto, además tiene una especie de reflejos rojizos que fácilmente pudieron aprovecharse y usarse para hacer reactiva a la skin
Segundo: la manga se que puede ver en el diseño no coincide con la del resultado final, parece tener una especie de encaje rojo que los de Fortnite decidieron omitir. Además en la mano parece llevar un anillo que se omitió por completo.
Tercero: los calcetines largos: este es probable que no cuente del todo ya que podría ser la interpretación del reflejo de la ropa en la luz pero puede que no y que realmente el color realmente sea blanco. Así que este no seria tanto un problema pero de igual forma quería mencionarlo.
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Do not take this last as hate, you know that I am super observant and it is only a comparison.
This last is just my personal opinion: I think that if I designed a skin for Fortnite, I would just like them to respect even the smallest detail. And as a fan I would have liked to see that reflected here. But it’s ok, with the collaboration is more than enough to make me happy.
Conclusion It's a collaboration that surely no one expected, especially because I follow Yoshitaka Amano on his social media and he never mention anything about it, but it made me very happy that it came, also I think that not many people will know that this is a collaboration, so I hope this post has served as a small introduction to this wonderful and talented artist.
Until the next post.
No se tomen esto ultimo como hate, saben que soy super observadora y solo es una comparativa.
Esto ultimo es solo mi opinión personal: creo que si yo diseñara una skin para Fortnite, a mi me gustaría que respetaran hasta el mas mínimo detalle. Y como fan me hubiese gustado ver eso reflejado aquí. Pero esta bien, con la colaboración es más que suficiente para hacerme feliz.
Es una colaboración que seguramente nadie esperaba, en especial porque sigo a Yoshitaka Amano en sus redes sociales y nunca menciono nada al respecto, pero me hizo muy feliz que llegara, además creo que no muchas personas van a saber que esta es una colaboración, así que espero que este post les haya servido como una pequeña introducción a este maravilloso y talentoso artista.
hasta el próximo post.
THANK YOU FOR READING ME!! The English isn't my native language, if I write something wrong, please leave me a comment, that would help me a lot because I'm still learning. Thanks for your help.
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lav-endermoon · 4 months
hellooo i’m assigning all my mutuals alphonse mucha art because i love it a lot so this one’s yours :)
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i don’t know you that well yet but i think it suits you!!
oooohhhh my goodness that’s so thoughtful of u!! that’s beautiful i love the vibe, i’ll have to check out the artist more!
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astralazuli · 1 year
I collect divination card decks. Not obsessively, not in huge quantities, but I do have a couple different tarots & a few oracle decks that I swap between depending on what info I'm looking for & which deck calls to me on a given day.
My favourite deck is a set of Tarot Mucha (a bit of a misleading name; there is no Mucha art in it, it's all Mucha inspired). There's just something about this deck's vibe that calls to me more than the other ones.
This deck is also a right bitch. Like real tough love kinda shit. Pretty much any time I feel called to do a reading with it, it just hands me my entire ass & tells me to do better.
& it's not just me. Three years ago, I felt compelled to do readings for my Birdfriend & Bestie as well (they both consented/asked for these readings), & it succinctly told Birdfriend that if they wanted a better life they had to take a step in the right direction instead of wallowing, & told Bestie that they needed to get over their shit & accept that they were lovable & that then good love would come their way. I have no recollection of what it told me that time.
(Birdfriend now has two semesters left of their degree in web design, a field they love, & Bestie is engaged to the most lovely person & finally has the healthy polyam relationship they wanted.)
Anyway, last night I suddenly felt a strong need to do a reading with this deck. I've been going through a personal journey of realizing that I might be inclined to polyamory & also realizing that I definitely have a crush on a friend, & thought that the cards could offer guidance.
Yeah, well, I don't know what I expected, but the cards basically told me to shit down, shut up, & deal with my self-esteem shit, or everything was going to blow up in my face.
So I reshuffled & did another reading. & you know what? It started to detail all the ways everything was going to blow up in my face if I didn't course correct.
& like. It wasn't anything I didn't know already, but damn. The cards really just fucking called me out & drove the point home.
I don't know what the point of this post is beyond I love my incredibly no nonsense art nouveau tarot deck.
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
oh and I forgot to write for the artist ask game,
7. Which artists or styles do you draw inspiration from?
Hello Sara thanks for the ask!! I decided to answer this one first bcs its a bit easier
I think my biggest inspirations right now are Alphonse Mucha and JC Leyendecker. I just love the illustration style, it's a lot easier to aspire to and reference off of than the ultra detailed artists I also like. I like baroque artists like Anthony van Dyke, and also some 19th century artists, but those are just a completely different level y'know? Mucha and Leyendecker is a lot closer to what I like to draw, and I often look at their work for reference. I just love the way they draw people, and their clothes, and the poses. And as I said, the illustration style, and the vibe of it being like a cool advertisement, is definitely something I aspire to. Though with my boy king art you can definitely see that's I've been looking at too many baroque portraits 😭 Here are some examples :)
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I own art books of both their work that I look at a lot when trying to plan :) I just love Leyendecker's versatility and how rich anf handsome his work is. And I love how Mucha personifies things, it's something I really love doing as well, so it was so cool to go to his museum and see all the collections of his work! I just love the vibe in both of theirs where the figure is clearly on display, and is the center of attention, but also it's not like "oh this is [specific person]" It's often more of an idea, if that makes sense???
The other type of art I take a lot of inspiration is the type of art that's in artbooks about clothing or fashion, like graphics explaining the clothing? I have these artbooks of war uniforms and ahhhh man idk I just love them so much, they're very helpful. And I download a lot of art off pinterest of baroque fashion as well. I just like that the point of them is the clothing itself, rather than about the person wearing them. Not that I hate portraits, I mean I literally draw them all the time, but the fashion drawings are a lot more helpful. It's just very fun to see such specific illustrations. :D
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indica-illusions · 9 months
Indica illusions, metal boomin
I'm still coughin almost puking man this chick ain't human
Got me stuck ADHD delusions but tia got sticky green solutions
Seaweed roll like sushi
Weezy tunchie
Kush no cushion
My lungs got contusions
No confusion by the book these hoes blowin Kamasutra
This tree a titan cyborg booya
I'm the real ghost boy who you mane?
White no pouya
Got no pumas
These be chuck taylor's
217 chuck town chew ya got the beef for cheap chalupa
Little goofy squabble mucha lucha
Don't need no mask
Hands for free fuck mula
Rockin moons my vibe lunar
Ice no jeweler
Out the game but sometimes white boy boone with bookah
Steppin sideways saucy baby, lady bad with da broom she might boom ya
Don't get it twisted, witches on the Christmas list
Love my bruhas
I be that ghost boy send a boo right through ya
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anarchypig0 · 10 months
¡Hola, hola! Preguntitas para Eurwen (no sé si tienes otros niños, ¡si es así inclúyelos también!): 1, 5, 10 y 12.
Si tengo dos niños así que te respondo a dos con Eurwen y a dos con Cadfael~
Eurwen 🐲:
How does your OC feel about their full name? Si le preguntas a él, se hubiese adaptado a cualquier nombre porque o te toca uno o te toca otro pero da igual cual tengas y como tantas otras cosas te apañas con lo que tienes y decides el uso que quieras darle. SIN EMBARGO Eurwen significa "bendecido por el oro" y le encaja a la perfección.
Do they have a “tell” for when they’re lying? Mmmmm la relación de Eurwen con la honestidad y las mentiras es… complicada. Lo habitual es que no mienta, una mentira es un gasto de esfuerzo y una complicación que la mayoría de veces es innecesaria. Sin embargo no siempre es honesto del todo, omite información, la utiliza según le beneficie más y a veces le dice a alguien lo que cree que esa persona quiere o necesita oír. No lo percibe como algo inmoral sino que sirve a un propósito. No se hace mala sangre con las mentiras (las que él pueda decir o las que le digan) porque, igual que los defectos, son innevitables y una mentira revela tanto de quien la dice como haber dicho la verdad. Y me he dado cuenta de que nada de esto responde realmente a la pregunta. Lo que mejor evidencia que está mintiendo es seguir la pista a sus acciones y palabras anteriores para pillar la contradicción. Por lo general habla de forma tan apática y me importa tan poco decir algo que no es plenamente auténtico que te lo va a decir con la misma apatía que la verdad y ya será asunto tuyo ver con qué quedarte. Cadfael✨
What is a weird quality that they have (ie their hands are always cold, they’re always hungry, they snort when they laugh, etc)? No he tenido oportunidad de rolearlo todavía aunque está en la ficha y tengo muchas ganas pero Cadfael tiene una voz preciosa y con ella puede templar las emociones ajenas e inducir al sueño y el descanso. Como otro detalle gracioso, esta vez de su forma de comportarse, suele tender a cruzar las manos, los dedos, etc, dejar los codos apoyados en un sitio y luego recostar la barbilla en la muñeca. Son posturas que me gustan mucho, creo que encajan muy bien con las vibes del personaje pero que me cuesta describir (y en especial describirlas y que no quede demasiado largo ni demasiado enrevesado >-<)
How do they show affection to someone they love? Esta ya la he respondido con Eurwen así que ahí va la respuesta de Cadfael: El lenguaje del amor de Cadfael son los actos de cuidado y, muy medido, el contacto físico. Es curioso porque no tiene reparos en utiliza su magia con quien pueda necesitarlo y a la vez es un acto muy íntimo, así como las caricas o el dejarse coger. No es algo que haya tenido oportunidad de explorar en el rol pero probablemente Cadfael guíe más esto hacia qué permita que hagan con él que a qué haga él al respecto, y tampoco puede decirse que lo haga por un gesto de amor aunque pueda ser confundido como tal por quienes el rodean. En cambio lo que realmente mostraría que el afecto que siente hacia alguien es genuino sería mostrarse vulnerable y dejarse ayudar, sostener o abrazar sin que este guiando a la otra persona en que eso es lo que debe hacer. Renunciar al guion. Y contarle lo que de verdad piensa, siente o teme sin una segunda intención. Pero por ahora no hay nadie en ese puesto.
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