#louis even referred to 'which armand' is it tonight
saintarmand · 7 months
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...huh. probably nothing but could be some kind of thematic link between these scenes? 2 more months until we find out so why not speculate wildly!
placing daniel in lestat's position as the "patriarch" seems a bit odd since he's definitely not exerting any control over louis and armand, but it could imply, for example, that he's trying to be in control of the interview and louis and armand are going along for now while planning something else.
louis is in claudia's spot and armand in louis's, unless rashid is meant to parallel the salesman in which case their positions would be mirrored? armand as the quiet plotter like claudia certainly seems to make more sense than louis.
some ideas of what could be going on:
discussion of how vampires can be killed, or their powers relative to their makers (related to revenants maybe? one of claudia's eastern europe diaries are on the table)
loumand talking telepathically, one of them plotting but not letting the other one in on the plan yet
daniel thinks he's winning but he's actually like the "deer come up the trail"
discussion of knowledge as infinite and ever-changing, impossible to gather it all in one place
if rashid mirrors the salesman, he has to "provide" for all three, honey and pineapples orange juice/cocktail for daniel and blood for louis and armand (although there's no blood in sight and daniel seems to have rejected the drink offered)
daniel now has "ever present paranoia"
the three of them are merely "enduring, with little pretense of getting along, locked together in hatred"
any other ideas? let me know!
for reference, the dialogue/narration in the scene from 1x07 under the cut:
Daniel: So, question. Can an immortal meet mortality? Louis: Technically, yes. Daniel: How? Louis (voiceover): Several ways. Starvation. Deny the body the blood. Conversely, drink the blood of the dead. He told me as much my first night reborn. Then, there's fire. Consume the body with fire and it can house no spirit. Decapitation. He confided that to me one blood-drunken night in Baton Rouge. Theoretically, it can be done. But could it be done by us to him? Could the children murder the father? He was stronger than us, quicker than us, in possession of ancient powers that had been passed on to his progeny only in a diminished form. Add to the toxic air a new ever-present paranoia, and now, you are with us. We were compelled to sleep in the same chamber together again. He would have it no other way. We would spend our hours enduring, with little pretense of getting along, locked together in hatred. He would have it no other way. Our only opportunity to plot would be telepathically. And Claudia, for reasons she would not yet divulge, used our advantage sparingly. Lestat: Knowledge is the ocean's edge. I mean, to think it could somehow be gathered by a mere 20 volumes. Louis (voiceover): But make no mistake, Claudia was plotting, quiet in her deer blind. Lestat: A relic before it's even gone to the print shop. Aww. There's three of us you must provide for tonight. Louis: I've had my fill. Lestat: Louis's never honored the blood as he should. Blame the teacher, not the student. Louis (voiceover): Lestat de Lioncourt. 179 years in the Savage Garden. 148 years the blood-drinker, the bringer of death… the deer come up the trail. Lestat: Another approaches.
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hekateinhell · 2 years
Marius has always been one of my favorite characters. I loved getting enamored with him in TVL, QoTD, and parts of TVA and also loved learning about the depths of his selfishness and failures in later books
I don't think this is an unpopular opinion! But I guess it depends on who you follow. Maybe it's a confession? In which case, if you want me to help you find your people, just drop me a DM/ask off anon!
Marius is definitely a polarizing character, especially these days with social media having become what it is and the rise of purity culture. My last real benchmark for VC fandom would've been in the mid-to-late-2000s, back in the LJ and DeviantArt days. Before I get called a "fandom old" by someone older than me again, I'll point out that I entered VC young (as many of us did!). Aside from the fact it's usually meant as an insult, I take it as compliment. Even then.
In my day (I hear it now, oops), the juggernaut ships were Loustat and Marius/Armand. Then there was Devil's Minion, Armand/Louis, and Lestat/David if you felt edgy. But mostly the fan favorites were what Anne referred to as her core cast: Lestat, Louis, Armand, and Marius and their respective pairings. We more or less just vibed in our little spaces (wasn't perfect but it was a hell of a lot quieter and contained).
ANYWAY... I'll get off my soapbox for tonight.
Tl; dr: lots of people will still appreciate Marius with you! They did back then and they do now.
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thenightling · 3 months
Interview with The vampire episode 6 season 2
This show just keeps frustrating me. So now Armand gave the theatre Cuadia ...so they'd spare Louis? To keep the peace? There are hints that Armand wants Claudia dead but I think it might be too subtle for the people watching this. This is the third time (I've kept track) that the show has mocked or insulted the source material. This time by using Louis and Lestat dialogue from the novel for the "pretentious play" which apparently is also Waiting for Godot... with Interview with The Vampire novel dialogue. Why are there so many insulting digs about the writing from the books? The first time it was pretending the threatre knowing who Lestat is was "Soapy" even though Paris is where Lestat came from. Claudia and Louis know that Paris is where Lestat was made a vampire. And there aren't that many vampires in the world so the big coven n Paris was likely to know of him. The Lestat reveal at the end was unsurprising (for book readers). But Lestat souldn't look perfectly fine and puffing on a cigarette. He was in really rough shape (and pretty much delirious) when he was forced, by Armand, to tell the theatre what Claudia had done to him.
Madeleine's transformation felt really drawn out and they completely removed that Armand psychically pushed Louis to make her. They also brush off and diminish an important scene from the books with "Don't care." (in reply to "Yes, Father. At last we are even." I also don't understand the "I am too small." being kept in as to why Claudia can't make Madeleine into a vampire. She's not that small. The actress is 5'3. There are plenty of adult women shorter than that. The line made sense when she was four or five-years-old. (In the novel Louis said she wasn't quite five yet). But not so much here, especially when her actress is nineteen and Armand was seventeen when he was made a vampire in the books. The "If I could switch bodies with you" line from Raglan James really was on the nose and is making me wonder if he's already joy riding in someone else's body. Is he already inhabiting David Talbot's body? Wait... Is Rashid David Talbot already body swapped / hopped? He does end up in a young, dark body at the end of Tale of the body Thief... Also Louis would NEVER refer to Claudia as a burden. And even worse when she asks him if he thinks of her as a burden he doesn't even say no! WTF?! That's NOT Louis!
I never quite got over that the show wants to actually use the rule that vampire maker and fledgling can't read each other's thoughts but they briefly forgot that rule in the first season and had Lestat psychically talk to Louis AFTER having made him a vampire... I'm actually curious about what direction they're going with that. I have to admit I do sort of like the Santiago actor, I wish he was playing Marius instead of someone doomed to die. I'm not feeling well tonight so I think I'll pause my review here.
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naysmusings-blog · 7 years
Harry, if you don’t know who I want at the wedding by now, I don’t think we should be getting married. *I retort, slowly turning around to look into his eyes, knowing he had to know who I was talking about and who I was directly referring to.* And besides, we didn’t agree to anything like that! *I somewhat snap, feeling as though our lives had started growing together but veered into two different directions the moment I kept up with ballet when he didn’t. Ballet was the center of my life for the longest time, and the fact that he couldn’t relate anymore was starting to make things harder* You said we’d start this after Marguerite and Armand, but you just couldn’t wait no matter how hard you tried so I caved and let you start planning. But even if I did agree to start planning now, I really don’t understand how you just expect me to throw away all the commitments I made before we even got engaged! And when we have all of our lives to get married! I don’t have all my life to dance, Harry! I’ll be lucky if I’m still dancing in my thirties! *I shout, my original efforts to avoid doing so wasted, feeling terrified and frenzied at the thought of just dropping ballet for something so temporary and trivial as wedding planning* If all this matters so much to you, so much so that you’re yelling at me to give up what I love, then we’ll- we’ll just have to shotgun it or go sign a document in a chapel. But don’t you dare belittle my profession again. -Annaliese
*He feels suddenly and inexplicably alarmed when you say he seemed put off by you, knowing himself that it couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, it took everything in him not to risk his friendship with Luke and not make love to you on the table* Don’t say that… *he chides softly, moving closer to you to wrap his arms around you and rest his head over yours, swaying you a bit* You’re not putting me off, and I get that people change, but– I don’t know. *he shrugs a little and frowns a little to himself* Whenever you changed something, I used to be the first one you’d tell. Now it’s like I’m the last one to know. *In truth, what bothered him the most about this was he felt like he was competing with Joel in being intimate with you. He was sure that you and Joel grew extremely close over time and that you two were bound to bond, but it didn’t sit well with him that Joel was the one to have started you on all these things that simply weren’t you or that you probably had conversations and secrets with Joel that you would probably never share with him. He tries to push the idea out of his mind, leaning his head to kiss your temple then your cheek* I think we’re both just getting the hang of things which is tough, starting from scratch like this. But I’m willing to get to know all these little changes if you’re willing to let me by telling me about them. *he says, tucking some hair behind your ear* -Louis
*Harry had no idea that you were referring to Liam, him being the last person on his mind to invite to your wedding. He certainly didn’t like Liam, but he was better than Sergei at the moment. But, still, the last person on his mind* Whatever, Anna. If you don’t want to help me plan this wedding by just sitting down and telling me a list of the people you want to attend, we’ll postpone it until you’re ready to marry me. I’m not going to keep fighting with you over something that is supposed to be fun and happy and bring us closer together. Right now, it’s just pushing me further away. And yeah, maybe you’re right, maybe we shouldn’t have a wedding at all anymore. *he scoffs and turns away from you, walking to the front door, grabbing his coat and pulling on his boots* I’m going to Niall’s. Don’t wait up. *he slams the door before the words are even out of his mouth, walking to his car and climbing in, speeding out of the driveway and headed towards Niall’s. He was having a party tonight and Niall extended an invite to Harry and you, but Harry declined saying the two of you were finally going to start the wedding planning... so well that went. He parks at Niall’s, excited to see tons of cars there, meaning the party was in full swing. he gets out and walks in, Niall and Louis cheering almost instantly when he walked in. Before he even took his coat off, Louis was shoving two shots into Harry’s hands. The 3 of them hardly ever hung out and partied anymore so the two boys were excited to see Harry here. Before he knew it, he was pretty drunk and had already pretty much forgotten about the fact that he may have just called off his wedding to you*
Well.. yeah, people change. I mean, look at you. You’re completely different than last time I saw you. I expect that. But I guess my transformation is a bit.. drastic, but I’m still Renee. I still love glitter and pink and stuffed animals. I just happen to like cigarettes, tattoos and whiskey now. But I promise, I’m still me. And anything else that I change, like if I get a new tattoo or something, I’ll let you know. *I look up at him through my lashes, smiling at him. I still felt something was off. He was different in a lot of ways. My differences were mainly physical while his seemed like his personality was just different. Seeing him flirting with a girl the night before and seeming to be annoyed at me for interrupting them still made my stomach churn unhappily. Something in him changed from the Lou I knew before the break up and I was almost terrified to find out what exactly it was* Um... So, Luke hates me, yeah? *I genuinely had no idea why any of Louis’ friends would dislike me considering how we broke up. Maybe he never told them that I didn’t actually cheat. Maybe Louis still believes I did, and maybe that’s why he’s so different* Because if he hates me, I can’t wait for you to move out of here. *I giggle quietly, not wanting to be around people who disliked me. Joel taught me how to stand up for myself and I wasn’t afraid to tell Luke off... I’m just hoping it never came down to that*
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