444names · 1 year
swedish forenames + goblin and dwemer names from tes
Adorejack Adrie Agard Agnte Agrik Aleonak Alfreta Alilivida Aline Alisarl Alive Aliviand Almajke Almanchen Almarry Alton Altor Alvic Amdie Amelton Amilovid Anchar Anchoggo Anchumack Annaker Aramanton Arejac Arenthu Aretage Arlia Arlina Arrog Arron Arrumz Arrut Asmus Axelia Aximilda Aximot Bagard Bagne Bagren Benja Bonac Boomac Boomather Boothann Bthar Bthen Bther Carizt Casterks Charks Coblip Coblivac Colia Cuole Cuolin Cuolinog Cuollat Cuolly Damedvia Damin Darnog Demer Demilm Demin Demma Demmster Dhailter Dhamed Dharks Dumack Dumard Durasperk Duraug Durot Durta Dwemmst Dzefk Ebbas Ebbasteo Ebbelip Eddit Eliamirie Eliel Elielive Elila Elinfanch Elinn Elisak Elisebs Eliver Eliviggo Elivis Elivithan Ellar Ellenda Ellia Ellin Ellix Ellykken Elvack Elvid Emedda Emestin Eminch Emothen Emothogh Estrimmy Famin Famuste Felleodor Felva Felvine Femiri Femmy Filda Filder Filisefk Filovind Filsa Framus Frejac Frejalton Frenilo Freta Gamaz Gamer Games Ghandes Glova Glovanda Glovea Glovian Goblicent Gobliot Gogge Golte Goltor Goltora Goretav Gridam Grulie Hadav Halmaja Hanic Hazzeizt Helma Heodorry Herise Hildack Hilia Hilin Hilio Hiloui Ihlda Ihldan Ihldestia Ihlen Ihleo Infanth Ingreja Irimmy Isabe Isakemogh Isard Isaridam Ivgreja Ivgrejac Ivgrenjac Ivgrid Ivgrik Ivgrim Ivgrizik Jnacolia Joelie Joellin Johnch Jolec Jonacob Jonja Joscara Joscasch Julin Julip Julis Julisa Julith Julivalea Julivicob Juluncen Julungne Julut Juluthed Jungris Kagar Kagnes Kagretaga Kamus Kerid Kevis Kladowke Klaedda Klard Klaria Klatias Kloui Kothai Kotheodor Kothog Kotte Kuram Kuraug Kurgoc Kurowken Kurta Lexand Liamajkey Liamil Liande Liasper Licia Linna Linnak Linoa Lisabrik Lisamel Liselin Lissabe Livines Lixter Lootheah Loothmole Lorak Lorand Lorenja Lorgich Lornelin Lorry Louin Louind Lovalive Lovanth Lover Lovin Lucard Lucatte Luchanch Ludvia Lunak Lunvanch Lunvarid Lutbug Majack Majke Malfra Malft Malisa Mangthuan Marlic Mathalia Matte Mazzef Mebasmina Mebbaren Melia Melie Melind Meline Mezailgoc Mhucar Mhucas Mhumz Mhuva Mhuvalisa Milie Milla Milma Milteo Minelton Mineon Mingus Mirimohai Mithmoth Mohnchar Molex Molin Molinda Mollia Monac Monjack Morrumz Mzalec Mzalio Mzuli Mzunac Mzunaga Mzunak Mzunch Märthlde Namdie Namel Nbthehn Nbtheo Nbthu Nbthuna Nched Ncher Nelleo Nevid Neviggo Nevil Nevinde Nevingne Nevinne Nibom Nicolia Nielvar Nilde Nilhea Nilixte Noelive Noren Nornes Novea Novinelio Ofiangren Olian Olielip Olines Osebbarp Osebben Outbug Outharl Outharry Radard Radras Radrid Rasper Razkadam Razkadrid Regsrog Regsron Rorks Rotheo Rottonja Ruine Rulch Ruthehn Sagabe Salin Samel Scara Scasmirim Sebbas Selsa Shamue Shanch Shard Sharks Sigga Siggabrid Siggo Siggoc Siggot Signter Sigre Sigrimmy Sigris Simiraug Simmstina Simog Sirak Siraug Siraz Sirazak Sixte Sixteo Skyra Skyria Steli Sthen Stheo Sther Stilmelle Stine Stuna Stuvalec Stuvna Svalmer Svank Tagnes Tagrida Tazkades Thena Thenagne Thera Thldarp Thovines Thzga Tiampus Tiann Tildav Tilmack Tiras Tirazake Tirisabe Tirizik Tonja Tunaw Verakerk Vicolton Vigne Vikto Vinchog Vinder Vineahnch Vinna Vinne Vinoah Viseba Wilda Wildack Wilgot Wilia Wilianter Wiliv Wiliva Wilmajkey Wilmard Wiltenda Wilthug Winch Withu Zakevid Zatheo Zathone Zathova Zatilovig Zatton Zicel Zicia Ziciank
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andrewtheprophet · 1 year
Disaster Upon Disaster: Matthew 24
Multiple tornadoes leave 1 dead and nearly 2 dozen injured in Mississippi Michael Goldberg and Rogelio Solis Tue, June 20, 2023 at 9:01 AM MDT·3 min read LOUIN, Miss. — Multiple tornadoes swept through Mississippi overnight, killing one and injuring nearly two dozen, officials said Monday. State emergency workers were still working with counties to assess the damage from storms in which high…
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
Multiple tornadoes leave 1 dead and nearly 2 dozen injured in Mississippi
2023-06-20T09:14:00 ZSeveral twisters leave 1 dead and almost 2 lots hurt in MississippiAuthorities state numerous twisters swept through Mississippi overnight, eliminating one and hurting almost 2 lots. State emergency situation employees are still dealing with counties to evaluate the damage from storms in LOUIN, Miss. (AP)– Multiple twisters swept through Mississippi overnight, eliminating…
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newstfionline · 1 year
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
The Places Most Affected by Remote Workers’ Moves Around the Country (NYT) In prepandemic times, the few Americans who worked from home appeared relatively settled there. They were less likely to move than other workers. The abrupt rise and shifting nature of remote work over the last few years has upended this pattern. During the pandemic, people who worked from home became significantly more likely to move—and more likely to do so than all other workers. In the first two years of the pandemic, one in four workers who moved long-distance was working remotely in a new home—a previously unheard-of scale of remote migration. In the two years leading up to the pandemic, for example, about 20,000 remote workers moved away from the San Francisco metro area. Then during 2020 and 2021, 110,000 did. In those prepandemic years, about 40,000 remote workers moved away from metro New York. Then, 200,000 left in two years. The rise of remote work meant that many such workers moved into these places, too. But for New York, San Francisco, Washington and Los Angeles, significantly more remote workers left than arrived. By contrast, Austin, Denver, Dallas and Nashville all attracted a net influx of people working from home.
Hunter Biden will plead guilty in a deal that likely averts time behind bars in a tax and gun case (AP) President Joe Biden’s son Hunter will plead guilty to federal tax offenses but avoid a full prosecution on a separate gun charge in a deal with the Justice Department that likely spares him time behind bars. Hunter Biden, 53, will plead guilty to the misdemeanor tax offenses as part of an agreement made public Tuesday. The agreement will also avoid prosecution on a felony charge of illegally possessing a firearm as a drug user, as long as he adheres to conditions agreed to in court. It’s somewhat unusual to resolve a federal criminal case at the same time charges are filed in court but not unheard of. The deal ends a long-running Justice Department investigation into Biden’s second son, who has acknowledged struggling with addiction following the 2015 death of his brother Beau Biden. It also averts a trial that would have generated days or weeks of distracting headlines for the White House. (President Biden’s son failed to pay income tax in 2017 and 2018, despite owing more than $100,000 each year. The deal is the denouement of an investigation launched in 2018 that began by examining the junior Biden’s foreign business dealings.)
Multiple tornadoes leave 1 dead and nearly 2 dozen injured in Mississippi (AP) Multiple tornadoes swept through Mississippi overnight, killing one and injuring nearly two dozen, officials said Monday. State emergency workers were still working with counties to assess the damage from storms in which high temperatures and hail in some areas accompanied tornadoes. The death and injuries were reported by officials in eastern Mississippi’s Jasper County. The small, rural town of Louin bore the brunt of the damage. Drone footage and photos showed wide expanses of debris-covered terrain, decimated homes and mangled trees.
Biden to fete India’s leader (AP) Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is, on many counts, a curious choice for President Joe Biden to honor with a state visit. Since Russia’s Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine 16 months ago, India has boosted its economy by purchasing increasing quantities of cheap Russian oil. Human rights groups and political opponents have accused Modi of stifling dissent and introducing divisive policies that discriminate against Muslims and other minorities. And India’s foreign minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, has espoused a worldview in which there are no allies or friends, only “frenemies.” But Biden, who will welcome Modi to the White House on Thursday for a state visit, has made clear he sees U.S. ties to India—one of the world’s fastest growing economies—as a defining relationship. New Delhi, as Biden sees it, will be essential to addressing some of the most difficult global challenges in coming years, including China’s growing power in the Indo-Pacific.
U.S.-China ties (Washington Post) Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s two-day trip to China arguably went about as well as it could. The United States’ top diplomat said he had “constructive” and “substantive” conversations with Chinese President Xi Jinping and his other interlocutors in Beijing. Both sides indicated their desire to stabilize a relationship that seems to be locked in a “downward spiral,” as top foreign policy official Wang Yi put it. Still, for those hoping for happier relations, there’s a long, winding road ahead, littered with obstacles. Whatever the rhetoric during Blinken’s time in Beijing, strategists and policymakers in both the United States and China see the other as a rival power, and view competition of some substantive form as inevitable. “It is symptomatic of how bad the relationship has gotten that it’s an achievement to talk,” John Delury, a China expert at Yonsei University in Seoul, told the Financial Times.
Tropical Storm Bret moves west in Atlantic, with possible hurricane threat to Caribbean islands (AP) Tropical Storm Bret formed in the central Atlantic Ocean on Monday, with forecasters saying it could pose a hurricane threat to the eastern Caribbean by Thursday and the Dominican Republic and Haiti by the weekend. “Everyone in the Lesser Antilles, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands should closely monitor updates to the forecast for this system and have their hurricane plan in place,” the hurricane center said.
Once Scorned, Far Right Secures Foothold in Spanish Cities (NYT) Spain’s far right took office in a string of Spanish cities and in a powerful region over the weekend by forging coalition agreements with the moderate right, in a move that may foreshadow a broader alliance to govern the country after next month’s general elections. The agreements came about three weeks after the center-right Popular Party crushed Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s left-wing coalition in regional and local elections. To secure control of dozens of cities, the Popular Party struck coalition deals with the far-right Vox, which also performed well, embracing part of the party’s nationalist, anti-migrant agenda. Both parties will now govern together in some 25 cities of more than 30,000 residents, including five regional capitals, giving Vox, a party once considered anathema by most voters, crucial political leverage. They have also teamed up to run the wealthy Valencia region, which accounts for 10 percent of Spain’s population. The growing popularity of Vox, which is already the third-largest political force in the Spanish Parliament, has coincided with the rise of the far right in Europe, at a time when the continent is grappling with fierce identity debates, the economic fallout of a pandemic and Russia’s war in Ukraine.
In Rush to Arm Ukraine, Weapons Are Bought but Not Delivered, or Too Broken to Use (NYT) Ukraine has paid contractors hundreds of millions of dollars for weapons that have not been delivered, and some of the much-publicized arms donated by its allies have been so decrepit that they were deemed fit only to be cannibalized for spare parts. Ukrainian government documents show that as of the end of last year, Kyiv had paid arms suppliers more than $800 million since the Russian invasion in February 2022 for contracts that went completely or partly unfulfilled. Problems are inevitable in an arms-acquisition frenzy the size of Ukraine’s. Since Russia invaded last year, Western allies have sent Ukraine tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons. As of last week, the United States alone had committed about $40 billion worth of military aid (and more in financial and humanitarian assistance), and European allies have also contributed tens of billions. In addition, Ukraine has spent billions of dollars of its own on the private arms market. Many of the transfers from Western allies have involved modern weapons like American air defense systems that have proven highly effective against Russian drones and missiles. But in other cases allies have provided stockpiled equipment that, at best, needed extensive overhauls.
India Heat Wave (1440) The death toll in northeastern India continues to rise, with reports saying nearly 170 people have died from heat-related illnesses caused by an intense heat wave. The recent scorching temperatures, reaching highs near 113 degrees Fahrenheit over the weekend, have been consistently above normal. Power outages have further compounded the issue, prompting the government to call for electricity conservation measures—only 12% of India’s population of 1.4 billion people have air conditioning and many units are often inadequate. Increasing heat waves have overwhelmed the country in recent years, including an incident in May that claimed the lives of 13 people in western India. Additionally, Asia experienced its hottest April on record.
Jordan’s prospects (AP) Visitors to Jordan this month noticed a new addition to the royal portraits over highways and hospitals. The 28-year-old Crown Prince Hussein and his glamorous Saudi bride, Rajwa Alseif, now beam down at motorists stuck in Amman traffic. Their royal wedding represented the pinnacle of the monarchy’s efforts to establish Hussein as the face of Jordan’s next generation—a future king who can modernize the country, slash the red tape and set loose the talents of its bulging young population. Of nearly 10 million people in Jordan, almost two-thirds are under 30. But in the dilapidated streets of the poorer districts in the capital, Amman, and in the dusty villages of the countryside, there is little hope for change. Almost half of all young Jordanians are jobless. Those with means dream of lives abroad. Many blame corrupt officials—and, increasingly, the palace—for their misery. “The base of support is fraying,” said Tariq Tell, a Jordanian professor of political science at the American University of Beirut. “Hussein has a difficult task on his hands.”
As Israel seeks West Bank expansion, a controversial outpost is revived (Washington Post) A controversial white trailer has been returned to an abandoned outpost in the West Bank. Serving as a pop-up religious school, it is the first concrete sign of a controversial move by Israel’s new right-wing government to allow Jewish settlers back into Homesh—a remote hilltop settlement Israel demolished 18 years ago as part of a limited, U.S.-backed retreat from parts of the occupied Palestinian territories. The drive to restore Homesh over American objections is being driven by far-right government members, who have demanded an expansion in settlement activity in exchange for supporting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition.
Indian police retain carrier pigeons as backstop against disasters (Reuters) When all else fails, India’s pigeons have your back. On Monday, the eastern state of Odisha announced it would continue to preserve a flock of carrier pigeons for use when disaster strikes and more modern communication devices—such as instant messaging, video calls, cellphones, and the internet—go kaput. The state’s more than 100 Belgian Homer pigeons have already proved their worth during the country’s 1999 cyclone and 1982 floods.
A daytime nap is good for the brain (BBC) Regularly finding time for a little snooze is good for our brain and helps keep it bigger for longer, say University College London researchers. The team showed nappers’ brains were 15 cubic centimetres (0.9 cubic inches) larger—equivalent to delaying ageing by between three and six years. “We are suggesting that everybody could potentially experience some benefit from napping,” Dr Victoria Garfield told me. She described the findings as “quite novel and quite exciting”. Napping has been shown to be critical for development when we are babies, becomes less common as we age and then goes through a resurgence in popularity after retirement, with 27% of people over 65 reporting having a daytime nap. Dr Garfield says advice to nap is “something quite easy” to do in comparison to weight loss or exercise which are “difficult for a lot of people”.
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wimpydave · 1 year
First Light video of the extensive tornado damage Louin, Mississippi
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marquenol · 1 year
Madi Sen
Pou Ofis léktu-a
​V/. Min li koulié-a tan favè-a. ​R/. Min li koulié-a jou sové nou sové-a.
Dézièm léktu​
Sot nan Prèch sin Léon le Gran, pap (Sermo 8, De passione Domini, 6-8: PL 54, 340-432)
Koua Kris la sé sous tout bénédiksion yo, sé kòz tout gras yo
​Intélijans nou-an, sa Éspri vérité-a kléré-a, sé pou li résévoua gloua lakoua-a k-ap briyé nan sièl la ak sou tè-a, avèk yon kè ki nèt, ki lib, épi sé ak point anndan-an pou-l ouè ki sa Granmèt la té di lè-l t-ap palé osijè soufrans li-a ki t-apral rivé-a : Lè-a rivé, pou yo bay Pitit moun nan gloua-a ; épi pi louin li di : Koulié-a, nanm mouin troublé, épi ki sa m-ap di ? Papa, sové-m sot nan lè sa-a. Min sé pou sa mouin té rivé nan lè sa-a. Papa bay Pitit ou-a gloua-a ; épi lè voua Papa-a té rivé sot nan sièl la, antan-l di : Mouin té fè ouè gloua-a, m-ap fè ouè gloua-a ankò ; lè Jézu réponn moun ki té antouré-l yo, li té di : Sé pa poutèt mouin minm voua sa-a rivé-a, min sé poutèt nou minm. Koulié-a, jijman tè-a fèt, koulié-a chèf tè sa-a, yo jété-l déyò. Épi mouin minm, lè y-a lévé-m anlè sot sou tè-a, m-ap rédi tout bagay vîn jouinn mouin. ​Ala pouvoua ékstraòdinè koua-a ginyin ! Ala gloua soufrans la ginyin, yo pa kapab palé-l, ladan-l gin ni tribunal Granmèt la, ni jijman tè-a ni pouvoua sa-a yo klouré sou koua-a. ​Granmèt, ou té rédi tout bagay vîn jouinn ou, pou sa yo té konn fè nan yon sèl tanp nan Judé-a avèk sans ki voualé yo, dévouman tout nasion yo sélébré-l toupatou nan sakréman ki anplin, ki klè. ​Koulié-a minm, ran lévit yo pi klè, dignité ansyin yo pi laj, épi onksion prèt yo pi sakré ; paské koua-ou la sé sous tout bénédiksion yo, sé kòz tout gras yo, sé pa lintèmédiè-l yo bay moun ki kouè yo fòs nan féblès la, gloua nan laront la, lavi nan lanmò-a. Koulié-a minm antan divès sakrifis dapré chè-a sispann, yon sèl ofrann kò-ou ak san-ou nan akonpli tout diféran sakrifis yo, paské ou sé vré Mounton Bondié-a, ki ouété péché tè-a ; épi ou réalizé tout mistè yo nan ou atèl pouin minm jan gin yon sèl sakrifis pou tou sa y-ap ofri-a, konsa sé yon sèl rouayòm ki ginyin pou tout nasion. ​Sé poutèt sa sé pou nou déklaré, nou minm mouin rinmin anpil la, sa sin anségnan nasion yo, Apot Pòl, té déklaré ak voua ki gin gloua-a, antan-l di: Paròl la fidèl épi li mérité yo résévoua-l tout fason, paské Kris Jézu vini sou tè sa-a pou-l sové péchè yo. ​Sé la réyèlman mizérikòd Bondié gin pou nou-a pi ékstraòdinè, paské sé pa pou moun kòrèk yo, ni pou sin yo, min pou sa-k pa kòrèk yo ak pou péchè yo Kris la té mouri: épi kòm natu Bondié-a pa kapab résévoua pikèt lanmò-a, li té résévoua-l poutan, antan-l pran nésans sot nan nou, sa-l té kapab ofri pou nou-an. ​Lontan, réyèlman, lanmò li-a t-ap ménasé ak puisans li lanmò pan ou-an, antan-l di pa lintèmédiè profèt Ozé: Ou minm lanmò, m-ap lanmò-ou, épi sé mouin k-ap mòdé-ou, lanfè. Li té antré réyèlman anba laloua lanfè-a antan-l mouri, min li té défèt yo antan-l résisité-a: épi li fonn sa-k t-ap diré nan lanmò-a yon fason pou-l fè-l soti nan pou tout tan-an vîn pou yon tan. Minm jan réyèlman tout moun té mouri nan Adan, sé konsa tou, nan Kris la, tout moun ap vîn jouinn lavi.
Répons​ Kol 2, 14-15; Jan 8, 28a
​R/. Papié dèt sa-a ki t-ap kontrarié nou-an, Kris la té ouété-l sot nan mitan nou, antan-l klouré-l sou koua-a. * Épi antan li dégradé chèf yo ak otorité yo, li trinnin yo aklè, antan-l trionfé sou yo nan li minm. ​V/. Lè n-a lévé Pitit moun nan anlè-a, lè sa-a n-a rékonèt mouin minm mouin égzisté. * Épi antan li dégradé.
Ba nou abitid pèsévéré nan volonté-ou, tanpri, Granmèt, pou, nan jou nou yo, pèp la k-ap sèvi-ou la dévlopé ni nan mérit, ni nan kantité. Pa pouvoua Jézu-Kri.
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kahecha82 · 1 year
Ale masaro ti pane caciu onare........... apolo osea adan........
Juneriu louine poretarin masmare........... Jesús........
La vida depende del amor a dios creador........
Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja.....
Planeta tierra............. juan Pablo i era el rey de Italia................ me presento......... papa mayor............. juan Pablo iii.............
...... rey de Francia.............( rey de Italia............. rey de Alemania........... rey vaticano católico......... rey de Corea del sur........... rey de Canadá............ rey de Israel............ faraón de Egipto........... dios del sol............. rey de Australia........... rey de chile......... rey de china ............ etc.....)................
Pero estoy en chile por que virrey de América.........
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windwatch · 1 year
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lechevaux · 2 years
Peter Zainudin Louis Park or Peter Louis (Park Louis, Park Won, 박원)
he has been in some places. Jakarta, 2nd of July 1997, would be the first place that he landed on. The homeland of his mother, Louine Sarah Park. Folks might wonder how one goes with so many names, it's pretty simple actually, mixed blood. Crowded DNA. Louine Sarah was born in French after her mother Fatimah Zainudin married to her father Remy Louis and live there for 15 years before they decided to move to Fatimah homeland Makassar, Indonesia. Louine Sarah met Louis father, Park Jeong Won when his father study as a student exchange in Jakarta they get married in both Jakarta and Seoul, South Korea. And decided to live in Indonesia to this day. There were born Peter Louise in Jakarta, was in Seoul for 6 months back when he was 13 years old turns out Seoul was not for him. He took his time to figure things out about the places that he wanted to stay in. When he was in french back on his 15th birthday, somehow he able to manage living there and decided to pursue senior class for three years in French living with his Mamie and Poppa who get back to French after their lovely daughter get married. Now Louis are 26 years old, living his childhood dream working as Musicians. His life is pretty simple, only some times he crave for attention and affection. But most times, is just as simple as usual.
Peter Zainudin Louis Park or Peter Louis (Park Louis, Park Won, 박원). Louis.
187cm/78kg. Black hair, Brown hazel eyes.
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lordchrometopia · 2 years
Listen to LETTERS I FORGOT TO GIVE YOU ft LOUIN HAZE, an album by Chris Chrome on #SoundCloud
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444names · 1 year
female turkish forenames + male french forenames
Acherant Adien Adieren Adrice Ahard Alançoin Alba Alberris Alezerin Alih Alon Alord Alorean Aloric Aloïc Alpichin Amain Amaineda Amédricel Anan Anis Ansel Anti Arma Astolarci Aubaudrin Aubaura Audoul Audre Augustis Aurce Ayal Ayanye Aydengi Aylvain Ayme Aysevice Ayshert Aythebru Aythée Baptidic Bard Baricda Basce Baslien Baud Baude Baumaël Baure Baustoles Bauthe Baux Beder Bentois Bera Beranye Berias Berrazan Bert Berthe Bery Beydance Beyla Beyya Bilhale Bine Binerrick Blard Blartis Brick Bricolem Brunaude Bére Bérier Chran Claint Clale Claside Clore Clémien Core Cyprin Cypriyne Cyriaquen Cyrien Cyrin Cécisse Cédre Cédricen Cédée Cédéon Célémy Célésard Cômen Damieu Dancet Dançoi Dart Davick Dengenoît Dide Didefige Dien Dimie Diouke Ebnetien Eckard Edine Edmon Edmot Emert Emmairge Emraz Erientin Erryalek Eseld Esma Estier Evarc Ezan Ezernazan Ezerriye Ezzan Fabin Fabroy Fabrun Fandre Feran Fernaler Fert Ferye Fidefile Figer Filgen Fire Flois Flore Florgerin Florick Fore Forgerian Frahran Frale Frarancin Frarzu Fratis Frédéo Frélésa Frémy Füsu Füsune Gabille Gaslí Gasun Gathire Gati Gatidèlen Gatin Gaud Geoffetül Geofikmel Geon Geona Georen Georeyyas Georien Gergis Gerihale Ghiban Gilgün Gilin Gillesile Gisla Gona Gonaci Grédé Grémin Guin Guisem Gustric Gédre Gülge Gülkeran Gülkert Gülse Gülsehil Gülsel Güne Günsund Harcem Haymon Haëtan Heryan Hile Hono Honsen Hubil Hugoin Hugue Hugun Hugustan Hugène Hübermain Hübeyne Ider Idethík Inemin Isiban Isil Isilemand Itan Itanic Ithil Jachan Jacque Jeauré Jesedal Josca Joscal Josce Joukard Jule Julem Juliot Julte Jussy Justren Jérece Jérémin Jérômert Karice Kirenge Kore Korenge Korent Laire Layriye Lazan Lazancair Lazand Louin Loulexis Loussy Loustiere Luden Lüfer Macan Macin Macquel Maran Mard Mare Martrihar Marturé Mathík Matien Matthin Mattéphon Maud Maximot Maxissy Melme Mernarcu Micda Mick Micle Mictoren Mien Mincien Muen Mues Müceyda Müceyhan Narcu Neynep Nice Niclek Nile Nislí Nithe Nurcu Nükran Nükrap Nüzhervé Octopolal Octopolge Odiot Olal Olasta Olge Olgül Olihal Pasun Pathík Patmain Paur Pauste Perpile Phien Phieu Phissel Pien Pienihtep Pierin Pieux Proin Quellain Raffroy Raou Raoukaël Raourant Rayalezgi Rayselier Raysem Renis Reylain Ricda Rodovien Rodrie Rodré Rogan Rogany Rolan Rolas Romaspar Réalèrece Réan Régo Régois Régola Réjeau Sain Saine Saint Selix Sent Sergiler Sernan Serraren Sert Sevice Sevienick Sevierart Sezgi Sime Simot Soffer Stan Stéo Suno Suzain Suzantis Sylaule Sylvieu Séban Séves Sídík Sügen Tanic Taptiyel Terthet Thegülas Ther Thienric Thilin Thiliz Thinca Thir Thirgen Thomi Théodril Timeor Timot Toudouis Tubin Tunatral Tundrin Tunede Tunema Tuno Tülen Tülker Tülkethé Tülnuel Tülsemin Vesibet Vicemrun Vick Vierran Vimonoît Vinçoin Vire Xavien Yalent Yansent Yanye Yelain Yohana Yohaël Yospek Yosper Yver Yíld Zace Zaceld Zaceliye Zanuen Zard Zephon Zephore Zerthule Zeydal Zinayla Ziye Züberpic Züha Çagnare Çelihaner Çelix Çilge Çilin Çilla Çiloïs Édovi Égidian Égilerent Égissy Élianye Élierd Élin Élix Éliz Élois Évra Évran Évrazan Ömüberard Ömüce Özca Özles Ülfia Ümin Ümral Ümrare
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04291225 · 2 years
Happy New Year!
( The source is voice actor Lee Saebyeok(Alev's voice)'s Instagram revelation✨)
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carzenriq · 3 years
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Louis Vuitton - Fall 2021 Menswear #PFW - Paris Fashion Week
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wimpydave · 1 year
Tornado Damage Survey, Louin Mississippi- Early Morning 6/19/2023
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