#looks like they changed the quote that inspired your headcanon (in the QoL update?) but yknow don't let that stand in the way of your dream
cameoappearance · 6 months
Could you do something about the quotes for the Pig Queen (Queen Malfalfa)? Wheeler's quote is where I got the ship from.
Yeah OK.
Every Don't Starve character meeting the Pig Queen:
Wilson: "She looks bossy." Willow: "Hey there, your majesty." Wolfgang: "Wolfgang should curtsy?" Wendy: "A life of aristocracy is a life empty of meaning." WX-78: "I AM YOUR MONARCH NOW" Wickerbottom: "Clearly the monarch of this society." Woodie: "We separated from the crown ages ago." Maxwell: "She does not smell particularly royal." Wigfrid: "O, great lady!" Webber: "She looks majestic." Walani: "Afternoon, queenie." Warly: "What feasts she must have…" Woodlegs: "Whar be yer treasure?" Wilba: "MAMA, QUEEN OF HAMLETS" Wormwood: "Fancy Twirly Tail" Wheeler: "Maybelle Dorothea Wheeler at your service, your majesty." Wagstaff: "Are you a patron of the sciences by any chance?"
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