#looks like goodsir's name might be either henry or harry
darkfire359 · 10 months
Thoughts on e1 of The Terror
I've started watching The Terror, mostly to understand all the random posts I see about catboys and about how OFMD totally should have had an ass-whipping scene. Anyway, some thoughts:
As I predicted, it is super hard to tell the difference between all the various old white guys, but the thing I forgot makes this even harder is the fact that sometimes characters use first names and sometimes characters use last names. I think that Francis Crozier is the name of the Terror's captain and Sir John Fitzjames is the name of the Erebus's captain (though maybe he is Sir James Fitzjames, which would be amusing). Goodsir is is the doctor and David Young is the kid who died? Reid and Tozer were mentioned (but idk who they are), someone (maybe multiple people?) is named James. Of course I can identify Hickey, the guy from all the tumblr pop song AMVs. I assume he'll eventually murder and eat some people.
I initially thought that everyone would totally die, but the scene at the beginning indicates that maybe some people only ambiguously die? Walking by foot when you can barely walk seems like a bad idea.
Francis is probably the main character? The scene where he was arguing to play it safe and the other captain was arguing "just two more weeks" made it super obvious who was going to be right and who was going to fuck things up for everyone. Also, the show is called "The Terror" not "The Erebus" so probably the other captain is going to get mutinied on and eaten. Especially given that the men don't him being religious and making them dig a real grave. The Erebus itself probably will get abandoned at some point.
The doctor seems like a good guy, maybe also main character-ish? I was a bit squicked by him not wearing gloves during an autopsy though.
Something spooky is afoot. I came in knowing that the manbearpig monster thing (whose name sounded like "Tumquack" but which I'm sure I'm utterly mangling) was real, but there seems to have been a spooky hallucination guy and something spooky in the water. No idea how this will all connect together. It's also unclear if Young died from tuberculosis(?) or general spookiness.
My watch-buddy and I have resolved to not get emotionally attached to the dog, who will probably die.
No real thoughts on shipping yet, except maybe that one guy and the guy who was helping him put on his clothes while talking to him in a dark corner. I promptly forgot who both of those guys were. Ships that I've heard about pre-show include Hickey/Tozer and Hickey/Crozier, but I haven't seen any of that.
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tooxldtorememxer · 2 years
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( @brassandblue​ )
It was a strange phenomenon they’d found themselves in. It might not be customary to have your friends stay over for long hours on end at least twice a week, if not only once a week, just to catch up. And it was all days of the week, not just weekends. Especially when mostly everyone was around their thirty mark at this point. But that’s just what their lives were like and to even think about it stopping made even the most mellow and calm of them feel a bit anxious and uneasy.
 So when one of them, namely one Mr Harry Goodsir, former surgeon, turned marine biologist, had stopped showing up or responding to their calls or messages. They had tried, all of them, but to no avail. He wasn’t even active in the numerous group chats Thomas knew existed.
When they called they either reached the voicemail, he was certain he had left at least a dozen messages alone by now, or it was cut out. Nothing. Texts, nothing, e-mail, nothing. Sometimes people disagreed with one another and they wouldn’t speak for a few days, but that never lasted for long. It had been too long for it to be just ‘nothing’ and it had them worried. All of them. Even Henry Collins was acting weird and sporadic with his replies. It had gone far enough by now that Blanky had gone over there to check up on them and everyone had tensely waited for a report. Harry was still alive, right?
So the day finally came when Harry made an appearance in the apartment. Thankfully it wasn’t the whole group hanging out that day, only the three occupants, Blanky and Fitzjames. What met Jopson’s eyes was not a man he knew and one glance at Blanky and a nod from him had them wrangle the men out of the apartment. It wasn’t so hard, with he promise of free beer they all seemed to obey and everyone filtered out apart from Thomas, Harry and Henry who stood awkwardly shifting from one foot to another like he didn’t know where to go or what to do. “It’s alright, Henry, you should go with them.” he tried to sound more confident than he felt and gave him a soft smile. “We can talk later if you want.” ‘Why does it always have to be me?’, he wondered.
Not sure if Collins stayed or not he followed Harry to the kitchen where he’d seen him disappear to. “Harry.” he said gently in greeting. “I’m so glad to see you. We haven’t heard from you in over a week.” there was no accusation in his voice, just gentle probing and concern. “Is everything alright?” was he in trouble maybe? Or simply overworked? He didn’t have the look of an overworked man though, that’s for sure, but he didn’t want to jump to conclutions. “Would you like some tea? Or maybe... something stronger?”
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