#looking at the description like WOW kiera's house was broken into?
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Pointedly ignoring your ask but do you have any books about writing
This is absolutely heart breaking I'm going to cry about it forever and ever my tears are carving the mountain in half and allowing for improved travel and exchange of resources between the two communities divided by this huge fucking mountain in the middle of nowhere.
Do you mean like, books about writing that teach you how to write better? Writing advice books? Because unfortunately I do not and everything I've learned is through trial and error and the people around me, I've never read any writing advice books. I wish I could give you recommendations though, my apologies (oh actually Neil Gaiman has a book called Art Matters and its about writing in an inspirational way? it has nice reminders about the value and purpose of art, about creating, but not in a technical way as much. it tells you to create badly to learn and how to deal with failure, but not how plot structure works, if that makes sense)
Or do you mean books that involve writing, because if so oh boy do I have the perfect book for 9 year olds for you called the Princess and the Page
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