#look it in the eye and say 'you're evitable'
moistvonlipwig · 14 days
underrated creepy aspect to the s5 fresley relationship is that neither of them remember wesley stealing the baby, getting kicked out of the gang, any of that stuff. wes does remember being with lilah (qv "you're welcome") but he certainly doesn't remember how or why. they literally are hollow cardboard cutouts of themselves. they've had their insides scooped out. even if you ship them why would you want them to be together like this........
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P1 p2 p3 p4 p5
It had been a week since the movies and you'd done well to avoid Miguel and his friends; even Aisha had been on your people to miss list. She didn't notice too much with karate and spending time with Sam again it had been easy to keep away.
You sat alone in a corner of the library with your lunch, headphones in and reading a book when you felt a presence beside you. You glanced to the side without moving your head seeing the knees of the boy you both wanted and disliked. After some time he tapped your knee. Reluctantly you pull one ear bud out and look at him.
"Why are you ignoring me?" He asks instantly.
"I...you upset me." You say unsure of your answer.
"Why? You're just being difficult!" He was frustrated with you.
"Okay, Eli. If I'm pissing you off that much why are you here?" You ask.
"You know what? I don't fucking know, you're a loser and I'm not." He huffed, got to his feet and disappeared.
The following day you get an evite from Aisha about a party the Cobra Kai's are throwing. At first you don't want to go but a quick phone call with her changed your mind.
"Okay I'll be there." You laugh hanging up and going to your closet. You choose a pair of black leggins with crossed ribbons down the leg and an extra long black and green stripped hoody. It came down past your butt the neck was wide so you had put a tanktop on to help with the cold. The sleeves came down over your hands with a hole for you thumbs to slip through. You add your normal necklaces and touch up your makeup. You don't bother doing much with your hair, it was still curled slightly from bit being styled after your shower that morning. Feeling just a bit happy with the way you looked you made your way to the party. It was already filled with drunken teens all dancing chatting and playing games. You first noticed Miguel by the coolbox grabbing a beer. You walked down to greet him.
"Hi y/n. Have you seen Sam today?" He asked, with a slur in his words.
"No sorry." He huffed and turned away. That was when you saw him, Eli sat on a log with Moon, kissing her. Your heart sank into your gut. Not knowing what to do you grabbed a bottle of the vodka and wondered away into the woods. You walked until the party was hardly audible before you dropped down against a tree and opened the bottle. The alcohol burnt your throat as you gulped at the bottle. You pulled back the sleeve of your left arm and looked at the deep scars that ran from your elbow to your wrist. Tears pricked at your eyes.
"Scars are ugly." You repeated Eli's words, swigged from the bottle looking up to the night sky.
Pt 7
As always thanks for reading. Comment to be added to the tag list.
@peppamultifanimagines @it-was-never-meant-to-be-boys @caelum-the-part-time-nihilist
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Request: hi honey!! I apologize for my English, but I must tell you that you are my favorite blog!! you have an incredible writing style, reading each of your works I remain in awe, thank you so much for what you do!! if it's not too much, can I ask Kai to with a s/o who has asthma? it's like they're having a really big fight and he says something so offensive that it triggers an asthma attack? sorry if this is too much, you can ignore the request if you don't like it!
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Man will treat you like a porcelain doll. He is hella scared of you having a asthma attack.
Expect that if you dont have that air pump with you he has at least two in his fucking pockets.
And usually he is a calm guy.
So you can expect that fights will be as rare as him willing to dirty his hands.
Yet eventually, arguments tend to happen.
Chisaki is very calm and stoic on arguments, not yelling really. What hurts is how actually calm he is about the issue and how cold and uncaring his words are.
Rarely he gets, well, like we saw him fighting with Mirio and the heroes.
But that doesn't mean it hurt any less.
So one day, the big fight happened.
It was over his own attitudes and plans for the Hassaikai, much like Pops you knew that he was a man whose always tended to go way too far.
And Kai instead of understanding that you were trying to calm him down and make him see that this was not a good idea, he understood he was being attacked.
So it began.
Change of harsh words between you and ocassionaly a curse here in there.
But Kai wasn't even thinking straight at the moment and accidentaly let something slip.
"You were suppose to be help and support me dearest." He said sarcastically the nickname with a sigh, ignoring the ocasional cough you let out now at then "Oh right, how can I even count with you for help since you cant actually even do even one task right, even breathing."
His words stung like a fucking knife perfuring your chest... but what you didn't expected was to suddenly start a coughing fit.. suddenly it was like you had lost control of your own body as you tried to kneel down to get at least a bit of air back in your lungs, as always, it felt like someone was squeezing the air out of you. And the more you tried to cough, breath, anything... you felt your lungs simply stop working.
Your vision was fading even... oh god..
He only sighed and rolled his eyes, hand still pinching his covered nose.
"What now? Dont pretend you're having a attack over something so insignificant as-" He hissed before his eyes widened.
He made a quick analysis and his own breathing seemed to stop at the moment, tightened neck and chest muscles, you couldn't even mutter a single word, your face was pale and sweaty and the worst was seing your lips turning into a blue shade as well as your fingernails which clenched both of your chest and the wooden floor as you desperately tried to get some air back in your body.
"Shit!" He cursed and kneeled on the floor to grab you, thankfully that his shout was loud enough to get attention of Chronostasis and Nemoto.
"What happened?"
"Call the 119 or a doctor, hell kidnap if that's the cas evit get A FUCKING DOCTOR HERE QUICK!" he shouted as both nodded and got out of the house like thunders.
He helped you up and looked at his office while his hands were unbuttoning your shirt to lose enough. He had to stay calm or else he knew he would make things way worse.
"Stay calm angel for me please.." he hissed when your coughing got worse and lifted his trembling palm to indicate you to wait as he went to grab the reliever inhaler... only to notice it wasn't there.
Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT-!
"Fuck! (Y/n) where is yours?!" He asked in desperation "Angel for the love of God just answer this one please!" He grabbed on your shoulders as you tried, really tried to get your words out.
Kn a state of panick he didn't even thought about forgeting one of them on his jacket so in a moment of bright he let out a gasp and ran towards his room grabbing the little device and returning as quickly as he could.
"Here." He knelt down and offered as your hands desperatly and harshly grabbed the reliever inhaler and finally you could get at least some air back as he shakily sighed.
"Thank God..." he lowered his head before both Nemoto and Kurono got in along with a doctor.
"Well, you did the right choice of giving (Y/n) the air puml in time or else you would have to take them to a hospital." The doctor spoke after doing a check up and using their quirk on you to make sure you were still all right.
He couldn't even complain about it... he was the main one that caused this.
You were still breathing in and out slowly as you answered with a dry throat the doctor's questions, Nemoto being kind enough to bring a cup of water for you as you shakily took in your hands. While he was up on his feet, crossed arms over his chest and looking at the ground.
After some time the doctor eventually leaves and both his subbordinates... leaving you two alone on the room as you evicted his gaze like a plague.
"..(Y/n).." he manage to speak but winced when he saw your shoulders tensing and how your grip on the cup tighten..
"What?" You asked, cold and so so distance of him...
He closed his eyes with a sigh uncrossing his arms to scratch the back of his neck.
Opening them again he could see you weren't looking at him, the door being the main focus of your attention now ... surely you wanted to leave at this point.
Hus pride was always something that spoke way too loud for gus own sake... but now? With you? After what he did and at first didn't even take you seriously?
He could give a damn about his pride. Or if the floor wasn't clean enough as he kneeled between your thighs and grabbed your hands on his as he supported his head on your and his hands... jaw clenched along with his teeth as he clenched close his golden eyes.
"Forgive me... forgive me..." he muttered in broken whispers as you finally looked down at him with a shocked expression... "It was all my fault, forgive me..."
You blinked at the scene, Chisaki would kneel down to someone only if hell freezed over but yet, there he was, not only kneeling and clenching on you like you were going to dissapear but also begging for forgiveness. Chisaki Kai was begging for you to forgive him...
You were still hurt sure but... that scene was way too shocking.
"Kai I-" you tried to take at least one of your hands out but he only clenched more... no sound coming from him yet you gasped at feeling a drop of something wet on your thighs.
"Dont pull away now..." came his shaken up voice "please... in one moment I almost lost the only good thing on my life so please... Don't... I judged you and offended you by your condition but..." he lifted up his head to show you red and broken golden eyes that were dropping one tear or two by each second... his face remained calm but still he only lifted his head, not his gaze to look at you directly.
He didn't deserve it.
"I was a hypocrite... myself couldn't even breath when I saw you on that way..." his grip on your hands tightened as be choked on a sob "I'm no deserving of you... yet I can't even fucking breath at the thought of lose you... especially because of me and my fucking... attitude." He brethed shakily as he shoulders shaked along as he dropped his head again.
You could take your hand away this time but to his shock, you placed on his hair as he widened his eyes at the feeling...
"Well... it may take a time for me to just forgive this.. but you know that it doesn't matter what you do..." more tears started to form at you scratching his scalp "I still love you..."
He 'tsked' to hide the painfull and choking sob that almost ripped out of his throat as he let his head fall in your lap as he holded one of your hands on his two gloved ones.
"Just try to at least listen and... take me seriously sometimes... be better not only for me but to yourself as well Kai..." you muttered while kissing his head as his grip tightened on your hands.
"H-How can I if I'm nothing but a demon with no heart...?" He whispered, hoping that only him could hear but he was wrong..
"You have a heart. If you love me this much to be in this way at the thought of losing me..." you lifted his head up and finally looked down at him with a kind smile "I'm sure you can do it.. I trust you wwith all my heart Kai."
He clenched his teeth together as he dropped his head in defeat, letting go of your hand to inappropriate hug your waist... it didn't matter if it felt uncomfortable... he just needed to proof to himself he hadn't ruined anything.
He could at least try be a better man for his angel... right?
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
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Kaito loves his papa... there are just preferences...
Chrono stiffed his urge to laugh at the scene in front of him. Really. He was trying.
But it was so difficult to not burst into laughter at seing the usual cold and emotionless childhood friend of his trying to walk on the halls with his three old son attached to his right leg.
"Kaito for God's sake." Chisaki mumbled as he took a step with much more difficulty with the extra weight on one of his feet.
"Higher! Higher!" The child demanded while giggling as he tighten his hold on his father's leg.
He groaned as soon as he saw Chrono staring at him, punching his chest to evit that a laugh escaped in front of his boss.
"Having fun?" Kurono asked when Kai manage to take a few more steps.
"Shut it. Not even a single word." Chrono lifted his hands up in defence and waved at Kaito when the kid happily greated him.
"Kaito let go." His tone of voice turned into a stern one which made the kid instantly to let go and pout sadly as he followed his dad.
Godammit he learned your pout....
He sighed as he stopped on his tracks and turned around with his hand still pinching between his eyebrows before looking down at his son questionably.
"Did something happened? For this sudden urge to be glued with me?"
The kid looked up at him with shining (E/C) eyes as he talked.
"Mommy not here."
He sighed, you were out with Mimic and Nemoto, going into the grocery store and maybe his son just felt lonely... he also felt a bitter feeling when you weren't around but he couldn't exactly compare him with the infant.
Since his own supposed mother wasn't just as loving or even caring as you...
He sighed out loud again, he surely was going to regret this... he looked for a brief momen at his little defiant snd found what was the last straw for him to scoff.
Those fucking puppy eyes. It was even worse because his kid was SAD.
"Alright brat, you won." He groaned as he got into the ground and picked Kaito up in his arms and huggeg him close awkwardly while he continue to walk.
Kaito gleamed in happiness in his father's arms and started to even nuzzle his face on the crook of his daddy's neck.
Kai merely scoffed and continue to walking, still rigid as a stone for the sudden display of so much affection coming from his son.
It sounded like you were going to be a bit late due to the busy streets apparently so it was his duty to take care of his son now...
The problem is that he left Kaito with Chrono for ONE minute and he found his son consumed by sugar high, running through the halls of his house giggling maniacally.
"What the fuck did you give him?" Chisaki growled at Kurono who even seemed apologetic for Kai to have to endure such a little energetic demon.
"I swear it was meant only to be a piece of chocolate that he saw up on the shelf. He grabbed the intere bar when I got distracted."
"With what did you get distract since there's literally nothing in here?"
"My thoughts?" Chisaki had to hold himself back to not kill Hari right there in that instant.
Inatead of committing another murder, Chisaki got in the way of Kaito's constantly path of were he was running and with a quick movement caged the kid in his arms. The toodler squirmed and laughed trying to get out of Kai's arms in vain.
"Be quiet. Is already over the play." Chisaki mumbled while he tighten his hold on his son and scooping him up. Getting shocked that the brat had actually calmed down and even relaxed in his hold.
"Done already?" The kid giggled while nooding after hugging his neck tightly.
He scrunched uo his face as he tried to remain his breath normal since his son subsconciously was almost suffocating him.
"(Y/N) would like to see this." Said Chrono meesing around in his pocket before Chisaki sended him a death glare.
"Dare to put that phone out this pocket and your intere hand will be used to feed a crocodile." Chrono lift his hand up in surrender before he suffered the consequences.
The rest of the day Kaito simply refused to let go of his father's arms, almost throwing a tantrum when he noticed that Chisaki was going to put him down once.
"Kaito. I have to work." Said sternly but the kid ignore it as he played with his father's white tie.
"Fatherhood is difficult right boy?" Asked Pops as he read it a book, not even cating about the dirt look Chisaki sended him.
"Mind holding him for a while?"
"Kaito do you want to come with me instead of your dad?" The kid mumbled a 'sorry grandpop' as he snuggled in Chisaki's neck.
"Is the kid wishes my son." Pops said smugly while Kai only deadpanned.
"You can't be possible seri- ah great. He fell asleep and he is drooling... fantastic."
Pops chuckled lowly as Chisaki went to leave Kaito on his bed. The problem os that even in deep sleep, the toddler had a death grip on him.
"Please tell me you're joking." He tried to untangked his kids arms but all in vain.
"Strong little rascal..." he gave up and just accepted his fate of sore arms as he went to the living room to be at least sitting and not carrying his son all day in his arms...
You finally arrived home and before you could even take your shoes off Pops went to you and demanded for you to be very silent while following him.
You both arrived on the living room and saw Kaito fast asleep on his Kai's chest as the man breathed peacefully enjoying his own sleep as well.
You immediately picked your phome and took a photo while Pops chuckled quietly.
"Thank you my dear daughter in law." He said dare you say in a soft tone.
"I own you my gratitude." He looked at you as he pointed with his palm at your sleeping husband and son "I was always apprehensive about Kai's behaviour and with you on his life he eased up a little... but you didn't turn him into a dumb foul either. Now I know he won't be commiting atrocities like I thought he would... not in ahuge scale anyway."
"Pardon?" The elder laughed and waved you off before bowing politely at you, you imitating his gesture.
"Thanks for the brat (Y/N)." He said before leaving.
You looked at your family on the couch and got even a bit jealous.
Well, you were authorized by law that you could join your husband and son in the middle of a subconsciously cuddling session.
And like hell would you waste a opportunity like that.
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moistvonlipwig · 12 years
I am going to Sicily for a couple weeks, and I am far too lazy to make a giant queue, so I leave you with some AtS fic. It's actually sort of like really rambly meta/personal canon, just in fic form. Idek. This is basically me trying to make peace with a love triangle I can't stand by deconstructing it piece by piece, so. Be warned. :3 Also, they're all connected, so while you don't have to read them all, they'd probably make more sense if you did. Anyway, enjoy, and I'll see you in July!
Carnival Mirror Fandom: Angel Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: Through 5.22 "Not Fade Away". Characters/Pairings: Gunn/Fred, Illyria Summary: She is an image seen in a glass vase, warped and fuzzy and not quite right.
Like Petrarch Said Fandom: Angel Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: Through 5.22 "Not Fade Away". Characters/Pairings: Wesley/Fred, Wesley/Lilah, Illyria Summary: His logic is circular but he sees in straight lines, because someone has knocked his glasses off.
Wanted: Armor, Shining Fandom: Angel Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: Through 5.22 "Not Fade Away". Characters/Pairings: Gunn/Fred, Wesley/Fred, Fred/Spike (ish), Illyria Summary: She paints over the dream, but then an ax rips through the wall.
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