#look i'm the first one to eye age gap relationships but 20 and 26.. really?
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we-re-more-than-that · 10 months ago
only if you cared or were passionate even a quarter as much for something that actually matters than you do for a fictional ship. some people really need to Relax. it's fictional characters. go outside this is supposed to be fun
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my-mystic-messenger · 8 years ago
RFA + V + Saeran figuring out MC is like literally a junior in high school?? That's how old I am and I'm kinda wondering how they'd act! ^^
I figure that you being a Junior equals17 years. Now this is a really interesting ask, to be honest, becausein Korea funnily enough the age of consent is 13 years. In Europewhere I am from that is pretty similar. So if you’re American some ofthese reactions might shock you. Frankly, I find American age laws tobe ridiculous most of the time. To consider someone underage by 16/17years old…
Zen (23)
♬ when he found out he was extremelyashamed
♬ he choked up for a moment too
♬ he’d freaking kissed you! Twice!
♬ you’d stayed at his place
♬ you’d almost been kidnapped by alunatic because he hadn’t been faster
♬ such a young and innocent girl to gettangled up in such a mess…Zen couldn’t help but sigh
♬ he also wanted to punch himself forhinting at such lewd things in front of you
♬ you were like a young flower not evenin full bloom and he’d already tried to pick you
♬ for a while he tried to avoid you
♬ mainly because he couldn’t trusthimself not to do and say more such things
♬ despite your young age you wereextremely strong willed, determined and kind
♬ all those things made you ratherattractive in his eyes
♬ on top of that you really looked older
♬ eventually you caught on to what he wasdoing and admittedly you got a little angry
♬ oh what now? because you weren’t 20years old you weren’t good enough anymore?
♬ you assured him that sex most certainlydidn’t scare you
♬ in fact, hadn’t he had sex long beforeyou?
♬ Zen admittedly hadn’t been able toargue that one as his teen years had been rather adventurous
♬ when he’d tried to pull the ‘but I am aman and you are a girl’ card you’d glared daggers into him
♬ you’d also contemplated slapping himfor his misogyny but decided against it
♬ God forbid you actually gave himmaterial for his silly arguments
♬ after that it didn’t take long to winZen back
♬ mainly because he knew that he wouldn’tjust use you like other men his age might have
♬ because he knew that he genuinely caredfor you, loved you
♬ because he’d been just 15 years oldwhen he’d started to take control of his own life, so why should hedeny you that very same right
♬ he still asked for your understandingwhen it came to public display of affection
♬ as a rising star he really couldn’tafford any scandals especially involving young girls
♬ (Jaehee also loved to remind the bothof you of that)
♬ you didn’t mind as much since you understood wherehe was coming from
♬ you hadn’t really cared for publicityand anyone knowing all too much anyway
♬ Zen also being not as uptight as someothers made other aspects much more interesting
♬ more often than not you were allowed tosleep over, even on weekdays
♬ Zen didn’t give a shit about schoolduring his years, so why should he lecture you
♬ he was also an amazing work outpartner, while you usually helped him with proper food
♬ bonus points for the face he made whenyou finally seduced him
♬ to his disdain, you’d done so ratherquickly despite Zen trying to control himself
♬ you were just happy he had no selfcontrol whatsoever as he was truly and literally a beat in the bedand that was an experience you more than enjoyed
Yoosung (20)
★ when he found out it actually tookYoosung a while to register
★ he’d been complaining about assignmentsagain, as he usually did, while you’d tried your best to cheer him up
★ eventually you’d chimed in, complainingabout your homework and all the final exams you had coming up, not tomention the CSAT’s you’d soon have to start preparing for
★ Yoosung had felt for you, really, as hestill very vividly remembered his exams
★ eventually you’d both said yourgoodbye’s until an hour later Yoosung had returned to the chat
★ he’d spammed it with emoji’s andcapitol letter messages of surprise and shock
★ you were still in high school and ifyou weren’t yet preparing for the CSAT’s you were an 11th-graderat that!
★ it was slightly awkward at first
★ mainly because he was ashamed he neverasked for your age
★ hell, you could have been some twelveyear old girl getting tangled up in all of this
★ but you insisted you were fine and hebelieved you
★ being a minor he was still extremelyprotective of you and swore he’d do anything to keep you safe
★ in the end, however, age just wasn’t anissue for Yoosung
★ after all, he was mere three yearsolder than you
★ his own parents had a bigger age gapand they were perfectly happy
★ on top of that you seemed to love thefact that he was slightly older
★ whenever you called him oppa his heartswelled with pride and he blushed
★ he was especially happy once he pickedyou up from school after getting his license
★ you’d bragged to all your friends aboutyour older boyfriend, making them all jealousy
★ Yoosung had never gotten that muchattention from girls like he did the moment he stepped out of his car
★ not to mention that once you’d actuallymet and started dating…well it turned out age was seriously nothingmore than a number as you were a lot more mature than he was
★ so even after you were revealed theyoungest in RFA, he was still considered the baby
★ if anything you being younger than therest of the RFA made you much more understanding
★ you understood the struggles ofstudying, procrastination and stress
★ you also turned out to be a greatgaming partners on certain date nights were the two of you allowedyourself to indulge in such things
★ above all, however, your young agereminded him of taking things a little slower
★ you dated for quite some time until hefinally asked you to marry him and it only made your union all thestronger for it
Jaehee (25)
♨ to Jaehee your age was a slightlybigger problem than it would be for the rest
♨ for one, she’d taken job advise from aminor, which was bad for more than one reason
♨ it also made your possibly relationshipimpossible in her eyes
♨ being both female was already hardenough, but you being a minor on top of it…
♨ while her parents might have had a hugeage difference, she’d learned to steer clear of them
♨ for her it had ended rather poorly andJaehee had no need to repeat mistakes already made
♨ from the moment she realized just howyoung you were, all romantic intentions were forgotten
♨ instead she began seeing as a youngersister and best friend
♨ it wasn’t half bad either, as both ofyou really blossomed from the relationship
♨ you taught her all about the girly,teenager stuff she’d missed out on while she taught you all aboutbusiness and other grown up things like taxes and stuff
♨ it was fun going shopping together andyou’d enjoyed helping her put make-up on for the first time
♨ she’d also been extremely patient whenteaching you how to correctly wash laundry
♨ not to mention that a lot of the thingsyou did together had no time stamp on them
♨ like for example making yourselfcomfortable on the couch and watching Zen videos
♨ or even better, going to the theater towatch his musicals life
♨ your age also didn’t mean that youcouldn’t help her with the café
♨ sure, you had to spend quite some timein school, but after school you came to the café every day andhelped out with anything and everything
♨ on weekends you even offered to workfull day, so she could take the days off
♨ Jaehee was extremely grateful for that
♨ and generally for having met you
♨ despite being young you’d given herjust the right advise
♨ you also had a young and freshperspective on things which helped a lot with customers
♨ eventually you finished school anddecided to go work full time with Jaehee
♨ she’d tried to advise you to go andstudy, but you’d been insistent
♨ after all she’d studied and gotten ajob and yet not enjoyed it
♨ why not safe yourself from pointlessexperiences other’s had made before you
♨ Jaehee had just laughed, unable toargue that point
Jumin (26)
♛ when you arrived at his apartment he’dbeen instantly smitten
♛ you’d captured his heart in the chatalready but on top of being kind, you were also utterly beautiful
♛ the only problem with Jumin is that hecan be a little ignorant of society, norms and such
♛ so having been a working hermit for thepast years he hadn’t really registered that teenagers tended to looka lot more…mature these days
♛ the only reason he even found out wasbecause you told him you had to leave, as you couldn’t afford to missa day of school
♛ he’d frozen for a moment, swallowed andtried to understand what you’d just said
♛ school?
♛ not university and not work but school
♛ he’d asked you for your age then andyou’d shyly admitted to being only in 11th grade
♛ it made things a hole lot uncomfortablefor an evening
♛ while he still kept you at his place –you weren’t safe after all – he’d stormed off to work withoutanother word
♛ now you didn’t judge him, you kind ofunderstood
♛ he was an extremely public figure afterall and people just loved to tear down as it was
♛ Jumin could not afford another scandalabout him dating a school girl on top of everything
♛ not only that, but you also knew of hisfeelings about his father dating women much younger than him
♛ almost a decade of age differencesurely must have scared him off
♛ you’d sighed and made yourselfcomfortable, rolling into a ball on the bed, waiting for him to kickyou out upon his return
♛ surprisingly, things didn’t quite gothat way
♛ the first thing he did was apologize toyou, for a lot of reasons
♛ for one he’d admitted to having hadsome rather inappropriate thoughts he was scared you might findextremely appalling and disgusting
♛ you assured him that it was absolutelynot the case
♛ he also apologized for keeping you awayfrom school as education was important
♛ of course that meant he’d gotten you aprivate teacher for however long you wanted and needed him
♛ he kept a slight distance to you, atleast physically
♛ you still talked and flirted and moreoften than not it was you making him flush pleasantly
♛ once you started to become moreseriously you assured him that you were fine with hiding therelationship, anything to not dirty his reputation further
♛ he’d assured you that you had nothingto be ashamed of, but that maybe keeping the relationship under theradar for a while wasn’t a bad thing
♛ after all, he could only marry you onceyou’d turned 18 and then only with your parents consent
♛ he was more worried of not gettingtheir permission and having to wait until you were 20 years old tofinally put a ring on your finger
♛ by the time you’d finally turned 18your parents had been delighted to agree and he’d swept you off rightaway
♛ age difference be damned, you were his
Saeyoung/Seven (21)
☼ by the time you’d gathered the courageto tell him how old you were, he already knew
☼ frankly, he seemed to know much morethan that as well
☼ you quickly came to the realizationthat he’d hacked into a lot of your private information
☼ you were too shocked to even feel angryabout it
☼ also exhausted, if you were completelyhonest with yourself
☼ you’d been carrying this guilt aroundever since you met, scared to admit to your age
☼ it had taken you days to get him to beeven remotely nice to you
☼ much longer to actually open aboutabout feelings and such
☼ then it finally clicked
☼ he’d been so mean to you because heknew of your age the entire time
☼ when you confronted him about it Sevenwas quick to admit you were right
☼ he hadn’t really cared personally
☼ four years wasn’t all that much
☼ not to forget that he’d beenindependent much earlier than you as well
☼ Seven had learned early on thatphysical age rarely equalled mental age
☼ that being said, he could not put aminor in danger and since he practically seemed to attract that, itmeant he had to keep you at arms length
☼ he’d seen what facing difficultiesearly on in life could do to people
☼ Jaehee, who’d lost her parents beingforced to almost work herself to death
☼ Zen, who’d abandoned his family only tojoin gang, get himself in danger on a regular basis and craveaffection and attention to the point he developed into a lonelynarcissist
☼ Yoosung, who’d lost his beloved cousinand was no barely able to function much as V as well
☼ even Jumin’s incompetence to act like anormal human being could be traced back to a root in his childhood
☼ Seven didn’t even want to begin to listhow much his childhood had fucked him up
☼ he’d tried to keep you away as long aspossible, deny himself his feelings
☼ it hadn’t lasted long, not when youunderstood and healed him in ways no one else could
☼ not when you’d been the bravest he’dever met
☼ not when you’d risked your life forpeople you barely knew and had no obligation to, let alone hisbrother who’d actually tried to harm you
☼ no matter what danger had been thrownat you, you’d managed it with utter ease
☼ eventually he’d been out of reasons tokeep away from you
☼ in fact, he was even in utter awe ofyou as you proved once and for all that age did not matter
☼ your body might not have been, but yourheart was fully developed
☼ your brain too, just saying (Sevenlikes em smart)
☼ so he gave in, ignoring all the voicesin his head telling him not to
☼ because of literal death threatscouldn’t keep you apart, age shouldn’t either
Saeran (21)
☀ by the time you’d gotten him away fromRika Saeran had been in no shape to date anyone, really
☀ not that he would have cared much tobegin with
☀ he’d loved Rika and she’d been olderthan him as well
☀ however the very same Rika was also thereason he’d given up on love
☀ mostly, that is
☀ he knew that he felt something for you
☀ but there was just too many things inthe way
☀ for one, he was dangerous
☀ even outside of Mint Eye his mind wasan utter mess
☀ he was too unstable to care forsomeone, let alone a teenager
☀ those were generally too emotional tobegin with
☀ he liked you just fine and he let youin as far as he could, but there were still walls after wallsseparating the two of you
☀ just like with V it would take him along time to actually admit to his feelings
☀ not because they are there and mostcertainly not because of age
☀ he’d tease you about it from time totime, call you a baby, child or brat
☀ Saeran would never mean it though, notreally
☀ you might have been young, but you’dbeen taken care of him, not the other way around
☀ you were mature and you knew what youwanted, traits much more important than age
☀ they were also precisely the problem
☀ he was older, he should have been theone taking care of you
☀ so when he realized he wasn’t capableof doing so, he did much like his brother
☀ he kept you at a safe distance for aslong as he needed to and not a day longer
☀ when he was finally able to trusthimself not to hurt you
☀ when he was finally able to be and actlike a fully functioning being
☀ he finally let you in
☀ you’d been there for him when almosteveryone else seemed to have given up
☀ you’d sat through insults and deaththreats
☀ never once had you given up on him
☀ someone like you was one of a kind,Saeran knew as much
☀ he’d be a fool to let a silly fouryears stand in the way
☀ so the second he thought of himself asstable, he went to you
☀ not wasting a single second to make youhis officially
☀ not when he’d already wasted so manyyears of his youth
Jihyun/ V (26)
📷 when V had found out about your agehe’d immediately cut you off
📷 it was rather harsh but not unexpected
📷 V wasn’t a bad person he was justextremely guarded
📷 especially after everything that hadhappened with Rika
📷 for the longest of times he hadn’tallowed himself to move on
📷 after that he hadn’t allowed himself tofall in love again
📷 so when you’d actually managed to makehim fall for you, you’d been wary to begin with
📷 you’d met people like V before and youknew how they worked
📷 even the smallest reason to break upwith you and they’d grasp at it
📷 not because they don’t love you, quitethe contrary, actually
📷 V loved you a lot and you knew as much,he always showed it
📷 but he was scared of his feelings andnot ready to face them yet
📷 so as expected, he fled from them
📷 for a while he disappeared from thechat entirely, which wasn’t anything new
📷 however even when he returned you werenever on at the same time
📷 even when you caught him mid chat hebarely acknowledged – if at all – and disappeared right aftertaking care of whatever business he was taking care of
📷 obviously the feeling wasn’t pleasant,but eventually you managed to move on
📷 almost a decade of age difference and alot of trauma were two very valid reasons to separate people from oneanother
📷 after a while things between the two ofyou cleared up
📷 V returned and you talked
📷 never about your relationship, but atleast you were friends again
📷 you even managed to convince him to gethis eyes fixed, which for you was much more important
📷 by the time he actually got to see youthe first time, years had passed
📷 he’d been blind for two RFA parties,gone for another
📷 you were over 20 years old now and whenhe saw you climb on stage to hold the opening speech, it took hisbreath away
📷 you were confident and soft at the sametime, a proper woman now
📷 he was still aware of the agedifference but it seemed so irrelevant all of a sudden
📷 it had taken him years, but he finallyapproached you that night
📷 sure, you weren’t that young studentanymore, but the wait had been worth while
I should be studying for my own exams…why the fuck am I writing these instead?!
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adreamofcomets · 8 years ago
The Ask Thing That Katie Desperately Wanted Me To Do Which I'm Now Doing Because She Typed Out All The Questions
1. Tell me about your favorite person. I firmly believe my favorite person is myself right now. Over the past month, my boyfriend broke up with, and he was my favorite person, but I was extremely heartbroken and practically hate him now. I pulled myself up as best as I could and I'm proud of myself. 2. What was the last book you read and finished? I literally can't even remember 3. What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it? It's not a scar but I have a birthmark on my thigh that looks like I've been stabbed by a fork 4. Recommended Netflix shows? Supernatural of course, Parks and Recreation, Luke Cage, and I'm currently obsessed with Iron Fist rn. 5. If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why? Oh golly. Probably Emma Watson so I could be Belle. 6. Do you believe in miracles? 100% 7. Snorkeling, sky diving, bunjee jumping or zip lining? Snorkeling 8. How do you take your coffee? I don't 9. All expense paid vacation to… ? Definitely Germany, but anywhere in Europe is great 10. Favorite homemade food? Steak and potatoes 11. What is something you’ve always wanted to try but have been too scared to? Initiating conversations with cute boys 12. What accomplishments are you most proud of? I learned an entire drumline show in two weeks, bass drum music and drill, and we got 2nd place at that competition 13. If you were going to go to the movies alone, what type of movie would you want to see? A comedy 14. Dream job? I don't even know right now 15. What is your favorite physical attribute about yourself? I love my hips and my freckles and the gap in my teeth and my eyes and I just really love myself 16. Favorite vacation spot? A cabin in the mountains 17. Where is your favorite place to go on a weekday afternoon when you have no plans? Either watching Netflix at home or hanging out with friends 18. What are you waiting for at this very moment? Prom and graduation 19. Five favorite songs! Currently they are Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen, Boys Will Be Boys by Benny, Space by Ally Hills, Guys My Age by Hey Violet, and my all time favorite is Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin. 20. You have thirty seconds to tell the world anything you want. What do you say? Dumb boys: stop treating sweet girls like shit!! We don't deserve it!! 21. Favorite Disney movie? It has always been beauty and the beast 22. What is your favorite board game or card game? Watch ya mouth 23. What did you love most about the place you grew up? I lived 5 seconds from my best friend and a park 24. Where do you want to be in 5 years? In a happy relationship and hopefully finished with a college 25. What is your most bizarre talent? I can flare my nostrils rapidly 26. Do you collect anything? I've started collecting polaroids I suppose 27. If you could change one thing about your past what would it be? I wish I would've learned to love myself sooner. I wha I would've known my worth sooner. I wish I never would've gone back to the same guy for 4 years. 28. Have you ever been arrested or in trouble with the law? I got caught having sex in the park with my last boyfriend. Turns out his license had been suspended for over 7 months and he had to pay a hefty fine. 29. You could have any super power in the world, what would it be and why? Probably the ability to read minds or teleportation 30. Ever been in love? Once for sure. 31. If you could achieve anything what would be your number one goal? To not let any boy make me feel worthless ever again 32. When was the last time you left your comfort zone? Having sex for the first time after Cody was weird but honestly it wasn't bad 33. Think of the five people you are closest to. Are they good people who influence your life in a positive way? My mom for sure, my dad is a nerd but great, Katie and Tyler are my best friends, and Joey and I have become pretty close too. They're all such great people in my opinion. 34. If you found $100 on the ground what would you spend it on? Food lmao 35. Favorite quote "Thick thighs catch fries" -me 36. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? I really do. I got drunk with them last night. 37. List five good things that happened today In the past 24 hours I got drunk with two girls I didn't know, made two new friends, binged Parks and Rec, got a newfound confidence, took a shower 38. Do you think we should make things happen or let fate guide our lives? The way I see it is that fate kind of puts us in a situation and gives us many choices, but it's our decision on what we do with those situations or choices.
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