#look i Hate giving misinformation so i'll admit when i'm wrong when i need to
hood-ex · 2 years
Listen to meee. I was wrong about Tim ✨knowing✨ Dick would be there to catch him when he fell. I misinterpreted the scene by only focusing on one aspect of it, and I should have worded what I said differently.
And my blunder is an example of why it's always a good idea to double-check comic information for yourself, because even if you do trust a blog such as myself to give you accurate comic information, just know that even trusted comic blogs don't always interpret comic situations as accurately or objectively as they could.
Sometimes a comic blog will be discussing an issue or situation that I haven't personally read, and because I trust said comic blog, I believe that the blog is relaying the correct information, but then when I go and check the issue myself and read it from an objective standpoint, I realize that the comic blog's interpretation of events doesn't fully align with events or dialogue depicted in the issue.
So be careful with the information you take as truth, and if possible, always try to read the source material yourself so you can determine whether specific information is true, embellished, or flawed by bias.
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