#look at this ticklish cutieeee~
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All I dream of is waking up in a large, fluffy bed, arms tightly above my head and seeing you, in sexy nightwear standing over me and giving me soft, sweet morning tickles....❤️❤️❤️❤️
Awwww darlingggg did you get yourself allll cutely held down with that ticklish adorable bodyyy all for meeeee? I think you diddddd ~ I think you like your ticklessss why else would you be in my softttt snug bed with allllll those twitchiesss mmhmmmm yesss I see them twitchiesss and ooooh it's like magnetism with my wigglyyy fingerss huhhhh ~ or maybe it's the silkyyy touchhhh? Yeahhhh I knowww I knowwww my purple nightieee is just soooo elegantly soft, whyyy I get giggly sometimes just walking in ittttt I'll be moving and oooh~! It swishes on my tummyy and I'm like ahhh I need a cutieeee all tied down all twitchyyy to brush this regal material over and ooooh~! Here you areee mmhmmm ~ yesssss. Aww look at you squirm, why I haven't touched youuuu ~ you're just a giggly squeaky lil thing aren'tcha? Yeassss mmhmm now you squirm and thrash so good for meeee yesss gasp it out. I have my lil flufferrrr and we're gonna snuggle up you and me, me and you and we're gonna have the bestttt morningggg ~ yesss I'm cooking up a gigglyyy giggle omlette and guess what darlingggg? You're the eggssss ~ yesss Amy's gonna crack you open allll gentle and get allll those goodie sounds outta youuu ~ how does that feeel mmmmh? My flufferrrr over your sweet tummyyyyy just kissing those twitchy spotsss? Or is it my silkyyy purpliesssss on your sidesss and ribssss? Maybeeee maybeeee you feel my softttt soft hairrr brushing on your chest and armpittt ~ the armpitttt? Aww what a cuuuute tickle bug, you can't get away from the tickles you loveee nooooo and you can't not giggle can youuuu~ youuu can't not giiiiggle~ Cutie pieeee you're sooo sweet I think I just have to give you kissiesss oh yess I dooooo ~ sooo mmh let's get alll close and personal yessss I'll just start at your hiiiip with a kissy kisyyy hereeee and oooh across your waisttt muah muah muuuuahhh and up your bellyyyyyy muahh over your tummy butttonnnn muuuuahhhh oooh and one for each ribbieee muah muah muah muahhhhh ~ mmhmmm and you know I loooove royal chest buttons darlingggg gotttaaa kissy kisssyy your buttttonsssss just the softest tickle kisses for youuu babydolll ~ aren't they sooo tinglyyyy? Mmmhh kissie kissie koooo for your armpittttt and this one toooo and kitchy koooo and mmhmmm yesss now it's the snugglyyy neck kissiesss and you can just feel my hair alll over your shoulders and pittiesss and if it gets tooo kissyyyy for youuu why I'll just take my fluffer and twirl it on your ear how about thatttt mmmmh?
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Reborn the Stage (2018)
Reactions or more like random thoughts I took down lol. I actually got to watch the 1st play last kinda like how I started the anime from the future arc and went back 😂 I haven't watched the backstage extras so maybe I'll add (someday).
This is the most hdiest thing I have ever seen thank you so much kind uploader.
Nice music
Maaaan they're really doing THAT opening scene
Okay anyone else instinctively cry at drawing days?
Omg yams that smile is so bright what is your toothpaste
That jump on the bed is sooo cute
Tsuna you're already wearing your uniform...lol
Man the bullies are mean poor tsuna lmao
Tsuna and kyoko already know each other?
Haru scary woah
Eyyy we finally got the first reborn and naked tsuna
Imma shorten takenaka ryohei to takeryo
Having watched varia part 1 and 2 it kinda feels like takeryo here is a babey hihi
Oh man they actually put the family tree
Uwahhhh and we have yamamoto's worries show thank you
Demm hayato really be smokin also he's a different hayato actor well actually I got it backwards because this is the first one lol
Tsuna's silhouette looking like saiyan
This is some doctor strange level of magic effects
Takeryo cutiieee
I know this is a stage so a lot are exaggerated but I don't mind 😂
Omg I love you yams
Why didn't we get this in the anime
Princess hold lmao
Teru-san you are a literal sunshine
Okay what what time is it at the school because a lot has already happened
Also KAO CHIKA (your face is too close) LMAO
Ito yui cutie
Neeko as elder pao pao cutieeee
I'd also like this energy when saying no to someone lmao
Takeryo be undressing and dressing 😂 hardwork
Tsuna going "un" is too cute hnggg
Tyl!Lambo yare yare
Bianchiiiii and then I-pin. The character introductions are so abrupt but also fun.
Omg hayato got ignored FSGAHAJAH
They put the the dead crow lmao AGAGSHAHAHA
Hayato keep calm AHAHAHAHAHSHSHS
Omg that romeo pic AGSFAHAGAHA
How da hell did haru get inside the school lmao
Another princess hold ASGSHAAGAJAH
Who was in the picture lmao
Another one falling
He's almost the same height as tsuna lmao
Fuuta puppy eyes
Yams really be having the same level of loyalty to tsuna as goku
Reborn used the trident mosquito!
Ken! Chikusa!
Byon and tongue rawr
Okay that was really scary but I was fangirling lmao
Ryohei's teeth lmao
Hibari ringtone lmao
Maaaan chikusa's stand is scaryyyy
The effects are really cleeeaaan
Dino on the phoooone
Umm yes hello 6918
Mukuro scaryyyy
Bianchi really be worried for hayato awwwww
A song? A SONG? A SONGGGGG!!!!
MM hello the clarinet sounds awesome
Monkey! Gorilla! Cheetah!
The twins really look creepy
Tyl!Ipin wasn't that mama? lol
LANCIA-SAAAAN oh wait he's not yet lancia 😂
Yamamoto x wall
Wrecking ball
Okay but props to takeryo for the voice change
Maaan that's a big kid mukuro lol
The hibari theme here be like menacing, sexy, and kinda lonely
Fuuta lost his ranking ability?
Also kyoya wasn't healed?
The whole possession scene is superb
Wadanari just chillin in the background
They added rebukes wow
Awiiiee ken chikusa saaaad
The vindice!
Another song! Everyone included but kyoya is just mumbling lmao. I don't know why I feel ticklish lol
Aaaanndd bowwww
Cast greetings!
I'm gonna end here and maybe make a separate thing for the cast greetings but overall that was so much fun and the cast is spot on and superb. Can't wait to watch the making footage.
#reborn the stage#rebosute#khr stage play#katekyo hitman reborn#khr#daily life arc#kokuyo arc#this has been sitting in my drafts and by now I've rewatched multiple scenes lots and also the making vid lol#reactions thingy
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Miss Amy,
What if we were out on a date and you thought I was cute. You have on a sexy purple dress with nails to match with two cute braided pig tails 😍. Beforehand you found out a couple of closely guarded secrets of mine I wasn’t aware you were privy to,
First secret is that I desire to be tickled and teased into a submissive puddle and the second secret is that I melt when being called cute.
You also know that I am embarrassed about both and almost ashamed really.
We are having a great time sitting at a dinner table drinking wine and really vibing. You notice that I am very nervous bc I find you to be the most sexiest person I’ve ever seen. You are looking at me smiling and twirling one of your pig tails. Would you pls be so kind as to tell me what Miss Amy is thinking about? 🌴
Myyy myyyyy this is such a cuuuuuteeeee setup ~
Ooh and I'm soo sorryy because I'm not a mean person but I would absolutely teaseeee you to mushhh with such knowledge ~
Moving over to your side of the booth I'll be blushing up a storm myself because adorable cuties with ticklish wantiness just get me alll eeeee and knowing that loook you're giving me will get me alll bashful so I'm gonna have to turn those tables~ but ooh, I will play it sooo matter of fact, wrapping my braid around my finger idlyy ~ I'm a real fidgeter and that's just gonna drive you batttyyy I know. My nails just wiggling, drawing up my glass, gliding against one another, fiddling with my waistbelt, as I casually sayyy the wordssss in a total non-sequitur because I'm kind of aggressively awkward ~
"So, you're like really cute~"
And while I hold a pigtail my other hand is going to fidget its way over to yours and start tracing each finger. "Have you ever had a finger massage? They're realllly fun and you have pretty fingers y'know? Here, it's like telling your fortune except it's not that at all and I'm pretttyy sure I have some wine giggles so if you'll excuse me let's just seee here~"
As I trace your index finger carefully with my nail, going up and down and going between the fingers and rubbing softly up the next, I study your reactions, and bring my other hand in to secure yours. You knowww what I'm setting up to dooo ~ my nail gliding along your ring finger, index finger and thumb rubbing lovingly, moving over the pinky ~ you knowww it's comingggg ~ I turn your hand over and smirk, my nails following all the lines on your palm.
"Sooo cuuuuuteeee ~ yessss a cutie. A big sweet cutieeee pie with whipppyy cream on top~"
And you knowwww it's gonna tickle ~ my fingers waving back and forth now on your palm, getting you allll dizzyyy blushyyyy ~ because in a split second my smirk shifts to a grin and I let out a squeak, my hands turning to tickle machine mode as they form the clamps, scrunch once as a threat, and then so casually float down to secure at your sides for a loving squeeeeze~
"Coochie coooo you sweeeet adorable cutenessss~" I murmur as I start rubbing my thumbs around and giving you loving squeezes. I keep you cornered in the booth, snickering as I lean in and tickle at your midsection, moving up to the ribs and getting into your underarms.
"Oh we're fine mayyyybe some waterrrr! They're just paaaarched!" I snicker at our waitress, sending them away and working all those sounds from you. "You just waitttt until we get outta here cutieeee ~ I'm gonna get youuu. I'm gonna get you on the walk outttt I'm gonna get you in the elevator and on the ride anddd ooh if you wanttt sweetheartt you sweet sweet thinggg I'm gonna tickle and tickle you alllll night longgg and find all these lovelyy spots you're hiding mmhmm ~ sooo what do you think my cookie, should we get our to-go and then Amy Amy gonna make you crumble?" ~<3
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You're TOO good at writing tickle teases- Especially about the buttons on the mounds and royal area...- Mm, could you spoil us a bit more with them like a milking/edging session if it isn't too much?
My sweet sugarloaf it's never too much to request the loveliest of tingly teasy tickles~<3 Speaking of sugar, let's see about getting that sweeetest of nectar from you, mmm? A little milking, a little juicing, an ~extraction~ of your deepest tingliest giggledrops? Ooh you can releaxxxx I'll be gentleee ~ in fact, I'll be sooo gentle we'll just easseee out those royal giggles and that regal jellyyy so slowllyyy so you get to enjoy everyyyy sensation okayy? Mmmhmm yess this is good for you, this is what you neeed~ soo lay back and mmhm yes these straps are necessary, we don't want you hurting yourself during your milking now do we? Ooh yes, this is the milking rooom and you're gonna be milked and that's that ~
Butttt let's start by getting those buttons all rosy, shall we? Mmhm ~ little liiicks and muahhhs kissiesss all around your royal chest buttons. Ooh yes, gasp it out darling ~ don't resist the lovesss ~ I'll make you feel sooo goood oh yesss yesss~ licklesss and kisses on this nippleee and on thisss oneee I'll take your button between my lips and just give it the old squeezy massage ~ mmmh ~ lovely lovely buttonsss ~ oooh? Are you already getting preheated down here? Yeahhh? Naughty naughty girl ~ getting all worked up just from some nipply kissies? Yeah? Look at thatttt~ such an eager volunteer down here~ Let's get those legs spread and strapped shall we? There isn't that better? Nowww let's seeee mmmh oooh~! Ticklish swollen button right here ooh yesss. Now we take my featherrr and we'll glide on one side of your clittty yess your cute little clittt ticklish clitt~ feather on one sideeee slow slow slowwww~ and feather on the other sideee slowwww slowyyy sloww~ tickle tickleee ticklish clitt~! There we gooo get it niceeee and bothered for me~
Nowww ~ let's try something crazzzyyy ~ lookie what I haveee~ two new mascara wandsss~ y'know, the blushy brushes and such always get all the attention but these babies can be absolutely brutal tooo ~ they just need the right tickle spot. And I see one right nowww~ see, there's these tiny soft but stiff bristles all along the tiny brush tip~ sooo what we do is put on on each side of your girly pearl and we spinnn slowllyyy~ it's like a little buffering for your pearl~ Mmmh. Yes, gigglemoans are okayyy you can gigglemoan it outtt ~ mmhm snickersnorts are good too ~ and we're not stopping noppeee ~ naughty ticklish girls get milked that's the rulessss~! Let's just keep these brushies rolling and mmmh here's a litttle kissyy tooo for your sensitive button~ awee don't you like kissies? Is it just sooo sensitive down there? Sooo ticklisssh? Even my soft lips tickle? Yeahhh? What if I tickle your royal chest buttons with my fluffy brushes now and kisssy kiss your pearl? Don't worry, it'll only be the lightest kissess, just brushing my lips back and forth, humming and cooing on your pearl while I fluff up those stiff buttons~
That's itttt~ give me allll your giggly wetnessss~ work it out babyy work it outtt~ nopeee we're not going any fasterr ~ you're a naughty thing, getting all aroused like this and we gotta milk you niiiice and slowww~ and nowww kissies for your nipplies while the blush brush caresses and twirls on that pearly pearl~ mmhm you can arch and squirm all you like ~ it's not stopping ~ ooooh unlesssss~ yeahhh? Are you gonna gigglecum? You gonna gigglecum for your Amy Amy? Mmmh? Soo close? Yeahhh? Nooo? Tickle tickle? Oooh ooh~! Oooh! Mmmh mmmh~ noooope~ nottt yetttt. Enjoy those tingliesss cutieeee ~ squirm and thrash alll you likeeee ~ my brushes will sit riiight here next to you while you come off that tingly edgeee ~ awwwe look my kissy lips are riiight by your pearl aren't they? Oooh you're so closeee if only you could arch a liiitle more you'd get those kissiessss and mayyybe gigglecum for your tickle mama? But nooo noppeee nottt yettt ~ uh uhhh ~ naughty girls don't get to gigglecum yet~ we''ll let you cool down and then milk you again and see what happens ~ how about thattt~<33
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you look so gorgeous in your new profile pic! you are a fashion icon for real~ ♥︎
also i may or may not be into scenarios where the ler/dom is fully clothed and the lee is totally nude... and i may or may not be imagining a certain ticklemama sloooowly undressing me and teasing me for being naked while i look at her pretty clothes... 🤭🤭🤭
Awwwweee~!! Thank youuu sooo soo much you are too kinddd~ and the first to notice it! Maybe I'll post the full pic next <33
eeeeee~ You're talking my language cutieeee ~ I sooooo adoreeee the helplessss cutely nekkiddd tickleeee and fully clothed tickler dynamic, it's such a delightfully cute setupppp ~ and I willl of courseee take allll the time in the world to graduallyyyyy take away your layers of clothesssss ~ I'm not just stripping youuuu I'm capturing allll your protection, one item at a time. This topppp? Nooo that's not yoursss nopeeee this is mine nowwwww and we're lifting it slooowwllyyy yess can't rush the belllyyy reveal, noooo ~ uppp and uppp it goessssss there's some riiiibbiessss and your royal chest buttons oooooh ~ that fabric just keeps climbing huhhhhh and now you can't even seee you silly goooseeee I can poke and stroke that tummyyyyy ~ orrrr maybeee hmmmm~ yesss that's just meee brushing your tummmm with my outfit mmhmmm ~ you feeel the softnesssss of my dressssss and the cooool metal of my belt huhhhh such a tinglyyy silly sensation yesssss ~
Let's just keeeep your arms tangled in that top for a sec huh? You're sooo cute like thatttt and I wanna seeee you wiggle and writhe when I undo your bottoms and let them gradually shimmyyyy downnn ~ oooh you don't wanna shimmyy? Maybe you just need ~motivation~ let's seee you dance nowww cmon dance your bottoms offff while I tickle at your siiiidesss and your hiiiips with my thumb ruubbbbiessss~ there you goooo such a cuteee cute wiggle you have~ look at you goooo awwww pretty thing getting alll nekkidddd for meeee ~ ahh yessss these silly bottoms ~ you won't be needing these anymore noooopeee these are mineeee ~ and let's just get that top offf huhhh? Yeahh freee those arms and let me seeee your ticklish eyessss ~ yesss eyes are ticklisssh you I can seeee how they shift and move when they're telling me you're adorable and hopelessly sensitive ~ andddd wanttttyyyy~ mmhmmmm don't lieee to your ticklemama I seeee itttt ~ and I seeeee how you wantttt a biiig snuggglyyy ticklyyy hugggg ~
Nowhere to run or hide nowww you're almost allll naked and ooh, you're also alll mine! And I'm taking you down uhuhhhh taking you right to this bedddd with my bigggg snuggly huggg ~ awww do you feeeel alll that luxurious material and lace and your skin? Isn't it justttt divine, the feeeeling of a lovely outfit hotwiring you like thissss? I can just brush and graze and squeeeze you to meeeee and you'lll go crazyyy huhhhh~ ooh yesss that soft material is getting on your royal chest butttonsss and my belt keeps teasing your bellyyyyyy ~ which meansss my hands are freeee to tickle those pittiessss mmhmm yep armsss up cutie pieeee there's a cutieee! Opening up for meee like the sweeeet ticklekitten you areeeee ~ coochie coooo~ laugh itttt up get allll those amazing giggliesss outtttt ~
Yesss I dooo believe that's my finger hooked in your cute undiesss mmhmmm~ oh yes squirm and writhe. Let's tickleee those thighsssss and get your legs moving. I'll just keep my hand hooked hereeee and oooh we'll seee what happensss, see what kinda cards we get back with this bet mmmhmm~ becauseee I bettttt I just happen to betttt that you're gonna wriggle alll around when I tickle you likeee thisss little pinchyyy tickliessss and these undiesss ohhh they're gonna stay with meeee because you can't help yourselffff you just wannna be allll adorably helplesslyyyy naked for your ticklemama you don't wanna miss anyyyyy ticklessss nooo you love your tiiickles huh? Tell meee how much you loooove your ticklesss mmhmm~
And there we goooo look at youu ~ just look at youuu tumbling all around and showing off that royal areaaaa ~ you just wanted me to seee that ticklish tushhhh didn't youuuuu that's why you tumbled down and your undies came down your legs for meeee ~ look at that peeeeeach! Do you have a ticklish peach huhhh? You're all bouncyyy darlingggg ~ is it because my nails are behind your kneeees? Yeahhh is that a spottttt? How abouttt hereee? On your thigh backssss? Awww look at you writheee yesss pound those handsssss kick those feeeet ~ it's nottt stopppingg nopppee nopeee ~! this is where you belong, alll nakeddd and ticklish and tickled and taunted by your ticklemama yessss ticklemama knowwwsss she knowwsss how much you loooove thissss ~
How about some back snugglesss? Back snugglesss? Yesss sooo lovellyyyyyy I can lay over youuuu and let you feeell all this material and alll my long soft hair draping down like ticklyyy curtainsss and ohoo yesss I'm gonna squeeeze those sides yes I ammmm and I'm gonna strum those riiibbbiess from back hereee~ up and downnnn and you can giggle it allll outtttt ~ ahhh it's like outfit is tickling you huhhh and my hairrrr ~ yesss I'm just tickles head to toe aren't I? Mmmh ~ that's why I'm the ticklemama and you're the adorableeee cutieeee pie caught in my web mmmhmmm~
Sooo let's justtt get youuu turned over my pancake ~ come onnn come onn flip for meee I'm gonna poke and poke and poke until you dooooo~ yesss ticklemama wants a gooood look at your front ~ yesss the front! Mmhm gotta tickle the fronttt oh yess we do yes we doooohooo! Nowww if you would justtt cooperate with meeeee I have my scarves allll ready for youuuuu yessss the pink and purple for your armsssss and we'll get you nice and snuggggg and oh yess tickle tickle on these underarmssss gotta testtt with my flittering nailsss in your pittiessss mmhmm and now your anklesss I looove to tie ankles with my black sparklyyy scarves I just don't know whyyy mmhmmm~ and tickle tickle tickleeee under your toesss let's see them scrunchhh and see you try to kick freee noooope ~ you can kick and pulll but you're not going anyyyywheree noooopeee!
Whewww what a little journeyy huh? Sooo much work to get you alll gigglyy blushyyy silly naked and stretched out for meeee ~ And nowww you can just giggle your sillyyy head offff because I have oooh ~ I have my blush brushhhh and I yesssss I'm gonna braid my haiiiir realll quick and we're gonna take my brushhyyy and my braid tippppp and we're gonna just stroke and stroke and brush and brush this bodyyyyy and hummmmm the happiest happ happpp melodiesss across your bellyyyyyyy and don't you worrryyyy you'll still be sooo cutely naked and helpless to the softttt caressesss of my lil outfitttt the whole timeeee ~<3
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