#look at their widdle bun bun ears
yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Rewarded as a bully deserves (HunterXhunter)
Killua was in a rotten mode as he headed for the closet park in town, huffing and growling over him and Gon having a fight.
It was just so stupid! Here he was, a deadly assassin and for the 6th time this month they'd woken up in a bed drenched with pee. Lord knows Gon was trying to be kind and supportive but really, who could blame him for getting tired of waking up soaked?
Gon wanted Killua to start wearing 'protection' at night to bed, but the deadliest bed wetter alive refused to go that far, he had already comprised and let Gon put rubber sheets on the bed so hotel staffs stopped giving them a hard time hadn't he?
In any case they had taken a shower and gotten dressed, and Gon asked Killua to go for a walk by himself and think about what he had said.
'Screw that nonsense.. I'm go and cheer myself up the best way I know how!' Killua thought as he came to the playground area of the park. Nothing lifted his spirits like a little bit of harmless bullying.
Scanning the play area Killua spotted a good first target. a 5-6 year old with dark tanned skin and a black brush cut was digging away in the sandbox, making a moat around a sad looking sand castle he'd made with one hand, while licking away on a mint chocolate ice cream cone with the other.
spotting a plastic bucket with some water in it for the moat, Killua smirked and strolled over.
"Nice fort little guy." He said sarcastically, getting the boys attention and the kid gave him a smile.
"thanks! I was working on it for like ever!" The little guy said, apparently not recognizing the tone.
"Heh, Would be a shame if something happened to it though." Killua chuckled. "you did get house insurance against giants right?"
"Uhhh what?"
"well what if some big mean old giant.." Killua started, stepping into the sand box now. "Just came up..and did THIS!" Killua asked and stomped his foot down on top of the fort, snickering as the little guys eyes went wide.
"HEY! WHY'D YA DO THAT?!?" the little guy yelled, starting to stand up and with tears welling in his eyes.
"Because i'm better, stronger and therefore better then you. Little dorks have to get put in their place." Killua sneer and then grabbed the arm holding the ice cream cone and make the kid smuch it onto his hair. "Geez you little dorks are SUCH messy eaters!"
The boy squealed as the sudden cold on his head and how icky it felt.
"S-Stop this! I-I" the boy tried to make his threat clear but he was also trying not to full on bawl.
"heyyy don't worry about it, I'll help you clear up!" Killua laughed, then snatched up the bucket with the water in it and dumped it on the boys head, then tugged it down over the kids eyes.
"Hey, that's a good look for you, but it's missing something." Killua said and sneered, then turned the boy around and tugged back the kid's short then tanked up on the poor little guys briefs.
"Awww, a fan of sailor moon I see!" Killua teased and hooked the back of the briefs on the back of the bucket, then booted the kid in the ass, sending him sprawling out of the sand pit.
"Alright, I had my fun, get the fuck out of here before I decide to be mean." Killua said cheerfully.
the thought that all of this had been Killua being nice light a fire under the boy's butt, and he ran/crawled off, not even trying to remove the helmet or pick the wedgie out of his butt.
"well, I feel better already." Killua commented to himself, though he noticed a few other kids and adults glaring at him.
"Oh by all means, anyone who wants to try and punish me.. " Killua said, going from a happy goofy look to his slash smile. "Step up."
no one did.
After scaring two more little guys into give him all their ice cream money Killua was in the middle of getting a cone (Double chocolate mint just like the dork had had, it had looked good after all) when he heard a familiar voice.
"That's him Carlo! that's the bully!" cried the dork from before.
Turning around slowly Killua smirked, Carlo was clearly the dork's big brother, and while he was a little bit taller then Killua he had a slim build and the same tanned skin, though his hair was a bit longer while still being short.
"Ok mister, I'm going to give you ONE chance to say sorry to my little brother, and get him a replacement cone. If you don't.." Carlo said, crossing his eyes and glaring at Killua with a death glare.
Killua, who gave those out with ease froze for a tiny fraction of a second, and his bladder twitched, but he shook it off and took a long lick of his ice cream to show he wasn't scared, and to give him time to regain his composure.
"What? If i don't you'll do -what?-" Killua asked. "Try and fight me and end up hanging from the teeth ball pole by your undies? I mean, I'm mostly in a good mood now but if it's a ass kicking you want." Killua sneered.
Carlo rolled his eyes, then smirked.
"You know..I've been in a bit of a funk lately, and beating up bullies always makes me free better.. so thanks." He said.
Killua raised a eyebrow to thank but before he could react, Carlo was right next to him, and much like Killua had done before, taken a gripe on the arm with the ice cream cone.
On small difference though, Carlo wasn't going to make him put it in his hair and had tugged open the front of Killua's shorts and undies.
"W-Wait d-don't!" Killua shrieked, his plea fell on deaf ears though and he was somehow powerless to over come the taller boy power.
As such, a high pitch wail was heard as Killua's twig and berries got a double mint chocolate coating.
Killua's eyes crossed and a cartoonish image flashed in his mind as it felt like his private had just been transformed into two ice cubes and a Icicle, then there was sudden relief and warmth, making him stick his tongue out the side of his mouth in blessed relief.. at least until he noticed the warmth was traveling down his legs.
"heh, Carlo the bully wet himself!" The little guy pointed out, snickering and getting out his phone to take pictures.
"I can see that buddy, Aww, did the cold cold ice cream make da big bad bully go wee wee?" Carlo asked, folding his arms over his chest and baby talking to Killua.
"i..I uh.." Killua stammered, Sure, he was no stranger to soaking his pants at NIGHT while he was asleep, but this was a new one for him! "I..didn't go tinkle?" He finished lamely.
"Rightt then whats that making a puddle on the ground right now and staining your shorts." Carlo asked.
"..I don't have to answer that! In fact, I've had enough of false accusation's and I'm leaveing!" Killua huffed and turned around to do just that, but also exposed his back to his new found enemy.
Carlo, knowing that Killua had wedgie his little brother Hector, moved in and with on hand tugging Killua's shorts back the other grabbed the waist brand of Killua's Barney briefs and lifted up before the poor hunter even had a chance to fight back.
Killua's mouth opened as if he was screaming, and while dogs howled in pain no one with human ears could of heard the noise coming from his mouth, it was that high pitched.
Carlo smirked at the response and said "Awww, Barney briefs? that's just soo..fitting! But I wonder how strong they are?" then adding his other hand to the back of the waist band even as Killua looked over his shoulder and shook his head no, bringing his hands together pleading, Yanked the soon to be ex-hunter off the ground by a good 2 inches if now more and dangled him there as Killua turned pale and went blank eyed.
"Oh wow, those must be reinforced Carlo!" Hector marveled, recording this all for YouTube.
"I know, kinda a shame, if they weren't they'd of snapped by now and he'd know SOME relief." Carlo chuckled then turned him and Killua better into frame for the camera.
"hi I'm Carlo and this is a big bully who tried to pick on my little brother..Huh, never caught his name.. Hey wedgie boy, whats your name?" Carlo asked and holding Killua up with just one arm delivered a hard swat to Killua's buns, which also ended up making his shorts slide down around his ankles showing off his pee stained undies.
"A-AH! M-Mah name is Killua Zoldyck and I'm super super sowwy! Pwease stop!" Killua begged and pleaded, in a voice that sounded like he'd sucked on some helium.
"I dunno Hector, what do YOU think? Has Killua had enough?" Carlo asked, and Killua shot the boy he'd bullied a pleading look, bottom lip trembling and tears welling up.
"Hmmm you know I really think..that you should use him like a yo-yo till his undies snap. THEN I'll forgive him!" Hector giggled.
With both hands on the waist band Carlo went to work even as Killua started to blubber and cry for his mommy.
It ended up taking a record breaking 55 bounces before Killua's undies snapped, and by that time Killua had gone to la-la. with his undies snapped and ripped off off he was too out of it to notice that he was currently face down butt up with nothing covering his der rear and his bubble butt and little package showing.
"oh man.. that explains why he was in such a bad mood.." Hector giggled, having turned off the camera for now but uploading the video. (after all, even with a member as small of Killua's the mods on YouTube would of removed the video)
"man, makes me feel like I picked on a over sized toddler. feeling a little guilty." Carlo said, though in truth he wasn't really.
Killua's shorts were gone by this point as the boys who's ice cream money he had stolen had retrieved them, and after finding some of the cash and taking Killua's wallet, had tossed them in a bin meant for dog waste.
"Well, nothing we can do now, we don't have any spare pants for him." Hector pointed out.
"Well not quite..remember that weird vendor we passed on the way in?" Carlo said, digging into his pocket and pulling out some bill's.
"Heh.. you don't mean.." Hector asked.
"A yup. be a good boy and run and get widdle Killua something to wear." Carlo said, handing the money over and keeping a eye on 'sleeping beauty' while Hector ran off.
Killua was having a wonderful dream about having a endless buffet of candy and chocolates and it was so nice after what must of been a nightmare where he was tormented and bullied beyond belief.
He was slowly waking up and rolling over to sit up and rubbing his eyes. "Nggggh Heyyy Gon, you wouldn't believe the night..mare..I.." Killua started to say then opened his eyes, seeing Carlo and a semi crowd all around.
"Welcome back to the land of the living tiny!" Carlo said.
Killua huffed at that and stood up, about to tell Carlo off, he wasn't THAT much shorter when a breeze blew and he noticed how much he felt it on his on buns.
Looking down his face went crimson and Killua grabbed at his shirt and tugged it down, trying to cover up his privates.
"W-WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY UNDIES? MY SHORTS?!" Killua yelled, getting roars of laughter from the crowd.
"Well your undies were totally wreaked so we tossed them." Carlo said, nodding over to a waste bin for normal trash. "As for your shorts, there was a couple of boys you really seemed to annoy earlier and after getting back they're ice cream money with interest, they tossed them in the dogie waste bin..I doubt you'll want them back."
"but..but.. I can't go around with my ding dong on display!" Killua whined and whimpered.
"That's true. don't worry, I already thought of that shrimp." Carlo said and nodded behind Killua.
Killua turned to look and there was Hector, the brat he wished he'd never of picked on, running back with a pack of...DIAPERS!?
Killua whimpered loudly, a spurt of pee coming out and soaking the bottom of his shirt as he turned back to Carlo with pleading eyes.
"Please no! anything but diapers!" Killua whimpered. "I'm not a baby!"
"heh, Are you SURE about that?" Carlo asked, looking down and making Killua's gaze follow to the damp spot on Killua's t-shirt.
"i..but..that was because.." Killua mewed then shrieked and jumped, grabbing at his bun's as Hector came in range and walloped Killua's baby butt.
Ironically when he came down he landed in Carlo's waiting arms, like a blushing bride.
"Awww how cute, but you really think I'm gonna save you?" Carlo asked, then dropped Killua onto the hard ground and onto his tender buns.
"S-Stop being s-so mean to me!" Killua whined, on the verge of anther crying fit.
"Sheesh, I should of gotten him a paci." Hector said, handing the pack of diapers over to Carlo then tugging the shirt up and off of Killua, using it as a tear rag then tossing it out.
"Oh wow, Lookie here Killua~" Carlo said, reading the pack then holding it in front of Killua's face then read from the back. " 'New little poopers punishment diapers are perfect for your so called big kid who refuses to use the potty! extra thick to ensure they waddle, it comes with a embarrassingly babyish nursery print we promise to have your little stinker blushing bright red. with a special stink guard you and the big baby won't have to deal with their stink!' Heh wow, Oh look, they offer alt versions, that's something to keep in mind if you need more lessons."
Killua meanwhile was looking at the front of the package, showing sobbing pre teens in the bulky diapers and smirking parents.
"I-I changed my mind! I'll go home naked!" Killua whined.
"Nonsense! what kind of person would I be if I let you go without the diaper you CLEARLY need!" Carlo said, as if he was doing Killua a favor. "This is gonna go down one of two ways loser. You can either lay back and suck your thumb while I put as many of these as I can on you, or I can kick your ass, knock you senseless..then put as many of these as I can on you. Either way, you're going back to diapers. YOUR choice."
Killua pouted, started to ball a fist up.. then sighed and laid back, popping his thumb in his mouth and turning away from the crowd as laughter and taunts rang out.
"Big baby!"
Carlo was a little disappointed that Killua decided not to fight back, but he had to admit seeing the wanna be bully accepting his big baby fate was kinda cute.
ripping the back open open Carlo smirked, dispute being the size of a pack that should be able to hold 16 diapers, there was only 6 of them in the pack and he pulled on of the massive things out, making sure everyone could see all the rattles and paci's and teddy bears and the like all over the diaper then unfolded it.
"Ok Shrimp, Butt up! If i have to lift you up I'm giving your buns a swat!" He said and wasn't shocked when Killua's butt almost levitated up in a instant to avoid any more punishment. "good boy!"
getting the almost pillow like diaper under the loser's butt, he gently pushed Killua's butt back down and smirked as Killua loudly sucked on his thumb, getting drool going down his chin as Carlo pulled the front up nice and snug and then taped it up.
"Welcome back to babyhood Shrimp." Hector said, leaning down and snickering, and making Carlo beam with pride.
In the end they only manged to double diaper Killua, the diapers were just too massive and they ripped a third one trying to get it on the babfied brat.
After he was all nice and snug in his diapers Carlo told Killua to try and get up and to Killua's massive shame, not only could he NOT get up on his own, but he couldn't even get close to bringing his knees together.
The fourth time he just plopped down on his butt trying to get up, Carlo rolled his eyes and chuckled.
"-sigh- Ok Shrimp, let me help you." Carlo said as if he was doing Killua a favor.
Holding out his hands Killua took them and got yanked up to his feet, legs wobbling as he tried to center his balance.
"heh, you might need a bit to get used to waddling in there. Try waddling over to that tree over there." Carlo said, pointing to a tree that would of only been 10 seconds away normally, but with this massive bulk taped around his hips it might as well been a mile away.
Still, Killua knew better then to argue at this point and took a wobbly step, then anther, and smirked, thinking he was getting the hand of it.
'I got this! I can-' He was thinking when his fourth step went wrong and with a loud yelp Killua plopped on his butt, a shocked look on his face but not hurt considering the thick padding under his butt.
"Awww, widdle baby Killua doesn't know how to walk!" Hector giggled, getting more laughter from the crowd.
"yeah, guess you better stick to crawling shrimp..you CAN at least do THAT can't you?" Carlo asked, tilting his head and smirking.
Killua huffed, he wanted to try and walk again but knew he wasn't getting any help and there just wasn't anything to help him get up to his feet with around. He toyed with getting in the crawling position and pushing himself up THAT way but had a feeling while he'd be in the middle of it Carlo would just smack his butt and send him face first into the dirt.
getting on all fours and trying to drown out the snickers and flashes of camera phones going off, Killua rolled around and got on all fours and then slowly crawled over towards the tree, glad that he had been right that he could crawl at least.
'at least i didn't have to do a diaper scoot across the ground, knowing my luck it would of ripped apart the diaper and I'd of gotten a spanking.' Killua thought with a sulk as he reached the tree.
"Well well, at least you can crawl, I was worried I was gonna have to carry you over." Carlo snickered. "Now use the true shrimp and get to your feet, and shake that diapered ass and sing us a song about what a big dumb baby you are and how happy you are to be back in diapers."
"..Your joking right?" Killua asked, jaw dropping. "There is NO WAY in hell I'm gonna d-" he started started to say but Carlo cracked the knuckles on his right fist and and light tapped his fist into his open left hand.
"You SURE about that?" Carlo asked.
"..W-what If I can't think of any lyrics because I'm a big dumb baby?" Killua squeaked out, flooding his pampers.
"I'm sure you'll think of something. It's ok if your dumb is lame though, your just a diaper baby shrimp." Carlo said.
Grunting with effort, Killua pulled himself to his feet, hands braced on the three and looked over his shoulder, the crowd was watching with delight and he trying to think of something, anything to sing.
"I...I'm big baby Killua and I'm so happy.." he started, wiggling his diaper, shutting his eyes.
"Because a big strong boy put me in a nappy!
Diapers are totally wear I belong!
so I hope all of you love my big dumb baby song!
I thought I was a bully but I'm just a dweeb
filling my diapers up with pee pee
If i ask for undies look at me like I'm a nut
then make baby poop with a punch to the gut!"
The act of singing the song and keep his eyes closed so he didn't have to see the crowd (though he could hear them laughing and cheering him on) had Killua's body getting into it and he was shaking his diaper booty like there was no tomorrow.
"Stupid babies like me we don't need to think!
we just sit in our diaper and super stink!
Watch me prove that as a baby I'm the best
I'm gonna fill my diapers with a super big mess!"
Killua's eyes shot open at that, had he really just promised that!? worse, his body was again moving on it's own accord and he was squatting down now, grunting and pushing, puffing out his cheeks.
'no no no no! why can't I stop myself! GOOOON! HELP!' Killua thought.
"Killua? whats going on?" Came Gon's voice.
Killua almost didn't believe it at first, it was just he wanted Gon to save him that he heard the voice of his boyfriend! But no, a look over his shoulder showed Gon standing there, eyebrow raised.
"G-Gon you have to s-save me! I-I-I.." Killua tried to tell Gon about what had happened, how he'd been victimized but before he could get the story out, something else came out in the back of his diaper. "I'M POOPING!" Killua cried out.
if the muffled farts hadn't of been hint enough, the back of the THICK diapers bloating out and getting even bigger would of given it away, and despite the diaper's boast of super stink guard, Killua's backed up stinky load (he hadn't gone in 5 days) was filling the area with a rotten smell, driving part of the crowd away.
Gon for his part just held his nose and then shook his head.
"Really Killua? You won't wear diapers to bed despite being a bed wetter, but you'll load them in public..Your coming with me mister man." Gon scolded and walked over.
"Um.. Should we tell him-" hector started to ask Carlo, holding his own nose.
"Nah, it's better this way. you can get out of the area of effect though, I'm gonna go say by by to baby Killua."
Walking over Gon was scolding Killua and swatting his boyfriends mushy butt as Killua whined and whimpered, sucking his thumb and still going.
"Hi, I'm Carlo...I was watching your little guy today." Carlo said, holding out a hand.
"Oh, well, thanks. I'm sure he was a handful." Gon said, giving Killua a look then shaking Carlo's hand.
"well he wasn't that bad. it was a lot of fun actually. anyways, here's the rest of the diapers Killua got and asked me to put on him, and if you even need a babysitter, give me a call." Carlo said.
"Heh, i just might, give me your number." Gon said, taking out his phone and handing it to Carlo, one hand still mushing Killua's tush.
"there we go. anyways, you two have fun! Byeeee baby Killua! you were LOTS of fun to play with." Carlo said and waved bye to the stinky big baby.
"Killua, don't be rude!" Gon scolded.
Killua whimpered, knowing there was no way he was living this down, he was gonna be in diapers for at LEAST a month..and knew it was pointless to try and tell the truth now.
Sliding his thumb out of his mouth as he finished loading his diaper, he gave a weak wave to Carlo and in a small voice said
"Bye bye."
The end
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T-I  C-K  L-I  S
Request from this beautiful person right here: @randommusicaltickles
Jeffmads, Ticklish Discovery, Lee Jefferson
“That’s kinda creepy”
“I know”
“I mean, are you two related?”
Thomas Jefferson and his boyfriend James Madison had recently made the discovery that when Thomas put his hair into a high bun, he looked almost identical to Lafayette.
“No”, Thomas said, tugging at the elastic in his hair so that it could return to it’s normal lion-mane state; “I mean, he’s French, I’m Virginian, it’s highly unlikely”.
“But still possible”, James stated. Thomas just shrugged, “I guess so”. 
They were both seated on a red couch at Madison’s place, waiting for Alexander to come so that they could begin their meeting. But of course, it was best that Thomas took the elastic out of his hair before Hamilton arrived. However, the elastic had many of Jefferson’s sweet brown curls tangled in it, and it just wouldn’t budge. Jefferson cussed under his breath in his attempts to yank the thing out.
James noticed Thomas’s struggles and chuckled.
“Shut up”, Thomas whined, “Or at least help me”.
“Oh come on!”, James said, “It’s just an elastic. Le’mme try!”.
James reached his hand towards Thom’s hair, and Thomas whimpered and bum-jumped away.
“No! You might pull out some of my precious hair!”.
“Oh come’ere!”, James said, wrapping an arm around his boyfriend’s torso. He scrapped his nails under the elastic and neatly pulled it out, just like that.
“See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”, James said, Thomas still in his clutches.
Thomas rolled his eyes, “Easy for you to say! You have sharp nails!”.
“Yeah”, said James, “Check out these bad boys!”. 
He wiggled his nails at Thomas smugly.
So, theres this strange phenomenon out there which has been strongly debated for as long as time itself. And that is, when a person is ticklish, they will give some reactions just by the sight of wiggling fingers. Perhaps it is due to anticipation. 
Reactions, in Thom’s case, was a squeal and curling himself inward in James’ arms.
James dropped his hand and burst out laughing.
“Th-homas wha-hat was tha-hat!”, James laughed.
Thomas’s tanned cheeks turned a rich shade of red.
James had never heard Thomas squeal before. When he was annoyed or mad he cussed and rolled his eyes like the sassy man he was, something as girlish as a squeal was the least likely thing you would expect from a person like Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas couldn’t speak, only watch in embarrassment as his lover laughed his damn head off. 
“Wait a sec”, James said, halting his laughter suddenly.
Thomas raised an eyebrow, “What?”.
James smiled, “How do you keep an idiot in suspense?”.
Thomas whined, “Jaaaaaames!”.
Said man just grinned, “Or rather, how do you keep a man who is as ticklish as a five-year-old child in suspense?”.
Thomas’s ears ricked up at the word. Oh, that dreaded word.
“What do you mean?”, he asked, tying to maintain the usual sassy flair in his voice.
James’ grin tripled in size, you could see his white teeth glistening. 
“Well”, he began, “When I wiggled my gorgeous and flawless fingers at you, you squealed and turned into a little kitten baby, which is exactly how a little ticklish five-year-old child would react. Thomas, are you tick-”.
“No!”, Jefferson interrupted swiftly, too swiftly to be believable. 
“Nah”, James said, “You are the T-I  C-K  L-I  S”. With each letter, Madison scribled his fingers along a different section of Thom’s trapped torso and stomach. “H yeah, H yeah, your ticklish”.
“Lahahahazy rhyhyhyhyhymihihihng!”, Jefferson laughed. Even as he was being tickled out of his mind, he still had to make his usual sass-filled remarks.
“Lazy rhyming?”, James gasped, putting his non-tickling hand to his heart, “Why you little-”.
James had dug his fingers under Thom’s arms, and he was full on losing it. 
“Ooo, I think Iv’e found a good spot”, James teased.
“SHUHUHUHUHT YOUHOHOHUR DAHAHAHAHAMN MOUHOUHOUHOUTH!”, Jefferson cried, wiggling around like a worm.
“Wow, saying that when your in this position, you should know better Thommy”, James teased, digging the hand that wasn’t under Thom’s arm into his neck.
Thomas pinned his chin to his chest and started giggling. 
Madison stoped tickling under Thom’s arms and instead focussed on that sweet spot on his lovers neck. Thomas wasn’t screaming in laughter like he was before, he was just giggling and blushing lightly, his chin pinned to his chest.
“Oh my mother of sweet lord, thats adorable”, James stated, noticing that the lighter he wiggled his fingers, the more blushy and giggly it made Thomas.
“Hahahah nohohohoho”, Thomas whined through his giggle fit.
It would have to be seen to be believed. Thomas frickin’ Jefferson, being reduced to a child-like giggle fit and wiggling around like a worm in his boyfriends arms.
“Well, now I have a new favourite pass time, tickling your adorable widdle ticklish neck”, James cooed, watching how Jefferson’s face got redder with every word.
“Of course”, the shorter stated, lifting his fingers off of Thomas, “This is pretty good to”.
Thomas went back into his uncontrollable laughing phase as James went back to attacking his deathly ticklish underarms.
“Shhhh, be quiet. We have to hear when Hamilton knocks on the door”, James teased as he tickled faster. Jeez, those nails could work magic.
“Thats not very nice”, James pouted, “I am getting a little bored of this though”.
With that, James lifted his fingers. 
Just as Thomas was about to sit up and give his boyfriend some serious shit-talk, Madison wiggled his fingers kn the man’s neck once again.
“Nohohohoho”, Thomas giggled, “Whehehehehen wihihihihihill yohohhohou stohohohohop?”.
Madison felt like he could melt.
“Hmmmm, maybe when you stop laughing?”, Madison suggested.
James kept his boyfriend in a calm and steady flow of blushy giggles for a few more minutes.
“You know what I think?”, James asked his boyfriend. Jefferson didn’t respond. 
“I think you secretly love this, don’t you Thomas?”.
Thomas went redder, “Sohohohohohon ohohohof a bihihihihitch”.
James chuckled and lightened his touches. 
That was when James heard a knock at the door.
“Oh”, he grumbled, a little annoyed about having to stop, “Looks like Hamilton’s here”.
James let Thomas go and stood up, doing a nice big stretch. Thomas glared up at him, “You nugget-head”.
James snickered at the expression, and walked down the hallway to open up the door for.....
“Erm, hello”, the short man said. He was clad in a white suit and purple tie.
“Uh, no offence, but what are you doing here?”, James asked, going back to being his usual, formal self.
“Erm, I was hoping that you’d, erm, let me be apart of this meeting”, Burr said.
James sighed: “My sincerest of apologies Burr, but this is a private meeting. Perhaps we could all catch up at some AH-!”.
Thomas, the cheeky muffin, had sneaked up beside James and poked his left side. James turned around in shock, not believing that Thomas would embarrass him when he was tying to be formal.  
Thomas just shrugged, “Let the man in, we’ll kick ‘im out when Hamilton gets here”.
James tilted his head at his boyfriend, before turning back to Burr, who was fumbling with his tie. 
“Come in Burr”, he said, stepping to the side.
Thomas crouched down slightly and whispered in James’ ear: “Don’t think I will be forgetting about your reaction buddy”. 
I guess that both Jefferson and Madison were the T-I  C-K  L-I  S, H yeah, H yeah, ticklish.
Woooo that was fun to write! Sorry it’s so short! Please give feedback because my back is starrrrrvvvviiiinnngggg.
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Short OC study
Yello! So this is a short study of Dr. Majesty and her two adopted children Hot Rod and Widdle. Its just a short story on How Dr. Majesty and her Idiots met @artlesscomedic OC Ace. Just a note, Yes Dr. Majesty harvests Organs, and yes she is based on Dr. Frankenstien. Fear not Hot Rod and Widdle are on her safety list. Bio's to come!
Hot Rod was usually more aware than this. He admitted this. Not that he was very aware of his surroundings, usually he had a bit of robot before him that was much more interesting than the warehouses he usually worked in. The teen was doing what he usually did. Tried to get his newest drone upgrades to function correctly when the sounds of sirens sent him into a sudden panic.
“Fuck!” Hot Rod cursed whirling around and flailing as he slipped on a pool of blood. Huh, whered that come from?
“Shit, shit shit. Fucking Bullets, fucking cops can burn in-”
“Uh… hi?” Hot Rod squeaked as the Bleeding Blue haired individual raised their gun at him. Hot Rod sucked in a breath eyeing their shaking arms and the blood as it pooled about them. “Oh jeez, yeah uh, your bleeding a shit ton and there are cops coming. Idk if they are here because of me or you but uh… The Doc can fix that if you… ok ok! Nope nope stay awake! Ah shit.”
Hot Rod sighed as the Blue Haired person fainted into their own blood. Hot Rod just grabbed the person by their collar and began to sprint out of the building.
Dr. Majesty sighed as she checked through the Fridge. Nothing very interesting she thought. At least to eat. There were some Livers in various stages of decay, three from alcoholics, two from Smokers, and one from a fascinating case of poisoning. There were kidneys, lungs, Stomachs, intestines, and even a few Uteruses and hearts. All in varying stages of decay. Dr. Majesty sighed and closed the fridge, adjusting her crown. The crown was made from scalpels that she had melted down into a small tiara.
“Fuck, no food again. Should send Widdle to get food.”
“Doc!! Doc!! Dr. Sty!! Need help!” Dr. Majesty sighed as Hot Rod burst through the door and she slowly stood staight.
“Did you burn yourself again? I swear if you- oh. Fuck.” Dr. Majesty growled as Hot Rod came blundering into the apartment dragging a Blue Haired individual behind them… who was bleeding. And unconscious. Oh for fucks sake.
“Right, Youngest Idiot drop the new Idiot patient, your making it worse. Get the Eldest Idiot from her room and I'll take… Blue Idiot to the operation room. I'll see you both down there and ready for Surgery in ten minutes.” Dr. Majesty said harshly taking the fallen Blue Haired individual away from Hot Rod who nodded and scurried off into the apartment. Dr. Majesty the. Walked out the front door and descended down the stairs into the buildings basement, ready for surgery.
Ace was only sort of aware of their body and self. But they knew three things. 1. They had managed to escape the cops after a Heist gone bad but ran into some Ginger kid with a weird robot. 2. Said kid had tried to speak to them but Ace haven't managed to stay awake. And 3. They were warm and their was arguing happening.
Wait, that's four things.
“Hey, don't move too much, you'll pull your stitches.” The cracked voice of an older woman met Ace's ears and their eyes flew open.
Standing over them was an older woman, her salt and pepper hair was tied in a bun and she wore a lab coat and turtleneck sweater. She was eyeing the IV bag hooked up to Ace's arm. Next to her was the Ginger haired Kid Ace had met in the Warehouse. He had thick glasses, messy long ginger hair and burn marks covering his face. He smiled widely as Ace stared at him. He was missing one of his front teeth. He looked about 15.
Next to them was a young Woman with brown hair and skin she was thin as could be and about 4'10. Her hair was a mess, it was shorter and longer in different places, she had a large bandage covering her nose, and overalls on. She looked around 20 years old and She was shaking her head at the younger boy who was now leaning on the bed.
Wait there was a bed?!
“Roddy, leave the guy alone.” The young woman said, her voice cracking as she gently shoved the boy off.
“Ah, but Widdle!! I found them!” The boy whined.
“More like you dragged them here! Nearly killed them cause you literally dragged them here!”
“Idiots! My little Idiots, both of you out. You both have homework. Go.” The Doctor woman urged the two out and closed the door as the siblings walked off muttering about how they didnt really have homework. She sighed and walked over to Ace.
“Right, sorry about the Idiots. They are good assistants when i need extra hands, but loud.”
“Where the fuck am I?” Ace hissed, coughing as their lungs ached.
“Don't try to move to much, i told you this. I had to replace a lung and your liver. You're very very lucky I had a healthy lung and Liver that was compatible with you. You are still recovering from multiple gunshot wounds, 2 organ transplants, a blood transfusion, and i had to reset some of your ribs while I was in there.”
“You what?!” Ace gasped as their lungs twitched, and man was that a weird feeling.
“Look. I don't know you, but one of my Idiots brought you here and when one of My Idiots brings someone in injured, I fix them.” The woman said, then sighed. “Right, but, I am Dr. Majesty. The boy who brought you in is my Youngest Idiot Hot Rod and the girl was my eldest Idiot Widdle. I own the building you are in and all the equipment you are hooked up to. So no cops are going to be showing up. Any questions?”
“Whose lung?” Ace asked with a bit of a wry smile. Dr. Majesty returned one of her own, but only for a moment.
“And Liver. Those would have belonged to two… former tenants of mine. Perfectly healthy, no signs of decay or layers of fat on the liver. The Lung has no tar nor signs of aging. Lucky you.”
“Right. When can I leave?”
“Once you are healed enough to walk on your own. You need anything ring the bell.” Dr. Majesty pointed to a small pulley by the bed. “And if you feel like your liver is wiggling let me know immediately.”
Ace groaned as Dr. Majesty walked towards the door and began to leave.
“Oh. And don't worry about your crew. Widdle has already gone to tell them where you are. Mayhaps, we may have bussiness to discuss once you are recovered more." Ace went wide eyed as the Doctor walked out the door.
Dr. Marie Majesty sighed once again as she entered her study. A fresh cadaver lay out on the table. A cop that Widdle had dug up earlier that day, his guts were laid bare for the world to see. The doctor hissed as she began to work, prepping chemicals and petri dishes as the body waited paitently.
"In here Youngest Idiot." She called and Hot Rod bound in, a pile of mangled machinery in his arms.
"Hows the Blue guy? They ok?"
"As ok a criminal after surprise surgery can be. Where's the Eldest Idiot?" Hot Rod giggled.
"She found Ace's crew, but decided to stop by the Police archives for a bit of... Arson. Its just gonna be arson. She plans to burn the archives." Dr. Majesty nodded.
"You habe a drone with her yes?"
"Yup! Im working on one to gift to Ace and their crew. That way if they need more surgery we can know!" Hot Rod smirked. "Sooooo... Do I have another big Sibling?"
"Possibly." Dr. Majesty snorted. "Possibly. Now lets see about those prosthetics of yours yeah?"
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biollantebutch · 3 years
"I got a couple jugs'a gasoline in my trunk, a bag of those bigass camping firestarter things, and a lighter. Jeanette and I will go fix the problem ourselves 'n leave you here."
did it not occur to you that as an organism existing within a greater organism, your intrusion would be felt?
word count 6033. heavily implied death. features a hotel!
"It's a goddamn eyesore's what it is."
The sparks of an oncoming headache danced behind Jeanette's eyes. The lights were too bright. The patrons were too loud. The acrid aftertaste of her drink sat heavy on the back of her tongue- she was going to regret this tomorrow. Rosa sat across from her, arms slung over the back of the booth like she owned the place. If she was making an effort to take up as much space as possible, it was paying off. Whether out of discomfort or just outright fear, Robin had squished himself against the wall. It was as far away from Rosa as he could get, but he still clutched his cardboard-colored cardigan around his bony shoulders with a white-knuckled grip. The longer she spoke, the tighter he pulled. It'd be a damn shame if it ripped, Jeanette thought, idly stirring at the ice of her empty glass. He'd look actually naked without it.
"It's supposed to be demolished soon. Besides, that part of town is borderline empty nowadays. I'd argue it's not making anyone's eyes sore." His voice was little more than a whisper, barely audible over the barroom chatter. Apparently Rosa wasn't done ranting, judging by the glare she shot him even as he opened his mouth to continue. Whether those were tears budding in his eyes or just the reflection of the lights in his glasses, Jeanette wasn't sure. If she really strained her ears, she could just pretend they weren't there. Her bed plead for her company from the other side of town, and she'd be answering its call as soon as she could.
The familiar sounds of the crowded haunt bubbled up around them, but Rosa's presence commanded attention, and God help anyone who didn't turn their eyes to her when she started speaking. Hell, she even styled herself like it. Wild, curly hair that puffed out around her head and down to her shoulders like some mockery of a bowl cut. Gaudy Hawaiian shirts in tropical neons bright enough to sear any sane person's eyes out. There was a reason that she rarely, if ever, interacted with any customers. She'd scared off plenty a self-respecting man, and the few friends that remained at her side remained mostly out of fear for the repercussions of speaking out against her. A select few just found her crazy. Crazy in the fun way, but crazy nonetheless. She had a way of making herself seem like the only person in the room, and the aura of confidence she gave off was strong enough to melt steel. Even as Jeanette sat there, she could feel the ice in her glass getting less and less solid.
"The debate's fuckin' stupid," Rosa spat, brow creasing and fingers pinching at the bridge of her nose. "It's supposed to be 'bringing in tourists.' It's bullshit. All of it. The beaches are what's bringin' in the tourists. All that rotting hunk of bricks can do is get Buzzfeed listicles written about it and clog up the skyline. The thing's condemned, for Christ's sake! What good's a 'tourist attraction' y'can't even get anywhere near without getting arrested?"
Jeanette trained her eyes on her straw as she pressed it back against her lips. "Buzzfeed listicles."
"Don't get smart with me." Despite the ever-present background chatter, the air still managed to fall stagnant. She didn't dare look up. She could feel Rosa's eyes on the back of her neck, two points of heat on her skin and a growing weight in her chest. Across the table, Robin stared at her in something like pity, biting down hard on his thin lips. She didn't realize she hadn't blinked until the table suddenly quaked. Rosa had her chin cupped in her hands, filling her companions' fields of view with nothing but her. The way her round cheeks pressed against her mouth disguised the gummy grin spreading across her face. "Listen. I got an idea."
Robin scoffed, pushing his glasses up on his nose. "You always have an idea. I'm not getting arrested again, Rosa."
"Not even for widdle 'ol me?" The expression Rosa plastered on was probably supposed to be charming, but it resembled something closer to an old porcelain doll. The kind that felt like they were always staring at you, planning something.
"Especially not for you."
"Whatever." She tossed herself back in her seat, arms slung behind her head. The way Robin winced, anyone could've sworn he was expecting a slap across the face for that. Even after she started again, the tension in his shoulders didn't fade. "I got a couple jugs'a gasoline in my trunk, a bag of those bigass camping firestarter things, and a lighter. Jeanette and I will go fix the problem ourselves 'n leave you here." As soon as the words left her mouth, Jeanette's pupils shrunk to barely more than pinpricks. Having adopted the same posture as a shrimp the entire outing, the way her back straightened itself out sent a resounding crack across the room.
"I never agreed to anyth-"
"I'm not payin' for an Uber for your broke asses."
Off to the side, one of the buttons on Robin's cardigan snapped off. That budding headache returned in full force, and everyone let out a collective groan. Everyone except Rosa, still beaming from ear to ear.
"Great answer. I'll foot the bill, then."
Rosa braced her weight up on the hood of her old beat-up Hummer, neck craned back to get a better view of the imposing building in front of her. Jeanette had never actually been this close to the thing before, but now that she was, she could definitely see why anyone'd want it gone. At some point in time, it had probably been glorious. It was massive, for Christ's sake- the corridors stretched back into the distance farther than she could see. Despite the wear and tear, some aspects of its former glory remained. The ornately carved trim making perfect floral swirls along the entryway. The grand double-doors with their rusted bronze handles, worn smooth from decades of hands and weather. Logically, Jeanette knew she wasn't the first to visit the Carnelian after its closure, and she sure as hell wouldn't be the last. What she expected out of an abandoned building, though, was something frozen in time, at the mercy of the elements. The door handles carried the distinct slick of skin oil, though. Someone had been here recently enough for it to still be present, but she couldn't see any other signs of human life in the area. No footprints besides their own, no parked cars or bikes or any other transportation. Just three kinda-friends-mostly-just-coworkers and a hotel.
"Goddamn. Look at the thing," Rosa tutted, shaking her head. "Tonight's gonna be the night, ain't it? We've lived in its shadow for too long. Can't wait to see this on the news tomorrow." Robin stared in her direction like a deer in the headlights, choking down a lump so thick you could see it sliding down his throat. He shook like a leaf despite the tepid summer air not carrying any hint of a breeze, and what he wouldn't say, Jeanette could- just in a more subtle manner.
"Hey, why don't we try getting inside?"
Rosa cocked a brow in her direction, watching as Jeanette pulled her tight ponytail into a messy bun. "What for?"
"I mean, there has to be some stuff in there the last guys haven't looted. Memorabilia. Even if we raze the place to the ground, there's gotta be someone out there aching for Carnelian merch, right? There's money to be made here."
Rosa's eyes lit up at the mere mention of money, pulling herself up straight. Robin almost leapt out of his skin at the sudden movement, letting his fingers worry along the edges of his cardigan once again. He didn't make eye contact with either of the women. Apparently, the broken windows and crooked beams of the hotel before him were very, very interesting. Far more interesting, at least, than having to listen to Rosa's half-baked nonsense again. Before she even moved towards the doors of the Carnelian, she had already rolled up her sleeves and cuffed her pants, almost too eager to toss herself inside. Jeanette swore she could see dollar signs gleaming gold in the deep brown of her eyes the more she brushed her hair out of her face and tied it back into a ponytail more of a glorified man-bun.
"Jeez, Jeanette, I could've sworn you had a stick up your ass! So you finally decide to live a little, huh?" The smile on Rosa's face was very audible in her voice, each syllable ending in almost a squeak. The woman in question only stared at her with her brows knit and her lips pulled tight against her gums, not daring to respond. Rosa didn't seem to care. "Yeah, this place was fuckin' loaded back in its day. No way in hell there isn't something of value in there. Even if it's, like, riddled with asbestos or something. We can make do, yeah? Sell it on eBay for a couple hundo?"
"I doubt we can get that much." Robin quivered, shrinking into himself more the longer he had to tear his eyes away from the watchful gaze of the Carnelian. "I mean, what's of value in there that hasn't already been l-looted? If you're so dead set on getting rid of the thing, can't we just light it up and leave?" His voice belied an underlying feeling of dread, one that was creeping into Jeanette's bones too the more time she spent standing before the maw of the hotel. Already, she was starting to regret her decision. It'd bought her time, though, and Rosa seemed pleased with it- there was no stopping her when she had her mind set on something.
"Shut up, stringbean. You're comin' too." Jeanette shot him a you don't have to listen to her glance, a just get back in the car, we'll come back for you glance, but Robin nodded anyways and trudged towards the doors on feet like bricks. As much as he wanted to just let the other two go about their little adventure, he just... couldn't. His face was pale, almost green, but Rosa's word was tantamount to law. "Alright, guys. On three. To riches?"
"Shooting too high. Maybe pocket money."
Rosa rolled her eyes. "To pocket money. Alright."
"One." Jeanette gripped one handle, already preparing to brace herself on her heels.
"Two." Both of Robin's fists clamped down on the other. Even in the calm night air, he clung on for dear life.
"Three!" The two of them threw their weight back, watching as the doors swung open to hit them with a column of stagnant air. Dust billowed out in thick clouds, sending the two closest to the blast into a brief coughing fit as Rosa looked on with hands on her hips, chest puffed out in pride. She inhaled deeply, taking in the fruits of the others' labor- and immediately started coughing as well. It stank of years of dust, mold, rotting wood and probably other, less savory things. The marble tiles of the foyer, grand as it was, had chipped and broken to the point of the embossed mural being all but unrecognizable. Chairs and tables lay overturned, shards of broken vases surrounded the dessicated remains of long-dead flowers, and light fixtures lay shattered among them to the point that what had been what was entirely obscured. Arches that had once led into dining halls and ballrooms had long collapsed under their own weight, the gold paint that they had once glittered with having chipped away until only the underlying wood was left. Even the air itself was heavy and oppressive, urging them to turn around, leave, and never look back. It seemed far too vast a space to be left so empty for so long, and just standing inside the building itself was making Jeanette feel lightheaded. Over her shoulder, she could see Robin dry-heaving, his hands covered with the baggy sleeves of his cardigan.
All Rosa saw, though, was dollar signs.
"Alright, ladies!" She clapped twice, taking a step further in. Even with all of Rosa's confidence, she'd stopped repeatedly to shake her head, let a wave of chills wash over her body- it seemed to be getting to her, too. "No time for lollygagging! We're in, 'n this is our last chance to get what we want out before we wipe this joint off the map. Now get up and start rootin' through this shit. It's already 9, and we've all got work in the morning. I don't wanna be here any later'n 2 A.M."
Jeanette silently thanked herself for wearing flats that day. If she'd had to tromp through an abandoned building that practically had a glowing 'TETANUS RISK' sign plastered to the front in heels, she might've just let herself collapse there and then. With hungry eyes, Rosa had already made her way over to the checkin desk and hauled her squat frame over the counter to get at whatever was on the other side. Robin's dainty fingers trailed over shelves upon shelves of chintz and other knickknacks- shelves free of any dust. Of course people had been here before, and of course they'd touched things, but... why leave them?
"Hey, hey, spread out! C'mon, we ain't gonna get anything done if we're all stuck in one damn room all night!" Both Robin and Jeanette's eyes fell on Rosa, who only scoffed at their shocked expressions. "What, are you scared? Worried some sexy, sexy ghosts are gonna come up behind ya? It'd be reeeeeal awkward if one slapped my ass right about now!"
When nothing happened, she only shrugged. "C'mon. Y'know those are, like, kids' stories, right? There's no reason to be all freaked out over a fuckin' building. Now get to work." The other two stared at each other for a second before silently nodding, waiting until Rosa's back was turned to make their way into a cordoned-off side room. On the walls hung rows upon rows of hat racks and coat hooks, some with coats still hanging on by their last threads. The only light in the room was the little that could filter in from the still-open front doors, trickling through the cracks just enough to illuminate the grim look on Robin's face. That, combined with his fair hair and slight frame, made him seem almost ghostlike. Maybe that had something to do with the rancid vibe she was getting from the place.
"Jeanette," he growled, clamping his hands down on her shoulders, "I don't know how much of this you're going to believe, but something doesn't feel right. I know Rosa's fucking-" his hand flew in wild circles beside his head- "Y'know, batshit, but that doesn't mean we have to be. Can you feel it too?"
Jeanette could see her blanched face in the reflection of his glasses. She nodded.
"Right. I'm not some kind of paranormal enthusiast. I'm not a ghosts and goblins kind of guy. But something- Something does not want us here. Outside, when Rosa was on her little spiel, I saw something. In the window. Swear, to god, it was a person. Looking down. At us. It looked me straight in the fucking eye, and then it pulled the curtains closed. I don't- I don't know if it was, like, a squatter or whatever, but I'd rather face Rosa's wrath than whatever the fuck is up there."
Through the crack in the door, she could still see Rosa hunched over behind the checkin counter. The sound of paper flapping against paper echoed through the high walls of the foyer, a pile of files rapidly accumulating behind her as she squatted with little care as to just what she was tossing about. She was in her own little world, and it was beyond Jeanette to even consider what she was looking for. Whatever it was, she couldn't bring herself to value what little money she might be able to make off of the rotted husk of the Carnelian over her own life.
"So are you proposing we just-"
"We just leave, yes. It's not like she'll notice. The door's wide open. Either I crash at your place or you crash at mine, and we somehow make it to work in the morning like nothing happened. Deal?"
"Oh, thank god you're sane. Deal."
As they left the closet, Jeanette could've sworn something in the room had shifted. The doors were still wide open, the chairs were still upturned, the vases still lay toppled. She grabbed onto Robin's shoulder as she wracked her brain, so sure despite all evidence to the contrary that something wasn't right. The wind whistled through the empty corridors, and it finally hit her.
She couldn't hear Rosa anymore.
Robin asked her something like what's wrong as she turned toward the checkin desk, but she could hardly hear him. Rosa was the one with the keys, so Rosa was the only one who could access Jeanette's purse and Robin's medications and god damn, where was she? Even the piles of files, the piles that Jeanette could've sworn she'd seen while she was planning their escape with Robin, were no longer sprawled across the floor. The cabinet was open, yes, but the files inside were all neatly labelled and ordered as if no one had disturbed them to begin with. God, the corners weren't even wrinkled. They were like brand new. Imagine that. Brand new manila folders in the hundred-year-old cabinets of a hundred-year-old building. She closed the cabinet with a shudder, stepping back and-
Oh, god.
Something squelched.
Her shriek was audible all the way across the foyer, where Robin was already making his way towards the door. The harsh thud of his shoes on the tile was overpowered by the blood rushing through Jeanette's ears, louder than anything she'd heard before. She knew she'd stepped on something. It had sunk beneath her feet without much resistance, sighing quietly as the air was pushed out of it. When he finally arrived, though, Robin couldn't find anything amiss. Just Jeanette, soaked in sweat and chest heaving. Her eyes darted between him and the floor, gasping like a fish to spit out words that, no matter how hard she tried, just wouldn't come.
"Jeanette? What's going on?"
She stared up at him, wide-eyed, before heaving herself up from the floor like it had wronged her. Because it had. Whatever she'd touched was clearly, distinctly not right. Robin jumped as she shook the thought from her head and grabbed him by the hand. "We're leaving. Now." She could feel the tendons shifting under her grip, and somewhere in the back of her mind, she could hear him yelp and question her motives, but she was determined. She was going to get out of this hellhole as soon as possible, and she was never going to go anywhere near it again. The cops could find out what happened to Rosa later- it wasn't her problem anymore. Her free hand extended in front of her, ready to plow her way out through the doors and into air that didn't stink like an antique store.
Doors that she could've sworn existed just a little over an hour ago.
Doors that were definitely not there now.
Jeanette blinked, an incredulous laugh forcing her way from her lungs. So that was it, then! She was going insane, too! Maybe she'd just gotten turned around. The doors were on the other wall, yeah? She'd just turn around and try those. Then she'd be out. Out and on her way to bed where she could sleep off this entire crazy ass experience.
Her hand met damp wallpaper yet again. She turned. She tried. Wallpaper. She turned again. Tried again. Wallpaper. No matter which direction she tried, which wall she slammed her whole body weight into, there were no doors. No windows, even. The whole space should've been enclosed, pitch-black, but she could still see her hands in front of her face, right? So there had to be a light source somewhere, right?
Where was Robin?
He couldn't have just disappeared, she'd been holding onto him the entire time, right? The room was entirely enclosed, anyways, there weren't any doors or anything he could've left from. So he had to still be in the room. So she just had to call his name.
No response.
She'd try again. And again. And again and again and again to no avail until her throat was sore and hot, salty tears streamed down her cheeks. Whatever had happened to Rosa had happened to him, and oh god, she was alone, and she didn't have a way out, and she couldn't call for help because she'd left her damn phone in her damn purse in the DAMN car. Some good that did her. She couldn't just lay down and die, though. She screamed what was left of her voice away until it was little more than a hoarse whisper. She pounded on the walls until they warped and bent around her bruised knuckles, more elastic than plaster had any right to be. She turned over every piece of furniture in the room looking for some way out, but all that yielded was more wall and more floor and more stinking, melting hotel decor. She'd exhausted her options. She'd exhausted her options, but she was still frustrated, and if she couldn't find a way out, she'd have to take that frustration out on whatever was nearby.
As soon as she'd hoisted the end table above her head, she heard something sliding.
It wasn't from anywhere in the room. Somewhere distinctly outside the room, actually. So there was still an outside, so she could still get outside, and she could still get out. But something was sliding. The hotel had ceased its shifting long ago, and it wasn't accompanied by the sounds of creaking wood, so it was unlikely for it to be wayward furniture. She didn't know of any Californian wildlife that slid, much less anything large enough to create an actual, audible sound. In her curiosity, Jeanette spared the end table, setting it back down on the floor to press her ear to the wall.
Scratch that. The door. It wanted to be a door now, so it was a door, and Jeanette tumbled face-first into the hallway. Unlike the hotel she'd entered, it looked almost... clean. The wallpaper was still peeling and the carpet was still torn up from the floorboards in places, but it wasn't any worse than any given roadside motel. The walls were lined neatly with doors upon doors, with number placards firmly affixed onto the front of each, so they had to be rooms. The longer she looked at them, though, the more her head swam. They were rooms, and most hotel rooms were numbered, so they had to be numbers. What she found herself looking at, though, were distinctly not numbers. She wasn't sure what they were. Her mind couldn't wrap around just what kind of shape they were trying to portray, so it just gave up.
She could still kind of read them, though. Which was strange, since the rest of the hotel had been pitch black, and she and Robin had to navigate by moonlight. Despite the building she was sure she was still in having sat dormant for over half a century, though, it was perfectly lit by rows of electric wall sconces with frosted glass shades shaped ever-so-lovingly like flowers. That's what she told herself they were, anyways. She'd ran her hands along one and found it pleasantly cool to the touch, to say nothing of the texture being less akin to glass and more to a human fingernail. Thinking on what they were actually made of wasn't going to be good for her mental wellbeing if she wanted to find a way out.
So Jeanette hauled herself to her feet, dusted herself off, and started down the hallway. The sliding noise hadn't come back since she first heard it, but she couldn't care less if it did. She was in a hallway. Hallways had a start and an end. Usually, at the start of a hotel hallway, there's an elevator or a stairwell or a path to the lobby or something, so as long as she kept walking, she'd eventually get out. It was a sound enough plan, and she didn't press herself to think of any potential flaws. If she did, she'd get distracted, and if she got distracted, she wouldn't be walking fast enough. So she started moving, and she tried not to think about the way the walls pulsed around her. Her head ached. Her knees wobbled. If she didn't fall facefirst into a bed soon, she was going to die. She knew it. This was cruel and she'd had enough and something's on the floor.
Knocked suddenly back into reality, she stooped down for a closer look. She hadn't seen any other signs of human life once she'd started walking, not a single light on in a room nor a "do not disturb" sign to indicate, at least, that someone was staying there. It was just her, the harsh incandescent lights, and the ambient sounds of pipes settling and appliances buzzing. A random, discarded item on the ground, then, seemed terribly out of place. It was an awful shade of orange, with big red umbrella-leaves and deep purple hibiscus flowers printed into the fabric. It was buttoned up to just below the collar, which flopped lazily about no matter how hard Jeanette tried to press it down. She'd seen this shirt before, just a few hours earlier. She knew she had. It was Rosa's.
She stood there for a second, clutching the shirt in her fist until the skin went white and her nails dug tiny holes in the fabric. Why here? Why now? If this was her shirt, where the fuck was Rosa? Her hands shook. Her tongue sparked with the taste of blood- she'd bitten into her lip. No more distractions. She had to keep moving forward. If she let herself get distracted like this, she was never going to get out. Just keep walking, she told herself, you're going to get somewhere if you just keep walking. When her feet started to ache- flats were not made for long periods of walking- she took only the time to yank her shoes off and keep going. In the worst case scenario, she passed out from exhaustion. She could already feel herself getting lightheaded. It wasn't clear, though, if it was an actual risk, or she'd just inhaled mold spores. Maybe a little of both.
Behind her, the floor swallowed the shirt back up.
It didn't end. It just didn't end. The longer Jeanette walked, the longer the hallway seemed to get. The longer the hallway got, the farther away her goal seemed. The farther away her goal seemed- against all odds- the more she was driven to keep going. Keep going, and keep going, and keep going. It was just an exercise in insanity at that point. Walking until her legs gave out, laying prone on the floor for what was either 5 minutes or 5 hours, and hauling herself back up to start it all over again. It wouldn't let her pass out. It wouldn't even let her sleep. The second its sweet embrace came close, she was consumed by a primal, animalistic feeling of something's close, not safe, something's close, not safe and she had to haul herself up and keep. Going. She was determined. She was on a mission. She was going to see it through at all costs.
She'd found open doors, a few times. Some of them opened into a vast, empty blackness. No light, no stars, like someone tore a hole in reality. Some of them had trays of refreshments, pitchers of ice water still so cold that she could've sworn they were left out for her on purpose. Some of them were broom closets. Some of them were just more hallways. Some of them opened into human gums and human teeth and the hot, sticky inside of a very human mouth. Those she left alone.
The one she found herself before opened into a perfectly ordinary closet. A perfectly ordinary closet where a dull brown cardigan sat on a hook, torn to shreds and spattered with something that was definitely not blood- despite being similar in both color and viscosity, it smelled more akin to the chemical "floral" scent of complimentary shampoo. Despite all that she knew would be a "normal" reaction to something like this, Jeanette couldn't find it within herself to be even remotely surprised. No matter how hard she tried, the most intense reaction she could claw out from the foggy recesses of her mind was a flat huh. So that's where that went. The whereabouts of its owner no longer concerned her. She had work to do. She was headed... somewhere. She had to be headed somewhere. That's why people walked, most of the time. To go places. So she was going somewhere, and it was at the end of the hallway, and she continued. The cardigan remained on the hook.
Jeanette's eyes fixed forward. She moved automatically, robotically, with no regard to her surroundings or the way they warped around her. She could actually see the end of the hallway getting farther and farther away from her as she walked, but her mind refused to process it. All that she knew at that point was that it was there, and she was walking towards it, which was what she was supposed to be doing. That was what mattered. Not the walls narrowing around her or the floors bubbling and squelching around her feet or the patterns on the wallpaper pulsing like veins. They were part of the hallway, so they were supposed to be there. So she kept walking. And walking. And walking.
Until she stopped.
Not of her own volition. She tried to move her feet, continue ever onwards, but the floor had wrapped its greedy tendrils around her ankles so she couldn't take another step. So she tried to crawl, clawing at the carpet until her fingertips were bloody, but it only sunk her in deeper. The fight left her, and Jeanette shut her eyes and let herself go limp. Whatever wanted to claim her could claim her. She'd failed.
Or maybe she hadn't. When she came to her senses, she was no longer in the hallway. Why was she in a hallway to begin with? She'd never left the foyer, and she hadn't seen any doors. Or maybe she had. This definitely wasn't the foyer, and she was the only one she could see present. Grand pillars stretched from the floor to the ceiling, circling a massive crystal chandelier suspiciously free of dust. And there was that sound again. The sliding. The sliding she'd heard earlier. How much earlier, she wasn't sure, but the distinct sense of deja vu it gave her cemented that feeling in her gut. What had been a wall yawned wide open like the maw of a lion, and a new figure slid in. One she wasn't familiar with. It wasn't Robin (the hair was too dark) and it couldn't be Rosa (the skin was too pale) and neither of them would be caught dead in a dress. It never occurred to her that it would've dwarfed either of them, even both of them sitting atop each other's shoulders, or neither of the two had a crown of glossy, keratinous horns that brushed the ceilings when they walked- it just seemed irrelevant.
Without any visible light source, the room lit up as it made its way inside. The sliding sound that followed wasn't accompanied by anything like footsteps- just the shrill squeaking of skin on tile. Suddenly, Jeanette found herself paralyzed. It inched closer painfully slowly, posture stock-straight and eyes fixed somewhere faraway. The figure loomed above Jeanette, trapping her in its shadow. She couldn't look away- she couldn't even move. She bit down hard on her lip again, wincing at the pinching and the taste of blood in her mouth. Her jaws clenched, her throat lurched, sweat beaded on her brow and rolled down her face in sloppy arcs, but the figure's expression never faltered. The corners of its mouth pulled its lips into a tight, thin smile. Its eyes were vacant, faraway, milky and cloudy and dull. Dull like a corpse's. As if an old porcelain doll made of wet, writhing flesh had come to life. It had the content, empty stare of a farm animal, not reacting to any of the stimuli surrounding it. Jeanette's lungs squeezed tight anyways, and they squeezed tighter when the thing bent in half like the stalk of an anemone to lay a single, massive flipper across her body. It was like being trapped under layers upon layers of weighted blankets, a pressure intended to be soothing suddenly turned painful when used in excess.
"What do you want with me?" Her vision blurred itself with tears, still trying to comprehend just what was in front of her. The figure's eyes, already half-lidded and rimmed in what was either dark eyeshadow or head-sized patches of mold, turned upward in almost-pity. Either a distant pipe burbled to life, or it laughed. Or both.
"Please do not remove anything from the premises." Its voice was smooth and cordial, riddled with an unidentifiable crackling sound like a degraded tape. Despite the flat, customer-service tone, Jeanette could hear the barely-held-back snicker. Like it didn't mean a damn word it said. Like it was enjoying itself.
As it removed its sleeve from her chest, the lack of pressure made it clear to her that something was very, very wrong. She'd been unable to move her limbs, but now? She couldn't feel them at all. All around her, she saw herself absorbed into the warm, throbbing tile below, sinking deeper and deeper into flesh all too eager to welcome her to its ranks.
"And please, enjoy the rest of your stay. We'd love your feedback."
And Jeanette tried to offer hers. It would be rather valuable, an important asset to the Carnelian if it were to fix itself up and finally achieve its goal of reopening to the public, and it needed all of the advice it could get if it were to effectively self-manage. To its knowledge, it would be the first (and possibly only! How thrilling!) hotel to do so, and the prospect excited it deeply.
Unfortunately, Jeanette no longer had a mouth to give feedback with.
Ah, well. C'est la vie.
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Vamps in Pamps
it was a nice sunny day as Edward drove the jeep out to his 'father's house, though while the weather was nice and Bella seemed happy, Edward was less so due to the other person sitting the backseat of the jeep, who whenever he made eye contract, grinned like a Cheshire cat despite being a werewolf.
"So Edward, hurt stories about your daddy." Jacob said, making Edward despite being a vampire blush.
"I'm sure you have mutt. just mind your touage. he's stronger then me and doesn't handle fools as well." Edward snipped back.
While Edward could get along with and hang out with Jacob, He still didn't like the wolf but put up a farce for Bella's sake who insisted that they get along.
"Will any of the others be there today?" Jacob asked.
"No, mommy took them out for a little trip." Edward said, almost right away wishing he had called her by her name but the damage was done and now Bella and Jacob were chuckling and smirking.
"Mommy huh?" Jacob asked, Grinning ear to ear.
"Heh.. Jacob.. be nice.He is the first son~" Bella said and winked, though reached over and squeezed Edwards hand on the gear shift.
"Such a big boy~" Jacob said and winked into the rear view mirror.
'this is going to be a LONG visit.' Edward thought as he pulled into the driveway.
Carlilse was waiting in the driveway for them as they pulled up and as the they all got out of the car Carlilse was suddenly there, grabbing Edwards cheeks and tsking.
"have you been fully eating or are you just snacking, again?" Edward's 'father' asked, voicing his disapproval.
"Uh.. What do you mean by snacks?" Bella asked, a vampire herself now. "I thought we had to have a-"
"We Edward sadly Bella, is famous for trying to replace a good full on meal with just snacking on rat or chipmunk or squirrel blood." Carlilse said, then smirked. "though he cut back on the chipmunk blood when he grew to be a fan o-"
"the chipmunks in the 80's."
"Wait, what?" Jacob asked.
"Oh my god shut up!" Edward growled.
"Simon was his favorite, I preferred Alvin, though only because he wanted to watch it all the time with me." Carlilse said.
Edward huffed and whined and stormed off into the house, as Carlilse stayed with Jacob and Bella.
"you'll have to forgive him. he's sensitive on his little guy side." The proud daddy said.
"heh, I see. soo..you watched the show with him..did he ever sing along?" Jacob asked, and got a playful elbow to his gut from Bella.
"...You didn't hear it from me, but yes."
In the house Edward was huffing, he should of known this was a mistake considering recent events but Bella had been begging to come up for awhile and Jacob too. Still the teenaged vampire was huffing lots as they came in.
Jacob was whistling the chipmunks theme and Bella was chuckling which didn't help Edwards attuide at the least bit.
"Look here scooby doo. unless you wanna throw down knock it off!" Edward growled.
"Heh, how did you know I loved that show? scooby dooodoo!" Jacob mimicked and then winked.
"...your a scrappy doo at best." Edward growled and went to storm off.
"So you DID watch that one too~ how many cartoons does widdle Edward li-" Jacob started but Carlilse's fingers were on his lips.
"Edward, don't storm off. I thought they knew and you know how cute I thought you were." Carlilse said and letting go of Jacob, was by Edward and hugging him.
Edward huffed and squirmed, but gave in even as Bella and Jacob smirked.
"You'll have to teach me how to calm him down that quick, he gets so huffy sometimes." Bella teased.
"Oh? It's not that hard,m you just have to give him the right hugs, I got LOTS of practice with it calming him down when he'd get such bad di-" Carlilse started but Edward was slapping a hand over his fathers mouth.
"Shut uppppppp!" Edward hissed.
"Ok I'm sorry, where you about to say diaper?" Jacob asked, looking tickled pink.
Bella meanwhile was wrinkling her nose as the mental image of Edward in a massive cloth diaper with a huge safety pin though it flashed into her mind.
"No he wasn't! shut your damn mutt mouth and go wait in the car wh-" Edward started but then Esme was there, smiling brightly and holding a photo album.
"Oh, Are we talking about Edward's baby phase? That was sooo cute!" the proud father gushed.
"No we're n-" Edward started but now it was Jacob who cut him off.
"Yes. yes we were. Do you have pictures?" Jacob asked.
the only reason he wasn't being shushed or attacked was Carlilse could tell Edward was going to do something he'd regret and was holding the squirming teen vamp tight now.
"Edward settle down or you can go on time out young man!"
"Ok, somebody explain." Bella said as her mother in law ushered them all over to the couch to sit down.
"Well Edward was our first vampire, and he had a hard time adjusting to vampire life so we decided to give him some time to adjust with some age regression treatment. he fought us at first but soon he was running around happy in his nappies." She coo'ed opening the book up and showing off picture after picture of Edward in terry cloth diapers and plastic pants and tops, the first dozen or so had him growling and snarling, thick mittens on his hands to keep him from removing his diapers but then the fight went out of Edward and soon he was smiling brightly and doing poses.
"The hardest part was getting him to stop wearing after awhile, and we honestly humored him longer then we should of but hearing him cry for his nappies was heart breaking, plus he'd just go ahead and soil himself anyways." Esme giggled and d'aww, coming across a picture of Edward in a tug of war with Carlilse over a diaper.
"That was when we were trying to give the diaper treatment to his little brother, but Edward kept stealing the diapers. in the end we had to threaten him with a dress if he wanted his diapers so bad." Carlilse said.
"D-Did he take the deal?" Bella asked, eye wide in disbelief.
"NO I DIDN'T!!" Edward shouted and Carlilse responded with swift swat to his bottom.
"Young Man, I raised you better then to lie to your wife like that!" he scolded even as Edward whined and whimpered. "What happens to little fibbers in this house?"
"D-Daddy no!" Edward whined and whimpered, but it was for not as he was lead away by the ear, his buns having a date with a hairbrush and his mouth having one with a bar of soap.
As he left the room he heard Bella gasp of disbelief and Jacob's howls of laughter, and just before he was out of hearing range, Jacob called out.
"Pink is DEFIANTLY your color fang boy!"
"Dad..dad come on, you don't have to do this! You should be getting mom to stop! can't you see Bella is getting freaked out?" Edward whined as Carlilse got him into the bathroom and and pointed at a corner where a small red circle was with one hand as he turned on the water and started to get a bar of soap all foamy.
I'm more shocked you never told her about this side of you Edward, Honesty about kinks are important for a healthy marriage." Carlilse lectured and then brought the soap over.
"L-Look I tried but I found out she's super freaked out about little's ok..I figured if I didn't say anything it would be all good..I never expected you and mom to go all dotting parents!"
"See now thats where you were being super silly. If I didn't love you and wanna let you be a little guy from time to time would I of kept all your old baby stuff in the basement?" Carlilse asked then motioned for Edward to open his which the sulking vampire did.
"Honestly with all of you kids moving out me and your mother have been getting a little lonely.. So I was gonna offer to babysit you some time. " Carlilse added as he popped the soap into the sulking vamp's mouth, then tugged down the back of Edwards pants and passed for a send, chuckling softly.
"Mmmfh!?" Edward whined around the soap, bubbles forming and trailing down his chin.
"I see you're still a lousy wiper." Carlilse teased then yanked the crap stained tightie whites up and took the hair brush to Edward's poor buns.
"So.. Edward's stopped doing all of this baby stuff now though right?" Bella asked, feeling like she was in a nightmare.
the love of her life was just a big fucking baby, she was suddenly putting it all together in her head as she had flashbacks of him getting too into being teased with baby talk from her, all the cuddling.. and just how many of his 'accidents' he'd been having lately were actual accidents?!
"He mostly stopped after you and him started to date dear. Though he's come back for some treatment. Usually when you're being a little bit of a whore and getting fucked by the mutt." Esme said all matter of factually, making Bella and Jacob jaw drop.
"I'm not stupid and have almost caught you a few time...But I'm sure Edward doesn't know." she went as if she hadn't just dropped that bombshell.
"I uh.. I just.. see.. He just. I.." Bella stammered.
"Well put. you know, for someone who's getting all high and mighty about Edward being just a big baby and not telling you, Fucking around with a were wolf isn't model behavior. While Carlilse is giving Edward a spanking and a mouth washing I think you and I need to have a talk about what I expect from you and doggie here unless you wanna see what a centuries old vampire is capable of when you hurt her little man."
Bella gulped and looked to Jacob for help, while he found something rather interesting on the floor.
Bun's red and mouth tasting like soap, a tear stained cheeks Edward made his way into the living room, in just his undies and rubbing his butt as he kept glancing over his shoulder to give his dad a sour look.
"Edward has something he'd like to say to everyone, don't you Edward? Carlilse said and gave his son a thumbs up.
"A-Actually Uh..Yeah, I have something to say first." Bella said, getting up and trying not to notice that despite the bratty toddler attuide Edward was giving off, the vamp was tenting his undies.
"Edward I can't be with someone who'd rather crap himself in diapers and suck on his toes then have some beers and make love to me. I'm leaving you for Jacob, and you can just stay here and baby out." She said, then practically ran out the door, Jacob looking at Edward with a half smile.
"Look at it this way little guy, you get diapers and I get the girl. we both win." Jacob said then took off after Bella.
Edward could only stare on in shock as Bella apparently was SO eager to get out there she had started the jeep and Jacob was forced to jump in the back seat.
"W-wait..what!?" He asked, not knowing of course he'd been sent up to go back to babyhood.
that Bella's hasty retreat was because Esme had made it clear once her and Edward were broken up the skank would have 5 minutes to get off her property.
Sure, setting up Edward to be dumped like this was a little mean, but as the big baby started to brawl and cry and load the back of his undies, Mommy and daddy just smiled and gave him lots of hugs.
The end
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Courtney's Visit (OC X anime)
Curt gulped softly as he made his way from his hotel room. He'd been in Domino city for all of 2 days and had already won a jackpot, winnng a million dollars. At age 21, the skinny brown haired boy was set for life, and he knew that most people his age would of been going out and partying, drinking and having a blast. Instead he'd put 3/4's of the money in the bank and was carrying the rest in a briefcase as he made his way to a certain..place of business. He knew the reputation that this house had, how so many men had gone in so prideful or certain they were smarter then the ladies who worked there and how many had come out penniless. he was sure that with the 1/4 of a million he had with him the ladies wouldn't leave him broke and summoning up his courage, he walked into crinkles, house of sissfy.
Sitting behind the front desk of the lobby (the place was a former hotel with each of the girls having their own room and then other rooms having been converted into different styles of nurseries) sat the digimon queen herself, Rika and just the smirk she gave him as he walked in made Curt's knees wobble. "Oh good, anther BIG baby~ Hi there loser, Do you need a diapie change before we get you signed in?" she asked in a voice dripping with fake kindness and venom. "I..I..I.." Curt stammered and was glad he'd worn black jeans here, as a small trickle of pee escaped into the crotch of them. "t-t-today loser!" Rika mocked and gestured to a chair in front of her desk. "C-Can't we uh..go somewhere private to t-talk?" he asked, looking around the lobby where some girls, not working were hanging out, having drinks and snickered. "Why? you really think anyone who see's you in here thinks your anything but a diaper wearing loser?" Rika asked bluntly. "You DID see the big old sign on the front of the building right? if anyone was going to snicker and call you out on it that didn't know what you are, it would of been someone on the street. now come sit down." Curt practically dashed over as Anzu nudged Rukia and whispered something in her ear, the action distracting him and he tripped and fell onto all fours. Rika just laughed and stood up, looking down at him. "Awww, did baby fall and go boom?" she mocked. "I better make a note that your a crawler." she added, taping away on the computer in front of her. Curt whimpered and got into the chair. "A-Actually I'm not so big on cra-" he started to say, but he was cut off "Fuck you. I say your a crawler, your a fucking crawler." She snapped. "Now what's your name loser? I just need a first one, none of your dip shits ever give a real last name anyways." "I..it's Curt." "ok then Curt..do you have a stupid little diaper baby name you'll want you're mommy or mommies to call you?" she asked, typing away. "I uh..Courtney." Curt said, cheek's burning red. "Ohhh a little SISSY BABY~" Rika said with delight, raising her voice and getting chuckles from around the room. "Are you diapered already little missy?"  She asked. "N-No Ma'am." "bad girl, I'll put in a note to have you spanked. Little sissies like you should NEVER go without thick puffy diapers on letting everyone know what you are." "but I do-" "I'm sorry, did I word that in a way that made you THINK it was your choice?" She asked, daring him to defy her. "That's what i thought. now of course your a diaper filling and pissing sissy baby right Courtney?' She asked. "Y-yesh Ma'am." Curt said, his voice taking on the lisp and softer tone it always did when his clitty got all stuff. "wow, like sandblasting a soup cracker. I bet your a pay piggy too aren't you? Oink for me if you are." "I..uh..Oink." Curt said. "Knew i smelled bacon when you came in. Well Missy, just a few more questions. How frilly and stupid do you want your outfit to be?" "S-Super girly and frilly pwease." Courtney said, not even able to think of himself as Curt anymore. "and of course you wanna be sent home when this is done in your sissy baby outfit for public humiliation. " she said, typing again. "One mommy or two loser?" "I..um..Two pwease." Courtney said. "so, let's recap. you're going to be a crawling thickly diapered pay piggy loser, who's gonna be spanked and fill your diapers to the brim, then get kicked the fuck out of here with your keys and wallet or what not in a cute little purse and your boy clothes destroyed. Is that correct sir?" she asked, smirking. Courtney whimpered and squirmed, anther spurt of pee coming out in his pants and he nodded his head. "That'll be $130,000 please then, Paid in advance. with a extra 20,000 fee for every time you cum, and 50,000 for a diaper change. Of course if you wanna pay for a cummie up front you're more then welcome too." She laughed. Courtney gulped, he knew this place was stupid expensive but he hadn't thought it was gonna be this bad. but the cruel attuide of Rika and the way the other girls snickered, he did something very very stupid in his horny haze. "I..I have $ 250,000 in here..can..can i just give this to you and go meet my mommies pwease Miss Rika?" he asked. whistles were heard in the lobby and Rika snickered. "of course you can~ I already sent them your work form." she said taking the briefcase from him and putting it in a safe. "Follow me sissykins and remember, crawl or auntie spanks!" Courtney whimpered, eyes watering up but he slid down to the floor and crawled behind Rika who he was now thinking of as auntie, and to her total delight, he started to oink softly.
May was dressed in a pair of grey sweat pants and white socks, a baggy dark pink t-shirt reading 'queen bitch' in white text covering her top with her bandanna on, while Kari was wearing a baggy pair of shorts, black, with no socks on and a white t-shirt that was just plain. Both girls looked up and smirked as Courtney was lead into the pink nursery and chuckled. "so this is the bigggg spender~ I'm almost sorry i have to spank someone who's gonna be spoiling his mommies so well." she giggled, getting up and coming over, bending down and pinching Courtney's cheek. "I'm not. If he wanted to get out of a spanking he should of brought HALF a million. clearly the fucking loser can afford it." Kari said, coming over and scowling. "Don't think I don't know who you are, I watch the news." Courtney gulped at that, he'd been hoping neither of them would know who he was. "anyways, I'll leave you ladies too it. oh, and before i leave, while we were coming up here Little Courtney BEGGED me to stress he wants orgasm denial." Rika lied, then left before the poor sissy could argue. "wow, quarter of a mil and you don't even wanna cum? my kinda loser~" May laughed. "Well loser, since your spending soo much we'll let you choose, which one of us do you want to spank you? me, or May." Kari said, smirking with a evil gleam in her eye. "I..I want Mommy May to spank me." Courtney said, since so far May had been the sweeter of the two. "Awww ok sweetie, though you reallly should of picked Kari. She just half asses her spanking. I believe in giving the customer everything they paid for!" May chuckled and went over to a spanking stool, picking up a wooden hair brush. "heh yeah,., she's brutal. anyways. lose the boy clothes pig." Kari ordered. Courtney whimpered but did as he ordered,with the two mommies laughing had as they saw his piss stained hello kitty panties, and laughing harder still as they saw his hairless 1 inch wonder. "Awww, not fully hard yet because your scared?" may giggled, wiping a tear from her eye. "I..I'm actually..rock hard." the sissy admitted, looking down. a fresh wave of laughter filled the room and his clitty twitched and throbbed as they did so.
laying across May's lap, Courtney was shaking a little even as she rubbed his back. "shhh it's gonna be ok." she said and giggled. "actually that's a bold face lie, this is going to hurt like a mother fucker, but you know, I figured you'd wanna hear some sappy shit like that first." before the sissy could say anything the hair brush came down hard and he cried out in pain, a little trickle of piss escaping from his baby dick and going between may's spread legs into a dog dish they had set down. "even if you don't drink it, you wouldn't believe what some perverts online will pay to drink 'our' piss, when we just sell them sissy pee!" Kari snickered. Courtney barley heard her as the brush came down over and over again, redding then bruising his buns but despite the pain and the humiliation (or maybe BECAUSE of the the humiliation) he was still rock hard! "wow, you must REALLY love getting your ass beat!" Kari said, a hand down the front of her shorts. watching little loser like this always got her so fucking wet. "Don't think it's gonna earn you any brownie points though, I already tossed your shit out in the hall and it's gonna be burned." Sliding her hand out of her pants she took his wallet and went over to a desk where a note pad was, and looking though his wallet started to take some notes. "If you want her to stop go ahead and ask, but that'll add anther five minutes to your silly Lil spanking." may said. "or I can stop now and while Kari writes down all the information she can about you, we'll get you in a nice thick fluffy diaper and some plastic panties." "I..I want my diapies!"Courtney said, unable to handle the spanking anymore and the girl's just laughed. "Good girl~"
Flat on his back Courtney was powder and then taped into a thick massive pink diaper. the girls giggled and teased him about how NORMALLY they had to shave a man but either Courtney was SUCH a sissy he never got his pubes or he just shaved them himself. a fat cockfier was stuffed in his mouth, the dick shaped nipple reducing any protests to whimper and the mouth guard was in a nice shade of dull pink with white text saying it was widdle Courtney's mute button as they oiled him up Courtney whimpered as may then Kari then back and forth slipped their fingers deep in him, though unknown to the sissy they weren't just fingering his sissy pussy. nice and slick they powered the big baby then pulled a custom ordered diaper that was equal to at like 16-18 diaper of a no name brand's thickness (while being so massive and  hot pink, with stenciled in words like sissy, loser, faggot, cocksucker and the like covering the surface) as the diaper was taped closed Courtney did the only thing he could with two cruel, mean mommies looking down at him he started to rock his hips and make baby love to his massive diaper as they laughed "awww, somebody wuv him's diapies, yes he does!" May coo'ed and pressed her foot down on the front of Courtney's diapers. the little sissy humped like crazy and was SO close to making baby milk when Kari shoved her off. "Hey! no cummies remember? sheesh! you';re gonna get us BOTH fired when he whines we let him cum hard in his diapers!" Kari said and then winked at Courtney. the big baby whined loudly even with his mouth stuffed and May snickered. "oh i can tell, I'm guessing that's him whimpering about how I almost let him go cum cums~" Courtney toyed with shaking his head no, to tell them he wanted to spurt in his sissy diapers while they called him every name in the book, but just couldn't bring himself to spit out the fat cock shaped nipple from his mouth. "Come on loser, time to sit up so we can get your pretty widdle dress on." Kari teased, holding out a SHORT pink party style little girl dress, with puffy shoulders and white lace trim on the hem and sleeves. "What do you think Lil lady? is it girly enough for you?" May giggled. Sitting up on his thick pampered diaper butt, Sissy Courtney sucked hard and fast and rocked back and forth on his diapered butt, trying to rub his nub as he reached out for the dress with his hands. Naturally both girls responded the only way they could. with hysterical laughter. "Bwhahahaha! Oh my god!" May laughed, taking out her phone and record his pathetic display. "Don't you have ANY fucking pride as a man?" Kari asked sneer, and took out what Courtney realized was HIS phone and was taking pictures! Still he couldn't get himself to stop right till Kari put her left foot on his face, mashing it against his nose lightly, till she kicked and knocked him on his back. "enough you little loser! now sit the fuck up and be good or we'll toss you out early, and I'll send those picture I just took to ALL your contracts." The idea of his family and friends seeing him like this made Courtney wet his diapers a little and as he sat up, though it was hard, he managed to control himself as they tugged the dress on him. naturally it didn't even come close to covering up his massive diapers and his 'mommies' helped him stand up and made him strike pose after pose in his shameful outfit. It was of course Kari who had the next evil idea, and she took Courtney's photo id card and tapped it to the back of his diapers so when he was crawling everyone would be able to see who he really was. May, not wanting to be outdone brain stormed then smirked. "Ok loser, time for you to get a whiff of one of your mommies, lay back down so I can sit on your stupid face and smother it with my bubble butt. And you better stay still or I'll have to unleash my 'poison gas' attack." She chuckled. "Ugh, listen loser, if you make me have to smell her farts your in for it!" Kari warned. "oh come on Kari, we both know with the kinda total loser Courtney here is.. He'll sniff and huff up all my ass gas." may snickered and then with the loser on his back, she plopped down.
Courtney found himself in total darkness as the bubble butt of May covered his face, but she wiggled around and made sure that his nose was lodged between her cheeks. She had also made it so he couldn't spit out his paci, and so the only air he could get was tainted by the smell of her crack. 'ugh! does this bitch even wipe?!?' Courtney thought and squirmed a little under the bubble butt. He only squirmed for maybe all of 2.5 seconds but true to her word, May unlessed a fart right up poor Courtney's nose, making the sissies eyes water. that however wasn't even the worse of it as his diapered crotch took a kick from Kari, not hard enough to really hurt but clearly a warning. he could of sworn she was saying something but with his whole world experience now being the bubble butt of a trainer he'd had a crush on for ages, he couldn't make it out. Trying to appease May and there for Kari before things got too out of control he wiggled his face a little differently, giving May's ass a Eskimo kiss. "oh my god! he's making out with my rotten ass!" Squealed may in delight, laughing. "..really? guess he really DOES love huffing farts. so no fucking excuses! huff better!" Kari growled and lightly tapped Courtney's balls with her foot again as a warning. A series of poots later and Courtney huffing as hard as he could lead to the sissy blacking out.
Courtney came to a little while later, but he was locked in a high chair and was being force feed some sort of awful bland paste. with his arms pinned under the tray and his wrists shackled anyways, all he could do was whine and whimper and swallow the muck as he looked over to where Kari and May were browsing Facebook..what a second, HIS Facebook! "Oh wow, who'd of thought a sissy baby dweeb like him could HAVE so many friends." Kari said. "eh, he likely just friended every hot girl and guy he could find so when he worked himself all up they could all see what a baby he is. Oh, he went to high school with that one." Mat said, then jabbed at the screen and happened to look over her shoulder. "Oh hey stinkerella! About time you rejoined the party. me and Kari kept ourselfs busy and made sure not to turn off the clock so you could pay for nothing for a whoooole half hour~" Courtney tried to protest though his feeding gag, and nodded at the computer. of course he couldn't get any words out as his tummy filled up and started to crap. "Hmm? Oh! well we both know you wanna fill your diapers to the brim and waddle home sobbing in shame and semi broke...buttt since we're not letting you spurt your gross sissy milk me and Kari figured you deserved a little bonus. We know a guy or two who are computer wizards and with your personal information it wasn't all that hard to find your Facebook and hack into it." May said bright and chipper. Kari turned around and smirked. "So we talked about it and decided while outing you to five of your friends online is normally a very costly thing, we'll toss it in for free for you JUST because we think SO much of you." Both girls laughed at that while a red faced Courtney shook his head no even as his dicklet throbbed yes in his soggy diaper. "Awww, do you not want out gift?" May asked looking hurt. "how rude! here we are being kind and it's not enough for you?!?" Kari huffed, looking pissed off but playing a role and noticing how the high fiber paste was almost all in the sissy now. "Some sissies are just SO greedy!" May complained, also hamming it up. "but fine, if just five of your friends finding out about what a diaper shitting sissy baby LOSER you are isn't enough for you..we can always do a public post. buttt that's gonna cost you the rest of the session." Kari said. Courtney's eyes went wide as saucers and he shook his head no over and over again even as the last of the paste went in, only pausing as May came over. she unhooked the feeding gag and wiped Courtney's mouth and smiled. "Now, tell the truth little one. do you really not wanna be OUTED to everyone you know, seen as the loser sissy baby you are?" She asked, leaning down and talking into his ear and patting the front of his diapers. Courtney went toi answer no but it came out a whimpering moan as his soggy diapers were mushed and played with, his 'dinner' already wanting to come out the back and fill his diapies. "Hmm? I dunno Kari, did that sound like a 'don't post me!~' to you, or a 'I'm a stupid loser, ruin me!'?"May asked. "I'd say a little bit of both." Kari said, and was hooking up her camera to the computer, and started to make the post, making sure to use pictures of Courtney they had taken THAT date, with a date stamp in case Courtney tried to claim later they were old pictures. "I'll tell you what Princess..I don't really trust a dumb sissy baby who's about to shit himself to tell the truth.. so we'll go by what your cock says. If you can keep from going goo goo gaga till you crap your huggies, we'll call off your Facebook outing. but if you go cum cums before then..Cliccccck~ your famous!" May said and giggled ever so sweetly and Courtney whined and squirmed, just having May this close and everything else had him at the bursting point! "D-Deal!" he squeaked out. "Not like you had a choice, but good to know your on board." May snickered.
Moving the high chair over took some effort, but it was a labor of love so it was worth it. Of course that love was of money and ruining boys, but it was still love so May was sure it counted. Maybe. Truthfully May wasn't sure if Courtney would actually make it. Normally she'd of bet on his cock head going off first but the boys guts were stuffed and this was the extra powerful stuff that Poison ivy had cooked up in her lab. May had had a tea spoon of the stuff once and hadn't been able to stop shitting for a hour! If she was a betting woman (and of course she was) May bet that the only thing keeping the sissy from messing was the tight confines of the high chair, but even that wouldn't help for too much longer. Courtney was mostly ignoring her to stare and whimper as Kari arranged the photos and made sure it was only ever Courtney in the shots, before starting to type out a heart felt message 'from' Courtney to his FB friends.
'Just so everyone knows, I'm not now, nor have I ever been a man, let along a boy. Nor am I a women or a girl. i'm not transgender, I'm just a little whimpering sissy loser humiliation junkie who gets off pooping and peeing in thick massive diapers while dressed like a baby girl. I've decided to take the ultimate plunge and hope that all of you, no matter HOW much I beg and whine, refuse to let this go away. Hugs and kisses Little sissy baby Courtney (formerly stupid stinky Curt)'
Reading the message over, Courtney was jerking back and forth in his high chair, Moaning and whimpering though whether he was trying to cum or trying to crap himself, that was a question May doubted even Courtney knew the answer to. "N-No..Please..Ugh..Don't..don't.." The sissy whined, bubbly farts escaping and May gagging and pulling away, holding her nose. "whew! I am SO glad we're not gonna have to change him." May said. "tell me about it..not even Tai is that toxic and he licks toilets for a living." Kari groaned, getting two clothes pins and handing one to May. "P-Please.." Courtney whined, clearly one mess or anther was about to happen. "Look here loser. you got till the count of three to make one or the other, Or you're getting posted anyways." Kari said rolling her eyes. "W-what?!" the sissy cried out. "oh, we should try and keep him from cumming then if he's gonna be posted anyhow." May commented. "I don't think we can, once he's posted he's gonna blow his load regardless. they ALL do." Kari said, basically ignoring Courtney now. "That's true..eh, fuck the countdown then." May said and took the mouse from Kari and clicked post.
Courtney's eyes were wide again, and filled with tears as he saw himself in all his shameful glory posted on line. the sight and seeing everyone who was online was too much and his cock head twitched like crazy and he grinded his diaper as much as he could as he blew load after load in his huggies, with his rear opening up unable to hold back. as the front was painted with sissy milk, the back was filled with mush that filled the room with a nasty stink. the girls were saying something, and he was dimly away they were letting him out of the chair as he kept filling but the world was like in slow motion to him. it wasn't until he was tossed outside and landed with a gross splat on his diapered behind his mind snapped back and he caught a purse as Rika tossed it to him. "Thank you for trying our services. we know you'll be back baby gurl. you got nothing else now.Change your diaper first though and bring more money. Courtney hiccuped and whimpered, aware of the scene he was making and everyone looking at him, at how he smelled.. and did the only thing he could. He nodded and bowed. "Yesh aunt Rika." he lisped and started to walk back to his hotel room. "Hey! what did I tell you? your a fucking crawler!" She called. Courtney, having nothing left, just nodded and got on his hands and knees, where a stinky pay pig sissy baby like him belonged.
the end
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